Mid Terms will be a slaughter, it happens to most presidents, It is 1 of the reasons he turned it over to the states, blue ones will go to all mail in. Counting with the same Dominion machines with no GOP observers. They just lost another black Rep. Rush. That still leaves them a 5 more than majority. Redistricting will factor in. Usually just the House Flips, senate not as likely. GOP just needs 2 seats to majority, but you still have the dem voting Rino's.
I think that everyone missed the Point where President Brandon said Happy 2020 New Year to everyone. And don't understand we are in a Totalitarian state.
The American People Deserve to know who his PCP is the American people want to ask him many questions and how is a man who has no idea what Year we are in Stays as President of America 🇺🇸
Good one, mark
Happy 2022
Only happy 2022 if the current administration doesn’t get re-elected!!! If they kill covid only to kill our country then I’m not sure it’s a good deal
Mid Terms will be a slaughter, it happens to most presidents, It is 1 of the reasons he turned it over to the states, blue ones will go to all mail in. Counting with the same Dominion machines with no GOP observers. They just lost another black Rep. Rush. That still leaves them a 5 more than majority. Redistricting will factor in. Usually just the House Flips, senate not as likely. GOP just needs 2 seats to majority, but you still have the dem voting Rino's.
I think that everyone missed the Point where President Brandon said Happy 2020 New Year to everyone. And don't understand we are in a Totalitarian state.
I understand Biden is an evil man whose mind is failing. He's a communist and hates God and all that is right and good.
The American People Deserve to know who his PCP is the American people want to ask him many questions and how is a man who has no idea what Year we are in Stays as President of America 🇺🇸
You mean who is his handler? He is indeed a puppet of a communist cabal. The election was stolen. That was part of God's judgment.
Yes we Americans are sick of Joe and his handlers.