“In reality, the excess deaths this year have nearly all occurred in the elderly and frail”


You’re not analyzing this data properly. There are always more deaths in the elderly and frail - that’s a baseline expectation. The issue is that excess deaths in 2022 are much more in younger people *than they rate to be relative to baseline expectation*. Normally, there’s an expected doubling of mortality every 9 years or so of chronological age.

Watch the Rancourt video in my next post. He clearly shows that more young people proportionately have died in 2022 all-cause excess deaths.

Edit: Added since your first response:

No Alex,

Watch closely starting at 44:36 of this excellent presentation by Denis Rancourt PhD:


He clearly shows that, over the entire Covid period, in the ten most populated US states, younger people had the highest percentage increase in all-cause deaths over historic trends.

Now, watch closely starting at 51:57 of the same presentation, where Rancourt breaks the entire Covid period into 2 graphs - both before and after the vaccine rollout - so about 1 year in each graph. He clearly shows that younger people had an even higher percentage increase in all-cause mortality over historic trends in the period after vaccine rollouts. Note the percentage scale on the second graph has changed, so that the increase in deaths of younger people relative to historic trends is much higher than the visual comparison by toggling these graphs suggests. So, notwithstanding your comments on Quebec, statistics from the ten most populated US states carry much more weight in this analysis.

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No. These figures are adjusted from baseline.

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The exposure may be too rare in younger groups to pick up a signal. When the exposure is rare a case-control study may be more appropriate. Population would be US non-military residents aged <30. “Cases” would be sudden deaths, controls would be anyone still alive at time of death of the case, matched by age, sex, study month and,say, census tract to control for all sorts of sociodemographic confounds.

I have a small social circle and I personally know one teenager who developed an extremely aggressive cancer shortly after his second college-mandated jab. Another exceptionally healthy teen who dropped dead moments after a sporting event. This is anecdotal, yes, but many anecdotes are points in an impressionist painting.

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One of my siblings is a real estate agent in Arkansas. Last week she texted me that a co-worker unexpectedly died in his sleep: a healthy 25 yo male. What is the most likely explanation — well, the one I wish the family would nail down with an honest autopsy.

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The most likely explanation is that a youthful jabbed young man died from the jab.

But the truth is the suppression is so strong that there are no autopsies being done.

Someone is correct here as Edward Dowd has been pointing to a Vietnam type event taking out young people in America. He has experience in data and actuarial tables.

Both Alex and Edward can not both be correct. I'm with Dowd as the data they can't suppress is all on the back end - the actuarial data of insurance companies.


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I've heard several interviews with Dowd, awaiting his book on deaths among healthy athletes coming out soon, I believe.

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Here’s texts from my brother because his father in law died unexpectedly in his sleep last weekend 🤬

“Ivana’s dad died last weekend 😢 “

“Very unexpected so we’re dealing with that too “

“What did mr McNeil die from ?”

“Not sure- I’m thinking a heart attack while he was sleeping but unconfirmed ”

“They’re not doing an autopsy ”

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Hi Alex,

Watch closely starting at 44:36 of this excellent presentation by Denis Rancourt PhD:


He clearly shows that, over the entire Covid period, in the ten most populated US states, younger people had the highest percentage increase in all-cause deaths over historic trends.

Also, watch closely starting at 51:58 of the same presentation, where Rancourt breaks this graph into 2 graphs - both before and after the vaccine rollout - so about 1 year in each graph. He clearly shows that younger people had an even higher percentage increase in all-cause mortality over historic trends in the period after vaccine rollouts.

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This is appalling… my OR nurse in recovery post kidney stone removal in top NYC hospital told me she’s not been right after she was forced to take it at age 28… periods for day, heart myocarditis, chest pain… she worked at many hospitals in USA during pandemic and said no one cared then if she was vaccinated.. and she was fine. This was over a year after her shot. Moderna.

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The honest truth is that we have no idea, because we don't know what the long-term effects are. Are the people who got jabbed early now 'safe' because they haven't seen any problems yet? Or are they just ticking time bombs waiting for the goop to trigger the wrong response?

One thing's for sure -- I've never felt better about being quadruple unvaxxed. Or is it quintuple unvaxxed now?

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long term effects? Ask my ex father in law what he thinks about "long term effects" now that he is bedridden for life on a permanent feeding tube having suffered massive clotting and perforations in 21 in his intestines after a 2nd dose. Extrapolate this ONE story how many times across the world? Not attacking you at all SC since I love your posts...just sayin

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My (perhaps poorly stated) point is that they're specifically not looking for these things because they know what they will find -- so right now this stuff remains whispers between friends. But these stories are why booster uptake has cratered. I ran some back-of-the-envelope numbers a few months ago:


So people in the Royals organization ‘know’ (or communicate with, or are friends with, whatever) 5000 people between them. In the US, we average roughly 1.8 vaccine shots per person. (Just over 600 million doses, about 335 million people) Obviously this number is higher in adults, but we’re going to assume these 5000 people include an equal number of children, which is obviously going downplay the numbers. (again)

So the 5,000 people in the immediate Royals circle have taken roughly 9,000 doses between them. The German government recently stated that serious adverse reactions occur about every 5,000 doses — meaning that it’s very likely that there are two people in the immediate 5,000-person circle who have had a bad reaction themselves. (Direct evidence)

But when you talk to your friends, they also talk about THEIR friends, don’t they? Once again we’ll assume the ‘worst’ for our math and assume THOSE friends also only know 100 new people to add to the circle.

5,000 person ‘immediate’ circle x 100 people = 500,000 ‘friend-of-a-friend’ circle

And since those people also average 1.8 shots per person, there are 900,000 doses between them. And using the German 1-in-5000 doses data, that means we can expect 180 serious vaccine reactions in those 900,000 doses. That’s a lot of stories that get relayed (via circle 1) back to the Royals (or whoever — because remember, this works with any group of 50 people).

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That took me back to my calculus days. Good math SC! :)

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if all the deaths and serious harms of the jabs were published, no one would take them anymore. Your ex father in law, and many others, can testify that these jabs are not safe at all, and an old friend I just met got covid after 4 jabs, and said that in a tone that left nothing to the imagination. She knows for sure these jabs don't work. I hope she spreads the word

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RIP Michael. Another reality with no accountability of the past 3 years of orchestrated intentional agenda. Such a disgrace!

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thank you. I must have saved the link somewhere. Now I saved it where I will find it back !

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I’m quintuple un jabbed, have not had even a cold since Jan 2020. Meanwhile, my jabbed friends have died, had multiple strokes, had covid, now have stage 4 concerts, etc

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and yet not ONE person responsible for orchestrating all the maiming and death of your friends has remotely been held accountable. IN fact they laugh and smirk at you how untouchable they are. ZERO accountability anywhere to be seen in nearly 3 years now. A disgrace beyond compare!

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And this is what people fail to see. They get caught up in the minutia over graphs and statistics but fail to understand just how unique this all has been. It will takea long time to see the ultimate effects of this tyranical abuse of power. I too have never been vacinated for the Wuhan Red Death and at 70 I've never been better, well maybe I've been a little better, but I haven't died suddenly. I'm still waiting on those natural immunity studies to rollout.

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Et moi aussi ( me too )

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Why the fuck are you labeling the people who didn’t want to be part of this experiment as “anti-VAXer“?

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Yes! I loathe the term anti-vaxxer. I am not against vaccines. My most recent one being the two shot shingles vax when I turned 60. I am against this Wuhan virus mRNA concoction.

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Ditto here. I got jabbed in March 2019 prior to the arrival of my first granddaughter in April 2019 (I forget the name of the jab, it has to do with being around newborns).

Got jabbed in November 2020 prior to the arrival of my second granddaughter in December 2020 (again, it's the jab for being around newborns).

I'm not anti-vaxx....................................although I will say that I'm far MORE anti-vaxx of ANY kind than I used to be, thanks to the abject corruption, dishonesty, and evil in evidence at the CDC, FDA, WHO, NIH, and the near-entirety of the US government.

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Exactly! I just had tetanus and a few others in 2/2019… It’s called watching and waiting… and not trusting physicians who told you you couldn’t have had covid in December 2019..then you show them the positive blood tests for antibodies and highly educated nyc physicians snd surgeons said “well we didn’t understand.” Idiots. Only my ENT saw the trend that January of a weird nasty virus. She didn’t force her staff to get the shot but nyc did… being anti new treatments isn’t anti vax

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A year ago, Dad--then 91--asked if I thought he should get a third shot.

Hey, he's in the "high risk" group, so I told him, "I don't know what to tell you. You're a grownup. You get to make your own decisions."

We never quite got around to taking him for that third shot.

Now, Dad is now 92. Last year, he tested positive for covid. (It was a "home test," so who the hell knows if it's an accurate result.) He was sick for two days. No medical intervention, just zinc & Vitamin D, and lots of Italian sausage soup. He's been fine ever since.

Two weeks ago he asked again if I thought he should finally get that booster.

This time my response was, "If you want a third shot, you'll need to call an Uber because I'm not driving you to get another dose of Fauci's garbage."

We seem to be just fine with this decision.

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If it does flame out and mortality rates fall it will be explained away as usual with not ONE person responsible for all the corrupted science held accountable. The only thing which occurs is discussion about how humanity has suffered. It's a disgrace beyond compare how not ONE person worldwide has felt REAL accountability for what has intentionally been done and continues still. Just sayin..

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there are a few who spoke up. Christa Anderson in Germany, the leader of Croatia, a Canadian governor, but that is about it. And who is going to arrest the culprits? our corrupt govt?

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I hear you Ingrid...its truly a disgrace beyond words what was allowed and continues to be with ZERO accountability anywhere to be seen in the close to 3 years now post Fauci funded gain of function wuh flu lab release in CHINA! Not ONE!

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instead they gave the culprit yet more money to make yet more sickmaking agents. That Daszak and Fauci et al are criminals. If you smoke the wrong cigarette you are in jail. If you kill the person who molests your child you get locked up, probably for life. If you murder hundreds of thousands of people you get paid higher than the president.

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It's like they laugh and wink at you knowing they are untouchable and just double and triple down more brazen than ever. The totality of what has been done with humanity the past 3 years alone with not ONE person being held accountable for the intentionality is simply astonishing. If it were not so tragic I would applaud the perfect crime likely the world has never seen before.

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Dec 5, 2022
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Fauci is not stupid. He is evil.

Read RFK Jr's book: The Real Anthony Fauci.

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I cannot remotely give him a pass on any sort of incompetency or not understanding what he does. He knows exactly what he has done and did intentionally throughout his 45 + year onslaught on humanity. I'm sure if you ask Dr. Judy Mikovits she could give you more insight on what he was complicit in doing long before 2020. Her books tell the tale. She worked along side the lil elf fraud. With that said, my guess is at worst he fades into a generous "we the people" funded pension until he dies. This will be the justice the America swamp gives. Sure we will get to listen to the likes of Paul, Cruz, Jordan etc rant and rave giving the traditional verbal scolding for the public to see, but in the end the swamp will always swamp. ZERO real accountability EVER! Some resignations, wrist slapping's and underlings doing some time perhaps, but nothing near REAL accountability

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Dec 5, 2022
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met a friend today who had 4 jabs and still got sick, knowing that I got no jabs and never had it. At least she realizes jabs are useless.

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yes, but will she be lining up for her 5th? I see so many sheep in deep with the psychosis

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I don't think she will. But you never know. If her doc says, take it ? Some docs have stopped though. Another jabber told me hers disadvized the 4th !

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Based on Mengele Fauci's exit address, there's been only 11-15% of jab eligible getting the shots and we're talking the population that is most at risk (by age).

Which tells you, the jabs are not floundering; they are cratering.

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The problem is all the same players are in all the same positions running the circus. ZERO accountability anywhere to be seen. What rational mind thinks they are thru with what they DO?

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absolutely complicit!

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Of course, like everyone else, I hope the excess death trend continues to drop. (I left off the critical part of that sentence when I first sent this).

Unfortunately, I think Alex is totally missing it on this one.

Why would several life insurance company CEO's claim that deaths in the age group on 18-64 are up significantly if the deaths are mainly in the elderly as Alex believes?

Why would funeral home profits be so high in 2021 and 2022 if it was just about the elderly dying in higher numbers? There aren't enough elderly to make such a huge difference to the funeral home companies.

I dont think the Stew Peters documentary "Died Suddenly" is 'propaganda', as Alex claims. They actually interview funeral home directors about the blood clotting issues, and we've got plenty of "famous" people who are dealing with these blood clotting issues.

Lastly, the government even made up a new term to normalize healthy adults dropping dead for no reason: SADS Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.

Normal people and, for profit, companies like Life Insurers and Funeral Homes have no reason to lie, but governements around the world who have forced these jabs have every reason to lie, even the countries Alex thinks are reporting these death rates accurately.


Now, a former Blackrock portfolio manager, Edward Dowd, has followed up by compiling fourth quarter death claims data from major insurance firms.

Dowd cited fourth quarter rises in death claims, compared to the 2019 rate, of 57% for Lincoln National, 41% for Prudential, 32% for Hartford, 24% for MetLife and 21% for RGA.

Dowd said the Dutch insurer AEGON saw a 268% increase in claims in the U.S. in the third quarter.

Financial Meltdown 2.0: Covid Vax Kills Life Insurers BY MIKE / 21 FEBRUARY 2022

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"Will lower excess mortality follow?" Hard to think it will. The damage has been done in the bodies of the jabbed.

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Yet another example of a prevailing theme: The burden of pandemic hubris continues to be borne by those least equipped to bear it. The poor, kids, and the elderly.


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Nirav D. Shah (Director of Maine CDC) posted this on Twitter (22 NOV 22) which I find absolutely jaw dropping...50.4% on Mainers 65+ have received their bivalent Covid vaccine. The Kool Aid drinking geezers are embracing their mortality. On my "to Do" list to check out the death rate.

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Perhaps it's just me but the death of one 25 year old caused by the mRNA vaccines is much worse than ten 80 year olds.

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Alex, pick your labels more fairly please: “Vaccine advocates” sounds civilized and legitimate, “hardcore anti vaxers” sounds unhinged.

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I don’t remember his exact words for Malone, yeadon and somebody else. Something like apocalypse preachers. Probably worse.

This guy is losing it

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You have long reported excess mortality in young people. Now you’re backtracking?

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Alright, I have had it with all of this “anti vaxxer” talk. First, there is absolutely nothing wrong with being against having foreign substances, attenuated viruses/pathogens, toxic adjuvants/preservatives/stabilizing agents/thimerosal/ethyl mercury/aluminum/LNP’S/PEG, spike protein coded mRNA and more injected into your body and even more so into the bodies of our children. Second, having these poisons injected into our bodies/childrens’ bodies by force with no transparency and often rigged trials is something that all decent humans should be against. Third, while these mRNA poisons are the worst ever, questionable dangerous vaccines, by the way these mRNA poisons are NOT vaccines by any traditional definition, did not start with these horrible lab rat poisons. Forcing parents to vaccinate their children is child abuse. So yes I am an anti vaxxer and most definitely an ardent aggressive anti mRNAer. We should all be against all mandated medical interventions. I hear so many say that they are not anti vaxxers but are merely against these lab rat poisons as if all other vaccines are perfectly safe and effective. If Big Pharma is not to be trusted with these poisons then why would anyone trust Big Pharma with regard to any vaccines or even any drugs for that matter? This selective trust makes absolutely zero sense! Everyone and especially all parents/parents to be should educate themselves on the dark sordid history of vaccines and this myth that vaccines are safe and have “saved humanity”. I encourage everyone to read one, some or all of the following books and instead of all of us arguing/debating the safety and efficacy of vaccines, make their own decisions regarding what is best for not only their health but most importantly the health of our children with fully informed consent. The book list is: 1. “Dissolving Illusions” by Dr. Suzanne Humphries. 2. “Turtles All The Way Down” by Anonymous. 3. “Master Manipulator” by James Ottar Grundvig. 4. “The HPV Vaccine On Trial” by Mary Holland/Preface by Dr. Luv Montagnier. 5. “Vaccines: A Reappraisal” by Dr. Richard Moskowitz. 6. “Vaccine Epidemic” by Louise Kuo Habakus and Mary Holland. 7. “Jabbed” by Brett Wilcox. 8. “Good-bye Germ Theory” by Dr. William Trebing. 9. “Vaccines Autoimmunity And The Changing Nature Of Childhood Illness” by Dr. Thomas Cowan. 10. “Murder By Injection” by Eustace Mullins. Stand up for bodily autonomy and the autonomy of your children! Stop trusting Big Pharma/CDC/FDA! Educate yourselves about vaccines!

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And it's all about control. Even today, the administration still refuses to lift the vaccine mandate on the military although absolutely no evidence that vaccines prevent transmission. Anyone who says the entire Covid fiasco is not political is a moron

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I appreciate that those like you continue to dive deep into the data and of course data is critical. However, and I am very tired of having to repeat this, first and foremost this mRNA catastrophe is about violating bodily autonomy and medical freedom. Our childhood immunization schedule is first and foremost a gross violation of bodily autonomy and parental rights. Now, it is never good for anyone on the side of basic rights to disseminate inaccurate or incorrect information about these mRNA lab rat poisons and how many are dying and who is dying. However, the irrefutable fact that many have been maimed and many are dead with more injuries and deaths to come due to these PEG/LNP laced poisons is more than enough evidence that this mRNA experiment is an abominable catastrophe. ONE young male dying from mRNA caused myocarditis by being forced to get these poisons in order to return to school is ONE DEATH TOO MANY AND INEXCUSABLE AND UNCONSCIONABLE! Getting bogged down in the data weeds about how many are dying and what is causing excess deaths and who are the majority who are dying obscures the fact that PEOPLE ARE DYING DUE TO THESE POISONS! I know for a fact that two young female students “mysteriously” dropped dead not long after being mRNA’d/boosted and have heard first hand accounts from at least a dozen individuals who have family members who were either healthy or relatively healthy who also dropped dead shortly after being mRNA’d/boosted. Again, accurate data is important but does anyone on this Substack believe that the parents of the young male who died after a dose of poison cares about debates over excess mortality? The entire mRNA platform should be outlawed, these mRNA shot should immediately cease to exist, all medical intervention mandates must immediately end and the entire childhood immunization schedule should be exposed for the scary Russian Roulette body trickery Big Pharma scam that it is.

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Cousin is deaf bc if their mother catches measles whilst pregnant most likely you’re born deaf… do you know anyone who suffered in an iron lung? Small pox? I had pertussis too..chicken pox.. thankfully now they can immunize you against this and tetanus, etc. Flu and others are questionable and I don’t like how many they combine now and jam into newborns. But the original 10 were game changing..

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Sorry but loads of data say otherwise. I never have and never will suggest that diseases are not a danger but the best way to protect oneself against disease is to nurture our natural immune system and get these diseases. Compelling data shows that actual poliomyelitis, there are/were many paralytic diseases other than poliomyelitis by the way, had already decreased by 97% BEFORE Salk introduced his vaccine. For years the incidence of smallpox/smallpox deaths was significantly higher in areas with higher smallpox vaccine uptake. Data shows that infectious disease rates/deaths dropped dramatically due to significant improvements in public hygiene/public health, starting in the UK in the early to mid 1800’s, with reductions in contaminated water, food, improved living conditions/dwellings and the push to outlaw child labor in hazardous environments particularly in coal mines and chemical/pharmaceutical factories as well as regulations banning blanket spraying with toxicants such as DDT. Look, if someone wants to rely on injections that not only trick the body but include toxic adjuvants to protect themselves and their children then they have every right to do so. However, neither you or anyone else has the right to tell me or anyone else that they should submit to these injections especially when sharing scary stories about iron lungs and deaf children. Again, I am not making light of the risks from pathogens. That said, millions of children have been harmed by vaccines over the years and these injuries and deaths have been aggressively covered up. Read “Dissolving Illusions”, “Turtles All The Way Down” and “Master Manipulator” and then get back to me. I for one would rather rely on a strong immune system than some toxic money making concoction from Big Pharma. Millions of children are suffering from autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders directly due to the childhood immunization schedule. This link absolutely has been proven and purposely covered up and “debunked” by Big Pharma/CDC with support from Pharma shills in Congress. Also, many vaccine injuries don’t present until years after vaccination making it difficult to link to the vaccines. If I had to choose between being injured/dying from a pathogen or being injured/dying from a Big Pharma shot I’ll choose the former thank you. When it comes to pathogens the primary focus should be on natural immune health and then effective safe treatments that assist the body’s natural healing process for these infections NOT toxic Big Pharma poisons.

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Thank you GFunk!

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I appreciate that Alex needs to stick to the facts as close as possible because he's a responsible reporter, held under a microscope by his radical peers, phony medical professionals, and even the government. Indeed, it appears that in Quebec the excess deaths are in the old and frail. However, I believe that many of the comments made here bare merit: there is an underlying, discussion among friends that everybody knows of both young and old unexpectedly dying, a cancer that was in remission for years coming back full force, a sudden cardiovascular emergency, disability onset, etc. Coincidence maybe? Much more awareness to death than in prior years maybe? I know that this is anecdotal evidence and prone to speculation, but we cannot ignore that many more people we know either closely or casually are having poor health outcomes in 2021 and 2022.

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Mike was adamant that people know what happened to him that caused his early and unexpected death. Message from Mike:


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