Yet another example of a prevailing theme: The burden of pandemic hubris continues to be borne by those least equipped to bear it. The poor, kids, and the elderly.
Yet another example of a prevailing theme: The burden of pandemic hubris continues to be borne by those least equipped to bear it. The poor, kids, and the elderly.
Nirav D. Shah (Director of Maine CDC) posted this on Twitter (22 NOV 22) which I find absolutely jaw dropping...50.4% on Mainers 65+ have received their bivalent Covid vaccine. The Kool Aid drinking geezers are embracing their mortality. On my "to Do" list to check out the death rate.
Yet another example of a prevailing theme: The burden of pandemic hubris continues to be borne by those least equipped to bear it. The poor, kids, and the elderly.
Nirav D. Shah (Director of Maine CDC) posted this on Twitter (22 NOV 22) which I find absolutely jaw dropping...50.4% on Mainers 65+ have received their bivalent Covid vaccine. The Kool Aid drinking geezers are embracing their mortality. On my "to Do" list to check out the death rate.