Charts? Graphs?

LOOK AROUND! Everyone knows people who've been victimized by this garbage.

So many people won't admit that they screwed up by rolling up their sleeves.

And Brandon is positive again. Have another booster, you demented old fart!

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Imagine if just 50% of radical “mainstream” media did follow up reporting on this mRNA genocide. I hope Trump or DeSantis just ends the CDC on Jan 20, 2025.

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So when can we start calling it a pandemic of the vaccinated?

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New Hippocratic Oath: Do harm, then lie about it. How pathetic.

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The real crime was not developing the vaccines. The crime was the mandates. Needlessly divisive move for unproven and ultimately dangerous vaccines.

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You should be ashamed of yourself for attacking Dr Malone on Fox news. You are good for your research about the vaccine death injection. but, appear to be part of the problem regarding pretty much everything else. You have a blind spot regarding Trump, geopolitical events and medical treatments

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This is why the trust in media, and Government in general is so very, very low. The people, the ones with real intelligence and open minds, now know or at least sense the failure, corruption, and the lies we heard from both. I hope we remember and there is an appropriate and resounding response from the people!

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Despite all of this though people will continue to get boosted, drive their cars by themselves with their masks on, get their kids jabbed up, and colleges and universities will still require students to be fully vaccinated before attending in-person classes. It's absolutely despicable and pathetic and shameful. And sadly the more and more people who get injured or die or infected with serious illness and hospitalization after having four shots, the more and more people will start to wake up. Some people will never but most will need a hard slap in the head to knock them out of the deranged psychosis they're in from being fed lies at every angle for the last 2+ years.

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Lots and lots of data hiding happening here in Canada. BC used to report out the airline flights with positive cases on them. However once the ban on unvaccinated passengers took effect, they announced they were no longer going to report the flight /covid case info. It's so transparent but no one bats an eye....can't have covid cases on flights of fully vaccinated passengers. It doesn't fit the narrative.

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“The data had become hard to interpret.” = Orwellian doublespeak translated as “impossible to deny.”

What a farce!

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Wayback Machine - the Internet’s most crucial archive… I feared that once the overlords learned about Wayback, it would be scrubbed. Some secrets are worth keeping. 🤫

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Jul 31, 2022·edited Jul 31, 2022

Covid data is the Rachel Dolezal of science.

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Even under the Stalin reign supreme the Homo sovieticus got their true news from other sources. They can't hide it forever.

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Who is still falling for the lies and obfuscation? Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Lie to me incessantly and I fall for it, I get what I deserve.

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The scrubbing of the internet of their old charts takes the cake. When the data undermines the narrative, the data goes away.

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Where is the citizenry to start squawking loudly about any of this, anywhere. Why does everyone just say "OK, then" and whine in these echo chambers. I love the kinds of things Alex and others report -- it is important. How does one get more satisfaction than knowing one is being had? Everyone I know is frustrated about this in the same way.

Alex, ideas? (I know you are a reporter, but you must have some thoughts -- anything is welcome._

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