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This entire administration is one insult after another. The latest being to redefine "recession."

They offend me!


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Exactly. Glaring case in point: Hunter Biden...how is this okay with Democrats and the Media? If this was a Republican elected official selling influence,etc etc etc... they would be out of office and their kid would be behind bars, AS THEY SHOULD BE. AG Garland partisanship is so outrageously stunning. And now the FBI was clearly in on providing protection for Hunter ... I don’t care how much anyone hates Trump, the information on that lap top is so criminal that yes, it very likely would have changed the election result... and everybody’s fine with that..because you know, Trump is a sexist, racist, crook, etc .... do people no longer have principles??? The end justifies the means?? The “ means” are destroying this country one deceptive choreographed ploy after another. It sickens me.

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They do this because they can. No one in the swamp truly hold's one another accountable. Just never ending rinse and repeat political theatre on the "we the people" dime.

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We need a 🤬emoji!! It’s true. Every time Ohio Representative Jim Jordan says “ well, we need to get to the bottom”, I SCREAM at the TV!!! We never get to the bottom of anything!!!

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ohhhhhh don't even get me started on rant and rave Jordan. Its like a perpetual hamster wheel with him and I like the guy, but for the love of GOD!

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And Lindsay Graham makes two!

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He is so crooked. I figured that’s why Trump always kept him nearby, “ enemies closer” thing.

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It's like Hannity and Greg Jarret saying "my sources tell me" WTF

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I cannot stomach Hannity. “ if you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem.” He’s blowhard asshat. And I don’t think he’s completely honest. But he does an excellent job stirring the hatred pot.

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I tune in more for his guests, but on the point were making Hannity does the same thing Jordan does. Just round and round redundancy

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I tune in only for his guests. He's as bad as that pompous blowhard O'Reilly. I was so glad when he got kicked off the air.

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I can’t get that far with Hannity...his questions take up more time than the guest’s response and he interrupts that as well. He triggers peoples’ outrage and that’s about it.

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Hannity really does need to STFU. Laura Ingraham is almost as bad.

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Can’t watch her either. However, I love Gutfeld! He doesn’t always hit the mark but the fact that his ratings are higher than Fallon, Kimmel and the idiot Colbert combined just rocks!! Those three are poster children for corporate media sell outs... their self righteous arrogance is offensive.

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He's just not very smart either; I was never much of a Fox News viewer because of this problem. As Brogan says, tune in for the guests.

Even Tucker is hit or miss for me, as I wish he was sharper and a more discipline with his asides. But I do give him full-marks for standing up to threats. (Oh for an understated and devastating Bill Buckley interview.)

At this point, I am rather liking the deadpan, dead-on analysis of M Walsh.

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I “ sew” as a full time hobby, part time job so I do my FOX listening during the day, mostly their Business Channel as they do not pretend that everything is groovy like Bloomberg or CNBC... however, I do listen to Martha McCallum ... she is somewhat fair, confronts guests who don’t answer her questions .. pretty no non sense. And we share the same name, college and sorority... she’s just a wee bit younger! I like Tuckers content but not always his presentation... he ist be conflicted having grown up at The Chevy Chase Club amongst the elite only to learn daily how totally corrupt they are. I have friends who know him personally who say he’s very down to earth and a great Father and husband. One would hope.

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I have Fox Biz on all morning. Then it's Ben Shapiro as my lunch date, followed by Matt Walsh. At 8 p.m., all my friends & family know that I won't answer the phone when Tucker Carlson is on. I enjoy him b/c we get pissed off at all the same people & issues. I think Tucker is a terrific writer. My dad has started watching him, too, and calls him "a real SOB," in a complimentary way.

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Matt Walsh is excellent. "What is a woman" is just about the best thing I've watched in months. I do not know how he didn't try to strangle some of those idiots.

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OK, so I checked Fox News website. This is totally off topic, but I can't stop laughing:


The reader comments are HILARIOUS.

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LMAO...read thru some of them :)

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Oh my god! You’re so right! Great laugh before bed! Thx! 😂

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The FBI was behind discrediting Hunter's laptop. While Trump and his family have been investigated for 6 years by every government agency, the one agency that had the laptop refused to investigate. Even as Hunter's emails have been made public, no one in the media is calling for Hunter and Biden* to be charged with selling influence. There are pictures of Hunter with young girls, where is the Me Too crowd, the feminists who were outraged due to phoney allegations against Justice Kavanaugh? If anything Hunter will get a slap on the wrist. There are 2 standards of justice in the US, one for Dems and one for the rest of us.

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💯 percent true.... and it’s the media for condoning and abetting this corruption. It’s my main reason for dismissing most Democrats, they are party over issue no matter the illegality or morality. Again, no example better than the President’s drug addicted mentally ill son..... filming himself nude in a $$$ rehab center with his crack pile and a can of hard seltzer.... Democrats?? Crickets... they simply do not respond. It’s a very dirty game of pool they play and to me , as my Mom used to say “ speaks volumes “ to their own character. And the Republicans are hardly better because they do nothing about all these outrageous inequities.

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I've given up on Republicans. Just when they could stop Dems, they end up voting with them.

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Yup, Charlie Brown here is done with the football! 🤦‍♀️🤬🤦‍♀️🤬

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The thing is...they have absolutely no concern what you or I think because they KNOW no one is holding them accountable. They laugh at US and just continue the scam

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Unfortunately we used to be able to say “we”, but anymore I say “I am not stupid” because I realized there are so many stupid people I have a hard time finding a we beside me.

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I found a few but VERY few.

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AMEN to that!!!

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They are stupid and project their idiocy onto the rest of us as if we are like them.

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I don't think they're stupid. They're sinister.

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Fair. Arrogant Demons.

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