More "health-conscious." Most of the people I know that took the vax are slobs and don't really care what they put in their body, but consider injecting experimental vaccines, "being healthy."

The people I know that didn't take it for the most part are more concerned with what goes in their body and question what the establishment considers "health."

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An example of that is Novak Djokovic. No way he was putting that poison in his body even though he stood to lose millions which he did. Not allowed at last years Australian Open and the U.S. Open. What a farce. I am glad he stuck to his guns, lots of respect.

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That’s called: A MAN

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Pre or post ovaries?

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Definitely PRE!

And no, I’m not a bigot or a racist. I think the unicorn and rainbow scared people…lol! I’m straight as an arrow.

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as well as Kyrie Irving

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Hi I am so proud of my fellow Serb for standing up for what is right for Novak's body. AO sucks and should be embarrassed for what they put Nole through last year. If I were him, and I am not, no way would I participate in this years AO. Being in Canada I watched his match this morning at 4.30 am, a strong, confident, healthy Novak won in 3 sets. I was pleased to see the big reception he received when he walked out on court. US Open was sponsored by Moderna, so no, he was not allowed to play. Keep being you Nole, God and your supporters are with you. God Bless Novak Djokovic!! Idemoo Nole!!

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How is Aaron Rodgers the most sane voice in the conversation?


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I am surprised you asked that, he has a little if anything to lose, he’s got the money, he’s got the platform, and doesn’t give a shit about any other peoples’ opinions.

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Yeah that's more of an indictment against the media and not praise for Rodgers. He's asking a lot of the same questions that we were all asking (but didn't have microphones to ask into).

The tv should have been full of people like Rodgers asking questions.

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That is exactly the takeaway SC

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Aaron nails it doesn't he :)

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I was a little shocked by his concise and logical thinking, although I probably shouldn't be.

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His mind works like that before every play...surgical and precise. Does not always have the outcome he hopes for though, but when in his zone there have been few better. His football prowess that is :) A thinker from Chico who would a thought lol

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Exactly. Peyton Manning was the same way, although I could admit that I liked Peyton Manning because he was in the AFC. Can't root for the Packers, ever.

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What Irving, Rodgers and Djokovic all lacked was an understanding of the favorability of natural immunity to say nothing of a sterling defense of freedom of choice! The authorities had no sophistication to offer assessment of immune status as opposed to mandatory vaccination. Such a perspective would have been wonderfully educational to the larger public and would have highlighted flexibility of leaders.

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George...did I interpret what you just said correctly. Are you saying the 3 prominent professional athletes lacked an understanding of the value and superiority of natural immunity so therefore they chose not to BE injected?

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Despite what DividedUpWorld says, I am a Christian conservative who he chooses to attack personally. There was never good evidence that the three professional athletes actually had natural COVID infections but there was an implication as well as the epidemiologic likelihood. My key point is that instead of a professional organization requiring proof of vaccine, it would have been far more informative to ask for proof of immunity.

I have never been a member of the AMA and am an outspoken critic of the American Academy of Pediatrics. I prefer to avoid exploitives in my postings.

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Well in the tact of "benefit of the doubt" my apologies because if true that is a terrible personal attack. I would think if you were in fact a member of AMA it could easily be proven too. I think the lesser scenario you mention with proof of immunity over proof of injection makes sense, but personally I do not even endorse or would back that. Just feel it's a slippery slope of infringement. In other words keep taking an inch and another inch etc., of personal freedom over time if that makes sense

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George is a leftist hack in most of his writings. Yeah, he is annoyed and reacts I besmirched him and other physicians who just reflexively spew the Democrat narratives that are truly "do as you are told, we don't care if you have a legitimate responsible dissenting opinion, we are in charge and invariably are paring down the inconsequential and irrelevant anyway!"

Really, you think these athletes really lack an understanding of natural immunity? Just pathological deflection to make sure the agenda of "listen only to the experts, no one else has a place here!" And, yes it is more exhaustive to assess natural immunity, but we aren't asking for immunoassays at TSA lines. If employers really were responsible in demanding mandated vaccines if not effectively immune, they would have covered their asses and had employees do this. The rebound lawsuits are coming, and watch out some may take the law into their own hands if the courts are controlled by the sociopathic Left

As I wrote today at the top of NEW comments order, it is only a matter of time before the sociopathic left will erode into direct threats of "submit or be killed!" The DOJ and FBI answer to tyranny as of now anyway...

Just my opinion, but, let's hope I am completely wrong, eh?!...

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Yeah, I thought as such with George. Appreciated you verifying what I suspected. As for what you "feel" will ultimately develop with the increasing desperate commiecrats...not out of the question for certain!

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There are a few good doctors who will take up the cause of natural immunity but they're constantly cencored. As for lawsuits and more drastic measures, these tyranical bastards have no idea of the pressure cooker they've created and the ultimate consequences of such an over reach. The suggestion that a professional athlete doesn't understand his or her own body shows his ignorance. These people are machines, who have honed their natural abilities through inhuman training from a very young age. They know their bodies. The arrogance of those in medicine, government, media, education and all the rest will be their demise.

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You have to wonder how much money Australian and US officials bet on those tournament outcomes, fascinating, it’s always about the Benjamins…

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don't forget Aaron Rodgers. at the rate athletes are dropping dead, they may be the last men standing

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It's actually two extremes: the few who are obsessively health conscious are likely to be unvaccinated, while the other end of the spectrum (not health conscious at all, unhealthy, underprivileged), who make up a much larger group, are ALSO likely to be unvaccinated, for nearly opposite reasons. So the net effect is still a big bias against the unvaccinated. Meanwhile, the moderately but not obsessively health conscious "normies" in the middle (who tend to be reasonably healthy and well-off) are likely to be vaccinated.

Therefore, be very careful not to dismiss the "healthy vaccine user bias" https://www.jhsph.edu/research/centers-and-institutes/center-for-drug-safety-and-effectiveness/training/seminar-series/Sumit_Majumdar.pdf that Alex alludes to, it is 100% real, and it is the main reason why TPTB have been able to fool the world into thinking the vaccines save lives, while the RCTs showed that mRNA vaccines kill 4 people for every 3 saved.

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Of course - I've made this point for 2 years. A simple way to think of it is: Of the people that refuse a vaccine, what percentage of them did it because they calculated the benefit-to-cost ratio for themselves, given all available information? If you consider this, you'll realize that very few people are that rigorous in their analysis. For example, we know that some fairly large minority groups only accept the vaccine at a rate of about 29%. These folks are refusing for basic reasons of government distrust rather than rigorous analysis of the benefit-to-cost ratio.

Moreover, even in cases where an unhealthy group of people generally takes the vaccines, it still applies that the unhealthiest of this group doesn't take the vaccines. For example, although nursing home patients generally take the vaccines, the ones that refuse do so because they are extremely unhealthy - such that they rate their own chances of death as significant as a consequence to even a minor reaction to the vaccine.

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Distrust of the government was essential in my benefit to cost assessment of the vax. Those who neglected to factor in government malfeasance, corruption and criminality made a bad calculation based on bogus inputs.

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That’s not the point. The point is *even if one was initially trustful of the government*, a rigorous analysis of the benefit-to-cost ratio from all available data on the vaccines would lead one to conclude that their trust was misplaced. So, one can just mistrust the government without performing a rigorous analysis of the benefit-to-cost ratio from all available data on the vaccines - but it’s a less rational approach than performing the analysis, because one is more likely to make the right or wrong decision just by chance.

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If you start off from a position of trusting the government, the public health agencies, the pharma industry and the media, or “the system” as Neil DeGrasse Tyson puts it, then you don’t need to do a risk assessment because they already did it for you.

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Using Tyson's logic, any system is better than no system. This is a dangerous supposition. And you would think someone who is grounded in science would at least back up or support this assertion. But the mass formation is strong with him as well.

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Tyson is a shill for the propaganda. I no longer trust/believe anything he says. When I've seen him recently on various talk shows or podcasts, I have watched his face...he's memorized a script and repeats it; oftentimes his responses are tangential at best. Perform the script. Wish I could take a look at his bank account...

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What I’m proposing is a simple application of the old adage “trust but verify”. One could trust their intent, but still realize that they could’ve made a mistake. Healthy skepticism is good.

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I propose an update to that relic of Reagan rhetoric with something along the lines of "don't trust, and verify." The government, the system is entirely untrustworthy.

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But “don’t trust” is always the default - so you may as well just reduce it to “verify”.

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Speaking of calculated benefit to cost ratio. When I informed a guy on Twitter of the virus having a .09% death rate...he came back at me saying that meant it was 90,000 people per million.

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As he likes to point out most people have no idea about risk and probability 😂

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I edited my comment as it didn't make any sense the original way I stated it.

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I thought you meant Tyson (before edit). I feel better now, I might not agree with Tyson but I was pretty sure his math was better than that. Heck, my 8 year old daughter’s math is better than that.

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i would say that government distrust factors into any risk/benefit calculation. and in nursing homes the sickest people are often not given vaccines because their systems won't tolerate them

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Jan 17, 2023
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I've got something essential to share to you

Let's text +15754590814

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I surmise that the unvaxxed group is polarized. You have the super healthy people who are very up to date on the dangers of pharmaceuticals and who take great care of their own health looking to create a healthy body with a thriving immune system via great lifestyle choices. Then you also have the extremely unhealthy people who didn't get the vax either because they were too old and frail to be able to withstand it (people on life support for instance) and the unhealthy people who simply don't take any care for their health. Many of the self righteous lefties think that the last group is the only one who refused the vax. They are in denial about the existence of the first group.

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I think many of us who chose not to take the vaccine can't be easily classified. I am unhealthy, and didn't take care of my health as well as I could, but that's not the reason I didn't take the vaccine. It didn't make sense to take a vaccine for a disease I already had and recovered from and of which the death rate (at the time I thought it was .3%) was not high enough to warrant a vaccine.

I think one thing that will be similar to all of us are a couple of things..feel free to disagree.

1. We know the consensus can be wrong. We have examples of this before Covid. Maybe we didn't like a movie like Twilight everyone else loved. Maybe we got a car brand that wasn't popular, maybe we didn't find popular things as important as others did. Or our reasons for doing them were not necessarily the reason why everyone else did them.

2. We might be cool with isolation. Some people can't handle isolation as well as others. This can be one of the motivations for conformity. I am sensitive to this, I cased the local grocery store before I walked into it without a mask. I was hoping to at least find one other person not wearing a mask while walking inside the store. Finally, I just said 'screw it' and the security guard waved me through, even as he wore a mask himself. I'm not proud of this, I waited out in the parking lot way too long thinking about this.

3. Suspicion of the narrative. We know propaganda when we see it. A huge indicator is that there is very little said against it, nor is it encouraged. I noticed it when all of a sudden everyone talked about flattening the curve. What was this curve? I happened to like curves. The last thing I want is any curve flattening. Mantras abided...if there is anything a good narrative needs, it's an easily remembered and repeatable mantra.

4. Health information can be wrong. Both the unhealthy and healthy know this. The food pyramid is a travesty. the new "food compass" is equally ridiculous. And so, what else are health agencies 'compromised' about?

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Great commentary Jimmy! I applaud your words of wisdom and truth!

What surprised me, was that older people went along with this farce. I too was like you, who never wore a mask when shopping and dealt accordingly. Because I KNEW it was wrong…3 years ago! I’m a tenacious little bitch (but a loving one), and I don’t go along to get along. Which is why I lost my job. I walk the walk, also known as, “put up or shut up”!

And as far as isolation goes, I loved it. Probably because I hate people. Except YOU, of course. Lol!

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Thanks for the kind words!

I found the elderly response to be sad.

I spent a lot of time alone in my room muttering the phrase "I don't know what do say," in regards to how weird everything got.

I guess I was expecting a Charlton Heston reaction to Covid restrictions. "You will keep me away from my kids over my cold dead body" or by a Katherine Hepburn type saying "I am a Grandma, and I did not live my life in order that you have to forfeit yours."

I kept getting in what I considered stupid arguments about what is more selfish...not wearing a mask to protect .3% of the population, or demanding everyone wear a mask for .3% of the population. The answer of course is "If you can prevent one person from dying, then you should wear it." Which case I would ask them where were they every flu season each year wearing masks before Covid?

I should just shut up and wear the damn mask right?

An aside, I had one friend say to me before he blocked me on Facebook that he would wear green underwear on his head if it meant saving one person from Covid.

During the lockdowns, I knew they would be ineffective, but I was willing to do them because my car's transmission just crapped out, and I figured, I could out isolate the most isolating isolators. I think I went outside out a grand total of twice in two weeks in order to throw out trash. I ordered instacart, etc. And at the end of those two weeks...shock of all shocks...they added on time, ostensibly for more curve flattening.

Of course they did. I was wrong early on about the pandemic. I thought we would see through the BS and not lockdown, and then I thought during the "15 days to stop the spread" that we would see how stupid and ridiculous the idea was" But instead we decided to ride the sunk cost logical fallacy train and there is still people on that train.

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This is EXACTLY how I feel. Well said!

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Independence and autonomy, garlic and silver to leftist creatures!

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And firearms and ammo.

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Exactly my experience...the more healthy people I know had a higher awareness and able to use their critical thought choosing not to be injected with an experimental medication

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Yeah, with all the bogus "health info" over the years like low fat, low cholesterol, lots of grains, cigarettes are safe / then they're not, myriad bogus claims in the supplement space, you HAVE TO do your own homework.

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This perhaps is the silver lining of the 2020 scamdemic era. What is now known by MANY more minds is the deep seeded corruption and indoctrination fully exposed now for all to see, but those who are old enough to know KNOW this has been going on for many decades with big Pharma, Big Food and those bought and paid for in congress and government pushing the corrupt legislation and hijacked science

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Awareness seems to be growing, but it's hard to measure. Response for Gen Z kids tends to be, "Yeah- fuck this," which is a good start.

It'll be interesting to see if the tides can be turned in some meaningful way.

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The midwit curve is real.

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George Carlin - 10 years ago at his Trickster, contrarian best:

“Americans are a bunch of germophobic wussies. When I was a kid, I swam in the East River (NYC) in raw sewage and my immune system kicks ass.”

Me too.


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Watched that recently...soooo good! :)

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John Rappaport told a great story last year of seeing Carlin live and meeting him at intermission.

Anyway, would Carlin have felt vindicated, disappointed, or disgusted?

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Good question on George. Enlightened on many things, but perhaps not on some?

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None of us are perfect. But George was a hardworking genius.

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Yes he is missed for his insights as a human for sure!

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So, the internet means nada. However, below are SOURCE REFERENCES from the original studies, so you can verify (leave the fake news to CNN, MSNBC, Morning Joe -kster), CBC in Canada, PBS ad nauseam.

Dr. Makary at Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Medicine with other scientists teamed up with the non-profit FAIR Health group to look at the insurance data of 48,000 children diagnosed with Covid between April 2020 and Aug. 2020. Not ONE of the children who died were free of pre-existing medical conditions such as cancer https://www.naturalhealth365.com/zero-covid-death-among-children-3920.html and here https://www.theburningplatform.com/2021/10/06/covid-jabs-could-potentially-kill-thousands-of-kids-former-hhs-epidemiologist/ .

And this is true in Germany, too, where a massive study late fall showed ZERO – there’s that word again – deaths from Covid among healthy German kids, as reported by Alex Berenson here, Dec. 2, 2021, https://alexberenson.substack.com/p/huge-new-study-shows-zero-covid-deaths . Or see a the details in a late 2021 German study https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.11.30.21267048v1.full.pdf (collating evidence from three sources 1) a national seroprevalence study (the SARSCoV-2 KIDS study), 2) the German statutory notification system and 3) a nationwide registry on children and adolescents hospitalized with either SARS-CoV-2 or Pediatric Inflammatory Multisystem Syndrome (PIMS-TS)) reported that there were zero (0) deaths in children 5 to 18 years old across the period of study. Ditto in Sweden - Swedish data by Ludvigsson https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33406327/ reported on the 1,951,905 children in Sweden (as of December 31, 2020) who were 1 to 16 years of age who attended school with largely no lockdowns or masks. They found zero (0) deaths. “Despite Sweden’s having kept schools and preschools open, we found a low incidence of severe Covid-19 among schoolchildren and children of preschool age during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.” If you include kids with serious morbidities, there were six deaths.

In Germany, out of a total population of 80 million, around 10 million school age kids. Even serious illness was extremely rare, 1 in 50,000. See Dr. Paul Elias Alexander’s SWEDEN AND GERMANY: NO DEATHS IN CHILDREN DUE TO COVID https://brownstone.org/articles/sweden-and-germany-no-deaths-in-children-due-to-covid/ for more reading, or this article which notes that German scientists found that no healthy child 5-17 years of age died of COVID in Germany https://www.clarkcountytoday.com/news/autopsy-study-ties-deaths-to-covid-vaccine/

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Great post and summary of the real story

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Maybe you are dealing with statistical anomolies. For me it is a mixed bag, and I imagine for most of us, we all know myriads of types of people who are vaccinated, both healthy and unhealthy. But maybe statistically most of the people getting vaccinated are healthy. That is another question I would like the answer to.

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all breaks down to statistics doesn't it :)

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If you live in the US, you're looking a 40%+ obesity rate amongst adults. Add in the borderline cases and metabolic syndrome, and you quickly reach a conclusion:

Most people are just slobs.

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Such a true reality. America is the most coddled and entitled people on the planet and some of the unhealthiest even though there are an abundance of simple way's ways to stay fit. These coddled and entitled choose terrible lifestyle choices and then want others to pay for their choices

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I think there is something going on with the food in the US that is making people fat. Of course, we all know that portions are large and seed oils are generally bad but I think it is more than that

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Food is now an industrial PRODUCT.

Check out Secret Life of Groceries on Kindle or Audible for a fascinating profile.

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This! I live in Europe now and it’s a noticeable difference. Eating well in the USA takes so much effort and expense. I like living here, but TPTB are working hard to take away farms in favor of food hubs so don’t know how long the goodness will last...

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In general, old people retire to the country.

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BRAVO!!!! You got it.

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Come on, Ryan. Don’t subject yourself to lowly progressive standards. Ad hominem attacks fail to convince anybody of anything. It severs discourse. Folks were confused and had not learned how untrustworthy the med establishment, big pharma, and the media were. Too bad, but give them a break. They need it, as many are mourning their poor and unfounded decision making processes.

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You are right, it is not only the "being a slob" and thinking "taking an experimental vax is being healthy." Although many I know were like that.

They were also coerced and made to believe covid was worse than it was, coerced with the other "solutions" such as masks and lockdowns and given false promises from the "experts."

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The real question is: Of the entire universe of visible slobs, were the slobs who took the vaccine (at the time) more healthy than the slobs who refused the vaccine (at the time)? If you looked closely into this, you’d realize the answer is “yes”.

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I have a two thousand page paper on the topic, former science writer at NYT has a whole substack on this, so does Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. James Lyons Weiler, et al.

You think the shot is great? Get it. And then have fun with your antibody dependent enhancement.... which of course, you don't even know what that is, nor the fact that the last mRNA shot, created for SAS a dozen years ago, killed ALL the freaking test animal after re-exposure to another coronavirus.

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No, you’re confused - I say don’t get it. But that statistics which suggest that at some brief point in time the vaccinated appear healthier than the unvaccinated is because of healthy user bias: Those who take the vaccine rate to be healthier in aggregate just before they took the vaccine, compared to those who refused it. This generally has to do with the fact that obedient people tend to be healthier than disobedient people - at a population wide level. Of course, very smart disobedient people are the healthiest - but they represent only a small fraction of the disobedient people. Most of the disobedient people are in poor socioeconomic circumstances. For example, a person is more likely to be coerceable to take a vaccine if they already have a job. And the better job, the more coerceable they are. But a good job also is indicative of better health just before they took the vaccine.

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ok. good

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gotcha...at some brief point in time. Not sure I agree on the obedient being more healthy though. That is a scary thought lol, but you did clarify "at a population wide level" :) It's almost as if we are living as factions in the divergent movies. Not sure again if I agree on most disobedient being of poor living conditions. The analysis is fascinating MYERS :) Long live FREE WILL!

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Conformity is a double edged sword. both individualism and collectivism both has served to allow us to progress, and both have caveats. A lot of our healthy social contracts work because they work collectively. It's not good or bad to believe in the consensus, but it is bad to trust in it without question.

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Not really - this is an illusion. What we would regard as meritorious stems from the most popular of individual desires. For example, most people would like thieves and murderers to be arrested. So what you’re articulating as a benefit of collectivism stems from the most popular value judgments of free-choice individuals.

In fact, operationally what collectivism does is contravene what would be the most popular value judgments of free-choice individuals. In effect, it says a small minority must override the value judgments of the majority in order to achieve a “greater good” - ostensibly for everyone (on average), but which is most assuredly calculated and designed to benefit the small minority, in particular.

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As long as one is able to use their GOD given rights unhindered as stated so well in the constitution and able to exercise free will and their GOD given critical thought process, I have no issue with the construct of the blend

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Also, consider that of all the people who refuse the vaccine, there are many who have mental issues. They’re either absent minded or can’t organize themselves enough to perform a benefit-to-cost analysis. They probably don’t even know what a random controlled trial is, much less are they capable of evaluating it. But they benefit by chance in simply not being “proactive” to get vaccinated.

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I don't know, if the last 2.5 years has taught me anything, it is that a lot more of us may be mentally compromised than we might think. I've had one friend tell me that they would put "green underwear" on their head if it meant stopping someone from getting Covid.

As far as a cost benefit analysis, there is an argument to be made that those for all these measures were never able to do a risk/benefit analysis. All they saw was a virus that had to be ended. Death rates, mask studies, vaccine studies, questions about how this would affect our society, all bow at the knee of zero Covid infection.

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Appreciate the depth M!

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Preaching to the choir with me. Doc McCullough is on my short list too

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More healthy who took the vax? You can't be serious.

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Not the people I know...they are all healthy and walk the walk in living a healthy lifestyle who chose to use their God given critical thought seeing thru the ruse of the scamdemic early on. Was so obvious too wasn't it

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Ones I know had the "I just want to travel" schtict. Same jr. high logic of living for today.... whereas tomorrow, and the rest of their lives, they will be with an impaired immune system, or myocarditis

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obviously they chose poorly and decided not to use their God given critical thought

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Interesting perspective, but the slobs as you call them from what I witnessed in the area I reside in and know were not healthier when taking injections. As in more fit than those slobs who chose not too

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1) How would you be in a position to evaluate this without comparing their complete medical histories and sub-clinical biomarkers just when they decided to take, or not take, the vaccine?

2) Your observations may be biased by your socioeconomic status or the community you live in. For example, did you know that only 29% of some minorities took the vaccine. There are dramatic differences in health outcomes depending on the demographics of the community.

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I agree...just observational from what I see and people I know, but from what I am reading and hearing from people here and elsewhere it's not an uncommon perspective. Just sayin

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Right - but what you are reading here is basically all people who have seriously considered this topic. You’d have to count how many people on the street or in the hood have similar views.

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Consider who isn't though. All of the opiate and meth addicts I personally know did not take it. A lot of people with jobs only took it for that reason. I didn't ever take them, despite having a job that required it, but other people wouldn't have been willing to take the risk. I'd rather be unemployed than take the shots. Already unemployed people don't have to make that decision.

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And, I lost my job of 23 years because I refused to test (subsequently the jab). I was forced to retire. They took three years from me! That’s a lot of moola.

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I’m in Commifornia and I do know that people on government assistance were required get the jab, or no benefits. Many people that are drug addicted, etc. are on assistance.

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How many faked the documentation? I’m sure plenty of nurses would have signed off as if they made the injection.

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we can never know this but I doubt they'd do it for a random heroin addict that asks. Actually my backup plan was to pay one of them $500 to use my ID and get the shots. never came down to it

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Lots of data shows that the real correlation to health is very simply economic status/wealth. This would also explain why rural areas are "sicker": less economic means to seek treatment and fewer and lower quality health care services. If a 300 lb diabetic smoker gets vaccinated, it does not mean they are healthier than a 300 lb diabetic smoker who is unvaccinated. Vaccination is a correlate for obedience and conformity, not health.

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Number one comment here in my opinion, that last sentence is beyond merely appropriate and applicable:

Vaccination is a correlate for obedience and conformity, not health…

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As an addendum, how can you read the news today what’s going on, these two gay pedophile scumbags in Georgia being exposed by townhall.com, what Biden is doing with his document bullshit and how his son was paying him off by paying almost $50,000 a month in rent, and people just sit here and go, “what the fuck do I care about this!?“…

It’s incredible how evil is so rampant in this country, and how almost everyone doesn’t give a damn.

It’s not just about obedience and conformity, it’s about horrific apathy indifference and catering and complying with people ready to kill you…

I don’t get why the Chinese think we’re going to wipe ourselves out, it’s going to be too slow for what the Chinese want from this country’s dwindling natural resources…

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Perception is not reality.

It's not a question of caring, it's a question of "what can be done about it?" You may be mistaking helplessness for apathy. Do you feel enthusiastic that you can do something about this? I do, but only because I know a big part is speaking out about it.

I do agree there are those that don't care, but a lot of this comes down to the state being a bloated, cancerous, and out of control sick system. It needs surgery, and needs to have it yesterday. It has gotten to the point where there is an out-of-control self perpetuating growth.

Government constantly asking itself if it needs more power, and then using whatever rationale to continue to gather more power. The two party system, one government, the other government lite™ which furthers the belief that a reduce in rate of expansion of government is "less government."

A lot of these Covid measures did not make sense from the get-go, the first one being why are we locking down for a disease for which we do not know how dangerous it is? If we lock down for "could haves" and "we just don't know" then be prepared for many other uncertain situations in the future where we will lockdown.

Or we could all stop listening to the main stream media, and start thinking for ourselves.

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I think it starts by identifying evil, making sure one’s definition is accurate and applicable. Then, what does one do if confronted with evil, flee or fight, or just wither and die?

I strongly believe people need to relentlessly, pervasively, and loudly marginalize and ostracize this filth and decadence into such obscurity and irrelevance, these scum flee or more likely become outwardly violent and destructive, and then put down, responsibly and defensively mind you, as the rabid animals leftists truly are.

As long as people foolishly, recklessly, and cowardly refuse to thwart and fight evil, people will inappropriately die.

Based on the 100 million plus who are at peace on their knees, people will continue to inappropriately die…

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I live rural and have most of my life. You are correct...it has more to do with less economic means to seek treatment and less access to quality health care services. We do have a small hospital in our community. I had the opportunity to use it a couple of months ago. Horrible....would not take my dogs to this hospital for treatment. This hospital has changed hands three times in the last two years. Cannot make it financially. We are fortunate that we live less than 45 min to some quality hospitals and doctors. But most rural areas do not. Most are more than a 100 miles from quality health care. Also...most who live rural are in fairly good health. They all have a excellent work ethic and work until they can no longer climb on a tractor. Rural folks are also extremely distrustful of the government. I would say out of those I have questioned about rather or not they took the jab....2 out of three have not. Unfortunately...doctors are not interested in beginning a practice in rural areas....they cannot make the kind of money they make in suburbs or big cities. A few...but not many. That has only gotten worse over the last 20 years.

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The sad thing is here in rural areas we have the space, means, and ability to grow the good high quality foods that lead to good health, but so many do not anymore.

Grew up in the 80s and even then gardens and chickens were a staple of anybody living outside town limits. Often even those in-town had both as well.

Now few people do it anymore.

Cheaper/easier to eat the Soy/HFCS toxic junk that imitates food.

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Yes....everyone has a garden in our community. Even those living "in town". Most of the old homes sit on 1/4 to 1/2 acre so plenty of room. And everyone has chickens except me LOL. Plenty of fresh eggs to purchase. Another reason so many rural folk remain in fairly healthy condition is they cannot afford to eat out. Not much of a selection anyway. So they eat fresh and healthy for the most part. We can purchase fresh meat from the local cattle ranchers that for the most part is raised on grass.. Everyone lives to be quite old...nineties are quite common. As long as you take care of diseases like high blood pressure and diabetis....not as much need for doctors as you find in the cities where fast food is the go too. We are experiencing drugs as a result of an influx of illegals unfortunately. Not perfect but probably a hell of lot better than living in most cities.

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When I go back to my hometown, a small, poor, 3000 person place, I see lots of obesity and general unhealthy living (alcohol/drugs).

I see people who look defeated. Healthy people are few and far between.

The only two "good" employers in town are the government school, and the prison (and I hesitate somewhat to call the prison a 'good' place of employment because the environment of the place rubs off on you - you will make a good living compared to your neighbors, but your mental health will suffer)

Its not the same place I grew up in.

The place I live now is also small town(but still farm adjacent), but its comparatively wealthy (two decent sized mfgs in town, all the IT/Finance people live in the town). Has a very 'suburb' feel about it though its 50 miles from anything you'd call a city.

Surrounding towns without much economic activity look exactly like my hometown - obesity and general unhealthy living and people looking defeated.

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Agree! I live rural in Australia, move here in 2003. Wages lower, prices higher ( due to how spread out Australia is.) And Doctors are hard to get. A lot of International Doctors that move to Australia are put/ strongly encouraged to fill Rural practice positions and the hospitals don’t have the experts or high level equipment that cities have. There is a lot of airlifting to major Hospitals for emergency care. If people have land they also don’t have time to be brainwashed by TV and social media. 😁😉

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It's possible that some of this correlation is a RESULT of poor health too, i.e. people who have become impoverished due to failing health.

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There would be an argument at one time that being fat meant being a nonconformist. There were less fat people in my day than there are now. This is just a question, but which would be more likely to take a jab? I could see arguments for both the healthy and unhealthy both taking the vaccine and not taking it. The simplest reason why more healthy people than unhealthy got the vaccine could simply be access. They felt "more able" to get the vaccine.

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Assume you have seen that the FAA quietly changed its long time standards for pilot EKGs, because pilots can no longer pass. I was an active pilot for decades. THIS IS HUGE.

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The vaccinated pilots broke their “terms of service” the moment they got jabbed, from what I understand.

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And were, in general, fired if the they did not comply.

Not just the pilots, the entire crews, I believe....

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And now those pilots can never, ever fly again.

Those men and women have been flying their whole lives! Many are former military, most likely.

More importantly, they are putting people’s lives in grave harm! And THAT is the problem now!

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Is it worth it????

I lost my job of 23 years. Was it worth it????


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Oh wow, did not know this. Not OK.

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Heard about this on Tucker last night. Not sure I will ever board another commercial airliner again. And they are trying to impose mandatory masking while flying again.

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Epidemiologists call this "healthy vaccine user bias,”

I'd argue there's an even higher tier: the "healthiest anti-vaccine user bias". Everyone I know who snubbed the jabs are very fit, very healthy, very much into regular exercise, healthy dietary habits, and supplement savvy. Not coincidentally they're also skeptical of big pharma and big medicine.

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Yep! That would be me. I’ve never even had a flu shot. I’ve had no vaccines. I don’t get sick. I’m 59. I didn’t trust my government YEARS ago!

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Yep, me too! I stopped getting flu vaccinations years ago when I found out what was in them so I sure wasn't going to get an experimental, untested vaccination. 64 years old, 170 lbs and work out a couple times a week - not obsessed but not a couch potato either.

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At birth, we came equipped with an immune system which is the product of a billion years of evolution. Those of us who recalled it from 10th grade Biology class had a context with which to stay informed, see through the propaganda, and make the right decision. Call it "informed user bias".

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Nature always trumps the EGO of man

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untrue. man temporarily defeats/subdues/harnesses nature all of the time, plenty of other times man is fully capable of working with nature.

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I'll take my chances with natural immunity over man's tinkering any day and twice on Sunday :)

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whether or not you've ever taken anti-biotics really isn't relevant seeing as they have been effectively used for a century or more.

your statement is way too simplistic. Do vitamin c, sunshine, etc, not lead to a healthier immune system? Tinkering of man could just as easily include walking into the sunshine bare-chested in winter to help your body.

One doesn't have to trust some idiotic untested not-vaccine to understand that humans can work with nature.

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I personally trust nature more than I do man...just me perhaps

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Absolutely my experience too Sennot!

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Healthy people aren't at risk of dying from Covid so why would healthy people take on vaccine risk for no benefit.

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When my grandfather finally lost his years-long battle with cancer, he caught covid in the hospital. Because he was too sick to ever be jabbed, he was marked as an unvaxxed covid death.

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If you dig into the CDC’s death certificate reporting guidelines, you'll find there's no requirement at all that covid be causally responsible to be listed on a death certificate.

Beginning in March 2020, the CDC issued guidance instructing physicians to add covid to death certificates if it was merely assumed to have contributed to the death. This guidance led public health officials to so broadly define what constitutes a “covid death” that it almost beggars belief.


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This is the ONE MILLIONTH TIME I have posted this video! Everybody gets a balloon!


Deborah Birx: If Someone Dies w/ COVID-19, We Are Counting That As a COVID-19 Death

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Follow the Benjamins, as Turban-hiding-IEDs Ill-whore from Minnesota shrieks regularly…

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I remember Scott Jensen MD in Minnesota calling this out in April of 2020 and he was crucified by the perps behind the curtain who orchestrated the entire agenda. The financial incentives as well as how a diagnosis was arrived at was totally allowed to be changed from the norm allowing #'s and cases and deaths to be skewed in such fraudulent ways to justify an agenda. I think his YouTube videos are still out there. I know he ran for the senate and lost in 22

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He ran for Governor and lost to the Pillsbury Doughboy’s long lost twin brother

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That’s how gunshot deaths and car crash fatalities got listed as Covid deaths.

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Such OVERT fraud and yet they got away with it all scot free. Such a disgrace considering what was allowed to be done with humanity in totality the past 3 years since the scamdemic was launched and still continues with all the same players in all the same positions. SURREAL really!

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Sorry to hear of your loss, not sure you’ll see my comment below about some scumbag wanting more kids to die from Covid to demand shots be given to everybody, this is what you’re dealing with…

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"If everything was different, I would have been right!"

I have a lot of words for Sam Harris and his ilk, just not sure when I'm going to be able to find the time to get them onto digital paper. In the meantime, Chris Bray wrote (another) excellent piece last night:



If enormous numbers of children had died — “if kids were dying by the hundreds of thousands from Covid” — and if the vaccines had been extraordinarily effective, then anti-vaxxer sentiment wouldn’t have been tolerated, and critics of the vaccines would not now be viewed as people who got the question right, and people like Sam Harris who were vicious critics of vaccine skeptics in 2021 and beyond would be vindicated and celebrated.

If all of reality had been completely different, Sam Harris would not have been wrong, so Sam Harris is therefore not wrong.

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“IF”...that’s a beautiful island called “Denial”. No, it’s not in Egypt.

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No, it’s the number one pathological immature defense mechanism mastered by every politician in government until proven otherwise.

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Another colostomy bag that evolved limbs and rudimentary skills to communicate with humans…

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Built-in to the data is the classification bias. German researchers teased it out. Calling Vpeople UVpeople for 14 days after a shot or booster misclassifies 31% of the people. Understand, this shifts to the other column so then a 62% net difference. And 65% of the SAEs happen within 72 hrs. All Data they use is unusable. A worldwide phenomenon as per the playbook.

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This particular sleight of hand has skewed the data horribly.

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Haaha. People prescribed basic antibiotics before and during pneumonia are less likely to die of pneumonia also. Flu vaccines are a scam just like these depopulation clot shots. Better off getting a saline shot like all the Davos attendees did.

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I couldn’t agree more. Just dug into pediatric flu vaccine data because it’s mandated annually for daycare/preschool in NJ. They use the same playbook for flu vaccines. In the one study, many children were not considered “fully vaccinated” because they didn’t receive two vaccines and only counted children in the vaccinated cohort once 2 weeks post vaccination have elapsed. Florida is the only state I could find showing pediatric flu mortality by vaccination status and more vaccinated children have died from the flu over the last 3 years vs. unvaccinated.

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wouldn't be so sure, both voxday and martin armstrong both just floated they think many of the puppets we know and love very well might have actually been sacrificial as well

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One thing we have learned is that to be healthy is to question everything you put in your body. Your doctor's recommendations no longer carry the weight they once did.

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They have not carried weight for over 50 years in my view.....

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not carrying weight is dumb. just get your own scale

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I wrote here back when I was paying member in 2021 that Covid was being used, along with the treatments, to euthanize as many human beings as possible. This is evil folks, and for someone to speak out that not enough kids died to validate making people get shots, shows how morally bankrupt and outright sociopathic these leftist scum are.

Thanks for letting me comment, maybe you should be writing about this Mr. Berenson?…

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I just heard that clip yesterday. Sam Harris is an arrogant ass. Who wishes that kids would have died so that more people would have complied and got an experimental shot? People like him are all about control. Whatever they have to do to get control of those who they consider lesser human beings, whether it be by lying or by coercion, is justified.

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Isn’t that the number one ideology agenda of the left? Ruin, kill, and destroy as many children as possible, from conception through high school?

Again, how can you respect any human being who votes for this level of hate, lust for power, and downright sadism as these leftist motherF'ers, sorry, that’s what they are.…

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Don't be sorry, I agree with you.

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I thought to myself, damn, he has such a punchable face. His mother must be proud.

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Yeah, punchable...

If only a majority of citizens could rise up and marginalize and ostracize this filth and excrement masquerading as humans so effectively and pervasively...

But, let's be honest, people have no ability to care and act on beliefs of real importance not only to themselves, but to those they love and allegedly want to protect...

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I agree 100%! Even when the enemy is “at the door”. Unless it actually affects them, MAYBE, they will do or say something.

From what I’ve experienced personally, these experiences make you feel like you’re losing your mind! But, it’s been said that those that are sane will feel this way when surrounded by insanity.

I read about this turn of events in history books like “Gulag Archipelago”. Now I actually SEE it.

Stay close to Truth…and God.

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Sam Harris is about Sam Harris, that is it. Irrational thinkers are defined by him as people that disagree with Sam Harris. He has lots of titles and education so he’s very smart, and can never be wrong. It was just happenstance so many yokels out there that questioned these jabs didn’t die of Covid. Smart people like Sam Harris made reasoned and smart decisions, and even though those decisions didn’t do 1 iota of food for anyone, they were the correct ones because Sam Harris made them, and Sam Harris is never wrong.

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Yep, sorta like…Judas?!

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Well of course!

Let’s put it this way…I do not want Sam in my foxhole or my “bunker”.

Well said Jim!

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I've never understood the logic of these people. The entire premise of a vaccine is based on natural immunity. If the body is incapable of fighting off the disease, injecting the disease into the body is lunacy.

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A vaccine addict is still a drug addict. Sugar coat it all you want. Doing drugs is unhealthy anyway you slice it.

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They "follow the science" :)

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Alex, my guess is that IF the rural area data was stratified by age groups, we'd find that the rural areas are going to average significantly older than the urban areas. That being said, my guess is that the older ages in the rural areas might be 'less healthy' than their counterparts in the urban areas because they've worked their asses off for years, but the younger ages would be the opposite of that because on average, they're working their asses off now and it's keeping them healthy. Partly because they have less access to fast food maybe?

By the way, can you get Tucker Carlson to let you have a debate on his show with the good Dr. Seigel? I'm tired of watching a very nice man continually act like there might possibly be some benefit in masking and literally (every now and again) acting like there might be some benefit to the jab. At this point, don't we know that jabbing and boosting will bring those with comorbidities greater risk of the damn Rona?

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Dr. Siegel…a very nice man who says exactly what he needs to to be friends with everyone. I’m over him. Same with Cavuto & Fauci…makes me gag.

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Cavuto is a hack and should go to CNN already; when he had Fraudci on not too long ago after the Damar Hamlin “coincidence”, I wanted to vomit just listening to the BS he let Fraudci spew...in my opinion, Cavuto = 🤡

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Chris Wallace disciple…

And not a clown, a loser…

Sorry Covid wasn’t terminal here…

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Cavuto is the one who had a meltdown over Trump recommending hydroxychloroquine as a therapy. He was screaming that this drug, that has been used for decades, would kill people. I think Cavuto has had covid twice despite being boosted. The last time it was serious. He was in the ICU for weeks. He has preexisting conditions, MS, cancer survivor and has had open heart surgery. Despite all this Cavuto still recommends the vax. "Let me be clear," he told viewers. "Doctors say had I not been vaccinated at all, I wouldn't be here."

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In statistical analysis, you cannot compare 2 diff populations without an apples to apples comparison - meaning ages, disease state, etc. In urban areas you will have a larger younger population vs rural areas. Nice try alex…but your novice statistical skills dont cut the mustard! But i enjoy your writing immensely cuz it gets peeps to THINK!!! 🎉🎉

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2020 made people lose their minds and be walking contradictions in so many ways.

Many of the people who were most pro-jab and hating on those who were not are the same individuals who buy organic and frequent farmers markets and Whole Foods. Same with Europeans. They restrict importation American food that is genetically manipulated and yet were very willing and compliant with the jab mandates.

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Although at my local co op, the college-age staff and clientele were slow to ditch the face masks. I assumed, but do not know, that they all were enthusiastic jabbers.

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Wholeheartedly agree!

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It's the same for me. All the non-injected people I know are people who take great care of their diet and everything else.

In my company I am the only non-mRNA injected and the only one who since I had covid a year ago does not have covid every three months.

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I moved from a large city (Las Vegas)_to a small rural town in central Washington. I can tell you that the level of healthcare in general in a small rural community is as different as night and day. In a small rural community, scheduling tests takes months not weeks. Follow-up by health "professionals" is almost non-existent. You have to be your own healthcare advocate. You have to do a lot of research on your own to ensure you are asking the right questions. In most cases you are sent to the nearest big city (150-200 miles away for more serious procedures. Many people in small rural communities don't go to the doctor until the "feel" sick. They have lives to lead, and mouths to feed.

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I live in a red rural area where many are not vaxxed. We found time to research & make an informed decision on whether to take an unknown injection (instead of gathering in gymnasiums & stadiums with thousands of others who followed like mice). We also had ivermectin…until our government took that away. The few in our area who died from covid died in the hospital, on remdesevir & vent. We aren’t the ones suddenly dropping dead…but the vaxxed in our area sadly can’t say the same.

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Agree with Ryan totally. Unvaxed folk are more health conscious and concerned about bodily injections than the lemmings that do whatever the government tells them. Not sure you are on target with this Alex….

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I agree with you and Ryan. As a health conscious person myself I'm careful about everything I ingest be it food or supplements or vitamins. Haven't seen a doctor in over a decade and that was to get a mole removed. All that being said, I'm aware of the fact that I'm a sample size of one.

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What part does the response time of emergency medical care play in the disparity between the rural and urban death rates? If I call 911 from my home in the suburbs, I may have EMS at my door in 5-10 minutes and be in an ER in another 10-15 minutes. If I call from a cottage in the state forest, it may take 20-30 minutes at least for EMS to arrive and start emergency care and then another 20 minutes or more to get me to an ER. The small rural hospitals do not have the level of emergency care that a larger urban hospital is capable of. I don't think people in rural areas are any sicker than urban areas. I think the disparity has more to do with their ability to access emergency medical care quickly.

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And in the city you will sit in traffic in the ambulance for an hour or hours, then wait dying in the ER until the thousand people before you get taken care of. Potato/potato.

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Assuming there is even a rural hospital anywhere nearby. A lot of them have closed. For some people, you are talking hours unless a helicopter is dispatched.

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Really? Does the data show it’s the “health conscious” getting jabbed? Or those adhering to the lethal health system?

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The “health fearful” keep getting the jabs

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Yes, some in the placebo arm were vaccinated, but the trials were orchestrated for the desired outcome from the very beginning. I mean, an adverse event up to two weeks after the second dose could kick you out of the trial and exclude you from the trial results.

I'm pretty good at math, not so much at chemistry. So I used my math skills to design a college chemistry experiment to get the desired outcome. It worked perfectly and I got an A. If I can figure that out at 18 years old, certainly Pfizer can design a trial for the desired outcome. Trial design manipulation is likely pervasive in all of pharma. There is too much money on the line not to influence the scales in one's favor.

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Re Pfizer: I would like to see the raw data from the supposedly blind randomized clinical trials. I would like to see the data on the approximately twice as many vaccine-arm participants vs placebo-arm participants that were dropped from the trial results. I would like to know the PCR level used to test vaccine-arm vs placebo-arm participants in the PCR tests mailed in from clinical trial sites to be run at a the Pfizer home facility. So many questions, so little answers. Seems like snake oil to me.

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Kinda weird that everyone wants to "move to the country" so they can die 20% earlier....🤔

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I used to live in a wealthy area that was 45-60 minutes to the nearest hospital. The great majority of retirees were healthy. My work was near a different wealthy area and a hospital. The retirees there were on average in worse shape. They had gravitated to living close to the hospital if they had problems. People who are poorer, or farmers who need to care for their own land don’t have the same options.

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"Just a reminder that the only truly bias-free data comes from large, properly run randomized clinical trials matching a control group and a treatment group" but ONLY if both groups had absolute FREE WILL to choose to be jabbed.

Which is now impossible to obtain with regard to the poison shots.

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It was an experiment. Those supposedly going through the fake trials were obviously not told that they were a part of the LITERAL experiment.

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Alex, I just got this comment in my email. Seems something janky is happening with either Substack itself or your Substack. Just FYI, in case you see THIS comment, the email says:

"AIex Berenson replied to your comment on Good data showing why the mRNA shots may seem to work even if they don't.

I've got something really big {💸} i’d like to introduce you to Text me +15754590814"

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So, at what point does harm from mRNA overuse counterweigh the inherent health advantages that the users had going in?

Betting window is open...

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Look, anyone with a newsfeed can see the spike in healthy young people, including athletes, "mysteriously and suddenly" collapsing and even dropping dead from cardiac or circulatory events. This is a NEW phenomenon.

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Why are top flight Athletes from all over the world dropping dead they have access to the best medical care in the world. This doesn't answer the question why was our Government leadership so eager to shut down the Places of worship!? Was this Part of the Anthony Fauci anti God Movement!? Why did Legacy media celebrated this action taken by our Sinister Leadership here in America!?

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This paper on national COVID deaths demonstrates it EXTREMELY well (read between the lines): https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0265053

"Since May 31, 2020, the South experienced COVID-19 mortality 26% higher than the national rate, whereas the Northeast’s rate was 42% lower. "

Anyway, what did the Pfizer and Moderna randomized clinical trials show?

4 killed for every 3 saved, that is, 4 excess non-COVID deaths for every 3 less COVID deaths overall (compared to the placebo groups), even during the deadliest Alpha wave in winter 2020-2021. The separate Pfizer and Moderna trials both showed a 15-17% increase in non-COVID deaths, and specifically a 40-50% increase in cardiovascular-related deaths, with vaccine versus placebo. Importantly, these excess deaths with vaccination showed up ONLY by the 6-month follow-up. At the 1-month follow-up there were no excess deaths in either trial, clearly indicating delayed deaths.

Pfizer: https://www.nejm.org/doi/suppl/10.1056/NEJMoa2110345/suppl_file/nejmoa2110345_appendix.pdf – Table S4

Moderna: https://www.nejm.org/doi/suppl/10.1056/NEJMoa2113017/suppl_file/nejmoa2113017_appendix.pdf – Table S26

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When I posted on social media that the vaccines don't prevent covid, don't prevent the spread of covid, don't prevent hospitalization and don't prevent death from covid, I was mocked. Most responses claimed that the blue states had done so much better because they had vaccine compliance and the uneducated red states had fared so poorly because they were too ignorant to get the vax.

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The blue states are filled with sheep. UNLESS you go to the “rural” areas of the state. See how that works?

I can honestly say, that Liberals are some of the dumbest people I have ever met in my 59 years. I’m not saying this to be nasty. I deal with it. It’s frightening.

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It has been so hard to see people who I truly thought were intelligent acting against their own best interests, and trying to deny body autonomy to others. It's pretty disturbing.

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I find it harder to like leftists, as a whole, after the past 3 years.

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Try living in Commifornia for 59 years. I remember when this state was red and had common sense. Everyone wanted to come to CA! It’s a beautiful state except for the LEFTISM. The Left has destroyed CA. Everything the Left touches turns to shit…expensive shit. The middle class (me) is nearly wiped out.

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I refer to it as CaChina

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Now you have a real left winger like former NBA player Bill Walton saying the government should move the homeless that are preventing people like him from walking, riding bicycles, enjoying life in San Diego to an empty plot of land on a Marine Corp airbase so they can live in camps. Too many needles, excrement, trash and walking zombies.


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Interesting how perspective can slap a person silly when it happens to YOU. Bill was red pilled a bit being attacked and seeing the realities in his own back yard

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Democratic policies fully created this mess and they only double down. Just WHEN will the average Dem voter wake up?

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Bill Walton is speaking up about the homeless problem because he was attacked while riding his bicycle. If not for that, he wouldn't have had a problem with the status quo.

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All things have changed...the dating world if you are in it has drastically been re-defined lol

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Thank God, no!

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No woman who prefers monogamy should bother dating. After age 23 the only men still single are PUAs. Plenty of good men I know. All got married in their early twenties. Every one of them.

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Hmmmm…I disagree. I’ve been single my whole life, by choice. I didn’t want to get married in my early twenties. I wanted to live and explore the world as much as possible. There is no set of rules. There never was, unless of course a man wants children. I think there are many good women and men out there. And they’re all thinking there’s no one out there-lol!

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I think she had a “social distancing party”…wtf???? To put up with that, she better be a good _____😳!

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My buddy who’s single went out with a gal recently who was jabbed. He stopped when he realized the danger to his body. Oooops, too late…if ya know what I mean.

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Between injection concerns and political polarization it's not for the weary being in the dating and mating world. Truly a changed world, but then again who doesn't like a challenge lol

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Brogan, as someone newly divorced after 20 years, what has changed?

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Kind of surprised I need to even mention, but perhaps you are BRAND new to the dating world and completely unaware, but the injections for one is REAL as is those who voted for Trump and those who did not. You will soon realize these are TWO huge realities in dating. I am a hetero man so only read what women post in their profiles, but it is interesting to say the least what women will write and I am fairly certain women can say the same about men in how they convey their criteria in looking for a compatible mate-partner-special other etc :)

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Thank you. I thought I was the only one who feels that way.

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The epitome being a part of the collective

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I’m definitely not a part of the collective. Thank God (literally)!

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i find this argument to be the same kind of generalizing nonsense that the guys on TWIV spout- that everyone who questioned the vaccine also voted for Trump, lives in a red state, shops at Walmart, drinks Mountain Dew, has a mouthful of missing teeth and takes millions from russian disinformation campaigns.

maybe some people who jumped to take the vaccine don't take responsibility for their health and want the nanny state to make everything ok.

i was shocked that some people who eat organic and stay clear of GMOs, etc were first in line. how do they rationalize that?

i imagine that vaccine believers run the same gamut as vaccine skeptics. i saw what happened to my cousin's wife in 1976. she took that swine flu vaccine and spent a year in a wheelchair with GBS. no amount of data can make me unsee that. so my skepticism comes not from Joe Rogan or Bret Weinstein or JFK jr or from Alex Berenson but from my own observations of someone i know.

it also didn't help that the covid "rules" were nonsensical.

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This is very strange as many of the vax refusers I know are health nuts.

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No question there is a group of unvaxxed people that are very knowledgeable about their health and they are used to doing a lot of research before making these kinds of decisions (and decided against the jabs). My guess is that this group is outnumbered significantly by a group of people that aren't as knowledgeable but just happen to be healthy because of their economic status. This group eats better, has the financial means to be more proactive with their health, money for gym memberships, etc. I'd guess that this group is highly vaccinated for a number of reasons. Some are vaccinated because they pay just enough attention to the MSM and medical cartel that they don't know there are other legitimate points of view. Some are vaccinated because they were pressured by work or college or travel. Some are vaccinated because their ideology says that's what you do. So that's my guess on the healthy vaxxed vs unvaxxed.

You then have to consider the unhealthy or less healthy population. The lower income population is not as healthy as the upper income population for a number of reasons... they eat more food that is bad for you, they don't have access to equal healthcare, they have higher levels of stress and substance abuse, etc. I'd assume this group has a higher percentage of unvaxxed because in general there is less pressure to get vaxxed if you're working lower paying jobs, odd jobs, paid under the table, homeless, unemployed, etc. You're also likely to have bigger problems than worrying about a jab... like paying for something to eat tonight. Finally you have the group that can't get vaxxed because they are seriously ill or have some disease or condition that prevents you from getting vaxxed. For these reasons it seems logical to me that the unvaxxed as a group are not as healthy as the vaxxed.

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By the way, I doubt it will be addressed here at this thread but, do you know for certain that Damar Hamlin has not been diagnosed with any fall out from the alleged December 26 booster shot he got?

Hopefully Mr. Berenson will address this down the road, I guess, still too fresh to make comments of certainty at this point?…

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I've always thought this 2005 work was so explanatory, and I'm sorry it didn't catch on as the interpretive lens for this topic (though I'm not a fan of their 'polypill' approach):

"The Eight Americas Study divides the U.S. population into eight distinct groups with different epidemiologic patterns and mortality experience. The Eight Americas are Asians (America 1), below-median-income whites living in the Northland (America 2), middle America (America 3), poor whites living in Appalachia and the Mississippi Valley (America 4), Native Americans living on reservations in the West (America 5), black middle-America (America 6), poor blacks living in the rural South (America 7), and blacks living in high-risk urban environments (America 8). Life expectancy for males in America 8 is 21 years lower than life expectancy for females in America 1. For males, the gap between America 1 and America 8, 16.1 years, is as large as the gap between Iceland with the highest male life expectancy in the world and Bangladesh. Even in Americas 5, 6, 7, and 8, U.S. child mortality is in the middle of the range defined by the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries. For young and middle-aged males and females, however, mortality experience in the disadvantaged Americas is up to two times worse than the worst OECD country. The enormous excess of young and middle-aged mortality is largely due to chronic disease death. Based on the World Health Organization Comparative Risk Assessment project, we expect the major risks in the United States to be tobacco, alcohol, obesity, blood pressure, and cholesterol. Risk factor analysis using Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System data for the Eight Americas suggests that the pattern for tobacco, alcohol, and obesity is distinct for each America. Currently available data in the public domain do not provide an adequate basis to assess levels of blood pressure and cholesterol in the Eight Americas. To tackle disparities in the United States, public health will need to increase its focus on chronic diseases in young and middle-aged Americans. In particular, if blood pressure and cholesterol are confirmed as major contributors to current mortality patterns, innovative strategies such as the Polypill™ and unique individual and population approaches need to be explored."


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I just read an article from an MSN reporter and admitted product pusher about how the vaccines absolutely cause no stroke risk( and go get your vaccines). It is just beyond irresponsible when you just don't have the data to know for sure that they don't. But his article was certain....talk about misinformation.

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Just to annoy myself, today I did a little oppo-research; listened to an episode of noted Covidian Dr David Osterholm’s podcast, The Osterholm Update. I chose this one because it is titled “Shutting Down Misinformation”. What kind of mis-info, you ask? Well, for starts, the wrong story about the American soccer journalist who dropped dead in Qatar. He didn’t die from the vaccine! It was an aortic aneurysm. Nothing to do with the shots! The second bit was about Damar Hamlin. “Absolutely no evidence it was caused by a shot”. And he mumbled something about CC possibly causing the episode “although rare”.

Nothing to see here, folks. Take the vaccine again and again. Oh,and don’t forget your well fitting N95 mask! If not for the remarks about the two above fairly current events, I would have thought this episode was from March or April 2020. What a total tool this man is.

For some reason, I am always surprised when I come upon stupidity this profound.

Now, to scrub my brain of the memory of this podcast.

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Osterholm......a dude who majored in Biology and minored in Political Science as if THOSE TWO ARENAS COULD possibly have a nexus that Josef Mengele would ever disagree with.....and if you look at a current picture of him.....I'm scarcely able to dissemble the notion whether HIS angry beet red glistening face RIGHT now.....is as shiny and red as his drunken alcoholic father's face was back then. The dude is.... as most of these whack job public sector doctors are.....a rambling wreck for hire. Real genuine researchers are mindful and dutiful and wouldn't dream of being involved in a "potentially public podcast" involving "the "de-disinforming" of ANYTHING......without at least first getting that shiny angry red face thing mitigated and "soothed". Cripes.....even a 2% cortico-steroid or something.....SOMETHING ANYTHING.

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He sure doesn’t look like he majored in PhysEd.

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I’m not sure I agree with this statement. I for one have never had a flu jab and have had flu once in my life (56). I am a smoker and I drink, not too heavily but given the stress of life and knowing how evil those that rule us our I have sought some solace in these comforts. I have always thought the flu jab useless as it’s dealing with the years before flu and really the study on vaxxed vs unvaxxed has never been done purely because anyone who is unvaxxed is without question healthier. There is nothing that would make me take any of these shots. I haven’t had anything since I was a child and won’t and won’t let my kids. I’m really not sure where you are going with this piece and to say I’m disappointed is putting it mildly? What’s happened to you? Sold your soul?

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I’m waiting to hear about Gov. Newsom getting the bivalent. Can’t find a single news story on it. Just because he got Covid ten days after Booster 2 shouldn’t make any difference. If those who mandate the shots and want to be the Democratic President won’t stay up to date on their boosters, then who will?

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I would be surprised if Newsom is going to get any more of the shots after he likely got Bell's Palsy after a booster. Remember when he canceled his appearance at the global climate change gathering and wasn't seen in public for weeks?

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Yes but he denied it ( it was Guillaine-Barre) happened. And even if he admitted it, it’s no excuse—no bivalent means he’s an antivaxxer.

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They should have to prove they’re getting the real stuff!!!

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By the "mainstream" medical/science community not acknowledging the health problems that the spike protein causes in people in both the vaccines and the actual virus delays attempts to find real solutions in addressing the spike protein. Yes, unfortunately the doctors that were trying were dismissed as whackadoodles. But what about now? It's 2023!!! It's clear, this spike protein needs to be dealt with, whether it's in you via the virus, or the vaccine! Tired of this BS, if modern science is so fantastic, come up with a plan! You dumb-wits created this shit show, now clean it up!

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I'll volunteer to be in the placebo group.

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Wow, this is a good piece that teases out bias! My two cents...Urban areas are rich in medical types. In rural areas, not so much. Combine that with a very slim economic margin (farmers and ranchers) and many don't get medical attention. Sadly, many rural care centers are disappearing because of economic reasons and medical personnel shortages. The only answer our government can come up with is importation of foreign medical personnel. Hows that going? Good question...

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Even RCTs don’t offer good data because of their expense and the resulting sponsor induced bias. As one sage once told me, “The first question to ask the sponsor is, ‘what result do you want?’. Then design the study to deliver that result. That way you get repeat business.”

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What is the chance of a bias free RCT when you stand to make billions of dollars on the results of the trial your running?

Which Pharma company had “truly bias-free data”?

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"Healthy vaccine user bias" REQUIRES vaccine users to CHOOSE to be vaxxed. It requires the user to have the free will, absolute free will, to choose the vaxx or to not choose the vaxx.

Only then do you have a population from which you can derive said bias.

That is of course NOT what has happened and continues to happen with the Chinese virus jabs, precisely because so many millions of "vaccine users" were compelled or coerced or deceived into being jabbed.

You simply cannot discern any healthy vaccine user bias from the current population of those jabbed with the clot shots because that population has been tainted beyond hope, period.

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Plus one cannot discount the skewing of results by outright fraud. Look at how the pro-"global warming" disciples "adjust" the data to make it look like temperatures are rising when in fact they are flat (in addition to placing weather stations and thermometers in artificially hot locations such as near streets or airport runways or on concrete buildings). There are many ways to tweak data to get the desired results!

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Just watched a nearby water authority publish how a small town is in (near emergency) drought for the past few months. Look up by zip code: official records show no rain. The ground is saturated, I've checked the basement for flooding ten times and buckets left out have several new inches of water in them every week. Totally broken/fake record keeping which will be used to force municipal water on a rural area currently self sufficient with private wells. It's absurd.

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This is also explains why red meat has been maligned for years. Healthy people have been told to avoid Sat fat for seventy years. 🙄 healthy user bias.

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Bugs are fat free, I hear.

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And cholesterol free! 😂

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I read that if reduced to eating bugs in near starvation you should remove the shells. But I notice none of the bug advocates is telling this.

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Alex --someone has hijacked your name. My email inbox has about a dozen comments made to other people on Jeff Childers’ “stack” using your name but opening as another name.

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Not to disagree with the group of folks here who claim that a "health conscious crowd" bias may be skewing the C19 mRNA payload efficaciousness "upward".....but what I did notice was that none of the opining and backed up posits supporting this "health conscious crowd" notion mentioned a single thing that rhymed with 'bang for your buck".... Pfizer & Moderna et.al......have managed to SNAG perhaps upwards of ONE HUNDRED BILLION DOLLARS IN SALES OVER THE PAST 30 MONTHS.....and WHATEVER impact the "health conscious crowd" might have or MIGHT have had on justifying the expenditure of a HUNDRED BILLION DOLLARS......well I'm going out on a risky but safe enough health conscious limb and saying: "This was a horrific and absolutely incomprehensible waste of money"

We've spent 2 full years now literally arguing over how well a substance works at preventing serious illness or death.....from a pathogen propped up as deadly by using perhaps the most willfully dishonest case cataloguing and genuine impact compilation methodology EVER put in motion.....and there's a handful of Pharma interests out there who've amassed a fortune most any nation on earth might covet.

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> Just a reminder that the only truly bias-free data comes from large, properly run randomized clinical trials matching a control group and a treatment group. We had those for Covid, but the vaccine companies ruined them in early 2021 (with government approval).

I'm unconvinced there. They weren't large enough, given the extremely low incidence of negative outcomes with COVID as it is. They weren't properly-run in many ways, including the gaming of the endpoint. But they were better than nothing, and by sabotaging the trials we got nothing.

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"Just a reminder that the only truly bias-free data comes from large, properly run randomized clinical trials matching a control group and a treatment group."

We do have and can use large scale (unintentional) empirical data such as the Israel/Palestine data, where the (low vaccinated) Palestinians have no more Covid deaths, whereas the (high vaccinated) Israelis continue to show ongoing Covid deaths. This also despite Omicron being the dominant strain, with much lower pathogenicity than earlier strains. Healthy User bias would suggest that the opposite should be the case?

It's important to note also that a lot of good quality data (age stratified by vaccination status) is available but being withheld by Governenments. And conversely, some data which appears to be good quality uses unreliable definition of "Cases" and "Unvaccinated" to screw results.

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Yeah, not sure I buy that entirely. Everyone I know that DIDN'T take the vax (me included) are fit and work out regularly. However, the evidence DOES support those that that received the vax have an abnormally low cranial capacity and an inability to assess numerical data.

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Note here, in typical Berenson fashion, he ignores the obvious. We need RCTs for the best data, but the "vaccine" companies ruined them in early 2021. FFS

So we trust that big pharma didn't tamper with trials in the past, in spite of billions in fines, and otherwise nobody is tampering with RCTs in order to achieve a desired outcome. This is again nonsensical, just like Berenson trusting that the same people lying to everyone about all things Corona are for some reason not lying on multiple other topics, like democrat election fraud.

FYI, the C in RCT is most commonly used for the word "controlled", and not for "clinical". And controlled makes far more sense.

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Education, I asked an extended family member, how did He know his view was correct? I didn't think it was an unfair question. With an incredulous look He turned to Me and pointed at his 50in TV. After 2020, I fear We might have a long road ahead of us.

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Manufacturers knew who would want these shots and planned accordingly. It's no coincidence that coastal blue states have the highest uptake and huge pharma and medical footholds.

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