Being a retired criminal defense and corporate tax lawyer with a Classical educational background, I instinctively rejected the mRNA kool-aid, the masks, the social distancing, etc. notwithstanding being married to a ‘we’re all gonna die’ woman who embraced everything I rejected. And so with each passing day, month and year, I remain grateful that I faded the regnant lunacy. If the worst that could be said about the ongoing vaccination fiasco was that it doesn’t work, I might be somewhat charitable towards those who may have meant well by foisting this junk on us. But there is increasing evidence that this stuff may be harmful. Indeed, today I read that one researcher claims that what may be causing young folks to unexpectedly die is that the mRNA vaccines are accelerating the aging process in their bodies. How sad if true. I will be 73 this year and remain in the trim, take no drugs and walk 6-8 miles daily. I am aging the right way and wish the same for everyone else.

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You just don't understand. The world is fatally over-populated. We must decrease said population in order for the planet to survive. Ergo, it is selfish to eschew the ministrations of our benevolent government. For shame!

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Damn! Forgot the sarc tag.

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Don’t worry. It came through loud and clear.

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Insert smirking emoji.

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Barry - curious what your thoughts are on why so few attorneys spoke out against the mandates and the lockdown policies. It surprised me - not that some were silent - but that it was almost universally silent by attorneys who normally leap at the slightest hint of restrictions to traveling, education, healthcare, etc.

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Although I cannot give you a definitive answer, I will offer you my thoughts on the subject. The first thing to realize about lawyers is that their primary focus in on their clients and the interests of their clients. So those lawyers explicitly engaged in some aspect of the curtailments on our freedom would of course have something to say but only on behalf of those they represent. So I believe your supposition that lawyers as a class are so eager to jump in and argue matters on behalf of the public and good order is but dream. Lawyers are like everyone else in terms of their perception of how their words and actions might affect their professional standing and the positions they hold. And in that regard, I have to tell you that in the current climate, there is tremendous fear that anyone speaking out against governmental policies is potentially subject to losing their jobs or at least having their livelihoods adversely affected. Lawyers are already being subject to disbarment simply because of the clients they represent and the manner of that representation. As you know, doctors and other medical professionals are having their careers and employment adversely affected by publicly speaking out about their views that are at variance with what the current Administration advocates. My worst fear is that we are already living in a fascist police state where the rule of law is only applicable to those who are favored. Consider the hundreds of individuals who are still rotting in DC jails because of having been involved in some aspect of what transpired in Washington, DC in January, 2020 or merely the suspicion of having been so involved. They are being held without trial and without an opportunity to appear before a magistrate via an elementary application of a habeas corpus claim. At least President Lincoln explicitly suspended Habeas Corpus during the Civil War but these days that has apparently been suspended sub silentio. I will confess to you that I no longer enter the District of Columbia. The reason is that there is still a manhunt on for 850 or so individuals who were in the District of Columbia in January 2020 and may have been involved in a trespass of a government building or involved in the riot that took place. DC has facial recognition software that it employs in conjunction with extensive surveillance of the District. My concern in this regard is that if I resembled even somewhat anyone whom the police are looking for, I could be thrown in jail with no recourse to get out. You might call this paranoia but then again, even paranoiacs are occasionally being followed. That I haven't entered the District of Columbia in many years would not help me in the event that I had been arrested. And who can gainsay the horrific treatment I might then have to endure? These are the worst times I have ever experienced in my lifetime in terms of the loss of normative American liberties. Those in power express themselves much like Humpty Dumpty in Lewis Carroll's "Through The Looking Glass" in his colloquy with Alice. "Words mean what they say they mean, no more no less. The issue is who shall be the master, me or the words?" I am not unhappy to be on the back 9 of this life. I worry for my children and grandchildren who may be obliged to live in a dark age and in an America that I no longer recognize.

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Barry - I truly appreciate this response. A pleasure to read.

I guess I felt that individuals had approached law firms to seek assistance with fighting the mandates and other restrictions. I just thought they would speak out based on how many people were approaching them with problems. But there was silence.

I work in healthcare. I did not realize attorneys are under threat of disbarment based on who they are representing. That. . . that is quite depressing.

We have forgotten what is right. We have forgotten our purpose. I feel much like you. I worry about what is to come. Reasoning, logic and evidence are useless against these people. This won’t get turned around because people suddenly realize the danger we are in.

This is going to get painful. I would feel better about things if I thought that pain would wake people up but I’m not even sure of that.

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You should know that in days gone by, when I had little to fear from the Leviathan State, I put myself in harm's way often. When I was a minor official in the Chief Counsel's office, I woman who worked there told he that she had been improperly solicited by the Deputy Director for whom she worked. She told me she was leaving as a consequence. I proceeded to disclose his obnoxious behavior to the Administrative head, stating that if nothing were done about this I would make both his life and those who covered for him miserable. He was told that if he were ever to make an unwanted sexual advance on anyone, he would be sent to Alaska. When I was in law school, a woman who worked as a secretary, fearing for her job, told me that a law school professor, a black man, had threatened her if she did not accede to his sexual overtures. I went to the assistant dean and told him if this man were not removed from the school, there would be hell to pay. His contract was not renewed. As a lawyer in Chicago, when I determined that the senior partner of my firm had committed tax fraud, I resigned immediately and brought the matter to the attention of the criminal section of the IRS. He was tried and convicted of tax fraud and went to jail where he died. As a senior official in the Chief Counsel's Office, I resigned to protest reorganization changes that brought politics explicitly into the administration of the tax laws. My letter of resignation to the Commissioner's Office included Latin which I did not translate but which they had translated for them. As a tax partner at Deloitte, I resigned because the Firm would not remove a moral derelict who not only was in charge of my office but who was also on the Firm's Board. Efforts were made to assuage me, buy off my silence but I do not bluff. Instead I disclosed the entire sordid episode to 350 of my partners. I got death threats for exposing our dirty linen. So in the 30+ years after I stopped representing criminals whom I did not like, I resigned from all 3 positions I had held. Some might conclude that I simply could not hold onto a job. These days though, I suppose I am well out of harm's way. My wife though knows what I am capable of if I am ever once again to find myself in the arena.

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Just a damn shame society has come to this.

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My husband was a gov official. If an employee had even a dui…they were GONE! The times, they are a changing…and not for the best.

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So true & so frightening.

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I'll give you my opinion, since you didn't ask, but I was hardly silent. I complained (in legally well-reasoned terms) to anyone who would listen. But my reach was small, because relatively few people can even grasp the importance of individual rights, and because I was cut off and censored on social media almost immediately. My friends and colleagues already think I'm a contrarian and believed that I was simply behaving as usual. Some cautioned me to moderate my publicly expressed opinions "for my own good" and have since distanced themselves. I think mine is a common tale.

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Sorry about your experience but I am not surprised. I have stayed off social media because I have regarded it as a cesspool. Decades ago, I wrote an article in which I made the following observation: " A world in which a majority could censor all that it did not like would be a stagnant and a declining world." We are living in that world right now.

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My man! I'm also a lawyer and was equally suspicious of the herd mentality of the last 3 years, and am also married to a herd-follower wife who becomes offended that I 'constantly' express astonishment and/or outrage over the public insults to our individual rights and our intelligence. I'm also unvaccinated, in excellent shape and work out regularly. While I'm not so concerned about the potential vaccine effect on others, or on aging (yet), I'm vaguely worried about speculation that the spike protein may be passed from the vaccinated to the unvaccinated by sexual (and perhaps other) contact.

If true, might this mean that us purebloods won't get to be smug survivors who inherit the earth? I want my "Told ja so" moment.

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I already have healthy children and grandchildren and although my days of intimate behavior remain extant notwithstanding 43 years of marriage, I do not worry about an unintended theoretical conveyance of the spike protein to me. Here now is a different kind of fear that my wife had. When each of our children were born, amniocentesis enabled us not only to know the sex of our children in the womb but the precise date when they were conceived. I went back to a calendar to see what was going on on each of these significant days. It turned out that each of those dates occurred on evenings when I had previously caught a doubleheader. Once my wife learned that she remained in a state of trepidation thereafter on ball game nights well into her late 40s...

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Great story! I can't imagine trying to figure out when any of my children were conceived -- although how they were is not in question.

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Spot On, and please also be aware of, and spread the word about, the hard evidence that, “All mRNA Vaccines will cause harm” (see Dr Bhakdi MD video on rumble)

The felony reckless endangerment continues as the criminals move all shots to mRNA, more detail in response to Brad.

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Though we’re constantly bombarded with reasons to believe otherwise, Americans are often uniquely addled by a native idealism that makes us reluctant to believe unsettling truths about our noble overlords. Those of us with half a brain don't have that issue with Fauci. He is, and always has been, a lying pharma shill.


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Feb 8, 2023·edited Feb 8, 2023

I tend to disagree with the premise. I believe this, which is why it's appended in red to *every* email I send:

"~ our Founders never intended for Americans to trust their government; our entire Constitution is predicated on the notion that government is a necessary evil, to be restrained and minimized as much as possible"

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I keep asking " when did people start trusting the government?" I must have missed that memo!

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Never underestimate how gullible the sheep are. On social media the other day discussing the Chinese spy balloon, I pointed out how the balloon was allowed to traverse the country gathering information on military bases. A woman responded that the government prevented that from happening and added, "I trust our government".

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In an ideal world, everyone would have that quote memorized. But I think a lot of people retreat to the comfort of rationalization; it's much easier to believe those in power have our best interest at heart.

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And in return they get free stuff!

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free stuff they paid double the price for ! And the sheep are paying with their health and lives

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I recall the quote "If you think (fill in the blank) is expensive now, wait till it is free."

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Haha, yup!

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The epithet for Western Civilization: “but it was so convenient”

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That's why the Founders included the 2nd Amendment, which those in charge are desperately trying to eliminate.

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Agree with you in spades, and would like add some other “unsettling truths” that are quite important, since TPTB are moving all shots to mRNA without proper testing, Even though all mRNA shots, including those without the infamous spike protein, are known to have flaws that will harm humans. Therefore, all such shots must be avoided.

These flaws were revealed decades ago by Nobel prize winning discoveries wrt human immunology, the gist of which has long been captured in textbooks for MDs to learn. So, MDs like Fauci, who push these shots, are guilty of malpractice/incompetence and “felony reckless endangerment” to humanity, so they owe society money and jail time.

A good summary on these issues can be found in the Dr Bhakdi MD video, “All mRNA Vaccines will cause harm” (on rumble), and some key takeaways from it are:

___* Antibodies, made by body in response to mRNA message in these jabs, never gets to airway surfaces where they must be to prevent respiratory infection. (so, covid shots could never have prevented infection in the first place)

___* The mRNA in these jabs, cause the cells they infect to make foreign, non-self-proteins, which automatically finger these mRNA-infected cells for violent death by “complement” (killer system #2 of human immune system). (so all mRNA shots are dangerous)

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"Americans are often uniquely addled by a native idealism that makes us reluctant to believe unsettling truths about our noble overlords." So you've studied all the peoples of the world and come to this conclusion, have you?

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Is this what you do? Show up to the comments section days later and then get off to some pedantic BS?

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Twitter needs to ban him with that kind of misinformation. Fauci spreading lies that the vax doesn’t work is killing millions of people.......lots of sarcasm.

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After reading this article when can we expect the lawsuits to begin. Many died and even more are suffering from the effects of this so-called "Miracle" vaccine.

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I’m suing my former employer for firing me because I refused the vaccine.

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When I was forced to resign for no vax....I looked for a lawyer....but in my former blue state I could not find any takers.. I so hope you win....this will pave the way for many more.

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You'd think the lawyers would have set aside their silly political allegiances when they smelled blood in the water. The brainwashing about the shot was really effective.

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I think it's a bigger issue than just politics.... if they help to expose everything that happened they will be simultaneously exposing and acknowledging their own participation and they don't want to face that reality in the mirror everyday. For now they can avoid knowing more about what actually happened and they can still believe they were mostly right. They don't want to find out how wrong they were.

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I suppose. But how many lawyers do you know who won't set aside personal qualms for the almighty dollar? I feel as if there's a dam that will surely burst once these cases start rolling in, but maybe I'm wrong.

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Good for you!

We wish you much success -- for all of us.

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I pray that you win.

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This is a windfall like no other for the lawyers. They will get it together, that's what they do.

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I hope so it took my sister 19 months and many drs. who refused to treat her to get a diagnosis of the side effects she got from the Pfizer shots (2) thinking she was taking the right action. Many drs. should hold their heads down for not acting against this travesty. All fired for refusing the vax should be compensated and get their jobs back if they want them. This government stinks to high heaven.

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Better yet, start a parallel medical system away from GOVERNMENT!

Society needs those doctors/nurses…bad!

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The PREP Act (Public Readiness and Emergency Protection Act) gives comprehensive legal indemnity to "all claims for loss" related to making or administering the vaccine. PREP prevents recovering damages for medical malpractice and wrongful death, which is why there probably will not be a windfall for lawyers and no justice for clients. There is a PREP exception for harm caused by "willful misconduct" but that is a very high legal standard that would likely require smoking guns and confessions of guilt. Fauci's "mistakes were made" article is the defense he and others will use. They will claim they were just stupid, not evil.

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EXACTLY💥! The jab is a bioweapon. It was developed by the DOD. Big Pharma was simply the middleman and a contractor made the “vaccine”. This is explained in detail by Katherine Watt and Sasha Latypova.

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What a sham, as Geert Vaden Bossche has said several times. Biology always wins not technology. The route that was taken appears to be very dangerous as well.

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Exactly right on this one Alex. We run a registry that measures IgG antibodies from a simple test offered nearly free from Lab Corp. After vaccination, participants levels were literally off the chart. Basically immeasurable. While non-vaccinated, previously infected participants had much lower levels. Going further out, the antibody levels quickly diminished for the vaccinated while the unvaccinated, previously infected, lowered at a much slower rate. Great reporting again, not surprised that Fauci and the other criminals new this was an exercise in futility from the start. You're right, society is now going to have to figure out just how dangerous this experiment was for the people who got vaccinated, either through their own ignorance or coercion, and deal with the consequences. Let's hope those consequences are not severe. What a joke, pandemic of the unvaccinated.

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Yet somehow, these psychopaths feel a "non-apology" is enough. We should just move on. Forget about it. They'll consider it "lesson learned" and do something different next time. Only it's too late. We've since learned the WEF-overlord-approved goal is to exterminate 3-4 billion people. The only hitch is that we're all left to pick up the pieces from the incredible damage they've caused millions upon millions of people worldwide. Not just from vaccine injuries we can measure in the present, but in fertility damage that will run generations. And they're still running PSA's to go get vaxxed—for Covid and the flu, knowing the ignorant masses will just go along because so many were raised to believe these people actually CARE about humanity. They only want to get richer.

These bureaucratic people like Fauci enabling profit of Big Pharma over "actual health" are the worst of the worst of humanity. Their utter disdain for the rest of the world is obvious. Personally, I feel GITMO would be far too kind for any of them. Let's bring back public executions for these murderous thugs!

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A Midwestern Doctor wrote a stack a few days ago that evaluated the insincere apology, the most recent one in the Newsweek opinion piece.

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And...BOOM 💥! You got it Robert!

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Not a bad idea!

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The musical chairs begins!

Western Civilization is being maintained on the shoulders of a few heroic Doctors and truth-seekers like Alex and American Pureblood gun-owners.

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Pharma is now running TV ads pushing Paxlovid...a supposed treatment for a virus that we should've been able to beat NATURALLY but were told that "natural immunity" was inadequate to the injected magic potion.

These people are shameless.

But it's totally appropriate that the satanic Grammy Awards performance was sponsored by Pfizer. That's probably Pfizer's ONLY truthful advertisement.

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Paxlovid nearly killed my Dad about 3 weeks ago. Doctors prescribe it like candy for Covid (get it? Paxlovid rhymes with Covid!) without its even being FDA approved, but it sells more Pfizer product and checks that box. Problem is, it is deadly when mixed with several other medications. And the moment they moved my Dad from Critical Care to ICU, the dutiful nurses hooked him up to a Remdesivir drip. I caught it about a half hour after they had moved him & hooked him up to it—and threatened to take it out myself if they did not (and call the Sheriff on why I was doing it). When I explained that he was far beyond any possible window of it working and would not allow them to kill my Dad, she took it out—but told me I'd have to deal with the Doctor. (I did—and he quickly realized they picked the wrong person's Dad to try to kill off!)

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Hubris then Nemesis. ... Now, where is that Nemesis button. Pay per View.

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Hold yo hosses, Rio. I am in the midst of an amazing recovery from my second party with the China virus, thanks to Paxlovid. I was first afflicted in July of 2021, and it was no picnic. This time my symptoms began on Sunday, and by Tuesday I was suffering mightily. I did a home test for the commie virus yesterday morning, and it was positive. (There’s a paradoxical word for ya.) At my blushing bride’s insistence, I called my doctor and asked for Paxlovid, and began the regimen last night. At this minute I am almost completely without symptoms.

Sure, that drug may not have the credentials everyone would like, but I decided to give it a shot. (HAHAHA! Get it? Shot?) Way back when the miraculous vaccines first hit the scene, I hightailed it for safety. Will NEVER take that poison. The difference between Paxlovid and the vaccines is that it is NOT a vaccine. (But then, neither are the vaccines, obviously.)

I’m 70-years old, 5’9” in height, and weigh 160 lbs, like I have since high school (when I was 5’10”). Lucky to be healthy, and I don’t take handsful of drugs everyday. I do take a low dose statin drug for an almost trivial cholesterol issue, and the doc said to lay off that while taking the Paxlovid, two daily doses of three horse pills. I know, I know, getting off the simvastatin has been a real sacrifice, but an ODD-afflicted contrarian does what he must.

So there you have my anecdotal evidence for the efficacy of Paxlovid.


I wouldn’t know about that Grammy thing. I haven’t watched that shit in 30-years.

Ciao, baby.

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Sounds like a touch of placebo effect combined with healthy user bias combined with an intact immune system meeting up with a relatively weak form of Omicron

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I had a feeling you’d say that.

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But hey that doesn’t mean I am not glad you feel better😉

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Well good luck to you.

Perhaps you can give testimonials for Pfizer.

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If there’s money in it, I’ll send you some and you can go back to school and smarten up. This is hardly the first time you have missed the point. So how much does it pay?

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How much does it pay?

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Vaccine recipients deserve to feel angry. They're victims of a crime, they were deprived of their right to infomed consent. Fauci needs to be held accountable for what he failed to say when it would have mattered most.

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The only thing that has changed has been the definition of “vaccine.” Nothing about the nature of viruses has changed. Big Pharma in collusion with the current administration, has on many fronts, decided to change the definitions of words in order to make the unbelievable become mandatory. Last night’s SOTU was another example of how doublespeak has been adopted over logic and facts.

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We’re living in Orwell’s 1984...literally.

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When will the WSJ, the New York Times, the network nightly news report on this??? When will the White House, CDC, WHO, Moderna, Pfizer, St Thomas Fifth Avenue, Bill Gates??? admit to reality. When will the "full vaccine" mandates, still required in many industries, stop. When will we begin to recognize that suppressing information is not only counter Constitutional, but counter all scientific and medical advancement. Hubris is powerful. Would that truth prevails.

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When will someone like Dr. Rand Paul (vaccinated BTW) come out and say this was conspiratorial fraud on a world wide basis with deadly consequences? The only guy that has come close to this is Senator Ron Johnson.

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Rand Paul declined the jabs due to prior infection.

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Yes, I'm pretty sure you're correct on that.

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So glad Ron Johnson got reelected.

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If you haven't already seen it, I strongly recommend everyone watch Senator Johnson being interviewed by Dr Drew.

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2 out of 535 members of Congress are fighting the good fight! Yip eee! We have such great leaders on this issue.

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Interestingly, Bill Gates said the vaccines have 3 problems at an event in Australia recently. They don't stop transmission, they don't last long and they don't stop variants. He got some flak for saying it, but obviously it's true.

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Amazing. That's actually good to hear. What was the event? Thanks.

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It was at the Lowy Institute. Here is a link to the Rising podcast. If it doesn't work, just go to YT and search for Bill Gates Lowy Institute.


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Bill Gates would have been amongst friends at a Lowy Institute event, as would also have been the case in meeting with the Prime Minister.

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Viewed. Thanks. Amazing really. As you say.

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Are you familiar with Russell Brand? I believe he also did a podcast on it, which was a little more 'pointed', so to speak

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Know him as actor. Will check it out, thanks.

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I don't recall but I will find out and let you know

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Trivial problems for a vaccine, of course!

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Ah come on.! Fauci's "vaccine" worked beautifully. It not only made billions for pharmaceutical companies but has created a pipeline of diseases that will be treated by pharmaceutical companies and they will make more billions. Diseases such as increased kidney disease (New Zealand), interruption of menstrual cycles (Rabbis found in Jewish community in Brooklyn) and heart disease (myocarditis that is mysteriously killing young people, pericarditis--Franklin Graham had his pericardium removed at Mayo). I hear from doctors that cardiologists businesses are booming. The "vaccines" work the way they were intended to work, financially not for better health . What do you want to bet the Davos elites and Biden and his crew took a saline solution not the mRNA?

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Oh can you imagine? Just took a saline solution? Someone said that to me when

Biden got the shot and I thought wow, that's a stretch, what a conspiracy theory you're creating there. But if true, that would be the ultimate in betrayal and hypocrisy. Enjoy this link to some great nostalgia: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xjEjv95NplE

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Good point. And add Schumer and Pelosi.

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And McConnell

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I don't believe Fauci & Co. ever thought the mRNAs would work. And if we allow our governments to give these mad scientists more of our tax dollars to use our families and friends as guinea pigs, then shame on us.

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Feb 8, 2023·edited Feb 9, 2023

They and HE knew exactly what they were intending to do. This was all very orchestrated and deliberate and they have been able to pull off the single greatest CON and crime against humanity in the history of man and are still doing so unabated really. I mean NOT one of these "known" perps have remotely been held accountable. Not ONE in the 3 years+ post Fauci funded gain of function (directed evolution) wuh flu lab release in CHINA. Not ONE. The absolute perfect crime and execution of agenda. The DHHS continues to run taxpayer funded ads on all media touting the "safe and effective" CON as well as telling people it's the best thing they can do to stay healthy and protect the ones you love. Not ONE! Sure Jordan, Comer and the rest of the rant and rave GOP are spinning on their hamster wheels again "investigating" on we the peoples dime, but we all know exactly where EVERY one of these investigations go. We KEEP telling our servants we want a true and REAL accountability, but all we get to do is watch then huff and puff on our dime telling us in the end what we already have known for years now and NO ONE is ever held accountable in a REAL sense. Perhaps a lost job or resignation or an underling thrown under the bus, but the sad truth is Fauci will fade into a generous "we the people" funded pension in the end. Think about that as "accountability" for what he has done to humanity and complicit in. We the people get to pay this criminal until he dies for what he intentionally did to us. American justice at it's absolute finest. Hope I am wrong, and time does bring a true reckoning, but just sayin.

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Never forget that hating Trump was a terrific motivation.

Hating Trump is at the bottom of everything that was WRONG between 2016 and 2020.

I'm not supporting Trump; I'm not blaming Trump, but all government actions were made through the lens of hating Trump.

Electing "Brandon" was a decision made through the lens of hating Trump.

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Feb 8, 2023·edited Feb 8, 2023

No DOUBT Trump was a major thorn in the already planned agenda. He was in the way and "they" had to make sure he was pushed aside to execute agenda planned well before 2020

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Hating Trump is hating all of us. He is putting into words things that needed to be said

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Moderna had been trying to produce a viable product with mRNA tech for 10 years and failed. What I learned from this post from Alex is that standard vaccine technology for coronaviruses does not work, and they've been trying hard for 40 years. For instance, there is no vaccine for the cold. So they thought they would gamble on a new technology for billions of people. It's either irresponsible and reckless to the extreme, or insidious.

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Intramuscular shots don't provide mucosal immunity. Exactly why I didn't take the shot. Most of us get a common cold at least once or twice a year. So if natural immunity to the common cold isn't long-lasting, then it would be impossible for vaccine immunity to be long-lasting (even if it were a mucosal vaccine). Getting a shot with a questionable purported <1% absolute risk reduction and unknown ST/LT side effects was a no for me. I personally think it was always a power and money-laundering grift on the backs of everyday people. And those in power didn't care how many people they hurt in the process.

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No remorse whatsoever for what they intentionally do...

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I couldn't have said it any better

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And I am angry because my loved ones were scared into gettIng the shots. Damaged health, lives & relationships.

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Right! There was never ever close to a promise of a man made concoction for the common cold or corona issues. THEY KNEW IT and proceeded anyway. Just the notion they "gambled" with humanity with ZERO long term safety is what exactly. I mean HOW THE F does it not rise to a crime against humanity for the "intentional" experiment. An intentional and orchestrated agenda and it's still being allowed to play out with none of the significant players who are the masterminds being remotely held accountable for any of it. It's like allowing a known rapists or pedophiles to walk free thru neighborhoods. Without accountability none of it ends...why would it?

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THE PLAN is perfect, it's only the flawed proletariat that is unworthy of THE PLAN.

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I'm confused. If he wrote this last month, why is our government still requiring visitors and our own health care workers to be vaccinated? Shouldn't there be a complete about face on this issue?

Did he do this without letting the administration know? Shouldn't this now be front page news EVERYWHERE? Is the administration just going to duck these questions too?

Is it coming out now because of the:

1. Twitter hearings that will document the government suppressing free speech,

2. Seymour Hersch's article on Nordstream,

3. goodness knows what else is going to drop news? (I'm sure I missed something else.)

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Because he retired, so he's no longer the corrupt, dishonest, evil voice of the government.

Someone new has that corrupt, dishonest, evil role.

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Still in the control group. Nearly 84 and had covid last year. Still truckin' along.

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