I don't believe Fauci & Co. ever thought the mRNAs would work. And if we allow our governments to give these mad scientists more of our tax dollars to use our families and friends as guinea pigs, then shame on us.
I don't believe Fauci & Co. ever thought the mRNAs would work. And if we allow our governments to give these mad scientists more of our tax dollars to use our families and friends as guinea pigs, then shame on us.
They and HE knew exactly what they were intending to do. This was all very orchestrated and deliberate and they have been able to pull off the single greatest CON and crime against humanity in the history of man and are still doing so unabated really. I mean NOT one of these "known" perps have remotely been held accountable. Not ONE in the 3 years+ post Fauci funded gain of function (directed evolution) wuh flu lab release in CHINA. Not ONE. The absolute perfect crime and execution of agenda. The DHHS continues to run taxpayer funded ads on all media touting the "safe and effective" CON as well as telling people it's the best thing they can do to stay healthy and protect the ones you love. Not ONE! Sure Jordan, Comer and the rest of the rant and rave GOP are spinning on their hamster wheels again "investigating" on we the peoples dime, but we all know exactly where EVERY one of these investigations go. We KEEP telling our servants we want a true and REAL accountability, but all we get to do is watch then huff and puff on our dime telling us in the end what we already have known for years now and NO ONE is ever held accountable in a REAL sense. Perhaps a lost job or resignation or an underling thrown under the bus, but the sad truth is Fauci will fade into a generous "we the people" funded pension in the end. Think about that as "accountability" for what he has done to humanity and complicit in. We the people get to pay this criminal until he dies for what he intentionally did to us. American justice at it's absolute finest. Hope I am wrong, and time does bring a true reckoning, but just sayin.
No DOUBT Trump was a major thorn in the already planned agenda. He was in the way and "they" had to make sure he was pushed aside to execute agenda planned well before 2020
Moderna had been trying to produce a viable product with mRNA tech for 10 years and failed. What I learned from this post from Alex is that standard vaccine technology for coronaviruses does not work, and they've been trying hard for 40 years. For instance, there is no vaccine for the cold. So they thought they would gamble on a new technology for billions of people. It's either irresponsible and reckless to the extreme, or insidious.
Intramuscular shots don't provide mucosal immunity. Exactly why I didn't take the shot. Most of us get a common cold at least once or twice a year. So if natural immunity to the common cold isn't long-lasting, then it would be impossible for vaccine immunity to be long-lasting (even if it were a mucosal vaccine). Getting a shot with a questionable purported <1% absolute risk reduction and unknown ST/LT side effects was a no for me. I personally think it was always a power and money-laundering grift on the backs of everyday people. And those in power didn't care how many people they hurt in the process.
Right! There was never ever close to a promise of a man made concoction for the common cold or corona issues. THEY KNEW IT and proceeded anyway. Just the notion they "gambled" with humanity with ZERO long term safety is what exactly. I mean HOW THE F does it not rise to a crime against humanity for the "intentional" experiment. An intentional and orchestrated agenda and it's still being allowed to play out with none of the significant players who are the masterminds being remotely held accountable for any of it. It's like allowing a known rapists or pedophiles to walk free thru neighborhoods. Without accountability none of it ends...why would it?
I don't believe Fauci & Co. ever thought the mRNAs would work. And if we allow our governments to give these mad scientists more of our tax dollars to use our families and friends as guinea pigs, then shame on us.
They and HE knew exactly what they were intending to do. This was all very orchestrated and deliberate and they have been able to pull off the single greatest CON and crime against humanity in the history of man and are still doing so unabated really. I mean NOT one of these "known" perps have remotely been held accountable. Not ONE in the 3 years+ post Fauci funded gain of function (directed evolution) wuh flu lab release in CHINA. Not ONE. The absolute perfect crime and execution of agenda. The DHHS continues to run taxpayer funded ads on all media touting the "safe and effective" CON as well as telling people it's the best thing they can do to stay healthy and protect the ones you love. Not ONE! Sure Jordan, Comer and the rest of the rant and rave GOP are spinning on their hamster wheels again "investigating" on we the peoples dime, but we all know exactly where EVERY one of these investigations go. We KEEP telling our servants we want a true and REAL accountability, but all we get to do is watch then huff and puff on our dime telling us in the end what we already have known for years now and NO ONE is ever held accountable in a REAL sense. Perhaps a lost job or resignation or an underling thrown under the bus, but the sad truth is Fauci will fade into a generous "we the people" funded pension in the end. Think about that as "accountability" for what he has done to humanity and complicit in. We the people get to pay this criminal until he dies for what he intentionally did to us. American justice at it's absolute finest. Hope I am wrong, and time does bring a true reckoning, but just sayin.
Never forget that hating Trump was a terrific motivation.
Hating Trump is at the bottom of everything that was WRONG between 2016 and 2020.
I'm not supporting Trump; I'm not blaming Trump, but all government actions were made through the lens of hating Trump.
Electing "Brandon" was a decision made through the lens of hating Trump.
No DOUBT Trump was a major thorn in the already planned agenda. He was in the way and "they" had to make sure he was pushed aside to execute agenda planned well before 2020
Hating Trump is hating all of us. He is putting into words things that needed to be said
Moderna had been trying to produce a viable product with mRNA tech for 10 years and failed. What I learned from this post from Alex is that standard vaccine technology for coronaviruses does not work, and they've been trying hard for 40 years. For instance, there is no vaccine for the cold. So they thought they would gamble on a new technology for billions of people. It's either irresponsible and reckless to the extreme, or insidious.
Intramuscular shots don't provide mucosal immunity. Exactly why I didn't take the shot. Most of us get a common cold at least once or twice a year. So if natural immunity to the common cold isn't long-lasting, then it would be impossible for vaccine immunity to be long-lasting (even if it were a mucosal vaccine). Getting a shot with a questionable purported <1% absolute risk reduction and unknown ST/LT side effects was a no for me. I personally think it was always a power and money-laundering grift on the backs of everyday people. And those in power didn't care how many people they hurt in the process.
No remorse whatsoever for what they intentionally do...
I couldn't have said it any better
And I am angry because my loved ones were scared into gettIng the shots. Damaged health, lives & relationships.
Right! There was never ever close to a promise of a man made concoction for the common cold or corona issues. THEY KNEW IT and proceeded anyway. Just the notion they "gambled" with humanity with ZERO long term safety is what exactly. I mean HOW THE F does it not rise to a crime against humanity for the "intentional" experiment. An intentional and orchestrated agenda and it's still being allowed to play out with none of the significant players who are the masterminds being remotely held accountable for any of it. It's like allowing a known rapists or pedophiles to walk free thru neighborhoods. Without accountability none of it ends...why would it?