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Pharma is now running TV ads pushing Paxlovid...a supposed treatment for a virus that we should've been able to beat NATURALLY but were told that "natural immunity" was inadequate to the injected magic potion.

These people are shameless.

But it's totally appropriate that the satanic Grammy Awards performance was sponsored by Pfizer. That's probably Pfizer's ONLY truthful advertisement.

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Paxlovid nearly killed my Dad about 3 weeks ago. Doctors prescribe it like candy for Covid (get it? Paxlovid rhymes with Covid!) without its even being FDA approved, but it sells more Pfizer product and checks that box. Problem is, it is deadly when mixed with several other medications. And the moment they moved my Dad from Critical Care to ICU, the dutiful nurses hooked him up to a Remdesivir drip. I caught it about a half hour after they had moved him & hooked him up to it—and threatened to take it out myself if they did not (and call the Sheriff on why I was doing it). When I explained that he was far beyond any possible window of it working and would not allow them to kill my Dad, she took it out—but told me I'd have to deal with the Doctor. (I did—and he quickly realized they picked the wrong person's Dad to try to kill off!)

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Hubris then Nemesis. ... Now, where is that Nemesis button. Pay per View.

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Hold yo hosses, Rio. I am in the midst of an amazing recovery from my second party with the China virus, thanks to Paxlovid. I was first afflicted in July of 2021, and it was no picnic. This time my symptoms began on Sunday, and by Tuesday I was suffering mightily. I did a home test for the commie virus yesterday morning, and it was positive. (There’s a paradoxical word for ya.) At my blushing bride’s insistence, I called my doctor and asked for Paxlovid, and began the regimen last night. At this minute I am almost completely without symptoms.

Sure, that drug may not have the credentials everyone would like, but I decided to give it a shot. (HAHAHA! Get it? Shot?) Way back when the miraculous vaccines first hit the scene, I hightailed it for safety. Will NEVER take that poison. The difference between Paxlovid and the vaccines is that it is NOT a vaccine. (But then, neither are the vaccines, obviously.)

I’m 70-years old, 5’9” in height, and weigh 160 lbs, like I have since high school (when I was 5’10”). Lucky to be healthy, and I don’t take handsful of drugs everyday. I do take a low dose statin drug for an almost trivial cholesterol issue, and the doc said to lay off that while taking the Paxlovid, two daily doses of three horse pills. I know, I know, getting off the simvastatin has been a real sacrifice, but an ODD-afflicted contrarian does what he must.

So there you have my anecdotal evidence for the efficacy of Paxlovid.


I wouldn’t know about that Grammy thing. I haven’t watched that shit in 30-years.

Ciao, baby.

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Sounds like a touch of placebo effect combined with healthy user bias combined with an intact immune system meeting up with a relatively weak form of Omicron

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I had a feeling you’d say that.

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But hey that doesn’t mean I am not glad you feel better😉

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Well good luck to you.

Perhaps you can give testimonials for Pfizer.

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If there’s money in it, I’ll send you some and you can go back to school and smarten up. This is hardly the first time you have missed the point. So how much does it pay?

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How much does it pay?

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