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I've had mono three times. "You can't get mono three times!" Huh? It's a virus. Viruses work like that. The first time I was 11. It lasted two years, no lie. They were sure I had Leukemia and my parents even made arrangements at St. Jude's (it was in the early 70s so I'd be dead for sure). Then, just like that (snapping fingers), it went away. Well, not just like that but my white cell counts started going in the proper direction. Now that I'm a parent (and grandparent), my parents must have been terrified. Assuming they loved me, that is. ;)

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Mono is actually Epstein Barr (EBV).. It can be reactivated with a poor immune system because it’s in the Herpes viruses family. I know people getting reactivated EBV from the clot shots. So there’s that…


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Thanks for this. Never knew chicken pox was in same family as Epstein Barr. Again, pays off to stay healthy & educate yourself about nutrition & vitamins as you won't learn much from your conventional dr. , at least I haven't.

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Same family? All of this storybook narrative we have been fed, you have to go to look at their lab work, they are looking at something else and selling it with this 230 year old hypothesis from and 18th century farmer.

I challenge you to find a pure isolate of any of these viruses. Janine Roberts' explains the basic fraud of viral science in her blog :


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That was truly a fascinating question... how does a nanoscopic viral particle suddenly commandeer its host cell which is much larger and more intelligent than a dead virus to suddenly start producing proteins ? This does not make any sense at all !

Thank you for pointing meto this post !!

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Wonder what it does to Fibromyalgia? There is no real treatment that is effective, Valium just lowers the Pain a little. I take a handful of supplements. Bone building, now Covid ones, D3 and Zinc have been a staple since I discovered Earl Mendel's Vitamin Bible. C I have to watch runs BS up. Zinc is the Master Mineral whereas E is the Master Vit. But you really need to look into adding 400 mcg of Selenium works better than Melatonin and covers a wider range of body needs.

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C does not raise blood sugar. The molecule is so similar to the glucose molecule that it will be read as blood sugar with a glucose meter. I learned this from the Riordan clinic, they used to do very expensive tests for the level of ascorbate in the blood after an IV treatment, then discovered they could just use a glucose meter and take a reading before and immediately after the infusion. The difference was the level of ascorbate in the blood.

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That's really amazing. I learned from watching a Dr. Suzanne Humphreys (sp?) presentation that animals make Vit C from glucose. And they make A LOT of it.

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I recently became aware of a treatment called Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN). It treats lots of auto-immune diseases, as well as other chronic conditions, and might be worthy of your research. YouTube has lots of videos from knowledgeable/professional sources.

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Neurologist hasn't suggested it. I can see why, Commonly reported side effects of naltrexone include: streptococcal pharyngitis, syncope, anxiety, arthralgia, arthritis, dizziness, drowsiness, fatigue, frequent headaches, headache, joint stiffness, nasopharyngitis, nausea, nervousness, obsessive compulsive disorder, panic attack, pharyngitis, posttraumatic stress disorder, sedated state, sinus headache, vomiting, induration at injection site, malaise, pain at injection site, and tenderness at injection site. Other side effects include: muscle cramps, muscle rigidity, muscle spasm, stiffness, depression, and twitching. See below for a comprehensive list of adverse effects. Read down further, it would be on my Reaction list in just a few pills.

I know when my BS either goes up or drops. And more than 500 mg does raise my BS. The first drop to 60 scared the crap out of me. My meter reads higher, and I hate the finger pricking.

FMS HITS MUSCLES, JOINTS, NERVES Fatigue, Gastropresis already has me vomiting, Meniere's gives me Migraine's. WAY TO MANY SIDE EFFECTS. Niece has the worse form of LUPUS/LYMES and years of generic HCQ Plaquenil has damaged her kidneys/lungs.

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I was prescribed VERY low dose Naltrexone and I immediately had horrible side effects and my doctor made me stop taking it after only 2 doses.

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I don't bother with doctor's permission, I just stop them. Your choice of "Dr MADE ME" MEANS you need more use of your own critical thinking. Dr's have NO AUTHORTIY to FORCE YOU TO TAKE A MED. I'VE TRASHED SEVERAL DOZEN BAD MEDS WITH NO PERMISSION. ALL IT HAS TO DO IS CAUSE A REACTION. I CHECK OUT SIDE EFFECTS BEFORE I FILL A NEW DRUG.

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Thank you for sharing that. Oh those so "well-learned" Rockefeller schooled doctors.

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My father was an old school MD; GP, Army Air Corp Surgeon; came home from WWII and became an eye, ear, nose and throat specialist in a small Southern town. 52 years ago when I had just graduated high school he took me aside and said, "I don't know what you think you want to do with the rest of your life but don't even consider medicine unless you're just in love with the idea of healing people because soon physicians will no longer be allowed to "practice" medicine. They will only be allowed to "prescribe" medicines and modalities as allowed by bureaucratic doctors who work for the government and have never treated patients in the real world. Before you die medicine in America will have been transformed into an abomination" he was something of a prophet.

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Your father was a very wise and insightful man. He practiced medicine at a time when technological innovation & discovery was about to change the field of medicine forever. It was a very exciting period for healthcare, but your father had the forsight to dread the future of his vocation.

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'managed care' insurance companies did that - obama brought the gummint deep in the mess.

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Interesting. Son of small town Minnesota Dr. also became a Dr. and went to Mayo to work, was on the team that developed cortisone. By the time he died he said he would never touch the stuff as it was being being prescribed improperly and was dangerous

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yea, like how they've done with opioids and it can't just be undone easily. they made a mess of many lives.

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And docs are not warning Glaucoma or Type 2 Diabetics they are NOT suppose to take cortisone, steroids, or Predisone. 1 10 mg tab drove my hubs eye pressures double overnight. His doc asked what he took. Then informed him not to take any of the 3. He already has Retinal Atrophy with holes in vision from the chems he used in his 20 yrs in USN.

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Thats the exact same thing my physician dad told me! So, I became an airline pilot and they did the same thing to that profession!

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Your father was a wise man. I’ve long wondered why ANYONE would go into medicine anymore.

Back in the day, the best and brightest went into medicine. No longer…since the turn of the century (2000), it was becoming clear by looking at rates for physician error, suicide, and professional burn-out.

We’ll ALL pay the price.

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Covid has revealed a troubling lack of intellectual curiosity in the medical field.

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doctors are at least as invested in it as anyone else

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Some truthful documented points. I would state perhaps it was happening in the late 1990s also, i state this because i recall before the scam-demic seeing a video of an old doctor or i was actually talking to one (kinda foggy right which one it was) stated how many new doctors today, they want to treat work like a 9-5 job and make their money instead of actually wanting to help people for the love of desiring to help people get better and are not interested in putting in the hours anymore as the older doctors do because it is not truly what they love as older doctors do etc.. they just want to do their shift, get paid etc and sure they might care about their patients, but are not willing to put in the work as old doctors did for the love of being a true physician.

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It's why there is no real healing going on. Doctors must adhere to scripts written for them, ask questions that an insurance provider requires, prescribe drugs according to a protocol the AMA(and by proxy, Pharma) dictates and never veer from this road or you won't get paid or worse, you lose your license.

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And the drs must know what code to use for insurance billing. If there is no code for what you have, then there is no illness. End of story.

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care is the key word. little empathy, little care, very little healing, bureaucratic and easily corrupted by the medical sales reps. my cousin's a "doctor" (no healing capacities whatsoever), as was my grandfather (who stopped working after prednisone was deemed a wonder drug. which it isn't and he knew).

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Bang on assessment. My buddy who graduated high-school in '82 did exactly that. He worked his butt off to become an anesthesiologist, planning to work at a specialist clinic with set hours for elective surgeries. I heard that he did become an anesthesiologist. Not sure if worked out as cushy as he dreamed, but I'd bet he did okay. Having a dream and a goal seems to make things work out.

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they're terrified of liability and many of them are just drug pushers for pig farma - you can tell what they're invested in by what china-made poison they push

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doctors have all been turned into managed care clerks - nurses still get to do sort-of medicine, and take the blame for the mess

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Naturopaths are the way to go... though they DO lack some depth of knowledge...

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Tennessee doesn't license them, Medicare/Tricare Life doesn't cover them. We are on both, hubs spent 20 yrs in the USN to earn it.

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Wow, he saw he writing on the wall that long ago!

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Yeah. Medicare and Medicaid were just gathering steam.

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and managed care, in kalifrenia - where else?

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Wow! He was spot on!

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Thank you for sharing that, wow how blessed you were to have a father who had such experiences and then told you what he did. I wouldn't state a prophet, but actually learned through his work what Rockefeller did in the 1940s and on from there because what you described, when you investigate how the Rockefellers took over medicine in the West, what you stated is a quick summary of part of what the Rockefellers did. Look up "James Corbett" and "Rockefeller" and "Medicine" and see the really good report James did on this, he is a good journalist, alumni quality and i think you might appreciate his work on this very important matter.

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He sure got it right.

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What a prophet he was. You are fortunate to have had such a wise father. He was a "real" doctor.

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In our town there were several doctors just as dedicated and ethically motivated as he was. There are still some, but most are now practitioners of institutional medicine which frankly is ethically challenged due to the fact that the patient takes a backseat to the institution.

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About 95% of the people in the world have EBV in them, except it is now dormant. An illness, such as Covid or flu, can "resurrect"it, though symptoms are not usually in the same form. It is believed that Covid long haul is caused by this or the return of chicken pox, which also stays in the system and can become shingles if the immune system is overly challenged. It is also called post viral syndrome. After getting Covid, I had long haul caused by EBV. After Ivermectin which helped a lot, I still had issues, so my doctor recommended Banderol and Monolaurin. It has taken some time, but I feel nearly back. These viruses are "enveloped" which means they have a protective lipid type coating. Monolaurin helps break up that coating, while Banderol fights the virus. I could not find any research on Banderol for EBV, but my doctor says it works on it. He is privy to a lot of information from other doctors as well as of course his clinical experience.

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My son had mono twice; both times knocked the wind out of his sails for MONTHS. The second time he had “double mono”, with active EBV and CMV infections at the same time. (They thought maybe he had HIV, God forbid.) He made a full recovery both times.

A “specialist” told him that “you can’t get mono twice,” but WE know differently, don’t we? 😉

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Like I said to someone else: "Fauci is an expert.", if you get my drift.

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Self proclaimed experts are never experts.

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Oh, supposedly he's revered worldwide as an expert. You know, the expert that screwed up the AIDS epidemic.

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Mono twice here.

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Stop kissing toilet seats

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You spelled licking wrong.

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