Missing track season is nothing compared to the current challenges faced by the typical HS and college students. I was stunned to learn about 2 recent suicides at my alma mater (student body of only 4K!) Of course the institution did their part with heavy handed isolation and тАЬremote learning.тАЭ All for a group with nil risk. Your point about stolen youth cannot be overstated.
This man made travesty has affirmed our actions with our 4th and 7th graders: travel, play dates, sleep overs, school plays, recitals, sports, pep rallies, etc. all unmasked (except air travel, sigh). So far so good. Kids seem well adjusted and eager for the next social event.
Me too. Wiped out my senior track season.
I missed basketball AND baseball -- also senior season :(
So many youths have had so much life experience stolen.
Absolutely Mark.
Missing track season is nothing compared to the current challenges faced by the typical HS and college students. I was stunned to learn about 2 recent suicides at my alma mater (student body of only 4K!) Of course the institution did their part with heavy handed isolation and тАЬremote learning.тАЭ All for a group with nil risk. Your point about stolen youth cannot be overstated.
This man made travesty has affirmed our actions with our 4th and 7th graders: travel, play dates, sleep overs, school plays, recitals, sports, pep rallies, etc. all unmasked (except air travel, sigh). So far so good. Kids seem well adjusted and eager for the next social event.