Fauci is unqualified to render an expert or medical opinion on practically any subject. He spent tons of money on never confirmed causes of AIDS , only urged the worst case scenario response of a lockdown which caused massive economic damage and mental health issues as well as educational harm and clearly was less than candid in his testimony re NIH approval of a grant to Wuhan where the virus was developed and released.
CDC and NIH have used the pandemic is an opening to destroy the rights of owners of private property , curtail civil liberties, wreck havoc on the mental health of adolescents, give teachers a paid vacation , and to claim that the woke notions of "systemic racism" and "climate change" are public health hazards. There really needs to be a Congressional investigation of both CDC and NIH as to their overstepping their boundaries. I am triple vaxed but I am against the notion that the state can either mandate vaccinations or cure the pandemic -a notion that is unconstitutional and as nonsensical as saying that the state can cure poverty or the common cold.
Dr Mike Yeadon posted on El Gato Malo substack тАЬFollowing quote by Mike Yeadon PhD, a former Pfizer or Pharma exec who has been speaking out for a long time now: "Spike is intrinsically able to initiate blood coagulation. Also to trigger the тАЬcomplement cascadeтАЭ, a part of the innate immune system. By causing many cell types, such as those lining every blood vessel, to take up & express that spike protein, those tagged cells appear to our immune system to be infected by SARS-CoV-2 virus.
Guess whatтАЩs next? Yes; our immune system then attack those tagged cells. Destroying blood vessel linings amplifies the blood clots and often blocks the smallest blood vessels, in lung, Heart, brain etc
Those tissues then begin to die off.
Heart attacks, myocarditis, pulmonary embolisms, strokes / brain blood clots, deep vein thrombosis (DVT), disseminated intracellular vascular coagulation (DIC) & so much more.
70% of adverse events following covid19 vaccination are.....can you guess??
Yes: thromboembolic in underlying pathology.
I sadly wasnтАЩt fainting surprised. IтАЩd got over my shock in Nov / Dec 2020, when drafting a petition to the European Medicines Agency.
Dr Wolfgang Wodarg & I already had a very bad series of premonitions, based on the basic structure & function of these novel, untested interventions.
The more I learn, the more frightened I am. IтАЩd be generally terrified to be injected by any of these things. It probably wonтАЩt kill you. тАЬOnlyтАЭ 1:1000 actually die. Perhaps 1:100 get non lethal adverse effects, some of which wonтАЩt mend. That much risk of some degree of permanent disability / pain is a dreadful trade to no utility at all.
Please, do not expose yourself to these agents, and defend the rights of others to make their own decisions.
On top of this, what about unknown longer term side effects?
After seeing the data and testimonies on what he did during the Early AIDS stuff, his use of children from foster care (babies) In testing and whatтАЩs come out recently , how is he not in prison? Really? AND YES, we will see justice done. We will. We will.
Pfizermectin approval shows us that innocent people had to die without getting ivermectin so Pfizer could make more money from a worse version of the cheaper drug.
I try to be very rational about things COVID-related, but my anger towards Pfizer is so deep that I fear if I were on my deathbed and their new pill could save me, I would deny it. They just reek of evil and I don't want to be anywhere near that company or their products. Again, I recognize this is the one area I'm being irrational, but when they put kids at risk for the sake of profit, I struggle not being passionate. To go after the most innocent among us... And they're trying to do it to infants next! I just can't stomach it.
I absolutely understand your position... I just said to my husband "I'm not so sure I'd take the Pfizer pill" and he looked at me curiously. And while I feel this is probably good news in some manner (having an "improved" therapeutic for home use) I am so soured by their greed and deception and omissions on their vaccine. I just wonder what they would be hiding about this too...even though it could save my life.
Why would you want to have anything to do with Pfizer? They have had spent Billions of dollars in fines and lost court cases. They are a bigger criminal than J&J and Monsanto combined!
I would eat horse paste first. But really, now, omicron seems to have become more like a cold and no numbers at all yet prove the opposite. Be happy, don't worry.
My favorite local talk radio shows are now sponsored by Pfizer. So I have to listen to the propaganda all day. Of some concern to me is the fact that one commercial suggests folks тАЬtalk to your pharmacist about ComirnatyтАЭ. A recent unscientific poll (mine) revealed NO pharmacies in my area (central CT) have Comirnaty. They usually donтАЩt know what IтАЩm talking about. I thought vaxx companies couldnтАЩt advertise? Especially how can they push a vaxx that doesnтАЩt even exist in the US???
I do not think you are being irrational...i think if you were okay with it, THAT would be irrational.. Knowing what we know about Pfizer and their criminal history (Oxycodone, etc) trial falsifications (past not this one), you would be irrational if you were NOT angry, and NOT hesitant about taking anything from them. Emotions were put into us for some reason, by God or Evolution or whatever you believe...but they are there for a REASON.
Seriously a friend from Substack had to calm me down....I couldn't stop shaking, and I was in shock, although I knew the data...watch at your risk, but post of you need help after viewing.
The point of the EUA, aside from skipping basic safety testing, is to confer immunity to the jab makers. Once it goes on the CDC recommended list for under 12 yo they have that immunity for life. That's why the big push to jab kids despite not one shred of medical reason it's about cash cows not children.
My friend and her husband had Covid. Their MD prescribed Ivermectin over a 5-day period. The pills were 3 mg each and dosed according to their weight. It came to 1 pill per 15 lbs. They felt fine in 2 days. I have heard this contains similar if not the same ingredient as Ivermectin, which Fauci said was dangerous and didn't work, but he will push this one and the cost will be much higher.
Fauci is a sham ЁЯдмЁЯдмЁЯдм. A friend of mine got covid...has a heart condition. Unvaxxed. Went to the hospital and they told him go home and take Tylenol. He actually faired well...took ivermectin late in his illness (he had already begun to feel much better) but his wife got it. She immediately took ivermectin and was totally better in two days.
People like Fauci are causing people to suffer and die because of his poor public health policies and greed.
My friend and her husband whom I posted about above, have a neighbor who got it at the same gathering. All were vaccinated. My friend and her husband felt fine in 2 days, after taking Ivermectin, the neighbor didn't take it, and was very sick for 10 days.
Beware. Just like all things covid I think you are telling only half the story. Watch and research this тАЬpillтАЭ before saying itтАЩs тАЬthe sameтАЭ as ivermectin. IтАЩve heard otherwise. Do not trust Pfizer.
I don't think it is the same as ivermectin...Alex pointedly said you would be better off with taking the off label therapeutics and I am fairly sure he was referring to Ivermectin. Ivermectin has been proven safe over time. Its success for River Blindness is beyond a doubt...miracle stuff.
The new pill is a combo pill , one is ritonavir ,antiviral used for HIV , has serious liver and pancreas side effects including DEATH!! Is a 5 day course a good thing?
it is a weird sort of thing in that the "drug" is comprised of multiple capsules. And lol...I take supplements in general before the protocol and it adds up!
Pavlovid is to be taken with Ritonavir (an aids drug) which is some kind of antiviral. Among the many drug interactions are statins. (Don't start on me about statins.). So I guess I can't take this miracle pill if I come down with Covid. Will they allow me ivermectin now?
I usually restrict my comments to professional and non bad language so I hesitate but these comments are beyond the pale. What the hell are you people saying? Never, ever, ever trust ANY so called Pfizer treatment for another 2-5 years and even then beware! This is no magic pill. I have not researched hugely but what little I know of it is bad already! Let the buyer beware!
The shotfree are being punished for pushing back against the crazy Liberal think that 2 + 2 has always equalled 1. History, and logic down their drain.
It was over last year with early treatments. They will not let it end though. This was never about a virus.
Fauci is living his best life. He will never let this end.
He needs to be arrested.
Fauci is unqualified to render an expert or medical opinion on practically any subject. He spent tons of money on never confirmed causes of AIDS , only urged the worst case scenario response of a lockdown which caused massive economic damage and mental health issues as well as educational harm and clearly was less than candid in his testimony re NIH approval of a grant to Wuhan where the virus was developed and released.
His aids fiasco was just a tune-up for covid.
Is there a way he can fail upward again?
If it were just Fauci.....
CDC and NIH have used the pandemic is an opening to destroy the rights of owners of private property , curtail civil liberties, wreck havoc on the mental health of adolescents, give teachers a paid vacation , and to claim that the woke notions of "systemic racism" and "climate change" are public health hazards. There really needs to be a Congressional investigation of both CDC and NIH as to their overstepping their boundaries. I am triple vaxed but I am against the notion that the state can either mandate vaccinations or cure the pandemic -a notion that is unconstitutional and as nonsensical as saying that the state can cure poverty or the common cold.
Why are you vaxed?
Dr Mike Yeadon posted on El Gato Malo substack тАЬFollowing quote by Mike Yeadon PhD, a former Pfizer or Pharma exec who has been speaking out for a long time now: "Spike is intrinsically able to initiate blood coagulation. Also to trigger the тАЬcomplement cascadeтАЭ, a part of the innate immune system. By causing many cell types, such as those lining every blood vessel, to take up & express that spike protein, those tagged cells appear to our immune system to be infected by SARS-CoV-2 virus.
Guess whatтАЩs next? Yes; our immune system then attack those tagged cells. Destroying blood vessel linings amplifies the blood clots and often blocks the smallest blood vessels, in lung, Heart, brain etc
Those tissues then begin to die off.
Heart attacks, myocarditis, pulmonary embolisms, strokes / brain blood clots, deep vein thrombosis (DVT), disseminated intracellular vascular coagulation (DIC) & so much more.
70% of adverse events following covid19 vaccination are.....can you guess??
Yes: thromboembolic in underlying pathology.
I sadly wasnтАЩt fainting surprised. IтАЩd got over my shock in Nov / Dec 2020, when drafting a petition to the European Medicines Agency.
Dr Wolfgang Wodarg & I already had a very bad series of premonitions, based on the basic structure & function of these novel, untested interventions.
The more I learn, the more frightened I am. IтАЩd be generally terrified to be injected by any of these things. It probably wonтАЩt kill you. тАЬOnlyтАЭ 1:1000 actually die. Perhaps 1:100 get non lethal adverse effects, some of which wonтАЩt mend. That much risk of some degree of permanent disability / pain is a dreadful trade to no utility at all.
Please, do not expose yourself to these agents, and defend the rights of others to make their own decisions.
On top of this, what about unknown longer term side effects?
Best wishes,
Undo 1913
After seeing the data and testimonies on what he did during the Early AIDS stuff, his use of children from foster care (babies) In testing and whatтАЩs come out recently , how is he not in prison? Really? AND YES, we will see justice done. We will. We will.
I would like to think so.
Now that the FDA EUA'ed Pfizer's magic pill.....that should put the need for "vaxxes" to rest. But Will it??
Pfizermectin approval shows us that innocent people had to die without getting ivermectin so Pfizer could make more money from a worse version of the cheaper drug.
I try to be very rational about things COVID-related, but my anger towards Pfizer is so deep that I fear if I were on my deathbed and their new pill could save me, I would deny it. They just reek of evil and I don't want to be anywhere near that company or their products. Again, I recognize this is the one area I'm being irrational, but when they put kids at risk for the sake of profit, I struggle not being passionate. To go after the most innocent among us... And they're trying to do it to infants next! I just can't stomach it.
I absolutely understand your position... I just said to my husband "I'm not so sure I'd take the Pfizer pill" and he looked at me curiously. And while I feel this is probably good news in some manner (having an "improved" therapeutic for home use) I am so soured by their greed and deception and omissions on their vaccine. I just wonder what they would be hiding about this too...even though it could save my life.
It's horrible to feel that conflicted.
Why would you want to have anything to do with Pfizer? They have had spent Billions of dollars in fines and lost court cases. They are a bigger criminal than J&J and Monsanto combined!
Agreed...I wouldn't. But that is the conflict - if indeed this pill saves lives.
I would eat horse paste first. But really, now, omicron seems to have become more like a cold and no numbers at all yet prove the opposite. Be happy, don't worry.
Alex said no and no to the newly approved therapeutics. Bad profiles.
My favorite local talk radio shows are now sponsored by Pfizer. So I have to listen to the propaganda all day. Of some concern to me is the fact that one commercial suggests folks тАЬtalk to your pharmacist about ComirnatyтАЭ. A recent unscientific poll (mine) revealed NO pharmacies in my area (central CT) have Comirnaty. They usually donтАЩt know what IтАЩm talking about. I thought vaxx companies couldnтАЩt advertise? Especially how can they push a vaxx that doesnтАЩt even exist in the US???
I do not think you are being irrational...i think if you were okay with it, THAT would be irrational.. Knowing what we know about Pfizer and their criminal history (Oxycodone, etc) trial falsifications (past not this one), you would be irrational if you were NOT angry, and NOT hesitant about taking anything from them. Emotions were put into us for some reason, by God or Evolution or whatever you believe...but they are there for a REASON.
Seriously. I am so with you on this. And my anger is very deep. Yesterday I was physically shaking after I watched this: https://www.canadiancovidcarealliance.org/media-resources/the-pfizer-inoculations-for-covid-19-more-harm-than-good-2/
Seriously a friend from Substack had to calm me down....I couldn't stop shaking, and I was in shock, although I knew the data...watch at your risk, but post of you need help after viewing.
The monstrosity of this is too much for me.
Here's one of many examples of why they aren't trustworthy...
I wouldn't trust that pill anymore than I trust the vaccine.
The point of the EUA, aside from skipping basic safety testing, is to confer immunity to the jab makers. Once it goes on the CDC recommended list for under 12 yo they have that immunity for life. That's why the big push to jab kids despite not one shred of medical reason it's about cash cows not children.
Just heard on our local NBC news, that you still need a jab along with the pill. No surprise.
Let me guess - only sold as a bundled package? ЁЯШб
Unbelievable ЁЯдж
I also heard you need to take upwards of 40 pills in 5 days...???
That's a lot of pills!!
My friend and her husband had Covid. Their MD prescribed Ivermectin over a 5-day period. The pills were 3 mg each and dosed according to their weight. It came to 1 pill per 15 lbs. They felt fine in 2 days. I have heard this contains similar if not the same ingredient as Ivermectin, which Fauci said was dangerous and didn't work, but he will push this one and the cost will be much higher.
Fauci is a sham ЁЯдмЁЯдмЁЯдм. A friend of mine got covid...has a heart condition. Unvaxxed. Went to the hospital and they told him go home and take Tylenol. He actually faired well...took ivermectin late in his illness (he had already begun to feel much better) but his wife got it. She immediately took ivermectin and was totally better in two days.
People like Fauci are causing people to suffer and die because of his poor public health policies and greed.
My friend and her husband whom I posted about above, have a neighbor who got it at the same gathering. All were vaccinated. My friend and her husband felt fine in 2 days, after taking Ivermectin, the neighbor didn't take it, and was very sick for 10 days.
That's too bad for the neighbor. And very unfortunate because your neighbor didn't have to suffer being very sick for 10 days.
Truly criminal
Beware. Just like all things covid I think you are telling only half the story. Watch and research this тАЬpillтАЭ before saying itтАЩs тАЬthe sameтАЭ as ivermectin. IтАЩve heard otherwise. Do not trust Pfizer.
I don't think it is the same as ivermectin...Alex pointedly said you would be better off with taking the off label therapeutics and I am fairly sure he was referring to Ivermectin. Ivermectin has been proven safe over time. Its success for River Blindness is beyond a doubt...miracle stuff.
yes, but it's free (under the Dems definition of free).
The new pill is a combo pill , one is ritonavir ,antiviral used for HIV , has serious liver and pancreas side effects including DEATH!! Is a 5 day course a good thing?
I guess I will never personally find out.
I would say not!
Thank you! ThatтАЩs what I heard too. NOT the тАЬsameтАЭ as ivermectin at all.
1 ritonavir per day.
Probably at a cost of $1k a pill
it is a weird sort of thing in that the "drug" is comprised of multiple capsules. And lol...I take supplements in general before the protocol and it adds up!
Yes it does! I too take supplements and am happy to instead of taking these pharma pills
A jab? No donтАЩt you mean jabs for life every 3 months?
If it does they will come up with something else becauseтАж Endgame global reset.
ItтАЩs the тАЬClimate LockdownsтАЭ. ЁЯШВ
Walk away from Pfizer.
Put that walk into a break-neck hyper sprint.
Pavlovid is to be taken with Ritonavir (an aids drug) which is some kind of antiviral. Among the many drug interactions are statins. (Don't start on me about statins.). So I guess I can't take this miracle pill if I come down with Covid. Will they allow me ivermectin now?
I usually restrict my comments to professional and non bad language so I hesitate but these comments are beyond the pale. What the hell are you people saying? Never, ever, ever trust ANY so called Pfizer treatment for another 2-5 years and even then beware! This is no magic pill. I have not researched hugely but what little I know of it is bad already! Let the buyer beware!
The shotfree are being punished for pushing back against the crazy Liberal think that 2 + 2 has always equalled 1. History, and logic down their drain.