elephantine offspring!

Lolol...I can't make it through the rest of the post.

You're getting funny in your old age!...;)

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Pull yourself together and keep reading (it only gets funnier)

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Oh my you've outdone yourself...it's all hilarious!

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It’s true. Funniness peaked on “There are no words. Except loser.” LOL!!!!

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"Doing a little face work is like a gender transition of age for your face, nobody will be fooled but you." Merry Passover!!

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You know what they say Alex, all good humor contains at least a little truth! There’s so much truth in this one that it’s impossible for it not to be funny……and totally disgusting all at the same time

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Alex has recovered from the back surgery.

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Or he may still be on strong meds?

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OOOH! The "good stuff!."

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Climate change stops when the private jet starts its engines.

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There's only one thing bigger than their utter hypocrisy and that's the size of their enormous carbon footprints!

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I wanna see the RSVP menu:

Please check: filet, Chilean sea bass, or BUGS!

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Good one! But aren't most Indians veggies? Not the upper caste though, I bet. Though with cows being sacred, no chance of a steak... They won't have Britain's favourite dish either, Chicken Tikka Masala, as it was invented in the UK.

PS I wonder what was in the VIP goodie bags?

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A climate change activist gets its wings when Taylor Swift pays carbon credits so she can fly between football games and her concerts all over the world.

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Martin luther would

Recognize what those credits are

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I remember when Hillary and Bill Gates mistakenly showed up at a big wedding party I threw because I said I was giving my baby away and I meant my youngest child was getting married but they were hoping to procure like an actual baby for some reason

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The irony of it all, smh. Example, let's destroy trees to save the planet: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/why-climate-change-is-wrong-dangerous

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Well said

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They all worship money and power. Sad that Trump was deluded by a loser like Kushner. Trump wasted his first term hiring all the wrong people. I hope he learned something.

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He did help with the Abraham Accords, I’ll give him that but otherwise, he & Ivanka hated being unpopular. What good is all their money if they can’t party with the in-crowd.

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don't blame Trump...the GOP Uniparty is STILL funding Fascist Democrat NOW!

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Such a TRUE reality and far more than people KNOW, and will continue behind the scene even with her suspended campaign

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Me too. But he has made some classically dumb people decisions.

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A while back I read that the point of elites’ hypocrisy in the faces of the general populace is not to make the elites look stupid but to show the populace how much power they have. The hypocrisy is the point and that’s why the climate change rhetoric is so confusing and conflicting for the average person when Leo DiCaprio or Al Gore start bloviating about emissions. It’s like Globo Gym from the movie Dodgeball: “We’re better than you; and we know it.”

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It's literally the: "They know they're lying, we know they're lying, but we never do anything about it." The first step we need to take is becoming aware of their lie: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/i-dont-know-why-liars-lie-but-they

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They can think anything that they want. But if they have nothing that I want, they have no power over me. Fuck 'em.

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In my opinion Zuckerberg looks like he is dressed in a clown suit. Apropos for the situation I suppose!

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Zuck gets to go to the party even though he just built a ranch in HI where he is raising high quality beef. (I thought those animals were responsible for a large part of climate change emissions) It's all fun for him because he gets to feed them macadamia nuts and beer but no beef for you!

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The elites live lives of contradiction under he cover of virtue signalling and a lot of "look over here, not over there".

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Lolol...and totally unaware of it!

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Living a life of blissful ignorance!

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I agree. And what the hell is wrong with his face? Makeup?!!!

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If I was dressed like that, my face would be totally messed up.

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My first thought was, that's Zucc's wife?

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What a grotesque display of wretched excess by the very people who lecture us endlessly about driving our overpriced little cars fueled by overpriced gas to the grocery to buy overpriced food including meat which they want to stop us from buying because the cows fart so we should eat bugs instead which do not require gas stoves which they also want to ban us from buying/using.

Meanwhile they fly in on private jets, dressed in outrageously expensive costumes to eat and drink only the most expensive food and drink and congratulate each other on how successful they have been at indoctrinating, inoculating, enslaving, and/or depopulating the rest of us. And they do this to celebrate an unattractive fat ab-free rich guy who gets to marry a beautiful girl because he's rich.

Remember Mao? The people got to wear ugly gray Mao suits and work their fingers to the bone or be killed while he and his pals dressed in French fashions and ate only the finest of food and drink.


And then these same people cannot figure out why Trump's message resonates with all those pesky little people who work hard and pay their taxes only to find their government is using their money to reward illegal immigrants coming in droves to get in the front of the line and 'students' who took loans and don't plan to pay them, fund the protection of borders in every other country, while leaving our US Veterans to live on the streets. Guess I'll stop there as I have a few other things to do today including finishing our tax returns. Hrrump. Grrrrr.

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I've said it before, none of this is confusing when you realize they really don't mind killing us.

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They want to kill us, but not quickly enough to lose money on it. They want to make us sick so they can make money off of treating the diseases they caused, make us buy their shitty electric cars (Elon Musk is a fraud) in the name of climate change, tax everything we do to keep us from being financially free, but let us keep enough money to pay rent on houses and apartments owned by hedge funds, and products from Jeff Bezos delivered to to our doors.

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Killing us "softly"....

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Great post, same here in UK. People are oblivious to it

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Yep, trickle-up poverty.

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We live in The Hunger Games basically.

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Yes, indeed, I said that to my grands when I saw the first "Hunger Games" movie with them - life is stranger than fiction at times, and echoes it at others...

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Don’t we just

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If the elites have their way, we will all be living in slums like that. Less of a carbon footprint.

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But, but, but they bought carbon offsets.

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Classic snark, Alex! Love it!! I needed a hypocrisy laugh to start the day.

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They really don’t care what the great unwashed think

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Wealth for me, poverty for thee.

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Wow... Thank you for reporting this story Alex because I have not seen it reported any where else.

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Wait, I thought the Kushners were not received in polite society 🙄

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They bought their way back in by investing in Kim Kardashian's Skims company.

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Really? Wow

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Jared Kushner and his brother own stock in Skims through his brother's Thrive Capital, venture capital fund.

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The USA needs to decentralize power

End all Federal Aid to cities, states, colleges, non-profits where anyone gets $100k.

Also a 5% tax on the gross of all wall street trades or moving money offshore!

If you remove centralize power...the richest can't control it!

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A more modest proposal: Have the federal government spend only what it takes in. (We are currently adding $1T to the national debt every 100 days. https://www.cnbc.com/2024/03/01/the-us-national-debt-is-rising-by-1-trillion-about-every-100-days.html)

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probably a lot of the power would be decentralized if they did away with income & property taxes

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Property requirements to be able to vote...

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Thanks for the confirmation that I never, ever want to visit India. The Taj Mahal be damned.

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Have a good friend who is from India and she has educated me well on the historical caste system there...she deplores IT. What happens in India with that dogma structure or elitism is as cruel as it gets

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