Yesterday I was talking with an elderly gentleman (I am 70 and I would venture he was 80 plus) at my drugstore. His doctor advised him to get the covid booster but not to get the RSV mrna shoot because it is too new and they do not have enough data, but the covid shot has been shown to work. I could not believe this doc actually said that to a patient. I said I disagreed because the safety profile for the covid shot is pretty poor. What struck me even more was this gentleman had not heard any of the points I raised; heart issues, strokes, messing with your immune sysytem, etc.

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Just goes to show...degree doth not the doctor make!

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I had covid in February 2021. Never got the shot. That fall I thought I had it again so I went to a walk-in place to get tested and the fresh out of med school doc (who I don't think shaved) started mentioning the CDC recommendations when I blurted out "Who listens to the CDC!" (could not help myself). Of course the doc said he does. Lord help us.

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RIGHT! Is there still a person who trusts a thing they spew after what was made OBVIOUS lol

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I am a pharmacist. My elderly neighbor has taken every single mRNA vax available. I have been trying to tell her that they aren't safe or effective for several years now. She even developed metastatic melanoma last year. Was it due to the jab? Who knows?

Then some random person tells her that there's "something bad" in this latest booster, so she decides not to take it.

You really can't make this stuff up.

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Sounds like a typical follow-the-herd teenager, for heaven’s sake.

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Except she's 93 years old.

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Yeah, that’s the wild part!

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I'm 76 and saw my doctor today. He specifically said he didn't recommend I get the RSV shot and didn't even mention the COVID booster. I did get a flu shot a couple weeks ago but that's not an mRNA concoction.

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You have a fairly competent doctor. I saw mine mid October & if it were up to him I would have gotten the booster and the flu vaccine. I replied obviously you haven’t seen my record I only got one Covid vaccine (J&J in April 2021) and I no longer get my flu shot. He asked why not? I replied the COVID shot doesn’t work, dangerous side effects & flu shot works less and less the more you get it. He told me I was misinformed. I said, perhaps but it’s my choice. At least from me he doesn’t get his Big Pharma bonus.

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A doctor friend has told me of several sudden deaths among the 50-year-olds she knows, her mother has lost several of her friends (6 in 2021), and tonight another friend had burst blood vessels in the esophagus and had to go to the ICU. She cannot see what's right in front of her.

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Yes, that is the scary part. Educated, allegedly intelligent people having such willful blindness,

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The doctor got paid more to get his patient the Covid shot. Incentives may not have been there for the other.

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Good point.

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It's the same in my area. Hardly anyone has heard of the injuries that are caused by the covid shot.

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And it is not like it is even that hard to find.

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I know. I keep telling people to read Unreported Truths.

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Meanwhile, in Fairfax County, Virginia, my NextDoor feed is full of frenzied sharing on finding and getting the booster. I cannot WAIT to get out of here.

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Neurotic people have always needed an audience, and presto, social media filled that hole in there lives.

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Here in Arizona, someone on NextDoor posted a plea for everyone to get their shot, but if you read it carefully, it was satire urging people to take a shot of whiskey. Of the dozens of replies, all were supportive with several saying they would never take the COVID shot.

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You're still on NextDoor? I was kicked off mid-2020 because I was reposting Alex's reporting.

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I want to know who runs next door. I swear it's a DNC operation. Every local election all sorts of "neighbors " pop up with praise for the most left wing candidate and their policies

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ND is headquartered in SF like other tech companies. It has never made a profit and they're laying off 25% of their workforce right now.

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I took, am headquartered in SF, & while many of my fellow team reality friends have moved to Texas & Idaho, I'm sticking it out to fight these entities face to face.

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Hero on...much luck to you.

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I wish you luck, my brave team reality fellow traveler.

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Agree ⬆️. Or posts about racial discrimination, especially in the schools. They all pile in with their 'tsks' and apologies for ill behavior happening in our city. When someone says this post seems fishy, they get torn up by these piranhas.

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I've been suspended for 30 days several times for misinformation. Lately I've noticed that they either remove my comments or "hide" them.

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I stopped using Next Door a long time back — before Covid even — because it was always about lost dogs and cats along with 2nd Amendment quarrels.

All of a sudden, a couple of weeks ago, Next Door notices are popping up in my email. Are they trying to boost their numbers??

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Don't move to the Philly Main Line. Same shit, different state.

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You mean your concerned living amongst people who PsychVax that body.

That sounds like a scary movie....please RUN (but not into dead-end alleys)

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Here in SC too. Every time someone gets a shot or booster they send out an urgent message on ND. Their only question is, is it free? ( seniors always looking for a freebie) I pointed out that taxpayers had already paid billions for the shots so they aren't really free. One woman said she got 3 shots at once, booster, flu and RSV. She's also going back in a month to get 2 more, shingles and pneumonia. When I quoted Alex's research with data supporting it, my comment was deleted because of "misinformation guidelines" regarding covid.

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Ditto...got so sick of it, deleted my ND last month after having an account for 10 years. Let the libtards have it.

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The censoring only goes one way too.

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Hmm. Sorry to hear that. SC was on our list of places to flee to. Maybe it's just that team VAXME! feels more comfortable being out on social media.

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SC was pretty free during covid. There were always those who insisted masks were needed on the beach or when they were in their cars alone but the majority of people weren't frantic. I think some older people just got scared hearing the doom and gloom every day.

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Where should we go? Anybody living among the sane and hearty? Fairfax is too close to the center of power. It leaches out and corrupts everything.

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Barely anyone sane and hearty where I am. One friend told me repeatedly she wasn't afraid back in 2020 and I did see her a couple of times in the summer, outside, in a quiet town. Two weeks ago I found out she didn't come to town because she was afraid! She was the only sane one, but it was under false pretenses.

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If that's the case, you might find yourself in a much-reduced population in Fairfax County. Although your healthcare cost might rise significantly in the county.

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I'm a Phamacy Buyer for one hospital in a mid/large Northern California Hospital System. In the first few weeks of the Moderna SpikeVax roll out, our hospital system told all the buyers there was a scarcity of product, which for whatever reason was reasonable in the beginning. At that same time the Buyers were under pressure to supply doses for our annual Employee flu clinics. We were not given estimates on demand (I felt it would be minimal). Employee Clinic Coordinators were very anxious and concerned about not having supply. This in combination with the System Coordinators telling us that we may not get what we ordered due to scarcity, created excessive demand. I was asked to purchase $68,000 worth for our clinics. It turns out we are stuck with $54,000 worth of this useless product, which nobody but the true believers (think Health Systems Managers) really wants. I expect this $54,000 will be wasted out once the shots expire in April 2024. That money could have been better spent elsewhere. I wish those in charge would live in the real world instead of their closed off bubbles. Thanks for letting me vent. Love your work.

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That's unfortunate that it will expire just before May 2024 when the WHO will presumably demand the unvaccinated get jabbed once and for all, no make that twice and for all, with boosters. The headline on Drudge today is alarming as well. "World Population Tops 8 Billion!" Sounds like the Associated Press thinks there are too many of us. To the elites in Geneva, genocide has been redefined. It's not what you think it is; au contraire, it's a public health program. Our family tree needs to be trimmed, in other words, and put through the wood chipper.

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This sounds exactly like something Alex would be interested in knowing more about.

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Kelce should be ashamed of himself. I would love for him to take up Rogers on his offer to have a vaccine debate, but I don't think he has the brain cells to compete in that kind of arena. Sad to see a healthy man who is an icon to so many young kids (and grown adults), put his name behind such a dangerous thing.

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The guy is building his own brand before his career is over. He’s in more commercials than Tom Brady ever was.

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Demand for Travis is due to his "romance" with Taylor Swift, I think. Kelce is doing the smart thing economically, making money from endorsements given his current name recognition. And at 34, how many football years remain? Just wish his ethical compass was better.

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Just look at who he chose for his new girlfriend, that tells you everything. She was pressured to speak out about her politics a few years ago. Have you ever listened to her? Not the brightest bulb.

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Two days ago at a gathering, I overheard an elderly man with his wife say to someone "I just had my 7th booster and am not feeling very well, so we'll go sit down." My jaw just dropped.

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My SIL who is a professional at a US big pharma firm, recently got the new booster and flu shot in the same arm in the same sitting. 48 hours later she has shingles all over that shoulder, front and back. She told me as a professional, she "knew the risks vs the rewards" and that all vaccines can have side effects...

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My SIL wore a mask until this spring. Of course she took it off when we had dinner at a restaurant. I'll bet she's had all the boosters too, though I really don't want to ask.

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The psychological damage suffered by otherwise rational and sane people during the pandemic is still stunning to me. Add that to the physical side effects that are still emerging, makes this whole thing remarkably evil.

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I was particularly frightened at how the young population were so easily manipulated. (30/40 year olds). They were truly susceptible to the brain wash. My children and I are close so thank God they listened to me (31 yr old daughter/45 year old son) and are not vaccinated. Neither are my grandchildren. We all live in Florida so we had the freedom to reject vaccines 🙏

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Agreed! My older son, 28, went full tilt vax crazed and got every shot they would give him. His wife did the same. She gave birth to a healthy boy a year ago, and they all had covid the following week. Luckily their baby only had a mild fever for 24 hours. My son was sick for a week, his second or maybe third bout with covid. I'm sure he had already gotten the new booster+ flu shot...

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Good gawd, seven? I didn't know that many have come out. Jab crack cocaine.

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I believe that's what CDC now recommends, a 2-shot primary series then 7 boosters, 9 shots in all.

So you can ask your vaxxed friends "Have you had all 9 shots? No? So you're an anti-vaxxer too!"

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This isn't a vaccine, it's a gullibility test.

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At 10 shots they'll be "up to mutate".

Everything's going swimmingly

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I'm really tempted to ask those who keep getting boosted how many shots they're willing to get. Three a year? Four a year? For the rest of their lives?

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It sounds like that number is getting smaller and smaller.

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Fingers crossed that they wake up after they keep getting covid despite the numerous jabs.

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Or perhaps because of...

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They’re up to SEVEN now??!!

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Vinay Prasad jokes that some of these people would love to be on a continual IV drip of the vax.

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The jab-loving, mask-wearing crowd fail to understand that they are simply demonstrating to the world their very poor mental state.

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We are in the midst of a global ideological pandemic that has nothing to do with healthcare other than as a tool for indoctrinating and controlling people. There are still far too many foolish, ignorant, weak minded people willing to allow an institutional authority run their lives.

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Would be interesting to know the correlation of Hamas supporting antisemitism with those who bought into masking, lockdowns and the EUA gene therapy medical injection called a vaccine. My guess or intuitive deduction is a high correlation.

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Visit any schoolboard to test your hypothesis.

That's where I discovered lack of a sense of humor and lack of common sense are 100% correlated.

I betcha you'd get similar results.

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Maybe our Vice President could do a Venn diagram of the two groups. It might be close to being just one circle.

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Most of these idiots, (indoctrinated American college students), supporting Hamas don't even know that Hamas kills or imprisons LBGTQ people, makes a woman cover her whole body except for her eyes, wants to kill every non Muslim in the world and wants to kill every Jew until Israel no longer exists.

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Right...they will only know when they KNOW and you know what that means. Some don't "get it" until it hits them right between the eyes. Sheep led to their own slaughter

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I have a dream . . . that I can read a comment section or a Twitter feed in late 2023 where NO ONE BRINGS UP THE BRAINLESS CENTURIES-OLD CONFLICT IN THE MIDDLE EAST.

Some dream, huh?

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Well Mitch it seems this same discussion was happening 2000 years ago too and probably no diff 2000 years from now in how that part of the world exists

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There were a few times where I wavered on getting the jab but then a new Unreported Truths booklet would come out and reinforce my resolve to remain a pureblood.

In August of 2022 I caught the Wu flu and that variant did what the vaccines were supposed to do. Natural immunity for the win.

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Covid jabs "...sure have immunized a huge swath of reporters from anything resembling reality." I LOVE that line!

This "mental immunization" is widespread including among (maybe especially among) highly intelligent people with advanced degrees.

OTOH, a friend (who lost his tenured professorship over the issue) said two other family members with doctorates likewise refused the jab.

Another tenured ready-to-retire friend went to court when his exemption request was denied. A

settlement was negotiated. An important regret: he didn't win the case which would have been precedent-setting for younger untenured professors with families.

The above are exceptions. Other professor friends have taken the jab.

The last extended conversation I had with a professor friend of two decades concerned the booster he was determined to take. Almost to the day five months after our exchange, he dropped dead in mid-sentence while giving a talk.

I presume he took the booster we argued about. Dare I presume the jab took him?

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I guess the 24/7 gaslighting for multiple years didn't pan out the way they expected.

Will someone please think of . . . Pfizer's shareholders? Because I sure won't.

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Pfizer and Moderna stocks are tanking.

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Thank goodness 80%+ of people are no longer falling for the potato in the tale pipe that the vax was and is.

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Alas, it's the other 20% who make the rules for the 80%.

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Has anyone noticed that every single ad for drugs on television has a mile long list of side effects? Yet none are listed for the COVID jabs????

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I believe that because it’s still operating under the EUA they don’t have to list side effects. Otherwise, it’s mandated by law. They’d never list AEs of their own volition.

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I heard a public service announcement on the radio yesterday that presented a litany of signs you might have a very rare heart condition known as myocarditis. It was sponsored by Pfizer. It's reminiscent of the tobacco companies having to produce ads informing the public that smoking causes lung cancer.

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The reason I didn't get the boosters is because I didn't get the previous booster, or the one before that, or the one before that, or the one before that. I also missed the original double-dose they were pushing - so there was nothing there to "boost".

As Johnny Dangerously said "I know this grapevine".

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[Washington and Massachusetts are likely to struggle to reach 20 percent coverage, while Colorado may not even get to 15 percent. These numbers are shockingly low, given that all three states ranked in the top 15 nationally during the initial mRNA rollout.]

Alex, could we pull up a graph comparing state booster rates vs mental illness rates?

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