With a net negative approval rating of -13 percent in the 538 polling average, he is the MOST unpopular President ever recorded at this point in his term. Worse than Trump, Carter, Ford, or anyone else since modern polling began.
This feat is particularly impressive because when Biden took office 16 short months ago he was at +20 net, far better than Trump. He is losing two points a month, every month. By 2024 imagine where he’ll be.
Meanwhile, actual photo of the 2022 Congressional election:
The worst part is that the only Democrats left will be from ultra-safe seats and thus are likely to skew even harder left, which makes me fear the Dems will learn entirely the wrong lessons (and the Republicans may too, if they see this as anything other than a referendum on Uncle Joe).
Let’s just hope the GOP focuses less on score-settling and more on making sure the Bill of Rights hasn’t been entirely trashed by the end of Uncle Joe’s one and only term.
It needs to be noted that Trump low approval was due mainly to a relentless assault by dems/media pushing a False Narrative that Trump was controlled by Russia. This was a made-up story that was used to vilify Trump, his family & entire MAGA movement. Now as the story unfolds in Court, it is being dismantled lie by lie. Without this lie by Hillary, who knows how high Trump approval rate would have been. Booming economy, lower taxes, clamp down on illegals, better trade deals. low Unemployment, No new wars
Why, cause he speaks the blatant and uncomfortable truth and doesn’t take crap or lies about him lying down. I want a strong President who will fight for this Country and Us. If his words offend you, the problems is You, not him. Sorry I like unvarnished and direct talk myself.
Um...."empirically" Trump was a massive government, massive print and spend politician who did absolutely nothing to drain the swamp but talked about a lot of stuff he ultimately didn't do.
LOL. He was fighting the dems and repubs. And the Intelligence Community. Have you not seen the Sussmann trial? And now we learned that the FBI had a SCIF at Perkins Coie.
You are such a dumb pathetic clueless fuck, if one does not get on their knees and suck your pelvis and then submit to sodomy, one is solely a liberal?
Again, the likes of you are the Left in the end, you just don’t realize screwing people against their will is always wrong, not fine because you suck the correct political cock!…
How mature and elegant your crass reply is… it’s people like you that led this country to a dark, immature, uneducated place. I hope you do not have offspring or a significant other as they too would not benefit from such a disgraceful and immature attitude. “Dick” is a nickname for Richard. Lol.
Divided has lived up to his name. He gets even more vile with every response. Attention seeking muppet troll. And he thinks way too highly of himself, not, uncommon for leftards.
In the universe of Trump v Biden, I think most people recognize that life was better under Trump. Among Biden voters there's plenty of buyer's remorse. That said, I would prefer DeSantis.
DeSantis has already said he won't run against Trump. Although, he would definitely be my next choice. He too would be vilified by the left. As he already is. It's the only way the leftist know to fight, is smear campaigns.
DeSantis has been great for Florida. Probably the best governor in America. However, I've never heard him issue an opinion on the Ukraine fiasco, or on foreign policy in general, except that he would be Israel's best friend. I'm half-afraid that he would be as pro-war as the rest of the slimy politicians inside the DC Beltway.
Yeah that is a legitimate risk. If he decides to run we need to hear his views of American imperialism and militarism before voting for him. The last thing we need is Bush III.
Politics, a simplified term for “how do we privileged uncaring elites and partisan hacks who want perks and personal benefits fuck the rest of the public”
Fuck you party loyalists and your eternally dishonest disingenuous disdainful dialogue!
What is up with the F and immature replies? Are you ok? You made a valid point above but no one comes here for a lecture a la MSNBC etc… my dialogue is dishonest BECAUSE YOU DONT AGREE? not logical; immature, selfish and crass is no way to go through life especially when you are trying to make a valid argument people might hear….
I have made appropriate arguments, but being civil polite and respectful to morons who vote for letters and not candidates is what this country has devolved into.
Trump supporters who are reveling here in their tone deaf choir are as pathetic and destructive as Leftist shit stains masquerading as humans.
You folks won’t be ready to watch mass murder by leftist thugs who are cheered on by Lame Scream propaganda machine scum…
And it will happen, what if the Supreme Court announces Roe is gone tomorrow?!
Tell us you have spontaneous original public-caring thoughts before party loyalty, and maybe I will give a fuck what you say, much less allegedly think and not bark like a trained seal.
Pretty upset that the world hasn't produced what you think you're entitled to, huh? Must be the fault of all those "uncaring elites and partisan hacks" you are so upset with. Surely that's the only explanation.
I'm afraid so, but guessing you don't if you need to ask that question given the facts shared in the thread you posed it. Trump called actual limited government, fiscally sane Republicans RINOs. It was what's called projection.
R Lee Ermey was the perfect drill sgt, in real life and any movie - a few years ago @ the national NRA convention in Charlotte, Ermey was doing a book signing, the line of people to meet him was at least a 60 minute wait, and it was worth it - RIP sir!
My experience in boot camp '73 was that those guys are not there to be your friend and they don't care if your feelings get hurt...
Also, people behind the scenes who know him speak of him being caring, compassionate, and loyal. Besides, he is a stereotypical New Yorker. His attributes helped make him the best President in my almost 64 year lifetime. Read Evan Sayet’s 2017 article in Townhall titled “He Fights”.
A story I heard from like 20 years ago. Trumps Limo was pulled over on the Tpke on a rainy night with a flat tire. Some guy pulled over and offered to help. Miserable night. Trump asked him his name and address and proceeded to pay off the guys Mortgage. Who knows if it’s true but I heard it, like I say 20+ years ago.
Kevin, I agree w/you, and we share the same lifetime years, but I personally would add Reagan - except he'd be eaten alive these days IMO, too many entrenched sociopaths have put our country on the cusp of dystopia. Trump is a brutal, almost Providential savior with otherworldly energy and has an unerring radar for the (many) targets, and IMO Desantis is a polished version of 3/4ths of Trump - but 3/4ths of Trump is still twice a Cruz and 10 times a, say, Kasich or Romney. How often does a Trump/Desantis ticket come up? (I don't visit forums too often and can't/won't watch Fox since Nov. 2020)
You are one of those all talk, no good action people aren't you?
Why Trump isn't the answer either:
- He's a huge government, biggest spending POTUS ever.
- He failed to actually drain the swamp, but did continue to fill it.
- Operation WARP Speed, another massive government boondoggle that delivered us the worst "vaccines" ever and ultimately vaccine tyrrany.
- Kicked actual good people like Dr. Scott Atlas, to the curb and threw them under the bus while keeping the Dr. Fauci's of the world around and giving them credibility.
- He never locked her up
- He never built the wall
- He criticized sane monetary policy and actual limited government Republicans and contributed massively to the inflation we currently see being unleased now.
- He's a fraud
Why we like Trump? Because he did expose the media as the partisan hacks they are in case there was still any doubt. That's about it. Otherwise he was/is essentially Bill Clinton with an "R" instead of "D" next to his name.
Trump wasn't perfect that's for sure. And certainly didn't finish many promises (wall was under construction, swamp was being exposed...but not done in the short amount of time he was in office). But Trump was business friendly and cut many regulations that enabled businesses, large and small, to prosper. He made us energy independent and an energy exporter. He also curtailed illegals pouring over the border. And above all he was AMERICA FIRST. This administration and the Weekend at Bernie's "president" we have hate America and most of it's people. Trump never would have exited Afghanistan the way Biden did, and babies would not want for formula. Trump isn't perfect but far above the trainwreck we have now.
I agree. As a small business owner I can attest to how business friendly Trump was and the business climate and confidence was soaring. Now there is a lot of skepticism about the future. And let's not even talk about inflation and supply chain issues that are now killing our economy and small businesses. Yes, Trump wasn't perfect but I'll take him and his policies any day over this idiot now.
He was business friendly....until he demanded factories shut down to produce ventilators instead, which was another COVID boondoggle. This was his main problem, in addition to his tough talk about weak action. He was bent toward authoritarian. He was friendly to business as long as business was doing what Trump wanted.
It's true that he did sign some executive orders that temporarily reduced regulation and encouraged oil and gas production. That was good. What was bad was that he never fought to make those things permanent through legislation, so the next guy, Brandon in this case, just came along and with the stroke of a pen reversed it all. If he was truly America First, he should have fought to ensure those things were made law to benefit America after he was out of office, not just him while he was in office.
And I certainly don't disagree that he was preferable to Brandon, but that's not saying anything of course.
Trump built the wall. Biden stopped it and let all the materials rot. Millions of dollars of steel and building materials just thrown out over spite. Trump was not for huge government. He wanted to dismantle many agencies however the Deep state undermined him at every turn, along with people like Paul Ryan. They gave him budgets with a gun to his head. If you think one guy can change the entire political system in 4 years you don’t understand DC. He was not able to lock Hilary up as she went after him with attacks of Russia. His monetary policy was about cutting regulations for which he cut 2 for every new one enacted. You just throw out names and statements with zero backup. Trump built an embassy in Jerusalem, for like $500K, when he was told it would cost $1.0B+. Trump wasn’t a scientist and he had to rely on others for the vaccine. Trump had us oil independent so your blaming him for inflation isn’t true either. Companies wanted to increase oil investments under Trump, and now Companies will do nothing. Trump was a great president, and would have been amazing has the Left not screwed him and his family with 4 years of Russia hoax. At least he hired someone who stopped Mueller and said turn over the evidence of which there was zip. You obviously have TDS. I never loved Trump, but I didn’t let my emotions get in the way of seeing his policies were much better than the current ones.
Trump was the biggest spending, easiest money POTUS ever. Even bigger spending than Brandon so far. He enacted massive government boondoggle programs like Operation WARP Speed and CARES Act. These things are undeniable. This wasn't the deep state undermining him, this was Trump trying to spend and government command and control his way to re-election. And isn't it funny how when a Democrat POTUS signs off on massive budget boondoggles, it's never that he had "a gun to his head" but Trump did. It's total BS. Trump is responsible for the things he did and he grew government massively during his 4 years and he pressured Powell to keep the printing presses burring to finance his massive spending and we are paying for much of that now.
Trumps promise was a big "beautiful wall that Mexico would pay for." What we got instead was a mere 458 miles of mostly "secondary barrier" that resembled a glorified chain-link fence. Almost none of it was new wall along the boarder that already had no wall. He had 4 freaking years and that's what you got and apparently think was fantastic. No critical thinking whatsoever here.
Trump didn't "cut regulations." He temporarily suspended them via executive order. This was generally good, temporarily, but it left no lasting impact because he never actually pushed anything permanent through.
"Trump wasn’t a scientist and he had to rely on others for the vaccine." This is laughable. Republicans aren't supposed to "rely" on the government for such things. Republicans let the free market work. What Trump did was hand over trillions of printed money and tax dollars to a few pharma conglomerates to rush through a "vaccine" that didn't end up being a vaccine at all. He did it because Trump believes HE is the solution to every problem rather than free markets, just like a Democrat does, and we got the predictable outcome from such political hubris.
He didn't "stop Mueller" at all. The Mueller Investigation ran it's full course. Yes, the Russian Collusion hoax was always a hoax and it's also irrelevant to whether or not Trump was/is a massive government politician.
I don't have TDS. I voted for the dummy twice, but I'm also not a blind sycophant like many Trumpsters are. The guy is a Bill Clinton Democrat who ran as a Republican because it was the only path to the White House he had given how insanely leftist the Democrats have become.
I doubt you voted for Trump at all. Your words give you away. One man under constant attack by the corrupt, leftist state media along with a devious, unelected bureaucratic swamp can't immediately solve every problem we have, especially when the rest of his party are mostly weak-willed, RINO Democrat-bootlickers. Trump had support of the average citizen and that's about it. but he's learned a lot over the past 5 or 6 years, and status quo folks like yourself need to get with the program or enjoy residing in Venezuela North.
The difference is, you can't backup any of your disagreement with actual facts. I can back all mine up since everything I said there is demonstrably true.
Facts. The border was closed for the most part. Now it’s wide open. Fact. We were energy independent, now we’re asking for help from Venezuela. Fact. We took China to task and now your Boys Joe, Hunter and family are making $$$$ off of China. The Middle East took huge steps forward with detente between Israelis and Some Arab countries. I could do this all day. However now I’m done. Insult me all you like pal. All I know is I’m not hiding behind a stupid name. Adios. Sorry cultural appropriation. 😂#Yourea🤡
Hornit, you don't like Trump, you've said this quite a few times, but you're repeatedly glossing over many things. For instance the wall was being built. You try to say that only 400 miles were done and you don't like the construction but he had made quite a bit of headway despite 24/7 opposition from all Dems, many Republicans, all media, etc. If there hadn't been massive fraud and was still President it would be closer to finished by now. His Remain in Place (Mexico) was also very
successful at stemming the flow of illegals as well, and it also
took quite a bit of negotiation with Mexico, again while fighting 24/7 gale force winds. These two things and more also sent a message to the world that we weren't going to tolerate the onslaught of illegals that we have now, and you can deny this all you want, or say you "didn't like the materials used", yadda yadda, but he was the first President in history to do as much as he did to stem the flow. Even Reagan admitted he got rooked by the Dems by granting Amnesty before work was done to stop the entries. Trump was taking incoming from all sides and being undercut on all fronts and dealing with the new problem of rampant social media abuse yet still accomplished what I just laid out regarding illegals. Biden stopped wall construction and abandoned Remain upon taking office, yet you beat on Trump. You are not being truthful in your posts, as you know, and I'd think your TDS would be fading somewhat if you saw what is going on in this country at this moment: the forces that are destroying our foundations didn't start in 2021. They were fever pitch for the 4 years he was in office and then a worldwide plandemic fell into his lap, and real Evil was let loose, and everything since has been 100% the fault of people who know for certain what Trump started seeing earlier than most and tried to say out loud before being banned for life on the Deep State's Twitter: it's all been fake. You waste time by going after Trump these days. It's like talking about how bad the in-flight movie was on a plane going down.
Dave, I can figure out if you are delusional or ignorant; maybe it’s both. Using the word truth with Donald Trump is a colossal oxymoron; he lies even when he doesn’t have to!
There’s a lot more people like me then there are people like you. That was clear during the campaign with Joe getting 6 people in Stupid circles at his events. Trump filing Stadiums. You’ll also be able to tell in the beginning of Nov when you idiots get smoked.
Dave, you have a very strange alternative reality. I called Trump a liar, and you proceeded to tell me he fills stadiums so people can eat up his lies; in fact, in his term of being president, he lied over 30,000 times. By the way, Dave, Biden got 7 million more votes than Donnie; so much for filling stadiums!
Watching MSDNC it’s not at all surprising you think that. I’ll go back to my comment of wondering why people follow people or groups they don’t like. Boggles my mind. Some people want to fight and hate. Be careful what you wish for. Accept differing opinions. Don’t hate people u don’t agree with. What is wrong with you people (covers all pronouns).
So tell us what you think of Biden. Is he truthful? Is he doing the job you expected when you voted for him? Is America better off than it was under Trump? Tell us.
The boarder was closed, the economy was up, we had the Russians and China under control, we weren’t in WHO, we were paying less to the UN and NATO, we weren’t being laughed at, we backed Israeli, we hadn't run from the Middle East and given the Taliban $80 billion in weapons, we were beating back the disingenuous FBI, CIA, DOJ, we backed the military and hadn’t turned it into the Girls Scouts- I can do this all day long.
Not realistic. I might prefer someone other than Trump, but he’s the only one I trust to pull us out of WHO and stop the not very proxy war to the last dead Ukrainian (our only actual national interest in Ukraine is peace).
Trump is irritating, but personality disorder aside, his policies were incomprehensible better than what we and I’m not on Twitter. I vote for outcomes, not feelings or annoyance or anything else. Outcomes. All we got with Brandon was 100% predictable. Millions of us were correct, not because we have a crystal ball, but because these outcomes were entirely predictable based on Brandon’s policy proposals, neocon ideology on foreign policy, and insistence on repeating the mistakes of past administrations and I don’t think he actually expected a different result, I think he didn’t care because actual results don’t seem to matter much to the US public (note the complaints about Trump center in his personality, not his policy outcomes).
As I recall, “Two weeks to slow the spread” and “Operation Warp Speed” happened under Trump. I understand the desire for pugilistic elected representatives but I would not trust Trump to pull us out of the WHO, UN, or NATO.
And, I want every single politician who supported the stupid Covid policies out of office, never to return. They all showed poor judgment and they should never be trusted with power again. Furthermore, emergency powers at all levels of government need to be curtailed or even eliminated.
Media made it impossible for Trump to do otherwise, coordinated fearporn campaign. And FDA was countermanding Trump's orders to make HCQ and IVM available and properly studied. Trump signed Right To Try, but apparently that only counts for new and outrageously expensive pharmaceuticals.
Please explain how the media made it impossible for Trump to use the power he had to make decisions he had the ability to make, like firing Fauci and other swamp creatures and putting actual good people in charge like....say....Dr. Scott Atlas who Trump hired then quickly fired instead?
Why do you make so many excuses for a guy who talked tough but acted weak?
I would agree, but the real point is, were we not ALL thinking we should and could trust our government health agencies?? Look at the rebuke Senator DR. Rand Paul has received for criticizing Fauci, CDC etc? And now “they” are rolling out Monkey Pox as the much needed Bogeyman du jour.....
We were, no doubt. Early on though, there were clear signs something was very off. For example, the spike protein is supposed to stay at the sight of injection and be gone from the body shortly. When they realized the spike travelled and were asked about the effects, nobody knew. That was my wake up moment that this was very bad. Then of course you see that the protein stays in the body a long time. #criminals. And if you think ANY doctors can give informed consent, please explain to me how!!
My first “wait a minute” was when Fauci etal made HCQ verboten.... absolutely NO reason. Then the Lancet backed that up with a study that was discredited before the ink was dry.... Too many pronouncements seemed counter intuitive ... and heavy on the “ because we say so.”
There were and sadly y’all got labeled conspiracy whackos. I took HCQ 25 years ago for 60 days… an ID Doc friend of mine in NJ had his license and hospital privileges threatened if he continued to RX it…. Now that is just nuts.
To be fair, Trump pulled us out of the Paris Accords, Obama’s disastrous Iran deal and the ludicrous proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership. I don’t disagree with your points on Warp Speed and Slow the Spread though. I think Trump liked to play the hero and failed to recognize the treachery of those around him.
Who would think these "public health experts" would be actually trying to commit genocide? It was people's health. He always said he listens to the experts in business, and people of his generation certainly respect the white coat. He probably also didn't have enough people to stand with him, so he would completely lose control if he was single-handedly going against Gauci, Birx, etc. He tried bringing I his own experts, but they had already rigged the game. How would any of those criticizing him have acted differently?
Basically it's not that Trump doesn't like big government programs, well ....except for Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. It's just that he likes HIS big government programs best.
I would agree but my doing so will get me labeled as a rabid Trumpeteer rather than a confirmation of George Carlin’s greatest line…look at what they’re doing to Musk…
Yes but at this point Trump knows where all the bodies are buried. We need experience to sort this out first. Then Desantis. I just want guys like. Kash, Grenell, Pompeo, Nunes. Real Pros back in the mix working to clean sh-t up.
"Seems" because he's just poking arounf in his state. The minute he goes in and threatens Swamp power structures, they'll be running Five Eyes and PsyOps against him, too. Trumk did damned well, considerinb he was one mam against all that Swamp, he was misled and lief anout constantly, and media never fid its actual job. Maybe DeSantis can hack it, maybe not, but he'd better build a legal war
chest because the process is the punishment, and the process is financially ruinous.
I think you are missing the point perhaps. He is going full bore WEF globalist Crap. Gotta take down the mighty on behalf of others in terms of global equity. We are the mighty. Or were anyway. We must fall.
The entire globalist/WEF/media cabal was, and is, petrified of Trump. Look what they all, in lockstep, tried to do with him. And now, he’s stronger and wiser than during his first term, when he had no idea how bad these people were.
Don't totally disagree but.... I personally do not think it possible that Trump DID NOT KNOW "how bad these people were." Don't be naive, Donald Trump, is well aware of just what this entire globalist goal is, as does Joe Biden. We are the sheep being led to ...... ? To the next pandemic, to "monkey pox", bird flu, whatever, we have been psychologically prepared to fear for our lives and now, like the followers of Jim Jones, will turn to any suggested "solution", no matter how absurd or illogical.
Maybe... but I do think that between Trumps “UGE” ego and a naive belief that first and foremost, our political leaders, cabinet post holders would want to better the country... I think he was “surprised” that so many were blowing smoke up his ass while working against him .... neocons be neocons.
Again, you and I are pretty close here. I do hate hearing your use of “we” so broadly here. In fact, I’m hopeful most in this substack are not part of the “we” to whom you are referring…. And I hope we are daily growing in number. One instance of mass noncompliance and the elites’ response to it should pretty much bring in the bulk of our skilled TV watchers.
Oh I don’t know, “Hey NATO, you want us to protect you. Pay your 2% like you agreed upon already. Enough with the Bullshit for 1. They election was Stolen for another. Clinton should be in jail for a third. All True.
Exactly. No one truly liked the way Trump communicated ..but was slick Hillary any better with her deplorable remark? Beyond cruel. Trump was out of order with his remarks about Megan, Carly etc… and he was grabby years ago but we gave Ted KENNEDY decades of hall passes as we did Bill Clinton and his enabling wife. Hypocrisy all over USA. Remember Hillary attacking a 22 year old? What kind of man who is President puts a cigar into a 22 year old employees private part? And we wanted her in the OO? Trump had affair with a dimbo? I’ll take the affair with a willing porn star over the creepy, cheesy, rape-y Billy … and then CNN put Eliot Spitzer on the air after hooker gate? Hot mess all of you.
Would welcome Trump “intemperate comments” any day than the corrupt, anti-American, imbecilic policies of Biden. Elections have consequences. You can satisfy yourself that Trump is no longer around to draft ‘Tweets’ you don’t like.
This obsession with feelings at the expense of being concerned about actual outcomes is exactly what’s destroying our country.
Trump not my friend. Brandon is not my friend. I don’t hang out with either of them. Babies were fed and happy under Trump. They are starving under Brandon. How nice or not nice they are makes zero difference to my life, and the vast majority of the 334 million who live in my country that I love.
I care about policy outcomes, not personality for people whose policies impact me, my children, my community. Their personality doesn’t impact me, my children, or my community.
LOL ! I agree, however, sometimes (though our mothers told us otherwise) it's just not possible to be "nice" to people who have your WORST interests at heart !
There is someone at the wheel. It clearly isn’t Biden. Trump was clearly driving the bus, and his driving skill and planned destination was a hell of a lot better than this train wreck of a USA hating “administration “. Who cares if he douche occasionally? The only guy who remotely respected his office decorum wise in the last 20 was W, and he had a whole kettle of other issues. I’ll take the mean tweets and a secure border over this absolute disaster currently occupying the seat.
"but he’s the only one I trust to pull us out of WHO..."
This is the guy that threw good people like Dr. Scott Atlas under the bus in favor of Fauci, Blix, etc. He's the guy that FOLLOWED the WHO's guidance on COVID lockdowns, vaccines and pretty much every other thing. He had his chance to pull us out of the WHO and instead made them the authority!
I think you are actual correct and make a rational argument on the Ukraine proxy war thing. Trump would be much better on that topic for sure, and it's no small thing. But there are others who would be better limited government conservatives and good on the Ukraine stupidity (but don't tell Berenson this) and that's who we should be looking toward.
Like who? I’m sure there are people who would do a better job, but not one will be on the actual ballot.
I’d probably pick DeSantis over Trump, but there isn’t anyone else actually running.
I disagree with you on a lot of your perception of Trump. He tried to get the economy reopen but Easter 2020 and promoted early treatments. The media forced his hand on Fauci, but I read Scott Atlas’s book, and I think Trump is human, not God. I don’t agree with him in vaccines, but I don’t have to, I just want someone who isn’t going to try and force me, my husband, or my children to get them.
I will not sacrifice massive improvement for an unattainable ideological fantasy.
Yes, DeSantis is somebody who appears to at least backup the talk with action. I think you miss the point. If Republicans keep worshiping huge government politicians like Trump, and make no mistake that Trump believes the government is the solution to every problem...as long as he's in charge, the party is completely lost. When we ask, like who? We need to be identifying the actual limited government, fiscally sane candidates and promoting them even if you don't think they currently have a chance of election. I voted for Trump twice. I won't do it again. I won't vote for the Democrats either.
"The media forced his hand" is the worst excuse ever. He called them the enemy of the people, but then he let them force his hand? That's one of the primary problems with him. He ultimately ends up doing exactly what the media and his alleged enemies want because his ego demands affirmation even while he criticizes those whose affirmation he craves. He ends up doing exactly what the establishment wants because in the end he desperately wants acceptance from the establishment. If you think massive government is massive improvement, then you keep voting for candidates like him. But I'd say you've learned no lessons from it because that massive government "your guys" creates and all the weaponization he gave it eventually ends up in the hands of "not your guy" and now you have no principled ground to stand on in opposition because you conceded it for your guy.
I disagree. He cut the size of many federal government agencies. I see no evidence in either his policies or his statements that Trump is a big government person. I see no evidence he thinks government is the solution to people’s problems. Trump, correctly I think, wants to change and end government policies that unnecessarily cause problems for people like our current domestic energy fiasco.
Trump spent more on defense, but at least it wasn’t to go blow people up, or fight proxy wars to the last dead local half way around the world. His tax policy was actually an improvement.
I don’t worship Trump. He’s just a person like everyone else. I appreciate practical policies that work, and he had many. There is no perfect. No perfect person. No perfect government. No perfect president. No perfect ideology.
If there is an option for a pragmatist that is better at making improvements and understands sometimes policies need to be realistic, not ideological, I’ll support that person. Do you have names of actual candidates that promote genuinely better policies and can actually get elected?
It’s condescending and blatantly false to assume supporting Trump is worship - it has nothing to do with worship and everything to do with being realistic. Trump gets the vote out. I didn’t agree with everything he did, but particularly socially, he’s moderate. That is much better for winning national elections.
If DeSantis takes on Trump I’ll be rooting for DeSantis. I see that as unlikely. More likely he’ll be the VP nominee.
I’m going to continue to vote for, and support, candidates that can actually win with better policies. I just turned 40 and have young children. My grandkids will be dead before a “perfect” or “great” politician that can actually win, is likely to come along.
Every thing I said there was factual and verifiable. If you can refute it with facts, go ahead and try. You won't because you're essentially the Trump version of a leftist.
“ Not that Biden is any better” - what???? Things are much, much worse.
A wide open southern border bringing human trafficking and drugs and suppression of working class wages, antagonizing a war in Ukraine with NATO saber rattling then spending billions to fight Putin to the last dead Ukrainian, return to foreign energy dependence and skyrocketing prices, vaccinate mandates and ongoing school closures that obliterated the economy, and literally starving babies. Things are much, much, much worse under Brandon. Anyone who fails to notice or acknowledge is detached from reality.
As for Trump’s policies - you oppose low unemployment, wages rising fastest at the bottom, a much more peaceful world, and babies who can eat??????
I pull up what people send via text that’s funny, but have never had an account, and don’t plan to. I deleted Facebook after the 2020 election because I was tired of thinking everyone I know is an idiot (even if that’s true). I’m enjoying the Musk entertainment from an outside view. I do think it’s hilarious they are throwing the playbook at him and it’s not working. First he was an evil billionaire who shouldn’t have that much power - a narrative started by the Bezos puppets at WaPo. Then he was racist. Now he’s a sexual abuser.
Yeah, isn't it exciting, everyday in every way, they have a new "label" for him, just proves, "they" (the great "they") will eat their own when they have to ! Emotional ideologues all !
Trump may not be the answer but he asks the right questions. Why do we give so much money to countries that hate us? Why is our border overrun every year? Why dis our tax policy favor companies stashing money overseas? Why do trade deals not favor USA? Why are we involved in wars that do not reflect USA interests? On & on....
Yes, the questions I've been asking the air around me, since I was in grade school! A president that finally asked the hard questions. --- Oh, and, BTW, we pay the countries that hate us, so they'll like us. At least that's the answer I've come up with. It makes as much sense as anything else.
Amen, Amen ! We PAY, and pay, and pay some more and they still envy and hate us. You'd think someone in congress could figure out it's NOT working to "pay them off" and show how altruistic we are !
Its always social class thing with these country club or intellectual yet idiot types who look down on working glass and non "cultured" people!
"The IYI pathologizes others for doing things he doesn’t understand without ever realizing it is his understanding that may be limited. He thinks people should act according to their best interests and he knows their interests, particularly if they are “red necks” or English non-crisp-vowel class who voted for Brexit. When plebeians do something that makes sense to them, but not to him, the IYI uses the term “uneducated”. What we generally call participation in the political process, he calls by two distinct designations: “democracy” when it fits the IYI, and “populism” when the plebeians dare voting in a way that contradicts his preferences. While rich people believe in one tax dollar one vote, more humanistic ones in one man one vote, Monsanto in one lobbyist one vote, the IYI believes in one Ivy League degree one-vote, with some equivalence for foreign elite schools and PhDs as these are needed in the club."
Texas & Florida must keep doing the right thing at state level, it’s such a mess in Washington, so many sold out in both sides.. & term limits desperately needed!
RIGHT ! But I keep thinking, IF he can keep his ethics and integrity, maybe we here in the land of the free will need to make the sacrifice and give him up for the "good of our country" ? Few have the internal conviction to actually lead, definitely the only governor in any state I've lived in who actually possessed actual leadership skills (not manipulation skills)... wonder if this came from military training, or, just "good up bringing at home" ?
I recently moved from upstate New York to LaBelle Florida. DeSantis would be an excellent candidate. I’m still traumatized from living in New York, lol.. I can barely talk to my college educated friends, they think I’m brainwashed . Meanwhile I finally have a real doctor ( not insurance dictated)and a little quality of life. Anyway, so thankful to be in Florida. (P. S. Senator Rick Scott actually emails back & not just form letters)
I know, I really do know and understand but... don't even try to explain to someone who simply can't understand, can't imagine freedom, can't even process a place like La Belle, etc.
That is certainly LONG past due, but the perennials in D.C. have convinced the masses: ALWAYS retain those who have already served a term or two, they KNOW how to get things done, they KNOW their way around, do NOT elect the new guy or gal ! And, most people buy that, hook, line, and sinker... for 30 years, 40, more.
Eat the Media narrative much? The media LIES 100% of the time, and are almost exclusively DeMarxist! Everything was going very well well under Trump, and now, EVERYTHING IS GOING BADLY with XIDEN. That is a very difficult position to convince otherwise.
The DeMarxsists are being destructive on purpose. They serve another master (Klaus and Georgy), NOT the American people.
Similar things were lamented by the emotional class over Teddie Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, and General Patton and MaCarthur. We need SOB leaders when the world is being rocked by evil. The hoot here is that for all Trump's reported blustery hyperbole about the Democrats, it turns out he was WAY understated.
Frank, very true. I think it was VD Hanson who wrote "Trump is like chemotherapy to cancer". Gotta wipe out that cancer and you can't do it with cotton balls.
That flagrantly disordered personality somehow garnered eleven million MORE votes in 2020 than he got in 2016. Perhaps you're missing the forest for the trees.
To say nothing of the fact (see 2000 Mules) that targeted vote fraud in MI, WI, PA, GA, and AZ (and maybe NV) stole the election from Trump.
You know what is so pathetic and stupid of you were morons about this election in 2020?
Why the fuck didn’t you all rise up and demand this be exposed, and true it was fraud then relentlessly beat down these lying fucks that are Democrats into the dirt, or then secede from this country?
Because you’re all cowards and whores, that’s the Republican party, a bunch of “what the fuck have you done for me lately” attitudes as well as running away from any conflict.
You people sicken me, you’re just as bad as the sociopaths of the left!
Rise up?! RISE UP????? The fuck you've been for for the past 16 months?!
J6. Look what happened to those participating in that weak-ass riot. Now imagine the outcome of "rising up and (demanding) this be exposed", whatever the fuck you mean by "rising up".
Go watch 2000 Mules, and then ask how OUR demands to expose the election fraud illustrated by 2000 Mules could make their way to the broadcasts of the alphabet legacy media and to the propaganda arms (e.g. NY Times, WaPo, etc.) of the Democrat Party.
Jezuz, you TDSers are quite a spectacle to behold.
How about he agrees to no more mean tweets, for the people who can't take it? Or ... if he is not willing to sugar coat everything, let's elect more democrats. Because we all know mean tweets are much worse than collapsed economy, trampled constitution, open borders, war with Russia. I know I feel so much better since we got rid of those terrible mean tweets. Of course I am not on Twitter nor are most of the people that cannot take it. Go figure.
After all, what did Trump do? Brought gas prices down, tried to close the border, brought down overdose deaths, tried to balance trade with China, never started a war (no big deal there, right?), conquered Isis and made history in the Middle East. WHAT A PERSONALITY DISORDER! But no - we need people who ACT "presidential," all while starting another war and letting millions cross the border illegally. The person who needs their personality reordered is you. Grow up.
I no longer know who is responding to what. This system is pretty shitty. But I am strongly pro Trump. If this comment is aimed at me you need to give me some context. If not it’s just substack
He's responding to DividedUpWorld's first comment, way at the top, from May 22, DUW's first comment responding to Ultra MAGA's comment that started this thread.
Also, took out Soleimani. Moved our embassy to Jerusalem as Congress decreed be done...a quarter-century earlier, subsequently ignored by three consecutive presidents. Signed significant tax reform.
And remember, everything he accomplished he did with one hand tied behind his back, against the near-universal dishonest and/or illegal obstruction by the Left and by the near-entirety of the alphabet legacy media (print and electronic), and often by near-universal obstruction by the GOfuckingP itself.
Imagine what he could've/could get done with just an honest press corps and a GOP not trying to be liked by the dishonest press corps and by their Democrat enemies, I mean, colleagues.
Hey, let’s not forget, he cured cancer but forgot to tell doctors, he solved world hunger but ended up eating the directions because he wasn’t paying attention to what was in front of him, and most importantly, he solved world peace, and then took a shit and forgot the entire plan!
Why the fuck did he lose if he was so great, you can’t think that 55% of the population who can vote could’ve seen that? That would’ve overcome the one percent fraud that happened…
He’s too fucking polarizing, that’s my point, personality disorders make you love them or hate them, that’s not what we need in leadership!
And that’s why you bozos are attracted to him, because that’s what you are, they either love you or hate you…morons!
And Donald Trump didn’t lose. In fact, most of the USA is red, including Commifornia, except for Silicon Valley, SF, and MAYBE Los Angeles. Silicon Valley was instrumental in hiding truth. You should be scared of that FACT. What else have these elitists hidden to the average brain dead people?
Excuse me sir. You are SOUND asleep. I put my Commifornia voter ballot in the paper shredder two hours ago. I grew up (3rd generation when SF was beautiful) in San Fransicko. I was born in 1963. I WAS asleep just as I suspect you are. I woke up in 2007, when BHO was “elected” through utter lying and disinformation. Sit down, have a nice cocktail and pray to God The Father. God loves sinners…look in the mirror as I did/DO.
A population on the whole that does what is popular easy and convenient?!
F that!
Besides, cue 1996 George Carlin: why vote, when people elect selfish corrupt uncaring people because people are selfish uncaring voters… (generalized summation)
But, our own government was SPYING on Trump and Company…even while POTUS! If “they” are brazen enough to do that to a candidate/sitting POTUS, what the hell do you think they’d do to YOU? Ask the J6 Americans and countless others.
Mmm, the Republican Party is changing too. It is moving closer to populism and nationalism. People in the party are learning that corporatism is just as vile as socialism. People are working to rid it of the neocons and rinos. What we considered the democrat and republican parties are both changing drastically. In 50 years, it will make for fascinating studies.
I don’t know about that. When viewed from the lenses of history, parties are like continents, they rise, fall and are mutable when pressed. This is the time to reshape it to something that is better for all Americans.
Interesting thing is that GOPe, despite fighting tooth and nail against it, is being pulled rightward by the changing base, while Dem leadership and base by comparison are more or less aligned.
Are you so dim that you still can’t see that your hatred for Trump was completely uncalled for? Time to turn off CNN and the rest of the MSM and realize all of your “opinions” about Trump were planted into your easily manipulated mind.
Umm, he fucked it up in 2020, really, he will learn and do better in TWO YEARS, after a House and Senate Democrat majority ruthlessly forced on us in SIX MONTHS from now?!
My money, Trump is assassinated after the November purge…
Live by example, Frank, tell us your address at this thread, and get back to me how that goes with the rabid leftists who live to destroy.
These empty unimaginative dismissive retorts, you really think you are better and beneficial to the relentless ruin going on here in Amerrika?
The only hill you folks are willing to die on is that mound of dirt next to an empty grave, that you will be dropped into by unchallenged hate and lust for power more brazen and daring to be challenged!
And, I will not fight for cowards and whores who are so afraid of conflict, you likely do hide in your homes every chance you get!
Without more self-control you are at great risk of shooting your allies in that fight. Frankly (because I am), that is what THEY want. They have stirred up group conflict so that the peasants fight among themselves while they, the bourgeois, loot the world to a discarded shell. Save your rhetorical energy for them. My advice.
More demographic interests groups and groups for a “cause” are the last thing we need. Like everyone else, people who happen to have dark skin are unique individuals. What’s terrifying is how the Democrats have convinced a diverse group that spans the religious, socio-economic, and ideological spectrum to vote for them based solely on something as silly as the pigment in their skin by constantly distracting from actual things of value in their life.
The fact that he said "and yet other countries have multiple parties" proves that he's never cracked open a book, OR, that he isn't smart enough to understand the differences between *their* systems and ours. Maybe he wasn't alive in 1992 when Bill Clinton won the presidency with just 43% of the ballots cast. Ditto 1968.
It really is astonishing (though I don't know DUW, so I don't know why I should be astonished) that he can be so ignorant and simpleminded in virtually everything he's written in this thread. As I said elsewhere, he has yet to make even one persuasive or even just thoughtful comment.
And yet other countries have multiple parties. Is this your pathetic ignorant and dismissive way of saying “we vote Democrat or Republican because they run our lives, you don’t like it, fuck you and leave or die!”
But, honesty and candor aren’t in your agenda handbook, eh?!
You really are simpleton. You do not have the capacity for critical thinking, and you only know how to make straw man arguments and false premises, "quoting" what your feeble mind wants to interpret others' comments as meaning, and yet not coming with a country mile of it.
You *didn't* even grasp my references to 1992 and 1968 in the context of third parties, that's how ignorant and brainless you seem to be. I'm done wasting effort in trying to pierce your petrified skull.
Continue to rant all you want. You're a modern-day Don Quixote.
I hear you can buy some delta-8 gummies about anywhere in the US. If ever a person needed to consider taking several a day, it’s you “DividedUpWorld.” It won’t fix the incoherent sentences and lack of knowledge you exhibit, but it might make you less angry, and that would be progress for you. 😘
Kumbaya buddy, wear flowers in your hair and walk up to the next Black Lies Batter rally and tell them, “I love all people, I play no favorites, I respect the common man…“
And then we can watch you be executed like they killed people in Vietnam, public execution style bullet to the head, and then the lame scream propaganda machine media will cheer your death…
But hey, civility acquiescence and tolerance, man, it sounds so good…
So basically Trump looked bad (evil tweets or something - plus Clinton/Russiagate), but the policy outcome was really popular with normal people. Like low inflation, everyone working, cheap gas, no crazy forced injections (my body my choice - for real!), jobs returning from China, secure border, food for babies, no new foreign wars, no WHO-medical-authoritarianism, etc.
Almost a golden age, compared to where we are now.
Maybe that's because Trump wasn't surrounded by WEF "young global leaders" who had "infiltrated the cabinets." Unlike "Joe Biden".
Hillary.... people should be outraged...and oh, that might happen if the EFFING MEDIA would do their actual job!!! The whole thing has been scripted since she bailed out and bought off the DNC... Eric Swallwell as a Presidential candidate?? Where she erred is thinking she could phone in the campaign because her delusional hubris convinced her she was adored. I’d would pay good money to see her Chardonnay fueled take down of Robbi Mook on election night... seems maybe Robbi just evened that score. Is it possible to run an $ estimate on what this chicanery costs US ? For starters, the $25 million Muller Report....
I’d love to see one of these polls break out government employees as a separate respondent group. They number more than 20 million. Guessing Brandon gets close to 💯 of them.
Trump over the years gave more money to democrats since he resided in a very blue city. They loved him there. He thought democrats would be happy he was in the WH as he would happily work with democrats since he knew most better than his own party. Instead what happened was democrats and rhinos worked hard every day to blow up Trump’s life because NONE wanted to drain the swamp. They are the swamp. Romney only found his balls when blasting Trump, but never found his balls debating Obama and Candy. Trump is not a politician and frankly not particularly bright. However I sincerely believe he loves his country. I think few in Washington love their country. They love China now because that is who throws money at them. Ask Joe.
My neighbor, an x NYC cop, Republican, refused to vote for Trump and instead voted Biden saying he was the most honest person in Washington. This cop HATES Trump for reasons he cannot articulate. He adores Biden. Gushes about him. This neighbor and my NJ friend see nothing wrong with Biden’s mind. Unreal. Both believe masks work. Vaccines wonderful. These two will never see the light ever.
I too think that Trump really does love this country it’s in MHO the one and most important requirement needed to govern it. As far as the DC swamp goes - the majority of them are there for only one thing - as one of their major disrupters once said - “it’s all about the Benjamin’s.”
Having grown up in NJ, I have heard Trump talk thousands of times to media. He is not a deep thinker. He is more a guy with a desire to see big things happen often not too concerned with details. He is about making money that in his mind proves success. He has had lots of failures because his vision was unrealistic. He does not surround himself with honest people. He expects allegiance and often that desire means not hiring folks that know when to help put the brakes on.
He is human. Flawed. I am just pointing out how he comes across. I have known lots of very smart people, meaning well read, articulate, that have horrendous instincts. If I was in a foxhole, I want Trump there with me, because I know he would never sell me to the other side. Most in Washington would sell me and probably their family members. They have zero morale compass. I think Trump is actually a kind man that genuinely feels the pain of others. It is just that he is so far removed from the masses. He has lived in a bubble. He is king of that bubble and often every move is all about him. Of course nobody is more in love with himself than Obama. I have never seen that level of narcissism ever before. Trump also wants to be liked so badly and praised for his work. That obsession needed to be checked a long time ago. Being liked is a fantasy. He is too successful and powerful to be genuinely liked. Silly man. Ok, you can see there are many things about him I like and things that are trouble,
I lived in Metro NYC NJ for many years, a total of 24 years… Trump is the quintessential NYC businessman… good, bad and ugly. We were in the contract furniture business, we never won a bid with Trump Co. Tough, brutal … but hey, it’s Nuh Yawk! Hard to explain to others… but I agree with you.. conservatively, he’s worth $2 Billion… I don’t care who are are, you don’t accumulate that wealth not being “bright.” Maybe not all ethically , but again, Nuh Yawk. So when Trump came down the golden escalator I turned to my Colorado Boy and said “ watch DC go nucuhlar.” And now Musk being criticized… why? Like he’s the stupid one??? personally, I’d love to see all these career politicians challenged by concerned private citizens with a better handle of how the real world works. Corporate interests and lobbies have afforded the likes of McConnell, Pelosi, Feinstein, etc etc far too much cover.
I bet not one of them knows the price of bread or gas. I mean it. Washington is clueless. NYC is a cesspool. Trump did what had to do to survive. When he threatened to run all these years, democrats loved him. Media did as well. Republicans did not. He really never knew his own party and he hated Bush which made him an outcast. Look Trump can draw a crowd anywhere. That brings out the jealousy. Jealousy makes people go nuts. Look how nuts Romney got because of Trump. Pure jealousy. John Kerry the same. He felt he was owed the WH. Hillary felt the WH was hers. These people will do anything to hurt those they are jealous of. If they got to bring down a country to get even, then so be it. All these idiots in Washington insist Trump is a national security risk. Really? Biden is not? My father had dementia. Joe is worse than my dad was and he wasn’t running the country.
Yup. I was absolutely appalled when Pelosi stood in front of her TWO Sub Zero refrigerators showing us the $14/PINT ice cream FrdExed overnight as how she is surviving COVID… Princess and the Pea much? And her wealthy donors in San Francisco think she is just the greatest…. Oh wait, and another favorite.. Pelosi wearing Hermés $250 scarves as face masks…. Yeah, she’s in touch…..
Graygirl…...you seem very thoughtful. You have really explained Trump to a T. I really wanted to point out where you might be wrong but, try as I might, I couldn’t. I gotta tell ya, I really tried. Your comments are well received. Thanks.
I have studied him. I honestly am a people watcher. My dad was a people watcher. I remember sitting in Newark airport watching the people coming and going from all over the world. What was their body language saying. We both found it so interesting. Trump makes a lot of people jealous of him. That is why they hate him so intensely.
I would love to compare notes with you! The Media was brutal. Im from a very small town in NJ , 22 miles outside the city. A friend’s son was struggling in public school. His divorced narcissistic mother shipped him off to Boarding School, where he was classmates with Jr….most kids went home on the weekends, except this kid… so he started spending weekends with the Trumps… Trump introduced him to golf… not an athlete, he hated it… Trump asked him what he liked,, he said “ singing in a choir.” This kid, now 42 (?) has the voice of an angel… his self absorbed parents would not pay the higher tuition at an Episcopal Boarding School known for its Male Choir… Trump picked up the difference and this man now credits Trump for helping this “ nerd” find his niche. This doesn’t make him a great President, but there’s more to him than what the media has portrayed. And this “ kid” now my friend, lives in the Southeast and very active in his Church and choir.
Trump, under severe pressure, went back on his word to have friendly relations with Russia, and he stupidly gave weapons to Ukraine. Nonetheless, we would not be on the cusp of a major war with Russia if Biden hadn't been "selected" by the Powers-that-Be. Trump is one of the few major politicians calling for negotiations with Russia.
No, and by the reflexive rectal retorts by the usual pathetic and unimaginative suspects, those who are independent caring and committed to true liberty freedom independence and autonomy know we are doomed by Sociopathic leftists and selfish rightists…
Oh yes, the call to embrace and pursue freedom and independence has been flowing here like milk and honey for the downtrodden and defenseless to know they will be protected and provided.
You vote for what you see in a candidate, and many, NOT ALL, Trump voters are inherently selfish, narrow minded, and cover-their-own-asses thinkers and doers.
Fauci not being dumped was the loudest “fuck the public I want to keep my job and attention!!!” one could possible utter.
And you folks want that to return, knowing full well the sociopathic left will go beyond burning and destroying the land.
Deeds not words, sheesh, you folks truly have no clue what that means in the moment of truth…
And I am not going to fight for cowards and whores, fuck that agenda!!!
You have *yet* to make a thoughtful, reasoned, persuasive, or FFS even simply an *adult* comment in this thread. Infantile histrionics is your bailiwick. I'm done trying to debate someone with the equivalent of an eighth-grade temperament...and vocabulary.
17 hours later and silence from Smart-alec the not so Great…
Fascinating when you ask them for details, after they shriek at you that you’re not doing it, isn’t the projection just absolutely pathetic to watch play out?
Trump supporters, they are as equally deranged as the leftist sociopathic agenda…
"Let’s just hope the GOP focuses less on score-settling and more on making sure the Bill of Rights hasn’t been entirely trashed by the end of Uncle Joe’s one and only term."
No way! Punishing all these people for what they did over the past 2+ years is the way to make sure The Constitution isn't trashed.
Let’s make sure we include ALL of them. Don’t let people like Doug Ducey, governor of Arizona where the monsoon photo was likely taken, hold any elected or appointed office ever again.
Ducey signed legislation this past week that tried to obfuscate his involvement in mask mandates, school closures, and shot compliance. Don’t ever forget that there were horrible people on both sides of the aisle.
Doug Ducey is the RINO-iest McCainite RINO ever. I loathe him and I swear if the AZ GOP tries to shove him down my throat as a Senate candidate I wont vote. I’ve never missed a vote in 30 years but I would not be able to live with myself if I checked his box.
I'm from AZ and I agree 100%. Ducey is a good business governor, bringing business to AZ. But he fell for the lockdown nonsense that destroyed AZ small business. And he is a poor cultural warrior and we are in a cultural war. Our schools are as woke as any in CA or NY, and that is a problem.
Kari Lake is our best chance at bringing a warrior to AZ. I will also suggest Tim Michels in Wisconsin is my birth state's best chance as well.
I agree on Kari Lake but mostly on the point I think she’s the only one who can beat Katie Hobbs. I spent a decade in tv news in phx and though I never worked with Lake I have friends who did and they say she’s the real deal in spite of the establishment attacks on her Obama vote and past democrat leanings. My only worry is that political insiders say she’s been surrounded by the people who do politics for a living, the old guard with too many special interests. If she’s not smart enough to get rid of them if she wins she’ll end up like Trump — a victim of the swamp stabbed in the back by people who lie to your face.
Yeah, I wrote this at the top of this commentary and was looking through for someone else who realized that kissing and making up WAS NOT the answer to what we have been through. Thanks for saying it.
I couldn't disagree more with the entirely leftist idiocy of "we shouldn't resort to score-settling". The left doesn't see magnanimity as anything but weakness to be exploited. That was why Trump could never apologize, except one singular time when the Access Hollywood tape came out and he apologized to his family. Just like Putin and other authoritarians understand nothing but strength, the Democrats must be dismantled and reformulated by unrelenting retribution for the institutions and norms they have destroyed. The media must go through the same process to serve the purpose it was conceived to provide. Remember, "a republic if you can keep it" very much applies and weak man cannot defend such. Gentle we might be, but not in the face of an existential threat, and anyway gentleness is NOT weakness but strength under control. Remorselessness is not to be confused with ruthlessness. If you don't know the difference you wouldn't be a good parent or a good leader.
"the Democrats must be dismantled and reformulated by unrelenting retribution for the institutions and norms they have destroyed"
Well said! That's why I love DeSantis. He is always looking to punish the leftists, no matter what. Remember back to having a press conference in Brandon, FL. That is the type of tactics necessary to defeat these slimy and demonic cowards.
When I am weaker than you, I ask you for freedom because that is according to your principles; when I am stronger than you, I take away your freedom because that is according to my principles.
I’m all for restitutions. We see only too we’ll what is happening here now because crimes go unpunished - even more crime. Trouble is when it comes to Congress the process is never swift and sure. What I’d like to hear is the GOP saying, You, “Sit down and shut up!”
I don't know, personally I have a score to settle with Fauci. And I'd like to see a big focus on "how can the lockdowns and the rest of the unjustified panic-reaction of the last two years be prevented from EVER happing again?". I just don't expect much.
No, i think we are LONG overdue for a score settling. That’s all the dems understand. Believe me, I will be dancing in the streets when we get some vengeance.
And there is no shortage of RINOs who need some of that score settling thrown their way as well. Knocking several out in primaries will shake them. More than vengeance, I want to see damage undone and the Constitution strengthened: term limits, a required balanced budget, no separate exemptions for the political class from the crap they pass on the rest of us, etc. (I also don't think they'll ever pass restrictions upon themselves--it's going to take and Article V Convention of States to make it happen.) Where I DO absolutely want vengeance: stripping the funding of and/or totally eliminating the compromised 3-letter agencies that have been empowered to make our lives hell through rogue political harassment or paybacks.
This is OBAMAS people running the show with some Bernie folks sprinkled in there. Joe was the Trojan horse and we all know it. Illegals being brought in as the new voting base for the left. 20+ million very soon as they know they cannot perpetuate the ballot fraud they used last election. We are in very perilous times folks.
"Let’s just hope the GOP focuses less on score-settling and more on making sure the Bill of Rights hasn’t been entirely trashed by the end of Uncle Joe’s one and only term."
Actually, making sure the Bill of Rights isn't trashed requires some score settling. That tends to discourage future trashing.
He's done so much to destroy this country, so it's no surprise. At least people are starting to realize. And tomorrow we'll be inching closer to the one-world agenda when our sovereignty goes even more out the window.
We are going to have to fight against medical tyranny at the State level. Governors are going to have to refuse to follow globalists dictates, even if the Biden Regime follows.
Electing governors with backbones who are willing to stand up to the press and say “this is not a power given to government, we can issue advice, but not mandates… the free market will work it out” is of utmost importance.
The GOP governors who stood up to Trump’s Covid fascism can be counted on one hand. Kemp of Georgia was notoriously one of those and so in return, Trump endorsed Kemp’s opponent in the GA primary (coming up in 2 days).
Rule of thumb: if Trump endorsed, then vote for the other guy.
what I want to know is how does an administration who's every decision is DESIGNED to weaken us as a nation is still being reported as blunders and not as the obvious attack on our nation's sovereignty that it is.
Isn't there some law enforcement group that should be making charges? Do you need to have an actual piece of paper that says 'this is how I will destroy America' when you have the actions and results?
I am legit convinced that Biden is a Chinese cat's-paw. His family has taken tens of millions directly from the CCP. They own him. And they are directing him to destroy America. I am 100% serious.
The laptop is real. Everybody knows it. It proves that Joe Biden is bought and paid for. Now it’s time to ask the hard questions: What would a bought president be doing? Cutting our energy independence? Hurting Americans by cutting off trade via sanctions? Pushing us into a war we can’t possibly win that would likely lead to the rise of China as the world’s superpower? Devaluing the dollar and gutting the middle class?
Maybe the better question is: If Biden’s goal was to wreck the economy and enable the rise of China, would he be doing anything at all differently?
Exactly. Once you realize that Biden is intentionally destroying the country then all his policies make perfect sense. The open border, the trillions in spending, provoking a war with Russia, out of control inflation, sicking the FBI on parents who speak out at school board meetings, indoctrinating small children into a confusing trans agenda, ending our energy independence, sending US troops back into Somalia, on and on and on. The entire agenda is explicitly designed to destroy the country.
Right, and you know he's not the mastermind behind this. It's the same with camel-La. She's doing exactly what she's been told. It doesn't matter who she hires as her staff. She has no choice, not that I'm giving her a pass.
I can't get my head around who the masterminds behind this are. China, Cartels, Corporations, Davos/WEF or a mix of them, but what I do know is national sovereignty is the best defense and anything that weakens that for any nation is bad mojo. The left has done its best to remove God from as much as possible. Get rid of God and you have no rights, every legal decision in the US is void, sovereignty is meaningless. The Constitution and Bill of Rights may as well be a pack of Charmin.
With all due respect, Alex (and I do respect you for your journalistic integrity on the shots), the American people DESERVE a reckoning. You may call is score-settling, but if we don't see actual jail time for the corruption and capture of every federal agency, we cannot survive as a United States of America. It's not possible. We must see the Constitution, as well as the Bill of Rights returned to their rightful place as our cornerstones.
The Trump low-approval was manipulated by the media to make Americans think he did something nefarious. 80,000 people don’t show up at rallies after 2020 to support a low approval former president. Censorship works.
I can’t be the only one that thinks there is no way the globalist powers that be, the ones who’ve made incredible progress in two years, the ones who moved heaven and earth to get rid of trump, the same Dems who are obsessed with moving their agenda forward no matter the cost, are just going to let the red wave happen. There’s no way, I can’t even imagine what they have planned for us to influence the election.
I've had the exact same thought for some time now. Expect the mother of all "October surprises" along with ever more nonsense in the voting process. By the way, notice how all of a sudden, we can never have a clean, uncontested election outside of safe seats? Big Tech will be in overdrive "fighting disinformation" to aid the Left.
Biden renewed his emergency powers exactly at the moment covid was suddenly no longer news - as Ukraine took center stage. Leana Wen did a one eighty at the same time and then just went away. Meanwhile we now know that under cover of darkness Biden was busy planning turning emergency powers over to the WHO - which is happening right now May 22. Only Fox has even mentioned it. Questioning whether there will even be an election this fall is a logical question as the new pandemic threats are being put out now to build back the fear that had finally abated… ie we are primed for all the new draconian measures that will be imposed when the time is just right. I can’t even believe I’m writing this crazy stuff! The logic of what happened these last two years seems so clear if you have listened to McCullough Malone Breggins RFKJr etc. With all the lying and power mongering and disastrous actions against this country by whomever is behind the curtain (telling this shell of a person who somehow got elected to get him out of a basement what to say and do these last two years) it’s not that big a leap to suggest the US is being sold out to the maniacs at the World Economic Forum. Hope hope hope I’m totally wrong…..Alex please prove me wrong at your earliest convenience.
Some punishment must be released or there is no true justice. Fauci / Walensky should at a very minimum be terminated (with extreme prejudice for real justice) and the DOJ brought to heel for a wide variety of bad behaviors. FBI reform, CIA reeled back in and Foreign Policy oversight brought into bright light. Then we get to Big Pharma and that criminal conspiracy. Also the Durham investigations and trials should ramp up hard with HRC perp walked into prison. Stop the proxy war with Russia and mend fences or die trying. Lastly, stop printing money we don't have to feed the fools that don't want to work. That's all a good start. I'll think of more later.
There should not be another Democrat elected for two generations. When you look at the direction they've taken this country, both in their policies, and with their working partners in the media and academia, we've gone from a shining City on a Hill to country where our most beautiful city has to staff a team to collect human feces from it's streets while handing out needles. Meanwhile, across the country, we simply ignore the numbers of people being shot, raped, robbed, attacked, as Ho-Hum daily occurrences. These things do not happen in a vacuum. You have to work at it to move from a shining City on a Hill to the level we've fallen, with thousands trying to leave Chicago, LA, New York, Portland, Seattle, San Francisco, et. al., and millions more walking in freely on our Southern border.
It'll take at least two generations to clean out the Democratic Party. There should not be another elected for that length of time or until they get some sense of reality back- whichever comes first.
As for the Republicans- I con't count on much from them as they have been a part of some- not all, but some- of our decline (see: Our Border). But at least the right has been trying to clean out the Republican Party. It is taking time, but it's happening. As for 'score settling', I agree there is more important work to be done. That said, there are criminals, outright liars, and people who have worked hard at destroying the very fabric of our country still sitting in Congress, the FBI, State Department and other corners of our Government. What is Adam Schiff still doing in Congress, let alone leading any Congressional committees? I say we start with Mr. Schiff and his Russia Collusion conspiracy. There is some trash that still needs to be taken out of Congress before we can move forward.
Notice how they are not telling us how it is spreading. Or how they are surprised that is is spreading at all. As if they don't know how monkeypox spreads.
Brandon brought it up this morning that he hasn't been told the level of exposure yet, but assured "We're working on it hard to figure out what we do and what vaccine, if any, may be available for it." (Yep, laying the groundwork for more jab hysteria before November.)
Both parties are trash and there's few politicians worth a shit. Either get rid of political parties or give people other options than the giant douche or turd sandwich.
Living in Texas I agree with that . One party is definitely doing better than the other right now but we as Americans deserve better than both of these parties. When will they secure the border? When will they stop spending recklessly?
Most Republicans are horrible swamp creatures. However, there are a few good ones. In the Democrat party, they are 100% horrible swamp creatures who would throw you directly into a wood chipper if it meant giving them 1% more power and money.
Well said! Roy Blunt is an example of the R swamp creature you describe. Literally the only reason he won the last time was on Trump’s coattails. I was relieved at the time bc I didn’t realize just how swampy he is and at least he held up some of the policies I support whereas his opponent likely would not have. Glad he’s “retiring”. Plus I think his son is in the middle of some double dealing type scandal, haven’t had a chance to get the details on that yet. It’s really a sad commentary on how some of these folks allow, even encourage the swamp to suck them in once they’ve been there awhile. Some of it is sadly the “way things have been done in the past” and some of it is the longer one is there the better chance there is that they will become worthless, even detrimental, to those who sent them there in good faith. I still don’t really like the idea of term limits as that’s kind of the definition of voting imo but that only works if we have an informed electorate. 🤷♀️🤦♀️
To have the lowest % ever considering the majority of the media propaganda on his side is the astonishing aspect. The majority of lowered Trump % was driven down by that very same fake news media. Trumps # was low not because of what he had done, but by the effectiveness of the media to get people to hate him based on emotion and not policy. When you look at what the puppet has done to America in just 16 months compared to Trump that is the stark contrast and opposite ends of the spectrum
Correct. And after the leftist mass murders upcoming, amazing how Democrats win a convincing majority win in ALL 50 states, when millions are killed and leftist rule and reporting validates such genocide…
Unfortunately, many Republicans (RINOs) are more than willing to help Dems trash the Bill of Rights.
Inflation, Smation. Let's send Ukraine another $40 BILLION, no wait, let's make it $50 BILLION. You can't start a NUCLEAR WAR with only $40 BILLION. (On a positive note, when the Nukes start flying, I'm pretty sure we'll all forget about inflation.)
I have zero faith in our election process. After seeing the shenanigans in AZ in 2020, I don’t think there will be a red wave. I’m pretty sure the Democrat machine has worked hard the last two years working on their fraud plans
I was no fan of Bill Clinton, but at least he could read a room and move more to the middle. Not the Biden admin. They just keep doubling down on stupid.
Don't think for a moment that they are not intending for the outcomes we are seeing. These US admin stooges are puppets for the wealthy empty suits in Davos and their maniacal dehumanizing Great Reset agenda. Hopefully the coming elections will not be decided by the 2000 Mules that the movie provided evidence of affecting the outcome of the last national election.
On the flipside of that coin, the desperation of the Deep State that they will lose the power they presently enjoy with their dem colleagues running the show in Washington argues forcefully for them implementing desperate and dangeorus measures to create the outcomes they want prior to November 8th. Which probably explains the new fear porn in the form of Monkey Pox all of a sudden showing up in numerous countries, as well as the predicted food supply shortages that are upposed to hit this summer.
But the real danger is in Ukraine. To what degree will the US Deep State operatives go to provoke a war with US troops facing off against Russia that they hope rallies voters to the present administration on election day ? And how will Russia respond ? The world has not been in such a dangerous and precarious position since the Cuban Missile Crisis. Political power has corrupted completely.
Just wait for the fleecing of "we the people" soon to fund even more of the military industrial complex propaganda proxy war with Taiwan. America will be so debt beholden it's inevitable it will crash
They knew he was a throw-away president when they put him in to do their dirty work. He’s the fall guy, getting paid handsomely of course. They’re all just figureheads anyway. They needed one shithead to do unthinkable things and the next one will come in and “rescue” us.
Score settling is always a factor, but usually minor. Political combat is predominantly strategic, always an effort to position your side for greater power. How that power is used, and how the strategies are exercised, always depends on how well the public controls their government. We've seen the results of public apathy. Now the question is whether we've learned anything from it. Get involved in your politics, local and national, or suffer the politics of others who do.
I strongly believe that if the Dems hold the majority after the midterm, we will see a return of forced vaccination, mask mandates, people sitting at home working or being paid not to work, and more government spending in the name of health or rescue.
It’s a possibility that in the name of a new Covid variant or Monkeypox, the voting laws will be changed again by lawsuits at the last minute, and a return of mass, mail in and drop off box voting, like what was done in 2020. The media will support it and call people who are against it as wanting Grandma to die, or if that doesn’t work, then racist.
If the Dems hold power, they will see this as a sign that people desire their control, thus their medical tyranny, and other social programs and ideology. One may not be a huge fan of the Republicans; there a a handful of really good ones, but there is a choice to be made.
Over two years in, everyday, I see young people walking outdoors wearing a mask, and masking their young children too. These are the people that I think of as Biden’s Soldiers. They would give our civil liberties away on a silver platter to the government without resistance.
They were one vote away from killing the filibuster and nationalizing election. The minute they get another chance they will pass this bill and say goodbye to election in the US. Dems will hold power forever
If Trump wasn’t cheated out of the presidency our country would be in way better shape. We wouldn’t be worrying that Biden is about to sign away our sovereignty, there would be no war or proxy war with Russia, he would’ve handled the Afghanistan withdrawal better, the illegal invasion at the border, shipping crisis, food shortages, there would have been no vaccine mandates, and ppl wouldn’t have lost their jobs, and so much more. Everything the Dems have done is an affront to the citizens. They want the NWO and everything they’ve done in the last year and a half is a reflection of that ideology. Keep creating crises and it will happen. Now they want to give us all monkeypox so we can take another vaccine just in time for the WHO pandemic treaty to take effect.
Dems are compromised and have completely sold the country out. Some Repubs are bad but I don’t know how a single person votes for Dems when their platform is america is evil and needs dismantled.
SMH, you actually think Joe is dictating and implementing policy? Any other progressive in the office would have just been doing a better job of reading the same commie crap on the teleprompter.
It looks like we have 11/50 GOP Senators who are America first. That means that 39/50 are America Last. Looking at you Ted Cruz. Go pound sand Senator Cruz. Of course, 50/50 Democrat Senators are America Last so there is that.
Imagine a more neutral media,something that existed between the 1980s to 2000 (ironically from cable companies like CNN/Fox upsetting the big 3 network power) and Biden is at least 5 to 10 points more in the dumper.Right now even the corporate media is turning on him and Democrats will distance himself each and every day up to November 2022 elections.”A humiliated ruling class that is still in power is the most dangerous thing in the World “ Jeffery Tucker.Summer is going to be a complete disaster.
I know it's just a fantasy on my part, but it would be great if the MSM organizations reporting the "news" could simply get fined by the FCC. There are laws on the books right now that could be used to hold the MSM accountable for knowingly reporting false stories. All you have to do is look at the co-ordination between them and the shared used of language to know they were all in it together. It's not censoring, they are welcome to continue reporting it, but unless you have proof, then you better be reporting it as opinion, and not fact or expect a fine. Why are the laws even on the books if nobody uses them?
I want public trials and I want these people who have spent 2 1/2 years destroying this country, your businesses and your kids, to pay for what they've done.
Taking the high road gets you nothing.
Putting these people away for LIFE might have a more beneficial effect.
Personally, I’d just like to know exactly how bad it has to get before we can get this imposter OUT of the White House! Our country is sinking faster than the Titanic and nobody in government is doing anything about it. When you discover a home invader in your house, you take care of it.. call 911 and hope the police get him? Get out your gun and take care of it yourself? All I know is the longer this moron is in office, the worse our country gets. It’s past time for him to go.
I just don't get it. The contributors on this stack are amazing and so astute when it comes to Covid. BUT when it comes to U.S. politics something changes...
How can a country of 340 million end up with a choice of somebody like Trump or Biden? Your system is utterly broken! Elections are bought not won and the corporations back and own both sides. Until you do something about the system things will continue to get worse.
They are in the process of totally destroying the Dollar and free speech is under threat with govt over reach into all aspects of your lives.
Why do you think anything is going to change? It's not!
And in UK we are well on our way to a digital fascist dictaorship!
Wot? No howls of indignation or support for the status quo?
Maybe there is a political Mass Psychosis too? Maybe if you all squeeze your eyes so tight and wish real hard, just like Dorothy, things will turn out right.
BUT - They are coming for YOU! The poor already live in tents, the workers have lost their jobs to cheap overseas drones, now they're after the wealth of the middle classes.
They have just accomplished the biggest wealth transfer in history! This is a long-haul game. Remember, by 2030 'you will own nothing and you will be happy' (If you survive!)
I do not judge, they are insidious and highly organised. How to fight it? In the UK they have just effectively banned all forms of protest.
But expecting the current political system to return anything different is as futile as believing in the man behind the curtain in The Wizard of Oz!
I’m sorry, but scores will be settled, Dems will be imprisoned. Then, and only then, can we get back to the task of cleaning up the mess. They must learn to never steal an election again.
Wow. Pretty shocked that all the comments here display a belief that “parties” matter in this country, and that elections are somehow legit. Incredible. Listen Joe Biden is the Boris Yeltsin of the USA and it was a deliberate act on the part of the folks who actually run the world. The US is being castrated. On purpose. Using Biden as the puncture wound to start the leak and drain it dry. Damn I really thought commenters here would be a little more savvy than arguing about Trump and “parties.” This is 2022. It’s all changed.
Agree. It's all theatrics to keep the people pacified and in line, feeling like they chose and are in the driver's seat. Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss.
Agree with the 1 term. I cannot believe he can complete this term. For anybody who has witnessed this level of dementia, people fade fast. The meds get less and less effective, until they have no effect at all. Remember, he nearly has 3 years left. As far as elections, I live in Nevada and already received a primary mail-in ballot, despite being unaffiliated. That tells me they're going to cheat more on this election. Because it is midterm, they will not get away with it in red states, but the blue states will continue to send democrats to DC. Alex, I don't think democrats take lessons from anything, except how to effectively cheat in elections.
The Bill of Rights has been repeatedly trashed by the DEMs. Each and every one of these violations of our basic rights must be addressed when the GOP takes power. It is the only way the GOP can make sure that our rights aren't violated again. This isn't score settling. It's only common sense. If there are no consequences for criminal actions the criminals will not be deterred but emboldened.
Without a doubt, Biden is the worst U.S. president in my lifetime (I'm in my 60s). He makes the bumbling, bungling Jimmy Carter look like a genius by comparison. Everything Biden touches turns to you-know-what. Baby formula shortages, soaring gasoline and diesel prices, soaring inflation, $80 billion in military equipment left behind in Afghanistan, millions of illegals pouring across our border (the only border Biden seems interested in defending is Ukraine's) -- and that's just a partial list. Under Biden, our liberties guaranteed by the Constitution have been attacked like never before in my lifetime. SAVE AMERICA AND MAKE IT GREAT AGAIN.
Civil War then invasion by a coalition of China/ Russia/ N Korea/ Cuba/ and Iran, along with blatant collusion by sociopathic Demoncraps wipes out this country. Shame we can’t watch the traitors be lynched and burned once the invasion is complete…
the 2022 election must be about solutions. If the Republicans focus only on the many negatives in the last 18 months our country is screwed. Biden's administration is incompetent and their woke policies have proven disastrous. Add to that their attempts to compromise our constitutional protections and the door is wide open for sensible alternatives. The left somehow believes people of color are stupid. This racism of low expectations is backfiring, but winning an election is but a first step. Biden and Powell's policies may take years of economic pain to unwind. Allowing someone like Tony Fauci to control America's health care to the benefit of Big Pharma may be impossible to reverse. The military-industrial cabal has control of much of both parties. Trump, in spite of his own self-defeating personality, started to face some of these issues. The entrenched interests couldn't allow that. Remember that the rhino Republican Congress did not support him for much of his term. Big challenges that must be addressed.
I guess I don't see where the GOP needs such an admonition. Where is the history of the GOP seeking to settle scores whenever they are in power? One of the gripes that many of us have had is that the Republicans too often lay down in the face of their enemies, even when the GOP itself is in the power seat. Look at the entire Trump administration; it was nothing but one series of another of someone on the conservative side being prosecuted or accused of some kind of crime, including of course, the president himself. Where was GOP score settling then?? If anything, it has been the political left that is always seeking to use the power of government to posecute their political enemies.
there is no GOP. period . full stop. there is one party in DC, it has two branches , but they are both controlled by the same international financiers . who are meeting in Davos right now . check out the world economic forum .
People were so desperate to rid the country of the embarrassment of Trump and all the negativity he spread that unfortunately this is the result. Maybe somewhere, somehow, credible political candidates will come forward in each party and efforts will be made to return the Country into one which we can all respect and love once again. Role models for the world. Massive change is needed from my vantage point.
Trump didn't spread the negativity, the MSM attacked him, twisted his words and proceeded to tear the country apart with Russia Russia Russia 24x7. With the Sussman trial it is clear that Hillary did that to disable his presidency and trash our country. The reason Biden was sold as being a less divisive president is that the MSM would cover for him 24x7 no matter what inanity he did. Massive change is definitely needed but political candidates who love our country as opposed to hate it need to come forward.
Trump behaved like a boor and could never garner respect with his foul mouth and ridiculous behaviour. Not presidential material whatsoever. Not to mention Jan 6 fiasco.
don't be simple minded. the dominion voting machines are still out there and the vote harvesting is still going on. Fox news boss Karl rove just rehired lifelong democrat arnon mishkin for their 2022 election coverage. he is the guy who called all the states like Arizona early to cover the election night nastiness in 2020. our elections are theater
I take just a slightly different approach to what the Republicans should do than Alex suggests.
As always we should INSIST that the Bill of Rights is upheld and if possible strengthened. However, on behalf of the American public that has been seriously wronged by the last 2 years of Bidenism, there are some scores to settle (along with maintaining our Rights) and the first score that needs settling is the impeachment and removal from office of both Joe Biden AND Kamala Harris! These 2 individuals are absolutely the worst individuals a country can place into elected office and I can think of no 2 others can that match them. Biden flatly ignored the law and broke it regarding border security/control and immigration. Harris, tasked by her boss Joe Biden, to "Czar" and oversee/fix the situation, did nothing. I mean absolutely nothing and should be removed for negligence because the situation at the border has continued to deteriorate till this very day.
I'll even go as far as placing a litmus test for the current crop of Republicans for them to be considered Republicans - "If you're not on board with impeaching and removed Biden/Harris and a fully unwavering support of the 2A, then you're part of the problem and we'll replace YOU TOO in the GOP Primaries and this course of action is WELL UNDERWAY!
Considering they are still counting votes in Pennsylvania (no one thinks this is a red flag)... maybe Dem leadership is showing they have this in the bag. 2020 was a preview of future elections, I'm afraid.
I think Repubs will take the house. But they’ve already fucked up the Senate. Weak candidates in PA with a broke ass mail in balloting weeks to count voting system and candidates like Herschel Walker in GA moronically saying he wants to ban abortion- no exceptions I would say our chances are slim because Repubs can’t help but go extreme in the other direction. Stop talking about banning abortion you idiots and talk about how Dems want to dismember babies clear up to birth.
It needs to be noted that Trump low approval was due mainly to a relentless assault by dems/media pushing a False Narrative that Trump was controlled by Russia. This was a made-up story that was used to vilify Trump, his family & entire MAGA movement. Now as the story unfolds in Court, it is being dismantled lie by lie. Without this lie by Hillary, who knows how high Trump approval rate would have been. Booming economy, lower taxes, clamp down on illegals, better trade deals. low Unemployment, No new wars
Trump is not an answer…
Umm, can we have a candidate who is not so flagrantly personality disordered, from a third party?!?!
Why, cause he speaks the blatant and uncomfortable truth and doesn’t take crap or lies about him lying down. I want a strong President who will fight for this Country and Us. If his words offend you, the problems is You, not him. Sorry I like unvarnished and direct talk myself.
Agreed. In my experience, Karens don’t process political empiricism.
Um...."empirically" Trump was a massive government, massive print and spend politician who did absolutely nothing to drain the swamp but talked about a lot of stuff he ultimately didn't do.
Somebody doesn't know what empirically means. It is verifiably true. But your feelings disagree, I get it.
LOL. He was fighting the dems and repubs. And the Intelligence Community. Have you not seen the Sussmann trial? And now we learned that the FBI had a SCIF at Perkins Coie.
He was fighting the swamp by growing the swamp. You've fallen for all his talk and ignored all his actual actions.
Fuck you and your partisan polarizing dismissals
How have YOU improved America these past 16 months?
You dishonest disingenuous disdainful dick!
Dude, you sound like an alliterative Karen
32 likes, who are the real Karens here?!?!
Funny, you are an ignorant clueless easily mislead Douchebag…
Go troll somewhere else Libtard and take your foul mouth with ya.
AMEN to that!!
I’d tell you Trump sycophants to go fuck yourselves, but you are all too busy sucking off Trump to have time for yourselves!!!
Haha, wow! Talk about “personality disordered.” Please take your meds!
Drugs do not treat personality disorders, as you likely figured out in your years of pursuing better living thru chemistry.
I love it when you liberals vomit all over yourself in a public forum.
You are such a dumb pathetic clueless fuck, if one does not get on their knees and suck your pelvis and then submit to sodomy, one is solely a liberal?
Again, the likes of you are the Left in the end, you just don’t realize screwing people against their will is always wrong, not fine because you suck the correct political cock!…
Talk about WHO is polarizing…….
None of you folks understand that mirrors reflect more than an image…
Oh, my bad, souls not included with that reflection…
Wow. Touched a nerve? Inflamed a case of Trump Derangement Syndrome?
Lol!! This individual is so angry. The language is so charming and really helps prove all his her its arguments! Assuming so much isn’t he she it?
Yes, useful idiots are easy to trigger. Their self esteem is only skin deep.
If we aren’t with you offering every orifice to be violated, we are, liberals…
Who the fuck is deranged, Mary of Moronic?…
How mature and elegant your crass reply is… it’s people like you that led this country to a dark, immature, uneducated place. I hope you do not have offspring or a significant other as they too would not benefit from such a disgraceful and immature attitude. “Dick” is a nickname for Richard. Lol.
Yeah, that Civility Acquiescence and Tolerance is taking you and your buds to great places…
Is that swipe about having no offspring your covert gleeful embrace of abortion / infanticide urges of kill or kill more?
Have a nice afternoon, DICK…
In all caps it means you are a despicable diseased phallus!…
Easy tiger, this isn’t Twitter
Divided has lived up to his name. He gets even more vile with every response. Attention seeking muppet troll. And he thinks way too highly of himself, not, uncommon for leftards.
LOL!! Thanks for the laugh! Twitter is indeed a sewer.
Whoa! Calm the fuck down.
“Calm the fuck down…”
Spoken so eloquently!
And the fool replies, removing all doubt as to you are a useful idiot! Thanks!
Wow, are you this clueless, what is that retort, a fecal pellet you made into a comment!?
Yeah, Gen Chump, in a battle of wits and out of toilet paper…
Hold your horses, Divided. Take a deep breath, count to 10 and chill.
You have no logical retort-this insults $ profanity!
Right back at'cha!
Agreed! And I know my family was a hell of a lot better off under Trump than this disaster of a president and administration!
In the universe of Trump v Biden, I think most people recognize that life was better under Trump. Among Biden voters there's plenty of buyer's remorse. That said, I would prefer DeSantis.
DeSantis has already said he won't run against Trump. Although, he would definitely be my next choice. He too would be vilified by the left. As he already is. It's the only way the leftist know to fight, is smear campaigns.
I agree. I think DeSantis would be great for the country. I hope that if he does decide to run, that Trump will endorse him.
Trump's endorsement has become toxic. It might still cause Dr. Oz the nomination in my home state.
DeSantis has been great for Florida. Probably the best governor in America. However, I've never heard him issue an opinion on the Ukraine fiasco, or on foreign policy in general, except that he would be Israel's best friend. I'm half-afraid that he would be as pro-war as the rest of the slimy politicians inside the DC Beltway.
Yeah that is a legitimate risk. If he decides to run we need to hear his views of American imperialism and militarism before voting for him. The last thing we need is Bush III.
Ideally, in my opinion, DeSantis would run with Trump’s endorsement.
I think you're right in that regard. For DeSantis to run against Trump, he realizes it would just split the party.
We all were. There is no question.
Right on! ANYONE who is talking “personality” and not “politics” right now gets kicked to the curb. Looking at you dividedupworld.
That guy is personality disordered. Good grief, just spewing obscenities. What a clown.
Politics, a simplified term for “how do we privileged uncaring elites and partisan hacks who want perks and personal benefits fuck the rest of the public”
Fuck you party loyalists and your eternally dishonest disingenuous disdainful dialogue!
If you have trouble expressing your thoughts, just cuss more.
LOL! As I used to say to kids “ use your nice words”
Fucking A!!!
Civility politeness acquiescence and tolerance has improved America so efficiently and effectively these last 16 months!!!
You are the kind who would offer to hold the murderers gun barrel to your foreheads so they don’t miss!
Oh the emptiness of polite idiotic slaves…
What is up with the F and immature replies? Are you ok? You made a valid point above but no one comes here for a lecture a la MSNBC etc… my dialogue is dishonest BECAUSE YOU DONT AGREE? not logical; immature, selfish and crass is no way to go through life especially when you are trying to make a valid argument people might hear….
I have made appropriate arguments, but being civil polite and respectful to morons who vote for letters and not candidates is what this country has devolved into.
Trump supporters who are reveling here in their tone deaf choir are as pathetic and destructive as Leftist shit stains masquerading as humans.
You folks won’t be ready to watch mass murder by leftist thugs who are cheered on by Lame Scream propaganda machine scum…
And it will happen, what if the Supreme Court announces Roe is gone tomorrow?!
Summer 2020 on Meth and steroids…
Tell us you’re “flagrantly personality disordered” without telling us you’re “flagrantly personality disordered”.
Tell us you have spontaneous original public-caring thoughts before party loyalty, and maybe I will give a fuck what you say, much less allegedly think and not bark like a trained seal.
Pretty upset that the world hasn't produced what you think you're entitled to, huh? Must be the fault of all those "uncaring elites and partisan hacks" you are so upset with. Surely that's the only explanation.
Hmm, that is on your mind, very fascinating interpretation.
What am I allegedly “entitled” to now?
Watching extremist Democrats and Republicans locked in on a vast field and the only way out is to kill the opponent…
And the last survivor released free is charged with mass murder.
That is PPV material!
CURB TIME. Definitely curb time.
Yeah, it's not the "personality" that's the problem with Trump so much as it is the massive government RINO he is.
Wait do you know what a RINO is?
I'm afraid so, but guessing you don't if you need to ask that question given the facts shared in the thread you posed it. Trump called actual limited government, fiscally sane Republicans RINOs. It was what's called projection.
Agreed - In my humble opinion, Trump never hurt anyone's feelings worse than a drill sergeant ever will.
"What's your major malfunction Pyle? ... Did your mommy and daddy not love you enough?...."
("Full Metal Jacket" RIP R Lee Ermey)
R Lee Ermey was the perfect drill sgt, in real life and any movie - a few years ago @ the national NRA convention in Charlotte, Ermey was doing a book signing, the line of people to meet him was at least a 60 minute wait, and it was worth it - RIP sir!
My experience in boot camp '73 was that those guys are not there to be your friend and they don't care if your feelings get hurt...
I can only imagine how many people would line up to meet him. He was a classic, and a hoot to watch!!
We need more people like R Lee Ermey....less emphasis on feelings and safe spaces and more emphasis on get the job done!!
Also, people behind the scenes who know him speak of him being caring, compassionate, and loyal. Besides, he is a stereotypical New Yorker. His attributes helped make him the best President in my almost 64 year lifetime. Read Evan Sayet’s 2017 article in Townhall titled “He Fights”.
A story I heard from like 20 years ago. Trumps Limo was pulled over on the Tpke on a rainy night with a flat tire. Some guy pulled over and offered to help. Miserable night. Trump asked him his name and address and proceeded to pay off the guys Mortgage. Who knows if it’s true but I heard it, like I say 20+ years ago.
Kevin, I agree w/you, and we share the same lifetime years, but I personally would add Reagan - except he'd be eaten alive these days IMO, too many entrenched sociopaths have put our country on the cusp of dystopia. Trump is a brutal, almost Providential savior with otherworldly energy and has an unerring radar for the (many) targets, and IMO Desantis is a polished version of 3/4ths of Trump - but 3/4ths of Trump is still twice a Cruz and 10 times a, say, Kasich or Romney. How often does a Trump/Desantis ticket come up? (I don't visit forums too often and can't/won't watch Fox since Nov. 2020)
You are one of those all talk, no good action people aren't you?
Why Trump isn't the answer either:
- He's a huge government, biggest spending POTUS ever.
- He failed to actually drain the swamp, but did continue to fill it.
- Operation WARP Speed, another massive government boondoggle that delivered us the worst "vaccines" ever and ultimately vaccine tyrrany.
- Kicked actual good people like Dr. Scott Atlas, to the curb and threw them under the bus while keeping the Dr. Fauci's of the world around and giving them credibility.
- He never locked her up
- He never built the wall
- He criticized sane monetary policy and actual limited government Republicans and contributed massively to the inflation we currently see being unleased now.
- He's a fraud
Why we like Trump? Because he did expose the media as the partisan hacks they are in case there was still any doubt. That's about it. Otherwise he was/is essentially Bill Clinton with an "R" instead of "D" next to his name.
Trump wasn't perfect that's for sure. And certainly didn't finish many promises (wall was under construction, swamp was being exposed...but not done in the short amount of time he was in office). But Trump was business friendly and cut many regulations that enabled businesses, large and small, to prosper. He made us energy independent and an energy exporter. He also curtailed illegals pouring over the border. And above all he was AMERICA FIRST. This administration and the Weekend at Bernie's "president" we have hate America and most of it's people. Trump never would have exited Afghanistan the way Biden did, and babies would not want for formula. Trump isn't perfect but far above the trainwreck we have now.
There is nobody who is perfect. I think his policies were damn close though.
I agree. As a small business owner I can attest to how business friendly Trump was and the business climate and confidence was soaring. Now there is a lot of skepticism about the future. And let's not even talk about inflation and supply chain issues that are now killing our economy and small businesses. Yes, Trump wasn't perfect but I'll take him and his policies any day over this idiot now.
I agree with some of that.
He was business friendly....until he demanded factories shut down to produce ventilators instead, which was another COVID boondoggle. This was his main problem, in addition to his tough talk about weak action. He was bent toward authoritarian. He was friendly to business as long as business was doing what Trump wanted.
It's true that he did sign some executive orders that temporarily reduced regulation and encouraged oil and gas production. That was good. What was bad was that he never fought to make those things permanent through legislation, so the next guy, Brandon in this case, just came along and with the stroke of a pen reversed it all. If he was truly America First, he should have fought to ensure those things were made law to benefit America after he was out of office, not just him while he was in office.
And I certainly don't disagree that he was preferable to Brandon, but that's not saying anything of course.
Trump built the wall. Biden stopped it and let all the materials rot. Millions of dollars of steel and building materials just thrown out over spite. Trump was not for huge government. He wanted to dismantle many agencies however the Deep state undermined him at every turn, along with people like Paul Ryan. They gave him budgets with a gun to his head. If you think one guy can change the entire political system in 4 years you don’t understand DC. He was not able to lock Hilary up as she went after him with attacks of Russia. His monetary policy was about cutting regulations for which he cut 2 for every new one enacted. You just throw out names and statements with zero backup. Trump built an embassy in Jerusalem, for like $500K, when he was told it would cost $1.0B+. Trump wasn’t a scientist and he had to rely on others for the vaccine. Trump had us oil independent so your blaming him for inflation isn’t true either. Companies wanted to increase oil investments under Trump, and now Companies will do nothing. Trump was a great president, and would have been amazing has the Left not screwed him and his family with 4 years of Russia hoax. At least he hired someone who stopped Mueller and said turn over the evidence of which there was zip. You obviously have TDS. I never loved Trump, but I didn’t let my emotions get in the way of seeing his policies were much better than the current ones.
Well said
More massive cognitive dissonance.
Trump was the biggest spending, easiest money POTUS ever. Even bigger spending than Brandon so far. He enacted massive government boondoggle programs like Operation WARP Speed and CARES Act. These things are undeniable. This wasn't the deep state undermining him, this was Trump trying to spend and government command and control his way to re-election. And isn't it funny how when a Democrat POTUS signs off on massive budget boondoggles, it's never that he had "a gun to his head" but Trump did. It's total BS. Trump is responsible for the things he did and he grew government massively during his 4 years and he pressured Powell to keep the printing presses burring to finance his massive spending and we are paying for much of that now.
Trumps promise was a big "beautiful wall that Mexico would pay for." What we got instead was a mere 458 miles of mostly "secondary barrier" that resembled a glorified chain-link fence. Almost none of it was new wall along the boarder that already had no wall. He had 4 freaking years and that's what you got and apparently think was fantastic. No critical thinking whatsoever here.
Trump didn't "cut regulations." He temporarily suspended them via executive order. This was generally good, temporarily, but it left no lasting impact because he never actually pushed anything permanent through.
"Trump wasn’t a scientist and he had to rely on others for the vaccine." This is laughable. Republicans aren't supposed to "rely" on the government for such things. Republicans let the free market work. What Trump did was hand over trillions of printed money and tax dollars to a few pharma conglomerates to rush through a "vaccine" that didn't end up being a vaccine at all. He did it because Trump believes HE is the solution to every problem rather than free markets, just like a Democrat does, and we got the predictable outcome from such political hubris.
He didn't "stop Mueller" at all. The Mueller Investigation ran it's full course. Yes, the Russian Collusion hoax was always a hoax and it's also irrelevant to whether or not Trump was/is a massive government politician.
I don't have TDS. I voted for the dummy twice, but I'm also not a blind sycophant like many Trumpsters are. The guy is a Bill Clinton Democrat who ran as a Republican because it was the only path to the White House he had given how insanely leftist the Democrats have become.
I doubt you voted for Trump at all. Your words give you away. One man under constant attack by the corrupt, leftist state media along with a devious, unelected bureaucratic swamp can't immediately solve every problem we have, especially when the rest of his party are mostly weak-willed, RINO Democrat-bootlickers. Trump had support of the average citizen and that's about it. but he's learned a lot over the past 5 or 6 years, and status quo folks like yourself need to get with the program or enjoy residing in Venezuela North.
We disagree on many things🤣
The difference is, you can't backup any of your disagreement with actual facts. I can back all mine up since everything I said there is demonstrably true.
Facts. The border was closed for the most part. Now it’s wide open. Fact. We were energy independent, now we’re asking for help from Venezuela. Fact. We took China to task and now your Boys Joe, Hunter and family are making $$$$ off of China. The Middle East took huge steps forward with detente between Israelis and Some Arab countries. I could do this all day. However now I’m done. Insult me all you like pal. All I know is I’m not hiding behind a stupid name. Adios. Sorry cultural appropriation. 😂#Yourea🤡
Hornit, you don't like Trump, you've said this quite a few times, but you're repeatedly glossing over many things. For instance the wall was being built. You try to say that only 400 miles were done and you don't like the construction but he had made quite a bit of headway despite 24/7 opposition from all Dems, many Republicans, all media, etc. If there hadn't been massive fraud and was still President it would be closer to finished by now. His Remain in Place (Mexico) was also very
successful at stemming the flow of illegals as well, and it also
took quite a bit of negotiation with Mexico, again while fighting 24/7 gale force winds. These two things and more also sent a message to the world that we weren't going to tolerate the onslaught of illegals that we have now, and you can deny this all you want, or say you "didn't like the materials used", yadda yadda, but he was the first President in history to do as much as he did to stem the flow. Even Reagan admitted he got rooked by the Dems by granting Amnesty before work was done to stop the entries. Trump was taking incoming from all sides and being undercut on all fronts and dealing with the new problem of rampant social media abuse yet still accomplished what I just laid out regarding illegals. Biden stopped wall construction and abandoned Remain upon taking office, yet you beat on Trump. You are not being truthful in your posts, as you know, and I'd think your TDS would be fading somewhat if you saw what is going on in this country at this moment: the forces that are destroying our foundations didn't start in 2021. They were fever pitch for the 4 years he was in office and then a worldwide plandemic fell into his lap, and real Evil was let loose, and everything since has been 100% the fault of people who know for certain what Trump started seeing earlier than most and tried to say out loud before being banned for life on the Deep State's Twitter: it's all been fake. You waste time by going after Trump these days. It's like talking about how bad the in-flight movie was on a plane going down.
I agree with David.
Dave, I can figure out if you are delusional or ignorant; maybe it’s both. Using the word truth with Donald Trump is a colossal oxymoron; he lies even when he doesn’t have to!
There’s a lot more people like me then there are people like you. That was clear during the campaign with Joe getting 6 people in Stupid circles at his events. Trump filing Stadiums. You’ll also be able to tell in the beginning of Nov when you idiots get smoked.
Dave, you have a very strange alternative reality. I called Trump a liar, and you proceeded to tell me he fills stadiums so people can eat up his lies; in fact, in his term of being president, he lied over 30,000 times. By the way, Dave, Biden got 7 million more votes than Donnie; so much for filling stadiums!
Watching MSDNC it’s not at all surprising you think that. I’ll go back to my comment of wondering why people follow people or groups they don’t like. Boggles my mind. Some people want to fight and hate. Be careful what you wish for. Accept differing opinions. Don’t hate people u don’t agree with. What is wrong with you people (covers all pronouns).
So tell us what you think of Biden. Is he truthful? Is he doing the job you expected when you voted for him? Is America better off than it was under Trump? Tell us.
Jake, tell me how America was better off at the end of Trump’s presidency?
The boarder was closed, the economy was up, we had the Russians and China under control, we weren’t in WHO, we were paying less to the UN and NATO, we weren’t being laughed at, we backed Israeli, we hadn't run from the Middle East and given the Taliban $80 billion in weapons, we were beating back the disingenuous FBI, CIA, DOJ, we backed the military and hadn’t turned it into the Girls Scouts- I can do this all day long.
You just described every politician in Washington DC. Maybe you never heard the one about how you can tell if a politician is lying?
I think you're confused with Biden. You know, that moderate guy during the campaign.
Thanks for your kind words. Keep up the good work.
Yeh, David!
Not realistic. I might prefer someone other than Trump, but he’s the only one I trust to pull us out of WHO and stop the not very proxy war to the last dead Ukrainian (our only actual national interest in Ukraine is peace).
Trump is irritating, but personality disorder aside, his policies were incomprehensible better than what we and I’m not on Twitter. I vote for outcomes, not feelings or annoyance or anything else. Outcomes. All we got with Brandon was 100% predictable. Millions of us were correct, not because we have a crystal ball, but because these outcomes were entirely predictable based on Brandon’s policy proposals, neocon ideology on foreign policy, and insistence on repeating the mistakes of past administrations and I don’t think he actually expected a different result, I think he didn’t care because actual results don’t seem to matter much to the US public (note the complaints about Trump center in his personality, not his policy outcomes).
As I recall, “Two weeks to slow the spread” and “Operation Warp Speed” happened under Trump. I understand the desire for pugilistic elected representatives but I would not trust Trump to pull us out of the WHO, UN, or NATO.
And, I want every single politician who supported the stupid Covid policies out of office, never to return. They all showed poor judgment and they should never be trusted with power again. Furthermore, emergency powers at all levels of government need to be curtailed or even eliminated.
If I remember correctly, Trump did pull us out of WHO? Brandon put us back in.
Correct. Brandon put us back in and is about to hand them then let’s go our proverbial car…
Incorrect. It was the Paris Accord, not the WHO.
You are confused. Trump pulled us out of the Paris Accord on Climate Change, NOT out of the WHO. Brandon rejoined the Paris Accord, of course.
I’m not confused. I know he was attempting to stop all funds and pull us out. Go check articles around May-June, 220 you lazy F.
Thank you, I started to put that in my comment and then was not certain
Trump strongly resisted the “2 weeks,” masking, etc. He caved to pressure. Bet he wouldn’t make that mistake again.
Media made it impossible for Trump to do otherwise, coordinated fearporn campaign. And FDA was countermanding Trump's orders to make HCQ and IVM available and properly studied. Trump signed Right To Try, but apparently that only counts for new and outrageously expensive pharmaceuticals.
Please explain how the media made it impossible for Trump to use the power he had to make decisions he had the ability to make, like firing Fauci and other swamp creatures and putting actual good people in charge like....say....Dr. Scott Atlas who Trump hired then quickly fired instead?
Why do you make so many excuses for a guy who talked tough but acted weak?
This is a joke. He resisted nothing. He deferred to China, the WHO, and followed their protocols.
He always caved to "pressure," which is why he did none of the big things he said he would, but you think that would change? C'mon.
I would agree, but the real point is, were we not ALL thinking we should and could trust our government health agencies?? Look at the rebuke Senator DR. Rand Paul has received for criticizing Fauci, CDC etc? And now “they” are rolling out Monkey Pox as the much needed Bogeyman du jour.....
We were, no doubt. Early on though, there were clear signs something was very off. For example, the spike protein is supposed to stay at the sight of injection and be gone from the body shortly. When they realized the spike travelled and were asked about the effects, nobody knew. That was my wake up moment that this was very bad. Then of course you see that the protein stays in the body a long time. #criminals. And if you think ANY doctors can give informed consent, please explain to me how!!
My first “wait a minute” was when Fauci etal made HCQ verboten.... absolutely NO reason. Then the Lancet backed that up with a study that was discredited before the ink was dry.... Too many pronouncements seemed counter intuitive ... and heavy on the “ because we say so.”
No. I did not think we should trust our government health agencies. There were probably others like me.
And however many Americans did not trust the government health agencies prior to covid, there certainly are many more now who do not trust them!
There were and sadly y’all got labeled conspiracy whackos. I took HCQ 25 years ago for 60 days… an ID Doc friend of mine in NJ had his license and hospital privileges threatened if he continued to RX it…. Now that is just nuts.
To be fair, Trump pulled us out of the Paris Accords, Obama’s disastrous Iran deal and the ludicrous proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership. I don’t disagree with your points on Warp Speed and Slow the Spread though. I think Trump liked to play the hero and failed to recognize the treachery of those around him.
Who would think these "public health experts" would be actually trying to commit genocide? It was people's health. He always said he listens to the experts in business, and people of his generation certainly respect the white coat. He probably also didn't have enough people to stand with him, so he would completely lose control if he was single-handedly going against Gauci, Birx, etc. He tried bringing I his own experts, but they had already rigged the game. How would any of those criticizing him have acted differently?
Agree completely with this. Trump would have been pilloried if he’d gone against Fauci et al. After all, he was impeached twice for basically nothing.
Basically it's not that Trump doesn't like big government programs, well ....except for Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. It's just that he likes HIS big government programs best.
Sounds fair. I think he’s learned to trust nobody at this point. Except for a handful maybe.
I would agree but my doing so will get me labeled as a rabid Trumpeteer rather than a confirmation of George Carlin’s greatest line…look at what they’re doing to Musk…
Such a simple understanding of events.
Agree. Results not image is what is important. It would be great to have both. DeSantis seems to have both!
Yes but at this point Trump knows where all the bodies are buried. We need experience to sort this out first. Then Desantis. I just want guys like. Kash, Grenell, Pompeo, Nunes. Real Pros back in the mix working to clean sh-t up.
"Seems" because he's just poking arounf in his state. The minute he goes in and threatens Swamp power structures, they'll be running Five Eyes and PsyOps against him, too. Trumk did damned well, considerinb he was one mam against all that Swamp, he was misled and lief anout constantly, and media never fid its actual job. Maybe DeSantis can hack it, maybe not, but he'd better build a legal war
chest because the process is the punishment, and the process is financially ruinous.
I think you are missing the point perhaps. He is going full bore WEF globalist Crap. Gotta take down the mighty on behalf of others in terms of global equity. We are the mighty. Or were anyway. We must fall.
The entire globalist/WEF/media cabal was, and is, petrified of Trump. Look what they all, in lockstep, tried to do with him. And now, he’s stronger and wiser than during his first term, when he had no idea how bad these people were.
Don't totally disagree but.... I personally do not think it possible that Trump DID NOT KNOW "how bad these people were." Don't be naive, Donald Trump, is well aware of just what this entire globalist goal is, as does Joe Biden. We are the sheep being led to ...... ? To the next pandemic, to "monkey pox", bird flu, whatever, we have been psychologically prepared to fear for our lives and now, like the followers of Jim Jones, will turn to any suggested "solution", no matter how absurd or illogical.
Maybe... but I do think that between Trumps “UGE” ego and a naive belief that first and foremost, our political leaders, cabinet post holders would want to better the country... I think he was “surprised” that so many were blowing smoke up his ass while working against him .... neocons be neocons.
Again, you and I are pretty close here. I do hate hearing your use of “we” so broadly here. In fact, I’m hopeful most in this substack are not part of the “we” to whom you are referring…. And I hope we are daily growing in number. One instance of mass noncompliance and the elites’ response to it should pretty much bring in the bulk of our skilled TV watchers.
Oh I don’t know, “Hey NATO, you want us to protect you. Pay your 2% like you agreed upon already. Enough with the Bullshit for 1. They election was Stolen for another. Clinton should be in jail for a third. All True.
What’s wrong with that? Why are we funding the defense of all of Europe? How is that in our national interest? I 100% agree with Trump on NATO!!!
Exactly. No one truly liked the way Trump communicated ..but was slick Hillary any better with her deplorable remark? Beyond cruel. Trump was out of order with his remarks about Megan, Carly etc… and he was grabby years ago but we gave Ted KENNEDY decades of hall passes as we did Bill Clinton and his enabling wife. Hypocrisy all over USA. Remember Hillary attacking a 22 year old? What kind of man who is President puts a cigar into a 22 year old employees private part? And we wanted her in the OO? Trump had affair with a dimbo? I’ll take the affair with a willing porn star over the creepy, cheesy, rape-y Billy … and then CNN put Eliot Spitzer on the air after hooker gate? Hot mess all of you.
The guy was hilarious and considering the abuse he took pretty darn pleasant to his enemies. MAGA forever
I'm glad someone else took his rhetoric with a grain of salt.
Would welcome Trump “intemperate comments” any day than the corrupt, anti-American, imbecilic policies of Biden. Elections have consequences. You can satisfy yourself that Trump is no longer around to draft ‘Tweets’ you don’t like.
Over our kiddy groper in chief, too.
Lol indeed. Hair sniffing is the new pastime…
He gives me the willies! 😒
He's just being hired to do a job for 4 years. He'll pick a great successor for us like DeSantis.
Well said!
I agree.
Trump isn’t nice, doncha know! ☹️
This obsession with feelings at the expense of being concerned about actual outcomes is exactly what’s destroying our country.
Trump not my friend. Brandon is not my friend. I don’t hang out with either of them. Babies were fed and happy under Trump. They are starving under Brandon. How nice or not nice they are makes zero difference to my life, and the vast majority of the 334 million who live in my country that I love.
I care about policy outcomes, not personality for people whose policies impact me, my children, my community. Their personality doesn’t impact me, my children, or my community.
Could not agree more. I knew the country was near fully infantilized when folks began judging politicians on “caring about me.”
Couldn’t agree more
Wise words!
Ooooh, great thoughts!! Thanks for that.
Well said !!!
LOL ! I agree, however, sometimes (though our mothers told us otherwise) it's just not possible to be "nice" to people who have your WORST interests at heart !
Who gives a shit if he’s nice? Are you voting for a moral
Compass or the CEO
of the USA? Is Biden a nice guy? Appears he showered with his daughter. You like him at the wheel of this once great country?
Are you joking ... is there actually someone at the wheel ? Oh, I feel so much better, maybe I can sleep better tonight !
There is someone at the wheel. It clearly isn’t Biden. Trump was clearly driving the bus, and his driving skill and planned destination was a hell of a lot better than this train wreck of a USA hating “administration “. Who cares if he douche occasionally? The only guy who remotely respected his office decorum wise in the last 20 was W, and he had a whole kettle of other issues. I’ll take the mean tweets and a secure border over this absolute disaster currently occupying the seat.
Oh the cognitive dissonance.
"but he’s the only one I trust to pull us out of WHO..."
This is the guy that threw good people like Dr. Scott Atlas under the bus in favor of Fauci, Blix, etc. He's the guy that FOLLOWED the WHO's guidance on COVID lockdowns, vaccines and pretty much every other thing. He had his chance to pull us out of the WHO and instead made them the authority!
I think you are actual correct and make a rational argument on the Ukraine proxy war thing. Trump would be much better on that topic for sure, and it's no small thing. But there are others who would be better limited government conservatives and good on the Ukraine stupidity (but don't tell Berenson this) and that's who we should be looking toward.
Like who? I’m sure there are people who would do a better job, but not one will be on the actual ballot.
I’d probably pick DeSantis over Trump, but there isn’t anyone else actually running.
I disagree with you on a lot of your perception of Trump. He tried to get the economy reopen but Easter 2020 and promoted early treatments. The media forced his hand on Fauci, but I read Scott Atlas’s book, and I think Trump is human, not God. I don’t agree with him in vaccines, but I don’t have to, I just want someone who isn’t going to try and force me, my husband, or my children to get them.
I will not sacrifice massive improvement for an unattainable ideological fantasy.
Yes, DeSantis is somebody who appears to at least backup the talk with action. I think you miss the point. If Republicans keep worshiping huge government politicians like Trump, and make no mistake that Trump believes the government is the solution to every problem...as long as he's in charge, the party is completely lost. When we ask, like who? We need to be identifying the actual limited government, fiscally sane candidates and promoting them even if you don't think they currently have a chance of election. I voted for Trump twice. I won't do it again. I won't vote for the Democrats either.
"The media forced his hand" is the worst excuse ever. He called them the enemy of the people, but then he let them force his hand? That's one of the primary problems with him. He ultimately ends up doing exactly what the media and his alleged enemies want because his ego demands affirmation even while he criticizes those whose affirmation he craves. He ends up doing exactly what the establishment wants because in the end he desperately wants acceptance from the establishment. If you think massive government is massive improvement, then you keep voting for candidates like him. But I'd say you've learned no lessons from it because that massive government "your guys" creates and all the weaponization he gave it eventually ends up in the hands of "not your guy" and now you have no principled ground to stand on in opposition because you conceded it for your guy.
I disagree. He cut the size of many federal government agencies. I see no evidence in either his policies or his statements that Trump is a big government person. I see no evidence he thinks government is the solution to people’s problems. Trump, correctly I think, wants to change and end government policies that unnecessarily cause problems for people like our current domestic energy fiasco.
Trump spent more on defense, but at least it wasn’t to go blow people up, or fight proxy wars to the last dead local half way around the world. His tax policy was actually an improvement.
I don’t worship Trump. He’s just a person like everyone else. I appreciate practical policies that work, and he had many. There is no perfect. No perfect person. No perfect government. No perfect president. No perfect ideology.
If there is an option for a pragmatist that is better at making improvements and understands sometimes policies need to be realistic, not ideological, I’ll support that person. Do you have names of actual candidates that promote genuinely better policies and can actually get elected?
It’s condescending and blatantly false to assume supporting Trump is worship - it has nothing to do with worship and everything to do with being realistic. Trump gets the vote out. I didn’t agree with everything he did, but particularly socially, he’s moderate. That is much better for winning national elections.
If DeSantis takes on Trump I’ll be rooting for DeSantis. I see that as unlikely. More likely he’ll be the VP nominee.
I’m going to continue to vote for, and support, candidates that can actually win with better policies. I just turned 40 and have young children. My grandkids will be dead before a “perfect” or “great” politician that can actually win, is likely to come along.
Dude check your facts. Don’t spew liberal talking points. Go back to wherever you came from
Every thing I said there was factual and verifiable. If you can refute it with facts, go ahead and try. You won't because you're essentially the Trump version of a leftist.
"note the complaints about Trump center in his personality, not his policy outcomes"
That's just the low hanging fruit and is the source of his terrible policies.
Not that Biden is any better.
Need someone new.
“ Not that Biden is any better” - what???? Things are much, much worse.
A wide open southern border bringing human trafficking and drugs and suppression of working class wages, antagonizing a war in Ukraine with NATO saber rattling then spending billions to fight Putin to the last dead Ukrainian, return to foreign energy dependence and skyrocketing prices, vaccinate mandates and ongoing school closures that obliterated the economy, and literally starving babies. Things are much, much, much worse under Brandon. Anyone who fails to notice or acknowledge is detached from reality.
As for Trump’s policies - you oppose low unemployment, wages rising fastest at the bottom, a much more peaceful world, and babies who can eat??????
Succinct, to the point.
NCmom your right! Brandon is not our Bro.
Headline Epoch Times: “Biden Admin Using ‘Parole’ to Release Illegal Aliens En Masse” (with nice, new cellphones) Bye USA…you’re all being replaced.
I think you should go on Twitter, tons of activity
I pull up what people send via text that’s funny, but have never had an account, and don’t plan to. I deleted Facebook after the 2020 election because I was tired of thinking everyone I know is an idiot (even if that’s true). I’m enjoying the Musk entertainment from an outside view. I do think it’s hilarious they are throwing the playbook at him and it’s not working. First he was an evil billionaire who shouldn’t have that much power - a narrative started by the Bezos puppets at WaPo. Then he was racist. Now he’s a sexual abuser.
Next we’ll learn he tied his dog carrier on top of his car!
Binders, lots n lots of binders…
Yeah, isn't it exciting, everyday in every way, they have a new "label" for him, just proves, "they" (the great "they") will eat their own when they have to ! Emotional ideologues all !
Smiling…..sarcastic……perfect. You put a lot of words together PERFECTLY.
His evil repertoire knows no bounds, does it? 😉😋
Trump may not be the answer but he asks the right questions. Why do we give so much money to countries that hate us? Why is our border overrun every year? Why dis our tax policy favor companies stashing money overseas? Why do trade deals not favor USA? Why are we involved in wars that do not reflect USA interests? On & on....
Yes, the questions I've been asking the air around me, since I was in grade school! A president that finally asked the hard questions. --- Oh, and, BTW, we pay the countries that hate us, so they'll like us. At least that's the answer I've come up with. It makes as much sense as anything else.
Amen, Amen ! We PAY, and pay, and pay some more and they still envy and hate us. You'd think someone in congress could figure out it's NOT working to "pay them off" and show how altruistic we are !
So, would a genuinely decent caring attentive person want his endorsement?
You did not address his points about him asking the right questions...
Anti Trumpers never address the points.
Its always social class thing with these country club or intellectual yet idiot types who look down on working glass and non "cultured" people!
"The IYI pathologizes others for doing things he doesn’t understand without ever realizing it is his understanding that may be limited. He thinks people should act according to their best interests and he knows their interests, particularly if they are “red necks” or English non-crisp-vowel class who voted for Brexit. When plebeians do something that makes sense to them, but not to him, the IYI uses the term “uneducated”. What we generally call participation in the political process, he calls by two distinct designations: “democracy” when it fits the IYI, and “populism” when the plebeians dare voting in a way that contradicts his preferences. While rich people believe in one tax dollar one vote, more humanistic ones in one man one vote, Monsanto in one lobbyist one vote, the IYI believes in one Ivy League degree one-vote, with some equivalence for foreign elite schools and PhDs as these are needed in the club."
You did NOT address my question…
a "genuinely decent caring attentive person" has no f**king business being in politics as they also won't get anything done and won't win an election!
Blunt truth hurts. If that’s the problem with Trump, I’d take him over any Democrat and Progressive every day.
Ocloman! Right on 😏
DeSantis and Trump Jr may actually get things done...
Florida doesn’t want to let him go , we need him here
I don't blame you. But eventually I think he would make a great president.
@Rosalind- exactly what I'm thinking.
Texas & Florida must keep doing the right thing at state level, it’s such a mess in Washington, so many sold out in both sides.. & term limits desperately needed!
RIGHT ! But I keep thinking, IF he can keep his ethics and integrity, maybe we here in the land of the free will need to make the sacrifice and give him up for the "good of our country" ? Few have the internal conviction to actually lead, definitely the only governor in any state I've lived in who actually possessed actual leadership skills (not manipulation skills)... wonder if this came from military training, or, just "good up bringing at home" ?
I recently moved from upstate New York to LaBelle Florida. DeSantis would be an excellent candidate. I’m still traumatized from living in New York, lol.. I can barely talk to my college educated friends, they think I’m brainwashed . Meanwhile I finally have a real doctor ( not insurance dictated)and a little quality of life. Anyway, so thankful to be in Florida. (P. S. Senator Rick Scott actually emails back & not just form letters)
I know, I really do know and understand but... don't even try to explain to someone who simply can't understand, can't imagine freedom, can't even process a place like La Belle, etc.
He is term limited.
Sorry, I meant all Washington needs term limits.
That is certainly LONG past due, but the perennials in D.C. have convinced the masses: ALWAYS retain those who have already served a term or two, they KNOW how to get things done, they KNOW their way around, do NOT elect the new guy or gal ! And, most people buy that, hook, line, and sinker... for 30 years, 40, more.
Yes, because who knows what you'd get in his place.
But who’s pulling his strings now? Obama?
That's my opinion, but that doesn't mean I'm right. --- You are talking about Obiden, right?
Ugh! Desantis Yes--Trump Jr. No Nada Nyet!
Eat the Media narrative much? The media LIES 100% of the time, and are almost exclusively DeMarxist! Everything was going very well well under Trump, and now, EVERYTHING IS GOING BADLY with XIDEN. That is a very difficult position to convince otherwise.
The DeMarxsists are being destructive on purpose. They serve another master (Klaus and Georgy), NOT the American people.
100% Intentional. How EVERYone does not see that at this point is the amazing aspect
Similar things were lamented by the emotional class over Teddie Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, and General Patton and MaCarthur. We need SOB leaders when the world is being rocked by evil. The hoot here is that for all Trump's reported blustery hyperbole about the Democrats, it turns out he was WAY understated.
Frank, very true. I think it was VD Hanson who wrote "Trump is like chemotherapy to cancer". Gotta wipe out that cancer and you can't do it with cotton balls.
That flagrantly disordered personality somehow garnered eleven million MORE votes in 2020 than he got in 2016. Perhaps you're missing the forest for the trees.
To say nothing of the fact (see 2000 Mules) that targeted vote fraud in MI, WI, PA, GA, and AZ (and maybe NV) stole the election from Trump.
You know what is so pathetic and stupid of you were morons about this election in 2020?
Why the fuck didn’t you all rise up and demand this be exposed, and true it was fraud then relentlessly beat down these lying fucks that are Democrats into the dirt, or then secede from this country?
Because you’re all cowards and whores, that’s the Republican party, a bunch of “what the fuck have you done for me lately” attitudes as well as running away from any conflict.
You people sicken me, you’re just as bad as the sociopaths of the left!
Rise up?! RISE UP????? The fuck you've been for for the past 16 months?!
J6. Look what happened to those participating in that weak-ass riot. Now imagine the outcome of "rising up and (demanding) this be exposed", whatever the fuck you mean by "rising up".
Go watch 2000 Mules, and then ask how OUR demands to expose the election fraud illustrated by 2000 Mules could make their way to the broadcasts of the alphabet legacy media and to the propaganda arms (e.g. NY Times, WaPo, etc.) of the Democrat Party.
Jezuz, you TDSers are quite a spectacle to behold.
How about he agrees to no more mean tweets, for the people who can't take it? Or ... if he is not willing to sugar coat everything, let's elect more democrats. Because we all know mean tweets are much worse than collapsed economy, trampled constitution, open borders, war with Russia. I know I feel so much better since we got rid of those terrible mean tweets. Of course I am not on Twitter nor are most of the people that cannot take it. Go figure.
After all, what did Trump do? Brought gas prices down, tried to close the border, brought down overdose deaths, tried to balance trade with China, never started a war (no big deal there, right?), conquered Isis and made history in the Middle East. WHAT A PERSONALITY DISORDER! But no - we need people who ACT "presidential," all while starting another war and letting millions cross the border illegally. The person who needs their personality reordered is you. Grow up.
I no longer know who is responding to what. This system is pretty shitty. But I am strongly pro Trump. If this comment is aimed at me you need to give me some context. If not it’s just substack
He's responding to DividedUpWorld's first comment, way at the top, from May 22, DUW's first comment responding to Ultra MAGA's comment that started this thread.
Also, took out Soleimani. Moved our embassy to Jerusalem as Congress decreed be done...a quarter-century earlier, subsequently ignored by three consecutive presidents. Signed significant tax reform.
And remember, everything he accomplished he did with one hand tied behind his back, against the near-universal dishonest and/or illegal obstruction by the Left and by the near-entirety of the alphabet legacy media (print and electronic), and often by near-universal obstruction by the GOfuckingP itself.
Imagine what he could've/could get done with just an honest press corps and a GOP not trying to be liked by the dishonest press corps and by their Democrat enemies, I mean, colleagues.
Hey, let’s not forget, he cured cancer but forgot to tell doctors, he solved world hunger but ended up eating the directions because he wasn’t paying attention to what was in front of him, and most importantly, he solved world peace, and then took a shit and forgot the entire plan!
Andy, you are far from great…
Folks, this may be the most difficult multiple-choice question you have ever seen.
Q: DividedUpWorld is:
A. Troll
B. Chronic drug abuser
C. 11-year-old kid
D. Bot
Great retort! Who is the simpleton now, loser?!
You Trump dick suckers can’t figure out that there are people who don’t belong to the other side who hate you both!
And one of the textbook examples of why personality disorders freak out, they get exposed to the gray of life.
Black and white, keep bashing yourselves against the extremes, people like me love to watch it…
Because that’s how five-year-olds think, in your case likely in adult bodies…
Here’s a question you assholes can’t answer:
Why the fuck did he lose if he was so great, you can’t think that 55% of the population who can vote could’ve seen that? That would’ve overcome the one percent fraud that happened…
He’s too fucking polarizing, that’s my point, personality disorders make you love them or hate them, that’s not what we need in leadership!
And that’s why you bozos are attracted to him, because that’s what you are, they either love you or hate you…morons!
And Donald Trump didn’t lose. In fact, most of the USA is red, including Commifornia, except for Silicon Valley, SF, and MAYBE Los Angeles. Silicon Valley was instrumental in hiding truth. You should be scared of that FACT. What else have these elitists hidden to the average brain dead people?
2000 Mules
Excuse me sir. You are SOUND asleep. I put my Commifornia voter ballot in the paper shredder two hours ago. I grew up (3rd generation when SF was beautiful) in San Fransicko. I was born in 1963. I WAS asleep just as I suspect you are. I woke up in 2007, when BHO was “elected” through utter lying and disinformation. Sit down, have a nice cocktail and pray to God The Father. God loves sinners…look in the mirror as I did/DO.
Man up and you run! See if you like being assaulted on a daily basis
Run, for what?
A population on the whole that does what is popular easy and convenient?!
F that!
Besides, cue 1996 George Carlin: why vote, when people elect selfish corrupt uncaring people because people are selfish uncaring voters… (generalized summation)
Run for your life because that’s what will be necessary when it all collapses due to massive apathy.
But, our own government was SPYING on Trump and Company…even while POTUS! If “they” are brazen enough to do that to a candidate/sitting POTUS, what the hell do you think they’d do to YOU? Ask the J6 Americans and countless others.
Yeah our govt. They've been spying on us before Trump, during Trump and after Trump.
Yeah, about those J6 victims…
Where is the multi million strong outraged citizens descending on DC and demanding appropriate accountable justice…
Dead crickets make more noise than you charlatans…
What would that truly accomplish? Absolutely nothing. The United States of America has been infiltrated and is currently under the throes of a coup.
Mmm, the Republican Party is changing too. It is moving closer to populism and nationalism. People in the party are learning that corporatism is just as vile as socialism. People are working to rid it of the neocons and rinos. What we considered the democrat and republican parties are both changing drastically. In 50 years, it will make for fascinating studies.
The “corporatism” is fascism- been building up for decades. The Dem-benefitting fascists (and RINOS) call Trump authoritarian to distract.
Republicans are just a flee zone, not an opportunity for helping the public.
I don’t know about that. When viewed from the lenses of history, parties are like continents, they rise, fall and are mutable when pressed. This is the time to reshape it to something that is better for all Americans.
Good luck with your hope and faith.
lol better than your "hope and change," neither of which applied under BO.
I hear you but what else is there.
Interesting thing is that GOPe, despite fighting tooth and nail against it, is being pulled rightward by the changing base, while Dem leadership and base by comparison are more or less aligned.
Are you so dim that you still can’t see that your hatred for Trump was completely uncalled for? Time to turn off CNN and the rest of the MSM and realize all of your “opinions” about Trump were planted into your easily manipulated mind.
If someone is SEMI intelligent, they don’t listen to msm. Or…they’re like me: I literally threw my television OUT approximately 20 years ago.
Ummm no! President Trump - warts and all - has a proven track record. This is not a personality contest. It’s about saving this country!
Umm, he fucked it up in 2020, really, he will learn and do better in TWO YEARS, after a House and Senate Democrat majority ruthlessly forced on us in SIX MONTHS from now?!
My money, Trump is assassinated after the November purge…
Wow. What is your real name and where do you live?
Live by example, Frank, tell us your address at this thread, and get back to me how that goes with the rabid leftists who live to destroy.
These empty unimaginative dismissive retorts, you really think you are better and beneficial to the relentless ruin going on here in Amerrika?
The only hill you folks are willing to die on is that mound of dirt next to an empty grave, that you will be dropped into by unchallenged hate and lust for power more brazen and daring to be challenged!
And, I will not fight for cowards and whores who are so afraid of conflict, you likely do hide in your homes every chance you get!
Without more self-control you are at great risk of shooting your allies in that fight. Frankly (because I am), that is what THEY want. They have stirred up group conflict so that the peasants fight among themselves while they, the bourgeois, loot the world to a discarded shell. Save your rhetorical energy for them. My advice.
Third parties can’t work in the U.S.
I totally agree. Third political parties are a tollfree expressway to defeat to get you there in a hurry.
i've long thought that black voters should form a third party
they seem to be a surprisingly united voting bloc
seems entirely plausible that they could leverage support between the Rs & Ds to accomplish their agenda
More demographic interests groups and groups for a “cause” are the last thing we need. Like everyone else, people who happen to have dark skin are unique individuals. What’s terrifying is how the Democrats have convinced a diverse group that spans the religious, socio-economic, and ideological spectrum to vote for them based solely on something as silly as the pigment in their skin by constantly distracting from actual things of value in their life.
Said by Republ-ocrat hacks...
We get it, you entrenched shitbags don't or won't accept accountability from citizens...
and I call these soulless commenters that because, they can't handle actually voting for a person, all they know is "D" or "R"...
Crack open a book sometime. You will learn why third parties fail.
The fact that he said "and yet other countries have multiple parties" proves that he's never cracked open a book, OR, that he isn't smart enough to understand the differences between *their* systems and ours. Maybe he wasn't alive in 1992 when Bill Clinton won the presidency with just 43% of the ballots cast. Ditto 1968.
It really is astonishing (though I don't know DUW, so I don't know why I should be astonished) that he can be so ignorant and simpleminded in virtually everything he's written in this thread. As I said elsewhere, he has yet to make even one persuasive or even just thoughtful comment.
And yet other countries have multiple parties. Is this your pathetic ignorant and dismissive way of saying “we vote Democrat or Republican because they run our lives, you don’t like it, fuck you and leave or die!”
But, honesty and candor aren’t in your agenda handbook, eh?!
Ranked choice vs winner take all elections.
You really are simpleton. You do not have the capacity for critical thinking, and you only know how to make straw man arguments and false premises, "quoting" what your feeble mind wants to interpret others' comments as meaning, and yet not coming with a country mile of it.
You *didn't* even grasp my references to 1992 and 1968 in the context of third parties, that's how ignorant and brainless you seem to be. I'm done wasting effort in trying to pierce your petrified skull.
Continue to rant all you want. You're a modern-day Don Quixote.
I hear you can buy some delta-8 gummies about anywhere in the US. If ever a person needed to consider taking several a day, it’s you “DividedUpWorld.” It won’t fix the incoherent sentences and lack of knowledge you exhibit, but it might make you less angry, and that would be progress for you. 😘
Kumbaya buddy, wear flowers in your hair and walk up to the next Black Lies Batter rally and tell them, “I love all people, I play no favorites, I respect the common man…“
And then we can watch you be executed like they killed people in Vietnam, public execution style bullet to the head, and then the lame scream propaganda machine media will cheer your death…
But hey, civility acquiescence and tolerance, man, it sounds so good…
So basically Trump looked bad (evil tweets or something - plus Clinton/Russiagate), but the policy outcome was really popular with normal people. Like low inflation, everyone working, cheap gas, no crazy forced injections (my body my choice - for real!), jobs returning from China, secure border, food for babies, no new foreign wars, no WHO-medical-authoritarianism, etc.
Almost a golden age, compared to where we are now.
Maybe that's because Trump wasn't surrounded by WEF "young global leaders" who had "infiltrated the cabinets." Unlike "Joe Biden".
Trump's approval was so low...that by November 2020 he garnered eleven million MORE votes than he won in 2016.
That alone should dispel any notion that his approval rating bore ANY relation to reality.
One can become dizzy recollecting all the many ways they tried to smear him. Even today, Joe repeats the "very fine people" hoax.
Hillary.... people should be outraged...and oh, that might happen if the EFFING MEDIA would do their actual job!!! The whole thing has been scripted since she bailed out and bought off the DNC... Eric Swallwell as a Presidential candidate?? Where she erred is thinking she could phone in the campaign because her delusional hubris convinced her she was adored. I’d would pay good money to see her Chardonnay fueled take down of Robbi Mook on election night... seems maybe Robbi just evened that score. Is it possible to run an $ estimate on what this chicanery costs US ? For starters, the $25 million Muller Report....
I thought it was $40 million but it’s “government money” and, after all, who’s counting? 🤷
And who actually participated in these polls? If any of these asshats called me, I'd probably not pick up.
Here is the right poll question:
Are you tired as hell and not gonna take it anymore?!?!
I’d love to see one of these polls break out government employees as a separate respondent group. They number more than 20 million. Guessing Brandon gets close to 💯 of them.
Fake polls. Each skewed to make one look worse and the other look better.
Trump over the years gave more money to democrats since he resided in a very blue city. They loved him there. He thought democrats would be happy he was in the WH as he would happily work with democrats since he knew most better than his own party. Instead what happened was democrats and rhinos worked hard every day to blow up Trump’s life because NONE wanted to drain the swamp. They are the swamp. Romney only found his balls when blasting Trump, but never found his balls debating Obama and Candy. Trump is not a politician and frankly not particularly bright. However I sincerely believe he loves his country. I think few in Washington love their country. They love China now because that is who throws money at them. Ask Joe.
My neighbor, an x NYC cop, Republican, refused to vote for Trump and instead voted Biden saying he was the most honest person in Washington. This cop HATES Trump for reasons he cannot articulate. He adores Biden. Gushes about him. This neighbor and my NJ friend see nothing wrong with Biden’s mind. Unreal. Both believe masks work. Vaccines wonderful. These two will never see the light ever.
I too think that Trump really does love this country it’s in MHO the one and most important requirement needed to govern it. As far as the DC swamp goes - the majority of them are there for only one thing - as one of their major disrupters once said - “it’s all about the Benjamin’s.”
Mostly well said though I disagree with your comment that Trump is not bright.
Having grown up in NJ, I have heard Trump talk thousands of times to media. He is not a deep thinker. He is more a guy with a desire to see big things happen often not too concerned with details. He is about making money that in his mind proves success. He has had lots of failures because his vision was unrealistic. He does not surround himself with honest people. He expects allegiance and often that desire means not hiring folks that know when to help put the brakes on.
He is human. Flawed. I am just pointing out how he comes across. I have known lots of very smart people, meaning well read, articulate, that have horrendous instincts. If I was in a foxhole, I want Trump there with me, because I know he would never sell me to the other side. Most in Washington would sell me and probably their family members. They have zero morale compass. I think Trump is actually a kind man that genuinely feels the pain of others. It is just that he is so far removed from the masses. He has lived in a bubble. He is king of that bubble and often every move is all about him. Of course nobody is more in love with himself than Obama. I have never seen that level of narcissism ever before. Trump also wants to be liked so badly and praised for his work. That obsession needed to be checked a long time ago. Being liked is a fantasy. He is too successful and powerful to be genuinely liked. Silly man. Ok, you can see there are many things about him I like and things that are trouble,
I lived in Metro NYC NJ for many years, a total of 24 years… Trump is the quintessential NYC businessman… good, bad and ugly. We were in the contract furniture business, we never won a bid with Trump Co. Tough, brutal … but hey, it’s Nuh Yawk! Hard to explain to others… but I agree with you.. conservatively, he’s worth $2 Billion… I don’t care who are are, you don’t accumulate that wealth not being “bright.” Maybe not all ethically , but again, Nuh Yawk. So when Trump came down the golden escalator I turned to my Colorado Boy and said “ watch DC go nucuhlar.” And now Musk being criticized… why? Like he’s the stupid one??? personally, I’d love to see all these career politicians challenged by concerned private citizens with a better handle of how the real world works. Corporate interests and lobbies have afforded the likes of McConnell, Pelosi, Feinstein, etc etc far too much cover.
I bet not one of them knows the price of bread or gas. I mean it. Washington is clueless. NYC is a cesspool. Trump did what had to do to survive. When he threatened to run all these years, democrats loved him. Media did as well. Republicans did not. He really never knew his own party and he hated Bush which made him an outcast. Look Trump can draw a crowd anywhere. That brings out the jealousy. Jealousy makes people go nuts. Look how nuts Romney got because of Trump. Pure jealousy. John Kerry the same. He felt he was owed the WH. Hillary felt the WH was hers. These people will do anything to hurt those they are jealous of. If they got to bring down a country to get even, then so be it. All these idiots in Washington insist Trump is a national security risk. Really? Biden is not? My father had dementia. Joe is worse than my dad was and he wasn’t running the country.
Yup. I was absolutely appalled when Pelosi stood in front of her TWO Sub Zero refrigerators showing us the $14/PINT ice cream FrdExed overnight as how she is surviving COVID… Princess and the Pea much? And her wealthy donors in San Francisco think she is just the greatest…. Oh wait, and another favorite.. Pelosi wearing Hermés $250 scarves as face masks…. Yeah, she’s in touch…..
You can thank the media.
Graygirl…...you seem very thoughtful. You have really explained Trump to a T. I really wanted to point out where you might be wrong but, try as I might, I couldn’t. I gotta tell ya, I really tried. Your comments are well received. Thanks.
I have studied him. I honestly am a people watcher. My dad was a people watcher. I remember sitting in Newark airport watching the people coming and going from all over the world. What was their body language saying. We both found it so interesting. Trump makes a lot of people jealous of him. That is why they hate him so intensely.
I would love to compare notes with you! The Media was brutal. Im from a very small town in NJ , 22 miles outside the city. A friend’s son was struggling in public school. His divorced narcissistic mother shipped him off to Boarding School, where he was classmates with Jr….most kids went home on the weekends, except this kid… so he started spending weekends with the Trumps… Trump introduced him to golf… not an athlete, he hated it… Trump asked him what he liked,, he said “ singing in a choir.” This kid, now 42 (?) has the voice of an angel… his self absorbed parents would not pay the higher tuition at an Episcopal Boarding School known for its Male Choir… Trump picked up the difference and this man now credits Trump for helping this “ nerd” find his niche. This doesn’t make him a great President, but there’s more to him than what the media has portrayed. And this “ kid” now my friend, lives in the Southeast and very active in his Church and choir.
Interesting question for the neighbor would be, do they attend a Free Mason Lodge, as many members of the NYPD do ?
So Alex should really look into the Mason thing, yes?
Everyone should.
Trump, under severe pressure, went back on his word to have friendly relations with Russia, and he stupidly gave weapons to Ukraine. Nonetheless, we would not be on the cusp of a major war with Russia if Biden hadn't been "selected" by the Powers-that-Be. Trump is one of the few major politicians calling for negotiations with Russia.
No begging Venezuela for oil, Switzerland for baby formula...
Yes to every last word you just said. Thank you.
Give this man a Doc Brown DeLorean…
Are we surprised a Trump comment is most popular?
No, and by the reflexive rectal retorts by the usual pathetic and unimaginative suspects, those who are independent caring and committed to true liberty freedom independence and autonomy know we are doomed by Sociopathic leftists and selfish rightists…
What makes it a "Trump comment"? That's just a nonsensical comment.
Funny, I scrolled back through every one of your comments, and at NO point have you bothered to rebut the "most popular" Trump comment.
Maybe your comments would be more popular if you could offer something less juvenile and infantile than this:
"Here is my retort to you Trump Sycophants:
Fauci is “fuck you” in Trumpese…"
And this one of yours is especially laughable:
"These empty unimaginative dismissive retorts..."
YOU have written NOTHING but empty, unimaginative dismissive retorts.
Oh yes, the call to embrace and pursue freedom and independence has been flowing here like milk and honey for the downtrodden and defenseless to know they will be protected and provided.
You vote for what you see in a candidate, and many, NOT ALL, Trump voters are inherently selfish, narrow minded, and cover-their-own-asses thinkers and doers.
Fauci not being dumped was the loudest “fuck the public I want to keep my job and attention!!!” one could possible utter.
And you folks want that to return, knowing full well the sociopathic left will go beyond burning and destroying the land.
Deeds not words, sheesh, you folks truly have no clue what that means in the moment of truth…
And I am not going to fight for cowards and whores, fuck that agenda!!!
You have *yet* to make a thoughtful, reasoned, persuasive, or FFS even simply an *adult* comment in this thread. Infantile histrionics is your bailiwick. I'm done trying to debate someone with the equivalent of an eighth-grade temperament...and vocabulary.
Andrew the Great, illuminate us with your blueprint to restore America to the land of the free and home of the brave!
I am eagerly awaiting your greatness to give us hope and faith.
17 hours later and silence from Smart-alec the not so Great…
Fascinating when you ask them for details, after they shriek at you that you’re not doing it, isn’t the projection just absolutely pathetic to watch play out?
Trump supporters, they are as equally deranged as the leftist sociopathic agenda…
Yep, absolutely!
"Let’s just hope the GOP focuses less on score-settling and more on making sure the Bill of Rights hasn’t been entirely trashed by the end of Uncle Joe’s one and only term."
No way! Punishing all these people for what they did over the past 2+ years is the way to make sure The Constitution isn't trashed.
Let’s make sure we include ALL of them. Don’t let people like Doug Ducey, governor of Arizona where the monsoon photo was likely taken, hold any elected or appointed office ever again.
Ducey signed legislation this past week that tried to obfuscate his involvement in mask mandates, school closures, and shot compliance. Don’t ever forget that there were horrible people on both sides of the aisle.
Doug Ducey is the RINO-iest McCainite RINO ever. I loathe him and I swear if the AZ GOP tries to shove him down my throat as a Senate candidate I wont vote. I’ve never missed a vote in 30 years but I would not be able to live with myself if I checked his box.
I'm from AZ and I agree 100%. Ducey is a good business governor, bringing business to AZ. But he fell for the lockdown nonsense that destroyed AZ small business. And he is a poor cultural warrior and we are in a cultural war. Our schools are as woke as any in CA or NY, and that is a problem.
Kari Lake is our best chance at bringing a warrior to AZ. I will also suggest Tim Michels in Wisconsin is my birth state's best chance as well.
I agree on Kari Lake but mostly on the point I think she’s the only one who can beat Katie Hobbs. I spent a decade in tv news in phx and though I never worked with Lake I have friends who did and they say she’s the real deal in spite of the establishment attacks on her Obama vote and past democrat leanings. My only worry is that political insiders say she’s been surrounded by the people who do politics for a living, the old guard with too many special interests. If she’s not smart enough to get rid of them if she wins she’ll end up like Trump — a victim of the swamp stabbed in the back by people who lie to your face.
This has to happen. It's called justice. And it goes back to 2016 at least.
Such as Clinton? I agree. She is a Treasonous traitor.
Yeah, I wrote this at the top of this commentary and was looking through for someone else who realized that kissing and making up WAS NOT the answer to what we have been through. Thanks for saying it.
I couldn't disagree more with the entirely leftist idiocy of "we shouldn't resort to score-settling". The left doesn't see magnanimity as anything but weakness to be exploited. That was why Trump could never apologize, except one singular time when the Access Hollywood tape came out and he apologized to his family. Just like Putin and other authoritarians understand nothing but strength, the Democrats must be dismantled and reformulated by unrelenting retribution for the institutions and norms they have destroyed. The media must go through the same process to serve the purpose it was conceived to provide. Remember, "a republic if you can keep it" very much applies and weak man cannot defend such. Gentle we might be, but not in the face of an existential threat, and anyway gentleness is NOT weakness but strength under control. Remorselessness is not to be confused with ruthlessness. If you don't know the difference you wouldn't be a good parent or a good leader.
"the Democrats must be dismantled and reformulated by unrelenting retribution for the institutions and norms they have destroyed"
Well said! That's why I love DeSantis. He is always looking to punish the leftists, no matter what. Remember back to having a press conference in Brandon, FL. That is the type of tactics necessary to defeat these slimy and demonic cowards.
Desantis is ok with a Pyrrhic victory as well and so am I. These people need punished and destroyed and any losses n our part can be sorted later.
When I am weaker than you, I ask you for freedom because that is according to your principles; when I am stronger than you, I take away your freedom because that is according to my principles.
Frank Herbert (Dune)
Shivers. Wow. Thanks.
Very well said, Willie! 🇺🇸
Score settling to vindicate the bill of rights is the answer. They are too stupid though and will continue rattling on about the ukraine.
Godawful Opportunistic Pricks…
I’m all for restitutions. We see only too we’ll what is happening here now because crimes go unpunished - even more crime. Trouble is when it comes to Congress the process is never swift and sure. What I’d like to hear is the GOP saying, You, “Sit down and shut up!”
TJ, precisely what laws have been broken that deserves punishment?
I don't know, personally I have a score to settle with Fauci. And I'd like to see a big focus on "how can the lockdowns and the rest of the unjustified panic-reaction of the last two years be prevented from EVER happing again?". I just don't expect much.
Im voting on two items. Punishing the people who did this to us and to elect people who will be sure this never happens again.
Fauxchi for prison!
No, i think we are LONG overdue for a score settling. That’s all the dems understand. Believe me, I will be dancing in the streets when we get some vengeance.
And there is no shortage of RINOs who need some of that score settling thrown their way as well. Knocking several out in primaries will shake them. More than vengeance, I want to see damage undone and the Constitution strengthened: term limits, a required balanced budget, no separate exemptions for the political class from the crap they pass on the rest of us, etc. (I also don't think they'll ever pass restrictions upon themselves--it's going to take and Article V Convention of States to make it happen.) Where I DO absolutely want vengeance: stripping the funding of and/or totally eliminating the compromised 3-letter agencies that have been empowered to make our lives hell through rogue political harassment or paybacks.
Yes! Especially to your last sentence.
Love your line of thinking!
What the fuck happened in summer 2020?!
As The Joker asked of the crime syndicate: did your balls all fall off?
Sound like a bot to me.
Nice projection, common Joe…
This is OBAMAS people running the show with some Bernie folks sprinkled in there. Joe was the Trojan horse and we all know it. Illegals being brought in as the new voting base for the left. 20+ million very soon as they know they cannot perpetuate the ballot fraud they used last election. We are in very perilous times folks.
I agree. FJB is not the president. I beielve this Obama running the show the way he always wanted to.
There is record breaking early voting occurring in Georgia as we type….
Across the country submissions.
And it scares me to death, Anthony.
And more neocons!
"Let’s just hope the GOP focuses less on score-settling and more on making sure the Bill of Rights hasn’t been entirely trashed by the end of Uncle Joe’s one and only term."
Actually, making sure the Bill of Rights isn't trashed requires some score settling. That tends to discourage future trashing.
He's done so much to destroy this country, so it's no surprise. At least people are starting to realize. And tomorrow we'll be inching closer to the one-world agenda when our sovereignty goes even more out the window.
We are going to have to fight against medical tyranny at the State level. Governors are going to have to refuse to follow globalists dictates, even if the Biden Regime follows.
Electing governors with backbones who are willing to stand up to the press and say “this is not a power given to government, we can issue advice, but not mandates… the free market will work it out” is of utmost importance.
Lake in AZ and Michels in Wisconsin.
The GOP governors who stood up to Trump’s Covid fascism can be counted on one hand. Kemp of Georgia was notoriously one of those and so in return, Trump endorsed Kemp’s opponent in the GA primary (coming up in 2 days).
Rule of thumb: if Trump endorsed, then vote for the other guy.
Exactly. And all of us have to say no wherever and whenever.
Hey, you can vote in TWENY FOUR weeks to instantly improve our lives…
Oh, IF we have an election…
what I want to know is how does an administration who's every decision is DESIGNED to weaken us as a nation is still being reported as blunders and not as the obvious attack on our nation's sovereignty that it is.
Isn't there some law enforcement group that should be making charges? Do you need to have an actual piece of paper that says 'this is how I will destroy America' when you have the actions and results?
I am legit convinced that Biden is a Chinese cat's-paw. His family has taken tens of millions directly from the CCP. They own him. And they are directing him to destroy America. I am 100% serious.
I'm with you, as I wrote a couple months back:
The laptop is real. Everybody knows it. It proves that Joe Biden is bought and paid for. Now it’s time to ask the hard questions: What would a bought president be doing? Cutting our energy independence? Hurting Americans by cutting off trade via sanctions? Pushing us into a war we can’t possibly win that would likely lead to the rise of China as the world’s superpower? Devaluing the dollar and gutting the middle class?
Maybe the better question is: If Biden’s goal was to wreck the economy and enable the rise of China, would he be doing anything at all differently?
Exactly. Once you realize that Biden is intentionally destroying the country then all his policies make perfect sense. The open border, the trillions in spending, provoking a war with Russia, out of control inflation, sicking the FBI on parents who speak out at school board meetings, indoctrinating small children into a confusing trans agenda, ending our energy independence, sending US troops back into Somalia, on and on and on. The entire agenda is explicitly designed to destroy the country.
Right, and you know he's not the mastermind behind this. It's the same with camel-La. She's doing exactly what she's been told. It doesn't matter who she hires as her staff. She has no choice, not that I'm giving her a pass.
I can't get my head around who the masterminds behind this are. China, Cartels, Corporations, Davos/WEF or a mix of them, but what I do know is national sovereignty is the best defense and anything that weakens that for any nation is bad mojo. The left has done its best to remove God from as much as possible. Get rid of God and you have no rights, every legal decision in the US is void, sovereignty is meaningless. The Constitution and Bill of Rights may as well be a pack of Charmin.
Perfect question. The answer is, no.
Some scores need to be settled.
People need to be impeached/removed over the jab mandates. Especially for our troops. As far as I'm concerned, that was an act of war.
With all due respect, Alex (and I do respect you for your journalistic integrity on the shots), the American people DESERVE a reckoning. You may call is score-settling, but if we don't see actual jail time for the corruption and capture of every federal agency, we cannot survive as a United States of America. It's not possible. We must see the Constitution, as well as the Bill of Rights returned to their rightful place as our cornerstones.
Well said. 🎯
The Trump low-approval was manipulated by the media to make Americans think he did something nefarious. 80,000 people don’t show up at rallies after 2020 to support a low approval former president. Censorship works.
I can’t be the only one that thinks there is no way the globalist powers that be, the ones who’ve made incredible progress in two years, the ones who moved heaven and earth to get rid of trump, the same Dems who are obsessed with moving their agenda forward no matter the cost, are just going to let the red wave happen. There’s no way, I can’t even imagine what they have planned for us to influence the election.
100% agree. We need to be on guard because they are going to try something.
I've had the exact same thought for some time now. Expect the mother of all "October surprises" along with ever more nonsense in the voting process. By the way, notice how all of a sudden, we can never have a clean, uncontested election outside of safe seats? Big Tech will be in overdrive "fighting disinformation" to aid the Left.
Uhhh. Monkeypox?
Biden renewed his emergency powers exactly at the moment covid was suddenly no longer news - as Ukraine took center stage. Leana Wen did a one eighty at the same time and then just went away. Meanwhile we now know that under cover of darkness Biden was busy planning turning emergency powers over to the WHO - which is happening right now May 22. Only Fox has even mentioned it. Questioning whether there will even be an election this fall is a logical question as the new pandemic threats are being put out now to build back the fear that had finally abated… ie we are primed for all the new draconian measures that will be imposed when the time is just right. I can’t even believe I’m writing this crazy stuff! The logic of what happened these last two years seems so clear if you have listened to McCullough Malone Breggins RFKJr etc. With all the lying and power mongering and disastrous actions against this country by whomever is behind the curtain (telling this shell of a person who somehow got elected to get him out of a basement what to say and do these last two years) it’s not that big a leap to suggest the US is being sold out to the maniacs at the World Economic Forum. Hope hope hope I’m totally wrong…..Alex please prove me wrong at your earliest convenience.
Some punishment must be released or there is no true justice. Fauci / Walensky should at a very minimum be terminated (with extreme prejudice for real justice) and the DOJ brought to heel for a wide variety of bad behaviors. FBI reform, CIA reeled back in and Foreign Policy oversight brought into bright light. Then we get to Big Pharma and that criminal conspiracy. Also the Durham investigations and trials should ramp up hard with HRC perp walked into prison. Stop the proxy war with Russia and mend fences or die trying. Lastly, stop printing money we don't have to feed the fools that don't want to work. That's all a good start. I'll think of more later.
Defund the federal government.
Eliminate federal tax withholding requirements from paychecks.
...and return power to the states where it belongs.
There should not be another Democrat elected for two generations. When you look at the direction they've taken this country, both in their policies, and with their working partners in the media and academia, we've gone from a shining City on a Hill to country where our most beautiful city has to staff a team to collect human feces from it's streets while handing out needles. Meanwhile, across the country, we simply ignore the numbers of people being shot, raped, robbed, attacked, as Ho-Hum daily occurrences. These things do not happen in a vacuum. You have to work at it to move from a shining City on a Hill to the level we've fallen, with thousands trying to leave Chicago, LA, New York, Portland, Seattle, San Francisco, et. al., and millions more walking in freely on our Southern border.
It'll take at least two generations to clean out the Democratic Party. There should not be another elected for that length of time or until they get some sense of reality back- whichever comes first.
As for the Republicans- I con't count on much from them as they have been a part of some- not all, but some- of our decline (see: Our Border). But at least the right has been trying to clean out the Republican Party. It is taking time, but it's happening. As for 'score settling', I agree there is more important work to be done. That said, there are criminals, outright liars, and people who have worked hard at destroying the very fabric of our country still sitting in Congress, the FBI, State Department and other corners of our Government. What is Adam Schiff still doing in Congress, let alone leading any Congressional committees? I say we start with Mr. Schiff and his Russia Collusion conspiracy. There is some trash that still needs to be taken out of Congress before we can move forward.
MONKEYsteria: Best Monkeypox Memes
- Monkeypox (the "K" is silent) is COMING to get you, but the memes are already here!
Notice how they are not telling us how it is spreading. Or how they are surprised that is is spreading at all. As if they don't know how monkeypox spreads.
Game on for mail in ballots.
Brandon brought it up this morning that he hasn't been told the level of exposure yet, but assured "We're working on it hard to figure out what we do and what vaccine, if any, may be available for it." (Yep, laying the groundwork for more jab hysteria before November.)
God, I wish you weren’t right………but you are.
The Canaria Pride festival, held in the town of Maspalomas between May 5 and 15, has become a hotspot for the monkeypox outbreak, reports El País.
Monkey court rulings.
Both parties are trash and there's few politicians worth a shit. Either get rid of political parties or give people other options than the giant douche or turd sandwich.
You have better chance for freedom with a Repub then a Dem right now. That’s just reality. Look at Fl or Tx.
Living in Texas I agree with that . One party is definitely doing better than the other right now but we as Americans deserve better than both of these parties. When will they secure the border? When will they stop spending recklessly?
That is the mantra of Republ-ocrats…
Most Republicans are horrible swamp creatures. However, there are a few good ones. In the Democrat party, they are 100% horrible swamp creatures who would throw you directly into a wood chipper if it meant giving them 1% more power and money.
Well said! Roy Blunt is an example of the R swamp creature you describe. Literally the only reason he won the last time was on Trump’s coattails. I was relieved at the time bc I didn’t realize just how swampy he is and at least he held up some of the policies I support whereas his opponent likely would not have. Glad he’s “retiring”. Plus I think his son is in the middle of some double dealing type scandal, haven’t had a chance to get the details on that yet. It’s really a sad commentary on how some of these folks allow, even encourage the swamp to suck them in once they’ve been there awhile. Some of it is sadly the “way things have been done in the past” and some of it is the longer one is there the better chance there is that they will become worthless, even detrimental, to those who sent them there in good faith. I still don’t really like the idea of term limits as that’s kind of the definition of voting imo but that only works if we have an informed electorate. 🤷♀️🤦♀️
Thank you!
Joe Biden voters can shop at The Current Thing Company! 10% for the big guy if you use the discount code CCP. https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-build-a-killer-business-and?s=w
To have the lowest % ever considering the majority of the media propaganda on his side is the astonishing aspect. The majority of lowered Trump % was driven down by that very same fake news media. Trumps # was low not because of what he had done, but by the effectiveness of the media to get people to hate him based on emotion and not policy. When you look at what the puppet has done to America in just 16 months compared to Trump that is the stark contrast and opposite ends of the spectrum
Keep in mind Brandon has this historical negative rating with 90% of the media behind him.
Media… lying uncaring destructive F’s…
Despicable dishonest disingenuous disdainful duplicitous and demented…
The party of “D”!!!
Thanks for letting me comment…
And, when it comes to many of their voters, deceased.
Correct. And after the leftist mass murders upcoming, amazing how Democrats win a convincing majority win in ALL 50 states, when millions are killed and leftist rule and reporting validates such genocide…
Unfortunately, many Republicans (RINOs) are more than willing to help Dems trash the Bill of Rights.
Inflation, Smation. Let's send Ukraine another $40 BILLION, no wait, let's make it $50 BILLION. You can't start a NUCLEAR WAR with only $40 BILLION. (On a positive note, when the Nukes start flying, I'm pretty sure we'll all forget about inflation.)
I have zero faith in our election process. After seeing the shenanigans in AZ in 2020, I don’t think there will be a red wave. I’m pretty sure the Democrat machine has worked hard the last two years working on their fraud plans
I agree with you. So get yourself out there to be an election watcher. Volunteer. And yes, I am taking my own advice.
I was no fan of Bill Clinton, but at least he could read a room and move more to the middle. Not the Biden admin. They just keep doubling down on stupid.
Don't think for a moment that they are not intending for the outcomes we are seeing. These US admin stooges are puppets for the wealthy empty suits in Davos and their maniacal dehumanizing Great Reset agenda. Hopefully the coming elections will not be decided by the 2000 Mules that the movie provided evidence of affecting the outcome of the last national election.
On the flipside of that coin, the desperation of the Deep State that they will lose the power they presently enjoy with their dem colleagues running the show in Washington argues forcefully for them implementing desperate and dangeorus measures to create the outcomes they want prior to November 8th. Which probably explains the new fear porn in the form of Monkey Pox all of a sudden showing up in numerous countries, as well as the predicted food supply shortages that are upposed to hit this summer.
But the real danger is in Ukraine. To what degree will the US Deep State operatives go to provoke a war with US troops facing off against Russia that they hope rallies voters to the present administration on election day ? And how will Russia respond ? The world has not been in such a dangerous and precarious position since the Cuban Missile Crisis. Political power has corrupted completely.
Just wait for the fleecing of "we the people" soon to fund even more of the military industrial complex propaganda proxy war with Taiwan. America will be so debt beholden it's inevitable it will crash
Puppet admin only doing what they are told. They are not the one's doing this to the world over the past 16 months. They make NO decisions
Truth. Give the devil his due: Bill Clinton had more political skills in his little, ah, finger than Biden and his entire legion of buttswabbers.
… doubling down on (a) stupid electorate…
They knew he was a throw-away president when they put him in to do their dirty work. He’s the fall guy, getting paid handsomely of course. They’re all just figureheads anyway. They needed one shithead to do unthinkable things and the next one will come in and “rescue” us.
Score settling is always a factor, but usually minor. Political combat is predominantly strategic, always an effort to position your side for greater power. How that power is used, and how the strategies are exercised, always depends on how well the public controls their government. We've seen the results of public apathy. Now the question is whether we've learned anything from it. Get involved in your politics, local and national, or suffer the politics of others who do.
I strongly believe that if the Dems hold the majority after the midterm, we will see a return of forced vaccination, mask mandates, people sitting at home working or being paid not to work, and more government spending in the name of health or rescue.
It’s a possibility that in the name of a new Covid variant or Monkeypox, the voting laws will be changed again by lawsuits at the last minute, and a return of mass, mail in and drop off box voting, like what was done in 2020. The media will support it and call people who are against it as wanting Grandma to die, or if that doesn’t work, then racist.
If the Dems hold power, they will see this as a sign that people desire their control, thus their medical tyranny, and other social programs and ideology. One may not be a huge fan of the Republicans; there a a handful of really good ones, but there is a choice to be made.
Over two years in, everyday, I see young people walking outdoors wearing a mask, and masking their young children too. These are the people that I think of as Biden’s Soldiers. They would give our civil liberties away on a silver platter to the government without resistance.
They were one vote away from killing the filibuster and nationalizing election. The minute they get another chance they will pass this bill and say goodbye to election in the US. Dems will hold power forever
If Trump wasn’t cheated out of the presidency our country would be in way better shape. We wouldn’t be worrying that Biden is about to sign away our sovereignty, there would be no war or proxy war with Russia, he would’ve handled the Afghanistan withdrawal better, the illegal invasion at the border, shipping crisis, food shortages, there would have been no vaccine mandates, and ppl wouldn’t have lost their jobs, and so much more. Everything the Dems have done is an affront to the citizens. They want the NWO and everything they’ve done in the last year and a half is a reflection of that ideology. Keep creating crises and it will happen. Now they want to give us all monkeypox so we can take another vaccine just in time for the WHO pandemic treaty to take effect.
Dems are compromised and have completely sold the country out. Some Repubs are bad but I don’t know how a single person votes for Dems when their platform is america is evil and needs dismantled.
It's so obvious and OUT in the open. Blatantly obvious!
Well this would’ve been a great opportunity to talk about 2000 Mules but your TDS remains strong.
Yes, this is the man who "got” the most votes ever in US history? 😄
The whole thing is absurd and the fact that our so-called guardian of the truth is ignoring it shows you what a Banana Republic we’ve become.
SMH, you actually think Joe is dictating and implementing policy? Any other progressive in the office would have just been doing a better job of reading the same commie crap on the teleprompter.
Ugh—I hope that the Republican swamp (and I’m a lifelong Republican) will be cleaned out and new blood that truly cares about America will come in.
It looks like we have 11/50 GOP Senators who are America first. That means that 39/50 are America Last. Looking at you Ted Cruz. Go pound sand Senator Cruz. Of course, 50/50 Democrat Senators are America Last so there is that.
Imagine a more neutral media,something that existed between the 1980s to 2000 (ironically from cable companies like CNN/Fox upsetting the big 3 network power) and Biden is at least 5 to 10 points more in the dumper.Right now even the corporate media is turning on him and Democrats will distance himself each and every day up to November 2022 elections.”A humiliated ruling class that is still in power is the most dangerous thing in the World “ Jeffery Tucker.Summer is going to be a complete disaster.
I know it's just a fantasy on my part, but it would be great if the MSM organizations reporting the "news" could simply get fined by the FCC. There are laws on the books right now that could be used to hold the MSM accountable for knowingly reporting false stories. All you have to do is look at the co-ordination between them and the shared used of language to know they were all in it together. It's not censoring, they are welcome to continue reporting it, but unless you have proof, then you better be reporting it as opinion, and not fact or expect a fine. Why are the laws even on the books if nobody uses them?
Everything horrible they said would happen to you under Orange Man has actually happened to you under Potato Man.
Welcome to brutal relentless projection.
I can't believe it's Monkeypox season already! Everyone just got their Ukraine decorations up!!!
I want scores settled.
I want public trials and I want these people who have spent 2 1/2 years destroying this country, your businesses and your kids, to pay for what they've done.
Taking the high road gets you nothing.
Putting these people away for LIFE might have a more beneficial effect.
Personally, I’d just like to know exactly how bad it has to get before we can get this imposter OUT of the White House! Our country is sinking faster than the Titanic and nobody in government is doing anything about it. When you discover a home invader in your house, you take care of it.. call 911 and hope the police get him? Get out your gun and take care of it yourself? All I know is the longer this moron is in office, the worse our country gets. It’s past time for him to go.
I just don't get it. The contributors on this stack are amazing and so astute when it comes to Covid. BUT when it comes to U.S. politics something changes...
How can a country of 340 million end up with a choice of somebody like Trump or Biden? Your system is utterly broken! Elections are bought not won and the corporations back and own both sides. Until you do something about the system things will continue to get worse.
They are in the process of totally destroying the Dollar and free speech is under threat with govt over reach into all aspects of your lives.
Why do you think anything is going to change? It's not!
And in UK we are well on our way to a digital fascist dictaorship!
The World has indeed gone MAD!
Trump was a great choice. Not a perfect choice. But in Trump, we had a President who was willing to go to the mat for America.
Am I allowed to reply to myself?
Wot? No howls of indignation or support for the status quo?
Maybe there is a political Mass Psychosis too? Maybe if you all squeeze your eyes so tight and wish real hard, just like Dorothy, things will turn out right.
BUT - They are coming for YOU! The poor already live in tents, the workers have lost their jobs to cheap overseas drones, now they're after the wealth of the middle classes.
They have just accomplished the biggest wealth transfer in history! This is a long-haul game. Remember, by 2030 'you will own nothing and you will be happy' (If you survive!)
I do not judge, they are insidious and highly organised. How to fight it? In the UK they have just effectively banned all forms of protest.
But expecting the current political system to return anything different is as futile as believing in the man behind the curtain in The Wizard of Oz!
Protecting the Bill of Rights and settling scores with the Left are the same thing.
I’m sorry, but scores will be settled, Dems will be imprisoned. Then, and only then, can we get back to the task of cleaning up the mess. They must learn to never steal an election again.
Wow. Pretty shocked that all the comments here display a belief that “parties” matter in this country, and that elections are somehow legit. Incredible. Listen Joe Biden is the Boris Yeltsin of the USA and it was a deliberate act on the part of the folks who actually run the world. The US is being castrated. On purpose. Using Biden as the puncture wound to start the leak and drain it dry. Damn I really thought commenters here would be a little more savvy than arguing about Trump and “parties.” This is 2022. It’s all changed.
Agree. It's all theatrics to keep the people pacified and in line, feeling like they chose and are in the driver's seat. Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss.
Obama...all style, no substance
Trump...all substance, no style
American voters: no style nor substance.
Agree with the 1 term. I cannot believe he can complete this term. For anybody who has witnessed this level of dementia, people fade fast. The meds get less and less effective, until they have no effect at all. Remember, he nearly has 3 years left. As far as elections, I live in Nevada and already received a primary mail-in ballot, despite being unaffiliated. That tells me they're going to cheat more on this election. Because it is midterm, they will not get away with it in red states, but the blue states will continue to send democrats to DC. Alex, I don't think democrats take lessons from anything, except how to effectively cheat in elections.
The Bill of Rights has been repeatedly trashed by the DEMs. Each and every one of these violations of our basic rights must be addressed when the GOP takes power. It is the only way the GOP can make sure that our rights aren't violated again. This isn't score settling. It's only common sense. If there are no consequences for criminal actions the criminals will not be deterred but emboldened.
Without a doubt, Biden is the worst U.S. president in my lifetime (I'm in my 60s). He makes the bumbling, bungling Jimmy Carter look like a genius by comparison. Everything Biden touches turns to you-know-what. Baby formula shortages, soaring gasoline and diesel prices, soaring inflation, $80 billion in military equipment left behind in Afghanistan, millions of illegals pouring across our border (the only border Biden seems interested in defending is Ukraine's) -- and that's just a partial list. Under Biden, our liberties guaranteed by the Constitution have been attacked like never before in my lifetime. SAVE AMERICA AND MAKE IT GREAT AGAIN.
Last President of the United States…
Civil War then invasion by a coalition of China/ Russia/ N Korea/ Cuba/ and Iran, along with blatant collusion by sociopathic Demoncraps wipes out this country. Shame we can’t watch the traitors be lynched and burned once the invasion is complete…
the 2022 election must be about solutions. If the Republicans focus only on the many negatives in the last 18 months our country is screwed. Biden's administration is incompetent and their woke policies have proven disastrous. Add to that their attempts to compromise our constitutional protections and the door is wide open for sensible alternatives. The left somehow believes people of color are stupid. This racism of low expectations is backfiring, but winning an election is but a first step. Biden and Powell's policies may take years of economic pain to unwind. Allowing someone like Tony Fauci to control America's health care to the benefit of Big Pharma may be impossible to reverse. The military-industrial cabal has control of much of both parties. Trump, in spite of his own self-defeating personality, started to face some of these issues. The entrenched interests couldn't allow that. Remember that the rhino Republican Congress did not support him for much of his term. Big challenges that must be addressed.
I guess I don't see where the GOP needs such an admonition. Where is the history of the GOP seeking to settle scores whenever they are in power? One of the gripes that many of us have had is that the Republicans too often lay down in the face of their enemies, even when the GOP itself is in the power seat. Look at the entire Trump administration; it was nothing but one series of another of someone on the conservative side being prosecuted or accused of some kind of crime, including of course, the president himself. Where was GOP score settling then?? If anything, it has been the political left that is always seeking to use the power of government to posecute their political enemies.
there is no GOP. period . full stop. there is one party in DC, it has two branches , but they are both controlled by the same international financiers . who are meeting in Davos right now . check out the world economic forum .
People were so desperate to rid the country of the embarrassment of Trump and all the negativity he spread that unfortunately this is the result. Maybe somewhere, somehow, credible political candidates will come forward in each party and efforts will be made to return the Country into one which we can all respect and love once again. Role models for the world. Massive change is needed from my vantage point.
Trump didn't spread the negativity, the MSM attacked him, twisted his words and proceeded to tear the country apart with Russia Russia Russia 24x7. With the Sussman trial it is clear that Hillary did that to disable his presidency and trash our country. The reason Biden was sold as being a less divisive president is that the MSM would cover for him 24x7 no matter what inanity he did. Massive change is definitely needed but political candidates who love our country as opposed to hate it need to come forward.
Trump behaved like a boor and could never garner respect with his foul mouth and ridiculous behaviour. Not presidential material whatsoever. Not to mention Jan 6 fiasco.
don't be simple minded. the dominion voting machines are still out there and the vote harvesting is still going on. Fox news boss Karl rove just rehired lifelong democrat arnon mishkin for their 2022 election coverage. he is the guy who called all the states like Arizona early to cover the election night nastiness in 2020. our elections are theater
Nobody likes spending $100 to fill up their tank.
I take just a slightly different approach to what the Republicans should do than Alex suggests.
As always we should INSIST that the Bill of Rights is upheld and if possible strengthened. However, on behalf of the American public that has been seriously wronged by the last 2 years of Bidenism, there are some scores to settle (along with maintaining our Rights) and the first score that needs settling is the impeachment and removal from office of both Joe Biden AND Kamala Harris! These 2 individuals are absolutely the worst individuals a country can place into elected office and I can think of no 2 others can that match them. Biden flatly ignored the law and broke it regarding border security/control and immigration. Harris, tasked by her boss Joe Biden, to "Czar" and oversee/fix the situation, did nothing. I mean absolutely nothing and should be removed for negligence because the situation at the border has continued to deteriorate till this very day.
I'll even go as far as placing a litmus test for the current crop of Republicans for them to be considered Republicans - "If you're not on board with impeaching and removed Biden/Harris and a fully unwavering support of the 2A, then you're part of the problem and we'll replace YOU TOO in the GOP Primaries and this course of action is WELL UNDERWAY!
Considering they are still counting votes in Pennsylvania (no one thinks this is a red flag)... maybe Dem leadership is showing they have this in the bag. 2020 was a preview of future elections, I'm afraid.
I think Repubs will take the house. But they’ve already fucked up the Senate. Weak candidates in PA with a broke ass mail in balloting weeks to count voting system and candidates like Herschel Walker in GA moronically saying he wants to ban abortion- no exceptions I would say our chances are slim because Repubs can’t help but go extreme in the other direction. Stop talking about banning abortion you idiots and talk about how Dems want to dismember babies clear up to birth.