I am double vaxxed (and regret it) and totally on board with your work. 64 yo with a autoimmune compromised wife and was told by EVERY doctor we trust to do it. April 2021. We both got jabbed — hesitantly. I caught the CCP FLU 3.5 months later. I bought Pandemia and will not shy away from the TRUTH. Neither of our sons got jabbed. Thankfully.

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And, Steven, another dirty secret no one is telling the immunocompromised is that 1) they didn't trial these shots on that particular population and 2) real world data is showing they tend not to mount an antibody response after being given the shots. It is criminal what they are doing - especially the peddling of false hope to those who really need good information for confronting and surviving this virus.

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And further criminal that they are rationing effective therapeutic treatments and demonizing other offlabel treatments that have proven to be effective in preventing severe illness and hospitalization and death.

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I took HCQ 4 years in Vietnam to prevent malaria. Recoginized that BS for what it was in 2020. Thank God I live in Ukraine, where it is easily available. As I write, two younger members of the family who did not take prophylaxis and caught Covid are recovering nicely with ivermectin.

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I'm glad it's easily available for use and your family members are recovering taking ivermectin. My understanding is the ivermectin is readily available in much of South America and Mexico.

On a totally different topic...living in Ukraine...how is the current climate? It's hard to get a good idea of how things are based on what's being reported on the news here (for anything anymore) and last I heard the US is urging it's citizens to leave....

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The Ukrainian officials just came out and said that there is no need for Americans to leave the country. Americans are safer in Kiev than in Los Angeles. Yes, they really said that.

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so in other words all the propaganda is driven by the American military industrial complex if true.

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I find this entirely plausible. "Wag the dog" is about the only play left for a failing US president.

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And they really are right... Los Angeles is a shitsty... literally in some places...and rampant with crime.

Glad to hear...be safe!!

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Yes. I wrote about that in my blog today. Listened to the President Zelenskiy's speech to that effect - link given. Ukraine does not want war. Biden does.


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LA is pretty dangerous to be fair.

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It's getting tense. I write a blog, grahamseibert/substack.com with observations every couple of days. Briefly put, I think Washington wants war more than anybody here.

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Of course it does. Brandon desperately needs a distraction—and a “win.” He’s proven over time that lives are wholly dispensable if the goal is achieved: see Afghanistan, US border, liberal cities, and now the yanking of life-saving monoclonal antibodies for more on this.

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Jan 24, 2022
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Putin does not worry me as much as people in the US think he should. See my blog grahamseibert/substack.com

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Real indeed!

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Steven, good for you for facing the facts, and I'm very very sorry for your doctors' incompetence/cowardice. In case you haven't yet seen this, the Canadian Covid Care Alliance did a fantastic job of pointing out the sloppiness and deception of the Pfizer trails. Every physician, every health care worker, should see this:


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Excellent, excellent resource!!

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Virtually everyone excluded from the original trials should be excluded from the jab. If someone wants to take it, their choice. Not mine.

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You're living proof Alex's "you can't unvaccinate" assumption is wrong in a key way: Under the "booster"-pimp definition of "fully vaccinated", YOU'RE "UNVACCINATED". It's symmetrical to CDC excluding "injected less than 2 weeks" from "vaccinated" status.

Until they abandon boosters, every few months WE'RE ALL "UNVACCINATED". All in the same decision boat. Everyone who WAS "fully vaccinated" has to choose again, at which point they're more receptive to censored honest science & buyer's regret. Was it a mistake? Was I lied to? Is each boost riskier? Should I do it anyway? Are there therapeutic alternatives? Skepticism & hesitancy will rise as personal knowledge of vaccine injuries & deaths increase & percolate. "Anti-vaxxers" will increase.

Alex should include credible research on ways to mitigate existing vaccine injury, if any exists. Months ago, I heard something about pine needle tea helping mitigate spike protein damage. Is there anything to anything like that, or is it just snake oil? Any behavioral changes that help?

Of course, the best mitigation is to not make it worse by getting vaccinated again, and don't fall for the lies & hustle next time for some other hysterically exaggerated disease.

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Look to some contributors at Mercola.com for some possible way to mitigate injection. Pine needle tea has been buzzing for a while now. I have no idea how effective IT is. For SURE though on not taking accumulative injections, but you know there are sheep right now looking for that next booster to be offered...crazzzzzy!

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or some hysterically exaggerated ANYTHING! Already can see the "climate science" warnings popping up like the "covid" signs.... They're going to apply the same pressure x 10...

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No doubt the commiecRATS have something planned to mess up 22 elections as well as not relinquish the tyranny they have imposed using Covid as cover. I am seeing more and more Climate propaganda too

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I’m with ya’. I’d love to unvaccinate……. Right now I take solace knowing I can flip them the bird….

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I don't think pine needle tea will do anything directly. Indirectly it's good for you, like an orange is good for you.

I'm expecting that there will be a whole lot of people that don't suffer any life altering side effects from the shots they've already gotten. Either by design, or chance, or genetics. Possibly the same with boosters.

The point is to drive confusion for as long as possible so people are too focused to see the bigger picture.

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Thanks. I agree, only a tiny percentage will suffer noticeable permanent damage, like only a tiny percentage die from covid.

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Exactly. Just enough that any conclusion is possible or deniable.

I'm afraid it will be very difficult to hold anyone accountable with Covid and Vaxes. They have done a very good job of making people who have no business owning the decisions accountable for making them.

Z-"we based our decision on information from x"

X-"Well I was getting my information from y"

Y-"z is the guy that ran the studies"

I can hear it my mind already "so you're saying no one is accountable..."

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Yep. To some extent we can hold a-holes like him accountable with our wallets.

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God's speed Steven!

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I said at the very beginning of the corporate vaxx mandates:

"Your job, no matter how great you are, is temporary; your vaxx is permanent. Choose wisely."

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There is a deeper purpose here to attempt to get people to ignore reality, ignore facts, ignore science, ignore genetics. In short, ignore your mind so that the security state can control it. It goes for the transgender athletes, the sacredness of the Ukraine border but not the US border. It goes for everything. Destroy your mind and they control you and you lose liberty.

I'd add: ignore election fraud and don't let anyone investigate it so that they can paper over it too.

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If you will knowingly lie for The Party, you are theirs. That's what it comes down to.

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Like the Mob

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There are lot of parents of unvaccinated kids out there who may themselves be jabbed but have doubts about giving it to their kids. They sense something is wrong but need the information. They are under a lot of pressure to jab the kids. My two kids are in Catholic High Schools and the pressure from the archdiocese at the beginning of the year to vaccinate was high. My ex-wife wobbled. Fortunately a good friend of mine is a HIGHLY CREDENTIALED cardiologist and his comments to her reinforced the decision NOT to vaccinate out 14-year-old twins.

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Thank God the cardiologist stepped in over the archdiocese (no pun intended 😉)!! Since when does the Catholic church support a vaccine that uses aborted fetal tissue in it's development?

There is constant pressure for kids to get vaccinated....it's from almost every angle for them. These poor kids are getting the brunt end of the stupidity of "adults".

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Pope Francis sold us out to Pfizer. Everyone in Vatican City has been shot up with Pfizer doses. He met with Bourla in a clandestine meeting last year. He has totally undercut those of us who would cite our Catholic beliefs as a reason to avoid these unethical and toxic shots.

As of January 31 if you're not "boosted", you're not getting into Vatican City. How about that? Do you think Jesus Christ would have taken these filthy shots? Was He a go-along-to-get-along kind of guy? Don't look for Him in Vatican City anytime soon.

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Absolutely horrible! God will judge him 🙏 and all others who have blood on their hands due to total negligence and disregard for human life and freedom of choice for one's own body.

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Cowardice of the adults.

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HLG, so glad your ex-wife listened to the cardiologist and also glad you know a cardiologist willing to talk honestly about this issue! My son is also in a Catholic high school and the weekly emails encouraging vaccination are relentless. Interestingly, it was revealed in my son's English class that at least half of the students are not vaccinated. Now I wish the un-vaxxed rate was 100%, but his teacher expressed disbelief at 50%. She was convinced, as I'm sure many parents are who receive the school's weekly emails, that the vast majority are vaxxed. I know the school endorses a 95% vax rate among teachers and staff. I'd love to know what the boost rate is.

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My kid is most likely the only unvaxed one in the class. All peers are talking about having just gotten their boosters, no les. Young teens!!! Who regularly make snide comments about the ignorance of the 'antivaxxers.' It's astonishing and depressing.

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I'm so sorry. It's gotta be really hard on your kid. It's hard in my peer group and I'm 61. I can't imagine what it would be like for a teenager.

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It is HORRIBLE. It's having long-term psychological impacts for sure. I agree, I myself am having such a hard time with this in my own life - I can't imagine this kind of thing AS A TEEN. Imagine - in those formative years - feeling you have to hide you are because your peers would turn on you like a group of rabid dogs if they found out? And my kid thinks they are all brainwashed (bc their parents have parroted MSM to them) and feels so angry and upset when they say things about anti vaxxers. It's a mess.

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Yes, our son also is unvaxxed. Horrible pressure all around. I am hoping this is a good lesson in not going along which will be valuable for the rest of his life.

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Here's hoping that is a good silver lining....

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This makes me want to cry. It's just so wrong.

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It makes me cry. A lot :(

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I cannot even imagine! In healthcare the bullying is similar. Bad enough for me but if I had kids - would be worse!

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Something seriously wrong with the Catholic Church if it encouraging you to adulterate your body and damage your kids. Run, don’t walk, until the Pope is replaced.

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If you're Catholic, you know the Church is herself the immaculate Bride of Christ. That means you don't run out on her, you stay to console Jesus our Lord who is grieving over the evil hierarchy now. He's still present in the consecration at Mass, but the floors of hell are paved with the skulls of rotten bishops, to quote St Athanasius (if I remember right).

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Have you expressed concern over the push to vaccinate the students to the administration of the school?

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Funny you should ask, Zade. I have not addressed the specific issue of vaccines, but I did send an email just yesterday asking about masking (since the NYSSC has ruled the mandate unconstitutional) and the response from the Jesuit president was 1) dismissive in tone and 2) unequivocal that as a private institution, it would be making decisions based solely on guidance issued by the CDC and the county health department both of which have proven to be impervious to data and evidence. I am debating addressing the vaccine issue as I don't want anyone to retaliate against my son. The irony is the school is an all-boy, grade 6-12 institution and its entire student body is at a much greater risk for shot-induced myocarditis than any serious outcomes from Covid itself. This is a terrible situation.

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I thought Jesuits were supposed to be intelligent. To say they're going by the CDC is to say they're complete idiots. To subject the boys to myocarditis and future infertility is heinous. This is as big a crime as unleashing homosexual priests on them. I don't blame you for quiet on the vaccine front, because it's no one's damned business what shots your son has had. But my sons are grown and I'm going to be noisy.

I'm in process of writing to the bishop of my diocese, and I see on their website that they also claim to kowtow to the CDC's guidelines. It's so depressing. I'm still sending the letter off pointing out all the obvious: masks are defacing, useless monstrosities, shots are murderous, etc. I'm not expecting anything much but if I don't I'll just be a whiny sheep and hate myself for it.

I volunteer at a local homeless shelter and it's so sad. Other volunteers come in asking if all the homeless guys have "had all their shots" as if they were a bunch of stray dogs to be given rabies shots. As if these stinking shots do anything besides kill and maim. Somehow word isn't getting out that the shots don't prevent spread, so the idiots that come in double masked are reassured to hear they've been shot up. The shelter demands masking but the homeless seem to know how to toe the line with their masks below their noses, off when they wander from spot to spot (which they're not supposed to be doing..because the silly plastic sheet partitions between their beds is supposed to keep their germs hovering over their beds, but they find reasons), and I will drop my mask so they can understand what I'm saying. The intentions of the people running the shelter are the best, but the volunteers are mostly non-inquiring and docile and are all going on about their "boosters". I think of those shots as a "boost into the next world". Last night the director went around asking "Who wants a vaccine? Who wants a booster?" and of maybe 40+ guests, had six takers for a booster and one for the vaccine. They're still using the JJ for the original shot. Who is going to know how many of these men will be killed off by the shots?

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Zade, G-d bless you for your work with the homeless. Truly.

Thank you for your noisy voice, too! I am in Upstate NY and our diocese is also following all the "CDC guidelines". I walk in to our church with a mask but then lower it during Mass. I have told my priest I will not lie by putting something on my face which I know to be completely ineffective but which also sacramentalizes fear (having Holy Water in the fonts is too risky but we can all walk around with face coverings). He says masks make people "feel better" but I argue that they reinforce anxiety and also dehumanize us. How can someone with a Catholic world view not see this? How do we, as Catholics that teach about the inherent dignity of the human person, not appreciate the dehumanizing effects of masking? Finally, Jesus came so as to allow us to encounter him face to face. I am done hiding my face. I will not be contributing to this year's CMA and the Bishop is going to have to do a lot of work to get me to contribute in the future. As far as I am concerned, ALL the bishops should be prostrate in front of the tabernacle and wearing ashes and sack cloths for the next year!

P.S. The only good Jesuit priest I trust is Fr. Mitch Pacwa

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I really don't think I could have said this any better! The institutionalized lying, by taking pointless shots and wearing useless rags on our faces, keeping distances that do nothing, is culpable.

Thank you for your comment, it's a keeper.

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OMG. So terrible! Did you see Steve Kirsch's articles about the one CA school with numerous cases?

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The Pope could have stopped this a long time ago. imagine how much grief would be spared to Italians today with their crazy covid rules. Another power play by another bad Pope. Mussolini’s election? - Raised Catholic. Disgusted with Catholic leadership…again

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Commie pope

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This pope sold out to Pfizer, in a meeting with that thug Bourla, last year. Then trotted out his insane "getting vaccinated is an act of love" blather. I'm Catholic, that won't change, but I am confronting our diocesan bishop about all this by letter. It may not even be acknowledged but if all I do is whine in Alex's substack comments section then I'm as big a POS anyone pushing the vaccines.

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Eastern Orthodoxy is an option. It’s faring better, but also has its cowards and globalists hidden in the ranks.

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They failed in this also.

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Time for the Church hierarchies all over to explain how wrong they have been, how they were played, how the vaccines have failed and not only that, have injured and/or killed hundreds of thousands in the US alone, and how we need to be praying at each and every Mass for healing for the covid and vaccine injured and consolation for the families of all the dead. It will take a brave bishop to promulgate this but if the Church is to be seen as anything but toy of the CDC and the bullies at Pfizer, this has to happen.

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Sen. Ron Johnson and an all-star cast really throwing down right now in a COVID 2nd opinion live stream.


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G-d bless Ron Johnson!

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So GLAD he chose to run again! He looks inspired too and focused with what he has been put thru...

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If DeSantis runs in 2024, Ron Johnson would make an excellent VP choice.

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Watched most all of it! A MUST SEE for those who were not able to watch. Just a incredible group of rational and non corrupted minds...

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totally agree. It was amazing. I eagerly await the negative spin.

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I know. Isn't it sad? So threadbare and predictable.

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Oh EXPECT it for sure! Can hear Collins or Fauci now calling the panel "fringe"

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Can watch it from the beginning on 1.5 or 2.0 speed if you start now

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Watching now. Thank you for providing the link. Very informative

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Ron Johnson 4 President 2024!!💖💖💖

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Yeah, but first he has to get through Wisconsin's Senates race. And they have made him a #1 target.

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Link doesn't work, ir seems.

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I got the Highwire link to work. But it took a few seconds to start

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Don't miss the beginning! I'm only on hour 2 right now. Taking notes. I'm several hours behind already.

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I’m still confused. I’m unjabbed. Never had Covid ever. Every dr I trust is telling me to go get it. I’m 45 years old. No comorbidities and normal BMI.

Why does this hv to be so hard. I just want honesty and when drs you love and trust look at you crazy it absolutely makes you second guess everything.

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Get another doctor. The cardiologist of best friend told her confidentially NOT to get the jab, that it would kill her, and that neither he nor most of his colleagues had not gotten it.

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Would also fit that description all be it slightly younger. I presented by risk vs benefit proposition to my doctor who responded "you're right but these are unprecedented times".

I walked out completely disillusioned.

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And that is the extent of their argument. They can't engage in the studies, they can't engage in the stats, and they can't engage in the basic science. Our medical education system is broken.

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That sort of response right there has got a lot of us looking for new docs.

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I guess my question to a doctor now telling me to get the shot is simply that we know Omicron is milder than earlier variants, we know that the shot is not very effective at preventing infection since it it's modeled on the original strain, which is long gone. There are no long term studies and reports are mounting of adverse events. So how does this make sense? But I believe they are at risk legally if they don't tell you to get it. See my response below.

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Well, people who grow up to be doctors were the top of their class. They are good little students. Not necessarily creative or curious ( though gratefully some are ). And they have been told everyone needs the vax and they get paid to give it. Apparently, for instance, a typical pediatric doc will get $100,000 per year for keeping all the kids on the approved vaccine schedule. It is in their best interest not to ask or tell or be curious.

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Holy cow! I had no idea the incentives were so great.

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per a talk on Children's Health Defense. They aren't just being good Samaritans - that's for sure.

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So if we have roughly 20,000 pediatricians in the USA, and if all of them follow the schedule, where does that 2 billion dollar payout come from?

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Wouldn’t you think it comes from the vaccine company that makes it in conjunction with the government that requires it ? I’ll ask someone. I do know that every dose has a fee that goes to compensation for pay outs for injury. So it goes round and round.

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Jan 25, 2022
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Wow. I’m sure one of the pediatricians talked about this on the Truth about Vaccines. Also, keep in the mind the money will go to the practice itself so it helps to pay for personnel and overhead. Whatever is needed.

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MGS, statistically, I would say you don't need the injections. However, there is a very small chance that you - like all of us - have the genetic profile that makes you more susceptible to a bad outcome with Covid. In general, though, the risk factors break down into age, obesity, co-morbidities and then this genetic mutation which they are finding which explains why those who appear to be at zero risk for serious morbidity end up quite ill or even dead. It would be nice if public health authorities would talk about this honestly.

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My risk profile is not good but I tend to go on gut feel and trust when data is lacking. And in this case, my spidey senses were off the chart as we all watched them profess "safe and effective" before the vaccines were even distributed. And as I watched them change definitions of herd immunity and vaccines. And then papers like those by Stephanie Seneff/Greg Nigh came out and I made peace if I ended up in the hospital on a vent, at least I wouldn't have to worry about the "programming" that was going on in my body, possibly for the rest of my life. After two years, I have not regretted my decision. And it's MY decision. My body, my choice is my hill to die on.

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Absolutely, Kim. At the end of the day, it is your decision and if they strip personal agency away from us, we have nothing left.

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What genetic profile or mutation is this? I’m going to try and find out more online but it seems hard to find the truth sometimes

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Start here, Abbie. It's a little technical, but gives the overall picture. https://www.news-medical.net/news/20220123/Genetic-marker-linked-to-higher-risk-of-death-in-COVID-19-patients.aspx

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Because you're in a civil war, but think in movie images instead of real life.

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It's not confusing at all. https://www.peakprosperity.com/expert-attorney-shreds-covid19-mandates/ video of Barnes Law with Chris Martenson. He answers your question precisely at 44:30 but go back to 43:00 for context. The whole video is interesting, but long.

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There is much to say on the continued corruption but the most important thing to push now are

1) Natural Immunity is the only immunity available.

2) Negative efficacy is real

3) Children are not at risk from Covid

4) Healthy younger people are not in any danger from Omicron

5) MRNA shorts are not vaccines, cease using this term. It is lie.

6) Vaccines are far more dangerous to the young and healthy that Omnicron (or any other variant)

7) Masks do not work and never have worked for respiratory viruses

As a result, do not give the SHOT any healthy child. Do not send a child to any university requiring a third shot.

There is much more at stake but first and foremost is not permanently damaging the children.

- Rich

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Your audience is historians. People who are currently children, forced to get it to go to school, who 50 years from now will be diligently studying what went so wrong.

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If they live.

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The audience may also be all the unwitting victims and their loved ones who tried to reach them. Your market may be the traumatized, the vaccine remorseful. The book if written with mindfulness toward that end, could benefit from input and thoughts from the trauma specialists in the mental health and sociology fields Perhaps each chapter or section could end with some takeaways about how people have historically recovered from whatever bad thing was revealed. What are the remedies? Positive notes for recovery and rebuilding? At the individual, social, political level? Maybe the book should really be a collaborative piece, as that also interests the public seeing the consensus and spirited discussions among scientists, health professionals, journalists. Keep working on that prospectus.

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I'm not a conspiracy theorist either, but the fact that a number of countries are still doubling down on vaccinations makes sense to me for two reasons: 1) officials want to deflect blame and ire from themselves onto the unvaccinated and 2) officials never waste a crisis to enact more governmental control of the population. Both concern me. 1) It is despicable for leaders to "other" a segment of the population, which in its worst form leads to genocide. And 2) vaccine passports could easily lead to a new social credit score system for freedom of movement and privileges we have enjoyed up until this point without a bar code. Governments put fear into their populations to exert control and gather more personal information in the name of safety. See the Patriot Act.

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Fuck 'em. Write the book just to piss off blue checks. Most subscribers on here will buy a copy or two. Will be a best seller. I would write it just to dunk on the vaccine clown show.

But...I think you're picking at a much larger scab. Big Pharma shits out a bunch of drugs (include some vaccines in that mix) that provide marginal benefit, but massive amounts of risk. Then they pay off politicians to green light their bullshit. The MRNA debacle is only the biggest, most absurd version of that scheme. How many people have been legitimately helped from oxycontin vs. people who have had their lives and their families lives totally fucking ruined?

Insulin, antibiotics and a handful of other key drugs have made a large positive benefit on public health. I would venture that the vast majority of drugs help a handful of people at the margins, but are in reality just moneymaking schemes.

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Also at risk, and I would not have been on this particular band-wagon a year ago, is the entire vaccine house of cards. People are starting to question the entire vaccine schedule. I know given what we've seen this past year, I would be making very different decisions about my kids vaccine schedules if I were making the decisions today.

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I'm getting old (60s) but since 2020, it will be a very long time, if ever, that I will voluntarily take any type of injection, especially a vaccine, even the annual flu/pneumonia shot. Not even for the $10 gift card.

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I'm with you, SD. I first got suspicious when the push for Gardasil came about several years ago (doctors still can't answer basic questions about it). But watching what has transpired with the Covid shot development and administration caused me to look at other injections. As an adult, I am eligible for flu, shingles and pneumovax. I doubt I will ever take any of them. Look at flu stats since CMS reimbursed for annual shots. The numbers are terrible.

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57 year old, never vaxxed never even took a fake PCR test because i smelled a rat from day 1, my wife and son also NOT vaxxed - hes in MA college with an "exemption" wink wink...all the kids on campus have to wear chinese face diapers so whats the sense of getting vaxxed in first place, this will go down as the greatest medical con/scam in world history...im a pure blood and always will be...i hope what i hear comes tru that "unvaxxed sperm is the new Bitcoin"....Fauci cant wait to see you in person at the Hague in about a year for you war crimes trial...

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Hey Marc 1776, I'm not particularly smart, maybe a little above average, so Im wondering why apparently you, and me, knew something was off from day one. This is a serious question, and at the risk of patting myself on the back, I TRULY am not, I fail all kinds of things, math tests give me fits (For instance I can't multiply fractions to save my life - I stare, think, and: nothing) But some stuff is so instantaneous that I don't trust it until taking a long beat to understand why I reacted this particular way. My main question then becomes: if I smelled a con from the start and absolutely nothing disabused me of this hunch, and "better" yet, literally everything (to varying degrees) confirmed my suspicions, how on earth do so many millions of normal everyday smart people get fooled by these insanely transparent cabals of sociopaths, hysterical hand wringers, useless sheep, try hards, big hearted and small hearted fools, absolute geniuses and abject morons, breathtakingly corrupt know-nothings, and/or mentally unfit intellectual infants? I left out many categories, but that's the point: how can so many be so wrong on nearly every Covid "fact" that was seen to be a lie... and you were not? I wasn't either, but I feel more comfortable bragging on you. How do many of my middle aged friends STILL not see it?? Huh.

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a fellow skeptic i love it, maybe just my Boston street smarts growing up, i just thought a Vaccine this quick huh doesnt it normally take like 7-10 years to do all the tests and trials etc, i thought thats odd..then i remember catching a you tube video a month or so after vax came out which was quickly taken down of a nurse in SC that had Guillain Barre syndrome she was in tears beside herself, her face was parylyzed she said i just took the vax and i went ohhhhh.....wait a minute !! then as you know as your a sharp guy all the BS, the lottery s to get a vax ..the free Mcdonalds...they we are stupid and you know what alot of us are ...im not an anti vax person ive had all my shots from poli to measels to chicken pox to rhubella tetanus etc. etc., but this fake vax is bad news and those who took it are in for a world hurt very soon...., and i hear you about my friends its about 50 / 50 those with me are with me 100 %, those sheep who listen to lies day after day..im done with them, ovahhhh,,i have wasted too much of my time already sending articles and data and science to them, they mock me and laugh at me ,,F them !!!stay pure my friend stay in touch !!

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Love it! Maybe me growing up on the New York City streets gave me a little extra X-ray vision too!

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there you go thats even more hard core than me, be safe amigo ! NYC is out of control, be well !!

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There could be a real investment opportunity in locating and storing sperm and eggs that never saw a spike protein or the vax with all its secret ingredients and harmful adjuvants.

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huh, you could be on to something Dr. ...dead serious...i think what transpires over this year into next may translate into a C-19 vax free sperm bank storage facility....i wonder if someone will come up with a test to prove that you are a " pureblood" so to speak ..should be fairly easy i would think

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don't make the mistake thinking that the unvaxxed are conspiracy theorists. many of us are just very sensitive to health matters and have had a number of bad experiences with big pharma that make us look twice. when there was no safety board and no safety monitoring, that was enough.

I'm not saying yes or no to the conspiracy theories. there was likely some sort of working together behind this whole thing - call it what you want. Just don't be thinking that people that chose to skip this one are conspiracy theorists.

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The vaxxed are just going to dig in because *most* of them (not all - I do know some who are vocal in their regret) don't want to admit a) they were wrong b) we were right and c) it was OBVIOUS and they missed it. My mom is in this category as are most of her circle. (Those who don't agree would certainly not say it out loud in that group!) The hope is that, while they aren't going to say the quiet part out loud, they'll be more prone to FACTS before FEELINGS going forward. But my hope isn't very big at this point, to be honest. This has exposed the true depth and breadth of sheepness in the entire western world.

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I want someone or several someone’s to be held accountable for what has happened. The lies, suppression of data, hiding or manipulating data, and everyone in authority who didn’t stand up and ask questions and demand answers. But as I watch the unraveling, All I see is rewriting modern history, silence, and quietly changing the rules.

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Yes...lots of gaslighting. That's why it's important for people like Alex and RFK and other's to write these books so people like us will buy them and there will be an accurate accounting of what really happened and the true history will prevail.

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Quote from Seinfeld's George Costanza - "Just remember - it's not a lie if you believe it."

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And that there lies the problem...too many lies, too many believers! To be fair, we SHOULD have been able to "trust" our health leaders....sadly too many did.

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As a practicing academic physician-scientist, I am disgusted about what has happened over the last two years. In my opinion, the mark of a true scientist is these four words: "I do not know" when he/she does not know the answer to a problem (have you heard them recently?) hopefully followed by "but let's see how we can find out". And, regarding the practice of medicine, the idea of not treating or hospitalizing a patient if they are unvaccinated goes against everything real doctors (and nurses) are trained to do. As Yogi Berra, the famous NY Yankee catcher and former manager once said (fortunately in a different context): "We're lost, but we're making good time."

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I have been a board certified physician in my specialty for 21 years and wholeheartedly agree. Since when does the physician put the demands and mandates of the state and public health idiots above their individualized treatment of their patients? I just saw a letter from a university pediatric group terminating care with their unvaccinated pediatric patients…this is unbelievable to me and anathema to how I was trained

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Words to live by, not only for medical professionals, but anyone in a professional career.... "I do not know, but I will find out"....much respect for those who speak those words, it's a sign the person actually cares!!

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Yes and “A lie told once remains a lie but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth....” I believe said by Nazi propagandist, Joseph Goebbels.

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Alex, do you actually believe that the same corrupt FDA and CDC that rushed the Covid vaccines through rigged clinical trials, and then harassed and bullied the public into taking them, were on the up and up before Covid? Do you still believe that all the vaccines on the childhood immunization schedule are "safe and effective" because the FDA and CDC told you so?

Seriously, I cannot understand how anyone can be that gullible at this point.

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Before covid, the CDC was going after 'the vaping epidemic' instead of restocking the mask supply. And during that 'crisis', it was determined that black-market knock-offs were causing the damage. The CDC's solution was to ban nearly all legal products, driving more people to the black market.

You can't make this up.

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This will be another demonstration that Everybody Knows, when data collectors of all types notice that the future appetite for any kind of vaccine plummets.

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