Hmmm..perhaps...follow the money?

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This isn’t difficult to figure out.

The media is owned by pharma. In 2020, fully 75% of all ad media revenue was from pharmaceutical companies.

Though it may be somewhat less now, it’s still a huge amount.

So tell me, if you owned a newspaper, magazine or news operation that depended on most of your income from drug companies, would you not do as your told?

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Always follow the money. There are no principles when it revenue. Look at the oldest profession. Someone is pimping someone.

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Canadians when watching US tv are in awe of the constant drug commercial, like every other ad. And the never ending list of side effects, including death. (Not done however for these disastrous covid vaccines.) So you know that for the media this is a huge stream of income.

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A dark secret of which few speak:

The drug companies don’t really care about what’s in the commercials. Most of the drugs are for a very small percentage of the population anyway.

No, the real reason for the ads is a way of funneling a great deal of money (thru ad revenue) to the media as a way of controlling the drug company narrative. The drug companies are the pimps with the money while the media are the prostitutes - doing the pimps bidding.

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I know an American who went to Canada years ago and was in awe of the Canadian news. The first 15 minutes of the news was hockey scores, then followed by several stories about current hockey players. Finally the newscaster came on and said, now in other news... Wayne Gretzky has just opened another restaurant...

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If the Canadians had any sense they'd get rid of Trudeau, eh. Go Habs!

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That was probably a few years ago, before the pandemic. See my note above about the MSM bailouts being extended in Canada.

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Wouldn't it be fun to setup a covid test tent across from the Plaza with a large sign explaining who the owners of the testing labs are , the margins on the tests, and how much the tax payer have contributed to the profits of these companies.

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I've heard a jokester advocate for REPARATIONS from Big Pharma. US taxpayers paid for the so-called vaccine; Big Pharma made lots of money. The companies ought to repay the taxpayers.

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Where do I sign the petition.

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It was a stroke of genius for big Pharma and The WEF depopulation plan. Get all the governments to pay for jabs that kill and maim people. It sure helped the WEF member treasuries.

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And... let’s see, are there elections coming up in Australia and other countries around the globe that pit a globalist tyrannical leader in charge, against a populist that vows to destroy the said establishment and could pursue criminal charges of treason for bribery against the tyrant? No probably not yet. But it’s coming someday like it is here and you will see the extinction response from them like we are seeing it from the Leftist Marxists right now!

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You might be interested in this news from Canada. The federal government has extended the main stream media bailout subsidies to 2025 (the year of the next federal elecation). Here in Canada we can look forward to the propaganda from the Liberal pro jab government right up to the next election courtesy of the near bankrupt Canadian MSM.

Here is the article published this morning. Hint Temporary Bailout Stays (from Blacklocks Reporter September 13, 2023) Cabinet yesterday signaled it will extend a soon-to-expire $595 million temporary bailout for newspapers. Press lobbyist Bob Cox, who won subsidies on a promise “you can't give them forever,” was appointed to a bailout review panel that will now run into 2025: "I don’t like the idea of a long-term subsidy for newspapers that becomes permanent."

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Wow so they are really on the gov payroll.

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Absolutely. To put it in a nutshell, the Canadian MSM don't bite the hand that feeds them.

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Who on Gods' green earth listens to the liars MSM!!

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Interestingly the MSM subsidies have not been used up as they are tied to newsroom staffing levels, ie so much per newsroom staff member per day. Since the staffing levels at many MSM have fallen, so has the subsidies they receive. This probably is translated from reduced ad revenue due to falling readership/viewership.

Blacklock's report Helen Doan told Tara Henley here on substack that the subsidies are holding down the emerging true investigative news companies while feeding a dying MSM. As Helen put it "Its like putting their knee on Henry Ford's neck and giving the money to the wagon makers instead".

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Surprised, NOT. Castro has been paying CBC, Toronto Star etc for years now. That bastard is now wanting to add another tax on groceries for our good, IT says. I can't wait to see IT and the Lieberals fade into hell forever. I would love to know who watches, reads their propaganda crap?? OH Canada, it was.

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Yes. Money and in multiple ways. Bonuses for bureaucrats from pharma. Lot of money for the MSM shills from pharma and Gates. Money for hospitals (still!) for the killing protocols (see https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/highland-hospital-rochester-ny-attempted).

Alex, I know you want to deal in straight facts. But you really need to open your mind just a bit to nefarious intent. You have studied that type in your drug-related research. You know what is possible.

Can’t remember where I heard this but the theory makes sense. Calpers and other gov agencies (like Canada healthcare!) somewhere realized that is is impossible to meet their commitments (pensions, healthcare). So since balancing the budget is impossible, the only choice is to get rid of the big expenses (i.e., humans).

I have lived through enough company downsize exercises in Silicon Valley to KNOW, first hand, that money is money and “it’s not personal, it’s just business” is very real. The money crunchers do not give a fk about you and your family. Put an MBA, an accountant, and a lawyer together, and this is what you get. Every. Single. Time. Now add a monopolist, a doctor, a “journalist,” and a politician ...

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It really does boil down to the money. But that's never reported on and most of us can't grasp the insane amount of money that goes to these bastards so our eyes just glaze over. Real journalists would point out some analogies to clarify the facts as they relate to average citizens. So knowing all this, how did all the criminals get elected in 2020?

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I look at most governments about the same as mafia these days. Makes more sense.

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I think the mafia would be easier to deal with. Someone on fox had Sammy the bull on and he said the media has more scruples than the government.

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In addition, the CDC also accepts and operates with large amounts of drug company money. So how impartial can they be?


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For the useful morons such as Cohen, Biden, FDA bureaucrats, and Pharma executives it is about money. “Morality is difficult for one with no principles.” But the people driving this; Obama, Gates, Schwab, Soros, and nearly every government Democrat are the depopulation, Globalist, Climate Change, ideologues controlled by Satan. So they have principles…all against the sanctity of life, the dignity of the human person, and personal freedom. Yes Alex, it doesn’t make sense because evil has it’s own logic, and it is a battle against those, including supernatural beings, who call good evil, and evil good. “For we are not contending against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.” God help us!

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It's $$$ for sure, but it's far more sinister than just $$$. These crimes against humanity are so far past deafening now, and yet not ONE of these people who brought IT to humanity nor any who intentionally push these experimental meds ongoing have remotely feared being held accountable. Of course it continues. A rapist will rape until IT is not allowed too. This has never been rocket science, and yet there are still people who ask WHY it continues. The solution and answer is and always has been obvious. Not ONE!

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Need to keep trimming the herd, it's working

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It is so sad to think that the jabbed won’t be able to show up for the ceremony to receive their Darwin Awards.

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Likely the government is still under contract to pay the manufacturers exorbitant prices for the shots, so they have to deliver them to collect. It would look nice if the thieving rascals sold at least a few of their new darts, so they can at least say they held up their end of Satan's bargain.

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Where do I begin? I got vaxxed in Jan 21 only because I didn't know Alex yet (thank Tucker Carlson for Alex) and I'm a Vietnam vet so Im in the so called danger zone. Im not afraid of anything FYI except maybe moron voters electing Biden again. I digress, this is about control and power period. No one in Govt gives a damn about Americans. I am old enough to remember Media ripping Nixon a new one and apparently those days are gone. Guess what I never got Covid and took zero extraordinary measures to avoid it. I only wore a mask when I had to and I still see folks wearing them in public. Folks thank Alex for speaking the truth and shining a light on the morons in the CDC and Govt

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Same here. I had the first 2 shots only because I'm over 60. Like you, I hadn't heard Alex's reporting on Tucker at that point. I hardly wore a mask. I went shopping, swimming, and to the beach. We also went to restaurants that let us in maskless. The only extra thing I did was take a vitamin D supplement every day. Neither my husband nor I have had covid.

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If the CDC backs off one bit, it will put into question all scheduled vaccines and the whole non-placebo, shoddily tested, alleged “vaccines.”

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Probably true, but also true Mandy Cohen is a complete moron. We were stuck with her from the start here in NC. She can’t do basic math. She never appeared to look at the stupid NC dashboard (sue couldn’t answer any questions on the 2nd grade line graphs on it). For over a year she would endlessly reference those stupid late March 2020 models that claimed, even WITH the shutdown (she forgot that part), 30,000-40,000 North Carolinians would be in the hospital on April 17, 2020. Had she looked at the dashboard she would have seen a whopping 812 total, in the entire state, actually were on that date. To this day she claims the vaccine saved millions of lives - which isn’t mathematically possible based on pre-vaccine IFRs and the fact most Covid deaths since the rollout were in the “vaccinated” (jabbed) population. She still hasn’t figure out those stupid models were off by over 10,000%.

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Bingo. I think you nailed it.

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I’m convinced our institutions have been taken over by nihilists. Call it whatever you want - woke, globalist, “social justice,” climate alarmist, tyrannical, transhumanist. In the end, conscious not not, these people are so committed to thinking they can control the universe, no amount of harm will interfere with their delusions of grandeur.

The problem is of course that most of these people are simple-minded and have no better understanding of how things work than an average 5 year old. It helps many believe the long debunked Malthusian theory, even if they have no idea that’s what the “we’re all gonna die from overpopulation” theory is called. These people have a cause, in their own minds, they are committed to it, and yet are too intellectually lazy to consider the “why” or “does this actually work.”

It’s sad people are pushing a useless drug that causes harm on innocent young people and kids!!! It’s sad the political party of the middlingly intelligent “educated” and tyrannical billionaires are openly promoting child sterilization and genital mutilation. It’s sad self-proclaimed feminist are so misogynistic they care more about coddling the feelings of autogynophilic and pedophilic men than the basic bodily safety actual women and girls. It’s sad the upper class in London so hates the working class who serve them they have turned into an Orwellian police state to force those “lesser” people onto mass transit to literally limit their physical mobility. It’s sad western academia is teaching race hate - as if Zimbabwe and South Africa aren’t good warning flags that’s a terrible idea. It’s sad morons masked their own toddlers like Taliban brides. It’s sad people keep being lied to by alphabet agencies yet support every destructive military intervention in the planet. It’s sad how few people realize government printing money causes inflation and the point of interest rates going up is to depress demand by having a bunch of people lose their jobs and businesses.

This is all sad, but entirely self-inflicted. I have hope the tide is changing. I have hope my kids won’t have to live in a dystopian hell as adults. I have hope people will wake up and think for themselves. But I’m also realistic enough to know for some people they only learn through very very bad consequences, and my family plans for the future with that in mind. The truckers and blade runners give me hope. So do my own kids who didn’t mask and didn’t vax and excel at everything they do. But the fight against the delusional sheep is far from over.

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My sister is very, very liberal. She is a retired former federal government employee.

She strongly believes that the world is overpopulated. All of our problems come from overpopulation. She never married and has no children -- she did have an abortion in her 20s. She actually WANTS people to die. Except for herself, that is. She is terrified of COVID.

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That description could be on just about every resume looking for a gov job. Every person I know who works for the gov or is someway connected to the gov.....like contracts or subsidies....every single one is liberal and vote democrat. And they were all terrified of dying from Covid and put a mask on as soon as their feet hit the floor in the morning. That has not changed. I do have one friend who is about too retire from the USPS, who is conservative and refused to vaccinate. Terribly difficult to find a sane person who is employed by the US Gov.

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Well, you pretty much nailed every problem on the planet. I agree with you that we have to have hope, and I can at least add my two grown kids in with yours. They and their friends are smart with common sense and strong values. I pray that ours outnumber the weirdos.

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Bravo!! Excellent post. I agree with everything you said. I can't bring myself to think about my 5 and 3 year old grandkid's future because it breaks my heart.

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There's an element of what I've begun to call Government-Induced Anxiety. In other words, KEEP THE PUBLIC FRIGHTENED! There's always something potentially harmful around the corner! Be alert! Vigilant!

I write this from coastal Southeastern Maskachusetts, where a tropical storm is forecast to strike a glancing blow sometime overnight and into tomorrow. This means it'll be breezy and we're likely to get some rain. My preparations have been to put the patio chairs and the trash barrels into the garage. I'm charging my phone & the laptop.. I expect an interruption in Internet service.

Storm surge is expected to a foot above normal.

I expect seaweed on a shoreline road. The usual beach "cottages" will have rocks & sand on their decks.

Meanwhile the nitwit governor has opened shelters and activated the National Guard. She was on the local news hyperventilating about "CLIMATE CHANGE."


I'm awaiting an update when she'll recommend masks and booster shots.

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We are on the same page. I see masking as treatment for Government Induced Anxiety Disorder.

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The WHY question remains unanswered. It has to be about money. Who is actually benefitting besides the drug companies?

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The benefit is to the Narrative! The Narrative the corporate media needs to perpetuate. The Narrative that the Marxist elite Liberals then use to keep in power and control by (wait for it) an “emergency” health declaration to distribute mail in ballots for 2024 primaries and general elections. Should sound familiar. No one should take these jabs! No one! Not young, not old, not in the middle! No one! It’s all to help create the narrative to brainwash people into thinking they do. Which then makes “emergency” measures in the election justified, for The Narrative.

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all those on the boards, the letter words, and lots of politicians - bribes

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It continues because IT CAN. These criminals are so brazen and believe there will be nothing to stop them from doing what they do

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benefitting the drug companies is answer enough if you're a young up and coming CDC director with 2 kids to sacrifice at the alter & have your eye on a cushy position on the board of directors of a big pharma company

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Our people we send into Washington are making money like Nervous Nancy Pelosi

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It's pretty clear that it's now always about the money. Probably it always was about the money, stretching back into antiquity. Follow the money is the first rule.

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The Big Guy, the Turtle, Dr. Fauci, the Department of Defense. In short, the usual suspects.

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How you can share such insanely dispiriting information while making me laugh is truly a gift.

I came for the info, I stay for the snark. Bravo.

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Shotty shot yum!

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It was such a joyous day when Novak Djokovic won US Open Tennis his 24th grand slam. Last year US and Australia banned him from playing as he would not accept the Jab. Funny thing this year Nole won both Australian and US Open. The sweetest thing was seeing in the corner sponsored by Moderna. Hahaha to the big pharma. Aaron Rogers captured the shot, it was priceless. On social media, he captioned it as NoVaxx Djokovic. As a Canadian Serb I am so proud of him.

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Thanks Alex - one of your truly great posts. You had me crying, raging and of course laughing. You are a very funny SOB. On a positive note, a well known medical center who this summer rejected my daughter's Covid exemption requests, just called her back and said "yeah that's fine we'll just file it and we can move forward with the interview". Labor market shortages= reality and it's biting healthcare Covid fanatics hard.

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The most likely explanation is $$$. I bet if you check, the government is still under contract to pay big pharma big money to deliver these shots, whether they are used or not. There aren't enough votes in Congress to put an end to this travesty, so the taxpayers are stuck with it. The publicity campaign at least puts a little lipstick on their pig, even though everyone knows that it's a pig. As far as risk to children goes, the manufacturers knew about it all along and didn't care, so why would it stop them now?

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Alex, I'm truly sorry it's come to this, but someone needs to address the elephant in the room.

You're a moron.

There, I sad it. I don't know what other conclusion I can draw at this point. You've repeatedly pointed out the absurdity of the government's position on vaccines (and other Covid policies) only to end up scratching your head while muttering something about, "Nobody could be this stupid..." Well, you are right. Nobody IS that stupid. So where does that leave us? If I asked any 12 year old of average intelligence that question, they'd answer correctly without hesitation because the answer is obvious. The government has some reason for implementing this transparently stupid policy, a reason that does not involve public health. But sadly, you seem incapable of arriving at the only logical explanation because (it is now clear) you are far more concerned with avoiding the label "Conspiracy Theorist" than you are in chasing down the ultimate truth about this "disease" and the experimental "vaccines" it unleashed on the world. Time to grow a pair, Alex. Or just hang it up, because it is becoming tedious to watch you wander around the equivalent of a 3'x3' room unable to find the door.

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You can't expect much from any Health Department. The first thing they need to address is the obesity/overweight. They never mentioned that word when you go to visit the doctor. Of course they give you pills for cholesterol, high blood pressure, blood thinners, stents and tell you to follow a low fat diet (by any standard the people is already overweight). Heart disease is the first money maker for hospitals. They will never tell you to loose weight. You actually need to do the opposite high fat carnivore diet and you will not have any of these problems. Just put the food pyramid upside down. People still falls for it

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Yep. It’s painfully obvious these agencies have been captured by the industries they’re charged with regulating. Just substitute CDC with Pfizer and the answer becomes simple and easy to understand.

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What a joke!!! Dr. Cohan is a total idiot!! She favored lockdowns throughout 2020-2022. Who the hell is she kidding? Her quote "as a mother" etc. is BS.

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There do happen to be some mothers out there who kill their children. Just saying.

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They’l are captured by Pharma and they have gotten away with it for decades in regards to vaccines. Vaccines have been harming kids from the beginning. The govt health agencies have not performed the studies they said they would to protect our kids. They continue to say “There is no study that shows… blah blah blah” Well of course there is no study, you won’t do the studies! And Americans are so stupid they will continue to listen to them, and they would rather blindly give their newborn kid 8 vaccines at one time every two months than to question vaccines and research because God forbid anyone think you’re a stupid anti-vaxxer. The CDC is arrogant as is the FDA and they think they can do anything now. They have gotten away with it for so long, so of course they will continue. They don’t care who knows, as long as they continue to get away with it. Yes it’s money and power… and also arrogance., and stupidity on our part.

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you can't FIX stupid Mary. The sheep who STILL place their trust in these agencies who "say" they serve the public at large are lost in the abyss at this point. Its all so overtly OBVIOUS too...

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The people who place faith in these agencies are the same ones who say they believe in science. Sure they do. The science they get from the television talking heads and corrupted CDC.

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The political Covid response was always a test-case for using an "emergency" to impose the suspension of Constitutional rights. It lead to Jan 6...and now the New Mexico guv is test-flying an assault on the second amendment. Think there won't be an "emergency" in (let's guess--October) next year?

The progressive cult is always stretching the envelope; a revolution has no guardrails and no limits (until the original revolutionaries are purged).

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I suspect the adverse events are higher than the CDC is admitting.

For example, if someone gets an IgG-RD six months after getting a couple of doses of the modRNA Gene Therapy treatment, is that treated as an adverse event? Some of those are called Turbo Cancers.

If someone gets an autoimmune disease some time after getting the modRNA Gene Therapy treatment, is that treated as an adverse event?

They should all count as adverse events.

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They'll try to pull out a study that says there are less cases of myocarditis and pericarditis if you take the jab than if you get COVID...

Not buying it. My girls are pure bloods.

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