I agree that it's about control, but we should remember that mail-in ballots were a HUGE part of 2020, and that was 'allowed' because of covid. "There's still a pandemic going on" is an excuse (flimsy though it may be, it doesn't matter) to "ensure everybody has a chance to vote" and once again litter the cityscape with 'legal' ballots.

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They will 100% use it as a pretext to game ("fortify") the election again and ensure mass mail-in voting and ballot harvesting occurs.

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After all, the voters might choose the wrong candidate.......if he's even allowed on the ballot in the first place.......

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"We must protect the masses from their own ignorance, which is Extremely Dangerous to Our Democracy™"

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Yes- I wish folks in a position to do so would push back and talk more about freedom and limited government. That is what makes America special and that is what needs to be protected, not a democratic facade designed to empower elites in DC, Wall Street, Silicon Valley (essentially power center elites) at the expense of every one by fooling many people most of the time.

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That we DO NOT HAVE!!! It’s a representative republic, they want everyone to be confused about that as the founders deliberately did not establish a democracy for good reason. They don’t teach this right either. Our son challenged his government teacher in high school about this and only then did his teacher concede he was correct. It’s easier to transition a democracy to an oligarchy than a constitutional or representative republic. The founders were educated about history and knew this. They keep blurring the lines by too often legislating from the bench and ignoring the separation of powers.

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When they say “our democracy”… they’re not talking about you.

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That is very important, and seldom if ever reported. The covid cowards voted for Biden without having to be exposed to diseased Trump supporters at a polling station.

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Because they honestly believe you sheeple can’t possibly know what’s good for you after all

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I have not gotten the sense anything has been done to reverse the mail in voting anyway. So the COVID system is the present system especially in states controlled by Democrats. If Non-Democrats want to win, especially in places like PA, WI, and MI, they better take up vote farming themselves it seems.

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There have been some wins: (links in article, they don't carry over)


Delaware Supreme Court Takes One Small Step Toward Election Integrity

This follows along with Wisconsin ruling that ballot drop boxes are illegal and Michigan finding that the Secretary of State illegally changed election rules for 2020. Similar cases had similar results in Pennsylvania, where universal mailing of ballots was declared illegal AND that Pennsylvania’s Secretary of State had no authority to arbitrarily change election deadlines. Ditto in Virginia, where the rule allowing mail-in ballots to arrive late WITHOUT A POSTMARK was determined to be illegal.

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Conservatives have to start playing the same games as their opponents. Unfortunately, I think that is the only way to level the playing field.

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Shuuuussssshhh! Don’t tell Alex. The 2020 election was entirely on the up and up and nothing will change his mind.

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Good to hear! I do remember a few of these now that you mentioned them but the ones in purple states are particularly gratifying- thanks for posting.

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and yet there are those who say the election process was without issues as in "normal". Such a dichotomy of awareness in America. Blows my mind at times

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Yep, this is what it's about for sure. I sure hope we learn to "harvest" votes in the cities because otherwise, we are likely in big trouble.

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You know they will prosecute any such effort to (or beyond) the maximum extent of the law. There are no rules, only weapons.

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Seems only conservatives/republicans are held to account. The recent one sided application of law is the most glaring issue yet they deny it vehemently.


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Well there are rules for thee, just not me.

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Not only harvest votes, but get people to vote during the entire voting period of the Democrats. Too many R's vote on Election Day, and that means fewer people vote than Dems.

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That's true. But we need to go into the cities and persuade people and talk them into voting like they do. We CAN persuade them if we try.

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Yep. That’s what I think they’re up to.

How can we justify the measures needed for an assurance of victory if we HAVE to play by the rules?!

The plandemic scheme is played out folks. MOVE THE F ON.

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In my 65 years of life on planet earth, nothing made me angrier than the Covid insanity! I reluctantly got the Vax, then I came down with Covid. I didn’t personally know anyone who died FROM Covid. I do know several women who were injured pretty seriously from the Vax though.

I will never trust medical professionals again, and I’ll NEVER trust my government!

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My experience is similar except I do know someone who died. Not only has the government lost my trust, so has the medical industry. Never again.

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"Why this new round of shrieking?"

Because these are hypochondriacal morons who desperately miss the weird and totally unjustified sense of purpose they got from making people live like the entire world was one big highly infectious disease ward. "We're all in this together! Your mask protects me! Flatten the curve!"


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The feeling of moral superiority was so intoxicating they don't even realize they've been lied to for the last three years -- or maybe they don't care.

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Fear is also a potent weapon. A lot of these fanatics have their positions staked out based on emotion not facts. If they faced facts, they might have to deal with just a tad bit of cognitive dissonance.

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I think it might also be to distract from the high profile vaxx-adjacent injuries to Jaimie Foxx & Bronnie James.

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I'm not sure they were mostly hypochondriacs--control freaks for sure. They loved the power of it.

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Either as you said "They loved the power of it" or they did and continue a terrific job of imitating someone who did and does.

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It was always about power and dividing people. And never about the "science." All politics.

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commie 101

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Drama Kings and Queens. Now they are all shrieking "the world is burning." While their buddies run out and fly their drones dropping fire bombs on to dry lands.

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I’m 56, unvaccinated and just got Covid 3 1/2 years into this hysteria. Yes, the first two days were awful (just like the flu which God forbid anyone dared likening it to that).... but by the third day much of normalcy returned.

Now that I’ve actually gone through this, I can not believe the world was shut down for it. Who was powerful enough to weaponize it to such a degree? Someone needs to reveal.

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I had alpha, a more “dangerous” strain at age 57 in November 2020. It was a one day headache, three day runniest nose ever, two days loss of taste/smell. The worst was enduring two years of “you are selfish and uncaring” for refusing the jab.

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You just wanna kill grandma!Criminal.

That’s the mantra I heard. There were people(including my sister)

who were duped enough to believe that unvaccinated people found to have transmitted COVID should be charged with 2nd degree murder if the person receiving it later died.

She said this knowing I firmly rejected most of the hype, the jabs and the draconian measures. I’ve not heard her recant either.

I must be living on a different planet as it was clear just a few months in that the vaccines did not stop transmission, they might have initially reduced the severity for some but given all the gaslighting I doubt we’ll ever hear the truth from our feckless leaders. They have nothing to gain from doing meaningful research as it might expose the incomprehensible BS they foisted upon the world.

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They really would’ve been fine rounding us up and sending us to an isolation camp. Over a mid-level flu virus.

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IKR. Just pure hysteria and once that sets in all rational thought evapoates.

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I also remember hearing some high profile person suggest that for real.

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Hubs and I got SOMETHING (never tested what it was) in about Feb. 2021. Not a big deal and didn't feel too bad, but we both had runny noses like a faucet left on for about 7 days non-stop. Weirdest runny nose ever. A bit lethargic as I recall, but not really "sick" otherwise. Still glad we refused the death jab.

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Yup me too, the runny nose was insane. Like nothing I’ve had before. The only word that came to mind was that the sickness felt synthetic.

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Yeah, just got over it, too. I'm 68. First couple days I had a headache from hell, but it lifted fairly early and I had a bit more brain fog. I've had way worse sore throats and congestion. But there was some weird brain fog and some lingering weakness. This was so mild and only lasted maybe 8 days before I felt close to myself, never lost air. 98 whole time. So it was definitely not a huge deal. I'm unvaccinated, too, but in good health for my age. I take a lot of vitamin D and took a lot of supplements during it. It went fine. Alex is right about this hysteria.

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Yes - the worst headache ever lasted around two days. Then congestion. Not world stopping by any measure.

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Live in Md too. I’ve not gotten the jabs and have mild emphysema, am 67 and got COVID twice last year. I got that RSV too and it was worse than COVID. My son, who got vaxxed for his job, has COVID for the fifth time. This time was harder than previous bouts. I guess it’s just recirculating here again. While I’d rather not get sick again I refuse to live in fear. I believe that if it’s your time then ain’t nothing gonna save you and if it ain’t your time, nothing can kill you. How else can it be explained that a person can sky dive with a faulty parachute and live while another trips and dies from hitting their head? Weird things happen everyday so I’m gonna keep trying to stay healthy, use airborne(which I swear by) and trust in God.

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One other kind of odd thing--normally when I'm sick I sleep like crap until I'm much better, but ever since I've had this, I slept like a rock. Which is good. Sleep is crucial. But it was odd... The first two nights I didn't sleep real great with the headache but even then more than uusal, but after that, out like a light and I'm still sleeping pretty sound. Wouldn't mind it if that side effect lasted!

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Yep, exactly. I didn't even have much congestion. My nose ran clear like allergies and I did get drainage into upper airways, but no thick congestion. I was coughing up a little stuff, very minor.

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They’re trying to gin up another round of hysteria to justify more mail in voting.

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So true. Everything about our pandemic response was rooted in hysteria, which was weaponized by the covid cult.


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1. I do care enough to judge them, and I judge them harshly. 2. The powers that be will never find a “cure” for long COVID (if it even exists) because to do so would mean a therapy that attacks the consequences of spike protein in the body. That would mean admisssion that bodies are still producing spike and that production comes from hijacking your immune system with mRNA injections. TPTB will pretend not to know this.

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Well, that spike "production" could come from having Covid, not the vaccines. This is why Alex and others criticize "Long Covid"--it's an "out," that some are using to point AWAY from the vaccines as problematic.

We can criticize the vaccines, AND acknowledge that "Long Covid" (which could be different things that need to be illuminated by Science) is a real problem. The two positions are not mutually exclusive. Unless you're lazy or pushing an agenda.

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Certainly possible there could be more than 1 cause of Long COVID. But Pfizer/Moderna/FDA et al will NEVER investigate the mRNA hijacked immune system that is still

Producing Spike as 1 of the causes of Long COVID.

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You hit that nail on the head.

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I believe there is long COVID and also long term vaccine injury from COVID shots. When clinics first started up trying to deal with long COVID there were some news reports about them. It turned out all the clinics did was start their clients on exercise programs. Now, as you wrote, the government still has no answer for patients with long COVID or COVID vaccine injuries after spending billions.

So people look to alternative doctors, the same ones who got in trouble for successfully helping people recover from COVID infections since 2020. These doctors got in trouble for using treatments not approved by the government when the government had no treatment recommendations of their own. If these doctors got too vocal about their alternative treatments or opposed COVID shots some lost their medical license. California passed a law that makes it easier to take away the medical license of a doctor if that doctor says something to a patient about COVID that goes against government policy. So you can't expect an honest opinion from your doctor anymore.

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Went to our small town in our small island today. Saw a guy riding his bike with a mask on, in the heat no less. WTF? Some people are that far gone....

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saw a women walking through the empty parking lot with mask on and an umbrella over her head on a cloudy dry day.

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That is bonkers on steroids!

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SHAME on you IF you are the least bit surprised. All the same players are in all the same positions spewing the predictable narrative and those who step away or retire like the ELF fraud Fauci and the skank Walensky are replaced with similar or worse. A rapist will rape until IT is not allowed too. Its not rocket science, and yet SOME seem surprised this all continues. Is astonishing truly at Aug 17th 2023. ZERO accountability remains the greatest existential crisis in America. Nothing changes until IT does....why the F would it.

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I agree with everything in your story, but it's so horribly wrong of you to insinuate Long Covid is psychosomatic. You're an idiot, and now you're spreading misinformation too (isn't your whole mantra to expose it?). I'm a 49 year old male with a 26 year work history and was injured by BOTH the vaccine (Pfizer) and the virus itself, and have been unemployed since. Both caused long covid or whatever you want to call it, which has led to four ER visits, atrial fibrillation, heart rates above 200, high blood pressure, a broken nervous system, and the complete inability to concentrate or remember anything. I'm a shell of my former self, and to imply this is somehow in people's "heads" and some campaign by covid hypers to keep it in the news cycle is just idiotic and ignorant. I was actually paying to read your substack, but I'll be cancelling that subscription today. MORON.

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Treating thick blood in Long Covid...


(Also see this writer's work on the microbiome--some L.C. sufferers may find progress addressing their gut flora, which seems to get thrown off by Covid...)

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Sorry to hear of your suffering. I hope you find things that help.

This psychologizing derision of Alex's has been a challenge that CFS/ME patients have been dealing with for decades.

His take on L.C. is really unfortunate. Maybe stick around and share your experience and some science (which will only increase). Maybe he's just being provocative, forcing people like us to present the relevant Science to him (though smart, he can't research everything).

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I've been able to recover from the majority of my acute symptoms through rest, diet (you're right about gut flora, and that's been a huge part of my recovery), and a supplement cocktail I put together from analyzing what worked for people in this Reddit forum: https://www.reddit.com/r/covidlonghaulers/. Note, it has FIFTY THOUSAND members. Alex, do you really think 50K people would participate in a forum to look for answers for an illness that's "in their heads"?! Spend an hour reading through some recent posts. SO many people are suffering and in despair (The top pinned post is suicide prevention). My guess is these 50K are just the tip of the iceberg - the most desperate, most sick who have been gaslit by their doctors (in part thanks to people like Alex spreading misinformation that Long Covid isn't real). But how many other people are walking around with heart issues, memory problems, dizziness, etc, and just chalk it up to "getting old"? In Sept 2021 I was a Chief Marketing Officer (25 years working nonstop) and in perfect health. I got the booster (Pfizer) that month. By February 2022 I had to quit my job and was hospitalized for cardiac issues. 18 mos later and I'm still not recovered.

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Testify, brother. Alex' snarky-ass (dumbing-down, also--not a good look on a hot shot Indy Journalist) attitude won't hold. Keep on keeping on.

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Aug 21, 2023
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I have an auto-immune condition. I followed my doctor's advice (people with auto immune who are immunosuppressed are less likely to develop antibodies, so should get more jabs). Would I love to go back in time and unjab myself and see what happens? Sure. But my symptoms post-virus were no different from post-jab. My guess is I'm one of the unlucky ones for whom the spike is not your friend. But what AB is doing (picking and choosing which conspiracy theories to throw fuel on) is wrong. Long Covid is NOT fictional. It's a real thing. So he (AB) should do his research and talk to people who actually have it before making moronic accusations that it's psychosomatic.

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Sorry Alex, but I think in this case you are criticizing something that you don’t understand —and I say this as a healthy, unjabbed man who normally agrees with your point of view. In fact, none of us understand long Covid at this point. Unfortunately doctors and the medical research establishment often attributes mental illnesses to diseases they don’t understand. Long Covid is one of them. It has many of the same symptoms as chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), which I once openly criticized in the newsroom as an imaginary disease. Then I was humbled when I saw its impact first-hand when it affected three of my family members so severely over a 20-year period that at different times each came close to dying. The medical establishment was not only unhelpful. They were arrogant, abusive and dismissive. Last year, a family friend in another part of the country died as a result of her life-long battle with CFS. There are plenty of other similar stories that rarely get told. What’s more, some of the worst long Covid sufferers are people who had recovered before getting hit with the Wuhan flu. If you could be disciplined enough to look beyond the accepted narrative for the Covid “vaccine” perhaps you might do more investigation around long Covid and realize there are plenty of things in this world we do not yet understand.

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THANK YOU; and you need not say "Sorry." Alex's position on Long Covid is not supported by Science, and this will only get clearer as more studies are done. The more he clings to this insulting psychologizing the dumber he will look.

Which doesn't really matter, but it would be more useful if he applied his considerable skills to help illuminate Long Covid (whatever that is, and it could be different things for different people).

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Thank you for being one of the few to read my comment. Unfortunately it was buried so deep in the comments section that I wondered if it had been censored.

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Yeah, censorship happens (even here). I'm interested to see how Alex deals with the growing Science that validates "Long Covid," or whatever it is that millions of people are dealing with (possibly different issues, including vaccine injury).

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The thing is, allopathic medicine is never going to "understand" CFS, or Lupus, or any other ailment that they cannot trace to a single cause and then treat with some kind of magic bullet.

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"Persistence of SARS CoV-2 S1 Protein in CD16+ Monocytes in Post-Acute Sequelae of COVID-19 (PASC) up to 15 Months Post-Infection"


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I think I have Long Covid! I Long for the Covidians to go away!

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Very cheeky!

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Zing! They are truly insufferable.

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A neighbor posted to social media stating that while he walked around with a mask he was subjected to taunts. He claims that groups of young people called him “libtard.” He got a round of sympathy and several posters indicated it’s time to mask up again. A. I do not believe the masker was publicly mocked. Who takes to social media to whine about this? B. I’m flabbergasted that others want to mask up again. Everyone knows thanks to Cochrane study that masks are useless. For those of us who have common sense, we did not need a study. These people are ADDICTED to walking around in fear, admonishing others because it feels purposeful.

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Masks are effective at mitigating Government Induced Anxiety Disorder(GIAD).

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I actually think long Covid is very real (just as other infections can linger/become chronic).

My mom got Covid in March of 2020 and after the acute infection developed visual disturbances and dizziness that she had never had before Covid.

To deny that long Covid exists causes your other valid arguments and opinions to not carry as much weight.

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Have you tried the supplement protocol that Dr. MCcullough suggests? Interestingly, I have been taking those supplements for 10 years. I am 65, unvacinated with asthma and tried for 2 years to catch Covid (wanted to just get it over with. For me, it was a bad headache and an asthma attack lasting about a week. Not a big deal.

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Yes; his denial is weak and lazy.

If we're going to "follow the Science," let's FOLLOW THE SCIENCE.

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What drugs were given as treatment? Knowing that may help to properly detox.

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Who the hell is even testing anymore?

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I tested at home because I have a son with Down Syndrome. I hung out in our travel trailer and neither he or my husband got it. I am sure I wouldn't test if I didn't have a handicapped son.

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Everybody that walks into a hospital, I'm guessing......

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My husband is an ENT, works in a clinic and hospital and there is zero Covid testing anymore.

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My daughter recently was sick with a mystery illness. They tested for COVID even though she didn’t have any normal symptoms. We finally wound up in an ER after three urgent care clinic visits and weeks of her being really sick. It turned out she had mono which was a big surprise. I think the jabs caused her way more problems than COVID would have. She could take better care of herself but it seems she has no immune function. Being young she’s on social media sites like tiktok that did a good job of scaring young people into getting shots. After listening to me rail against the machine for three years she finally gets it.

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The one good thing the mandates did was raise skepticism amongst the younger generation. I BEGGED my daughter to not get the jab, she was 25 at the time. "Mom, sorry I trust the CDC more than you." She was eating those words a year later when she tested positive. Now she's pregnant with her first baby and I am trying to raise her awareness on many of the childhood vaccines, it's a delicate dance. I think we have her convinced to turn down the HepB at birth. She's worried about me installing new carpet because of the off gassing but is OK with injecting all those vaccines in her 2, 4, 6 etc month old baby??

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Have her watch thehighwire.com

Vaccine safety (for any of them) is one of the biggest scams in history

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Awful; Mono is caused by the Epstein Barr virus, and apparently the vaccines are causing a lot of re-activated EBV...

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I heard on the local news this morning that covid testing was down in July. My first thought was "Who the hell is still getting tested?"

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See my new and 2nd post of the day Alex. Their checking our pulses to see to what degree we are still in a semi-coma.

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Agree completely. Masking - and the degree of compliance - is a tyrant litmus test so the ruling class can see if there is enough compliance to enact further draconian measures. We would have never had a deathvaxx mandate in 2021 without high compliance with masking in 2020. The only way out of this is mass non compliance. Be ungovernable.

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