Literally writing about this as we speak! What a clusterfuck! Why would the CIA be paying Fauci and his colleagues to change their stories? COVID WAS AN OP. The whole damned thing was just a setup in order to advance whatever whacked-out agenda the 'elites' are trying to push on us.
And nearly everybody we know rolled over for those Big Pharma dollars. The 'experts', the late night talk show hosts, the Instagram influencers, the hospitals and schools, all the way down to the local CVS. They all sold us up the river for cash. And they act all high and mighty about it? Hell no.
some people can be bought to do anything. don't forget fauci wanted his remdesivir sold. that man is evil.
I read that german Der Spiegel received 3 million Euro to keep still.
obviously lots of other papers and magazines did as well. But there is more than papers and magazines now, They tried to silence the internet but we found ways to communicate anyways. Those that want the truth will find it, and others will keep on walking around with masks on.
They couldn't get Trump out of office without the pandemic. He was unstoppable. The economy was great, gas prices were low, no new wars were started, North Korea was quiet, Putin wasn't invading Ukraine and there were some controls on the southern border. The elites' plans are on steroids now. It's all about control. Bring in people with no education or skills who are dependent on government. Drive the US into insurmountable debt, eliminate the middle class by taxing them to death and get rid of fossil fuels, which made this country prosperous. What's left is the wealthy and the poor. The wealthy are in control and the poor subsist. Voila, communism.
Wow, you summed it all up. I would also add Fauci wanted a virus vaccine so that he could live in infamy?. China wanted to stop Hong Kong’s daily, and effective riots along with getting Trump Out.
I forgot about Fraudci. Yes I think he wanted a legacy since he screwed up AIDS so badly. There was the added benefit of partnering with pharma on the "vaccine" and adding to his already enormous pile of money from "government service".
Just WHY is it though Trump to this day still touts the OWS and injections as some sort of achievement or a good thing for humanity almost 4 years after knowing what WE ALL know? I say this having voted for his policies 2X not having a like or dislike of Trump the person. I simply have a real issue with his utter silence on what WE ALL KNOW about the great experiment on humanity.
Trump fell in love with the term "warp speed" for development of the vaccine. It tickled his ego. He has never let go, the failure and dangers of the vax be damned. Biden & Democrats were more flexible. The vax was "irresponsibly hurried" into production by the Trump administration. Once Biden took office, it became a miracle medicine and, sadly, the rest is history.
If memory serves me correctly, All during the run up to the election, Biden & Co. carefully nibbled around the edges that he would not take the vax as did his V.P......then once in office did a 180 and put the whole vax, shutdown, mask, protocol on steroids. So again, who is the great OZ? I really do think Trump knows and I'm just as certain he can't go near this right now. HIs other policies were great, his instincts on target. Again, who is OZ or is it so plain we can't see it?
Trump fell for the COVID scam and the vaccine scam because he was getting bad advice from NIH, CDC and the CIA. The advice itself was intentionally orchestrated by the infamous Dr. Fauci and/or intel officials looking to either cover up or do damage control for previous indiscretions. This angle is currently being investigated and documented by Matt Taibbi in his excellent Racket News Substack. That Trump hasn't publicly backtracked or admitted failure has, in my opinion, more to do with political/media strategy than any personal failings.
I am curious if Trump delayed their plans or accelerated their plans. Was the timing of the plandemic in the last year of his term a way to get rid of Trump?
He accelerated their plans. They wanted to attain permanent political power at a slower, below the radar rate and he messed that up in 2016. His popularity forced the gene therapy pandemic but that wasn’t even enough so they went nuclear with the massive election fraud offensive. Given the control they have, the pandemic and election fraud were, and continue to be, perfectly tailored plans for permanent political power. The globalists are laughing at how easy manipulating the people actually was and continues to be. They know they can do the same things to control the 2024 election because American voters are generally apathetic and easily distracted. There are no consequences if your caught implementing the new normal.
I'd say he delayed elites' plans to weaken national sovereignty, but maybe he accelerated their plans to erode individual rights by using a virus scare. Who knows?
I chuckle sometimes that Hilary and the democrats misjudged how many votes they needed to steal in 2016 and that is why Trump got in. So they went to Plan B whatever that may have been.
Agree. I typed the below note to myself in my iPhone on March 10, 2020…
Globalists are trying to prevent Trump from getting re-elected as he has derailed and set back their agenda. Trump set off a populist / nationalist movement in counties across the world that contradicts the end game of the globalists.
There's a book out on Amazon that I haven't read that there was some collusion to do the gain of function because it would allow the US (CIA) to get better insight into bio-weapon development in that Wuhan lab. I haven't seen its author making the rounds on the usual places like Fox News, so I'm not sure if his view is regarded as fringe or not. It makes sense for a lot of reasons, but I haven't the slightest idea as to whether it is true.
If true, it would seem that their efforts to check on weapons development resulted in the creation of the weapon itself and the rest is history. It's such a crazy explanation that it seems like something the CIA would do.
A whole bunch of these bastards got rich due to this shit show no doubt. What scares me is the depth to which this entire scam descends. We lost loved ones so the imbecile could be ensconced in the white house. The trial run to see just how far governors and local Marist officials could go in their efforts to control the populace. Forced vaccines, closing of schools and churches, censoring any effort to expose the lies we were being told daily. I wish I could say this is my John Gault moment but unfortunately there is no place to go where the individual has the freedoms we used to have in this country. Guess we'll have to stand and fight.
It got rid of Trump and literally upended every norm in society. It is shocking how people just want to ignore what happened and move on. If we do not get to the bottom of what happened and hold people accountable, our country and world is over as we know it. We now have tons of people taking a dangerous vaccine and anyone even questioning it is still a conspiracy theorist. It is shocking to me how gullible so many people are. What is worse is how EVIL the people involved in this are.
These days people only go to jail for telling the truth. Rapists, murderers and thieves had to be set free to make room for anyone foolish enough to expose the lies.
That's never going to happen but at least chairman Wenstrup wrote a stern letter. That's about the best we can hope for from the Republicans. Always writing their letters but never taking action.
I've loathed this guy since April/May of 2020, when it became apparent he was lying, and even more, when he started playing the political card to remove Trump from office.
I've posted this many times before, but I believe Fauci caused more damage to our country than any public official, elected or not, in the history of our country.
The story of Fauci's "involvement" in attempting to steer the Covid-origin narrative away from the lab-leak theory keeps getting deeper and richer - and his ability to keep the wolves at bay more and more threadbare. Thank you for shining this bright light Alex!
more info coming out Fraudci tried or maybe did essentially resurrect the Spanish Flu. Which is bonkers level insane. Try to cover that up with something else viral? The other tricky thing to reconcile for me at least is how swift and coordinated the response globally was and all the social issues and riots etc fell into place. China is pulling the CIA s strings and that needs to be purged yesterday.
I think American Mengele would be a great title for a movie based on the life of this loathsome creature. What most don't appreciate is that he performed even worse during the AIDS crisis. Nobody paid attention then because it was just some male homosexuals who were dieing.
Well that’s the surface version of the story that everyone focuses on, but the govt “org chart” for COVID response suggests a worse scenario. Deeply embedded govt corruption colluding with fascist leaning elites and the sock puppet international organizations they fund would be more my take. At the national level countries were along a spectrum — from Australia being ridiculously captive to those “vaxx-ignored” Africa countries saying “we’ll pass” and finally some Europeans facing reality at least about mRNA shots. But yeah, our lot really got the ball rolling with the exportation of gain of function research with the help of our trusty Brit allies at Wellcome. Blah.
If Trump wins he would make a deal with Fauci in order to expose co-conspirators. If RFK, Jr. wins there won't be any deals. Fauci will be facing the gallows. Anyone else would protect him.
Trump would also do that to protect himself. But agreed. RFK jr might be worth voting for just for that outcome. But he needs to run as an Independent to have a remote chance. this may be the year. Who knows.
RFK Jr is a crazy liberal but he's right about this topic and he's right about Fauci and if I ever get a chance to vote for him I will just because of that.
Fauci is one of the most corrupt Govt officials to ever come down the Pike. He funded "gain of function" research and didn't want that fact disclosed. The American public not switched on enough to realize what he was doing or there would have been a revolution in the streets. Instead we get the most incompetent POTUS since Carter and Taft. Biden makes carter look good which is not easy to do. Carter was a nice man but no clue how to lead similar to Biden. The other issue here is that our Govt is corrupt period
Holy crap - it seems like this story gets "worser and worser". From a position as taxpayer I am in apathy about any official going to jail for these crimes. But the more their actions can be exposed the less comfortable they fell- I hope. Or they simply have no conscience.
I am surprised that not more focus is not given to the article that Fauci, with two other doctors wrote and published in the New England Journal of Medicine for March of 2020. The article was actually completed on February 28, 2020. They studied the folks on the cruise ships who had covid very early on and indicated what was useful medication in treating covid including hydroxychloriquine.
N Engl J Med ; 382: 1268-1269
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMe2002387
Anywho, I find it a useful article and a good basis for asking Fauci why he so quickly changed his tune.
And obviously, he may not even know he coauthored the article!!
Obviously no money in a simple old medication that dates back to the mid 1950's and if people simply recovered like we all do from all kinds of disease, perhaps no need for a vaccine. which equals BILLIONS. And it would be a good time for ALL of us to learn just what a vaccine is, which the jab is not, and take a good hard look at how harmful the adjuvants are especially to our infants. Why do we have the highest infant mortality rate in the world? They are giving infants hep B vaccine within 24 hours of birth. WHY?
Just look what he has done his whole 45 year + servant "of the people" and especially during the DECEPTIVE AIDS era, and you will KNOW what we have seen in the 2020 plandemic is nothing NEW. Read RFK's book, as well and the one put out in 2020 by Judy Mikovits called the PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION to know the ELF frauds ways
This whole thing is so disgustingly dirty. And crooked. And in 20 years we will look back on this period of time in much the same way we now look at the reaction to 9/11.
A crooked government doing crooked things to hide how crooked it really is.... and a very large portion of Americans going along with it because they can't stand for their respective political team to look bad.
Literally writing about this as we speak! What a clusterfuck! Why would the CIA be paying Fauci and his colleagues to change their stories? COVID WAS AN OP. The whole damned thing was just a setup in order to advance whatever whacked-out agenda the 'elites' are trying to push on us.
And nearly everybody we know rolled over for those Big Pharma dollars. The 'experts', the late night talk show hosts, the Instagram influencers, the hospitals and schools, all the way down to the local CVS. They all sold us up the river for cash. And they act all high and mighty about it? Hell no.
some people can be bought to do anything. don't forget fauci wanted his remdesivir sold. that man is evil.
I read that german Der Spiegel received 3 million Euro to keep still.
obviously lots of other papers and magazines did as well. But there is more than papers and magazines now, They tried to silence the internet but we found ways to communicate anyways. Those that want the truth will find it, and others will keep on walking around with masks on.
It might have been about Trump. He got in the way of the elites' plans, whatever they were.
That was obviously a big part of it.
They couldn't get Trump out of office without the pandemic. He was unstoppable. The economy was great, gas prices were low, no new wars were started, North Korea was quiet, Putin wasn't invading Ukraine and there were some controls on the southern border. The elites' plans are on steroids now. It's all about control. Bring in people with no education or skills who are dependent on government. Drive the US into insurmountable debt, eliminate the middle class by taxing them to death and get rid of fossil fuels, which made this country prosperous. What's left is the wealthy and the poor. The wealthy are in control and the poor subsist. Voila, communism.
Wow, you summed it all up. I would also add Fauci wanted a virus vaccine so that he could live in infamy?. China wanted to stop Hong Kong’s daily, and effective riots along with getting Trump Out.
I forgot about Fraudci. Yes I think he wanted a legacy since he screwed up AIDS so badly. There was the added benefit of partnering with pharma on the "vaccine" and adding to his already enormous pile of money from "government service".
Well, he sure has a legacy now. If I were him, I'd fake my death, then go somewhere far away and live under an alias.
But he's Science, what would the world do without him?
Getting rid of Trump was a big part of the overreaction.
The other part was the Bureaucratic State doing its best to hide how it was responsible for it.
Just WHY is it though Trump to this day still touts the OWS and injections as some sort of achievement or a good thing for humanity almost 4 years after knowing what WE ALL know? I say this having voted for his policies 2X not having a like or dislike of Trump the person. I simply have a real issue with his utter silence on what WE ALL KNOW about the great experiment on humanity.
Trump fell in love with the term "warp speed" for development of the vaccine. It tickled his ego. He has never let go, the failure and dangers of the vax be damned. Biden & Democrats were more flexible. The vax was "irresponsibly hurried" into production by the Trump administration. Once Biden took office, it became a miracle medicine and, sadly, the rest is history.'s amazing he still does hold on to IT as some sort of empowerment to his EGO with all we know of the great experiment aftermath.
If memory serves me correctly, All during the run up to the election, Biden & Co. carefully nibbled around the edges that he would not take the vax as did his V.P......then once in office did a 180 and put the whole vax, shutdown, mask, protocol on steroids. So again, who is the great OZ? I really do think Trump knows and I'm just as certain he can't go near this right now. HIs other policies were great, his instincts on target. Again, who is OZ or is it so plain we can't see it?
WHY would Trump not go near this considering what happened to humanity intentionally?
He was snookered by Fauci and the CIA.
Trump fell for the COVID scam and the vaccine scam because he was getting bad advice from NIH, CDC and the CIA. The advice itself was intentionally orchestrated by the infamous Dr. Fauci and/or intel officials looking to either cover up or do damage control for previous indiscretions. This angle is currently being investigated and documented by Matt Taibbi in his excellent Racket News Substack. That Trump hasn't publicly backtracked or admitted failure has, in my opinion, more to do with political/media strategy than any personal failings.
I am curious if Trump delayed their plans or accelerated their plans. Was the timing of the plandemic in the last year of his term a way to get rid of Trump?
He accelerated their plans. They wanted to attain permanent political power at a slower, below the radar rate and he messed that up in 2016. His popularity forced the gene therapy pandemic but that wasn’t even enough so they went nuclear with the massive election fraud offensive. Given the control they have, the pandemic and election fraud were, and continue to be, perfectly tailored plans for permanent political power. The globalists are laughing at how easy manipulating the people actually was and continues to be. They know they can do the same things to control the 2024 election because American voters are generally apathetic and easily distracted. There are no consequences if your caught implementing the new normal.
I'd say he delayed elites' plans to weaken national sovereignty, but maybe he accelerated their plans to erode individual rights by using a virus scare. Who knows?
I chuckle sometimes that Hilary and the democrats misjudged how many votes they needed to steal in 2016 and that is why Trump got in. So they went to Plan B whatever that may have been.
I actually don't think they tried that hard to cheat in 2016 because they were lazy and complacent and that's how Trump (still barely) won.
Trump's win was a huge wake up call to them and that's why they made sure it wasn't going to happen again in 2020.
The DC elites underestimated the American public's hatred of them.
I think they misjudged 2020, too. That's why it was so overt, and why they needed J6 to discourage any questioning.
Fair point.
Agree. I typed the below note to myself in my iPhone on March 10, 2020…
Globalists are trying to prevent Trump from getting re-elected as he has derailed and set back their agenda. Trump set off a populist / nationalist movement in counties across the world that contradicts the end game of the globalists.
There's a book out on Amazon that I haven't read that there was some collusion to do the gain of function because it would allow the US (CIA) to get better insight into bio-weapon development in that Wuhan lab. I haven't seen its author making the rounds on the usual places like Fox News, so I'm not sure if his view is regarded as fringe or not. It makes sense for a lot of reasons, but I haven't the slightest idea as to whether it is true.
If true, it would seem that their efforts to check on weapons development resulted in the creation of the weapon itself and the rest is history. It's such a crazy explanation that it seems like something the CIA would do.
Rolled over not knowing or rolled over because they were complicit or perhaps both in some instances and out of fear or cowardice?
That's the real question, isn't it?
A whole bunch of these bastards got rich due to this shit show no doubt. What scares me is the depth to which this entire scam descends. We lost loved ones so the imbecile could be ensconced in the white house. The trial run to see just how far governors and local Marist officials could go in their efforts to control the populace. Forced vaccines, closing of schools and churches, censoring any effort to expose the lies we were being told daily. I wish I could say this is my John Gault moment but unfortunately there is no place to go where the individual has the freedoms we used to have in this country. Guess we'll have to stand and fight.
Sort of. The DoD said the stopped producing bio weapons, but it looks like they outsourced.
Ban it here? That's ok, we know a place in China......(and some more in Ukraine)
It got rid of Trump and literally upended every norm in society. It is shocking how people just want to ignore what happened and move on. If we do not get to the bottom of what happened and hold people accountable, our country and world is over as we know it. We now have tons of people taking a dangerous vaccine and anyone even questioning it is still a conspiracy theorist. It is shocking to me how gullible so many people are. What is worse is how EVIL the people involved in this are.
Anthony Fauci belongs in prison.
At the end of a short rope . . . but only after a fair trial.
These days people only go to jail for telling the truth. Rapists, murderers and thieves had to be set free to make room for anyone foolish enough to expose the lies.
Fauci March 9, 2020: No reason not to go on a cruise if you're young and healthy.
Fauci after secret mtg at CIA: Everyone go inside & take this shot or you’re gonna die.
Can someone please indict him?!
That's never going to happen but at least chairman Wenstrup wrote a stern letter. That's about the best we can hope for from the Republicans. Always writing their letters but never taking action.
I've loathed this guy since April/May of 2020, when it became apparent he was lying, and even more, when he started playing the political card to remove Trump from office.
I've posted this many times before, but I believe Fauci caused more damage to our country than any public official, elected or not, in the history of our country.
And the thousands of dead gay men who Fauci poisoned with AZT in the late 80s agree with you.
May be neck & neck with Bill Gates. I’d love to know the real reason for Melinda leaving him..
Please view how far back this all goes & how criminal it’s been, all along:
Gates was an Epstein pal, and is evil, weird and unsightly.
It took you that long to figure out he was lying?
The story of Fauci's "involvement" in attempting to steer the Covid-origin narrative away from the lab-leak theory keeps getting deeper and richer - and his ability to keep the wolves at bay more and more threadbare. Thank you for shining this bright light Alex!
more info coming out Fraudci tried or maybe did essentially resurrect the Spanish Flu. Which is bonkers level insane. Try to cover that up with something else viral? The other tricky thing to reconcile for me at least is how swift and coordinated the response globally was and all the social issues and riots etc fell into place. China is pulling the CIA s strings and that needs to be purged yesterday.
I think American Mengele would be a great title for a movie based on the life of this loathsome creature. What most don't appreciate is that he performed even worse during the AIDS crisis. Nobody paid attention then because it was just some male homosexuals who were dieing.
So millions of people died and the world economy was ruined by what was basically a coverup by corrupt government officials?
Well that’s the surface version of the story that everyone focuses on, but the govt “org chart” for COVID response suggests a worse scenario. Deeply embedded govt corruption colluding with fascist leaning elites and the sock puppet international organizations they fund would be more my take. At the national level countries were along a spectrum — from Australia being ridiculously captive to those “vaxx-ignored” Africa countries saying “we’ll pass” and finally some Europeans facing reality at least about mRNA shots. But yeah, our lot really got the ball rolling with the exportation of gain of function research with the help of our trusty Brit allies at Wellcome. Blah.
And yet methinks he will get away with it.
Methinks in order to do that he needs a secure place in a country which lacks extradition.
That will all depend on the outcome on the 2024 election. The Dem's and MSM will protect him. I truly hope I am wrong. The man belongs in Jail.
If Trump wins he would make a deal with Fauci in order to expose co-conspirators. If RFK, Jr. wins there won't be any deals. Fauci will be facing the gallows. Anyone else would protect him.
Trump would also do that to protect himself. But agreed. RFK jr might be worth voting for just for that outcome. But he needs to run as an Independent to have a remote chance. this may be the year. Who knows.
RFK Jr is a crazy liberal but he's right about this topic and he's right about Fauci and if I ever get a chance to vote for him I will just because of that.
Nothing surprises me anymore with Dr. Ratface.
Fauci is one of the most corrupt Govt officials to ever come down the Pike. He funded "gain of function" research and didn't want that fact disclosed. The American public not switched on enough to realize what he was doing or there would have been a revolution in the streets. Instead we get the most incompetent POTUS since Carter and Taft. Biden makes carter look good which is not easy to do. Carter was a nice man but no clue how to lead similar to Biden. The other issue here is that our Govt is corrupt period
That doesn't even take into account his unethical AIDS research or his role in the mass vaccination program.
Holy crap - it seems like this story gets "worser and worser". From a position as taxpayer I am in apathy about any official going to jail for these crimes. But the more their actions can be exposed the less comfortable they fell- I hope. Or they simply have no conscience.
How much if our tax money goes to that weasels pension and security? about American justice!
That’s easy: too much. But he’s made millions with patent rights as CDC director — that’s where the big bucks come from.
He's making some public appearances here in the Bay Area next week. We'll make sure our protest signs ask these pointed questions, and more.
I am surprised that not more focus is not given to the article that Fauci, with two other doctors wrote and published in the New England Journal of Medicine for March of 2020. The article was actually completed on February 28, 2020. They studied the folks on the cruise ships who had covid very early on and indicated what was useful medication in treating covid including hydroxychloriquine.
N Engl J Med ; 382: 1268-1269
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMe2002387
Anywho, I find it a useful article and a good basis for asking Fauci why he so quickly changed his tune.
And obviously, he may not even know he coauthored the article!!
Obviously no money in a simple old medication that dates back to the mid 1950's and if people simply recovered like we all do from all kinds of disease, perhaps no need for a vaccine. which equals BILLIONS. And it would be a good time for ALL of us to learn just what a vaccine is, which the jab is not, and take a good hard look at how harmful the adjuvants are especially to our infants. Why do we have the highest infant mortality rate in the world? They are giving infants hep B vaccine within 24 hours of birth. WHY?
Just look what he has done his whole 45 year + servant "of the people" and especially during the DECEPTIVE AIDS era, and you will KNOW what we have seen in the 2020 plandemic is nothing NEW. Read RFK's book, as well and the one put out in 2020 by Judy Mikovits called the PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION to know the ELF frauds ways
Hi Vern. Would you mind sending that link again? The bit you sent does not appear to be a link at all. I’d love to read (and save) the article.
You're right it is not a link it is simply theedition and page number. I will see if I can cut and paste the link
This whole thing is so disgustingly dirty. And crooked. And in 20 years we will look back on this period of time in much the same way we now look at the reaction to 9/11.
A crooked government doing crooked things to hide how crooked it really is.... and a very large portion of Americans going along with it because they can't stand for their respective political team to look bad.