For everyone talking about moving to Florida. Please do not NY my Florida! We have the best governor who governed by science and not fear! Remember the reason you are fleeing where you live so don’t bring your liberal wokeness to Florida where we enjoy our god given freedom on a daily basis and our kids have been in school for the last 2 years and have never needed to shut down a school nor have a mass outbreak. Just to blow your minds a little more and tell you they haven’t worn masks this entire year and everyone is fine…must be something in the water here 🤡 how anyone would sit by and let them do this to our children blows my mind. Whatever happened to heard immunity that the beagle killer talked about when the plandemic first came about? Makes you really wonder what’s going on when you sit back from your red state with the lowest cases of covid and the least restrictions and watch in absolute amazement that there are still blind sheep just going along to get along in all these blue states. I know you want your freedom back which you sadly won’t get until you stand up and say enough is enough! How many booster shots is enough how many changes to the meaning of vaccinated will they come up with to keep making sure you all keep getting your shots so you can live your life. Last time I checked this is still America 🇺🇸🇺🇸

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Agree. Wanna move to FL? You must complete a MANDATED ‘liberal detox’ program before being allowed into the state, and a ‘booster’ program each election year to increase immunity to whatever variant of Liberalism is in the air. 👍

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That's a mandate I could support.

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DON'T take RNA injections. There is No pandemic.

600,000 die each year from cancer, but government doesn't force chemo and radiation on us. 660,000 die each year from heart disease, but we aren't force fed anti-cholesterol drugs. Only 400,000 die each year WITH covid, not from it (6%). There is no pandemic. Tell your friends, family, and employers to calm down.

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You mean the Plandemic? Why is it that everything the illegitimate president and his cronies do is the exact opposite of what any president that cared about his people would do...that's because they want America to fail in every way. The Globalist want to take down the western countries without firing a shot. They want to install the New World Order and the financial Great Reset. The Corona virus was just a pre-planned ploy to freighter the people around the world to take the lethal injection,and decrease the world population.The large corporations will control the money,food supply and YOU! DONT let that old fool puppet and his Globalist partners fool you about the experimental mrna death shot! "LETS GO BRANDON"

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Maybe Newsom got Re-Called , one way or another?

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He's checked in at Club Gitmo

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Just saw this....

The Covid Vaccine is like a box of chocolates....You Never Know What You're Gonna Get:


It's the Gift that Keeps on Giving !!

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And unfortunately there are no returns.

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A mandate for liberal detox, not covid

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Let’s quit attacking each other’s political leanings and instead unite as fellow humans. This tyranny has nothing to do with ideology or which side of the aisle you were on in the past. If it did Fox News and NewsMax would not be forcing there employees to get the jab.

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FOX and Newsmax are NOT forcing their employees to get the vaccine.

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@Maureen- they're NOT forcing them to get the vaccine. Nice try, though. Your rose colored glasses need cleaning

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I honestly think it's only a matter of time before they do start doing this, now that it's apparently the State's responsibility to keep us "healthy".

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Nah, if the “medicine” doesn’t kill you they’re not interested.

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We should have an “HVAC Passport.” Next time your HVAC goes out, you need to show the repairman your GOP voter registration in order to get it fixed. No Passport, No HVAC.

We could also apply this to electrical, plumbing, auto repairs, etc. Oops! You're a Democrat? OK, go find a Dem auto mechanic! Can't find one? Tough sh!t!!

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That sounds like one of those leftist reeducation camps (gulags). "MANDATES" are not for a free people.

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But c’mon man! It’s for the greater good! (….sarcasm much?)

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Communism (aka collectivist authoritarianism) is the only ideology that's been prohibited by law in the United States of America. Because it's diametrically opposed to the US Constitution, which makes individual rights supreme to authoritarianism, collectivist, oligarchal, dictatorial, any usurpation of individual rights. Because communism already has laws against it in many jurisdictions, including Florida, all that needs to be done is to enforce those laws. Free people aren't committed to a suicide pact that permits their enslavement, their rule by tyrants willing to ignore the constitution. It's why an oath is sworn to protect and defend the constitution, not politicians in power.

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Nov 7, 2021
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Children, too many children are about to be murdered by their own parents. Parents who failed to protect and care for their own children by doing their own research. These are people who never bothered learning how to learn subjects they found difficult or uninteresting and just trusted "authority." Think about how many of your classmates never learned critical thinking skills back in grade school. Those who passed tests on subject matter they never bothered to study by simply memorizing or copying the Cliff notes. The classmates who got upset at the kids in class who raised their hands and asked questions because they'd rather be let out of class early to meet up with friends. Who'd bully the kids who truly wanted to learn. Those classmates are the 70% who are just watching the Cliff notes on health and infectious disease. Never realizing or caring that Cliff is a Marxist and the notes are propaganda that manipulates them to murder their own children. Who will look at the murderer of their own child in the mirror for the rest of their lives. Because they were lazy, uncurious and obedient. The very people who Marxists care little about. Who believe as Stalin that while a single death is a tragedy, millions of deaths is a statistic.

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To be fair, in December 2020 I did a report for a masters program about the vaccine. Even at that time the algorithm made it difficult to find contrary information. Since then I have put in the same search terms and the things I got then do not come up now. I agree with you that people are lazy and accepting but Google is sure not making it easy to find the information even if you had an inkling to try. You will get thousands of pages of “safe and effective “. This is definitely not the time to be a follower and a sheeple. Lambs to the slaughter as they say.

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Everyone’s favorite controlled opposition Desantis, the government isn’t your friend:

Have fun being held down by law enforcement to get your jab.

For the vaccine passsport ban bill, 24 pages, page 22 is this nonsense, forced quarantines and forced vaxxed by the state health officer to be carrried out by law enforcement then the psssport comes after. I’ve heard he was duped, who has time to read thousands of pages of a bill, it was 22 pages, the last 2 are signatures. If you’re duped by an aide or can’t bother to read a 22 page bill do you really deserve the White House? The media feigned outrage over the ban but had to read right past the forced detention and/forced vax paragraphs directly on the same page.


> 4. **Ordering an individual to be examined, tested, vaccinated, treated, isolated, or quarantined for communicable diseases that have significant morbidity or mortality and present a severe danger to public health**. Individuals who are unable or unwilling to be examined, tested, vaccinated, **or treated for reasons of health, religion, or conscience may be subjected to isolation or quarantine**.

>a. Examination, testing, vaccination, or treatment may be performed by any qualified person authorized by the State Health Officer.

>b. **If the individual poses a danger to the public health, the State Health Officer may subject the individual to isolation or quarantine**. If there is no practical method to isolate or quarantine the individual, **the State Health Officer may use any means necessary to vaccinate or treat the individual.**

>c. **Any order of the State Health Officer given to effectuate this paragraph is shall be immediately enforceable by a law enforcement officer under** s. 381.0012.

> 11) “**Public health emergency” means any occurrence, or threat thereof, whether natural or manmade, which results or may result in substantial injury or harm to the public health from infectious disease**, chemical agents, nuclear agents, biological toxins, or situations involving mass casualties or natural disasters, declared as a public health emergency as declared by the State Health Officer.

>Section 20. Except as otherwise expressly provided in this act, **this act shall take effect July 1, 2021**.

>**Approved by the Governor May 3, 2021.

Filed in Office Secretary of State May 3, 2021.**

Tennessee is no better:

>Gov. Bill Lee of Tennessee.

>**Lee quietly signed an executive order recently that authorizes the Tennessee National Guard and Tennessee State Guard to implement involuntary commitments of citizens as well as quarantines “in connection with certain health care emergency services operations**.” Lee noted in the order he was specifically concerned with “an increase in COVID-19 cases.”

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I am a police officer and I can tell you for sure that in my area of the country there would be very few officers that would participate in any forced vaccinations. After the first attempt the few officers that decided to to along would soon change their minds after getting no support from their fellow officers and the violent reaction by the general public would also be a great deterrent.

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The police sure do seem to stand down whenever antifa is involved or when conservatives are being assaulted. And I don’t see the officers letting it happen being shunned by fellow officers.

An order from the mayor to stand down seems to be enough to have you guys fall in line for your paycheck and pension.

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It wouldn't be done by the local police. They would bring in foreign UN people to force the death jab on us.I would not sit still and let them get away with it.We must fight back! This is why we have the second amendment."lets go brandon"

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From what country? The west has kicked out the patriots from the military. The weak are left.

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The vast majority of the language you cited here was already Florida law, so DeSantis wasn’t signing something new into law when he signed this particular bill. There were a couple of things that were changed. For instance, “4 c” went from “ Any order of the State Health Officer given to effectuate this paragraph shall be immediately enforceable by a law enforcement officer under** s. 381.0012.” to “Any order of the State Health Officer given to effectuate this paragraph is immediately enforceable by a law enforcement officer under** s. 381.0012.” A tiny change, but one that goes from being mandatory on officers to enforce to somewhat voluntary.

I don’t know how they can amend the original law to remove the quarantine section entirely (which probably ought to be there for diseases like Ebola), and DeSantis was likely happy enough with the change in language being sufficient to take the enforcement burden off officers to sign the needed change (banning vax passports) into law.

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This sounds like preparations for the bioterrorist attacks Bill Gates foreshadowed as he urges world leaders to use 'germ games' to prepare. Hmm... just like he warned of a pandemic like COVID, a couple of years beforehand, and the importance of everyone getting vaccinated. This is a real bummer if vaccines weaken the immune system, as some reports have stated. Bioweapons would make COVID look like a minor inconvenience.

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I heard about this and I had forgotten! You are right. I hear that in Australia they are training the police to go door to door to forcibly vaccinate. They are also trained to chase those who run away. I hope Jesus comes back before then.

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Sometimes Jesus gives you tools to save yourself.

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Sharp tools, like MINDS

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Nov 7, 2021
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Floridians should run her out on a rail.....don't let her get comfortable there and force her to LEAVE. She belongs in Commie Kalifornia!

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her old cankles stumbling, and tarred and feathered

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When is she going to retire, when she's 100?

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Only the good die young.

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Ditto here Brandon. We are living in SWF permanently since escaping from Maskachusetts three years ago. Recently, a couple of my Snow Bird golf buddies from Michiganistan and New York were appalled to find out that I was not vaxxed and never will. They would not shake hands after the round however. I told them that I was waaay more afraid of them since they both just had the booster shot before they left home.

Lets Go Brandon!!!

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😂🤣🤣 same thing happened to my husband with some of his family who came down from the DC area to see a concert. They insisted he get a test for them to all stay in an Airbnb since he isn’t vaccinated he said will you get a test so I know you aren’t spreading it to me and they were dumbfounded 🤡 this is America people let’s start acting like it 🇺🇸❤️

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Vaxxed thinking they don't need tests. It's like people stuck in a spring of 2021 time capsule. How has reality not pierced through to them yet?

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they are only watching msm

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I was just looking at some neighborhood comments here in LA. One lady can’t wait to get her booster and the others are talking about getting their kids vaxed. These people who only listen to MSM are completely ignorant and it’s scary. They really believe the propaganda that is being fed to them and have no clue about vaxed people spreading it and think it is completely safe for them and their children. I’m frightened by these ‘walking dead’ among us. They don’t even know about all the injuries and horrific side effects from the ‘clot shot’.

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It is a sadness Joe, truly is. But like anything, when you try to educate and inform, you can only hope the other side is willing to hear it. You can lead a horse to water......

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A booster a day keeps the commies away! Let's go Brandon...

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Let’s all just keep pretending that the test means anything

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The point is they still think they're immune, because that's what they were told when the shots came out. Biden repeated the big lie at his townhall a few weeks ago. If testing is done at all, there is no justification to treat anyone differently. Except the naturally immune, for which testing means something.

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It's a brilliant system. Convince vaxxed people they don't need tests, make testing mandatory for the unvaxxed. VE go brrrrr

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Nov 10, 2021
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It's the power of words and absolute coup for big pharma to market the clotshots as vaccines.

Meanwhile only the aware are watching Fauci and the institutions change definitions in real-time to try to fit actual reality. At least The Science still cares about trying to make it look semi-legit. Media does not care at all and has no shame in lying.

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I am going to request all vaxxed visitors who want to come see us over the holidays do the home test(most accurate)first, because all of our immediate family has already had C-19 and recovered, except us. That’ll separate the wheat from the chaff....😌

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Re: the home test. Saw my doc the other day and she told me the false positive rate with those home tests (sold in CVS, etc.) is nearly 30-40% and not to waste my money. Just passing info on....not "mandating" you :-)

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Reputed to be much more accurate than the PCR tests. Have been accurate for lots of people I know.

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More accurate than the PCR? That's a very low standard.

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All tests are essentially useless for determining if anyone is infected. Any of the tests are strictly a political tool to keep the fear going. None will show which corona strain is found. None show if they are active or inactive or just DNA remnants. None show whether they are hanging out or are actually due to an active infection. It is a yes or no there is or is not something there test. yes/positive means what is there may or may not be viable and may or may or may not be the covid sars-2 strain.

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I guess it would serve the purpose just to ask them to take it!

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Possibility that swabs in rapid tests contain ethylene oxide? I've been worried about possible graphene oxide in regular test swabs. Have never had a test. Would bring my own swab. Commented re this on twitter, one of very first tweets, and a md (OD) responded that he'd seen graphene oxide in swabs several times. caveat reader, no documentation.

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actually, not. There is NO testing that will confirm live virus or viral infection for specifically the current co-vid sars-2 virus....be it commercial PCR or home whatever testing. Anything positive doesn't verify infection, just remnants or DNA portions of virus are present and not specifically covid (novel/new sars-2), can be most any corona family of vireo...common cold to various flu strains of corona family.

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If they think they don't need to be tested to protect you, why in hell there are afraid of catching it from you???

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I'm 75 with autoimmune disorders. My vaxed family have all ceased not only socializing with me, they don't call/text to ask how I am doing, if I need anything, or to just say "hello". It's heartbreaking. I sent my son the recent BMJ paper on vaxed getting and spreading Delta as easily as unvaxed. He didn't bother to read it; just ran down the list of family members who are vaxed and how I should be, too.. I know I won't be spending the holidays with them. I won't be invited.....just wait.

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This is just ridiculous and outright unacceptable. Hang in there Alaine, you are not the only one with family strife over this. Remember the Civil War pit families against one another and this is another civil war in its own way. Perhaps go to a friends home for the holidays or make it nice just for yourself. Family does not always ensure happiness or fidelity.

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I so appreciate your kindness. A dear friend who is vaxed said that she and her husband would love to have me over. I'm going to accept today.

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Alaine ~ my son (not vaccinated) was just disinvited to Thanksgiving dinner from what I thought were dear friends. Infuriating.

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You are not alone. My partner has been disinvited from ANY family get together as he is unvaxxed. His sister in law alluded to his parents if they are not boostered they are also not welcome. Meanwhile my family is almost all fully vaxxed and they couldn’t care less if my partner and I are not.

My best friends husband was disinvited from a hunting trip since he is unvacxed. I was like they will be outside all day? Didn’t matter. His friends were scared even though they are flying commercially to the hunting place.

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This is so sad. But a shot for a dinner, I would rather stay home alone. My immediate family knows my status and it is not the business of anyone else. I know they do not agree with me. My daughter told me "we are not on the same page" so we do not discuss it. We still talk and I am allowed to see my 2 grandsons (from what I have read that is something that others are not allowed). I have not worn a mask in Western NY since May when the signs came down. I will never get a medical passport. I am old and don't have to decide whether to jab or be fired. I voted in person. I hate those Public Service Announcements playing on emotion, but that is what the mute button is for. The worst is pushing it on small children as in Sesame Street and with ads directed at the children. Pushing this on children is pure evil. I am tired of hearing the talk show people say "I got the shot, but I believe in the right to choose." That just sounds like virtue signaling and throwing the unvaxed under the bus. I saw Dr. Harvey Risch (of Yale) on Levin show 2 weeks ago. He made 2 points: first that medicine is top down and doctors get their information from the associations and pharma reps and don't read the studies. Second that if the school mandates these shot for children, he would take his own children out of the school and home school or look into pods. I barely listen to the television doctors because it is all the same propaganda. I went back to listen to this a second time. I asked my doctor's office about getting antibody testing and they refused saying they are not reliable. I was sick in early 2020 before Sars was a thing. My grandson was out of school for 2 weeks in early March 2020. They claimed it was influenza B, without testing. I have never gotten a flu shot.

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FYI, according to the CDC's own data (presented to Trump at a White House briefing in mid-April 2020), Influenza B peaked in the U.S. in the last week of December 2019, Influenza A peaked around February 1, 2020, and SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) peaked on March 22, 2020. (This data came from the CDC's own testing of samples submitted by medical facilities all around the U.S.) My daughter and I had COVID-19 with first symptoms about March 3, 2020 but we couldn't get diagnosed because the PCR tests available in our town were reserved for first responders and medical professionals. There were other viruses in early December 2019 and late January 2020, but I don't know their names.

Harvey Risch is one of the honest experts speaking out about COVID-19. There are many others, and I make a point of listening to them instead of mainstream media, Fauci, the CDC, the FDA, and all the doctors and scientists who spout the approved narrative. Listening to truthful, caring people is what keeps me sane in this crazy world full of propagandized people.

In case you're interested in listening to truthful, caring people in addition to Harvey Risch: I listen to Dr. Peter McCullough at every opportunity; several excellent interviews and lectures are readily available online (use a censorship-free browser like DuckDuckGo). Dr. Jessica Rose is excellent for her research on adverse effects of the vaccines (she has a website). Children's Health Defense has its own TV channel, and I especially recommend Dr. Brian Hooker's "Doctors and Scientists" program. The Covexit website and youtube channel have excellent interviews and webinars about successful prevention and treatment of COVID. On youtube, UnHerd's Lockdown TV channel has superb interviews by Freddie Sayers (some about COVID and some about other topics). For interviews of doctors who have developed effective prevention and treatment protocols, Dr. Mobeen Syed's youtube channel is excellent, but some of his videos have been censored, so you might want to look him up on Odysee instead. (He does a video daily, and many are quite technical -- to find his periodic interviews of doctors, look back as far as April or May, 2020.)

BTW, you may be able to get a T-cell memory test for past COVID-19 infection without your doctor prescribing it. I got one through t-detect.com. This test has an EUA through the FDA.

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Whoops -- Just saw a typo in my comment. My daughter and I had first symptoms about March 14, 2020, not March 3.

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Why won’t children listen to their parents? I’m sure we taught them better. I homeschooled. I taught them our faith, Bible study, and being on the watch for evil. We studied proverbs. We did Boy Scouts. I taught about how to think critically, question, about logical fallacies and how to spot them. They know how to research as they did speech and debate. They used to point these things out. And then along came social media. Now I have vaxxed 21 and 24 year olds and their wives. I’m shaking my head.

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If ppl are vaccinated what are they worried abt… deep down they know they’ve been fooled😅😅😅🤣😅😅😂

Plandemic sheep

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They're worried because of all the breakthrough cases; they're afraid of becoming a breakthrough case because of the high death rate in hospitals (which is caused by dangerous and frequently lethal treatment protocols).

And they're worried about "all those poor people who can't get vaccinated, like the babies and children younger than five, and the cancer patients taking immunosuppressant drugs, and the other immunocompromised people who can't get the vaccine or won't get the full benefits of it." They've been taught a litany of "legitimate" people to care about, while being taught to hate "stupid, ignorant, selfish, Republican, Trump-loving, science-denying anti-vaxxers." The truth is, people are being groomed to participate in, or at least tolerate, genocide.

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With true vaccines that create immune responses, there is no such thing as the made up term "breakthrough" cases.

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That’s the hypocrisy of what they have been led to think, and they are freaked out about being wrong and possibly on the wrong side of history about this whole Covid SCAM, (whether they are consciously aware of it or not)!

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The Branch Covidians

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My God, Alaine, that is awful. I am so sorry your family is treating you this way. It’s emotionally abusive and cruel. Wishing you to find like-minded friends with whom to spend the holidays. Hang in there. Your family will eventually have to wake up from their fauci-trance. Reality bites. Cheers to you.

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Thank you, Mel. Yes, the truth about these shots will come out; in fact, the paper I referenced makes that clear.

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So true....hang in there. We are many, more than we think! I know the truth is coming to light..it always does.

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Stand True & Strong! You have every right as a person of your age and auto immune disorder (I also have an AID) to not want to get an Experimental Biologic to insure your family’s health & welfare!! That they don’t understand you have a well founded reason for not getting the EB Jab, is a serious reflection of their lack in understanding of your medical condition & situation!

Just remember that The Jabbed’s brains have been seriously compromised after getting it! Brain fog, short term memory loss, irrational & agitated behavior and thinking are all side effects of the EB injection. Sadly we are in the days of finding a new Tribe to replace the friends & family that have fallen away. They are out there…I know I have found them over the past year…but thankfully I have a family (my inmediate family) that doesn’t believe any of the Covid Crap and over 10 of us did not get the Jab!

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You know, I thought it was just me but I have seen serious "interpersonal" changes (like my own son) in people I know well after they've gotten the jab. Thank you for your loving support.

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if they're all vaxed, what are they worried about?

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Sorry but if thats how stupid your family is then you arent missing anything. A lot of autoimmune patients cannot get the shot. No one should get this shots the side effects are building in them. They are going to learn what being sick is like. Does your church, synagogue, vfw etc have a Thanksgiving day meal join that. You dont have to be alone

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So agree as a person with an auto immune condition! Find Your Tribe is my new Motto! They are out there!

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Thanks for the chuckle! I used to volunteer at a neighboring town's large church who served the homeless and/or anyone in need of a dinner. They didn't have it last year, but thanks to you I will call and see what they are doing this year!

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Alaine, for what it’s worth, I believe you made the right choice. My60-year old sister has a serious autoimmune disorder. Last spring, her heart and lung tests were completely normal. She was jabbed in March or April. Tonight she is in the Cleveland clinic with a heart so weak, it can’t pump the water out of her body. They are arranging hospice. We are devastated

You made the right decision

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Jennifer, this has brought tears to my eyes. This is unmerciful. I cannot imagine what you all are going through. And they incur no liability and you are losing your sister. When you can breath again, please seek out a place to tell your family story. Yours will help and possibly save others. Sending you and your family thoughts of comfort and peace.

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Jennifer, I am so sorry for you and your Family.

Thank you so much for sharing.

I am 60 and also have autoimmune disease so shot is not an option for me. Had covid before Vax available.

Contacted America's Frontline Doctors, did a Teledoc, and had all meds sent right to my house. I was afraid to go to a hospital.

Again, deepest condolences.

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I'm sorry about what's happened to your sister. Last spring, I lost someone I love, so I know how hard it is. Praying for you and your sister to be wrapped in divine light and love!

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Jennifer, so sorry for your sister. That’s heartbreaking. Prayers for you and your family!

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That is so sad. Out of 20 people in our extended family, I am the only unvaccinated one. Of that group my brother and a cousin have refused to see me unless I get vaccinated. So I guess I won't be seeing them again. The rest of the family seem okay with my decision and have not shunned me.. My current biggest worry is they will eventually take the booster shots. I am 71 years old. So much for the "Golden Years".

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Isn't it fascinating the vax doesn't make them feel safe to be around you. The low IQ is fascinating.

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Well be prepared to be alone for your ‘Golden Years’ as it’s likely that your other family members won’t be here to keep ‘shunning’ you. Stand strong and Find Your New Tribe!

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That is what saddens me the most. My 85 yo dad is going to go get the booster and I am scared that it will kill him, when my vaxxed family members think my unvaxxed status will kill me.

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You, sadly, are very possibly right. It's a worry I live with every day.

Especially because all four of my grandchildren, aged 12 to 26, are vaccinated, as are my two daughters.

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That’s disgusting of your family. I have an adult child that only watches MSM. When I try to talk to her about facts she gets immediately angry and won’t let me finish a sentence. I’m vaxxed and welcome all family regardless of their vax status. I’m healthy and have zero fear. Sad what this has done to some people.

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Very sorry to hear Alaine. Sheeple are all around but its particularly sad when they are misinformed, fearful family. I hope you have friends to spend holidays with. Xo

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It’s very sad. We have a similar situation in our family. Hang in there. It won’t be long before all of the adverse events that will affect the kids being forced to vaxx will open the eyes of these sheep. Very sad that it has to affect them directly before they act and educate themselves.

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A family member straight out asked me if I was vaxed. I responded "how else would I comply with all the mandates?" That did the trick.

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Decades ago a friend advised me to answer to "What are you and your husband doing this Saturday night?" with ,"Why do you ask?" I have thought about in regard to the inoculation question. Maybe not.

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Oh I 🥰 that answer!

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Me too, but my husband is a lawyer, and well...

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For what it's worth, thinking our fully vaxxed Army son who was home on leave in September and having some brews with his hometown buds each evening, could have been the vector for my husband and me getting covid. He was asymptomatic so we'll never know I guess. But vaccination literally means less than nothing. Vaxxed end up in hospital and dying and spread this crud readily.

Hoping your kids are going to wake up!

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Hey Zade, thank your son for his service and his bravery. And thank you for being a parent (your hubby included) of an enlisted serviceman. Glad to hear you have natural immunity!

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Oh bless you, I will pass that on to our son! From the time he was a little boy he wanted to be a soldier. We did little but get out of his way! I hope God will protect you and all of us from this mess of human greed and stupidity.

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You too Zade, it is certainly a time of great gnashing of teeth and dismay to say the least. I never thought I would live to see such a time as this in history. I was just thinking about all these big pharma execs raking in the money and there are people who are suffering from this virus and from jab injuries. I hope someday there is true justice for all these heinous perpetrators.

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F em. Sound like spoiled brat libs anyway

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You are surly not alone, my son won’t let me see or hold my first and only grandchild born in June. I’m not allowed to visit and there’s no way he’ll come to my house. I cry all the time but will never allow the poison into my body. I’ve sent him articles but he refuses to consider anything beyond what the CDC headlines offer.

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IP, it won't always be this way. One day you will see and spend time with your grandchild. I know that does not soothe you or take away the pain, but it is hope, hope for a new day...some day. What happens if you were to take the jab and have an adverse reaction? Perhaps your demise. Then you will never get to see your grandchild. We know the truth and someday most will accept it too. Ask your son for pictures in the meantime or face time or zoom or skype. It is not perfect, but it is something. Wishing you the best and wishing you strength and comfort at this time.

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I'm sorry you're in this terribly sad situation!

If your son refuses to consider anything beyond what the CDC headlines offer, he may not open to any other possibilities for protecting the baby. But you can keep trying, and here are some ideas: You could get tested for antibodies to COVID-19, or for T-cell memory for COVID-19; if you have antibodies or T-cell memory, you've had the infection and have developed good immunity to it and so if exposed to the virus again, your immune system will quickly wipe it out and you won't transmit it. Or you could do one of the highly effective prevention protocols using Ivermectin, or zinc plus an ionophore. Or you could do a nebulizer treatment with highly diluted hydrogen peroxide daily. In fact, you could do all three of these things -- get tested, do a prevention protocol, and do the nebulizer treatments. The prevention protocols will reduce your chances of getting other viruses that are going around, BTW.

If you acknowledge your son's "fierce papa bear" desire to protect his baby, and if you do things to ensure you're not a "risk", maybe your son's attitude will soften...and sooner, rather than later?

In the meantime, vividly imagine holding your grandchild and expressing all the love you feel. Sometimes we can communicate "soul to soul"...

Here is a website where you can find links to a variety of prevention protocols developed and tested by doctors: c19protocols.com. And here's a website with a meta-analysis of 63 studies of Ivermectin, including studies of Ivermectin used for prevention of COVID-19: ivmmeta.com

Best wishes to you!

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I am so sorry! I cry a lot, too. It's their lack of knowledge which compromises them. I believe deep in my heart my son is afraid that he got double-jabbed after having a severe case last Nov-Dec.

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So truly sorry that your son feels the way he does about not allowing you to see your grand baby! 😔 I find it interesting that the generation of ‘kids’ who are now having kids themselves were so easily persuaded to believe such a false narrative, and never question it! And to also be so shut down and not even want to consider another side of the issue, is mind boggling to me!

I wonder what they would do, if the shoe was on the other foot so to speak, and their side was really in the wrong all along?

I also have e a friend who has three grandchildren and though her daughters (who did get The Jab) allow she and Grandpa (who did not get The Jab), to visit, one of the daughters with two kids aged 4 & 6 is likely, if her ‘pediatrician’ recommends it’ to give Experimental injection to her kids…and that really distresses my friend.

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I'm a former teacher, and I made a fuss when I left, revealing to parents the anti-family, anti-parent curricula that was coming into the schools in Virginia from the federal Department of Education. For half a century, children have been seduced by Sesame Street-type curricula into socialism, which requires bonding with the community instead of parents.

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Liberals suffer from incurable fear, and it was smart on your part to stay away from them. One thing I've seen in my life, is that if you surround yourself with liberals, or live amongst them long enough, unless you're a stout conservative, you eventually become like them. I am more than ready for a National divorce.

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I live in N Cal. And I'm a stonch conservative. I don't and never will cave to the liberals! Not vaxxed and never will! " LETS GO BRANDON"

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I live in Sonoma county, about 45 minutes north of San Francisco in the liberal Bay area. I grew up a liberal but have been politically independent the past 10 years. All my friends and spiritual community are liberal, and all have gotten the vaccine except for me. These are not stupid people, and yet they rolled up their sleeves without question. I was stunned. I think the msm vaccine and pandemic propaganda is quite sophisticated.

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perhaps what they are lacking is common sense, judgement, discretion and healthy hesitation.

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I have a couple who are my friends, that live in Sonoma County…they are Liberal, New Agey spiritual types (sent all 3 kids to the Waldorf Schools in Sebastopol) who are against getting The Jab but that’s about where their ‘conservative values’ end. The man of the couple works in Real Estate down in Marin, selling & leasing high end residential properties. All his clients are high maintenance, wealthy, Liberal/Woke people escaping SF to a more free Marin County! (What a joke that is!) Anyway he has to play his cards very close to the vest about how he feels about the Jab, whether or not he got it and always wears a mask! He is totally living a ‘double life” and in denial about this whole Covid picture and the future we all may be facing!

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"These are not stupid people, and yet they rolled up their sleeves without question". While I am glad you finally came to your senses, I think this part of your comment just confirmed my argument. While they suffer from incurable fear, they also suffer from incurable stupidity. You can still associate with them, but ideally from a distance, and not on a regular basis.

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I've been surprised to see so many conservatives, well-informed people I know, willfully getting the shots.

Feels like an episode of the Twilight Zone.

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Feels more like Invasion of the Body Snatchers to me…

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The difference seems to be that the conservatives that got the shot still don’t believe it should be mandated for all.

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Yes, that's what I've seen. All have been respectful.

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That's another thing.....I have lib friends who WON'T get vaxed and conservative friends who did!

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me too, time for the divorce court. they go their way, we go ours.

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It surely beats having to go thru the bloodshed we as a nation suffered with from the 1st Civil War.

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how do you know this will not lead there?

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Well that remains to be seen…we may not have ‘bloodshed’ quite yet, but people are starting to ‘wake up’ in America to the tyranny that has been forced upon us for 20 months…and thank goodness unlike Australia & NZ we have the 2nd Amendment!

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You should have bought them a one way non stop ticket out of rsw to Dtw and jfk!

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God help us all! that is insane.! When did people decide to bend the knee to Big Pharma? thinking Pfizer is the answer to all medical problems.. give me a break people! Enjoy those clot shots is all I have to say to folks.

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Having the same argument with my 29 year old son. I'm sixty-one and he thinks I should be jabbed pronto. I told him I'm not anxious to risk clotting, stroke, heart issues and he honestly believes that is all "curing cancer with essential oils" conspiracy-theory nonsense. I send him the studies, and the recent Harvard/Stanford expert remonstrance against Fauci published in that right-wing rag, Newsweek, but it's all just "misinformation."

What frustrates me most about all these conversations is that I _try_ to get people to at least admit this basic truth: "some very smart, very credentialed people disagree on the vaccine and the public policy." We've descended into a mad house where "if you don't agree with me, you don't agree with science."

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so many folks just will never see it the way you do until something happens that they can no longer ignore it. Unfortunately no amount of news stories, data backed info, nothing, you provide will change that. Once I realized I simply cannot change some peoples minds, NO MATTER WHAT, my life became easier.. now I just do my thing, everyone else can do theirs.. See ya at the finish line!

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A friend sent me a copy of his SCIENCE NEWS magazine (May 22) cover emblazoned with AWASH IN DECEPTION. (How Science can help us avoid being duped by misinformation.) It details how we intelligent people can begin to "pre-but" and not "re-but" "misinformation." We should read only their politically correct publications such as NYTimes, Wall Street Journal and Washington Post. The rest are misinformation.

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Way to go GJHF! Way to go!

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DeSanti Announced yesterday that Registered Republicans now out number Registered Democrats in Florida! Definitely the right direction, but a whole lot more is needed to counter the democrats that show up after midnight when polls are closed!

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I’m registered in Chicago and getting the hell out of here as soon as my construction project is complete. I am a highly experienced, educated and skilled person. I wish there was a way for people like me to find like minded employers in red states. For now I will be working remotely for my blue stars employer but it kills me to have any ties to the sewer of Chicago. Once I finally leave I plan to get involved in politics to shore up my red state. If there were a mechanism to help others like me find jobs in red states it would help this country.

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Try Redballoon.work It's a network of employers/job postings for people who want to work without all of the mandates hassles. All the best in your search. #p2tp

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Thank you for sharing! So awesome to see this!

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Share it with all your friends and whomever needs it! You are welcome!

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Just sent to many , including two of my kids who are facing jab or job...daughter getting her MBA in Dec and son is LEO....Thank you!

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Knox County Tennessee sheriff will not be vax police. https://tennesseeconservativenews.com/knox-county-sheriff-will-not-enforce-bidens-unconstitutional-mandate/

Knox City and county could use more red leaning folks.

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All the best to your kiddos and friends! You are welcome! It’s up to us to hold the line and stick together in all this so that we can see some *light at the end of the tunnel. 🙏🏽😊

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Thank you!

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You are welcome, Rose!

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Fabulous, just bookmarked them!

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Go to this new site to look for work: https://www.redballoon.work/

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Thank you

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Come over the border to NWI. The industrial north of Lake County is Democrat but not crazy liberal. Communities to the south like Schererville, St. John, Cedar Lake are mostly conservative.

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We just sold our house in Muster. Taxes too high. And just too close to chicago for my comfort. But I love Indians, don’t get me wrong!

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Florida needs contractors I’m sure you’ll be welcome but make sure you have great or contracts:)))

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Thank you- any suggestions for job sites? I work in the nonprofit sector. Probably the only conservative person working in nonprofits these days.

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Nov 6, 2021
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Please consider purple states too to ensure they never go blue again. Like Iowa, the cities like Des Moines tend to be blue whilst the rural areas are red. We could definitely do with more red in the cities.

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Finally! Virginia went RED. We in the rural areas have never had a voice before!

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Well you do now RW!!!!

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Iowa is an amazing and under-rated state!! God’s Country!

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And I love the seasons. I would miss them so much if I moved somewhere like Florida. Its absolutely gorgeous here today, blue skies, the trees a riot of colour; off for a walk in the woods with my dogs.

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Desantis cleaned that up too. Last election the usual suspects in my home county of broward were suddenly able to pull off the election with no issues. No mysterious boxes of ballots in trunks. No mysterious malfunction of voting machines delaying vote tallies. No hanging chads. With the bulldog Desantis breathing over there shoulder suddenly the election went off without a hitch.

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DeSantis is the man!!!

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IKR? Weird.

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That’s why we need more registered makes it harder to cheat as we all saw in VA with the day of turnout! Also said they won’t waste the money challenging him and will use it in another state where they need it they have given up on trying to oust the greatest governor in the USA

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In 2020 only 20% of poll watcher positions were filled in VA. This time, 80% of positions were filled. I think that had a lot to do with the result this time, especially in Richmond, Petersburg and the other cities in South and Central VA..

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Cheat back better campaign slogan fir Dems 2024

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Florida held that down last time around, thankfully. But it was all for naught, because The Most Popular President in American History won the country without carrying bellwethers Florida or Ohio for the first time ever. But it is true that the Dems mostly come out at night. Mostly.

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Great reference :-)

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Just made my day! Best news in awhile! I am an independent but lean conservative so add me in!

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Don’t “NY” or “California” our Texas either! All others are welcome.

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Don't "Brandon" my State !

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Don’t Illinois my Alabama either!

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I hear you…. Praying for Florida and their best governor… the coolest and the smartest in the US today… maybe EVER! I’m in Texas… and I feel your concern. God help both our states…. Protect us from the blue!!

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You’ve got Paxton and Abbot they at least stand up for Texas! Lets not get started on your border fiasco 🤦🏽‍♀️ Has Kamala found the border yet or is she planning a trip to Europe first 🤡

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Paxton yes, Abbott not so much

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Ha Ha! Kamala: "I haven't been to Europe either." I wish the reporter had asked, "Did Biden appoint you the Europe czar?"

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In Texas too Californicators everywhere and NY plates

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same here in florida

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We live in Florida, but only full time now for two years. We were in Colorado for 30 years. Colorado turned from a state of miners, ranchers, and independent oilmen to a San Francisco nightmare quite quickly. Hip yuppies and filthy vagrants. The Californians can do it. I exempt the northern CA people because they love the independence and beauty of that area.

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My sister & bro-in-law live in CO, old hippies & lefties. We used to visit them each year, but not welcome now since I’m unvaccinated.

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People are not moving to FL to make it NY or CA, but rather to JOIN you in your resistance against the madness.

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Exactly! We love DeSantis 💖 if I could jump on a plane to FL and never look back I would!

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Sadly, a poster on a relocation forum for my area in FL recently stated he/she intended to move here to make it more blue.

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Texas has been a “make BLUE” target as well, and our flood of undocumented people flowing in is part of that “plan.” We Texans, old and new, need to stand up, get ACTIVE in local precincts (election board/ precinct chairs, voting observers, etc.) to offset this planned flood of blue into the state. The big cities (where undocumented people can more easily hide) are the “blue centers” in Texas. This needs to change.

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we need a president that will deport them. I will personally fill up my suv and haul them back over the border for free. you are not welcome bc you came here illegally, you gave the finger to our rules and sovereign borders, you are making a laughing stock of those who have come and are trying to enter legally. Keep Strong Texas.

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I am involved in quite a few FB groups and there are lots of people (usually white single professional women) who boast about moving to cheaper red states (since they are out priced in the larger blue cities or can’t find relationships there) and focusing on states where they can help change it to blue. It’s a thing sadly.

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That sucks. A pox on those women!

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It’s happening in Texas. We used to be solid Red and now there is a real concern we’ll go Blue in 2024. The number one city people are moving from is LA (to Houston).

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Austin is blue too.

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And San Antonio — our biggest cities are trying to be turned blue …

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Austin is so blue it rejected a 'Refund the Blue' proposition on Tuesday. Crime is growing and the Left is glowing.

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It amazes me how people will vote against keeping themselves safe.

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They believe they will be safe, that the crime will be against someone else--not very educated, not very powerful. It's a liberal belief. An old Nast political cartoon ridiculing liberals showed a liberal pointing a finger and saying, "Don't tax you. Don't tax me. Tax that feller behind the tree." Beverly hillbilly type hiding behind the tree who can't afford more taxes.

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let survival of the fittest take place and thin that herd. hurts to say that about fellow citizens but they are a real threat to the republic and traitors as i see it and we all know what needs to happen to traitors....

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then let those citizens be victims of violent crimes and mayhem, their choice. bring the first responders to states that will welcome them.

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Old joke: "A conservative is a liberal who's been mugged."

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we need border patrols in the red states to check voter registrations cards, not jab cards, LOL. if you are a lib, turn them right back around to the crap hole they came from.

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Hopefully, they’ll realize WHY they’re leaving beautiful California and WHY they’re coming to Texas — and LEAVE THE BLUE BEHIND.

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Exactly! Why else would they move.

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sadly, probably not.

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In Florida, many new residents said they came here for the WEATHER. Period. That's ominous.

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oh boy,,,, that does not bode well for Floridians of the conservative side if these yahoos end of being crazy libs.

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From California? Think again!

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You'd be surprised. My neighbor came here from NY. He voted for Biden. Another acquaintance moved from MD and voted for Biden. Before the election, a woman from MA described Biden* as a lovely man.

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F**K Joe Biden

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Let's go Brandon

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In my FL area, there were Trump/Biden sign wars. Biden people kept putting their signs illegally in the right-of-way. They were taken down and they put more up, taken down again. So they defaced the legally placed Trump signs.

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My brother and his neighbor both had their Trump signs stolen twice. They live near Quinnipiac Univ., which has many students from NY and NJ enrolled.

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I am not surprised. There were videos of people who had enough and boobytrapped their signs and the perpetrators were caught on camera. It was a joy to watch.

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His neighbor finally put a very large Trump sign on his roof.

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I liked the booby trap to awaken the property owner up in the tree with the shotgun. Jeb Clampett in Gross Pt. Michigan. LOL

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I had a trump sign and neighbor wrote a lengthy letter about BLM and I was racist

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Place the letter in my mailbox too

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Wow! I guess she doesn't know that BLM wants to destroy the nuclear family.

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My oldest brother voted for biden. I wonder why. Ex marine

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Dems have no respect for the military. I don't understand why former military would support them.

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Probably listening to my damn sister in law

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Remember Dr. Laura (Schlessinger)? She said there's not use trying to persuade your father or brother or family member. They will always go with the one they're sleeping with.

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No cure for that.

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That’s what we are hoping for but sometimes you can’t reach an old dog new tricks 🙃😬

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We in Florida hope you’re right, the more the merrier! We take our freedom very seriously here!

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I hope so, mad libs need not apply...

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And they will be WELCOMED!

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Thank you for expressing this important sentiment. Liberals ruined California and New York and are moving to better places, which they will ruin again.

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I disagree. The people fleeing are against the policies of these governments and not trying to bring those ideas to the rest of the country. They are seeking a better life with less governmental interference. I moved from NY to a more southern state not to bring progressive liberalism to my area but to embrace the freedom that is present here. I do agree that liberals have ruined CA and NY and cleaned out my wallet in the process.

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I completely agree and would leave if I were you!! Sounds like you won’t be new yorking our Florida!!

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I did the same thing. Lived all over from California, South Carolina and new jersey

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That's all part of the plan to destroy America.

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They sure did and we will not allow that here! Just the other day the republicans now have more registered voters than the dems! Seems as though all the illegals they are flying all over the country to help their voting numbers is backfiring on them as most are leaving because they don’t want socialism and decided eating out of trash cans and garbage trucks just wasn’t for them anymore 🤦🏽‍♀️ Hopefully those dem 🤡 won’t wake up to the fact that the parents are waking up and saying no not quite fast enough but they are trying!

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Moving to Bradenton from Los Angeles in May and registering Republican in FL. Can’t wait to get new license plates!

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So glad to hear that. You will be a great asset to this fast-growing CONSERVATIVE state.

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Historically Hatiens are republican. They are really lovely educate and sound thinkers. Their own fight for. Independence rivals our own!!

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The policies of New York killed the state

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New York State in a whole voted republican. Downstate population obviously doesn’t

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Yes I agree NYC controls all of NY sad how that happens

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I'm from western NY State, summer resort not far from Lake Erie. NYC has its urban politics which outweigh the rural areas in statewide elections. We once had Republican Governors, (liberal, but not socialists) but with the importation of so many non-English speaking immigrants into the state, even into the old Rip Van Winkle Dutch country cities such as Amsterdam, (Tacos here. Habla Espanol?) on the Hudson, the entire state is changing.

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And I again will be leaving for the fourth time

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Not sure the people fleeing are hard liberals. Seems most states, by area are red. It’s all the urban centers that are hard blue, and they hijack everything. All the normal people get stuck with these dumb liberal policies and have no say. I think the scamdemic really opened there eyes and they finally couldn’t take it anymore and are fleeing for greener pastures..at least that’s what I hope since I live in Florida, and a lot are invading my turf.

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So is Charlotte ruined by New Yorkers moving there?

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Only the liberal ones.

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Folks from Ohio, PA , Long Island moved there

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I grew up in Palm Beach it was ShangriLa in the 70’s and 80’s slowly it has become the NY RIVIERA and now …BOOM full force honking, aggressive driving, rudeness and utter chaos. These people have no respect. It’s all about them! They did it to the hamptons and now sleepy Palm Beach! Sad.

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Season seems to be starting early, the had noticeable NY accents (and attitudes) have already started appearing.

Two weeks ago, I was at Cucina for an early Saturday dinner. I had my shirt on the says : I will not be masked, distanced, locked down of masked. My life is my own, I am a free man"

I was sitting outside. As I sat down, a table of 2 couples said : "Keep your distance, he's not masked" ...... I just laughed UNTIL they continued.

They said : "You are not vaxxed, you need to be wearing a mask"

I turned around and explained I am in Florida, it is none of their business if I am vaxxed and, I do not have to wear a mask in this state. I asked if they would like to discuss facts, data etc. I had plenty of time and would love their input since I provide advice on SC-2. I mentioned specifically masks and the response was : " Her son is a Doctor, she knows masks work."

I laughed and said : "My uncle's brother in laws, aunt is a doctor too, and she refutes your opinion."

I then asked : "I'd love to know where you get your data, research and facts from to support your opinions. I am always open to new and more information to modify my stance if need be."

The response was: " The news media"

I responded : "So you are just fuc#ing morons then"

I turned around and continued my dinner.

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I was speaking with a NYer the other day, told her I was not jabbed and see got all flushed and turned around and walked away. being a naughty person, i followed behind her closely to see what she would do and she actually started to run away and tell me to stay away. I laughed so hard I nearly peed my pants.

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That is hysterical. I am unvaxxed on the UWS. May be only one. Chassidic Rabbi in Brooklyn, CH, unvaxxed entire family, but not all of his many many siblings and other relatives.

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Glad you are enlightened. Hoping that slowly but surely, you can awake your brethren in NYC.

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Not everyone here acts like NYC in NYS

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upstaters tend to be more normal, at least based on my experience.

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We are

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Yes, we are. When you tell people you’re from NY they automatically assume you’re from the city and think the worst.

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Two different mind sets too

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Yes!! That’s been happening to me since I was a kid….if you say you’re from NY it’s assumed you’re from NYC. It’s like no one knows how big our state is, or that towns exist outside the city. Just watched a video last night of my community members givin it to the school board! We do exist!!

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damn glad to hear it brian!

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these lib ny's suck, they have turned boca raton into little ny and it is the worst now.

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Not from working class WNY I bet

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Former Buffalonian here.

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I am too

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Small world, we still have a house in Clarence, it’s beautiful, I haven’t been back for 2 summers because of this craziness. We’re in Lakewood Ranch. Florida voters. Red🇺🇸

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I came back six years ago and plan on leaving again.

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I despise boca raton, it is literally the 6th Burrough of NY..you’re not lying. I live 20 mins south in n. Broward and simply avoid that city like the plague.

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I hear you on that Jim. I think it was in 2013, it was voted the rudest city in the US.

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I have been to Florida perhaps 6 times in my senior lifetime (Delray, Boca, North Hollywood, Miami etc) and dislike that part of Florida aesthetically. Ugly. However, I have been told by someone with similar aesthetics, that I would like "the other side"-- -the Sarasota area. Another suggested by email that I might like Winter Park, but I have never been to either area.

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I was reared in western rural NY State, Lake Chautauqua. It's way different from THE CITY, which is the Be All and End All for urbanites. Oh my Gawd!

Where is there a decent deli? Now I'm in a quiet area of Florida outside Sarasota, and the new NY residents are honking horns and clamoring for speed bumps and traffic signals everywhere as the cattle watch in dismay. (okay, well )

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ugh, some nyers are so disruptive, they need to go back to where they came from. so obnoxious.

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Sarasota was once voted the meanest city for homeless. Yea! Don't think for a minute that our churches and non-profits aren't involved in compassionate outreach, but it's not likely to look like San Francisco anytime soon. But, well, lots of New Yorkers and NJ residents coming. I hope for the good reasons.

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The west coast and northern FL are lovely. Naples and Sanibel are beautiful.

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Our little town in Georgia did not oblige masks either. The school here was closed maybe 2 weeks at the first lockdown, last year in May or so and then just reopened and went on as usual. Only one store had a mask rule and I just went to another one. The town where I usually shopped had a full blast close down, a continuous mask obligation, and has not seen me since last year, but for a monthly visit to the chain store, because it carries stuff nowhere else available. They handed out masks at the entrance and I wore it so I would not stand out like a sore finger but noticed lots slid down the mask in order to breathe. Several people died in the local hospital, but it is risky to go there anyway. Most hospitals have resistant bacteria and funghi.

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I live in NY and am planning to move to Fla. I live in Nassau county where we, Republicans, just swept the elections. If they mandate the jab for kids, we are out and we will only make Florida stronger.

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Same thing is happening in SC where I live. People from the northeast move here and then try to change the state into the hell hole they just left. I'm on the local Nextdoor site and was shocked to see so many comments that are blatantly liberal. Our Governor, McMaster, still believes in freedom. I have seen comments calling him ignorant and last week someone called him "Fog Horn Leghorn" because he won't let schools mandate masks. We have not worn masks in over a year. Last summer when I went to our community pool and to the beach, idiots told me that I was going to get covid from the air at the beach and sharing tables at the pool with neighbors. I went to an outlet mall yesterday and only one store required masks, the Communist China owned Disney store.

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That NextDoor site is a liberal cesspool. It's owned by Facebook so no wonder!

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Its because the liberals are so full of themselves and they love to post about how righteous they are and other liberals glom on and agree in support. Occasionally a lone conservative posts and when they do they are completely demoralized and demonized. Most conservatives just just lurk and watch from a distance.

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It’s because there political identity has become a religion. They abandoned traditional religious teaching and created there own pseudo religion based on identity politics, and environmental extremism. They now bow to the party above all. Funny thing is they call us freedom lovers nazi’s. Meanwhile they worship tyranny.

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I have a brother like that. (a New Yorker) He thinks I have joined in with a group of drooling inbreds. He sends me articles from Salon and the Atlantic. Of course. So did my classmates from high school, which is why I am not on the new iteration of the old Two-Faced book. When I was young liberal in NY State, I subscribed to the sophisticated publications of the Northeast. I learned to appreciate them in college. (NYC is the only areas that produces anything brilliant, right?)

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I dropped out of Next Door last year because the liberal BS made me want to vomit. The mask mandators couldn't shut up, and it was no use trying to present facts.

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So true. But there were always a few people (other than the rainbows and unicorns and well-meaning homily reciters) -people who who posted sites to read for those who wanted to learn the most recent science and investigate for ourselves. So these neighbors have kept me coming back. I'm grateful they're out there to counter the Lord Fauci devotees.

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Yep! I was actually kicked off Next Door too… who knew.

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I wrote something quite reasonable and was given a time out like a pre-schooler to consider how I wish to further good community relations. LOL I don't accept those censures without a reason, so when I asked about it, they just gave up immediately and put me back on. But those I know wonder why we conservatives would ever be on those sites, because all over the U.S. they are dominated by liberals and ridiculed by conservatives. I didn't know that. I needed a recommendation for a pool screen repairman.

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I lived there Rock Hill,SC all my neighbors were natives. They hated us Yankees

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Same was true when I lived outside of Charlotte, until they got to know you and learned you weren't there to change it.

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Change it to what. Smoking in restaurants

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I live north of Myrtle Beach. My neighbors are native South Carolinians and couldn't be nicer. When I go shopping there are many natives working. They are very pleasant and helpful, something that I didn't see in my native state of CT.

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Change how? I lived there for 6 years outside of Charlotte

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I am a NYer. I love my beautiful state, but not it’s blue nature. Sadly we are outvoted by NYC almost all of the time. I, like many of my fellow NYers will be leaving for freedom! And when we come and NY your Florida we will bring those same values you hold dear…and the ability to make a great bacon egg and cheese on a roll breakfast sandwich!

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Awesome, go to Fl..If you're from NJ especially go to Florida as well. Stay out of Eastern NC pls. If you happen to come here you dont need to tell us you're from NJ, we know.

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You can always tell if someone is from NJ because they don't know how to work a pump at a gas station. "Help me over here. I'm from Jersey".

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thanks alot DD, we are getting our fill of NY and NJ and Cali people. They are only welcome if they are not woke.

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If their woke they will stay in those states why leave . They like high taxes

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I'm originally from NJ. I make my breakfast sandwich with pork roll. :)

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What I liked in Jersey was the pork stores. There was a great one at a farm near Salem that was worth the drive from Wilmington. Fresh uncured bacon, fresh rendered lard, and shoulder steaks was what I usually bought.

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I am also NJ born, (until 16 and left for college). However, from Newark, the Weequahic section, home of Phillip Roth and Bernie Marcus). No pork rolls there, lol.

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Sounds delicious!

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Besides the cost of living here and the crappy weather. Lol

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Nov 6, 2021
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My local representatives are all republican, as are many districts in NY! But anything on the federal level makes it difficult when we are literally outnumbered. I’ve been fired for my beliefs, but I’m born and raised here, have my family here, am raising a family here, it’s not easy to just pick up and leave over politics. I will however pick up and leave to protect my children. I admire Ron DeSantis greatly and see great presidential hope there. And let’s not forget our upstate counties have similar issues as those southern states when those people fleeing the failing 5 boroughs of NYC come to our neck of the woods and vote blue…they are NYCing our suburbia!

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Whatever happened to citizens acting to keep their government within its constitutional limits? THEY only exist to serve US, the States are supreme in the constitution, the supremacy clause only applies to powers granted the Feds under the enumerated powers, and the Feds have zero authority to mandate a vax.

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Guessing that’s why the beagle killer and the ginger said the government didn’t have the authority to pass a vax mandate. Now OSHA is going to do it under an “emergency” like 3 months later and won’t make it effective till after the holiday season. Where is the emergency OSHA. I assume the emergency is because the mayor from small town south bend Indiana can’t seem to find Washington DC so he can try and fix the backlog. Crazy that his previous job didn’t prepare him for being a CEO who can’t take 4 months off to start a family. Should also feel pretty silly since nobody noticed he was gone must be a very important person 🤡

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Politician like most. Take what they deprive their voters from

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OSHA regs (and all other federal regulations) aren't laws. That has been ignored by the courts for too long, and is now about to be subject to more legal challenges than ever before. The same is true of executive orders. They aren't laws and are only binding upon employees of Executive Branch departments and agencies. EOs can only legally be used to issue directives to Executive Branch entities.

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And these are not even vaccines. They are experimental. Mandating them is against all laws, especially the Nurnberg protocols, agreed after WW2 to avoid thing like the Nazis did. And that is exactly what is happening now. Where are the judges to forbid this illegal use of power?

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The vaccine inserts do not contain the ingredients, so no informed consent possible. Also, just read within last 2-3 days, that just prior to their "debut" the govt changed the definition of "vaccine" to include these biological agents, aka "death shots".

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Why rely on federal courts to define federal authority? They’re part of the same federal gov limited by the Constitution. Some of the vax have been approved - so what? Feds STILL lack the authority. Hanging our hat on tangential stuff will never work.

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The only officially FDA approved vaccine is Comirnaty (may not be spelled right) made by Pfizer’s development partner Biontech - and as yet not available in the United States.

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I’m moving my family to Florida from Canada. We can’t vote but we’ll do our best to support conservatism.

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What do you mean you can’t vote ?Technically as an illegal alien or even a legal alien, I’m sure you’ll have no problems , just stride rite in there and tell them you want to exercise your right as a citizen of the world to vote in whatever election you feel you entitled to .

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Lol. I suppose I could say I identify as a Haitian refugee.

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Well if you’re going to take that route, make sure you’re separated at the border, so you can cash in on that 450 K ( US !!) lol fellow Canuck EH !

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Why I vote republican

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We have the same problem in Arizona, except from California.....idiots want the cheaper taxes, lower home prices and nice big wide open spaces, then they try to elect the same bullshit politicians that got them to flee to start with. We have the came saying....don't California my Arizona! By the way we ARE a red state.....Biden stole the state and the Maricopa Board of Supervisors along with Doug Ducey covered it up! Are forensic audit PROVED it!

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I think we are still teetering here in AZ despite election results but I think people are waking up. My concern now is all the illegals and what will happen. I’m already seeing lots of people here from South America and Haiti especially this past week. I know they are being brought here to a facility near my house. No one’s covering it. It was mentioned once in the news and nothing since. I’m in the East Valley. Go up north and you don’t see any signs of much change.

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People vote for letters, not candidates.

Remember, THIRTEEN dumb F Repugnocants got the Demoncrap bill passed Friday.

The public sucks , Fuck hope.

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One of those scumbag RINOs is not my congressman, but close to me. I have been writing him emails, using a phony address, since he was elected. We all need to make sure that we stop voting for people just because they say they are republican.

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Go one further, don’t vote for them if they claim to be human…

NO ONE running for office these days is a true human being…

Think Invasion of the Body Snatchers…

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SF now will be checking vax cards for 5 year olds. I suspect that is Newsom's doing.

I live in SF. I f***ing hate it here.

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SF resident also. I haven't been asked for vax card. But then I don't frequent restaurants (except for takeout occasionally), entertainment venues or sporting events. I don't hate SF but those restrictions are absurd, and don't get me started on vaxing children!

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You too can move. You would be shocked at the freedom that still exists in most of this country.

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I'm in NYC. freedom? But worse, have daughter married 4 years living in Berkeley and loves it, mRNA vaxxed. Millennial. Eat my heart out. She wants (wanted?) a family. Try talking to a lib about logic. Save family peace, or as some of us would say, Shlom bayit. no sarcasm, it is killing me. slowly.

Re NYC, no more classical music concerts. But, I, sheerly by coincidence, found a restaurant where I won't be carded. no. never would divulge. But, no friends no family. All vaxxed. Lonely here in the Big Apple.

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I was ditched by a 'classmate' (graduated 1969) 50 yrs close friends bcuz I wouldn't show a pcr test for his 'finally beat cancer' party even tho I was with him/them thru all of that , talked to him at least once a wk about his cancer issues, he lives in PA, me in OH but I went there several times, sat in the hospital, sat in the ICU but none of that matters anymore, it's all about the test...I've decided that the jab does affect their thought processes

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Mass psychosis

They can’t get why you won’t buy in

Yes - affects the brain

Two dear ones on the way out post jab: rapid cognitive decline

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Seems like Brandon has gotten worse since his jabs, though with him it’s hard to tell.

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I hear you! That you were there for this person all these years, stood by them through a serious health event, and now this. If your friend got The Jab you need to understand that their brain got seriously messed with. All capacity for rational reasonable thought, with brain fog & their short term memory capacity is gone. I have observed this in family members and people my age (older) who got The Jab…they are out of it! I had a fall out last August with a friend of 25 years over politics and Covid-19. She was so lame. Upon review of this long standing ‘friendship’ I realized that it was always about her (she also has some serious health issues) and it was rarely a ‘reciprocal’ relationship. So what was I losing NADA. Sorry to hear about your ‘cancelled’ friendship, but in the big picture why be around someone who requires a medical intervention (Like a PCR test) to remain friends! Just sayin’.

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That is very sad and I know how hurt I would be. Is it possible that your friend wanted this test to give comfort to those in attendance who might be at a high risk? Many who have these beat cancer parties invite other cancer patients. At the very least, I hope you can have an honest discussion so you’ll get some closure - that’s a lot of years of friendship. I have a couple friendships that are 40+ years and I’d be just devastated, so I can empathize on how you must be feeling. :-(

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thanks but the party was to THANK ALL THOSE WHO STUCK BY HIM over the yrs. He was a kidney transplant patient 25 yrs ago, (polycystic kidney disease) that started this 'adventure in medicine'. from there is was devastating arthritis, smoldering myeloma, many skin cancers, 10 days Icu due to streph, and finally last yr, had his left eye removed due to a tumor, stayed at their home for 10 days changing dressings, cooking etc. I was supposed to get 'an award' for at this party for my efforts....!! the really sad part of all this is covid will be gone some day and all we will have to show for it is how we handled it

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I feel your pain, 3 of my 3 children drank the cool-aid, 2 in Idaho (weird since it’s a red state) and 1 in Portland ( no surprise there). 🤦‍♀️They are all vaxed, not me (in Arizona)have Antibodies. Lonely here also.

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It’s not necessarily political. I’m in CT, blue as can be, a lifelong Democrat, and never getting vaxxed.

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Maybe you’re a classical D

The spectrum has shifted from near center to radical marxism

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…and is it the nature of lifelong Democrats not to see the cognitive dissonance of your proud declaration??

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Though you feel alone, I guarantee you I found a new tribe of people that think like me this past year. I’m in San Diego, and the we have a very active community of people here in San Diego County that are standing up to local government tyranny, mask free schools, no Jabs as a term of employment or to attend school. For firefighters, health care workers, & police who refuse to get the Jab and have been fired or about to be fired. There’s people like you in AZ I guarantee it! You just have to attract them to you!!! I will be having a Friends Thanksgiving with 20 people this year that I didn’t know a year ago! People that I love their energy, their thinking and enjoy spending time with with!

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Beautiful and inspirational🥰 thank you

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I’d cut them out of my will! Disinherit the little brats. Grateful my young attorney/ CPA son gets all of this nonsense.

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Agreed done that with my over privileged nieces one who feels that the unvaccinated are selfish🙄 guess what she is training for- a lawyer 🤣 good luck to the next generations

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I have no antibodies AFAIK. But I do have enough IVM for 600 days, unless I gain even more covid weight, or the FLCCC changes the dose for I-Mask. . However, outings in NYC are few, so I am only taking the rest of the I-MASK protocol for prophylaxis now. (due to high risk age, no co-morbidities).

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Its not about politics its about generations and how propagandized they have been through the educational system. Millennials and below in particular-- the ' woke" generation

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A Christian friend , head of an evangelical zionist org, has 4 out of 5 kids vaxxed. All homeschooled FWIW.

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Sorry about your daughter. My son and his fiance are the same and eager for the boosters, says it's so they can go to movies and concerts. Fingers crossed future grandkids will be ok.

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Don't they remember 'they' said the same thing about the first two jabs? When will be blind trust stop! It sure has for me.

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“The ends justify the means.” Small comfort in knowing you raised a good, compliant Marxist.

I have the same small comfort.

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Death Vaxxines cause infertility....the more Death Vaxs for COVID you take the more you increase risk.of infertility....ask them to look it up.


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I shall email this to the younger millennial. I have begged them not to get the boosters. Have actively begged older one, but she does not desire children. Afraid to pursue more than once with younger one, who took mRNA as did husband of 4 years. She will not read anything, and will become antagonistic, as she is an adult. (31). I used to pray for grandkids, but now I pray that my 2 D's do not die. Younger one tells me that they wish that I was vaxxed.!!

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So very sorry. They have totally destroyed NYC (just like SF has been totally destroyed). The new mayor seems to be another crazy communist.

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yup, how you all live in those 2 places is beyond logic.

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Can’t be for fun anymore. Fun died long ago

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Nov 6, 2021
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I was hoping to take my 12yo daughter to NYC this spring to see Harry Potter on Broadway. Both of us purebloods 😉 I was assuming the vaxports would be over by then. But no?

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I feel you. Lived and worked in bay area (San Jose to SF) thru 2002. Lived North bay from then to 2006. SF symphony subscriber thru all that time and patron of many other classical and jazz orgs/venues in the area. Went back for concerts for some time even after moving out of state. But at this point, I'm done. Got recent notice from SF Performances that they will be requiring vax. Cancelled notifications from them with the comment that that was a permanent boycott.

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Not their choice, actually. Forced by the city. What they might have done on their own, who knows.

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Just wondering here, what would the city gov do if every one of the businesses responded to their demand that they require customers to get vaxxed with a resounding "Kiss My Ass"?

That's what flea market operators did here when the city gov demanded that they require their vendors to collect sales tax on used items being resold.

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I live in San Diego CA. I have a wealthy acquaintance out here who loves the opera & classical music concerts. She just spent the past week in NYC going to the theatre, opera & to Lincoln Center, wine & dining and going to museums…and though I do not directly know this I am sure she got The Jab…in order to travel and resume her cultured life. (She also has a second home in France and silent a month there this summer). I say these people. “Are fiddling while Rome burns”!

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Indeed FL, indeed.

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and we shall see if the jab makes woman sterile or gives fertility problems. i wonder if that kind of proof would offer her some clarity...... NYC used to be great, now it is a cesspool.

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Friend is a sono tech

Said that the amount of defects she is seeing in the preborn since their mothers took the jabs is nightmarish

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@NJ Election Advisor ~ Is she willing to speak out, even just anonymously? If so, have her contact Steve Kirsch: https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/how-are-they-going-to-explain-all

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I wish there was a news station that would start blasting these stories. Fox does some but not enough and forget MSM. Need to see it televised far and wide with personal stories.

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DeBlasio and his supporters made damn sure of it. Giulani had the city on strong footing, Bloomberg kept it going and DeBlasio took to destroying it like a 3rd generation inheritor does to family wealth. Covid and poor governance did the city in. Great bones so maybe it’ll comeback as it as before.

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True, great bones but only a skeleton a good life cannot make.

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Same with Los Angeles. I had a great run in both cities while they were free. Pulling a John Galt and moving to Florida.

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Just don’t New York my Florida! We all love enjoying our god given freedom everyday with a governor who uses science and not fear! Remember why you are having to flee where you live now so please don’t pack up your liberal vote and bring it down here with you! We love our bright red state ❤️

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I know, very happy for you and the family.

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Lonely ?? Try joining the other 10,000 anti-vaxer protesting every day! Lots of friends there!

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I went to my first protest ever this summer. It did feel good to be among like minded people!

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i am 75, feel 58. lol. have felt 58 for many years. hard to grasp the age. seriously. others tell me as well.

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I sat in an uncrowded Starbucks and didn’t order anything. Since I never went up to the counter, no one asked for my card.

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Well, at least you could enjoy the aroma.

You might consider moving to Florida where you actually could order some joe cardlessly!

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I live in Cleveland and also gave up my 15 year season tickets to the Cleveland Orchestra because vaxx pass. I could eat out without any restrictions but I don’t. No masks required in stores

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There are many unvaccinated people there. Surely you must be able to find some like-minded people

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Hang in there 😥 Glad for this site , I think it has helped all of us . Thanks Alex

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... so sorry for your situation... sending hugs and love your way💕💕💕

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Hopefully Eric Adams will roll this garbage back when he takes office in January as he hinted is possible.

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I feel for you being stuck in NYC. I left there 7 years ago and never looked back. Best move I ever made and I haven't voted Dem since.

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you can't see it NoBo but bowing down at your feet!

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🤗 hang in there!

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I can confirm, we packed up travel trailer in May and hit the road (from California) avoiding cities and 'blue' areas. It really was amazing and eye opening. I think a lot of people get stuck in the bubbles of where they are and think it's 'normal' - it is not. Cheers!

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It’s interesting traveling. When I went to FL from AZ, I thought it would feel freer, but there were less masked people here which was surprising. Overall, the restrictions here weren’t that bad.

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Have or are you moving? And if so where?

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I struggle with this concept. If there is no one who fights from the "inside" is the battle already lost? We don't need to move, they need to change.

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Good for you. We’re fleeing IL for FL in August. Nervous FL will turn blue. Lots of libs moving there forgetting why they fled the East coast. I’ll be doing my part to keep it red.

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I feel the same too. If all the good people leave it's almost guaranteeing that state will never change

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Moving to Montana early next year.

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Me too, moving from Bay Area, CA to rural Maine. Hoping to help turn it back into a red state 🙂

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Wishing you and your family all the best in your move. Certainly there will be more money in your pocket from less taxes and if you have kids a better environment all the way around. Life hopefully will be easier.

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Moving to Montana soon, gonna be a dental floss tycoon. (Frank Zappa song reference). 🙂 Lottery in June, crops be heavy soon. No wait, that's a Shirley Jackson story...

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Yes but what happens on the coasts moves in. The leftists ruin it for those of us that just want to be free.

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That’s why we need to shore up the red states. Those who say it can’t be done should not get in the way of those who are doing it.

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Not necessarily. We need to hold our ground and speak our minds.

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Nov 6, 2021
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He is right. If we all quit speaking our minds and voicing our opinions we will no longer live in a free country. Simple as that.

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It is so hard. I have with lost friends and it has shown me who they really are. But my son stopped getting invites for a bit after I was honest about my no shot status when asked by another mom. I could lie but I refuse to perpetuate the myth that the shots are safe, effective, and everyone has gotten them. As you said, keep speaking the truth. I struggle when my choices hurt my kids. Parenting is tough and this is no exception. I hope I can someday explain to my kids this point in history and what I chose to stand for.

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I do, not as an activist, but if the topic comes up I mention my many suspicions of the jabs. When even mildly relevant, I encourage people to not get [another] jab due to its many flaws.

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I have found it USELESS with liberal friends. They are so indoctrinated they just see me as a crazy Trumpster and all those names against Repubs. I’ve pulled away from some of them as I just find-it too frustrating to bend and succumb my truths which I know are the TRUTH!

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Supposedly Florida is on the cusp of registered Rs outnumbering registered Ds for the first time. So not necessarily. That is why some call it the "Right Flight".

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They voted more for Trump the 2nd time, they are swinging right as they see what’s working. Moving there next year.

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Just because former D's voted for Trump in 2020 doesn't mean the R's can count on our blind support. Even in Florida, we have a struggle to get mandatory medical treatment laws overturned by a state legislature that is owned by Advent Health and Big Pharma. See KrisAnne Hall for more.

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It does appear that people are being planted in freer areas.

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I live in the south and it’s wide open. Went to the Braves parade yesterday, and among tens of thousands of people maybe 1 mask out of 1000. There are no vax iDs required, and you can eat at any restaurant, shop at any store and go to events sans vax. Life is good even in a very deep blue city in a super red state.

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Nov 6, 2021
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Yep, I left SF over 18 years ago...best decision ever!

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Where are you now?

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Me, I went to Florida, (Tampa). People here are not crazy like they are in California.

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TX, of course. Native Texan here.

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This week anyhow. Things are creeping in.

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yup nest decision !

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cali is nuts, always has been and always will be. i do not know or understand how anyone can live there who is moderate in their thinking.

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The coast is nuts. The rest of the state, not so much.

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but nuts enough to keep him in.....so sad,

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I know, such a disappointment, especially since most everyone I know voted for the recall. I really thought we had a chance. Yet we were outvoted two to one, and now I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s re-elected in 2022.

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time for the sane in cali to have a mutiny..jump ship while you can!

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...it is isolating... you learn to self-censor...

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how awful, what a way to live, no state is worth that.

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There are some interesting facts emerging. Using VAERS data a couple of UK researchers have discovered that 5 particular batches of the jab account for 100% of the deaths in the USA. The question remains as to where these lethal batches were distributed.

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Mike Adams (Brighteon, Natural News) spoke about that this week on his Situation Update. He listed around ten lot numbers from VAERS that had high adverse events. (deaths? don't remember). Claimed that 5% of the total lots causing 100% of serious outcomes. Speculated that the other 95% of lots are saline with perhaps aluminum and other such "removed" substances. That is speculation., but would explain why many don't appear to have adverse reactions. He goes on to state idea, that "they" don't want to kill off too many at one time, so as not to alert the sheeple. (my term).

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100% makes no sense in this context. You would not see that even in the hypothetical that The Joker poisoned those 5 batches. strong correlation, but not 100% of deaths, because you would expect some coincidental deaths to be captured by the database even if it were very good.

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Actually, according to a Harvard University study, VAERS only captures about 1% of actual adverse effects, a rather frightening statement. Others have estimated a multiplier of 40 or so to get more accurate numbers.

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SO move!

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My kid gets medical care in Campbell. We live in AZ. It’s so surreal being in CA this week. Masks, restrictions, vax cards. Do people here even know how normally many of us live in other parts of the country??

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I live in central Cali. It's a different world here than the Bay Area. The county I live in banned vax cards.

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San Joaquin?

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I live in Exeter and you wouldn’t even know there was a pandemic. It’s the most glorious little town. There are pockets of us all over California.

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Hello Exeter!

Used to visit my cousin there as a kid. On our family farm outside of Turlock. Very small community, all red. SANE!

This is a haven for me. If that wasn’t the case, I’d be outta here!

Thanks, Alex, for this forum. First thing I do each day is check in with y’all!

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None of that crap is going on where I live in California (Northern Cal, foothills areas), and I'm always shocked to read about conditions in L.A. and SF, both of which are crazy town central. Here, mask "suggestions" are sometimes still taped on shop doors, but never mandatory. Most people are not masked and are clearly ignoring all this crap. Only place I can think of where you must wear a mask is at a doctor's office. Otherwise, you can almost forget this stupidity is going on in other towns.

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Sounds good. Stuck in Marin here but we are thinking Utah. Do you think the locals will vaccinate their 6 year olds to satisfy the mandate?

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Careful with Utah. They signed up to trial the data app.

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I'm sure some will, there are always those types running around. However, I'd guess most will not. Schools were not severely locked down here for most of the last 18 months.

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How about schools and masking? And which towns in the foothills are normal? I grew up near the American River / Lake Natoma and would love to get back to my roots.

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Even Riverside and parts of Orange County aren’t all bad.

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Yeah the wisdom of “flyover country”. I used to live in NW Ca (McKinleyville, etc) where we ate wild caught/shot and country food just make more sense. Daughter lives in Clovis, same deal. Me, LA county but at least western fringe where we have horses and 4H still. Thx for your comment.

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Nope, people here are in a bubble, and they think they arr doing the right thing, it is horrible and I can’t leave.

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OC is more conservative and no restrictions like that. If they come we will fight then move if it can’t be changed.

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Newsom has his vax passport ready to go for the whole state.

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Yes I heard there’s a plan to vote on it once the legislature meets next year. Hopefully constitutional sheriff’s will not enforce.

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I’m proud of our sheriff in Riverside County who has refused to enforce any of the mandates, including forced vaxxing for his employees. I think both LA and OC sheriffs may be doing the same, not sure though.

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Maybe he got sick from vax and will ease up.

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When cultists like him get adverse reactions, they just double down and become Jim Jones.

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Huntington Beach has been relatively free at least since last Fall, despite the libs on the city council.

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I went to AZ twice this year to get away. I didn't find Phoenix to be all that normal.

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i live in Scottsdale. No masks, except at hospitals. No vaxx passports.

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Maricopa County, has all the California transplants that brought their stupid politics with them. I’m in Yuma and it’s split, less masks in the winter than summer.

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We were in Tuscan at the end of July, surprised that masks were required at the motel. A week later in Prescott things were normal.

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Tucson is a hotbed of leftists. However, any private business is free to impose a mask mandate if they wish, as it should be. I have no problem with an entity requiring one, only with the government doing it.

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I think a lot of AZ elections have been tampered with too. Once your state cleans that up it should get better.

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Nov 6, 2021
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I’ll bet you think JFK Jr is still alive too, right? 😂😂😂

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Above OP whom you address expresses rational thoughts held by a large percentage of the population. Your response is ugly and not called for. oh, you were the blue one from CT? that explains it.

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No. He was killed off. His plane compromised with no follow up

He had to be removed

Another case of Arkancide

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Nov 6, 2021
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Come to Texas we are free here. My daughter & family still in Encinitas & kiddos in masks all day at school, it angers me every day!

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I wanna move so bad! Encinitas also :(

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We try to get Mimi to leave all the time but her hubby is digging in his heals. We will welcome them anytime they are ready!

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If you can give me a real address, I'll be there.

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Move. Might be difficult but I doubt that your foot is nailed to the floor.

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Trying. Husband doesn't get it so I have to do it on my own.

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That is a tough position to be in. I truly emphasize with you. Godspeed.

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Mimi. Come live with me.

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you may just have to stick it out with hubby. look forward to the day you can tell him you told him so.

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I don't. That means things will be really bad!

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they are already bad and will get worse, starting with the children...

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Getting back to being on the same page is more important than any of this because it's mild compared to history, and the scary part is where it's going not where it is.

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In Florida, the Straz in Tampa has already required vaccine status for ages 5+ to get into a performance. This is NOT DeSantis' doing. I bought tickets for my adult children and my 8 yr old granddaughter for Beethoven's 9th in Jan. '22. The blasphemy of having to show your papers and wear a mask during that performance is something I can't get my head around. Hillsborough is a woke county. My cc company would not reimburse me even though I bought the tickets before the requirements were announced. The Florida Orchestra will not reimburse. And since I won't be getting the booster, I may be deemed unvaccinated and not be allowed in myself. Seriously, how did things get this insane so quickly?

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Even if your jabbed resist showing your papers to see some concert. If more jabbed people did that, the passport wouldn’t be able to exist. But most people are like you, they just comply for 1 reason or another. Even if I was jabbed I would refuse to participate in this passport crap.

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Slightly off-topic, but interesting….our tile guy got fake cards so his family could attend football games at USC. Also fake negative tests for his younger kids.

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Insanity indeed!!

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Try to sell your tics to someone else. you support them by going and inadvertently agree with their restrictions, start boycotting these places and all establishments that agree. Its hard but can be done.

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Leave. Soon!

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No room for anything but vax slaves and sodomites

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I’m in NJ. Expecting all of this to happen here soon, since just over half of the people here (including some family members) are brainless and re-elected King Murphy as Governor of New Germany. He wants NJ to be the east coast Cali.

Just waiting til my husband retires next year to get the four of us out to a free (and free thinking) state.

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Move to PA, the voters neutered Gov. Wolf with two PA constitutional amendments last May, and essentially prevents him from executives to make our lives miserable! Outside of Allegheny and Philadelphia Counties,PA is Bright RED, All Republican House & Senate,Too. PA is one of the best states for retirement income!

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You’re lucky. I remember that. It was at the same time the NJ legislators actually granted Murphy omnipotent emergency powers. I couldn’t believe it. And most of the citizens just think that’s ok. The corruption and stupidity in this state is unbelievable. Hopefully things can start to change since Republicans just picked up some seats. But it will probably get worse before it gets better.

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I hear a conservative Truck Driver won the NJ Senate President seat using only like $150 dollars, so there is hope! Let me know if these headlines are correct.

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Yes! Ed Durr beat the 20 year politician! He was on the local radio Nj101.5 and said he spent $153 before the primary, most on coffee and donuts for his “staff” and some copied flyers. He said he spent about $6000 total on his campaign. Gotta love it!

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And DJT lost a 700K vote lead overnight....hmmmm?

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It’s a shame too because it has the potential to be such a beautiful place. I was there about 11 years ago and I loved it but I was there for two months. I could not imagine having to live there now and enduring what you were all having to go through.

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Maybe Newsom lost his vax card and is afraid to go out, after all liberalism is a mental illness.

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Cali voted for him again, you get what you vote for unfortunately.

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Elections have consequences. Stolen elections have disastrously consequences.

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Yes, with permanent absentee voting with no id verification requirements, and unlimited ballot harvesting, Cali totally voted him in again.

That busted pipe on election night 2020 magically fixed itself with no work order or other follow-up too.

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Yeah, Cali dems have rigged the game. They will never lose again, legal ballot harvesting makes it impossible to defeat them.

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Until election integrity is enforced, these people are illegitimate.

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ugh, good luck with that. those fanatics will cheat and steal.

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Probably whole cemeteries full of Democrats were voting, too!

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LOL, best laugh of the day!

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I’m a native but have lived other places. I live here now and didn’t vote for him. Many wanted him recalled and this state has cheated in elections for around 20yrs. now. This time was no different.

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then the citizens in cali have to rise up and do something about it. you somehow have to change the way things are done there. there has to be a way.

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To me, the fact that the recall came to a vote shows that a majority of Californians wanted him gone. With the media all in for him, if there hadn't been a huge groundswell for a recall, nothing would have come of the initiative.

The reported vote count was always going to be whatever the ruling cabal wanted it to be.

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I didn't.

I'm concerned he'll read the recall sig list and get his revenge.

What a world we are living in.

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he is getting it anyway.

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Do you though?

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I suggest leaving the state. I was a former NY resident. I left when Benito Cuomo began killing people with ventilators and enforcing strict lockdowns and destroying all "non essential" businesses (but liquor stores all stayed open). NYC still living in a state of soviet style control. I haven't been happier since I left.

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Isn’t that from the marxist nuts voted in?

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Buy my small ranch east of Albuquerque. 650 k. Better than cali cesspool. Work remote.

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Leave. Immediately.

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Nov 6, 2021
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My sister moved to TX and loves it. Hard to leave friends family and weather. Keep thinking we can change it here.

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I’ve been asking this for days. Plus in that photo from Halloween he posted he’s not looking so good. Don’t forget he also got a flu shot just days before getting the booster. Maybe someone swapped the saline for the real deal this time.

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In the old days, dictators would have food tasters to protect against poison. Now you need vaccine testers to make sure that your enemies didn't switch out the saline for the kill shot.

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unless the kill shot goes to the right people.

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Great comment!!

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He looked sick in that photo

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i hope he is.

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Or a mistake was made 😊🥰

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I hope he actually GOT a real booster and not saline instead. I hope he REALLY BELIEVES in the “science” and personally suffers every consequence the vax has to offer. Nothing is too good for the guy who dictated that our 5 thru 18 year old children MUST GET VAXXED in order to receive an education in CA!

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Newson is a WEF "Young Leader" but perhaps he missed the memo about getting his fake shot. Or perhaps the global oligarchs considers him expendable now since he's so inept! Or even better- perhaps the person who gave him the shot disobeyed orders and gave him a REAL one! Let's hope his WEF buddies, Trudeau and Jacinda, get real ones too!


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Off this topic, but....

Alex, Next to Investigate....Concert in Houston Last evening....something weird happened !!

Some describe it as a mass CARDIAC event, 8 dead, 300 injured.

Descriptions of CPR being performed on numerous people.

Q: Could this be stress induced Spike Protein heart failures?? Just like in all the Athletes dying suddenly. Damaged hearts getting pushed to the limit?

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Sounded more like people were crushed in a stampede

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Some were crushed while others had heart attacks.

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Could you imagine the PR damage if the clot shots takes out a big name politician like newsom? This is the reason I thought there’s no way the politicians were getting the real juice.

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I'm wondering how long they'll be able to keep a lid in all these pro athletes being sidelined with myocarditis pots-mandatory-jab. will the leagues be financially liable?

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Can you imagine being in a packed stadium that required a vax passport to get in, and seeing an athlete in their 20s in peak shape collapse mid match and die? People have heard safe and effective so many times that nobody is using their brain. Reminds me of that cartoon dog with the room on fire ‘this is fine’.

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Tommy Sweeney had that plays for the bills

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so sad

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yes, it seems that young men 18-30 are not doing well with the shots... not well at all

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Saline is pretty harmless.

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Depends on how it is injected-- where in the body etc.

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Sadly it seems something like that must happen to put an end to this nonsense. If one wants the vax that’s fine with me, but I completely object to the mandates. I still can’t believe SF is mandating it on children.

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yes, how Mengellian is that?

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It's only a matter of time for someone in political power to drop after a Jab. It will happen.

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If someone pulls a sleight of hand.

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His enemies inside the Democratic Party might want him out, just like it was the Dems that pushed out Cuomo.

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Yes, but unlike Cuomo, I am thinking that he is their darling--grooming him for the big cheese title. But who knows, he's either in or out for strategic reasons. Let's see what happens

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See that report from Alex on where the "bad" juice was shipped? Saline to the blue states, killer to Red.

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What report? And my cousin lives in SF. She definitely received a real jab considering she's disabled now.

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I didn’t see that report.

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I didn't see it either and would like, too. Unless I missed it with all the information here.

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Did Jennifer get the booster?

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"How do we get heating oil to $10 a gallon to show the peasants who’s in charge?” conference." You nailed it, Alex. 😉

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Probably getting his groin waxed. Not a metaphor.

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😂 I never would have thought of that…Now I sort of need somebody to poke out my mind’s eye.

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thanx for the laugh💕

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He's thoroughly laughable!

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I’m fascinated by his body language…rigid & shifty w quick, cutting movements. The man emanated spikes long before the vaxx ever came on the scene.

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The way he bobs up and down on his toes when he talks reminds me of a wind-up toy monkey.

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Does Amazon overnite brain bleach?

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Hey, don’t judge.

*hides bottle of Super Groin Wax*

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I just laughed coffee through my nose...🤣

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In the video he posted of him getting the booster he looks sick already and genuinely afraid even though he tries to pretend he's excited about it. I watched it a few times because it made me happy.

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Just watched. So he originally went with JNJ possibly due to concerns about mRNA and being able to get it done with just one dose. Now he's switching to another brand to 'show everyone the opportunity to mix and match' - because The Science says that's safe and effective too. And then his doctor pinches his skin to administer it and doesn't aspirate. Excellent. Looking forward to his next booster video.

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Share a link? I generally change the channel or mute it when I see his despicable (deplorable?) ugly face.

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YouTube search newsom gets his booster.

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Thanks. Will do that.

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I think pre covid he and his family were somewhat anti vaxxers. So his heart is not in this - he’s just following orders.

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His wife was, supposedly. But that was for her own kids.

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There’s a picture floating around of newsom together with RFK jr, I think from just a few years ago

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That was for SB 276 when RFK jr was trying to convince him to veto the bill and he sent signals that he might, but then he signed anyway, basically doing away with all medical exemptions for children. He is scum (Newsom) RFK jr is a hero in this fight

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I have my doubts about RFK Jr. He's too much of a climate change fanatic.

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He needs at least one reason to keep them from taking him out

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Nov 6, 2021
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Now I want to watch it! LOL

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Did you check The French Laundry?

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I have a hard time believing these type of people would actually get the vaccine, but they are so moronic in everything else they do I guess you never know.

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Same....you can't convince me it's not saline for these bigwigs.

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Everyone keeps saying the elites are getting saline jabs...

First, I'm sure that some of them are actual true believers.

Second, if saline was the plan - what if they screwed up and actually gave him the booster?

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Although I have no wish to see ignorance, greed and avarice for power result in the governor's demise, I do wish for a serious brush with death that reminds him that his policies (and kowtowing to his masters at Vanguard and Blackrock), have hurt and continue to hurt a lot of people. There is hope even for someone as corrupt at that. No much hope though!!

It would take many brushes with death from these "death jabs" before this completely corrupt media (Alex not included!!! - THank God for Alex!!!), would be forced to admit the possibility that these jabs are deadly.

The two BIG factors that are not being considered are the destruction of the DNA repair mechanisms by the spike proteins (causing catastrophic cancer explosions over the medium to long term) that Alex highlighted earlier today and of course ADE (Anti-dependent Enhancement) of existing serious infections and even Covid. ADE is already happening (clearly). The death rates will continue to march upwards, until more and more people notice it. The question is whether or not the people who notice will be able to draw the correct conclusion. I.e. that they were deliberately targeted for biological warfare by a group of incredibly corrupt and evil billionaire families who wish to enslave the remainder of the world after they have killed off 90% or more of the population. This is certainly War. It will result in the greatest number of casualties ever seen in warfare. The only question is whether enough people will realize it in time to stop it?? I wish I knew that they would.

We must stand up for our children and grandchildren - they are being jabbed as I write this. TOTALLY EVIL!!!

Ian in Vancouver

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Gates's comments today about smallpox didn't make me feel good.

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Same here, like he is gleefully waiting for his next pandemic to drop. Evil.

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Why does he think he's immune? Because if he doesn't, he's not only evil, but stupid too.

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He could have gotten the vax recently.

I did when I was a kid....but it wears off.

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I got the smallpox vaccine as a kid as well. I wish there was a way to know if it really does wears off!

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It will be "re-introduced", these psychos are desperate , Plan B coming.

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If even a fraction of what you say is true of the death rate increases (and sadly I'm inclined to think it might be) the death toll will far far worse than any war ever fought and will include countless millions across the globe. There will be barely enough of us left to keep soceity rolling along. If, indeed, there are massive increases in cancer the health care costs will be astronomical! That will be the big reset but it wont be the type the elites are thinking. It would be generations before anyone ever trusts the "experts" or cede power to the ruling class again.

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I have heard estimates of 20-30% death rates in less than 3 years from people like Dr. Zev Zelenko. That is a billion deaths at least. It is SO horrific and so mind-numbingly evil that even people like us who are aware hesitate to believe the data - such is the power of the "Big Lie" and its propaganda. I would think that this would wake people up and make them powerful and angry to stop it. HOWEVER, the NEAR total control of the media with the greatest and most persausive reach EVER for propaganda (the internet and soical media), that I almost despair at even such a massive and completely unprecedented mass die off of humanity would shake and wake people up. The media would redirect the anger towards INCREASING the death rate by "blaming the unvaccinated". That has already happened almost everywhere and is CLEARLY part of the plan. In Waterford, Ireland, the vax rate is greater than 97%, and it has the highest "case rate" in all of Europe YET, they are still blaming the unvaxxed! We can't believe that people would be so stupid, but they are not, it is simply that the power of the propaganda is SO persuasive. I almost despair and I would without Hope from God.

I will be praying about this tonight.

Ian in Vancouver

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The next few years may be very upsetting. I'm most worried about the continuing creep to tyranny. But fears of mass deaths are not unfounded. I'm just speculating, but permanent, crippling disability poses the worst problem. A dead person stops being a liability once buried; but a sick one consumes months or decades of resources with little to no return.

You are so right about propaganda. One need not even be an expert to know how effective it is. Just look up how much is spent on advertising, which is a form of propaganda.

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Dr. Z's interview with Mike Adams is now online on Brighteon.tv, and also the video testimony before the Israeli Beit Din (Religious Court) is on AFLDS site. Very similar save a few theological concepts, phrases in Hebrew. He mentions needing Divine Intervention to stop the evil in one of his interviews, think the one with Stew Peters?

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We don't trust them now sdev. and keep the faith, they want us in despair so we just give in and I say F*** that. Do not give an inch, not one. We are all here to lift one another up where we can and let those that feel alone feel less alone. We the people have power, don't lose hope in that. And the elites are really the delites as I call them now. They do not deserve that classification considering what subhumans they really are.

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Hmmmm: "Delete the Elite!" -- a possible future rallying cry?

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Yes, i love it. I just spell it Delites for emphasis!

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It'll be intriguing to watch as the months pass how many politicians and other famous faces develop odd health issues or just drop dead. This is already anecdotally happening with sports stars, as reported here and elsewhere. On the one hand, politicians skew heavily aged, betimes very old (Pe.g. Pelosi) so a higher death rate is to be expected. Working against that is the reasonable but unverifiable conjecture that few, if any of the elite take the vaxx. They cannot be unaware of the jab's defects which we so widely discuss here. It's a net liability. But never under-estimate pride and vanity, traits abundant in the "upper crust," and which tend to crowd out common sense.

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Yes it will. But I do suspect many of the delites did not get a jab but sterile saline in their so called vax.

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He's one of the featured people on the WEF's website. So I don't think he's changing for the better.

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Mimi - of course I agree with you! I just know that God does Miracles - I have seen them in my own life and no one can be written off completely - even someone so obviously corrupt and evil at Newsom. However, short of direct Divine INtervention (which can never be discounted), I think the Governor is going to be leading the charge to enslave the remaining people of his State in the next few years - sadly.

Ian in Vancouver

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Sadly true. I know they cheated to keep him in so he could accomplish the evil agenda.

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Yeah, that's what I am worried about.

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you are a better person than I, I would delight in his demise.

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It is simply that I have so many miraculous changes in the people around me after these 60 years. (including my own - despite my best efforts to resist). God can and does turn the impossibly hopeless into triumphs. Given the momentum and the power of this "pandemic scam" and the near total control of the media by the "Illuminated Masters" of the World, plus the sheer damage already done to my own family and those of the people I know, I would completely despair if it were not for the Hope that God gives us. Sometimes ignorance is bliss, but it doesn't allow us to participate in turning things around. I think that is what we are called to do and that also means mercy to and prayer for our enemies - and he surely is one of them (one of many - unfortunately). I am in Canada, and our Prime Minister is a complete puppet of the globalists as is your president. Prayer may be our best hope!

Ian in Vancouver

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Hang in there Ian, we the people have power and slowly, one step at a time, we will succeed. It will all work out, patience and keep the faith! And you are a good man to show mercy to the enemy. I prefer OT justice for now.

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How do we stop it?

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Every night my husband and I pray that the truth about the mad scientists and their leaky vaccines, and the corrupt politicians and their evil mandates will be revealed to all very soon. If it takes a politician suffering consequences from a booster, then so be it.

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I pray every night for the same thing!

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Forget about the booster. Who knows if any of his shots were real.

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I got the vaccine in May, nearly a month later I was in urgent care because I had 7 of 10 primary symptoms for Myocarditis. Fortunately my heart was fine. They had no answers for why I was winded climbing the stairs in my house because my lungs were clear. No idea why my knees would randomly swell for several days and baffled why my joints would ache like I had rheumatoid arthritis.

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I just met a nurse who has gone from pro to just on the cusp of anti vax. Her joints started killing her after her second shot. She says she feels like an old lady :(

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Flccc has a vaccine injury protocol if you have lingering issues

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@Todd Mendoza ~ So sorry to hear about your adverse reaction. My understanding is that the type of symptoms you're describing are often explained by micro blood clots in the capillaries which won't show up in conventional scans. A D-Dimer blood test will tell the story: https://www.canadiancovidcarealliance.org/media-resources/dr-rochagne-kilian-blowing-the-whistle-on-covid-19-vaccines-and-d-dimer-levels/

You may also want to check out the i-Recovery protocol from the FLCCC. Although it is designed for long covid, some have found it may help somewhat with vaccine recovery: https://covid19criticalcare.com/covid-19-protocols/i-recover-protocol/

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autoimmunity gone wild?

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I feel like you were living my life after the 2nd vacc. Told my dr about the really scary heartbeats in the middle of the night as well as joint pain and swelling (my knees were the worst). I have felt incredibly every day now. I did not go to Urgent Care, just a waste of time & money where I live. Besides, the nurse practioners don't feel comfortable prescribing anything because I am so sensitive to side effects of almost every single medication, including OTC. I wish you the best and soon, a return to better health, if possible with the poison injected into you.

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I hope he's on a movie set somewhere with Alec Baldwin. That's the only way CA can be saved from his tyranny.

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lol that would get you banned on twitter. "hoping" is equivalent to "inciting".

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bring it on......

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Don't even know where to start on this. I do now know however 8 vaccinated individuals who have contracted Covid and I am confident

that the count will rise. Saddens me.

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My daughter is a nurse in a rehab/nursing facility. Rather a lot of people are "positive" for covid, and a couple of her co-workers were fairly sick. Everyone who has been sick lately got the vax, her boss had recently gotten the booster. We're keeping tabs on the developments.

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As Berenson well knows and, based on his ongoing research, this trend is just beginning. Tells you everything that you need to know about the vaccines, in my view.

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My daughter had covid almost a year ago. She has never gotten it again. No vax, she refuses as do a large number of nurses she knows.

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We have friends that have had their boosters and have gotten covid. Other friends seem surprised at this. I guess the msm doesn’t let people know what’s in store for them because when we say it’s normal they argue and say NO only unvaxxed are getting sick. Then I start slowly sending research.

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Wait, I thought he was a WEF insider? They don’t give the real juice to one of their own, do they? Anyhow, leave you with this from the great Dr. Mike Yeadon:


I don’t like or trust this person who succeeded Ian Read (who I did know somewhat) but he has a fully visible scientific & business career underwriting his giddy ascent to the dual role of CEO & Executive Chairman of Pfizer, Inc.

He likes the limelight & is often on US network TV.

His most recent appearance had him express pleasure at their new antiviral in covid19.

Surely small molecule treatments completely negate the anyway illogical vaccine passports?

Even if VaxPass had had a correct logic (which they don’t, since they neither prevent clinical infection or transmission...based on which it’s implausible that they could reduce severe outcomes either) now that a five day course of twice daily doses provides notionally similar clinical benefits, who in their right mind would take a vaccine? Or a booster?

Vaccines, even good ones, bring about a permanent change to your immune system. They’re meant to. That’s how they work (if they do).

A safe & effective small molecule treatment will wash out within 5 half-lives (given twice daily, the half life is probably hours, not days), with a major upside: you will still encounter the pathogen, if it’s real, and you will finish with normally acquired natural immunity. Job done.

So what’s happening here might be seen as the beginning of the end. I say this with huge caution, but I don’t see how the global deception can continue for much longer.

Do not get vaccinated. Do not give in.

Hold the line.


Dr Mike Yeadon

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Oh, and happy Guy Fawkes night! https://t.me/robinmg/11052

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Well, I do hate to be spiteful (sometimes) but maybe a couple high profile political types keeling over from the shot would be a good thing. Honestly, I assumed they were in on the scam and were taking a placebo. Maybe ... let's hope.

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Hochul first. Irritating woman with her stupid necklace.

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Lee Zeldin (R) is great, from Suffolk county Long Island. Will run for governor. Very pro-Israel, which for me is impt. issue. Whole line up of Demons going to primary. Divide and conquer? nah.

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The consequences to them matters more than it ever does for us. The same with crime. They have to feel what others have.

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That's good. Real good.

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In a proper world Gov Nuisance would be an unemployed used car salesman living in aunt Nan’s basement. His narcissism is only exceeded by the VP’s.

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Most mysterious is that he is absent as San Francisco triumphantly rolls out the kiddie vaccines!

was sure he would appear on a podium with California's Mengele -- aka Dr. Richard Pan -- talking about what a great moment this was for the state.

His absence as the kiddie shots have rolled out is I think even more surprising than his absence at the climate circle-j**k.

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Nov 6, 2021
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Hey Gene. I peer review a couple dozen or so medical papers a year and you are wrong on both those counts. Did you know a paper on the CDC's own web site reviews 14 RCTs and concludes there is no evidence masks stop the transmission of viruses?

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Nov 6, 2021
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I'm a data scientist you nitwit. How about New York? Does the most liberal county have the lowest death rate there? How about New Jersey? Why cherry pick NC?

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eric, ignore him, besides being a numbnut, he is a fanatic and cant be reasoned with. let him stay in the dark, that is his problem

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You are right. I thought Boris was bad but apparently Boris was bush league compared to who will be showing up now that Substack is exploding.

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That isn't a proper study. That is just cherry picking random data points and thinking you've proven something just because it fits what you believe.

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ignore him, poor guy, he is drinking kool aid and is a fanatic, best to not answer him.

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No, he doersn't believe what he's posting. He's a paid shill. Ignore him.

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I agree with you. Ignore him.

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Is there a 'mute this person' button on Substack? If not we need to petition for it.

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Nov 6, 2021
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You know Florida has had the lowest case rates in the country for weeks, right? Not only that, but they’ve got plenty of cops and firefighters.

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I, like Eric, am a scientist. There are no data proving your BS claim. There are:a) studies demonstrating the filtration capabilities of masks which suggest that in limited settings droplets that could contain a virus can be filtered out by the mask: b) studies showing the trajectory properties of exhalations, coughs and sneezes; c) studies examining the correlation between reported mask wearing or mask mandates and infections in a setting (with Covid these studies are less convincing because infections are often quantified by the ability to amplify minute amounts of viral nucleic acid from a nasal swab rather than, you know, symptoms); d) random control studies comparing infections in masked and unmasked controls; e) models predicting the impact of mask wearing on infections and death, that are mostly seeded with assumptions that are not supported by the data (like the originally calculated Ro from early in the pandemic and an assumption of asymptomatic transmission being 0.7-0.9 that of symptomatic transmission- actual data suggest it is less than 0.1). Collectively these studies suggest masking in high risk situations (i.e., where there are a large number of confirmed, symptomatic cases in a confined area) is useful if masks are changed frequently, but have no real impact in other settings. They also suggest they have limited ability to stop viral particles that are not restricted to droplets. The ideas that they are so effective, and so lacking in any negative impacts, and someone who is not ill may be highly infectious are what underlie your ridiculous claim and are simply not supported by any data.

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This, friends, is why PhDs are the most vaccine hesitant group. We can evaluate the evidence.

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LoOk At tHe DaTa....LOL

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Go away

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Why are you here? Your propaganda is unwelcome.

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Nov 6, 2021
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You are a liar and a propagandist. I personally know people that have died within 48 hours of getting the vaccine. Your lies won't bring them back.

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ignore him, and pity him for his ignorance and fanaticism

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3 deaths, 1 myocarditis, 1 onset of Lupus within a week

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Nov 6, 2021
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Nj and Ny have a higher death rate than Florida.

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A virus doesn’t know who you vote for or that you live in a nursing home.

The virus likes liking fat people. 80% that have died from covid were obese. NC is just fortunate to have a few less fatties than their other neighbors in the SE.

Try some rational thinking if you are able. Saying that a virus isn’t killing people because of a political party is moronic.


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What guy is killing people? By the way, are you being compensated for trolling Alex's substack?

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Troll much? I'm too lazy to review your first claim. But the second I can dismiss by general knowledge: The claim is "trivially true." But so is "We're all going to die someday."

Mask and (mRNA) "vaccine" do have some positive effect, but relatively limited. Rarely discussed, especially by advocates, are their downsides. Almost no benefit in the real world is gained at zero cost.

This is especially true in the case of the vaxx, which has suspected short and long term harms that may far exceed their limited benefits. Perhaps worst of all are the non-medical (political and economic) costs of various mandates.

Thank you for playing a Devil's advocate and I hope you're well-paid, but we can hear the same stuff in the maim-stream media, if we wish 😏

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Cuomo got him beat with 57,000 and Gavin Newsom killed 72,000!

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As usual, Alex, thanks for the late night endorphin therapy. I can sleep now hoping there might be justice for some people (now) with the poison kill shot.

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I have 30 days to get vaccinated or I go on unpaid leave. I’m kinda looking forward to the vacation and seeing how this turns out…I know one thing and that is this hill I shall die on…

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No chance in hell he actually took the booster. He knows at least what you know, and I know, and he has already removed his daughter from school here and sent her elsewhere to avoid the CA mandates that are coming. And he has plenty of resources to fake both of their compliances, anyway.

But he is AWOL for some good reason. Something is going on.

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He is getting briefed on the next phase of the WEF plan. Overreach 2.0 instructions.

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News Max just mandated vaccines for their employees. Their ratings will plummet. I thought they were located in Florida. If so why the mandate. We know the owner is a Clinton supporter so in other words he is a corrupt POS.

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You should watch Steve Bannons war room on real America’s voice!

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You must write and tell them you disagree. If this year has been anything else, it was a letter-writing year. They think they can do what they want because everyone stays silent. Don’t stay silent!

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Hmmm. This is super odd. The last time Newsom was seen in public was Oct. 27 when he got the booster. Since then, he canceled his overseas trip with the President. He didn't make the announcement about children being authorized to get the vaccine - which he would normally have done in person. He posted a pic to Instagram with his family dressed as pirates on Halloween which has him obviously photoshopped in. Really strange. I would never wish any bad health outcome on anyone - but IF anyone was going to have a bad reaction to a vaccine, I'd hope it was someone who was mandating it for everyone else. I'm not saying that is what happened. But it sure is odd.

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Photoshopped in? Isn’t Gavin Newsom just a CGI effect anyway?

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Newsom has made life hell for business owners, families with school age children, anyone who values freedom. Never have wished harm on anyone who got the vax - also b/c I have so many friends and family vaxxed - BUT, I would make an exception for him. What he’s doing to children is evil, no other way to put it.

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I would make an exception for him too Andrew since he is soooooo exceptional himself.

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Listen all, this poor man Gene Frenkle is so desperately trying to get all of our attention, including Alex's attention. He is a fanatic and therefore cannot be reasoned with. He is trying to bait everyone. PLEASE INGNORE HIM, FANATICS HATE THAT THE MOST. DO NOT ANSWER.

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Nov 6, 2021
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I recommend a plastic bag sealed at the neck for you.

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Here is a study for you to read that may help


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(Meaning it may help you to see that masks don’t work)

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I can see your intentions are good. But I'm not wearing a mask. Thanks anyway.

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I don’t like him or what he’s done, but I don’t wish suffering on anyone.

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He's forcing kill shots on kids. Howz about wishing justice on him?

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No comment

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I will wish it instead of you DV, the less of his ilk the better.

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You know, a nice painless death might be ok. It's going to take some high level catastrophes before these tyrants stop forcing the poison on everyone.

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Does praying that someone is suffering tremendously work?

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Pray that they have a change of heart and come to know God. Not how Newsom thinks he does.

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Psalm 109 verse 8: "May his days be few; may another take his place of leadership."

Read all of 109. Its spot on!


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I've been praying that God will help us. By letting arrogant asswipes like Newsom get really injured by these shots, He may be slapping some sense into their empty heads

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I hope so, Satan is working on it.

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great question, has occupied me occasionally over the years. hard to ask the believers in the power of prayer about that.

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It may depend upon whom you pray to!

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Lol Alex you’re the best! I think my favorite QB Aaron Rodgers follows your work too.

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Let us pray ; -)

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At this point in time, I am politically marooned and do not trust EITHER party. They work in concert with one another regardless of what anyone believes. Until we get back to actual people counting ballots we are in for a rigged election WHEREVER we may live. Like CA where the governor occupant stole the recall (gasp, not surprised) election. #grassrootsistheway2go

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This has all been a game being played on us with the WUFLU. It will not work if we understand the truth and the con game that Big Pharma, the Media and some very evil players are playing for power and money.

“It’s how they count stupid”

How long do you think the people would tolerate masks and lock downs, mRNA injections; let alone injecting our children with a diluted poison, if the near 400,000 deaths reported were really 40,000. This is really no worse than a bad season flu.

“It’s how they count stupid”

Someone it Italy had the balls to explain and publish the truth……how do you know…there is no spike in total world deaths.

“Italian newspaper Il Tempo reports that the Institute has revised downward the number of people who have died from COVID rather than with COVID from 130,000 to under 4,000.

“Yes, you read that right. Turns out 97.1% of deaths hitherto attributed to Covid were not due directly to Covid,” writes Toby Young.

Of the of the 130,468 deaths registered as official COVID deaths since the start of the pandemic, only 3,783 are directly attributable to the virus alone. “All the other Italians who lost their lives had from between one and five pre-existing diseases.

Of those aged over 67 who died, 7% had more than three co-morbidities, and 18% at least two,” writes Young. “According to the Institute, 65.8% of Italians who died after being infected with Covid were ill with arterial hypertension (high blood pressure), 23.5% had dementia, 29.3% had diabetes, and 24.8% atrial fibrillation. Add to that, 17.4% had lung problems, 16.3% had had cancer in the last five years and 15.7% suffered from previous heart failures.”

The Institute’s new definition of a COVID death means that COVID has killed fewer people in Italy than (whisper it) the average bout of seasonal flu. If a similar change were made by other national governments, the official COVID death toll would be cut by a margin of greater than 90 per cent.“

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Added comments to my post.

Do you realize that our Hospitals and Doctors had to be complicit or silent as this fraudulent counting was being used. They had to know it was a fraud. DISTURBING…… a clear violation of the Hippocrates Oath.

How do you know this is the game….look at the simple facts on the graph below. https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/WLD/world/death-rate . Total worldwide deaths per thousand. Worldwide death rate were nearly 300% higher in the 50’s than they are today. There is no real surge in new deaths.

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Actually covid is less dangerous than the flu which attacks children and infants. Flu deaths in the USA average about 60,000 per year.

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“(whisper it)”...🤣

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that would be so sad, if gruesome nuesome had vaxx reaction. eyes' tearing at thought.

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Boo hoo hoo hoo hoo.

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i would have a parade personally!

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It's a bonus for California that he has not been seen.

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for all of us.

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Breakthrough infection, anyone? Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy. ; )

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If he just got the booster and then caught covid, that’s technically not a breakthrough case, because he’s not considered vaxxed until two weeks later, right? That would be an unvaxxed case by their definition. As Israel has pointed out - after enough time passes from the second shot, you are reclassified as unvaxxed.

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Are you the cherry that went to benicia yoga ?

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No, sorry!

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I just read in the Daily Mail that 28 year old designer Federica Cavenati just died after a "short illness". 28 year olds don't die after a short illness. Paging Alex!

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Vaccines are the greatest cause of coincidences!

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What about the brother and sister soccer players who died months apart…..

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I looked everywhere and could not find the cause of death for her….. I suspect we will be seeing more of this

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Exactly - that's why it alerted me. "Short illness" at 28? Hogwash.

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Hilarious Alex.

Gov White teeth by “show the peasants who’s in charge. Shocked the “peasants” re-elected him.

I think he got lost trying to follow the “science”.

Thanks for the great reporting as always. You were my go to guy for non-propaganda in 2020!

Let’s Go Brandon!

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Meanwhile in Michigan they are offering $100 to vaccinated your kids. Wake up Y’all your child is not a Beagle!

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Nov 6, 2021
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Hello Russian bot! It is very good to see you here. We were worried that your mommy had kicked you out of the basement.

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In case you're not pissed off enough - an in vitro study ( Lab, not live ) indicated that the mRNA inhibits your DNA from repairing itself. Not good news.

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At this point I do not think there is anything else that would surprise else or piss us off any worse than we already are, especially now knowing our children are at risk from the jab.

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I was just doing a search on him today, wondering the same thing. Maybe he's suffering from a karmic vaccine adverse event. No one deserves it more!

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in addition to cuomo, soros, daszak, fauci, pelosi, the squad, schumer, schwab and all their putrid ilk.

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Excellent starting list...glaring omission is Gates.

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ow could I forget him, darn it. thanks for the remind!

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Oh please. Guaranteed he'd fly private. That would be private jet #401. Because - "Climate Change!"

Guess he didn't get the saline.

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Thats what I'm thinking...a true believer...got the real booster jab. Now having issues.

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My mom said " if you have nothing nice to say...don't say it". SO there ya go!!!

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I'll say it for you: I hope he has gone the way of the Doe Doe.

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( me too!!!!)

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Newsome is such a wonderful person! Not!!! Evil evil evil.

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your mom is a good lady!

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We have not lost The United States YET. But we meeker types need to BUCK UP and assert ourselves and muster the same courage as did all those PARENTS bucking their school boards, find the courage of all those PILOTS bucking the vaccine mandates, assert the courage of all those UNION members bucking their leadership mandates, and discover within ourselves the courage of ALL THOSE EMPLOYEES NATION WIDE in medical, technology, government, business, and industry who have chosen to be terminated rather than bend a knee to the TYRANNY of this progressive left. We need to collectively accept that to SAVE OUR COUNTRY… the BUCK STOPS WITH US. God works through us — OUR ACTION is needed. 🙏🇺🇸

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Hopefully I can get Alex's attention.

I'm a member of DRASTIC, the group of scientists & researchers investigating the origins of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

Previously, I'd sought to avoid the topic of the vaccines, because it's hard enough just dealing with censorship related to THAT topic [full disclosure: I'm fully vaccinated w/Moderna]. However, more recent findings [and the federal mandates] have forced me to set those concerns to the side; having spent a career in the Marines, I'm disgusted that our government would take further advantage of this crisis by enforcing a mandate that unequivocally exceeds executive authority under Article 2 of the Constitution.


My research has led to an even more disturbing revelation - that these mandates have come just as the viral escape is accelerating, and that THEY'VE KNOWN

A) that the frequency of CoV recombination meant that vaccines with partial epitope coverage were a short-term, emergency solution at best

B) that mass vaccination with a partial epitope coverage vaccine would hasten escape variants

C) that mAb's are far superior [Ralph Baric stated this emphatically in his infamous 2015 'GOF' paper]

I can speak to 'A' directly, because the proof is within the DARPA PREEMPT docs that DRASTIC released; I explained it in detail in my article from a month ago [linked below].

The bottom line is that the DoD rejected a spike/nanoparticle combo for a BAT vaccine in March 2018, 3 months before the NIH signed a contract with Moderna to develop their pan-CoV & MERS-CoV projects. 3 years later, the President has ordered the very same DoD to universally vaccinate our Troops.

Troops>Bats, from my perspective

Both things can be true: mRNA tech can be revolutionary, AND the vaccine mandate can simultaneously be a horrific violation of trust by our federal government. I hope that somehow I can get Alex's attention on this, because the knowledge that Americans are losing their jobs because of this breaks my heart, and it needs to stop NOW.


Alex, my secure email is chrixey at protonmail.com


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Appreciate the info.

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It is terrifying thinking the elite went all in for mass depopulation. However, it seems like we are actually ruled by morons. They don't understand what they are doing. They literally drank the koolaid.

And that may actually be more terrifying. We are ruled by dummies who don't understand

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Unless they are just the pawns of the true elite who will benefit from the collapse;)

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He is getting some fake vax ids for his kids.

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He is the governor of the largest state in the country and no one has seen him in8 days? That just doesn't happen. If it were a family member, he would have issued a statement. Something is definitely wrong- the Cali press isn't saying anything?

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He's usually all over the place. He's a media whore.

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I think it’s more the, “How to kill off a chunk of the population to solve the coming shortage problems for the elites conference.” Whoops, I meant to say, “Climate Change.”

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