Victoria Nuland. Check out her role in the 2014 coup Ukraine .

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This is ALL Obama/HRC/Nuland's fault

Great read on this and the rest of the HRC warmongering


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You left out Biden. Joe Biden had the Ukrainian portfolio under Obama. Biden, Kerry, Pelosi and Romney’s kids all sit on Ukrainian energy boards along side Russia Oligarchs.

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Brandon is the trophy president. Too bad we can't put him on a shelf and let him collect dust for the next 3 years.

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When his handlers aren't pushing him before the cameras, he's kept in a closet.

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His brain is dust.

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But his tongue works, sort of. (Except when it malfunctions.)

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Apparently John McCain and that weasel who called for Putin murder had their hands in Ukraine too.

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The only relation where our representatives are totally non-partisan, totally unified, is in well-rewarded corruption. There is so much enessay-recorded dirt that the only ones who've escaped its consequences have done so by resorting to a dirt nap.

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"Weasel"! Perfect description of Graham. He is a back stabbing, self-serving "weasel"

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I’m not sure why I was shocked Graham was there.

He will probably turn out to be a perv too.

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Yes I believe Amy Klobuchar was with them on a trip

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Biden's son, yes. But I can't find any info on the others regarding Ukraine Energy Boards. Do you have a link?

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Romney is deep in this mess. Biden as well. I believe I read that Kerry son bailed early. Pelosi son in lots of trouble now being investigated. Like father like son. Nancy’s father?

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People Nancy is a witch one of Satan’s priestesses. Her husband a priest.Yes Nancy is broom-riding as is Hilary.

Yes satan is real. Yes his demoniacs devil seed are following his bidding.

This IS spiritual warfare.

What else could explain the New World Order? Whose order? Satan the father of all hatred and chaos. The New Order is not new. It is the ancient order of the serpent.

King Solomon tells us there is nothing new under the son.

Presidio San Francisco


Investigate the interfaith “church” at the Presidio in San Francisco.

presidio interfaith https://duckduckgo.com/?q=presidio%20interfaith&ia=web

Inter-faith demon temple


Look who else is lodged here?

Black hats CIA, FBI,

Soros Open Society, Gorbachev Center, USDA, National Parks System Environmentals, George Lucas Edutopia priest, Google Vint Cerf priest, United Nations UNESCO, and a variety of the many Luciferians on the rows under Lucifer Pyramid top The Capstone.

If you have not yet chosen to follow Jesus NOW is the hour to be born from above.

Do not miss Revelation 21

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Don't forget Anton LaVey and his church of satan reside in San Fran. Convenient.

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Nancy’s mother ran numbers in Baltimore.

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It’s there. You will have to wade through the fake fact checkers spin/ propaganda. Search in ‘energy companies’ - not specifically oil or gas.

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Check into WEF and UN Adenda 21/30 schemes

Everyone and their plans to control all energy sources.

What I find tragically amusing are the woke pushing electric cars. Duh… just where do they get electric to plug into their over priced vehicles? It comes from the carbon and nuclear supplied plants.


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CIA operative J. Cofer Black joined Burisma's board when Hunter biden was there - https://patriotssoapbox.com/politics/inside-burisma-holdings-joseph-cofer-black/

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@Sedento- there isn't any proof of it. It's a meme that has gone around Facebook. Some people think memes are news.

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How do you know this? I thought it was onlyKerry and Biden’s sons.. the corruption is unbelievable and the media never exposes it.

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There's a club: Our political elites and the media are all in the club and we are not.

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We're all being played... even Putin (that's my opinion).

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- RUSSIAsteria: Best Hypocrisy Memes on Putin invading the Ukraine


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I got those too in my email. I adore sarcastic quick wit! Patriot Post and of course the superior of all Babylon Bee

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Mar 7, 2022
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Wit gets through to people with dry humor. In my case

the real Dilbert beloved occupant of 38 yrs certainly is challenging.


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Kolomoisky - Russian synonym for "easy money." (Otherwise known as "U.S.>Ukraine-aid > kickbacksky,")

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Kolomoisky is one of the richest global billionaires (gas, energy) actively supports the Ukrainian (neo)nazi Azov battallion - https://newsy-today.com/getting-to-know-the-azov-regiment-the-ukrainian-militia-group-that-russia-is-fighting-all/

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So elder Bush lies about NATO not expanding eastward after the collapse of the Soviet Union were not factors? Or military exercises in the Black Sea? Or demands that Russia leave Crimea alone? You do know that the Ukrainian comic is a WEF grad, right? And they’ve been attacking the Donbass since the 2014 CIA led coup?

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I didn't know that, but Vlad Putin is for sure.

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Great bookmark source thank you ML

Here’s a great newsletter bookmark

Liberty Nation


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great link, TQ


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As is Ivana Trump.

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There are some 2300 "graduates" totally warping the world, reason and science beyond all recognition. Should the planetary inhabitants survive them and their "spectacular innovations" the globe may not be a place worth the living.

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World Economic Forum

(WEF) Academy


As to worth living. The remnant of the saints left will join the Lord in the sky with His Saintly Great Cloud of Witnesses.

Keep the faith and endure.

John 17.

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I think they recognized her as a woman of power, but she never graduated from that school.

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Graduated isn’t that sad? Courses Evil 101 + to their mortar boards.

People need to investigate this WEF Academy. “They” don’t even care we know about them. Sooooo deluded and drunk with demons inside. PRIDE is their common denominator.

Now here is our advantage … they HATE each other. Their father IS HATE.

This best illustration is the guesses where they are on the spectrum of rows on the Lucifer Pyramid up to their father the anti the capstone.

The row right under him is called the Council of 13. Many hiding in plain sight. Those on other rows below don’t know for sure who they are. Why 13? Satan imitates GOD. His apostles + 1.

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Putin's also a WEF grad (though you know he was in there only to case its weaknesses - which are legion). They should make a remake of The Graduate(s) - the cunning and intrigue as former spoiled students amorously chase the Global Power Mistress. Wars, poisonings, frozen accounts and soy boys in blackface.

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His WEF profile has been deleted. Hmm

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There seems to be a real rub between Putin and Schwab

Oh yes you were oh no a wasn’t

He said he said


World Economic Forum’s “Young Global Leaders” Revealed



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He who? I missed that DL.

Putin’s? FJBs ? Soros?

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John McCain and Lindsay Graham were giving prep talks to Ukrainian fighters a few years back... around the time McCain was talking to ISIS lol

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US Senators Lindsey Graham, John McCain & Amy Klobuchar in December 2016 telling Ukrainian troops that they would help #Ukraine make 2017 a "year of offense" against #Russia & it was time to make Russia "pay a heavier price". https://twitter.com/morphonios/status/1498981966921797634?s

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All members were / are members of Soros “good club” and Romney. McCain

And Romney members of Soros / Obama Shadow Government ordered to throw the two elections so Obama skated in.

Check into the “philanthropists” eugenists - Gates, Fauci, Hilary, Pelosi, Oprah,’Bloomberg,Ted Turner, and the usual cast of luciferians.


The Good Club met in the

late summer of 2019 in California right before the release of SARs 2. Organized by Soros and Pelosi. Goal was to beat Trump by any means necessary including millions of people. Next was Gates trial run simulation of plague.

Now the good news! Jesus I AM is coming back for his saintly remnant.

Revelation 21

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Soros passed in 2015 but a stretched leather bag has assumed his interview schedule.

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WOW! Thank you for this.

Obama and Soros son now are running the Shadow Government and some what’s his face… I forget his name is at the helm of the Open Society. I wondered why the shift of power and consolidation of foundations. Makes sense.

I hope everyone knows many of these bags of skin with rot inside have doubles.

We know FJB and Hilary for instance have them.

Witch H double seen at the dummied up inauguration was shorter than the broom rider. We saw her too when Hil got drunk and stumbled into the limo at the NYC 911 ceremony.

They scooped the drunk up and deposited her at her lair and sent the double out to meet the press.

OK details please A8

Do tell!

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Nazis will take advice from just about anyone (with enough money).

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People think after WW2 the Nazis were extinguished. Those who have their eyes open can plainly see they exist… and on either side of the aisle.

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NAZI's were a German political party. If you're not German, you're not a NAZI. Just because you don't like something, doesn't mean it's NAZI.

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NAZI party is international and is very much in operation

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No they don't. The actual Nazis were dead long ago. What you have today are young angry men with hate in their hearts who emulate the Nazis from the 1930s and form small gangs in various countries.

In addition to that you have the conspiracy kids online who think the Jews are responsible for everything bad in the same way the mainstream think "Trump bad,".

What we have on both sides of the political aisles are politicians who are quite happy to embrace authoritarianism.

This doesn't make them Nazis in the true sense of the word, they just share similar urges to dominate.

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Fair enough. Not the Nazis of WW2 but a new batch … call them what you please the blazing wanna bees.

Now the sensitivity to this word stems from the leftist trying to peg conservatives to it. I have no compulsion do you?


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https://rumble.com/vwmd51-journalist-bonnell-in-ukraine-the-truth-is-ukrainian-army-is-bombing-its-ow.html - Journalist Bonnell in Ukraine-the truth is Ukrainian army is bombing its own people in Dumbas region

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It's Donbass, fyi

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N At first sight I thought you were referring to dumb ass FJB 😂

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Thanks i know it's Donbass, i was only pasting in the title of the one who made the video, so they made the mistake.

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I agree. Additionally, 11 foreign (Pentagon) bio-labs seem like 10 too many. There are 25 such in the far-eastern zone, so what's really going on? Safety for the populace, of course. . . Right! Just like lockdowns & masks.

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NIH thanks to Fauci and Obama gave grants out of their bucket of popcorn. Russia still gets their grants. Israel a large recipient also.

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Embassy murders.

“What does it matter?” Hilary Clinton Senate hearing.

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Excellent read. Thank you

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Fascinating read…..

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and Bush, and Clinton. It really started after Reagan. Neo-cons and Deep state were not going to keep their promise. They constantly expanded eastward. I am rather amazed how restrained Putin has been. So far, he has been only using diplomatic solution. And by the way, this "unprovoked invasion" crap I see everywhere from Main stream media. Really. need to read the last half of this article. and he is not alone. everyone who keep tab on Russia and NATO situation, KNOW this is to be true. https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2022-10-20/questioning-ukraine-war-narrative

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Exactly, you should really check out "James Corbett" of "The Corbett Report", he gives a very balanced comprehensive, broken down into easy understanding of the various levels of geo-political conflicts in this. His last several video reports on this are something to seriously consider and he has exposed Nuland in the past quite well.

Edit: Not "He last" but "His last".

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I’m going to guess you’ve already watched Corbett’s “How big oil conquered the world” and the sequel “Why big oil conquered the world.”

Extremely good. Watched a few years ago and was completely CCP-Virus wary from the get-go. 😎

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Me too, I never bought for one second that the covid19 fraud was other than a US/U.K. crime. Sure, Xi knows what’s going on, trade offs & understandings are in place.

I find it better not to think of this as countries at war. It’s “The Revolt Of The Elites”, the perpetrators, vs Free Humanity.

Unfortunately, despite being outnumbered a million to 1, they are in total charge. Partly because people are misclassifying what’s in front of them & so looking for solutions in the wrong places.

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Greetings to you again sir, hopefully you remember me from our last interaction on this blog some months ago, and again, i am honoured to be able to interact you.. I agree with you more than not as one who has been an over two decades indagator into the machinations of these dynastical families seeking their one world so called order, but for me, there is evidence it's more than just a US/U.K.. crime, there were other cooks in the kitchen from what i know and then you have Bourla, Bancel, Fauci etc such a intertwined network etc. So i know they truly have megalomaniacal totalitarian plans to bring us into their Great Reset/NWO and the supra-fraud of "covid19" is a huge step in the ladder to get to their final destination.

Kind regards.

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https://rumble.com/vwmd51-journalist-bonnell-in-ukraine-the-truth-is-ukrainian-army-is-bombing-its-ow.html - Journalist Bonnell in Ukraine-the truth is Ukrainian army is bombing its own people in Dumbas region

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FYI: Donbass (pls).

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Yes... i do recall watching them but i can't remember if i watched the second one.

Yes quite good indeed.... i do not blame you for being wary from the get-go.

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It's interesting how differently everyone came to caution and suspicion on the life-altering pointy thing. The fortunate 30-40%. I thought my government was still sane until I heard (herd?) doctors, in a tiny minority, calling it gene therapy. Woe NOW! my mortal coil shuddered. Time to pause and research like a madman. Then it became horrifically-clear when the prescription was for everyone alive. Holy SMOKE! That sounds more like an antidote for some weapon that our pentangle folks are gonna unleash on some enemy, and potentially screw up worse than "the one we have been waiting for," and something quite beyond just crippled English.

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Hitlers rise was funded by the Saudis supplying him with oil. The bargain included Hitler mass murdering Hebrews. Our own luciferian FDR went straight to the Saudi and bowed at his feet right after Yalta.

It’s always about black gold.

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Yep - and checkout the fact that Zelenskyy didn’t even campaign to win:


He not only traded on the image of a complete outsider, he also did no face-to-face campaigning, made no speeches, held no rallies, eschewed travel across the country, gave no press conferences, avoided in-depth interviews with independent journalists and, until the last day of campaigning, did not debate.

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Like Biden

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So in other words, he was installed.

I kindly suggest you scroll through this investigative reporter's thread heavily exposing the various crimes of Zelensky;


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Of course he was installed. Ukraine is and has always been a puppet state.

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Yes i know much better these days.

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excellent link, TQ

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No problem.

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Like Biden

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I wonder which company ran their election software

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The CIAs Soros hats favorite servers overseas. Controlled by satellite.

Links for instance in Germany and the Club of Rome. Now the Communist Chinese own Dominion Voting Systems and other tabulators. Our CIA black hats in the thick of things. CCP purchased Dominion shortly before the 2020 election via UBS Switzerland.

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Listened to Jeff Prather last week and he said we were taken by China in November 2020, a silent takeover. Makes sense. Biden is owned by Xi, as is most of Congress and corrupt corporations. The US has to be taken down. We are a pawn on the board China/Russia v. Globalists https://jeffreyprather.com/watchlive/

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Correct DC is China Central DL

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OMG. Curiouser & curiouser. And his campaign was financed by Kolomoysky who also funds Azov battalion. What a mess

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That sounds familiar. We're seeing more and more of these plug-n-play election crashers. Amazing! Almost sounds Turd World.

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He was installed, as was Biden. Puppets, easily controlled. Sorting out the identity of "the man behind the curtain" is the fun part.

(Note: For those unfamiliar with the idiom, the "man behind the curtain" is a reference to the movie "The Wizard of Oz" from olden days. I guess it's pretty campy these days, but it was made the same year as Gone With The Wind, 1938, and half in Technicolor!!)

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also The Wizard of Oz has an ingenious plot, in which a little dog unwittingly plays a major part :-))

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Mar 7, 2022Edited
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can you find and send out to us a link that supports the remark that P has been part of the WEF? I've looked for information but could find only to the contrary, that P was never part of the WEF's Forum for Young Global Leaders. TQ

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Mar 7, 2022
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propaganda? bragging? source: interview with Schwab, where he indeed mentions P together with other European leaders, such as Germany's Merkel "and so on" as being 'young global leaders of the WEF' - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0v1pB8l6pQc

however, videos of P in Davos (virtual meeting, 2021) illustrate clearly he's no big fan of Schwab's New Reset or the NWO. GB

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Yes and she is still hanging around, the black widow with all her mindfuckery. The female equivalent of Gollum.

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Some people are not satisfied apparently with allowing the real person who won the election lead. And It always seems to be the same bunch.

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There are a lot of Bad Actors in that part of the world who are Muskie Fellows .. including this one, Mikheil Saakashvili . https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mikheil_Saakashvili "You can't make this stuff up!" as they say. Read about him He was appointed by Zelensky to be the Governor of Odessa Oblast about 10 minutes after he was granted Ukrainian citizenship,

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You're right. Strength wins. Say what you want about the Russians, they know how to win a war. They won in Syria. They won in Chechnya. Ok, they lost in Afghanistan. But so has everyone since Alexander the Great. By the way, when was the last time the U.S. won a war? 1945 I think.

Vladimir Putin is a serious man. The Russians are serious people. We Americans are a silly people that think it's important to acknowledge some dude that thinks he's a woman.

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That last part is cultural Marxism doing the hard part for them, letting their enemy destroy itself from within.

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As the USA also implodes from within .

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It's called The 4th Turning - but by then, everything that's cooking has burned.

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That SOTU address last week should have been done with O'biden wearing a skirt. He spent 45 seconds glorifying sexual identity, when the suicide rate among trans people is as concealed as the number of illegals. To those of us who have suffered molestation and other events from our awakened and free society of sexual deviates on parade, don't take anything in silence.

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Isn't the rate about 40%? Quite the transition.

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Believe me, I feel the shame in living here - but there's no place to where one can escape. It's all lockstep Global - every idiot in charge everywhere has on the same dog collar and leash. That, I think, is something achievable only via mass bribery or mass blackmail (which we all saw employed in the pivotal case of Bodily Autonomy Violation vs. Employment/Survival). Those we've trusted with power have all, and I mean ALL, gone criminal, treacherous, reckless and psychopathic. It's not just a Club, it's a CULT (the worst four-letter word when it comes to leadership). I see them as very CULT-ivated.

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Zelensky no doubt has the goods on the Biden and Clinton crime families, et al. He won't last long. And wouldn't you know, the Clinton Global Initiative was JUST resurrected, in time to get its share of US aid to Ukraine. The corruptocrats are no doubt lining up to line their pockets, if not via kickbacks from Ukraine then via handouts from Raytheon, GE, Boeing, General Dynamics, Lockheed, etc., etc., etc.

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The Clintons know a good grift when they see it!

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Like Bill says, "Never look a grift horse in the wallet".

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Whenever the Clintons pop up, you know something shady is going on.

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Zelensky lasts longer than anybody predicted.

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Until the CIA or Soros knocks him off, martyrs him to rally Ukrainians to hate Russia and Russians. There is a lot of evil at work in the Ukraine and there are a lot of Americans stirring the pot. I am ashamed of our national leaders.... they think we're stupid. The masks are off now, and not just the Covid masks which were totally worthless ! I know it. You know it. The whole world knows it.!!

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Evil has always been in Russia-China and Iran and Soros has been Russian agent since he stopped being Nazi collaborator!

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Well stated. And thanks for further insignt, i knew some of that, not all. Here's some good stuff for you;


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Money laundering at its finest.

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None of them go to jail except Bernie Madoff… I wonder why🧐

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It will be interesting to see if Ukraine goes "nuclear" with the Biden etc crime families... For the fun of:

- RUSSIAsteria: Best Hypocrisy Memes on Putin invading the Ukraine


- RUSSIAsteria: Best Putin Invades the Ukraine as COVID Goes Missing Memes


- RUSSIAsteria: Best Putin Invades the Ukraine Memes


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You just can't stand we're not going to war with Russia. Here's a plan: Hop on a plane, fly over there and volunteer. Fight-fight-fight! Don't just volunteer everyone else's ass.

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Tell that to Miss Lindsey Graham, Amy Klobachur and John McCain's ghost or daughter - they can join their buddies in the Azov Battalion... For some hypocrisy memes:

- RUSSIAsteria: Best Hypocrisy Memes on Putin invading the Ukraine


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Brilliant memes. Thanks!

I doubt the Queen of Carolina will head over there for combat any time soon.

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Miss Lindsey always talks tough:

Oh…Lindsey Graham, John McCain visiting AZOV Battalion & Ukrainian troops in Dec of 2016.


Because planned on attacking Russia in a Syria 2.0 type Proxy War

“Your fight is our fight, 2017 will be the year of OFFENSE.”

Trump stopped it. The Elite Restarted it Putin knows this pic.twitter.com/Z8Td2g0srd

— Kevin Alan Leversee ContentDragons (@contentdragons1) March 4, 2022


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I was telling my husband about the discussions here because he and I were talking about how frightening this all is.

He said I should recommend watching "Threads".

What do you think?

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Never saw it. I recommend Dr. Strangelove.

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Mar 7, 2022
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Yep. Lots of hoaxes coming from both sides.

I donated to a Ukraine Defense Fund. I feel for the little people. But the more I learn about Ukraine's gvt, the less I care if it continues to exist. Same for Putin's gvt.

I do NOT trust our Military Industrial Complex, or the DemComs, or the neo"cons". Biden's jumping on this to save his ass in the elections. The MIC & neo"cons" are fear porning it to massively hike our already bloated military budget. The military spending and the sanctions will jack up an already painful monetary inflation rate.

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He *caused it for the upcoming elections.* Fixed it for you.

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Putin plays along very well. I guess he also wants old Joe in charge here.

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We have worked with orphans in ukraine and are acquainted with several ministries there. Innocent people are suffering mightily while these wicked politicians play their games. It’s tragic.

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They gave 30 million to a “reformed” crack addic to advise on an industry he had no experience and you donated your money? It’s hopeless…

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I didn't donate to "them".

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Btw, the money you donated to Ukraine will likely be stolen

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I didn't donate it to Ukraine.

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Mar 7, 2022
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my feeling is to stay local(ish) fighting to keep our rights from creeping away.

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Yep. How can we save Ukraine when we're losing the USA? And why should we focus on that when it diverts attention from our own destruction? It's insanity.

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and perhaps part of the plan..."nothing to see here (leans into mic and whispers) but there's a shiny new war I caused over there!"

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Consider this;

It is quite the enlightening reality and honest truth-seeking and telling when you allow yourself to hear Putin's side of the story (even if one has been heavily mindwashed by profoundly intense Western Media Propaganda) correctly translated by this youtube channel man "Michael Rossi" a political scientist;

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5-ZdTGLmZo - Vladimir Putin's Speech on Ukraine, and Recognition of Donbass - Feb 21 2022 - English Subtitles

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qS6J-WbTD8 - Vladimir Putin's Speech on Ukraine and US Foreign Policy and NATO - 24 February 2022, ENG Subtitles

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43mRfG-d5wQ - Russia Gold Move to End Petro Dollar and Central Bank Cartel Economic Collapse News [keep in mind the date, the forecast was eerily more accurate than not.].

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I guess that was the best diplomatic effort the Putin could make before starting the war.

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https://rumble.com/vwmd51-journalist-bonnell-in-ukraine-the-truth-is-ukrainian-army-is-bombing-its-ow.html - Journalist Bonnell in Ukraine-the truth is Ukrainian army is bombing its own people in Dumbas region

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Try watching it all before commenting, unless you saw it already.

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Yep. I saw it. Right from the Putin's mouth. the sentence below says: "...what i say is that the Ukrainian army is bombing its own people in Dumbas region". "Dumbas?" LOL! That shows that the video is made for consumption by the western dumb a$$es who would believe any garbage that Moscow feeds them.

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???? translation issue?

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Loved your coverage on all things COVID; this, not so much. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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Alex, I think your coverage of the Ukraine tragedy is excellent. Please keep it up.

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Carol I am so happy for your humanitarian instincts, so concerned about the poor brave innocent souls in Ukraine! Here's my question for you and Alex and all of the other keyboard warriors waving blue and yellow flags today: where were you when another superpower unilaterally invaded and smashed another sovereign country without provocation, with deaths estimated at 1M of which the UN said 80% were civilians? Oopsie, that was Iraq. And for the geniuses wishing for "regime change" in Moscow: THAT regime change handed Iraq on a platter to our sworn enemy (at the time) Iran, and the country that got their oil was China. In other words, regime change made things much worse. Double oopsie! So the punchline is: Cost $2 *trillion*, killed *1 million*, and made things worse anyway. I get that the sons of Joe, John, Nancy, and Mitt all want to keep making serious bank from Ukrainian gas oligarchs, but maybe instead Congress can pass a special appropriation of $100M, just to hand to them. So they get their money, we get gas that costs less than $15/gallon, and The Third World avoids a famine of Biblical proportions because they REQUIRE RUSSIAN WHEAT IN ORDER TO STAY ALIVE.

But I honor your humanitarian instincts, really I do. If those come from an honest and true place then I suggest looking at the bigger picture.

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Ah ... the UN - source of truth and sincerity.

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And your argument is...what? That a million people did not die in the Iraq War?

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Haven’t forgotten either.

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The narrative is shifting away from COVID because it’s not polling well for the Democratic Party. They have official shifted their narrative to Ukraine to take their focus off the “virus “. The only people posting about COVID now, will focus on the permanent injuries, deaths and punishment for those who created this poisonous slurry. Ukraine is the official new narrative.

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He's missing the mark big time.

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You. Voted. For. This.

Orange Man bad, remember?

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Vote for me Joe Biden if you want to get back to normal.

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The adults are back in charge. -Sam Harris

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not me

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So many Dems don’t like Alex because Alex reacts to facts as they are and not how he wants them to be, but that is why I admire him.

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But in his discussions on foreign policy matters, Alex does not react to facts. It's all Cold War emotional propaganda. Unlike his focus on the idiocy of Covid policy. He should learn more, or shut up on matters in which he is not well versed.

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Ridiculous. I think he’s spot on with Putin is probably thinking. I think Putin underestimates what’s going to happen, but he’s probably thinking exactly that.

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In order for your statement to be credible, you have to cite what is just Cold War Propaganda he is reacting to rather than facts.

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Read Gilbert Doctorow. Watch the John Mearsheimer videos going back to 2015. Read the late, great Stephen F. Cohen. Patrick Lawrence. Patrick Armstrong. All serious journalists and analysts, in Patrick Armstrong's case a defense analyst for the Canadian government back in the final years of the Soviet Union and the first post-Soviet years. The Russians have a long-standing, quite publicly stated position that NATO expansion closer to their borders, and missile placements capable of reaching Russia in just minutes, WOULD NOT BE TOLERATED. A Nazi-infested Ukraine military force, instituted by a US-back coup, would not be tolerated. Russia sought a re-set in the post-1997 European security arrangement imposed by the US. The US refused. Russia said "move, or we will move you." Russia is now strong enough, and the threat in Ukraine great enough, to put a stop to it. If you only read or listen to mainstream US print or screen "news," this may be an alien concept. The world has changed. The Unipolar era is over. Get used to it, and recalibrate your news sources accordingly.

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I remember when Putin wanted to be a part of NATO. Not that long ago.

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Shalom2U3 min ago

So how is what you wrote or the videos or what the authors you cite wrote prove what Alex wrote is a reaction to Cold War propaganda rather than facts. Provide specific examples.

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Hear hear.

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Or revenge for the conquest of Khazaria, or the pogroms…

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Bro this is literally a vignette written from the point of view of Vladimir Putin, as if he were a character in a novel. What facts are you talking about?

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And Europe is still buying Russian oil. The mere potential for an embargo has taken the price from $90 to $130. If Europe actually embargos Russia, who knows what the price will be? $200? That’s an instant global recession. For what? What difference does it make to Russia in the long run? The oil’s still in the ground, sooner or later Russia will sell it.

Despite all the talk Europe and US haven’t cut Russia off from the banking system either, not really. They won’t, not as long as Xi is on Putin’s side.

And Xi is on Putin’s side. Putin is as useful to that Chinaman as he is to me, he gets a free look at how strong the Americans really are. Not too strong, for all the talk. Not even a no-fly.

Europe and the US can talk all they want but they need what Russia has. Already Putin has blown to oblivion any talk that Ukraine will EVER join NATO. That alone makes this war worth it to Putin.

Strength wins. Not talk. Not TikTok, whatever TikTok is. Tanks and the willingness to die - or at least to send your countrymen to die.

And Putin is very willing to send my send his countrymen to die.

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And to think it could have all been avoided if Biden had simply said we had no interest in Ukraine joining NATO.

NATO should have been disbanded once the Soviet Union dissolved. It serves no useful purpose - at least no useful purpose for the US, unless you consider us picking up the defense tab for the other NATO countries "useful."

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It's useful for JoeBama's Bankrupt Better Plan.

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Ohhh. Bankrupt Better. Definitely stealing this. 🤣

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don't fall for "thiS WaR stARTeD bECaUSE BIDen IS InCOMpeTeNt". biden is but a puppet. the only logical conclusion is that america intentionally started this war.

context: https://unlimitedhangout.com/2021/06/investigative-reports/who-is-a-terrorist-in-bidens-america/

bombshell: https://unlimitedhangout.com/2022/03/investigative-reports/ukraine-and-the-new-al-qaeda/

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Naive. If NATO never existed, Russia would still invade Ukraine. It’s about expansion of the Russian Federation.

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What a MORON. It's not expansion but SELF-PRESERVATION for Russia.

Pretend we lost the Cold War and Russia made alliances with Mexico and Canada and was now asking California and Texas to join their alliance (after all, they used to be part of Mexico). Oh yeah, and they want to put nukes there, too. You know, just for self-defense. ;-)

You think we'd just sit by and allow that to happen??? If you do, then you are a MORON.

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It’s easy to call someone names while hiding behind anonymity. Especially, when your “arguments” fail. Have you heard about the First and Second Chechen Wars? Of course, you’d say Chechnya is Russia, but that’s patently absurd; from the Caucasian peoples, the Chechens were among the longest unconquered by Russians, fierce fighters who were subjugated only about the end on 19th century and then barely too. Russia invaded Chechnya in effect, completely leveling it, also under Putin in 2000. Have you heard of Georgian War in 2008? They backed off only after recognizing “independence” of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Transnistria in 1990? It’s not even just Putin; Russian elites are grieving about not just the old Soviet Union but the Great Russian Empire; read Dugin, Putin’s primary expansionist ideologue. Russia wants its greatness back, and they’re ok with living on bread and vodka, in a way, as long as Putin’s adventurism allows them to reconquer the “old territories.” Ukraine has always been number one and always will be, unfortunately. They deserve independence and there’s nothing “illegal” about 2014 “coup,” that is, unless you pedal the age-old Russian propaganda about the West threatening it. Nobody cared about Russia since the downfall of the USSR, all just wanted oil and gas. And look now: we all do. And we better!

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You obviously have your facts wrong, so please do not embarrass yourself.

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It's either total lack of self-awareness, or, worse, complete disregard of others' points of view in this "my way or no way" and "might makes right" doctrine. We do it just because we can and never mind the destruction

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absolutely not true. Russia had zero intention to invade Ukraine until 2014 US coup in Ukraine. It gave it away voluntarily, it did not have to. How easily everyone forgot that. It's about protecting its borders and its citizens

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One initial thought, maybe two. Global warming farce and subsequent green energy non-sense. Oh and a third…weak leadership.

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russia literally funds western climate change NGOs so the west can't drill for oil and gas so they have to buy it from russia 😂😂 the west is literally under the spell of russian propaganda. weak minds.

saudi arabia and many other countries probably do the same.

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Good points…Western Left is spellbound I might add

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This is all part of "The Plan". The same plan that brought us Covid. The same plan Brandon has followed and is still following since he took office. The same plan that put him in office.

This is about showing the rest of us the futility of resisting. Jan6, Vax mandates, covid camps, Candian martial law, Misinformation terrorists, eventually Ukraine. US is working with Putin just like we are working with XI.

By the way, "someone" is selling suppressors on Amazon and advertising them as car parts and kitchen gadgets. How much you want to bet it's our own FBI or some other Government office. They even quote a Trump slogan in their ad.

I can't wait to see what's next.

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And I fear what's next!

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They definitely want a shooting situation here in the states as a precursor to eliminating 2A. They need 2A abolished to complete the agenda. Canada couldn’t fight because their guns are mostly gone. They know Americans are armed.

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Which is why Biden's admin has been throwing around the white supremacists label at everything since before day 1. WS = Domestic Terrorist = No Constitutional Protection.

It's a nice little end run. They confiscated all of the firearm sales records, and they have the names and addresses of everyone who refused to get vaxed. Nothing going on there.

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Among other things. The sad part is covid showed the "leaders" how many people would simply fall in line. Followers are the real guilty. Leaders all over the globe are doing whatever they want now because they know the majority will just go along with it.

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Tell me when the world builds a time machine and stops the U.S. invasion of Iraq. Or Libya. Or Afghanistan.

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Oh, but those were noble, righteous interventions, our media and leaders told us so... But really, our population has a complete lack of self awareness when it comes to the death and misery we have brought to other countries. But Russia bad!

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Or Ukraine in 2013 or currently Yemen.

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But, but, but -weapons of mass destruction.

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No false pretext for invasion there... those imaginary WMDs caused the death of tens of thousands of civilians, destroyed entire cities, puppet governments, and destabilization of an entire region, resulting in millions more deaths.

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Alex, you are way out of your depth here. Watch some of John Mearsheimer's talks, going back to 2015, explaining why the US push to militarize Ukraine and bring it into NATO (defacto or dejure) would result in a fierce Russian response, leaving Ukraine wrecked. And no, neither Putin nor the Russian generals promised nor expected a 7-day operation. Besides, the Russians are not fighting a US type of war, which by now would have seen cities utterly flattened and hundreds of thousands dead. You - like all too many here in the States - are utterly blind to the very real eight years of war in the Donbass, which has already left 15,000 dead, thousands wounded, massive destruction of homes, schools, and industry, and at least a million refugees who went East, all at the hands of the post 2104-coup US-backed Ukraine forces, in which actual fucking Nazis are totally embedded. You see only the pictures of refugees going West right now. Read Gilbert Doctorow, Patrick Armstrong, Consortium News, to get a clue. Otherwise, you're just spouting US-exceptionalist propaganda. The days of the US moving nukes ever closer to Russia are over.

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Biden needs to put a no-fly zone in the West of Ukraine for the refuges to go and where people can get aid as well as the fighting goes on in the rest of the country.

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Do you have a F'in clue what a "no-fly zone in the West of Ukraine" means? There's a no-fly zone there already, imposed by Russia. Should the US try it, any US/NATO planes will be blown out of the sky immediately. You are calling for nuclear war. There are corridors available for civilians to leave, right now. If they are closed, it's by the UkroNazis, especially around Mariupol where the Azov Battalion nutcases are dug in and using the civilian population as shields.

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That will surely start a war, that you are unable to absorb between US and RUSSIA. One that invites market crashes, electronic terrorism (hacking), and more. Be careful what you people who say "I am willing to send my countrymen to die" They are usually the rich who can but their way out. And like that Idiot from Star Trek will experience little in discomfort that you are inviting on the citizens of your county.

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Let’s see in two months. Though I don’t think this is your area of expertise in any way

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Nor is it Biden's area of expertise. That is one of our many problems.

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Blaming biden for anything is silly. He’s just a dementia ridden old man keeping the seat warm. It’s the complex behind him ruining this.

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That is generally understood by this point in time and the brevity of my original statement still gets my point across.

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No, Xiden's folks are acting exactly as instructed. Xiden has no idea where he is.

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Next year in Jerusalem !

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Is it yours?

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You really don’t have to be an expert in a particular area to recognize lack of expertise in another person

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Legit LOL

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The hypocrisy of western countries and western journalists is stunning even to me who has zero trust in them.

Bush and Obama killed 100's of thousands (go check out the Iraq Body Project for deaths in Iraq alone.) This doesn't count Afghanistan or other ME countries Obama 'droned'.

When it comes to killing civilians Putin can't hold a candle to Bush and Obama.

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And the support of the Yemeni genocide.

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But CNN did not show it, so it never happened.

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i love how alex ignores that the ukronazis have been murdering the russians in the donbass for the last 8 years. greg hunter had a good interview with martin armstrong that touches on the ukarine war https://usawatchdog.com/insane-globalists-collapsing-world-economy-martin-armstrong/

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I'm American and speak fluent Russian. No one is listening to what Putin is saying and listening only to one side. This crisis has been pushed by the neoliberals and neocons for decades. Clinton's empty promises, followed by George W. Bush's quest to place a large missile defense system in the Ukraine which threatened the Russians. Later, Obama shows up with empty promises and paid for bioweapons labs across the Ukraine. I lived in the Ukraine, the Ukrainian people spoke of the bioweapon's labs, and I knew military members and scientist who worked at the labs. Later blundering Biden promotes a NATO alliance with the Ukraine which threatens the Russians. The Ukraine gov is filled with Obama puppets. The UN failed to listen to all sides. The absurdity of war provocation is insane. The War Pigs will never be on the front lines and will head to the bunkers if the button is pushed. The Ukraine brought us many crimes regarding the Bidens. We should promote peace, end the war, end the stupid notion to promote the Ukraine as a NATO member and realize Putin was wrong to invade but he had a duty to defend his nation when Ukrainian government members threatened Russia with Bioweapons. We must realize many Ukrainians have family members living in Russia and vice versa. I know for a fact Mitt Romney has kids working in the Ukraine for the gas company and so does Pelosi. Lastly, never send anyone to the table to speak of peace and resolve who doesn't understand the basic points shared. Lastly, I never understood why Obama was in the Ukraine until recently and both Obama and Trump are pawns for the NWO. I suppose most have forgotten it was the US prompted the overthrow of the Ukrainian gov which was completed by the Obama administration. In closing I can't stand to see the War Pigs interviewed on TV while discounting solutions.

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Thanks for posting. I'll take a look at the video in the morning.

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Daryl L Long bingo

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Yes, and thanks. I was interviewed a few days ago and while a similar message was shared on radio, I received major Putin backlash. I spoke the truth. I'm dyslexic and forgive errors.

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Darel L Long , it’s called Putin Apologist , thus the backlash. People need to wake up and look at the big swampy picture. The Ukrainian people and us are getting played.

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Yes this can be resolved peacefully, but there's no money in that.

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This is an excellent piece - https://hitchensblog.mailonsunday.co.uk

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This is TOTALLY Obama/HRC/Nuland's fault...every bit of it

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Listen to todays Tom Woods and to most recent Jimmy Dore. There is plenty of blame to go around from Bill Clinton up to Biden.

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An interesting perspective on this topic.

“Americans have no obligation to sacrifice for the war in Ukraine.

Ukraine Mania is the successor to COVID Mania. No questions asked!”


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Well, I’m just grateful we don’t have to read mean tweets anymore. Lunch pail man has created an epic disaster in record time. Yay Blue Wave!!!

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I like mean tweets, they entertain me. I like Don Tickles, too!

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And cheap gas.

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He knows he is against an army of ladies and gay men. He knows he has nothing to worry about...

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Uhem. Pregnant ladies in maternity flight suits and transitioning whatevers.

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Bring the alpha man back. Blow the shofar!

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Vlad will dance the Hora on the ashes of Kiev.

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Funny how a country with “oil in the ground” can’t seem to get it to their tanks. Just sayin’.

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2 weeks to flatten Ukraine.....sounds familiar...

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This from someone who said climate change is a serious problem. You nailed COVID and I will always respect that. In fact, you were one of the first to sound the alarm on the link between the zoonotic origin lie and it’s interplay with the climate doomsayers. We all know this wouldn’t be happening if western nations were utilizing all of their natural resources. Can’t have it both ways.

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"And I am very willing to send my send my countrymen to die."

Are you talking about Fauci, or are you trying to get invited back to the dinners now that Magic Bug is getting boring?

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Send Fauci to Ukraine and put a rifle in his hands. I hear he's as good at marksmanship as pitching a baseball.

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It really does fit FauQi, and several others including FJB!, doesn't it?

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I think Mary Poppins offers more fitting commentary: SuperCallousFascistRiskyExperimentalDoes are something quite atrocious!

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Azov battalion. Hunter Biden. Victoria Nuland.

Sorry, but Putin is far from the Villain in this charade.

Focus on the pandemic conspiracy. All this is....is distraction.

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Locke 👍🏻

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Americans are weak and spoiled. We are a paper tiger. Politician grifters more concerned with lobbyists and campaign contributions. Generals and admirals more concerned with their white rage and proper pronouns. Wide open borders. An entire generation taught to HATE the country of their birth. Is it any wonder tyrants and dictators think they can have their way with the world?

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You’re great on Covid. You’re a real journalist when it comes to Covid.

With Russia, you’re embarrassing yourself. Really.

Just stop. You’ll be glad when you look back.

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Exactly what parts of his opinion do you disagree on? Will gas actually fall below $2 a gallon?

Everything he said seems about right to me, and the stuff he didn't cover, like the Nazi aspect, are the parts that require more specific expertise.

And I don't believe for a second the opinion of a London School of Economics PhD is any more guaranteed than Alex's perspective or mine.

But the pretending to be Putin bit was a hokey device.

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And distracting

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I just can’t believe so many of you commenting on here either indirectly or straight-out telling Alex to shut up with his opinions on anything but COVID. Who do you guys think you are?! You portend to be the experts on all things and get to decide what Alex should and shouldn’t write about! Really?? Give me a break. How did your opinions become so much more legitimate than his? There is a lot of arrogance on this substack - so much so that you all forget that telling Alex to shut up is exactly the type of action you all claim to be fighting against.

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The media on one hand is insisting Putin is struggling. Then in the next breath insist he plans to take all of Europe if US does not go to war with Russia. I have never seen so many nut jobs in our government and all these think tanks. There does not seem to be a sane person in Washington.

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Common sense strikes again.

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Worth watching: Ukraine On Fire by Oliver Stone 2016


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It was a great documentary

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Interesting nary a peep about anything other than the Ukraine. What's going on in Canada, southern border, China moving on Taiwan, gain of function research labs etc?

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oh and all the EXCESS death being found by more and more insurance company actuaries. Interesting how its all now silent and where is Fauci?

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Truckers convoy(s). European protests. Aus/Oz protests.

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Well, if we didn't have the last twenty plus years in the Middle East destabilizing governments and leaving people in worse straits then we found them, we might be in a better position to be outraged. If we hadn't just spent the last two years cancelling our citizens' rights over little more than a common cold, we might be in a better position to be outraged. If one political party had not misused our intelligence system and media to smear a politician and censor facts to make our elections little better than those of banana republics, we'd be in a better position to be outraged. If we didn't turn a blind eye to the human rights abuses of China and Saudi Arabia and every other nation that benefits our own elites (even if those relationships have been impoverishing regular citizens), then we'd be in a better position to be outraged. Right now if we give in to this Ukraine madness, all we're doing is saving two corrupt governments (one here in the US and one in Ukraine) at the risk of blowing up the planet. Count me out.

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Difficult to take you seriously when you “write” stuff like this. I’m certain you could make the same point without the ridiculous “Putin narration”.

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Yeah, the worst is when people put words in God's mouth

But it's always a hokey motif.

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Wanting to risk all out nuclear war to defend the pandora papers zelinsky regime.

Blue check through and through.

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Alex - Cover Anthropogenic Global Warming. A whole lot of unreported truth right there. The truth is: If we had a free market in energy - oil would be <$40 a barrel right now. Who knows how broke the Russian would be?

We don't have a free market in energy because we are living the lie - Increasing Atmospheric CO2 is an existential crisis for mankind and planet earth. That is as big a lie as masks and lockdowns. We are not in charge of climate. Climate's gonna climate.

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Ha I like it! Climate is going to climate.

>Earth was warming for decades BEFORE the indstrial revolution

>It has been hotter before and CO2 has been higher before. Life was fine

> The last 2 decades saw a rise of what 0.0001 degrees?

> And a thousand other points that go against the Catastrophic Manmade Global Warming Narrative

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Climate change people don't seem to understand the difference between climate and weather.

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A warm summer might justify a new round of lockdowns to control the weather. Instead of masks we'll be required to wear little co2 catchers on our face like the space ships use to recycle air. Pfizer will come up with a vax that makes us comatose to reduce our emissions, top and bottom -- exhaled co2, and the methane generated by all those veggies.

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What generals promised it would be done in a week? Russians thought it would take a month.

So much profound misunderstanding of the situation and Russian tactics (note, they have done their cauldron strategy in every war and it appears to be working this time around too. Probably in part due to Western propaganda telling Ukrainians someone is coming to save them... They're allowing themselves to get surrounded and boa constricted...).

And the idea that Zelensky is in control of this war is hilarious. He looks more like a hostage that knows he'll be killed by Nazis if he surrenders gracefully... Even though a graceful surrender would be the best thing for Ukrainian civilians (and consequently, the worst thing for the Nazis running the military campaign).

Oh well.

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It’s infuriating how our media allows the Biden ministration to attack and shut down our energy sector while pleading with OPEC and Russia to increase production. Emperor’s new clothes anyone?

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If we pumped our own oil none of this could possibly have happened

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Wrong, economic pressure would have not stopped Russia from invading Ukraine; if anything, it would have accelerated it. Russia wants to expand, and it won’t stop on Ukraine.

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Not so sure. Putin needs cash. We give him cash. Stop the cash stop the war.

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…and besides I am negotiating the Iran USA deal which will put rubles rubles rubles in my pocket. And the stupid Americans are still thinking green. Ha! I’ve got China too. I saw the quality of old Joe through his son Hunter. What a mess that kid is. They so can and have been bought by China. So much so that Joe even sent his intel on me and my forces to my new buddy Xi. And he told me all. What a chump.

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…will we all be heading into Mexico to escape…

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Stay away from the soccer stadiums when you get there

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Headed to Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City. We’ll see.

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Vladimir Putin is a heroic leader liberating the people of Ukraine from the global tyranny of the US military industrial complex.

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Everyone seems to over look the China angle in this mess. Putin is acting as such because Xi has his back. Our responses will ultimately diminish our own economic, political, and military power in the world. Xi couldn't be happier.

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Apparently support for American "boots on the ground" is less than 50% in the US. It was over 90% for both Iraq wars. This is in spite of all corporate media beating the war drums.

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You actually need to go back to the Russian Revolution to understand the origins of the conflict. Sure, what happened in 2014 and subsequent playing a big role. But the Bolsheviks (sanitized name for the Khazarian Mafia) leadership came from what is now Ukraine. Long knives in Russia. Long memories too. Revenge being served cold to some extent.

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Amen, see my comment i just left before you, below yours.

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https://rumble.com/vwmd51-journalist-bonnell-in-ukraine-the-truth-is-ukrainian-army-is-bombing-its-ow.html - Journalist Bonnell in Ukraine-the truth is Ukrainian army is bombing its own people in Dumbas region

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Russia is quickly running out of fighters bc no young Russian wants to fight this war. They’re looking at Central Asians (which in RU is illegal) & other untrained minority groups to send. Immigration is way up while there’s a brain drain esp w engineers so besides the sanctions things are not looking good in Russia internally.

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No offence, but sadly you are a victim of Western media propaganda. I have been following both sides on twitter from those in the war on the ground, and of course they do not want you to know that the "Ukrainians" are shelling their own people and claiming Russia is doing it and there are interviews with French female reporters on twitter revealing this but of course Western media should be trusted that its the Russians doing it after we were lied to and still being lied to about the scam-demic right?

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I don’t pay any attention to Western media. This is a red herring- yes I know they’re shelling their own ppl but Russia has been striking civilian areas too. I’m talking about the actual economic & political situation within Russia. This thread is a thesis practically, but it’s insightful. Kamil Galeev is an independent researcher/journalist residing in Moscow. https://twitter.com/kamilkazani/status/1500495309595725831?s=21

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Thanks Christi. Ok you state you do not pay attention to Western media but yet repeat their talking points, ok. Russia striking civilians areas, i would kindly disagree seeing as how Putin knows they are actually really the same people, so it is quite the enlightening reality and honest truth-seeking and telling when you allow yourself to hear Putin's side of the story (even if one has been heavily mindwashed by profoundly intense Western Media Propaganda) correctly translated by this youtube channel man "Michael Rossi" a political scientist;

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5-ZdTGLmZo - Vladimir Putin's Speech on Ukraine, and Recognition of Donbass - Feb 21 2022 - English Subtitles

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qS6J-WbTD8 - Vladimir Putin's Speech on Ukraine and US Foreign Policy and NATO - 24 February 2022, ENG Subtitles

....for i already have seen evidence that refutes it Russians doing it indiscriminately from those French journalists and other neutral honest journalists on the ground who are sick and tired of the Western media lies but still admit that the claims of Western media that Russia is shelling civilian areas, is untrue, it's the neo-nazi army members doing this. I will check out the link thanks and as for the political and economical situation, i am well aware of, Putin has prepared for this for a long time, here's an example;

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43mRfG-d5wQ - Russia Gold Move to End Petro Dollar and Central Bank Cartel Economic Collapse News [keep in mind the date, the forecast was eerily more accurate than not.].

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Yes, I’ve seen his speeches on the Donbass situation & I’ll check out the other links. I only follow independent journalists on the ground so I’m not sure what talking points you’re referring to, the only thing I’ve heard from the MSM as far as dumb clips go is “Putin crazy man”. If you have reputable independent journalists on the ground you can recommend, I’m all ears.

I also didn’t say he’s bombing them “indiscriminately”, but according to the sources I follow, he is still bombing them. Otherwise what’s the point of the equipment & what are the targets? How else does he break them? Putin has to conquer the opposition somehow & judging from his past carpet bombing escapades he hardly values human life. Most Ukrainians clearly don’t share this sentiment that they are the same ppl.

Kindly review the thread I posted & tell me you didn’t come away w a better understanding of how things are evolving in Russia though.

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Russia claims they are targeting military/government and avoiding civilians as much as possible. The way they have been carrying out their operation and numbers suggest that's true. It's also being reported that Ukraine is placing howitzers in residential areas.

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Maybe so but history shows a motivated insurgency is nearly impossible to crush. I just don’t see where this is going without targeting civilians.

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By the way here is that video;

https://rumble.com/vwmd51-journalist-bonnell-in-ukraine-the-truth-is-ukrainian-army-is-bombing-its-ow.html - Journalist Bonnell in Ukraine-the truth is Ukrainian army is bombing its own people in Dumbas region

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Clearly Covid/vaccines are over (for the next 5ish years) which is why Alex is trying to hard to crossover into international politics.

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Respectfully, I seriously doubt that Covid or the vaccines -- ore more to the point, authoritarianism -- are over. They're just pausing before going into full court press. Meanwhile, most people have switched their attention to the new shiny object. Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.

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Gold is currently trading above $2,000 an ounce, gas is spiking, and the Euro is approaching parity with the US dollar. Hard to say who the sanctions will end up hurting the most.

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Easy to say, since we're buying 700,000 barrels/day of oil from Russia. We're financing their war with our inflated fiat currency. We were energy-independent until Jan 20, 2021. So.

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To the BIDEN ADMINISTRATION: In a little more than a year, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE? HOW MUCH MORE CAN WE TAKE DUE TO YOUR INCOMPETENCE? Your first order thinking has devastated our oil industry by depending on CHILDREN to make your policies. WE NEED TO CONVINCE THIS INCOMPETENT ADMIN TO IMMEDIATELY “LET GO” of all green/climate ENDEMIC decisions (underlying all Biden decisions) and make us ENERGY INDEPENDENT - WE CAN SUPPLY THE WORLD. Biden opened the door and Putin walked right in.

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Let’s say (as a given) that one believes in climate change and that oil/gas = bad. Biden is begging foreign countries (enemies) to pump more oil to meet US demand. Since climate is global, and oil is bad, how does this impact the GLOBAL climate any LESS than if the US were pumping it themselves. What am I missing here?

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NOTHING, INFURIATED. Your are missing NOTHING AT ALL. US OR THEM? When is the last time we saw our country ON OUR KNEES?

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I follow Alex for his investigative reporting on the Virus, Its Origins, and the Ineffective (proven by more than his reports) Vaccine, the corruption of the Pharma Companies. There is more out there, and someone is going to do the digging to find out who is being paid what, and just how dangerous this mRNA "Vaccine" is. Follow the money. HIs last sentence there is not complete. We have a way to stop $200 a barrel oil and its as plain as the ground you stand on. During the Trump administration they were worried about a barrel of oil being worth nothing or people paying to take the oil off their hands. It was called energy independence. Brandon stopped it HIS FIRST DAY in office. And since then the price has been going up. To say, lets send people to die in a foreign war to stop $7 at the pump when there are other ways of doing that, is ridiculous, insane, and dangerous. I state that as a 10 year veteran who served during war (NEVER AGAIN). A 20 year continuous war which an "elected" person (81 Million Votes mind you- yeah right) gave the people we were fighting BILLIONS in OUR MILITARY EQUIPMENT. Alex might be able to stay at home, his kids might be too young to fight as well so the sending his countrymen line makes sense. But read Christopher Hitchens latest piece on the Hypocrites for Ukraine, and it will make more sense. I am not sure if I took his last line correctly (I may be mistaken about his intent, and if so I apologize) since he repeats the "send my" twice *(Type-O or on purpose?). If he is willing to send his countrymen, I suggest he either suits up himself, or sticks to the virus reporting.

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Alex, you should stay in your lane and stick to Covid. You know nothing about the politics or history of the two countries, not to mention NATO’s involvement in the region and our own country’s interference. All you’re doing is regurgitating the “Putin bad” narrative the media is churning out without thinking about it or looking further into it. Disappointing for someone who was skeptical on Covid from day one to go all in on this.

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Meanwhile... Russia just released documents regarding US-funded bioweapons lab in Ukraine. I heard of this in passing, but I assumed that it was one of many propaganda floating around on Twitter.

Anyway, I posted a video of my thoughts on the situation on YouTube but noticed that after a couple of days, I didn't receive many comments - which is unusual. So I check it out on YouTube studio and saw a plethora of comments discussing the bioweapons development and Putin's fears that a new pandemic would be blamed on them.

These comments were all shadow banned and eventually deleted by YouTube.

While I don't care for wars because the civilians always suffer, I'm pretty sympathetic to Putin's rationale, even more so with all the propaganda being thrown into showing him as the bad guy vs the covering up the West is doing about Ukraine basically being a Nazi state.

Now that I see that this bioweapon stuff is already being heavily censored, I'm for sure leaning towards the US being the aggressor here. America is throwing rocks and hiding its hands.

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