Victoria Nuland. Check out her role in the 2014 coup Ukraine .

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You're right. Strength wins. Say what you want about the Russians, they know how to win a war. They won in Syria. They won in Chechnya. Ok, they lost in Afghanistan. But so has everyone since Alexander the Great. By the way, when was the last time the U.S. won a war? 1945 I think.

Vladimir Putin is a serious man. The Russians are serious people. We Americans are a silly people that think it's important to acknowledge some dude that thinks he's a woman.

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Zelensky no doubt has the goods on the Biden and Clinton crime families, et al. He won't last long. And wouldn't you know, the Clinton Global Initiative was JUST resurrected, in time to get its share of US aid to Ukraine. The corruptocrats are no doubt lining up to line their pockets, if not via kickbacks from Ukraine then via handouts from Raytheon, GE, Boeing, General Dynamics, Lockheed, etc., etc., etc.

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You just can't stand we're not going to war with Russia. Here's a plan: Hop on a plane, fly over there and volunteer. Fight-fight-fight! Don't just volunteer everyone else's ass.

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Loved your coverage on all things COVID; this, not so much. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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You. Voted. For. This.

Orange Man bad, remember?

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So many Dems don’t like Alex because Alex reacts to facts as they are and not how he wants them to be, but that is why I admire him.

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And to think it could have all been avoided if Biden had simply said we had no interest in Ukraine joining NATO.

NATO should have been disbanded once the Soviet Union dissolved. It serves no useful purpose - at least no useful purpose for the US, unless you consider us picking up the defense tab for the other NATO countries "useful."

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The geopolitical machinations is above you. Stop

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Alex having lost a crapload of credibility over ivermectin and Robert Malone, has decided to declare himself an expert in geopolitics. Alex, apologize. Regain your dignity. People will forgive.

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One initial thought, maybe two. Global warming farce and subsequent green energy non-sense. Oh and a third…weak leadership.

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This is all part of "The Plan". The same plan that brought us Covid. The same plan Brandon has followed and is still following since he took office. The same plan that put him in office.

This is about showing the rest of us the futility of resisting. Jan6, Vax mandates, covid camps, Candian martial law, Misinformation terrorists, eventually Ukraine. US is working with Putin just like we are working with XI.

By the way, "someone" is selling suppressors on Amazon and advertising them as car parts and kitchen gadgets. How much you want to bet it's our own FBI or some other Government office. They even quote a Trump slogan in their ad.

I can't wait to see what's next.

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Tell me when the world builds a time machine and stops the U.S. invasion of Iraq. Or Libya. Or Afghanistan.

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Alex, you are way out of your depth here. Watch some of John Mearsheimer's talks, going back to 2015, explaining why the US push to militarize Ukraine and bring it into NATO (defacto or dejure) would result in a fierce Russian response, leaving Ukraine wrecked. And no, neither Putin nor the Russian generals promised nor expected a 7-day operation. Besides, the Russians are not fighting a US type of war, which by now would have seen cities utterly flattened and hundreds of thousands dead. You - like all too many here in the States - are utterly blind to the very real eight years of war in the Donbass, which has already left 15,000 dead, thousands wounded, massive destruction of homes, schools, and industry, and at least a million refugees who went East, all at the hands of the post 2104-coup US-backed Ukraine forces, in which actual fucking Nazis are totally embedded. You see only the pictures of refugees going West right now. Read Gilbert Doctorow, Patrick Armstrong, Consortium News, to get a clue. Otherwise, you're just spouting US-exceptionalist propaganda. The days of the US moving nukes ever closer to Russia are over.

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Mar 7, 2022·edited Mar 7, 2022

Let’s see in two months. Though I don’t think this is your area of expertise in any way

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Mar 7, 2022·edited Mar 7, 2022

The hypocrisy of western countries and western journalists is stunning even to me who has zero trust in them.

Bush and Obama killed 100's of thousands (go check out the Iraq Body Project for deaths in Iraq alone.) This doesn't count Afghanistan or other ME countries Obama 'droned'.

When it comes to killing civilians Putin can't hold a candle to Bush and Obama.

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i love how alex ignores that the ukronazis have been murdering the russians in the donbass for the last 8 years. greg hunter had a good interview with martin armstrong that touches on the ukarine war https://usawatchdog.com/insane-globalists-collapsing-world-economy-martin-armstrong/

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I'm American and speak fluent Russian. No one is listening to what Putin is saying and listening only to one side. This crisis has been pushed by the neoliberals and neocons for decades. Clinton's empty promises, followed by George W. Bush's quest to place a large missile defense system in the Ukraine which threatened the Russians. Later, Obama shows up with empty promises and paid for bioweapons labs across the Ukraine. I lived in the Ukraine, the Ukrainian people spoke of the bioweapon's labs, and I knew military members and scientist who worked at the labs. Later blundering Biden promotes a NATO alliance with the Ukraine which threatens the Russians. The Ukraine gov is filled with Obama puppets. The UN failed to listen to all sides. The absurdity of war provocation is insane. The War Pigs will never be on the front lines and will head to the bunkers if the button is pushed. The Ukraine brought us many crimes regarding the Bidens. We should promote peace, end the war, end the stupid notion to promote the Ukraine as a NATO member and realize Putin was wrong to invade but he had a duty to defend his nation when Ukrainian government members threatened Russia with Bioweapons. We must realize many Ukrainians have family members living in Russia and vice versa. I know for a fact Mitt Romney has kids working in the Ukraine for the gas company and so does Pelosi. Lastly, never send anyone to the table to speak of peace and resolve who doesn't understand the basic points shared. Lastly, I never understood why Obama was in the Ukraine until recently and both Obama and Trump are pawns for the NWO. I suppose most have forgotten it was the US prompted the overthrow of the Ukrainian gov which was completed by the Obama administration. In closing I can't stand to see the War Pigs interviewed on TV while discounting solutions.

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This is TOTALLY Obama/HRC/Nuland's fault...every bit of it

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Mar 7, 2022·edited Mar 7, 2022

An interesting perspective on this topic.

“Americans have no obligation to sacrifice for the war in Ukraine.

Ukraine Mania is the successor to COVID Mania. No questions asked!”


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Well, I’m just grateful we don’t have to read mean tweets anymore. Lunch pail man has created an epic disaster in record time. Yay Blue Wave!!!

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He knows he is against an army of ladies and gay men. He knows he has nothing to worry about...

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Bring the alpha man back. Blow the shofar!

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Funny how a country with “oil in the ground” can’t seem to get it to their tanks. Just sayin’.

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This from someone who said climate change is a serious problem. You nailed COVID and I will always respect that. In fact, you were one of the first to sound the alarm on the link between the zoonotic origin lie and it’s interplay with the climate doomsayers. We all know this wouldn’t be happening if western nations were utilizing all of their natural resources. Can’t have it both ways.

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"And I am very willing to send my send my countrymen to die."

Are you talking about Fauci, or are you trying to get invited back to the dinners now that Magic Bug is getting boring?

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Azov battalion. Hunter Biden. Victoria Nuland.

Sorry, but Putin is far from the Villain in this charade.

Focus on the pandemic conspiracy. All this is....is distraction.

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Americans are weak and spoiled. We are a paper tiger. Politician grifters more concerned with lobbyists and campaign contributions. Generals and admirals more concerned with their white rage and proper pronouns. Wide open borders. An entire generation taught to HATE the country of their birth. Is it any wonder tyrants and dictators think they can have their way with the world?

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You’re great on Covid. You’re a real journalist when it comes to Covid.

With Russia, you’re embarrassing yourself. Really.

Just stop. You’ll be glad when you look back.

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I just can’t believe so many of you commenting on here either indirectly or straight-out telling Alex to shut up with his opinions on anything but COVID. Who do you guys think you are?! You portend to be the experts on all things and get to decide what Alex should and shouldn’t write about! Really?? Give me a break. How did your opinions become so much more legitimate than his? There is a lot of arrogance on this substack - so much so that you all forget that telling Alex to shut up is exactly the type of action you all claim to be fighting against.

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The media on one hand is insisting Putin is struggling. Then in the next breath insist he plans to take all of Europe if US does not go to war with Russia. I have never seen so many nut jobs in our government and all these think tanks. There does not seem to be a sane person in Washington.

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Worth watching: Ukraine On Fire by Oliver Stone 2016


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Interesting nary a peep about anything other than the Ukraine. What's going on in Canada, southern border, China moving on Taiwan, gain of function research labs etc?

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Well, if we didn't have the last twenty plus years in the Middle East destabilizing governments and leaving people in worse straits then we found them, we might be in a better position to be outraged. If we hadn't just spent the last two years cancelling our citizens' rights over little more than a common cold, we might be in a better position to be outraged. If one political party had not misused our intelligence system and media to smear a politician and censor facts to make our elections little better than those of banana republics, we'd be in a better position to be outraged. If we didn't turn a blind eye to the human rights abuses of China and Saudi Arabia and every other nation that benefits our own elites (even if those relationships have been impoverishing regular citizens), then we'd be in a better position to be outraged. Right now if we give in to this Ukraine madness, all we're doing is saving two corrupt governments (one here in the US and one in Ukraine) at the risk of blowing up the planet. Count me out.

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Difficult to take you seriously when you “write” stuff like this. I’m certain you could make the same point without the ridiculous “Putin narration”.

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Wanting to risk all out nuclear war to defend the pandora papers zelinsky regime.

Blue check through and through.

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Alex - Cover Anthropogenic Global Warming. A whole lot of unreported truth right there. The truth is: If we had a free market in energy - oil would be <$40 a barrel right now. Who knows how broke the Russian would be?

We don't have a free market in energy because we are living the lie - Increasing Atmospheric CO2 is an existential crisis for mankind and planet earth. That is as big a lie as masks and lockdowns. We are not in charge of climate. Climate's gonna climate.

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What generals promised it would be done in a week? Russians thought it would take a month.

So much profound misunderstanding of the situation and Russian tactics (note, they have done their cauldron strategy in every war and it appears to be working this time around too. Probably in part due to Western propaganda telling Ukrainians someone is coming to save them... They're allowing themselves to get surrounded and boa constricted...).

And the idea that Zelensky is in control of this war is hilarious. He looks more like a hostage that knows he'll be killed by Nazis if he surrenders gracefully... Even though a graceful surrender would be the best thing for Ukrainian civilians (and consequently, the worst thing for the Nazis running the military campaign).

Oh well.

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It’s infuriating how our media allows the Biden ministration to attack and shut down our energy sector while pleading with OPEC and Russia to increase production. Emperor’s new clothes anyone?

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If we pumped our own oil none of this could possibly have happened

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…and besides I am negotiating the Iran USA deal which will put rubles rubles rubles in my pocket. And the stupid Americans are still thinking green. Ha! I’ve got China too. I saw the quality of old Joe through his son Hunter. What a mess that kid is. They so can and have been bought by China. So much so that Joe even sent his intel on me and my forces to my new buddy Xi. And he told me all. What a chump.

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Vladimir Putin is a heroic leader liberating the people of Ukraine from the global tyranny of the US military industrial complex.

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Everyone seems to over look the China angle in this mess. Putin is acting as such because Xi has his back. Our responses will ultimately diminish our own economic, political, and military power in the world. Xi couldn't be happier.

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Apparently support for American "boots on the ground" is less than 50% in the US. It was over 90% for both Iraq wars. This is in spite of all corporate media beating the war drums.

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You actually need to go back to the Russian Revolution to understand the origins of the conflict. Sure, what happened in 2014 and subsequent playing a big role. But the Bolsheviks (sanitized name for the Khazarian Mafia) leadership came from what is now Ukraine. Long knives in Russia. Long memories too. Revenge being served cold to some extent.

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Russia is quickly running out of fighters bc no young Russian wants to fight this war. They’re looking at Central Asians (which in RU is illegal) & other untrained minority groups to send. Immigration is way up while there’s a brain drain esp w engineers so besides the sanctions things are not looking good in Russia internally.

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Mar 7, 2022·edited Mar 7, 2022

Clearly Covid/vaccines are over (for the next 5ish years) which is why Alex is trying to hard to crossover into international politics.

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Gold is currently trading above $2,000 an ounce, gas is spiking, and the Euro is approaching parity with the US dollar. Hard to say who the sanctions will end up hurting the most.

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To the BIDEN ADMINISTRATION: In a little more than a year, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE? HOW MUCH MORE CAN WE TAKE DUE TO YOUR INCOMPETENCE? Your first order thinking has devastated our oil industry by depending on CHILDREN to make your policies. WE NEED TO CONVINCE THIS INCOMPETENT ADMIN TO IMMEDIATELY “LET GO” of all green/climate ENDEMIC decisions (underlying all Biden decisions) and make us ENERGY INDEPENDENT - WE CAN SUPPLY THE WORLD. Biden opened the door and Putin walked right in.

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I follow Alex for his investigative reporting on the Virus, Its Origins, and the Ineffective (proven by more than his reports) Vaccine, the corruption of the Pharma Companies. There is more out there, and someone is going to do the digging to find out who is being paid what, and just how dangerous this mRNA "Vaccine" is. Follow the money. HIs last sentence there is not complete. We have a way to stop $200 a barrel oil and its as plain as the ground you stand on. During the Trump administration they were worried about a barrel of oil being worth nothing or people paying to take the oil off their hands. It was called energy independence. Brandon stopped it HIS FIRST DAY in office. And since then the price has been going up. To say, lets send people to die in a foreign war to stop $7 at the pump when there are other ways of doing that, is ridiculous, insane, and dangerous. I state that as a 10 year veteran who served during war (NEVER AGAIN). A 20 year continuous war which an "elected" person (81 Million Votes mind you- yeah right) gave the people we were fighting BILLIONS in OUR MILITARY EQUIPMENT. Alex might be able to stay at home, his kids might be too young to fight as well so the sending his countrymen line makes sense. But read Christopher Hitchens latest piece on the Hypocrites for Ukraine, and it will make more sense. I am not sure if I took his last line correctly (I may be mistaken about his intent, and if so I apologize) since he repeats the "send my" twice *(Type-O or on purpose?). If he is willing to send his countrymen, I suggest he either suits up himself, or sticks to the virus reporting.

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