Yet when the lying little shitweasel was IN FRONT OF CONGRESS and reminded of the penalty for lying, he simply continued to lie anyway.

Nobody has more to lose from the truth coming out than Fauci, and that's why he's frantically squashed every attempt at shedding light on the situation.

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The slimy weasel made a career of lying. Cut the friggin pension . It makes me nauseous that my tax dollars pay that friggin pension

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And follow Kathleen Watt. On Bailiwick on Substack. She found evidence that the DOD was paid to invent a bioweapon(Covid 19 vax) way before the ‘virus’ was discovered!!!

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He fucking knew from the jump! So did Pfizer and Moderna, the Media, and all the coordinated elements that moved in lockstep to bludgeon the global population with the problem and the solution, but only one solution. If you want to give Fauci the benefit of the doubt, that’s your mistake to make. Fauci is a stain on “the science” and humanity as a whole. He represents the worst of what mankind is capable of. Just look at the scope and scale of what was brought down upon us from a 40000 foot view. They want you to believe that the virus showed up and the rest of the results just “happened” organically, just rolling with the punches. I. Don’t. Buy. It. The rollout, the narrative, the covid ideology was far too focused and structured. They had a playbook, and Fauci was the front man. You believe what you want…

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What?? Fauci's denial is believable??? - that he didn't know his agency was funding gain of function research in Wuhan until after the epidemic started?? I respectfully disagree. I think Fauci knew exactly what Peter D. was doing in Wuhan and his buddies Hotez and Barric and of course - Bat Lady. Could it be that making billions of dollars off of the vaccines was the reason the virus was created and leaked?? Was this the plan all along? Or did they call an audible after the pandemic started and say something like - hey, why don't we use the formula for the MRNA vaccine that we've been developing for the last several years and make billions of dollars off the drug - because this pandemic virus just happens to have a spike protein that matches our vaccine perfectly! Wow, I can't believe our luck!!!

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Alex, your theory of what Fauci might not have known before Feb. 1 would be nice, except for one little fact: the testimony of whistleblower Dr. Andrew Huff. He is an expert in bioterrorism and biosurveillance, and former VP at EcoHealth Alliance. This is the organization led by Fauci's friend Peter Daszak, which NIH funded to carry out gain-of-function research . Huff was there when EcoHealth submitted to NIH their research proposal "Understanding the risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence", which detailed gain-of-function work that led to creation of SARS-CoV-2 -- to be carried out in WUHAN. Huff warned Daszak about the biosafety and biosecurity risks of this work, but Daszak dismissed his concerns.

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Knew WELL before 2020 what was being implemented. This corona saga began in 1965 even before the elf fraud was in place. David Martin exposes it best. Follow him!

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What he did with AIDS was enough to get him fired. Add to that the experiments he conducted on black and latin children. Pure evil. Yet he was still there to also FU the COVID response. He blocked therapeutics early on which would have saved many lives in favor of a vaccine which in the long run didn’t work. Trump should have fired him.

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Please someone smarter than me, explain how Fauci did NOT commit crimes against humanity.

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Hang all of those degenerate pieces of rubbish...fauci first...along with all the current administration at our White House...sick of ALL of these corrupt, lying scum bags...

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They're going to get away with all of it. I'm not sure if it will work again if they tey it again, but they're getting away with this one. The public has moved on.

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The country agrees with Elon ... Prosecute Fauci - he was and is the virus.

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This is exactly the right question.

Critics of government agencies are often dismissed as “conspiracy theorists” when they oppose orthodox policies. And there’s a reason to question these critics when they get hyperbolic with their theories. Often, these large bureaucracies can’t get out of their own way: they’re too large, too slow and have too many competing constituencies to function with clear purpose and effectiveness.

But when they see a clear and present threat, the leaders of these organizations can be swift and ruthless in their planned responses. Fauci is among the most skilled and effective bureaucratic actors and he clearly recognized the lab leak as a threat. He orchestrated with speed and success (along with Auchincloss, Collins, Andersen, Dasczak etc) moves to neutralize the threat with a well planned response.

That’s the definition of a conspiracy.

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I find it ironic that Dr. Fauci finds himself in this predicament. It is a classic case of hubris and he should have known better given that as an undergraduate at Holy Cross, he studied - THE CLASSICS.

I am not the first to also point out that the Classics are an unexpected undergraduate major for a man who commanded and managed so much funding for very basic science. You see with the addition of a few key courses in biology, chemistry and mathematics, any major can be acceptable for admission to medical school. While there is much science that underlies the M.D., the degree is a professional degree and it is not a Ph.D. in a science. Sadly, given his age (meaning when he went to school) and his background, others with extraordinary credentials have noted that Dr. Fauci was probably underqualified for his position at the NIH/DHHS. That too could be a contributing factor to this mess/ tragedy.

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Send him to prison

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If it looks like a lab leak, acts like a lab leak and is covered up like a lab leak, it is most definitely a lab leak.

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