The 2020 jump in all cause mortality can be blamed on the treatment or more accurately the lack of treatment given to covid positive patients. Hospitals were literally killing people as they followed Fauci’s protocols. You can’t blame covid when nearly all those people would have survived with early treatment. At home of all places.

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This is undoubtedly partly true. It can also be partly blamed on the fact that the first wave had a phenomenally strong predilection to those who were likely to die in the next year anyway. Probably the best "quasi-stat" I've heard about alpha COVID is that it doubles your chances of dying in the next six months. For 99.9% of people that is two times zero (or close enough) which is still zero. For the very old/infirm it was too applicable. Putting them on vents for a primarily hematologic/vascular (not respiratory) disease was the coup-de-grace for many of them but many would have likely passed anyway some months later. It was close to their times and this particular pathogen selected for that.

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My grandfather was one of those. 3 days before he was diagnosed with Covid his hospice nurse told me he likely had 2 weeks of life left. We gave him comfort care and in the end, covid shortened his life expectancy from 2 weeks to 10 days. But Covid got the death count.

You can also blame all cause mortality rising on the people who died because of the lock downs.

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Now people are trying to catch up with their treatment. I myself am guilty and just spent 10 days inpatient. All cardiac related. Frankly if it weren't for taking blood thinners who knows if I'd be here today.

Had a cardiac ablation, cardioversion, t.e.e. and I'm just getting started.

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A friend of mine had a stroke--that would be a thrombotic stroke. Fortunately it was treated successfully. Mild aphasia. He has A-fib, so naturally it was directly attributed to the A-fib. That makes sense. It is definitely associated with increased clotting risk. But he is boosted, and never had to have cardioversion. So it was "manageable." So now he is going to have ablation. But I don't buy that the coagulopathies seen in vaxxed didn't increase his risk. Certainly hard to say definitively, but does he get a second booster? Do I lose a friendship or lose the friend altogether?

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Wait, you mean the heart doctor and physicist are skipping the cardioversion and going ablation? Without even trying a cardioversion? Huh... I had a cardioversion 3 years ago and worked for a while, only after it failed the second time they did the T E.E., ablation and ended up doing a cardioversion to get me going. I hope he stops participating in this crazy vax experiment and he may of he gets the burns from the procedure. Sucks for some, easy for others.

I still don't get the out of order of procedures, but I'm no dr.

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Glad you're making it!

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Thank you. Long path, but doable. Just hope the left doesn't release another curveball.

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They will, but near Election Day, imho

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Liked: Covid “doubled your chance of dying in the next six months.” Had never heard that. For me it was 0x2=0. That’s why I never took the needle.

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"It can also be partly blamed on the fact that the first wave had a phenomenally strong predilection to those who were likely to die in the next year anyway."

If true, then 2021 is even worse. All those with comorbidities that pulled into 2020, should have lightened the numbers for '21.

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NYC sped up its curve by infecting all the at-risk at once, then bragged about their low covid numbers during the summer.

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Cuomo belongs in prison. I still wonder if he kept the hospital ship empty just to avoid Trump getting any credit for it. You can never be too cynical.

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and he sent Samaritan's Purse packing too. That's two hospitals he sent away in April 2020.

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While New York City and comrad Bill are not blameless, blame New York State primarily. Andrew Cuomo did his best to kill his share of the elderly.

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Senior Citizens vote conservatively. Dead senior citizens vote Democrat.

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Are you from my home state of Illinois?

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Ha! I'm in New York. In New York and New Jersey the Govs mandated putting infected people in nursing homes. In PA, the health Secty--Rachel Levine-- did the same. Dearest Rachel was rewarded with the US Asst Secty for Health position.

Lots of dead people votes.

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Ah. Illinois has a well known history of its cemetery district swinging elections for dem presidents. Not at all surprised that NY has similar.

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Pres Trump sent a ship to accommodate the covid patients and Cuomo ignored it. no one talks about that.

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He ignored two hospitals.

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In the 18th century, a British general had blankets from people who died from smallpox delivered to the Indian tribes in an effort to kill them all. But Cuomo did the British general one better. He didn't send the blankets from Covid patients to the nursing homes, HE SENT THE COVID PATIENTS THEMSELVES TO THE NURSING HOMES.

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Big Shot Andrew has an indelible stain on his honor for that.

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He has never had any honor to stain.

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I was at a law firm to which Andrew and Chris went for a soft landing after Andrew made such a mess at HUD (and there were whispers of harassment). I must say that I worked alone in conference rooms with Chris and he was okay (maybe skinny rock chicks aren't his thing) but he did like an audience. For some reason, I thought his name was Greg 🤭.

I didn't have much contact with Andrew, he was all about campaigning all the time. He was asked to leave that firm because of unethical things he was doing and Chris seemed to leave with him.

From what I've seen, we'll see Andrew come roaring back very soon.

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You’ve had dealings with them! He was asked to leave a law firm due to being ethically challenged but I bet the firm and most of the lawyers there in contributed heavily to his political career.

I have heard it said that he resign from Gov to escape the fallout from his decision to send covid patients to nursing homes. I too think he’ll be back, like a bad penny.

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horrible politicians

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And public health "experts" who sat back and said nothing

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they were in the background pushing the BS. Fauci is quoted as being upset that people weren't "scared enough"

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He needs to be tarred and feathered

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Then set aflame.

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True, and their death sentence was purely political grandstanding. Anything to avoid assist HELp.

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They were killing conservative votes. He also enacted legislation so people couldn't sue the nursing homes.

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If it was "all cause", how many of those were from COVID? How many were from people being afraid to go to the ER when they were having heart attacks and strokes? How many were from people putting off all sorts of needed care? How many from suicide and murder?

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YES! There are too many unknowns to create a rational model.

First, We have no idea how many Covid only deaths occurred (you know, that coding logic error which is BS because I've been a programmer/systems analyst most of my life. If the data sucks, the results mean nothing).

-> For All Cause, how many are:

1) Neglect of normal health care due to lockdowns, hospital stupidity,etc.

2) Suicide (see #1)

3) Murder (remember, they emptied prisons and opened the border)

4) Fentanyl (See #3 and School closure/mandatory masking)

5) More reckless behavior when a mandate was lifted (driving, crimes, sex with anything...the list could be very long

Additional complications: Several causes probably overlap AND the "experts" have no interest in finding out because then they're culpable.

I agree with Alex that we can't just "downplay". We have to stand up and REFUSE to comply with ridiculous and non-credible Edicts from On High. And most importantly, we HAVE TO DEMAND the facts. ALL of them. Otherwise, we continue down the Highway to Hell.

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There was a couple we all loved--He died 4 days after first jab. Months later, she threw herself out of her high-rise window.

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So sorry to hear.

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I still find it difficult to believe, to rationalize. It was for nothing.

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Oh….. Words fail. Do you know about how old they were?

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They were elderly (late 80s) but very healthy. He was regularly doing gigs at a world-famous music hall that we play at. He had no illness until the shot. She died of loneliness and isolation. (People had been calling and trying to help.)

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So very sad. Were you under lockdown or other restrictions at the time?

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Ohhh tragedy

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Yep, garbage in, garbage out. ALL the data being reported on this panic needs to be thrown out. It’s all garbage.

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Sadly we will likely never know given how corrupted the reporting has been. That said based on a study highlighted by Dr. McCullough early treatment demonstrated around an 85% reduction in hospitalization and deaths.

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Don't Forget Remdesivir. It was recommended for covid treatment in early 2020 in spite of the fact that 54% of the Ebola patients placed on it in a 2018 Ebola study died (https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa1910993). And 23% of those in Gilead's early 2020 Covid study suffered severe adverse events such as multiple organ failure and acute kidney injury. (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7169476/).

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For sure. They are STILL trying to give it. My father was admitted mid-December and we refused that drug, but they insisted on giving him Baricitinib for inflammation which has a warning about causing clots. Why would you give someone with covid, which causes clots, a drug that causes them too? Of course the staff never told me about the clotting side effect of the drug but when I discovered it doing my own research I had the drug stopped. To my shock they would not allow him to have any other drug for the inflammation. I wanted them to give him colchicine but they refused so I had no choice but to go back to the baricitinib. I was all over them about making sure he was on blood thinners and we were doing his labs every day to see how his clotting was looking. Unfortunately he ended up getting a big clot in his heart which caused a heart attack and after putting in a stent he ended up going downhill and passed away after just over two weeks in the hospital. Thank you HonorHealth in Phoenix Arizona you bastards. Stay the hell out of the hospitals people. I was a nurse for about 10 years and have been in and around healthcare for the last 22 years so I know how things work and the one thing I will tell you when we were finally able to go up on the floor to see him the entire Covid ward was staffed with nothing but young nurses who look like they were fresh out of school. When I called out the charge nurse for allowing all of these murders to go on right under their nose is she told me that they are losing staff left and right because of what is happening and then it all made sense as to why they were only young nurses on the floor. Those were the only ones they could get to work there. Blood on all of their hands and I hope they all rot in hell.

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So sorry for your loss, this breaks my heart just reading your family loss and all you had to go through. My husband also works health care, and we have seen what was once an honorable vocation, to "do no harm", turn into a political, number crunching machine, with no thought to the results on humanity. Prayers for you and your family.

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Thank you Kathleen 🙏🏼

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I want to say something, but what can one say to this. May he Rest In Peace.

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Thanks TS.

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Those mandates are taking away experienced, caring, smart people in health care.

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That's awful! My heart goes out to you! You were such a strong advocate!

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Thanks Boots…I tried, but it wasn’t enough. Losing a parent is always difficult but under those circumstances it was even worse.

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I know. My Mom was in a facility that had a good rep. They didn't deserve it. Found out they were giving her medication that could kill her and got her off it. But things got worse in their care of her.

The system is no longer set up to treat seniors, or any patients, as individuals with the right to compassion and individualized care.

All we can do is be their voice and vote and speak truth.

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Your mom was fortunate to have you looking out for her. So many elderly don’t have that.

Through this ordeal I ended up connecting with Hands for Health and Freedom and from the sounds of it there is a growing movement to establish hospitals throughout the country that puts the patients first. I think the front line doctors clinics that are supposed to be starting up this year will be a great first step towards making those hospitals a reality, but will take a lot of work creating a new system outside of the corporate healthcare system.

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Your efforts, you and I both know (and I'm just reminding you), made a definite difference. You know that your Dad's care was a lot better, and he was tended more often, because you were holding them to their duties. Knowing there is a loved one there to ask questions (and knowledgeable ones at that) changes everything possible to change.

You made the end more comfortable and caring than otherwise.

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Thank you. I try and remind myself as well. I know it’s not my fault but I feel like I should have done more. The latter part of my career I was in sales and dealt with positions all the time so I have no problems talking to them and I’m not intimidated at all. You could tell that they were not a custom to anybody questioning anything that they did. A lot of times they couldn’t even give an answer and I was just met with silence. It may not happen now but I am confident that eventually these people will pay a price for the horrific decisions that they made and what they chose to participate in.

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Absolutely! There is a growing evidence of these murderous protocols from all over the world. People in Russia very quickly learnt that staying at home with c19 meant staying alive, because hospital statistics for surviving c19 were terrifying. A friend from Pakistan said they had exactly the same situation.

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Remdesivir + ventilator = "Covid death"

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Exactly. The vast majority of deaths were completely avoidable had treatment been given. This is not hindsight. We had the treatments and many doctors knew things that could be useful. Some were blocked from using, others weren’t bothered by going along with orders from the top. Only greed and evil killed so many, not COVID.

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Also, collateral damage deaths: untreated heart disease and cancer, increased alcoholism and drug use added to all cause mortality.

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that remdesivir and venting BS

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I've heard more than one doctor say (doctors who actually treat COVID patients) that nearly everyone who gets treated on first symptom of COVID stays out of the hospital regardless of the treatment protocol (within reason). Seems like speeding up outpatient treatment rather than blocking it would be worthwhile first step. Which would mean treating COVID promptly, the way one should treat ANY infectious disease.

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They banned ivermectin/hydroxy/monoclonal antibodies, plus didn't support effective supplements or lifestyle changes (all of which actually would have saved lives)

Weird... I thought the gov't had our best interest at heart...

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depends who lines their pockets

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Banned them because if there was a treatment for covid, these vaxxines could not have gotten EUA status. Yup.

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And, how does this help Pfizer's bottom line?

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99% of people already survive covid absent of any treatment. Of course a doctor would say most people who get early treatment survive. 🤷🏻‍♂️

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True, but there’s not billions of dollars in early treatment

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cheap drugs but made unavailable

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I got the 'rona three weeks ago and for me (over 60, unvaccinated, and very fit) it's basically been a prolonged sore throat with a few night-time coughing fits aggravated by asthma. No day at the beach, but really nothing to fear, either. Basically, I think Eugypptius is correct in pointing out that the real enemy is not the virus, but the authoritarian lockdown-masking-vaccinator regime that has infected nearly every institution in the Western world. I'm an attorney, not a doctor, scientist, or statistician, so I appreciate (and am horrified by) the legal and moral implications of what has happened to us over the last two years. We must all recognize that the Alex Berensons and the Dr. Robert Malones and legitimate journalists are invaluable in discrediting the health officials, governments and their media allies. Every part of this enormous blunder/crime against humanity must be exposed (and hopefully corrected) if we are to ever move forward.

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Our liberty has been violated to an almost unbelievable extent. It's time to stand up to the tyranny, just like our ancestors did during the American Revolution.

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yes! I will follow Alex forever!

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I don't think you've actually imagined the worst above. We (at least in the US) encourage everyone above age 5 to get vaccinated. Suppose an unknown long-term effect of these vaccines was that they in some way damaged a woman's fertility (we have no evidence they do not)? This would actually be a civilization level threat. I am normally a measured, calm person, but this thought is absolutely terrifying.

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Exactly. I try not to judge other people's Covid choices (most of them are sadly made in fear). But the issue is when those choices are FORCED by higher-ups... like colleges mandating boosters for students (who were never at risk anyway).

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If more people resisted the mandates would never have worked. College kids and pro atheletes especially should have refused this coercion from the get go. Instead they did what most people of this time do and went along to get along. Made an uninformed, short sighted decision based on the lies being propagated on them. Everyone of them had access to information that at least may have put some doubt in there minds if they had looked. There were plenty of people questioning the government narrative early on, you just had to do some research and not rely on the social media liars for your information. We basically have a huge portion of our society that are complete zombie dunces that get all there info on these corrupted propaganda platforms.

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True…social media is their drug of choice.

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What if they don't damage a woman's fertility but damage a baby's fertility? We won't know that for many years to come. That's what is terrifying to me.

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all for a vaccine that doesn't even stop transmission🤯

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It’s the most worthless vaccine every invented. Period the end. It helps absolutely nobody. Even the elderly and immune compromised at best are just buying time. If they luck out and booster at the right time it will protect them from a wave, but eventually the constant boostering will just kill them anyway.

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Mar 31, 2022
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Very treatable if treated early with effective medication. Also if simple lifestyle changes are made.

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The point here, well taken, is that WE DON'T KNOW. Most of us have been mandated to take AN EXPERIMENTAL VACCINE. If anything goes wrong, anything at all (obviously, it already has, but I'm talking about even worse things in terms of greater numbers), this will have been the Crime of the Century. Those responsible should be held accountable, both civilly and criminally.

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They will call it Long Covid

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Exactly! Like DES in the 1940's/50's/60's

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Well I have heard of countless stories that vaccinated women are miscarrying - one 27 year old 4 times in a row - she is one of 6 children. Also huge spike in stillborns. We know that the spike protein has highest concentration in ovaries as well. It seems very likely that fertility is compromised by vax. The question is will medical community acknowledge such that they can attempt to diagnose issue(s)?

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I've written a bunch on on concerning stillborn data. Humbly, check out my substack.

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^^ DO IT.

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you should give the link...

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The link is right after his name.

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Mar 31, 2022Edited
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I am sorry for your friend's family. The exact same thing happened to a close relative in my family as well - lost heartbeat at the end of the first trimester. I won't say who, to respect their privacy, but we are very sad.

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Oh my, that brings tears to my eyes. I truly grieve for our fellow man. God help us.

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Sad story. It’s a shame people are so ill informed and scared. She killed her unborn child based on bad information and fear.

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and probably an incredible amount of pressure.

Those people who didn't allow people to make their own choices need to be told what they've done, over and over again

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Especially parents of young children 😢

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horrible. that's one murder

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I have a cousin who is having fertility issues. Husband's sperm is sluggish. They have both been vaxxed and boosted. Might not be related, but it might be.

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We have growing evidence that menstrual cycles get adversely affected. How can women's fertility issues not be part of that equation?

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Aren't dudes menstruation cycling nowadays?

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I hope it's just the usual, and not that. I fear we will see a lot of that. Who knew forcing RNA production would be bad for us?

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I don't know if this helps, but the vaccination rates skew higher for older population & are pretty low among children.

Plus, having a lot of the paranoid, sickly & obese essentially removing themselves from the genepool going forward might not be the civilization-crushing event it seems like now.

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Natural Selection at its Best.

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ANY vaxx in children is too many.

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Early on two years ago, several bloggers described the virus itself as the boomercide virus. I'm wondering if the shots instead will prove to be the boomercide.

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We've had a full year of vaxx availability, which means that many vaxxed couples have gotten pregnant and had kids since then. I am sure that no one is tracking the health (short or long term) of those children, God save us...

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Maybe not vaccine related but children born during the pandemic do have lower IQs (fell 22 points, from 100 to 78)


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Yes, and the CDC lowered the speech expectations for young children instead of admitting masks and isolation had a negative impact on that crucial development.

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that would explain why the CDC has now pushed up the ages of standard milestones for children.

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heard that. how the heck do you track the IQ of 1 and 2 yr olds.

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You don't need to just suppose it. There is plenty of evidence to suggest it might be real. Which is an absolutely terrifying thought.

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Mar 31, 2022
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When your grandchildren are in the 10%, it’s too many.

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What do we do now? How about this:

Take our vitamins, eat healthy diets, get a reasonable amount of exercise, a proper amount of sleep...and go about our lives.

People who feel sick should stay away from other people.

Old people and those with weakened immune systems need to avoid crowds.

Everyone should wash their hands.

Say a prayer.

Let's see how that works.

Note: Avoid any so-called vaccinations.

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Except for the last line ( with which I agree wholeheartedly now), that all sounds like pure and beautiful common sense - our pre-plandemic world…. How I miss it……..😕

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I think the last line is def common sense, what with all the nasty side effects of so many of the earlier vaccines, like gardisil and shingles

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This is advice for the purebloods, for the jabbed: pray

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Well, what you just said , RioRosie, was exactly what we have all been taught since being weaned off the bottle. If I have to look at that Weasel Fauci with his affectatious way of pronouncing his friggin vowels I’m either going to go to my favorite corner and throw up, OR, open the front door and go screaming out to play in traffic. I swear to God, I’m thinking I would like to go into a catatonic state!!

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I know, right? Screaming at the TV doesn't seem to help

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Sometimes I think about hurling the remote at the TV. I suppose that wouldn't be very helpful either. 🤪 😠 😜

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Yeah. Occurred to me but the vision of the TV permanently frozen with an image of Fauci stopped me cold

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We're bombarded by lunacy and eradicating common sense.

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To all my little Hulkamaniacs, say your prayers, take your vitamins and you will never go wrong.

- Hulk Hogan

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Not much money to be made or glory to be had with common sense measures. Fauci would never have made the cover of In Style magazine for example. Grrrr.

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genius.. What the CDC should be saying

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And no prescription needed. OTC remedy.

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100% agree. Health is not found in a little glass vial.

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I think the poorer countries are not seeing it because they are not TESTING - I have a feeling that just having a cold or a simple flu will result in a positive test - I will NEVER take a test. People can't just be regular sick anymore - its always going to be COVID

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You almost can't find this anymore- Graphics from Johns Hopkins covid stats. i bookmarked it early. It's still there, they just don't make it easy to find.


Jen, I look at both cases and deaths. Cases can be attributed to excessive testing. Not deaths. There are still a lot of deaths. Depending on the country, you can't really tell from deaths the disease is waning. If you look at the US curves, for example, yes, deaths are descending from a peak on 2/6. But it's a guess whether there will be another wave.

A little over a month ago, heavily vaccinated Israel has as it's highest deaths/month EVER. What was their payoff from the vax?

I like to compare Israel and Sweden. Remember how Sweden was mocked so viciously for it's almost hands-off approach? Sweden is just coming off of a peak now - a peak about 1/3 the highest peak.

I don't disagree covid is declining. But that's not a slam-dunk from the trends.

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thank you!

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I remain baffled why the preventative regimen first put forth by the Front Line Covid Critical Care Alliance -- a bunch of docs who focused on treating the illness at the start of all of this -- is not plastered on every bathroom wall next to the "wash your hands" sign. This protocol has been out there since mid-2020 at the latest. https://covid19criticalcare.com/covid-19-protocols/i-mask-plus-protocol/ -- its not difficult or expensive. PSAs touting the details would be far more helpful and far less annoying than the still ongoing drumbeat for the vaccines and boosters.

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NO MORE MASKS!!!!!!!!!!!!! No more Birx Bullshit! The masks do nothing except cause illness, like pneumonia. The distancing thing is just silly.

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Agreed. I don't even pay any attention to mask and social distancing advice. The advice regarding Vitamins C, D, Zinc, etc., seem to be the heart of the matter.

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We hardly ever wore masks and no one confronted us, but everyone else dutifully masked up. Then, one day, the mandate lifted & magically no one was afraid and ALMOST no one masked up. Do they realize how foolish they were? We do.

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scary how many people have no ability to look at themselves.

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The governments run the PSA's. They do not want any treatment protocol. Treatments endanger the EUA's for vaccines. Are you seriously baffled? Good treatments and protocols are not what the expert-ocracy will ever provide. This would cause a serious failure on their part for the past policies. Wake up! this is not going to happen and the FLCCC are all de-platformed and de-monetized.

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Good lay down as usual Alex...did you hear about Bruce Willis? I went to the CDC VAERS site on my phone. Three categories popped up for Aphasia. Not saying this is what caused his health issue, but every time i hear about an illness i go there now...

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Stroke could be a cause. I am suspicious of everything now.

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Me too…….

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AB: "The jump in all-cause mortality in 2020 (which cannot be blamed on vaccines, because they didn’t exist) doesn’t lie."

This is true, but we also don't have a comparison of what our interventions would have done to a control group.

Specifically, assume we applied the exact same measures in, say, 2015... or1995, or 1985. The lockdowns, the preventing people in nursing homes from having visitors, causing people to exercise less, get more obese, remove social connections, drink more, delay seeking medical attention until they were so sick they had to go the ER... Essentially doing the exact opposite of what we would normally suggest to stay healthy.

During this experiment, yes, 20% more people died than usual in the US (80% of that 20% above 65). In most other countries, it was somewhere between 7%-12%.

Historically these are notable increases. You typically never see any change beyond +/- 5%.

Except in 2015. For some reason many countries had an unusual spike of 9% more deaths than normal. Was MERS far more prevalent than we realized? Was there a bigger flu year than we knew of? We dont know, we didn't test like crazy people back then.

So I wonder, what would have happened if we had applied the 2020 approach back in 2015? Could excess mortality for many of these countries have jumped from 9% to 20%?

It's a hypothesis worth considering.

On the other hand, the more they try to convince us that no, in fact despite human ancestors being around bat for 4.2 million years its only a coincidence that THIS time we have the worst Covid pandemic of all time, the more that seems like a GoF lab leak.

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this was worth reading twice

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Thanks, here's table showing what I mean.

Total deaths for select countries, 2010-2021. Top image shows expressed as a % change year-over-year, bottom image shows raw deaths.


You can see how normally there's very little variation year to year, but for some reason in 2015 there was a notable spike across Europe. (North American not affected, I lack data on Japan and most of Asia to see if anything unusual happened there).

Even if we go back another 10 years looking at 2000-2010 there are not any changes beyond +/- 2% year-over-year for the countries we track at mortality.org (In the US going back 100 years this holds mostly true too).

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thank you

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yes, those horrible mandated shutdowns etc are variables never used previously and surely factors in the 20% bump.

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Of the 500K excess deaths in 2020 we know that 150K of them could not be tied to Covid (no matter how hard they tried), so at minimum 30% of the excess deaths were tied to our response to Covid. Of that 150K, we know ~40,000 were extra accidental deaths which if we compute the Loss of Life Expectancy exceeds the total LLE for the 350K covid deaths in 2020 - Alex comes to similar conclusion in Pandemia: "In the United Stated in 2020, life-years lost to overdoses were likely significantly higher than those lost to Covid" (p149 "How Deadly").

In 2021 accidental deaths are even higher than 2020. Last six years accidental deaths (includes overdoses, suicides, car accidents, fires, murder, etc):

2016 - 235,596

2017 - 249,001

2018 - 246,815

2019 - 252,070

2020 - 289,657

2021 - 302,610* (Still incomplete, likely will grow another 1-2K by end of year as records come in)

Also, we can't in good conscious do an RCT to see what happens if we don't allow 100,000 elderly people to not have contact for a year and see if more die in that cohort than 100,000 elderly in a "do nothing" control group, but common sense tells us we would expect a lot more deaths in the experimental group.

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I moved to ID from Seattle when the nonsense began. Currently in Seattle for a project - testing 3x/wk, masks, V required. I’ve skirted all of them. It’s clear that majority here either don’t know or would never counter the narrative, as it’s politics & tribalism now. I’m more committed than ever to create a life that doesn’t include my former hometown. Grateful for you Alex, your analysis and sass truly was a light in darkest lonely days.

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testing at 3x per week...what nonsense! I swear the NW is owned by the CCP as they emulate what communists do...

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The actors equity received a *government grant* for PCR testing & adjust # of times on cases/wk dept of health reports - which includes - “tests as cases” - and around they go. Bureaucratic Mafia.

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Not necessarily. I live in Vancouver WA, which is largely "red". I see very few people wearing masks when I go to the gym or restaurants.

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Seattle sounds insane... What other USA areas are this insane? Hawaii? It's pretty much 98% normal in Colorado. Some masks, depends on what county you're in. Vax requirements went by the wayside because our Dem gov is running for reelection later this year.

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It sounds insane because it is. Our mask mandates ended several weeks ago, and still I saw 95% of customers in the grocery still wearing masks today. I fear many of these people will never, ever lose the fear.

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All BLUE cities and BLUE run states 95% of it.

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I assume you are doing a project for either the Redmond Monster or medical client.

Both Boeing and the King County mandate went away a month ago.

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Does COVID, manifested in its manifold variants, just slosh around in endless waves in the highly vaxxed countries? Seems to be what is happening in the UK.

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That's what Igor says will happen. They have damaged their innate ability to fight the disease and its variants, so now it will be a constant reinfection, much like AIDS. I believe the scientists who anticipated this called it VAIDS.

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i was thinking about relocating to a low vax region because,indeed, the vax causes infections to slosh around! I believe prominent epidemiologists say so. Also, on a positive note:FLCCC and others do feel that hydroxy/zinc, and ivermectin zinc work on all the variants.

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Good to know about FLCCC comments. I wish that was adopted by our health care system to help people.

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As long as the vaccinators are in charge, yes.

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Insightful piece from Alex as usual. One point about all-cause mortality, but this will take some following along: Given the inaccuracy of PCR tests, given what the CDC coded as "Covid deaths," etc., etc., etc., there is no way to know just how many people died of Covid, but let's accept that a big part of higher all-cause mortality in 2020 was due to Covid, notwithstanding that there excess deaths also due to delay of medical care, e.g., regular checkups and ER visits, as the panic porn kept people away from doctors and hospitals. So all-cause mortality is the best if only a very approximate measure of deaths due to the contagion. Now, since the mortality risk with Covid climbs extremely with age, we need to adjust all-cause deaths for age as well as for population growth if we are to compare 2020 with previous years. The CDC has done this. So adjusted, all-cause mortality was considerably higher during the Asian flu of 1957 and the Hong Kong flu of 1968. OK, that's not a fair comparison, since there have been so many medical advances since those years. But you only have to go back as far as 2003 to get to a year when all-cause mortality--adjusted for age as well as population growth--is higher than it was in 2020, and the medical advances over the intervening 17 years weren't so great as to explain away this comparison. Nor was 2003 an aberration. All-cause mortality--again, age- and population- adjusted--was higher than in 2020 in every year earlier than 2003 going back decades. These numbers provide some context to 2020, I think.

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You're right to be looking at that data. I followed the CDC's weekly all-cause mortality statistics during 2020 because I was suspicious about the numbers reported in the media, and discovered, not surprisingly, that even the exaggerated "official" numbers of COVID deaths only raised that number by about 50,000 during the first ten or eleven months of that year over and above the 2018 and 2019 numbers (this out of a total of about 2.9 million expected annual deaths) for the same 11 month period. This was with the media screaming about 300,000+ COVID deaths! Then the CDC started making that data harder to find, and changed how it was reported, making my 'project' immeasurably more difficult. Then they reported a large, unexplained spike in total deaths in December of that year which seemed to resuscitate the media narrative. It wasn't until later in 2021 that I began to suspect the mass vaccination effort that started late in 2020 as a possible cause of that spike. This sort of data analysis is key to sussing out some truth as to what's been happening, and why I follow Alex (and readers like you).

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Lots to unpack here Alex. We are in a new Awakening (lied to, watching data vs headline, personal experiences - objective as they are).

Can we all agree this was a BAD (and scientifically mutated) virus, that took the elderly, immunocompromised and obese (and any combination of those)? And it was politically polarized from the beginning.

The diluted variants are not scary, but the politics with agendas attaching to this Pandemic/Civil War/WW3/Global Financial Meltdown are scary. This was a situation to be exploited. Anyone saw the WHO exit ramp today? Let's bring in the all-inclusive med/finance/health/wealth/psychoanalytical BY AI/linked to everything New FRONTIER. Anyone checked out Tunisia today? This is a global reckoning.

I have learned so much about the Human Psyche over the last 2 years. It is depressing. There are great articles about how we are being re-wired, how to accept the New Normal, how we are being conditioned. The Constant Manipulation is so obvious - nobody objects, so lets follow the Pied Piper.

The Virus is an accelerant to another reality. That is truly scary.

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So well said. And so terrifying for those with their eyes open watching what is on the horizon :(

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"Can we all agree this was a BAD (and scientifically mutated) virus, that took the elderly, immunocompromised and obese (and any combination of those)? And it was politically polarized from the beginning." I struggle with this because I have 0 trust in any data sources, both because the CDC was incompetent. Not only at collecting data, but also defining standards for how data gets recorded. Couple that with unregulated PCR Testing, who knows what went on in NYC which had I believe a disproportionate Spike at the beginning of the pandemic (1000 deaths / day) though future spike never got above 200 deaths/day. I have no training in statistics, or medicine, but there are so many inconsistencies that just do not add up?? I've not seen All Cause numbers for 2020 but I agree with the conversation above that Remdesiver, lack of early treatment, ventilators, etc make it difficult to know if it was the disease or the treatment?

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It was and is a sh*t show. Leo - go look at the data from Alex, Egypi[us. et al. Our Bad for believing bought and sold scientists. Red flag suppressed experts, Money overrules Common Sense.

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There are new definitions to truth. My truth is a conspiracy theory or a fallacy. Facts don’t matter anymore. Up is down. Men are women. Ukraine is democratic.

Where do we go from here? There is no here. We don’t have a voice in this world.

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Thank you Jrenn for your eloquence. Agree 100%.

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I'd like to see an independent, national poll that asks three questions: 1) Do you believe you were injured by taking the vax? 2) Do you believe any family members were injured by taking the vax? 3) Outside your family, do you know or work with anyone who reportedly was injured by the vax? Given the numerous issues associated with VAERS reporting, perhaps a poll like this could provide a better picture of the risks associated with yet another round of shots.

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disagree. I am a person who is well aware of all the side effects and damages of the jabs. However, most of the people I see on a daily basis are not. Many of them or people they know have had very strange or alarming health things happening and yet none of them make a connection to it possibly being from the jab because they know none of the stuff that readers like us know.

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So would I. Do you think any polling organization in the US would even touch that? Not I.

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Rich Baris an independent pollster has done this poll.

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Wow. Do have a link to the results?

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This may be behind a paywall but give it a try. https://peoplespundit.locals.com/upost/1590660/younger-experience-most-severe-adverse-effects-again

Basically 3.8% said severe AE from shots, 6,4% in 18-29 year olds. Moderate AE was 17% and 25%!!

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Thank you, Walt. This is behind a paywall, but the additional info you provided is enough to satisfy my curiosity.

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Here is what the pollster, Richard Baris, said about the results: “ Younger Experience Most Severe Adverse Effects, AGAIN

We have again, for the third time over 6 months, found the following disturbing trend:

The most severe adverse effects are experienced by younger people, who are at little to no risk from Covid.

It's a perfect progression. The younger you are, the most severe the adverse effects experienced.

When I interview nearly 10,000 people over a 6-month period for multiple surveys AND they ALL display the same pattern related to age and events, there's no way I'll believe there's no there, there.”

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