They do work. They’re not designed to protect anyone; they’re designed to maim, sterilize, and kill large numbers of people including children, and to facilitate the digital enslavement of humanity.
I am not that much of a conspiracy theorist, but I will say that I firmly believe that our "elites" have a vision of the future that does not include most of us.
I’m not ruling it out but for most good people it’s extremely hard to imagine so much evil…it’s easier to believe in incompetence, profiteering, payoffs… but the uniform response from around the globe makes one wonder…
Technology (like these jabs) are making the 21st c. more dangerous and deadly than even the 20th c. was (and the 20th c. was more deadly than the 19th c., 18th c., etc.). The evil is very real and very evident. Human beings always use technology for good, but also for evil. The more powerful the technology, the more evil can be done with it. Sad but true, as seen in the history books.
I know what you mean but if you read Better Angels of Our Nature and/or The Rational Optimist, you'll see that generally technology has made people more generous and kind
but there are the morally malformed amongst us still
looking at kindness with suspicion because they don't understand it and think of it as a weakness to exploit.
Emma, people fail to learn from history. The world is scattered with evil doers. They are well documented throughout history. Mass genocide is not a new ideal. You simply must realize that people exist that do not carry your own good will and intentions. This current plandemic is 100% a depopulation program. The dessert for the elites and technocrats is the power, money and control they have realized.
America's Spiritual Slide See explanationsbelow the chart. When people ignore God's truth, they soon drift back to capricious powers of the occult. See God, our Judge, has declared His Judgments "When you have eaten and Be careful that you do not forget... proud.... You may say to yourself, 'My power and the strength of my hands..
See the judgment circle.
The Alpha and Omega will make all things straight when He comes again.
There's no need for blind allegiance. Just lots of wailing folk pleading for relief and no letting meds that work get to the ill. The complicit are disgusting and the perpetrators deserve justice. That won't happen. They will prosper and you and I will be subjugated.
The key word here is uniform response i.e. following the narrative by everyone with same solutions which doesnt work anywhere and its not even relevant to save lives.
Just read that Aussie Health report that analyzes every batch of vaccines... there are some "Reserved to Pfizer's Australia employee" .... and those are not even tested... I mean, are we all stupid? One of two: or are placebo ones or they are a kind of safe vax for their people only.
that has to be some kind of sick joke. pure madness if true.
It was Pfizer lot EN 6201 that killed my wife's best friend. I only learned of the hot lot issue a few weeks ago and when I did that lot had 131 deaths in VAERS. Today, I checked again, and it is up to 140. Here is how to look up injuries by lot #. EN 6201 has more reports of death than any other lot # from any manufacturer.
A little surprised we have not seen this reported on by our host!
I agree with Lean Mabel. I hadn't been in a church for 30 years until September. The darkness and anxiety sent me there. I have not missed a week since. Find one with no masks and good music. Smiles, music, a firey preacher. A good Christian church and an open heart will fix you right up. Watch online too. I have covid today so going to watch here
15 And if it seems evil to you to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of [a]the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”
Life on this planet is Hell. No doubt about it. Evil reigns. But there is a higher, eternal reality beyond this physical realm in which we also exist. Seek it. You don't need to read "The Bible" to do so! You can do so, and perhaps you must do so, alone, in your own way, or possibly with other kindred spirits, however heterodox they may be. There are infinite paths to divine reality.
It’s quite clear, from day one really. I remember when I first saw that Chinese video which was circulating where people were dropping flat on the streets, it was January 2020. On the news, they were speaking about a Coronavirus. The absurdity of the whole thing was explicit right from the beginning.
I believed there was a deadly virus loose in the first part of 2020. I changed my mind on June 1, 2020. Why? On June 1 I copied all the death statistics off the Johns Hopkins site, did a state by state comparison of death rates correlated to Democrat or Republican majority government. I found that the Dem states had a death rate THREE TIMES that of the Republican states. (And let me say that it would have been worse if I had dropped out the obvious RINO states.) Conclusion? This is not a viral plague. This is a politically driven "pandemic".
Let’s examine this… The Leftist lead states were ideal to pick for their dracoian predisposing to torture their populous. NY and CAL ideal cauldrons lead by known luciferians.
There was a great article published by John Hopkins that showed, based on CDC data, there were virtually no excess deaths in 2020 in the U.S. compared to the prior five year average. It also showed other typical causes of death simply dropped off the map. There was such an outcry by the pro-Covid contingent that John Hopkins was shamed into removing it.
A cousin of mine was deathly ill of what was guessed to be flu with a high fever and double pneumonia hospitalized in November of 2019. My beloved and I the weirdest long lasting cold neither of us had ever experienced the first week in December of 2019.
I actually had the same thing, at the same time. However,
healthy people walking on the streets do not drop flat, out of nowhere. That, would be a heart attack or a stoke, not a virus. No virus, or bacteria or anything of the sorts can drop a healthy person flat out of nowhere. That’s the point.
But how utterly ignorant and ill-thought-out is that plan though? What actually happens when 'we're all gone"? Who makes stuff, grows stuff - gives currency a value? And if these total imbeciles haven't yet realised it - when their unimaginable plan comes to fruition, do they really think those left aren't going to then turn on each other like the sick rabid mongrel dogs they all are? This plan is doomed from its inception - the idiots behind it just haven't realised that yet.
1. Though we ordinary people don’t know their intentions, I really wouldn’t be surprised if 500 million wasn’t the target. It’s on the Georgia Guidestones. The tricky part for the poor darlings is making sure their needs (the perpetrators) are met afterwards.
2. They don’t care if some of us find out. Most won’t, even if you show them the evidence. Also, what exactly are we going to do, to stop them? I’ve no idea, either. Beyond my pay grade.
3. My own working assumption was always that they had numerous objectives such that they’ll get much of what they want even if their plans fail early. Have they lowered the fertility of the population? No way to know, yet. The fog of war makes any official data untrustworthy.
4. So having gone as far as they expected with Covid19, vaccination, VaxPass, FEAR, masking & economic destruction & rebalancing away from entrepreneurs, perhaps this coordinated withdraw is predictable. What are they up to now?
5. There needs to be severe consequences on the puppets. Arrest them all, the former Global Young Leaders, and charge them with malfeasance.
Dr. Mike, RE: #5, seems to me that cannot and will not happen IMO without the cooperation of the US Military. Which would require a coup of sorts, or an upheaval.
Nothing on this grand a scale, toppling the global elites can happen without force or the threat, thereof.
Since the US Security State is balls deep in the whole mess creating bioweapons....seems highly unlikely.
China is facing a population problem because of their self inflicted policy of just one child allowed for each couple. This has rattled down through the present baby boomer type who are elderly and have no one to do caregiving. This depopulation has added now 2 children to couples.
The Russians and North Korean and other demoniacs the same with their participation. Human life is cheap.
As to our seemingly doomed country there are not enough wage earners to support us SS / Medicare recipients. Due to inflation speed up funds will be dry estimated as soon as 2024. Problem solved murder as many as possible to suicide themselves - lemmings afraid of their own shadows.
This Plandemic was done by design to address population annihilation just like in the formation of the Soviet Union with the mass murders Lenin and Stalin and to this day.
Breed a race of super hybrids. Only the children who have not received the sterilizing devil potion.
Compare to Nazi Getmany. Who are eliminated first? Freedom protestors, Christians, babies and babies not yet born, the mentally and physical handicapped, anyone not deemed useful for being minions of the despots.
Persecute, maim, torture, brainwash,’ drug, starve, incarcerate, abort, experiment, other more despicable acts directed by their father of lies.
Economic collapse on the horizon watch the market repositioning.
HOWEVER they will not reach their goal of only 10 % of the population left. GOD has promised to cut the Tribulation short for the sake of the remnant who overcome by the blood of The Lamb. 1/3 will be alive Spiritually.
NOW is the day of your salvation if you have not declared your faith in I AM alone.
I firmly believe are “elites” are mostly morons disconnect from reality. They said “by 2030 you will own nothing and you will be happy.” In response husband are supposed to sign a contract to build a second home we’ll also own in the next couple weeks and we’re happy. We aren’t planning to sell. We own guns too. 😂
My husband inherited several pieces of property in the last couple years. Initially, we planned to sell most of it. Now we are holding on for dear life, even the vacant lots in the middle of nowhere. Gotta have a place to practice with those guns... 😁😁😁
That's not a bad idea. I'm in the deep south. A business partner/friend has a HUGE (275 acres) piece of property waaaay out in rural Mississippi and he was thinking of selling it because he doesn't go there as often as he thought he would (to hunt, fish, etc). I told him that with what's going on in the world today - this country especially - it would be a big mistake to get rid of that property.
This 🇨🇦 totally agrees👍hang onto to your land at all costs… for all of the reasons listed. Good for you👏👏👏👏So happy you have it🙌🙌🙌🙌 We are desperately trying to find a way to get out into the country … nowhere ville. Lol🤞
Your laughing but I'd be careful. You don't "own" any of that, otherwise you wouldn't have to pay property taxes on "YOUR" property. A simple economic adjustment can wipe our you ability to pay and the things you "own" are now the governments.
Nah, humans create the rules, other humans find loopholes. As an international tax specialist for 15 years it’s my predisposition in life - tell me the rules and I walk right around them - completely legally.
We are unvaccinated and took our young kids on an international trip over the holidays. We have county mask mandates, intermittently, that include my kids private Christian school, and yet neither of them has worn a mask, excepting at the airport and for takeoff, in a year (nor have my husband or I).
Remember these people are largely idiots. Even if once smart, their egos grew and snuffed out their brains.
Don’t fear their rules, make a joke out of finding the loopholes.
Good for you and your family. On the bright side, those smug politicos and celebrities who bragged about getting the vaccines will be the first to suffer the effects.
That's great advice. Keeping your sense of humor intact is a health tip! A loophole for sanity. Knowing what I know, I still can't wrap my head around the predominance of stupid. I don't know what else to call it.
NCMom, we're all ears to hear how to get out of property taxes 100%. Some counties will exempt school taxes, but I'm with Bob - if you can lose your paid-off home because you can't pay the tax on it, it's not "your" property and never will be....
I assure you MCM this is a serious matter. You really must read the Bible. Prophesy is being fulfilled. We cannot depend upon ourselves to be little gods.
I find I either intrigue or infuriate the woketards. We go to a country club, our kids at an expensive private school (Christian and conservative - many like us there), we do the whole charity gala sponsorship a few times a year, we have orchestra center season seats to the theatre, we are perfectly comfortable with our .01% clients. I look the part too (I enjoy being active and love yoga, pure barre, and tennis). Too many let the surface guide their judgements.
I am still a total Tom boy. I’ll still boulder a 25-foot cliff. In undergrad I was a whitewater River guide on the New and Gauley Rivers in WV. I did outward bound by choice in high school. My husband grew up in four wheelers in rural VA.
We may look and be a zoom class 1%, but we are just as in our element playing with a .22 shooting crab apples up a holler in WV or having a Red Stripe with the locals under a leanto in Jamaica. My Dad always jokes I’ll always be a pink neck because it takes more than one generation to breed out the redneck. I disagree - in this age of identity politics, I identify fully with redneck. We are raising our children the same.
Exactly. I inherited some riverfront property in Texas. Last year my property value and taxes went up 100%. I fought it to no avail. If my taxes are raised again, I will be forced to sell it. They are taxing us right out of our property in Texas....which is what Klaus Schwab and the NWO globalist elites of the U.N. intend to do.
Put you don’t have a state income tax. I bet you pay more on property taxes in TX than I pay in state income and property taxes than I do in NM. Don’t get me wrong NM sucks big green donkey …
Correct, We "own" Nothing Already because we rent our things via Government Taxation. Don't pay your taxes and you'll see how fast the things you "own" get scarfed up by the Gov.
Taxation is an agreement between the people and the government of, for and by the people. This is what it is. That we don't act accordingly is another issue.
The odd thing about the "elites" foisting this disaster on us is that they are destroying the economy that underpins their lifestyle. Who builds their yachts? Who builds their Teslas? Who designs their 3rd mansion?
Are they thinking that illegals will do these things?
Furthermore, a lot of "elites" are seeing their sources of income drain away. Movie studios, Broadway productions, NFL game attendance, etc. etc. all rely on the middle class to keep them afloat.
Destroy the middle class and everything the elites hold dear gets destroyed as well.
I don't think we need to worry about the elites, they will get along somehow.
They don't mind the poor and want to get rid of the (independent) middle class.
Then they'll have the educated poor (engineers, physicists, etc) people who will be dependent on them to eat. Seems to be working in parts of the world.
Maybe the massive gene therapy experiment is intended to fast track cures for common diseases and age-related illnesses in anticipation of a cascading failure of society to protect core Industrial Civilization, the Elite and their enablers.
The sense of urgency, the early targetted media campaign, the poor safety profile, clinical trial scandal, lack of transparency, narrative control and the obvious lies and obfuscation point to desperation. 2019 liquidity crisis and yield curve indicators, pandemic as cover for economic meltdown and the stark reality of peak FFs and diminishing EROEI, release of the movie "Don't Look Up" with a star studded cast suggests an impending collapse supposedly Climate Change denial but also hints at resource depletion ie. Seneca Cliff, Hubbert Curve, Limits to Growth, World3 model, thermodynamic collapse scenario.
Illuminati/Jesuits - they existed in secrecy for 100 of years - pope Francis kisses hands of Rothschild, Rockefeller, Soros and Kissinger - saw the video
And yet they can’t possibly live on or control all of it. Standing around waiting in fear of what these lunatics are going to do isn’t a plan. They aren’t that smart. They give plenty of warning.
Ivermectin prescriptions were being filled by the millions in the US at places CVS (I filled 4 prescriptions) for months before the full blown crazy started getting it banned. Even now, you want a doc that will treat, and to get scripts filled, Google either “integrative health practice near me” or “pro-life physician near me.” Compounding pharmacies across the US are pumping these things out like Hershey Co is Kisses.
With masks -read the rules, there are exemptions. Find one and fit it.
If property taxes are getting too high, like-kind exchange the property for property in a nearby state or county with lower taxes.
Not every plan will work, and some things are extra annoying to deal with. Being open to opportunity is important.
But where there is a will there it’s a way. God helps those who help themselves. None of us need a savior, but more of us definitely need the confidence, to find the courage, to help ourselves.
It’s not good to just be against stuff in life, we all gotta be for stuff too. Likewise, we can’t let the fear of the great reset get in the way of planning for its failure as it relates to each and everyone of us.
The covid fiasco has turned me into not only a conspiracy theorist, but a true believer in conspiracies, a newly minted totally anti-vaccine convert, and a total sceptic of big pharma, big media, and a complete distruster in any doctor or organization that promoted the "accepted" narrative.
Some docs do!!! We go to an integrative health practice in the backyard of Wake Forrest med school. Insanely successful. There are dozens around NC. The practice has its own pharmacy and has been prescribing ivermectin throughout. They don’t advertise online for Covid services or treat non-patients for Covid and there is at least a 4- month wait for new patients. Others are treating Covid only patients. The FLCCC has a list of the ones willing to accept Covid only patients. At most independent practices they do not accept Medicare/ Medicaid and are out of network for most insurance. That’s what sets them apart. If they accepted government insurance they’d be like everywhere else. It’s a get what you pay for.
Whatever search engine you use, look for “integrative health practice” or “pro-life physician” near me.they are there. Help them grow.
Thank you for the information! I’m down in “Chuck-town “…(not too far away), but as a med-school town it’s getting harder to find independent medical practitioners. I’ll keep looking!
You really need to expand your reading Robert Yoho BUTCHERED BY HEALTHCARE, exposes the whole ball of INCESTOUS WAX between Pharma, Congress, FDA/CDC, doctors, etc, then RFK JR FAUCI, you have to read them in that order to understand much of what RFK JR, talks about, yes he is a died in the wool Democrat, just skip over his Trump bashing. Rest is Gospel. Including his 20 yr colussion Gates depopulation od Third World Countries, into Gardasil first to your daughters, then sons. with Alot of what Alex reports, but stuff he doesn't get into. WE HAVE ALL BEEN HIS GUINEA PIGS. JUST LIKE HIS HIV EXPERIMENTS. THAT FUTURE IS A BIG DEPOPULATION OF THE GLOBE. Foreign Enemies are buying up HUGE acerage of USA Farm/Ranch land, Control, food/water/power, you control the USA. They just made Slaves of you, right under your nose.
thats ok. because my vision of the future is: you go first, little billy gates and you klaus and all you davosites. you own nothing and report back to us in say 75 years.
There certainly was a world-wide organized effort to push the vaccines in a large number of countries (not all). The purpose was NOT for the common good, therefore, nefarious and a conspiracy: "A combination of men for an evil purpose; an agreement between two or more persons, to commit some crime in concert." I'd say the murder and crippling of millions is a crime of huge proportion; not as vile as the slaughter of unborn babies, or as numerous, but which should be exposed and the perpetrators prosecuted to the full extent of international and national laws. And I will add, the prosecution of abortionist murderers and the abolition of all abortion should be a world-wide effort of each country that wishes to avoid complete destruction by the wrath of God.
I'm not a scientist, but that chart seems to indicate that the vaccines don't work.
They do work. They’re not designed to protect anyone; they’re designed to maim, sterilize, and kill large numbers of people including children, and to facilitate the digital enslavement of humanity.
I am not that much of a conspiracy theorist, but I will say that I firmly believe that our "elites" have a vision of the future that does not include most of us.
Indeed. It’s not a conspiracy theory. It’s a detailed plan which is being executed. Operational word: execute.
I’m not ruling it out but for most good people it’s extremely hard to imagine so much evil…it’s easier to believe in incompetence, profiteering, payoffs… but the uniform response from around the globe makes one wonder…
Technology (like these jabs) are making the 21st c. more dangerous and deadly than even the 20th c. was (and the 20th c. was more deadly than the 19th c., 18th c., etc.). The evil is very real and very evident. Human beings always use technology for good, but also for evil. The more powerful the technology, the more evil can be done with it. Sad but true, as seen in the history books.
I know what you mean but if you read Better Angels of Our Nature and/or The Rational Optimist, you'll see that generally technology has made people more generous and kind
but there are the morally malformed amongst us still
looking at kindness with suspicion because they don't understand it and think of it as a weakness to exploit.
Emma, people fail to learn from history. The world is scattered with evil doers. They are well documented throughout history. Mass genocide is not a new ideal. You simply must realize that people exist that do not carry your own good will and intentions. This current plandemic is 100% a depopulation program. The dessert for the elites and technocrats is the power, money and control they have realized.
From my dear watchman on the wall site
Kjos Ministries
Crossroad To
America's Spiritual Slide See explanationsbelow the chart. When people ignore God's truth, they soon drift back to capricious powers of the occult. See God, our Judge, has declared His Judgments "When you have eaten and Be careful that you do not forget... proud.... You may say to yourself, 'My power and the strength of my hands..
See the judgment circle.
The Alpha and Omega will make all things straight when He comes again.
Look forward to this people.
No more tears! Revelation 21
There doesn't need to be a conspiracy just blind allegiance to the narative.
There's no need for blind allegiance. Just lots of wailing folk pleading for relief and no letting meds that work get to the ill. The complicit are disgusting and the perpetrators deserve justice. That won't happen. They will prosper and you and I will be subjugated.
Please pick up your Bible and read the Olivet Discourse. I assure you there is spiritual warfare more intensely pressing than we realize.
Compelling Truth
The Olivet Discourse – What is it?
and they shall believe a strong delusion. The birthing pain begins. Maranatha.
Have you looked in Fauci's dead eyes lately? Have you never heard of Occam's Razor?
Eyes tell it people
Use Duck Duck Go
Pick someone you know is evil and use the images see demons
They all have that blackened appearance
Oh here is another sign … coughing. Remember Hillary and FJB coughing fits and the ramblings?
Check their eyes.
The key word here is uniform response i.e. following the narrative by everyone with same solutions which doesnt work anywhere and its not even relevant to save lives.
A commercial on a security system ad on our talk radio ..,
“Trust in GOD; monitor all others.”
Think about that people.
Just read that Aussie Health report that analyzes every batch of vaccines... there are some "Reserved to Pfizer's Australia employee" .... and those are not even tested... I mean, are we all stupid? One of two: or are placebo ones or they are a kind of safe vax for their people only.
that has to be some kind of sick joke. pure madness if true.
It was Pfizer lot EN 6201 that killed my wife's best friend. I only learned of the hot lot issue a few weeks ago and when I did that lot had 131 deaths in VAERS. Today, I checked again, and it is up to 140. Here is how to look up injuries by lot #. EN 6201 has more reports of death than any other lot # from any manufacturer.
A little surprised we have not seen this reported on by our host!
1. Go to
2. Click on A-Z Index and then “V”
3. Click on Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System
4. Agree to disclaimer
5. Select VAERS data search
6. Scroll down to item 3.
7. Enter lot # in “Vaccine lot” a field on the right hand side of item 3.
8. Press Enter
9. A table will appear with a complete list of adverse events
10. Scroll through to have your mind blown
I have such a sense of foreboding right now. Great anxiety.
I agree with Lean Mabel. I hadn't been in a church for 30 years until September. The darkness and anxiety sent me there. I have not missed a week since. Find one with no masks and good music. Smiles, music, a firey preacher. A good Christian church and an open heart will fix you right up. Watch online too. I have covid today so going to watch here
C et al
Open the Bible!
This is the incarnate Jesus speaking
Read the whole chapter
Isaiah 41
“Fear not, for I am with you;
Be not dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you,
Yes, I will help you,
I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’”
The most repeated sentence in the Bible, “fear not!”
150 + entries
GOD COMMANDED Joshua not suggested
Joshua 1 read the whole chapter
“ Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
Joshua 24:15
15 And if it seems evil to you to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of [a]the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”
Serving Him with you
~ Mabel
Life on this planet is Hell. No doubt about it. Evil reigns. But there is a higher, eternal reality beyond this physical realm in which we also exist. Seek it. You don't need to read "The Bible" to do so! You can do so, and perhaps you must do so, alone, in your own way, or possibly with other kindred spirits, however heterodox they may be. There are infinite paths to divine reality.
Fear not.
Lord, here am I, send me.
Welcome to the front. Fight on!
the lockstep...
Marching in following the bootjacks exactly BR
One other. They don’t care.
Exactly. No conspiracy here. This is a PLAN. Thinking otherwise at this point is truly have your head buried in the sand.
Ansolutey agreed Dr Y.!
It’s quite clear, from day one really. I remember when I first saw that Chinese video which was circulating where people were dropping flat on the streets, it was January 2020. On the news, they were speaking about a Coronavirus. The absurdity of the whole thing was explicit right from the beginning.
I believed there was a deadly virus loose in the first part of 2020. I changed my mind on June 1, 2020. Why? On June 1 I copied all the death statistics off the Johns Hopkins site, did a state by state comparison of death rates correlated to Democrat or Republican majority government. I found that the Dem states had a death rate THREE TIMES that of the Republican states. (And let me say that it would have been worse if I had dropped out the obvious RINO states.) Conclusion? This is not a viral plague. This is a politically driven "pandemic".
Let’s examine this… The Leftist lead states were ideal to pick for their dracoian predisposing to torture their populous. NY and CAL ideal cauldrons lead by known luciferians.
There was a great article published by John Hopkins that showed, based on CDC data, there were virtually no excess deaths in 2020 in the U.S. compared to the prior five year average. It also showed other typical causes of death simply dropped off the map. There was such an outcry by the pro-Covid contingent that John Hopkins was shamed into removing it.
Good thing we have the Wayback machine:
The True Nolan,
Do you still have the materials you compiled? It would be a fascinating share…or an entirely new Substack.
That video, at the time, threw the FEAR into everyone!
Yet how absurd it was?
A cousin of mine was deathly ill of what was guessed to be flu with a high fever and double pneumonia hospitalized in November of 2019. My beloved and I the weirdest long lasting cold neither of us had ever experienced the first week in December of 2019.
From what I have read cases begab in August.
I actually had the same thing, at the same time. However,
healthy people walking on the streets do not drop flat, out of nowhere. That, would be a heart attack or a stoke, not a virus. No virus, or bacteria or anything of the sorts can drop a healthy person flat out of nowhere. That’s the point.
But how utterly ignorant and ill-thought-out is that plan though? What actually happens when 'we're all gone"? Who makes stuff, grows stuff - gives currency a value? And if these total imbeciles haven't yet realised it - when their unimaginable plan comes to fruition, do they really think those left aren't going to then turn on each other like the sick rabid mongrel dogs they all are? This plan is doomed from its inception - the idiots behind it just haven't realised that yet.
1. Though we ordinary people don’t know their intentions, I really wouldn’t be surprised if 500 million wasn’t the target. It’s on the Georgia Guidestones. The tricky part for the poor darlings is making sure their needs (the perpetrators) are met afterwards.
2. They don’t care if some of us find out. Most won’t, even if you show them the evidence. Also, what exactly are we going to do, to stop them? I’ve no idea, either. Beyond my pay grade.
3. My own working assumption was always that they had numerous objectives such that they’ll get much of what they want even if their plans fail early. Have they lowered the fertility of the population? No way to know, yet. The fog of war makes any official data untrustworthy.
4. So having gone as far as they expected with Covid19, vaccination, VaxPass, FEAR, masking & economic destruction & rebalancing away from entrepreneurs, perhaps this coordinated withdraw is predictable. What are they up to now?
5. There needs to be severe consequences on the puppets. Arrest them all, the former Global Young Leaders, and charge them with malfeasance.
Dr. Mike, RE: #5, seems to me that cannot and will not happen IMO without the cooperation of the US Military. Which would require a coup of sorts, or an upheaval.
Nothing on this grand a scale, toppling the global elites can happen without force or the threat, thereof.
Since the US Security State is balls deep in the whole mess creating bioweapons....seems highly unlikely.
Both the virus and the vaccines worked perfectly.
Made by China.
85% of deaths occurred in the over 65 age group.
With their economy tanking, China needs to get rid of some of their non-productive dead weight.
And What do you think this pandemic has done to Social Security's bottom line here at home?
Yes, a lot of deaths in the over 65 age cohort. Many billionaires are over age 65. How many over 65 billionaires died from COVID?
Excellent point N!
China is facing a population problem because of their self inflicted policy of just one child allowed for each couple. This has rattled down through the present baby boomer type who are elderly and have no one to do caregiving. This depopulation has added now 2 children to couples.
The Russians and North Korean and other demoniacs the same with their participation. Human life is cheap.
As to our seemingly doomed country there are not enough wage earners to support us SS / Medicare recipients. Due to inflation speed up funds will be dry estimated as soon as 2024. Problem solved murder as many as possible to suicide themselves - lemmings afraid of their own shadows.
This Plandemic was done by design to address population annihilation just like in the formation of the Soviet Union with the mass murders Lenin and Stalin and to this day.
Breed a race of super hybrids. Only the children who have not received the sterilizing devil potion.
Compare to Nazi Getmany. Who are eliminated first? Freedom protestors, Christians, babies and babies not yet born, the mentally and physical handicapped, anyone not deemed useful for being minions of the despots.
Persecute, maim, torture, brainwash,’ drug, starve, incarcerate, abort, experiment, other more despicable acts directed by their father of lies.
Economic collapse on the horizon watch the market repositioning.
HOWEVER they will not reach their goal of only 10 % of the population left. GOD has promised to cut the Tribulation short for the sake of the remnant who overcome by the blood of The Lamb. 1/3 will be alive Spiritually.
NOW is the day of your salvation if you have not declared your faith in I AM alone.
Amen and Amen. serving Him with you
World Economic Forum
I firmly believe are “elites” are mostly morons disconnect from reality. They said “by 2030 you will own nothing and you will be happy.” In response husband are supposed to sign a contract to build a second home we’ll also own in the next couple weeks and we’re happy. We aren’t planning to sell. We own guns too. 😂
My husband inherited several pieces of property in the last couple years. Initially, we planned to sell most of it. Now we are holding on for dear life, even the vacant lots in the middle of nowhere. Gotta have a place to practice with those guns... 😁😁😁
That's not a bad idea. I'm in the deep south. A business partner/friend has a HUGE (275 acres) piece of property waaaay out in rural Mississippi and he was thinking of selling it because he doesn't go there as often as he thought he would (to hunt, fish, etc). I told him that with what's going on in the world today - this country especially - it would be a big mistake to get rid of that property.
Especially if it can be farmed or ranched!!
This 🇨🇦 totally agrees👍hang onto to your land at all costs… for all of the reasons listed. Good for you👏👏👏👏So happy you have it🙌🙌🙌🙌 We are desperately trying to find a way to get out into the country … nowhere ville. Lol🤞
Yup you go girl too
Right on.
Your laughing but I'd be careful. You don't "own" any of that, otherwise you wouldn't have to pay property taxes on "YOUR" property. A simple economic adjustment can wipe our you ability to pay and the things you "own" are now the governments.
Nah, humans create the rules, other humans find loopholes. As an international tax specialist for 15 years it’s my predisposition in life - tell me the rules and I walk right around them - completely legally.
We are unvaccinated and took our young kids on an international trip over the holidays. We have county mask mandates, intermittently, that include my kids private Christian school, and yet neither of them has worn a mask, excepting at the airport and for takeoff, in a year (nor have my husband or I).
Remember these people are largely idiots. Even if once smart, their egos grew and snuffed out their brains.
Don’t fear their rules, make a joke out of finding the loopholes.
Awesome! I don’t wear a mask either, nor does my husband. Went into a busy post office this
morning-the only one not wearing one. Postal clerk was friendly, and didn’t say anything. Reno, NV
Good for you and your family. On the bright side, those smug politicos and celebrities who bragged about getting the vaccines will be the first to suffer the effects.
That's great advice. Keeping your sense of humor intact is a health tip! A loophole for sanity. Knowing what I know, I still can't wrap my head around the predominance of stupid. I don't know what else to call it.
NCMom, we're all ears to hear how to get out of property taxes 100%. Some counties will exempt school taxes, but I'm with Bob - if you can lose your paid-off home because you can't pay the tax on it, it's not "your" property and never will be....
Did you write about your international trip on your newsletter? I need to read about that...
I LIKE that attitude! I want MORE of that attitude!
I assure you MCM this is a serious matter. You really must read the Bible. Prophesy is being fulfilled. We cannot depend upon ourselves to be little gods.
Have you ever heard of spiritual warfare?
The "We own guns too." quip suggests there would be a price to pay for government to try to take possession. Rightfully so.
I find I either intrigue or infuriate the woketards. We go to a country club, our kids at an expensive private school (Christian and conservative - many like us there), we do the whole charity gala sponsorship a few times a year, we have orchestra center season seats to the theatre, we are perfectly comfortable with our .01% clients. I look the part too (I enjoy being active and love yoga, pure barre, and tennis). Too many let the surface guide their judgements.
I am still a total Tom boy. I’ll still boulder a 25-foot cliff. In undergrad I was a whitewater River guide on the New and Gauley Rivers in WV. I did outward bound by choice in high school. My husband grew up in four wheelers in rural VA.
We may look and be a zoom class 1%, but we are just as in our element playing with a .22 shooting crab apples up a holler in WV or having a Red Stripe with the locals under a leanto in Jamaica. My Dad always jokes I’ll always be a pink neck because it takes more than one generation to breed out the redneck. I disagree - in this age of identity politics, I identify fully with redneck. We are raising our children the same.
The guns are the most important property. We might as well go down shooting
Exactly. I wish property tax expired at 65. As a reward for “faithfully” paying for schools and other local projects for years and years.
Exactly. I inherited some riverfront property in Texas. Last year my property value and taxes went up 100%. I fought it to no avail. If my taxes are raised again, I will be forced to sell it. They are taxing us right out of our property in Texas....which is what Klaus Schwab and the NWO globalist elites of the U.N. intend to do.
I believe your AG has several suits against the Biden admin. Can't do nothing on this?
Put you don’t have a state income tax. I bet you pay more on property taxes in TX than I pay in state income and property taxes than I do in NM. Don’t get me wrong NM sucks big green donkey …
Correct, We "own" Nothing Already because we rent our things via Government Taxation. Don't pay your taxes and you'll see how fast the things you "own" get scarfed up by the Gov.
Taxation is an agreement between the people and the government of, for and by the people. This is what it is. That we don't act accordingly is another issue.
Exactly. B. Full confiscation of all land.
Anyone see Dr Zhivago for instance?
Or Gone With The Wind?
Remember Scarlette had to be creative with financing after the Civil War because of the carpetbagger taxes?
Trying to give some examples.
There are so many other movies and books that illustrate the points B made.
Then there is the prophetic Terminator and The Mattrix fictional movies however AI is more sophistical than we can conceive now it is non-fiction.
Check into the CERN Gateway to dimensions and god” particles.
"You will own nothing and you will be happy". Klaus Schwab
Exactly MM I’m glad you quoted the vomit spew of a top level council of 13 right under his father the pyramid capstone.
His speeches and written filth venom are full of these demonic pronoucements.
“Elites” = those Rush would call the “wizards of smart”
The odd thing about the "elites" foisting this disaster on us is that they are destroying the economy that underpins their lifestyle. Who builds their yachts? Who builds their Teslas? Who designs their 3rd mansion?
Are they thinking that illegals will do these things?
Furthermore, a lot of "elites" are seeing their sources of income drain away. Movie studios, Broadway productions, NFL game attendance, etc. etc. all rely on the middle class to keep them afloat.
Destroy the middle class and everything the elites hold dear gets destroyed as well.
I don't think we need to worry about the elites, they will get along somehow.
They don't mind the poor and want to get rid of the (independent) middle class.
Then they'll have the educated poor (engineers, physicists, etc) people who will be dependent on them to eat. Seems to be working in parts of the world.
Elites own 95% they want to rule - committee of 300 will be one world government. Big corporations, some of them will continue, they will have no
competition - all
small business will be destroyed.
Maybe the massive gene therapy experiment is intended to fast track cures for common diseases and age-related illnesses in anticipation of a cascading failure of society to protect core Industrial Civilization, the Elite and their enablers.
The sense of urgency, the early targetted media campaign, the poor safety profile, clinical trial scandal, lack of transparency, narrative control and the obvious lies and obfuscation point to desperation. 2019 liquidity crisis and yield curve indicators, pandemic as cover for economic meltdown and the stark reality of peak FFs and diminishing EROEI, release of the movie "Don't Look Up" with a star studded cast suggests an impending collapse supposedly Climate Change denial but also hints at resource depletion ie. Seneca Cliff, Hubbert Curve, Limits to Growth, World3 model, thermodynamic collapse scenario.
Can't the "elites" just have the "Fed" print up more dollars for them?
Oh how I miss Rush!
Illuminati/Jesuits - they existed in secrecy for 100 of years - pope Francis kisses hands of Rothschild, Rockefeller, Soros and Kissinger - saw the video
Absolutely yes MW
I hope people use your key words in a
Https:// search.
Folks look up WEF end Agenda 21 / 30 if you haven’t already.
What is your best source?
The Holy Bible a Olivet Discourse.
Which video?
They are planing to abolish private property…just take it from people like communists did after 2nd WW in Poland
And yet they can’t possibly live on or control all of it. Standing around waiting in fear of what these lunatics are going to do isn’t a plan. They aren’t that smart. They give plenty of warning.
Ivermectin prescriptions were being filled by the millions in the US at places CVS (I filled 4 prescriptions) for months before the full blown crazy started getting it banned. Even now, you want a doc that will treat, and to get scripts filled, Google either “integrative health practice near me” or “pro-life physician near me.” Compounding pharmacies across the US are pumping these things out like Hershey Co is Kisses.
With masks -read the rules, there are exemptions. Find one and fit it.
If property taxes are getting too high, like-kind exchange the property for property in a nearby state or county with lower taxes.
Not every plan will work, and some things are extra annoying to deal with. Being open to opportunity is important.
But where there is a will there it’s a way. God helps those who help themselves. None of us need a savior, but more of us definitely need the confidence, to find the courage, to help ourselves.
It’s not good to just be against stuff in life, we all gotta be for stuff too. Likewise, we can’t let the fear of the great reset get in the way of planning for its failure as it relates to each and everyone of us.
Well said.
You go girl 😎
yesterday's conspiracies are tomorrow's reality.
Yes isn’t that funny( not at all) how those conspiracies from a couple years ago are no true
Yeah..I now ask people who called me a "conspiracy theorist", how it feels to be living in a conspiracy theory.
Yep, any day now those friends who didn't want to associate with a "conspiracy theorist" like me will come apologize. Annnnyyyy day now.
The covid fiasco has turned me into not only a conspiracy theorist, but a true believer in conspiracies, a newly minted totally anti-vaccine convert, and a total sceptic of big pharma, big media, and a complete distruster in any doctor or organization that promoted the "accepted" narrative.
Anyone with half a brain would be asking a lot of questions.
In addition to some things being clearly coordinated (aka conspiracy theory in today’s lingo)
There are incentives in place such that the problems cannot be corrected.
For example Docs no longer have independent practices. They are all employees of the hospitals. And they are told what they can and cannot say.
Some docs do!!! We go to an integrative health practice in the backyard of Wake Forrest med school. Insanely successful. There are dozens around NC. The practice has its own pharmacy and has been prescribing ivermectin throughout. They don’t advertise online for Covid services or treat non-patients for Covid and there is at least a 4- month wait for new patients. Others are treating Covid only patients. The FLCCC has a list of the ones willing to accept Covid only patients. At most independent practices they do not accept Medicare/ Medicaid and are out of network for most insurance. That’s what sets them apart. If they accepted government insurance they’d be like everywhere else. It’s a get what you pay for.
Whatever search engine you use, look for “integrative health practice” or “pro-life physician” near me.they are there. Help them grow.
Thank you for the information! I’m down in “Chuck-town “…(not too far away), but as a med-school town it’s getting harder to find independent medical practitioners. I’ll keep looking!
I am SO doing this … in Canada🇨🇦 pray to God something similar exists… we tend to be kinda “way behind” you folks in healthcare 🤞🤞🤞Gratitude
My nurse who works with my surgeon is totally candid with me. Fortunately she works in the office and not the hospital.
I pray for my poor surgeon for healing. She just had a baby.
Congratulations M!
Go forth and spread our conspiracy theories you may just make an impact on one or more people. Dazzle them with facts and liberal personal antidotes.
Oh it includes us, enslaved and powerless with no recourse is how it envisions us
Most of the conspiracy theories are now conspiracy facts. It's time you reviewed your beliefs and woke up.
Alex Jones was right.
They will change the definition so he won't be. I call myself a Hypothetical Predictor. don't like to use CIA jargon.
You really need to expand your reading Robert Yoho BUTCHERED BY HEALTHCARE, exposes the whole ball of INCESTOUS WAX between Pharma, Congress, FDA/CDC, doctors, etc, then RFK JR FAUCI, you have to read them in that order to understand much of what RFK JR, talks about, yes he is a died in the wool Democrat, just skip over his Trump bashing. Rest is Gospel. Including his 20 yr colussion Gates depopulation od Third World Countries, into Gardasil first to your daughters, then sons. with Alot of what Alex reports, but stuff he doesn't get into. WE HAVE ALL BEEN HIS GUINEA PIGS. JUST LIKE HIS HIV EXPERIMENTS. THAT FUTURE IS A BIG DEPOPULATION OF THE GLOBE. Foreign Enemies are buying up HUGE acerage of USA Farm/Ranch land, Control, food/water/power, you control the USA. They just made Slaves of you, right under your nose.
Indeed GH good spirited synopsis.
Seems to me they are doing away with the compliant sheeple and leaving behind the stubborn truth seekers.
thats ok. because my vision of the future is: you go first, little billy gates and you klaus and all you davosites. you own nothing and report back to us in say 75 years.
My vision of the future is 10 million Americans mooning Bill Gates next time he goes outside in public with advanced notice. 😂
There certainly was a world-wide organized effort to push the vaccines in a large number of countries (not all). The purpose was NOT for the common good, therefore, nefarious and a conspiracy: "A combination of men for an evil purpose; an agreement between two or more persons, to commit some crime in concert." I'd say the murder and crippling of millions is a crime of huge proportion; not as vile as the slaughter of unborn babies, or as numerous, but which should be exposed and the perpetrators prosecuted to the full extent of international and national laws. And I will add, the prosecution of abortionist murderers and the abolition of all abortion should be a world-wide effort of each country that wishes to avoid complete destruction by the wrath of God.
Now I have to go back and see what else Alex Jones reported on. Did they turn the frogs gay?
Virtually nothing is off the table now , right??