Igor Chudov has speculated about the British "endless COVID" cycle on his substack. People are getting COVID again and again. That Israel and Britain presage our future has been one of Alex's key insights and it continues to give us warnings about our future.

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I think Biden’s Jen the liar, has gotten it twice that we know of. Khloe K has had it twice. Actually many celebs have gotten it more than once. They all seem pleased the vaccine worked. Yikes.

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I just mentioned to my husband that I had no idea there were so many people incapable of basic critical thinking skills.

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Don't believe that the President, VP, Press Secretary, Fauci, et al actually took an experimental shot; surely they each received an injection of something harmless just for the cameras.

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Jen seems to "get it" every time she's due to accompany Brandon to Europe.

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Sick and old, dying with a high viral load. The Sick and old have a shitty immune system so many of them have high viral loads. Therefore the PCR test lights up. There is nothing to look at here. It’s people dying and maybe some people dying now because the vaccine is harmful but who gives a fuck (that's for another day and after more data). Enough already with this whole charade. The PANICDEMIC was a criminal event it’s time to start the formal investigations and START arreresting people who were in charge. The Ethiopian and Director general of the WHO would be a good start.

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Who the hell would arrest these evil criminal cabal?! Find me one honest employee at DoJ.

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Wolfgang Wodarg and a group of doctors and lawyers are working on it. We need to support that effort.

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The way things are going, we won't have to arrest them. They fell for their own B.S. and took the jab. As a result, many of them might no longer be with us two years from now.

We'll just have to wait and see who's left. My guess is there will be enough unvaxxed lawyers to take over the DOJ at that point and bring real accountability to those among the cabal who are still living.

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I am going to guess that there are more than a hand full of powerful people who got saline injections if they did it on camera. Not everyone, but some. Eventually, I think even that will come to light.

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I was trying to warn my adult daughter- back when the Pfizer CEO was banned from Israel for not being "fully vaxed" and of course my daughter sees the photo in a google search next day showing him getting the jab. Ugh.

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With what Saline??? He said to his stockholders...It really doesn't work.

Send her his report to the $$$$ people. Can't lie to them. It's called Security Fraud. I'm been to this rodeo with my adult daughter too. Now she gets it.

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I recall Fauci getting outed for faking it - he was on TV getting the shot in his left arm, but a few days later when asked if he had any side effects, he tapped his right bicep and said just a little pain around the injection point.

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I am not convinced that any of the cabal received a real vaccine.

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They didn't take the damned shot. Ask that wanker CEO of Pfizer. He didn't take it and did not mandate it for his employees.

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"As a result, many of them might no longer be with us two years from now."

It is said science advances on funeral at a time. If your speculation pans out, there may be fantastic progress against COVID in a few years.

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Exactly Everybody in any position of authority is lying. Count on it...

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And right on cue:


High profile vax dissenters are being arrested.

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Typical leftist/globalist tactic -- preemptively blame the other guy when everyone begins to realize you are the criminal. That crap won't work here in the US.

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These are promising developments. These criminals currently arresting free citizens are putting a target on their back. They are either useful idiots (complicity theorists) or criminals either way, they need to be dealt with.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

Author John Stuart Mill most likely

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Your last quote was Edmund Burke.

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Nope, Burke never actually said that.

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Also on cue - I just received a request to sign a petition to impeach Justice Thomas from the Supreme Court.

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OMG! NO! Justice Thomas is one of the most honorable people to walk this planet. I remember (during his testimony before Congress years ago) how, when he had finally had enough of their degrading question to him, he stopped and said that what they were doing with their questions was a ‘high tech lynching’……..Did that stop them in their tracks! If there had been a flag in my room I would have saluted it. I wanted to scream and cry at the same time. The vision of that perfect gentle man will forever be ingrained in my mine.

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Same. Just thinking about that hearing brings me to tears. He was so brave.

The Jan6 committee this morning announced it wants to speak with his wife. This is all so obvious - they don’t want him voting on any upcoming election or emergency mandates cases (or other things we aren’t even aware of yet).

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Right back at you…….The Jan 6 committee makes me very scared for truth to prevail.

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My mind.

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Right after they impeach and incarcerate sleepy Jo over hunters computer emails and foreign business dealings.

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I’m hoping that one of the first things the new House does is start impeachment proceedings…….fingers crossed.

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So we get Kamala if impeachment were to succeed?

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Can we impeach them both?

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Hmmmm. .It would appear that I hadn’t thought this through! OMG, it’s Hobson’s Choice.

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we have to be allowed to elect them first

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Certainly hope for a free and fair election. Aren't sure we will get one.

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You have strange contacts. Be wary.

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Susan, are you talking to me?

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I can't see the thread - only my comment. I directly replied to whomever posted they had been asked to sign a petition to impeach Justice Thomas. If that's you, yes; otherwise, no.

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Thank you……

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It was Jen A

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It's not just the "sick and old" with shitty immune systems. The human immune system was already on the fritz because of the garbage in processed foods that people idiotically consume 3 times a day. So the PCR test lights up with all ages.

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Actually, the increase in autoimmune conditions are likely the result of multiple childhood vax’s and repeated flu, shingle, hpv, pneumonia jabs as we age.

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Obviously, but that's only part of the picture.

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oh! for sure!

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PCR lights up on apples.

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For god sake, get these Brits some IVM and NOW.

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Hopefully it’s not too late for them. Dr Geert Vanden Bossche is concerned that the boosted may not be able to be saved by early treatment because their immune systems are so screwed up.

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Yes, I have my own cognitive dissonance with GVB and Dr Been. They disagree. And I think they both have important things to say.

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It's not a silver bullet.

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Agreed but it does a lot of good. I know from several family, friends, and doctors who have used it for covid. HCQ also works.

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Damn straight Charles! An overt-intentional scamdemic of epic criminal proportions for sure. The fact not ONE person (we know who they are) in now over 2 years has been held accountable in the least is telling. WTF is the accountability!

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Are the death statistics from COVID still being exaggerated? With no chance for new lockdowns and authoritarian restrictions, there wouldn't be any incentive for them to inflate the numbers. All it does for them now is make their vax and their restrictions look stupid.

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Of course not. They are doing everything they can to turn off all the useful idiots who are on autopilot.

But they have to be extremely careful in how they do that.

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The unstable vaxxed loons are going to choke on this reality, that they were so wrong and we were right. I fear how ungraceful their stages of grief will be. This will get ugly. 😬

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The powers that be knew how ugly it could get when the truth came out. Enter: War in Ukraine, look over there!

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Yep, and polls say it ain't working!

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I understand that heavy radioactive fallout does substantially attenuate viral transmissibility? /S

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Ukraine is the lowest-vaxxed country in Europe, in large part to Russian propaganda encouraging vaccine hesitancy. So ironic that the Russians may have inadvertently ensured a more robust populated in Ukraine, more capable of ferocious defense of their country.

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Mar 28, 2022·edited Mar 28, 2022

Vaccine hesitancy is propaganda verbiage unto itself. Every individual has a God given right to either use critical thing skills or not and make their own choice about ALL things. Vaccine hesitancy is patronizing and infers a person simply cannot chose for themselves. Reminds me of anti-vaxxer or build back better or variant or we are all in this together or be a good citizen. What is lost with the whole vaccine hesitancy intention is it's not even a vaccine technically. Its an experimental gene editing therapy medicine

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I couldn't agree with you more.

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Yeah. we all need to be reminded of that

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No one is thinking about "Where is my Mask", when they are fleeing bombs with their pets under their arms and children holding their hands.

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they're probably the only ones capable of playing soccer, too

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Indeed, I hadn't thought of that one!

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Is that right? Or could it be they know what’s going on.

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Ukrainians seem to be an intelligent and well-educated group of people, so I suspect that's part of it. However just today there was an article published in the LA Times describing how the Russian "disinformation" campaign has been waged in a highly organized fashion. Of course the whole tone is "ain't it awful those poor people are prevented from being vaccinated". The reality is that they may have escaped another calamity, much to the Russians' chagrin.

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really? I'd like to read more on this!

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It was originally published in the LA Times, and I read it here in the Seattle times.


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Thank you so much!!

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Mar 28, 2022·edited Mar 28, 2022

My guess is they will defend thru denial to the end and will never admit the injections caused their infertility issues or VAIDS or early onset Parkinson's, Alzheimer's and cancers. Most of these people will continue to "follow the science" as Fauci dictates or whoever replaces him in time hired and vetted by the exact same people OR their primary care doc who we have come to realize are practicing thru coercion and intimidation or love of the $$$. Not all, but far far too many. The psychosis is set so very deep!

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Frankly, none of this will matter. They’ve moved on because they are implementing the next step in the Reset. War and famine. From what I can tell, they are intentionally reducing the population through this manipulated famine which Biden could stop in its tracks, but wont. It’s grotesque. This will be worse than the Plandemic. Doesnt appear that there is much likely of a reckoning. Too much$$$ for our elected officials to ignore.

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Hard to argue with a thing you said! The agenda continues...

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The chart - page 44 - how does this explain 95% of deaths are vaccinated? Are they simply subtracting unvaxxed from the total column? Seems to lack necessary detail.

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At this point, I’m not even finding it worth my time to try and convince anyone I know to JUST STOP! I think many will go down to their graves believing “the science”.

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In the 3/28 Med Page Today email, "The Biden administration is making plans to offer Americans 50 years and older a second COVID-19 vaccine booster, and FDA could authorize the shots as soon as this week." SSDD (same shit, different day.)

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Mar 28, 2022·edited Mar 28, 2022

That website is a giant big Pharma ad and self congratulatory wannabe super doctors. 🤮 gag me.

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I'm a military brat and we learned that word early. So perfect for government anything

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Gert Vandenbosche predicted this, variants becoming established with a high reinfection rates, with progressive severity of outcomes for the vaxxed. The only hope is to preserve an unvaxxed cohort, that has natural, sterilizing, immunity (the young predominantly). The worst case is that one of the variants coming will run rampant among the vaxxed and be far more pathogenic. Already the data is showing the vulnerability of the vaxxed, though government narrative controllers are trying to hide it.

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Mar 28, 2022·edited Mar 28, 2022

Yes, the children, I think he said, are our unvaxxed cohort. But some states are trying to get rid of those pesky kids, like CA.

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OMG if this is true. No words.

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Mar 28, 2022·edited Mar 28, 2022

Yep. And I am living it. It's insane. The masks just came off our kids Mar 11th. That should tell you how f-d up this State is. Senator Pan gets "donations" from Pharma. He actually had a Merck rep at one of the hearings for SB277 (to get rid of personal belief exemptions back in 2015), and they were whispering to each other. Corruption is so normal now that they don't even need to hide it.

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My kids are the only ones in their classes without masks.

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Mar 28, 2022·edited Mar 28, 2022

Are you in CA? They put kids in gyms or outside if the student won't wear mask in my area, and I heard of that happening in LA, too. We pulled our 8th grader from his charter school this past year because of the mask mandate.

Our local Board of Trustees for the high schools voted to not enforce the mandate at the beginning of March this year. But one teacher guilted the kids into wearing them by saying he has a family to protect so he would appreciate it if the students wore masks.

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Mar 28, 2022·edited Mar 28, 2022

Only one student went to the principal's office ("voluntarily") instead of donning a mask. It's sickening to think that those who are responsible for teaching our kids don't understand that masks are basically a pacifier. (Just ask Fauci in Feb '20!) Maddening.

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He makes me physically ill. I knew CA parents/kids were trouble back then. Despite huge protests/push-back they still breezed through with that bill. No shame whatsoever.

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Employees working in the Capitol commented that they'd never seen so many people show up for a bill. Yet our protests fell on deaf ears. The chair of the Education Committee told Pan he didn't have the votes to pass SB277 thru the committee... and she gave him a week to make his deals and get his votes. 🤬

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Watched much of it from across the country. Was shocked and heartbroken for you guys. Looking back I truly wonder now. This was awfully convenient and well-timed.

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Has anyone seen info on what is purportedly infecting Shanghai right now? My friend is there and said they have sectioned off the city at the river. Panic food buying and crowded lines to get test kits. So, if it exists, it’s likely spreading.

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And then in this corner we have CA legislature voting Wednesday on AB 1993, which forces every business to mandate Covid vaccines for workers. A whole lot of Kool-Aid consumed by this state…

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Every employer in the entire state of California will be forced to mandate vaccines if this passes? We’ve said it for 2 years now - this is criminal or lunacy.

I’m not certain this won’t happen federally again. Why on earth did the Senate GOP not stop Biden from extending his ‘emergency order,”.

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Cowards. I could list the 4 who did not vote, but why bother. Even if both Senate and House passed the bill, Biden would veto it. We need a super majority to override a presidential veto.

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Jen A… GOP is in on it. To clarify, you can be a D or R or even I and still qualify to be paid off.

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The business owners must get together and tell Gruesome to go pi$$ up a rope.

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And the k-12 vax is still on the table. Totally corrupt govt here. I can only hope Senator Pan gets his boosters.

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Miki this is terrible. Both my children live in LA. One wanted to start a family. But now, I hope he postpones.

EVERYONE: please see Emerald Robinson’s substack today on the RESET and the upcoming “famine” Biden has planned for us.

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I know how you feel. I look at my 14yo and want to cry about the future.

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You’re right. You know exactly how I feel. They won’t ever know the America we grew up in. They won’t have the confidence of a certainty that there is a bright future ahead and that they can set their own destiny. I’m so angry at the corrupt US officials allowing it to happen.

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Mar 28, 2022·edited Mar 28, 2022

This is beyond reprehensible on their part (not pushing for peace talks with Russia and Ukraine and instead pushing sanctions that will lead to famine). Where are the peace talks indeed? This is the first time we have not pushed that route.

Okay. This means the answer is on us. If they're not pushing peace talks, we need to push for peace talks in our lives. But this leaves me wondering how to have a peace talk with people who are bent on disrespecting me in a major way (rights to bodily autonomy, etc). I cannot figure this out because I don't believe they should be condoned in doing this.

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They are not only not pushing peace talks, they are actively preventing them. You’re right - the answer is on us now. They want war with Russia and Russia and Ukraine want a settlement.

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We're trying to get Russia to do what we did to ourselves for two decades in Iraq and Afghanistan.

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The negotiators were poisoned early on according to the WSJ

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Then Russia and Ukraine need to step up and defy their handlers and push for peace, and I need to figure out how to make peace with people who won't respect me.:D

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Yes. Let’s see if they do. They must have the goods on Biden and others. We may never know what’s going on.

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Want to make a ton of money? Get some trucks to CA for the mass exodus!

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My neighbor told me her friends were moving and there were NO trucks available with Uhaul ...leaving CA...

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Mar 28, 2022·edited Mar 28, 2022

Hahaha! The silver lining in this mess? :)

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Pharma money

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If the courts don’t overturn it, the state economy will collapse. So many people will flee CA, some will drop out of the workforce, truckers will boycott CA. It will be a total shitshow.

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Mar 29, 2022·edited Mar 29, 2022

Here in Placer County, 2/3 of County union workers are against the mandates, and many of those will quit, move, or retire if it passes. The courts here in CA are skewed to the left, and even IF there were a possibility of justice prevailing, the case would take so long that people would have ended up quitting or moving by then. It's a shitshow now, and it will be then like you said.

We personally are ready to retire early if need be. We will take a huge monetary hit, but it is what it is. Let the rest of them die a slow (or fast blood-related) death while we flee California healthy. (Note: I was born and bred here in Northern California. Went to college here. Had my son here. And I am pissed that Californians became so stupid that they support anything that comes from the State govt. It and they disgust me. But where to go?)

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Alex Berenson: The Pandemic’s Rightest Man - The Atlantic | by Derek Thompson

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That piece of garbage was a common tweet when Alex was on Twitter. An angry response to being exposed to the referenced sources of Alex's comments. Time has proven how bad the press has been in critical thinking.

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did that happen?

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Mar 28, 2022·edited Mar 28, 2022

UK & CDC plan to stop sharing case, death & hospitalization V status. A big tell, is it not?

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HUGE tell!

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Surprised the UK waited this long because they are one of the few sources of decent data that helped people see what's actually happening. The CDC data has been junk from basically day 1 so no loss there.

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For those that have been vaxed. What recourse do they have at this moment? Some may not have gotten a booster but for those that did. Is there anything they can be proactive about? Get an EKG? Increase Vitamin D and Zinc? Lose weight? They can't be sitting ducks just waiting for the other shoe to drop. Yikes.

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deletedMar 28, 2022·edited Mar 28, 2022
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Just wonder what the Psychological impact this "Fear of Covid" does to people who sit around waiting for it to happen. Kinda like a Placebo effect. What if he felt terrible after the Vaxxes. What if he had NO Symptoms or minimal symptoms from Omicron. What if it's Over for him (worrying about "catching it".). Got to get out of the Fauci Paradigm.

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Well not strange at all. My whole family got Omi, none of us jabbed. I was worn down for a good week or so. Once I was over it I TOO felt MUCH better than before I got sick. Very noticeable pep in my step and it's been that way for over a month.

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Well, some people say viruses clean out toxins so makes sense.

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For me I think it had more to do with having survived the winter of severe illness and death. :/.

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Interesting. So, perhaps Omicron infection kicked in the other part of his immunity. Deserves more deliberation. Maybe they know this and that’s why everything was thrown open. Except, of course, masks on planes.

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could it be that his immune system finally saw something it could deal with, killed omicron and pushed out most of the spikes?

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It does not appear to be the answer in the UK, per the charts above and Alex's observations. The point it that people who were jabbed are not provided full immunity and are thus susceptible to getting Covid over and over again. For those people, their immune systems are compromised. Your dad may just be one of the lucky ones.

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There is something to this. I am on a covid Long-Hauler FB page (the covid jab and covid long-hauler complaints mirror each other) ... and some people had long haul symptoms...got the jab..and were better. Some people that did not work at all... some people were made worse. So there's no perfect answer. But there is something to the body getting maybe used to the spike proteins it has... then it gets more and the immune system kicks it into gear and beat it? IDK... but it doesn't work for everyone.

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I can't see how forcing your body make spikes is not always damaging

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I want to see tighter restrictions on what is called a covid death. Until then I am tired hearing about it. I'm 64. I have never in my life heard of anyone who died from the flu.

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People seem to be dying of the treatment in hospitals. If ivm or hcq were used early on there would be very few deaths. I keep ivm on hand for friends and family. Some friends are so brainwashed by FDA horse manure they won't hear of it. I can't help them.

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Can we overcome herd insanity?

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In the UK this would depend on the abolition of the BBC and its Trusted News Initiative. It's hard to convey just how trusted this now malign institution is by most of those who grew up with it.

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In addition to vaxx status, would point to UK's lack of sunlight and crappy food.

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I took a J&J vaccine before I woke up to what was going on. I can only hope my body will forgive me since I can’t un-vaccinate. I feel duped.

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My husband and I are so grateful everyday that we decided against getting the jab. Finally got Covid in early December 2021. Just have the lingering smell and taste issues but that is all.

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This must be why they are just opening back up and trying to behave like everything is normal. They think this is the best way to cover it up.

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And the "Long Covid" ads have started

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Yes, have seen those 🙄

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the was to hide the jab side effects

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