You may not ask what we want or may disagree with Trump’s answer. But you will be fair. And then we’ll explain why you are wrong in the comments - if you are. 😀

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This!!! ⬆️

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Hopefully Alex finds that as funny as I did. 😂

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First question:

Mr. President, how many babies do you murder before lunch?

He might laugh and then AB's got em by the b0lls...lol.

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We also assume that you are an "old fashion" journalist who will ask the hard questions and make everyone think. While the question may be uncomfortable or probing, it is what is needed moreso now after all these years of propaganda from many in the media.

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Your work on the perils of marijuana is unparalleled. I would love to see this subject reenter the public discourse as it is frought with lies and misinformation, as you know. I think the broader issue is that many Americans no longer trust the "experts" in public health. I cannot get basic facts that I can believe are true because of the politicization of the medical institutions. The AMA is a joke. And public policy is corrupted. "Experts" change the definition of "vaccine". "Experts change the guidance on blood sugar, cholesterol, alcohol use, fat as the $$ demand. Doctors "go with the flow". I don't know how you get these issues out there, but it would be great if the new administration were able to restore integrity to Big Med and Big Pharma, for lack of a better way to reference. Thanks Alex

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Yes, first restore their integrity & then we'll see about giving them our trust again.

Over 50 years in nursing I've gone from skepticism to distrust to disgust with doctors, hospitals & our healthcare system in general. I date the beginning of this degeneration

of the doctor-patient relationship to 1965 with the implementation of Medicare & Medicaid.

Obamacare was the final nail in the coffin. I agree with Ronald Reagan: government IS the problem.

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Agree completely. Also, "The AMA is a joke.", my grandfather, who was a trauma surgeon, hated the AMA for a number of reasons but at the core he told me that their actions are almost always self-serving and that they do not advance the science and art of medicine as they should.

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I would add the American Academy of Pediatrics. As a pediatric nurse practitioner I indirectly had to function under its guidelines (which the NYS & NYC Departments of Health enact as law usually). The AAP became highly politicized in the 1990s & subsequently became hopelessly woke.

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I think a Vance interview, done by you, would be unique among the interviews of both of these men and I would value that personally more than another Trump interview, even though I would definitely read either or both. You have an expertise on the dangers of the pharma industry and addiction that other 'journalists' do not, and JD has had a unique front-row seat to both, plus just has an intellect that you would be able to mine like others would not.

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Agree with you and others below. A Vance interview would really interest me. I think Trump's brash style has been and continues to be necessary, but I think a Vance/Berenson interview might be more substantive and interesting to Berenson's readers.

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"Just remember, be careful what you wish for - I am not necessarily going to ask what you (or the administration) wants."

THAT'S WHY I FOLLOW YOU! Go Alex! Can't wait to see you in there.

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It's your prerogative to ask what you wish. Do so.

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I know you will ask fair questions unlike "traditional media"

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Exactly. Alex will ask questions and listen to the answers. He may not like the answers or he may.

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I joined your site years ago because of your reporting on the Covid-19 vaccine and the terrible side effects it created. I’m hoping Covid-19 vaccine injuries & the truth about the pandemic vaccine becomes a public conversation so that we, the unvaccinated, who have been snubbed and maligned all these years, will finally be portrayed as being as being correct and not crazy lunatics. My workplace still regards me as such.

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Wear the crazy lunatic as a badge of honor & "see I was right." You were (dare I say) courageous to continue to work in an environment of mind numb robots (thanks Rush). I am always amazed that people complain about how bad the govt is, don't trust it yet willingly took the jab (yes some had to but not everyone).

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"I am not necessarily going to ask what you (or the administration) wants" - This is why we (or at least I) subscribe.

I truly hope you get an interview with Vance. I think he has a lot of important ideas.

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Shake up the status quo. The WH press corps needs new intelligent reporters. Since Jim Acosta is gone, you can fill the large shoes he left. (joke)

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You suggest, be careful what we wish for ... I think most of your readers don't always agree with everything you write, but appreciate your independence and willingness to speak about things most shy away from. We can all learn new things and break down personal biases (this includes you) ... many of us learn from you and hopefully, with an open mind, occasionally, you might be able to pick something up from one of your readers every now and then. Respectful discord and exploring hard topics is needed in journalism today! Get out there and crush them!!

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Yes, I think the "independence" is something many don't know what it is anymore in journalism. Some reporters/journalists have been attacked viciously for asking questions on issues considered sacrosanct & called all sorts of names just for asking questions..."why do we spend tons of money on" this or that, pick your issue. Then, the person gets labeled as bigot/racist/fascist etc. Calm down , you might learn something.

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Re: Warp Speed

I give Trump full credit for implementing this project. One cannot deny this kind of efficency was unheard of in our our government for at least 80 years. That it's final product was a dud, at best, cannot be laid at Trump's door. He's not a doctor of any kind. He followed advice from our very flawed public health agencies.

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I’m glad you’re doing this and I hope you get a pass. I don’t think Trump has any problem with a question asked respectfully. He’s a disrupter and so are you so I think you would be a fascinating addition to the WHPC.

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What made me understand who Trump is was listening to Dan Bongino talk about what it was like to grow up in Queens. That should be a research starting point.

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From being banned on Twitter 1.0 to WH Press room. What a long strange trip its been.

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Alex is not a yes man and I want Alex to interview Elon as well I asked him a few years ago with Alex. One thing legacy media won't like it. But who cares?

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I guess I didn't vote, but I'm all for it. You could clarify whether AI and mRNA will be used only by informed consent (I'm all for them researching this and even right to try for cancer patients). So people need to understand there could be uses for this. It could be improved and/or there could be applications for it that would be worthwhile for some people. That's all muddy for many right now.

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