The most frustrating part about this is that we've known basically the entire pandemic that kids aren't at risk from the virus. (Indeed, most of them probably had it long before we had tests and we never even noticed) Yet here we are 3 1/2 years in, and still pushing these jabs onto those who literally can't make their own decisions. How many lives are going to be ruined because of this?



Throughout the pandemic, many child care centers have stayed open for the children of front-line workers — everyone from doctors to grocery store clerks. YMCA of the USA and New York City's Department of Education have been caring for, collectively, tens of thousands of children since March, and both tell NPR they have no reports of coronavirus clusters or outbreaks.

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Does not surprise me. My brainwashed friends who jabbed their kids have complained more about them being sick than before. Anecdotal yes, but it sure seems like there is an issue.

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IgG4 response in post vax, post infection individuals is out of this world bad. It's really not good when our immune system is conditioned to treat a pathogen like the spike protein as if it was a simple allergen. Will anyone talk about this?

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Anecdotally, we noticed the people getting sick around us were the "vaxxed" - not the unvaxxed - for the most part. That was all we needed to see. As for vaxing children, there should be a special place in hell. Ditto giving overweight/obese kids "glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists" instead of cleaning up the food supply so they don't need drugs for life! That is SICK.

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Try posting this on Facebook. The dis-information police will be all over you. What World do we currently live in?? How can this stop?

Asking for a troubled friend.

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Hence the push to give everybody an RSV and flu shot plus a Covid booster. Destroyed immune systems can’t fight off anything but we have a jab (or three!) for that. Just Say No to all of it.

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This was foreshadowed by a study that came out more than two years ago:

'The BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 reprograms both adaptive and innate immune responses'

"Interestingly, however, the BNT162b2 vaccine also modulated the production of inflammatory cytokines by innate immune cells upon stimulation with both specific (SARS-CoV-2) and non-specific (viral, fungal and bacterial) stimuli. The response of innate immune cells to TLR4 and TLR7/8 ligands was lower after BNT162b2 vaccination, while fungi-induced cytokine responses were stronger. In conclusion, the mRNA BNT162b2 vaccine induces complex functional reprogramming of innate immune responses"


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Aug 30, 2023·edited Aug 31, 2023

Talking with a good friend in the thralls of a nasty divorce who has two lil girls 4 years and 16 months. His soon to be EX says the the 16 month old needs the injection because the science says so. My friend has to now deal with this reality, as he moves to finality of divorce. This is the same child who was recently found to have neuro sensory issues and, yes she has been injected prior yet this wife-mother continues to insist on getting this fragile lil human life injected again and again. So tragic

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So when do the public hangings of the "experts" begin?

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Smells fishy to me. Next thing you’ll be telling us smoking is linked to cancer. But I did an exhaustive, FDA approved study proving cigarettes are safe and effective!


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Short answer. It’s all about depopulation

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This is the beginning.

I fear it will get worse.

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This is so terrible. Why couldn’t they just leave children alone? So reckless.

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One word... evil.

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"Peer reviewed" dosen't mean a damn thing.

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They should have NEVER given Big Pharma immunity. Compare government and Pharma responses BEFORE that immunity law was passed to AFTER. 1970’s flu shot was canned after relatively few cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome. Today? Way more evidence of harm and they keep urging more shots!

Politics also needs to stay the heck out of vaccines too. Government should have never purchased vaccines from these companies, and government should never mandate shots, because now government can also never admit their mistakes.

If it was a free market and free choice to be vaccinated, then responsibility shifts to the individual and away from government. If there was no immunity shield for Pharma, they would be a heck of a lot more careful before unleashing a new product onto the world population.

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