Trump has the most bipartisan administration in many many many decades. Of course the mainstream media won’t note that.

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The media is saying “vaccine skeptic” which, at least in Alex’s case and maybe RFJ, distorts their positions. Fauci is quaking.

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Dems are complaining the RFKjr doesn’t have the qualifications to be HHS. I think the fact that he knows the difference between a man and a woman makes him infinitely more qualified. Much more so than the Supreme Court hack who couldn’t define it.

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LOL. look at the kooks and weirdos that were in Biden’s cabinet and have the nerve to claim anyone Trump has appointed is unqualified!

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Yes, that’s so true!

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Which were the top five kookiest?

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The luggage stealing crossdresser and the SG transwoman (man) are standouts for me!

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"Man of the Year" -- Admiral Rachel Levine

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Mr. Admiral Rachel Levine was selected for Assistant Health Secretary. He oversaw gender affirming care for children. There is no way he should have been in charge of that.

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The current HHS head, Becerra, has no medical experience and in fact was just a political hack in CA before his appointment. Becerra is the male version of Harris: nudged up the line for many years despite not having a single respectable accomplishment. The bar is REALLY low atm with HHS.

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Bacerra was a bought and paid for HACK absolutely!

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Becerra graduated Stanford and Stanford Law - US Congress, California Attorney General.

New York State had to make an exception to allow brainworm-bobby to take the Bar exam a fourth time, because he failed repeatedly over a couple of years. He had a few legal victories decades ago.

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This is not a true statement. RFK Jr. failed the NY Bar once, in 1982. He passed on his subsequent attempt in 1985. You may be thinking of JFK Jr, who failed the NY Bar twice before finally passing the third time. Oh, you know who else failed the bar exactly as many times as RFK Jr? Kamala Harris. Hillary Clinton squeaked the Arkansas Bar but never did pass in DC.

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I don't think you need to pass the bar to be admitted in DC. If you're admitted anywhere else in the USA, they will admit you to the DC bar as long as you fill out the application form and pay the fee.

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This lawsuit that effectively killed Monsanto, in 2018, was a bigger a complishment than *anything* Becerra and Harris have achieved combined.


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Also, he cut his teeth (legally) as an environmental lawyer that sued various companies to get them to clean up the Hudson river in New York state. It used to be one of the most polluted rivers (if not *the* most), and now it is one of the cleanest rivers in the country.

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But the Monsanto products are still around, they're just owned by Bayer now. So another US industry is gone. Germany already owns the largest chemical company in the world, BASF.

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And this makes her a health expert? Kennedy has forgot more about healthy living than the entire Biden Administration.

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He's a weird guy. Very human. Faults. And I'm thrilled.

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I am considered weird because of my diet, good company.

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lol I’d say he’s more than qualified. I’m excited to see all he will accomplish. His book about Fauci was the most footnoted book I’ve ever read. I voted for Trump but loved all of what RKK Jr did during Covid and he does care about the health of our Country.

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Judy Mikovits was all over Fauci long before the great plandemic of 2020. She worked along side him when he was so complicit in the AIDS era corruption. therealdrjudy.com The RFK book is indeed one of the most well referenced reads I have had in 20 years

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Thanks for the link! I’ll check it out. Like you, I’m still waiting and hoping for some accountability. He especially!

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“Doesn’t have the qualifications.” That’s fine and all, but they don’t have the votes to stop it, so. 😂

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All they ever say is that each nominee "isn't qualified" to be in the nominated position. That's not an argument, and it's not persuasive. As usual, none of these people provide any details, just attack words. How qualified are the Biden administration people? In so many cases their "qualifications" were DEI based.

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I've decided the more adjectives and adverbs a politician uses, the more they're lying.

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Slight improvement over an overweight dude who thinks he a woman.

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Of course, they will go to whatever they think will make the nominee look the worst. I am sure we will never hear the end of that, the bear story etc. Just like Noem's dog, Gaetz trumped up and dismissed charge of having teen girlfriend or trafficking or whatever. RFK Jr is no Admiral Rachel Levine! And I say, exactly and thank God!

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Let them SPEW the old news Marxist dogma!

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What Marxist dogma? How did Marx get into this?

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He’s talking about the haters. Harris was big on Marxist propaganda. Brogan is just fore- warning of this against JFK jr.

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I’m pretty sure most of the “ vaccine skeptic” came about when RFK jr. questioned the amount of mercury in childhood vaccinations.

Mercury was taken out of most vaccines but tetanus, meningitis, and 1:3 flu vaccines, STILL have large amounts of it in them.

The opposition, ( Big Pharma, Medical & Science “ experts”) claim that RFK isn’t taking into account all the studies ( paid for by CDC!), that show they are safe. It’s time to expose the PAY FOR RESULTS that has been going on for decades. The conflicts of interest regarding pharmaceutical products is a joke!

Always check who paid for the study, and check the section for “ conflicts of interest”.


“ The Real Anthony Fauci” book exposed for me this widespread corruption, and more. And this has been going on for decades! If you haven’t read this book, read it. I wasn’t even out of the “ Forward” section & my mind was blown on all the acceptable regulating the FDA

was conducting, on medicines & vaccines that

they ( the FDA) hold the patents for. Read that last sentence again & let it sink in. WTF?

RFK jr. is knowledgeable about the workings & ins & outs of this industry. He may be the only one to understand the harm that has been intentionally inflicted on citizens nationally & internationally. Yes, it’s that bad.

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Everyone here is a vaccine skeptic. The MRNA “vaccines” caused the definition of vaccines to change. Returning to the original definition should be Kennedy’s 1st action.

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They keep trying to say he will take away all vaccines, when his actual position is to safety test them all properly like every other drug.

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but should we say "Its Twoo!"?

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He should pick Ron Paul for Treasury. lol

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From your keyboard to God’s ears! Yes yes yes!!!!

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It would be awesome

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I love Ron Paul but he’s almost 90 and you can see he’s slowing down and slipping a little if you watch his recent interview with Tucker but he’d be great as an advisory person. I like his son too but he’s best where he’s at right now.

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Yeah, I agree about Rand. Ron is probably too old, I was mostly kidding, but if we could get him from 20 years ago, that would be nice.

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Can’t afford to lose him from the Senate.

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True but I’ve seen many in other chats wanting him, but my guess is he will be offering advice behind the scenes.

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If Ron Paul is a bit too old, how about David Rogers Webb for Treasury?

G Edward Griffin?

I like Gaetz I guess, but Legalman would have been a better AG.

Fun times.

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Or G Gordon Lindsey? Or Pee Wee Herman?

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Of course, of course mainstream media won't note that. Of course.

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Lots of former Democrats.

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Heads are going to spin and Fauci better get what is coming for him.

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I wouldn't go so far as to prosecute him. This weaponized justice department shit needs to stop. He should, however, absolutely be forced to admit his wrongdoing on the record.

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The reasons to go after Fauci are not political. The reasons to go after Fauci are criminal. BIG difference.

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Criminal behavior is criminal no matter which party they are affiliated with.

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Agree and what he did affected the World, not just our Country. Even what he’s done with those Beagles should be criminal. He’s just criminal all the way around dating back to the AIDS Crisis

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where the fvk was PETA?? Talk about 2 tiered system...they spray paint a fur coat but don't give a shit when it's tortured beagles under biden/obama...didn't give a damn about confused children or unborn babies either....they actually scream for aborting babies and turn blind eye to child trafficking....the silence is deafening.

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I’m a PETA member (people eat tasty animals).

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maybe I've heard that from Ted Nugent ;-) I'm trying out the carnivore life.

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Good question! It’s so infuriating and upsetting.

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Those poor Beagles. And now Peanut the squirrel was killed by a government agency.

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Don’t forget the raccoon!

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ohhhh yes. Fred.

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well said

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Yes I agree.

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Nov 14Edited

The comedian Eddie Izzard once made a joke to the effect of: If someone kills another person, we put him in jail. If they kill a bunch of people, we put them in a mental hospital and doctors observe them. Oooh.

When someone kills millions of people, we hardly know what to say. We can't compute. It's like (golf clap), "Well done. You must get up very early in the morning..."

That's what Fauci has conspired to do and has done. Millions of people are dead because he looked right in the camera and said it was safe and effective (lie), then making fun of anyone who asked questions. Later he and the CDC head just shrug. "Oh, boo hoo. We just took the pharma manufacturers' word for it..." Riiiight.

Regardless of who Fauci's handlers are, he was the power-drunk mouthpiece. He deserves to be in the Hague bargaining to hand over the names of his overlords to reduce his sentence.

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"A single death is a tragedy. A million deaths is a statistic."

- attributed to Joseph Stalin

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Great quote. And wasn't it Hitler who said something like "the bigger the lie, the more likely the masses will believe it." Yikes.

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I thought this was about brainworm-bobby. But tell us how you really feel?

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He should lose his $15 million per year body guards and chauffeur. And most of his $350k pension at least. Although I think some time in jail isn’t out of the question

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He's a criminal, not a political target.

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He doesn’t need the pension, he made tons of money on his “work”.

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Fauci you mean.

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Ummm why does the weaponized justice have to stop under a Republican administration? Dems started it. Let them experience some of their own medicine. Besides, Fauci is a genocidal mass murdering psycho who needs to be incarcerated.

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While Fauci is a criminal and as such should be liable to criminal prosecution two wrongs do not make a right. By all means go after those who violated your laws and constitution but do not resort to the despicable lawfare displayed by the Democrats. If we who oppose woke and the new world order of the WEF resort to their tactics we will become no better than these evil demons. We must always strive to take the high road.

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He turned the other cheek the first time with Hillary, and they came after him even harder. Maybe he's he's going to do that again, but maybe not.

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I know. I feel the same way. Then I think, NO, we're better than that. Then I think, this isn't about weaponizing justice. This is about prosecuting corruption. I'm tired of it.

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if there is corruption and laws broken HELL YES prosecute. The weaponization was unwarranted against trump. THEY were corrupt and trump was not.

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I believe Fauci is corrupt, that he may have killed thousands who suffered from AIDS and COVID. A trial would reveal a lot of things and make officials less corrupt in the future. And NOT a KANGAROO trial like the farce that was JAN. 6.

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It's hard to get past the millions of deaths Fauci is responsible for. Does an admission of wrongdoing mitigate that fact?

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Dr Fraud is in his mid-80’s, sending him to jail isn’t smart. Destroy his legacy.

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Yes. Part of me agrees. The other part thinks HELL he didn't care about all the people who died alone.

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Yes, the bottom line is that HE JUST DID NOT CARE.

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And If he doesn’t?...

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Yes. I don't want to weaponize the Justice System either. Especially the way Biden did against Trump. All of those cases are bogus. Yet Fauci knowingly promoted policies that killed people. Those in power must be held responsible. But how?

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Remember Elon Musk's tweet: "My pronouns are: prosecute/Fauci."

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Rand Paul is now in the senate majority. he can't wait!

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Fauci's going to plead hearing loss an dementia

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The elf fraud is squirming

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We call that the Biden effect.

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Nov 14Edited

An unpopular truth is that Trump is plenty guilty as well, IN ADDITION TO Fauci. They lied, people died. Note the DATE of January 13, 2020 when there weren't even any cases in the US yet:



Why did Trump spearhead experimental mRNA vaccine development THAT EARLY for a "novel virus" still only found in China that wasn't even named "COVID" yet, and WHAT did he know in January 2020 regarding the "novel virus" that he chose not to tell or warn the US public about for another 2 months, until it was too late and the US soon had the highest death rate among Western countries?

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Because he was >advised< to do so by shitheads like Fauci, Collins and Redfield. At least the latter snapped out of it this election. Redfield said on the record "RFK Jr. was right about everything." Trump admits he made bad appointments last time. Not making that mistake again.

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Also will add the MRNA for Covid was already developed and ready to go if I remember correctly as far back as Dec 2018. Fauci knew this - Trump did not.

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Way further back!!!Dr. David Martin…. Starts 13:06 min in…..Pfizer’s patent for spike protein coronavirus vaccine was filed in 1990


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Thanks for the link!

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Nov 15Edited

That answer completely dodges the question asked (especially the second part), unless the goal is to defend Trump no matter what. TrumpDoesnowrongSyndrome

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No. Read better. Trump only knew what shitheads like Fauci, Collins, and Redfield *told* him. Trump had a terrible group of ghouls running the health agencies and providing him with information, which he didn't realize until later. Oh, he knows full well now. We all do. Ghouls.

What, precisely, did The Shitheads advise? THAT is the most pertinent question. The Shitheads were working on the vaccine for two years at this point, hiding their suspicious and arguably illegal operations from the WH.

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And tweets by Ivanka and Pence are hardly solid information sources. Upon closer inspection, they both erred on the date. Here is the official date of any collaboration between the WH and Moderna regarding that product.


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Do you SINCERELY believe that August 2020 (!!!) is the first date of collaboration, or do you have TrumpDoesnowrongSyndrome? I'll tell you what I sincerely believe and would bet my last dollar on: Ivanka and Mike Pence are spot on with the date. There are multiple other official sources to corroborate January 13, 2020 as the exact date.

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Yes. He did as he was advised. Now, Trump is appointing people who are loyal to him. A basketball team is a much better team if everyone is in alignment with regards to the goal. They trust the coach.

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yes yes yes

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You’re correct, Trump owns some of this. This is the reason much of this won’t see the light of day. Trump could easily admit he got bad advice, made a mistake…well, Trump doesn’t like admitting mistakes. Still happy he won.

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Yes Trump is at fault because he called on a professional named Fauci. It seems he trusted many of the Washington establishment last term. In the beginning of the epidemic we all flailed around. We were scared, and didn't know how to stop the fear. Trump wanted to get a vaccine made quickly as a way of saving lives and the economy. He wanted us to continue working and never would have turned it into a mandate.

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remove fauxci's pension AND ALL CORRUPTION ROYALTIES! SAME WITH PHONY CHRISTIAN his boss the covid song writer idiot. francis collins

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& someone needs to get on this asap!!! It’s in dental anesthetic, soft drinks, Botox, cosmetic fillers and tons of other stuff!!!! https://open.substack.com/pub/unhackableanimal/p/ask-your-dentist-if-nanos-are-right-f92?r=ypqu3&utm_medium=ios

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I thought covid shots had to be kept cold. If the shot wasn't kept at a certain temperature it was no good to use. If these things are in all of that then it wouldn't work as it wouldn't be cold enough to harm anyone???

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The requirement for deep deep freeze was mysteriously abandoned early in the program. These low temperatures were supposedly required for stability of the lipid nanoparticles. The lipid envelope is what was meant to enable the particle to deliver its mRNA payload through the membranes of cells and nucleii. No explanation was given for the dropped requirement, no one in the MSM asked the question.

If there were toxins in the jabs, you wouldn't want them in any case.

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Yes yes yes. And I always find it interesting to take note of the questions people DON'T ask!

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There were specific and very detailed instructions on how the vials were to be thawed and handled. One of the first times ever vaccines were packaged in multi-use vials with I think 5 jabs worth in each vial. They were to be rotated a specific number of times and a certain way to distribute the poison, I mean vaccine, I mean genetic therapy concoction. Apparently, those instructions went by the wayside once they reached the untrained Jab Jockeys at CVS, Walgreens or Walmart and anywhere else. This could explain some of the diversity in adverse events, depending on dilution or product settlement in the vial. It contributed to the monumental cockup either accidentally or purposely. A disaster.

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My dentist is on the same page as most of us here and he said that as of right now the dental anesthesia has no mrna. Who knows tho?

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Your dentist is mentally ill also?

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Great news! Now let’s ban pharma advertising and watch the MSM collapse as their major funding disappears!

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Seriously! If i see another Blue Chew ad, I'm going to throw up. But im sick of legal ambulance chasing ads as well!

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Two birds, one stone.

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Yes Kurt!!!!!!!!

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Awesome point!!!

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I’m all for that.

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Let's go Bobby!

Trump is picking people abused by various agencies to be in charge of those agencies. Amazing strategy for draining the swamp.

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Unfortunately, most of his picks are actually neocon warmongering swampmonsters.

Brian Berletic of The New Atlas explains: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsJaumSS9QU

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This is a jig saw puzzle being put together. Until it’s finished, I would suggest holding opinions on individual appointments. We all need to see the finished puzzle.

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I disagree - but if anyone thinks the United States sits around with their hands under their seat - that is not us . Soldiers are the ones who want to keep us Out of war . The border needs to be Closed - laws need to change - and we need to stop throwing our money out the window to Ukraine .

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I watched the video. Thank goodness for 2x speed. Who is this guy? He's a real apologist for China.

Funny he begins with the Warp Speed "betrayal", which of course was a mistake, but what could possibly be a more genuine reversal by Trump than putting Bobby Freaking Kennedy in charge of HHS?

He doesn't like Rubio. Fine. I reserve judgement. But, Stefanik is Haley's "twin", even "physically" (17:39)? Ok, what else can you say except, that's weird and completely without substance.

Nearly all of this video is looking at historical US policy, including Trump's 1st term picks, which Trump readily admits were bad. So, what's the point? And, what does this have to do with RFK? Absolutely nothing.

Trump's picks have lit DC's hair on fire. Nobody else would have done these things.

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I have followed Berletic for years. He is solidly anti-war and reliably critical of the bullying nature of U.S. foreign policy. He cites his sources, often USG documents or papers by western institutions as he did in the referenced video, eg the Rand document 'Extending Russia' and the official State Department policy 'One China' produced during the Nixon era and applicable ever since.

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Yeah, which has little to nothing to do with Trump's cabinet picks, let alone RFK. The whole video is a guy with a hammer in search of a nail.

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I’d like know who you think aren’t those things?

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Ha, ha, ha! Trump’s picks are warmongering? The military veterans he picked aren’t generals who bent the knee to get promoted. Plus, TRUMP KEPT US OUT OF WAR. Trump is far from perfect but, warmongering? NO.

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Get your popcorn 🍿 ready, folks! This will be an incredible confirmation experience!

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Thrilled. Hoping for this RFK appointment.

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The MSM is reporting it as “vaccine skeptic” which total distorts things. Shocking.

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Vaxxine realist. No vaccine has been scientifically proven yet.

Vaccine denier is simply show us proof these vaccines benefit the kids being used as pin cushions.

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Yeah MSNBC just interviewed some medical shill and both of them were lamenting that RFK is “not qualified”, spreads misinformation, and oh what will happen to “our vaccines”? Wah wah wah… and the most ironic, she expressed concern that DOCTORS WOULD BE CENSORED 😂😂😂 Welcome to 2020 b*tch!

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I think she meant censured.

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Not shocking.

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Yes, I should’ve made that sarcasm clear. Lol

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Of course the medical and pHarma industries oppose RFK. I support him.

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Here comes all the dirty laundry on RFK… it’s all they have!!

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Let the swamp squirm and tantrum all they want. They are literally soiling themselves with this cabinet

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No, they are congratulating themselves for having deceived most of the Trump supporters once again. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsJaumSS9QU

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Sorry bud you are preaching to the wrong guy

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Not preaching, just warning. I am as anti Harris as you but I am not going to make excuses when we are inevitably betrayed again.

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you sound STUCK then with not much to believe in? I was not anti Harris, but anti how she was allowed to be the candidate and anti her policies

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Or as a dear Irish friend of mine taught me “ they shat the bed.” Joachim Jeffreys declaring RFK to be ignorant…

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Yes, RFK, Jr. has dirty laundry but he knows food and drugs, which ought to be the criteria. Remember, he's nominated for Secretary of HHS, not President.

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You missed my tone… I TOTALLY support him and did $ for 10 months until the not Democratic DNC screwed him.

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Wonderful news for America - MAHA is a reality in the making / Trump is a man of his word! Pharma stocks will plummet & no more revolving door graft and corruption permitted


Be vigilant

There are billions of $$$ at stake

And RFK is disruptor of enormity that will reshape our healthcare system from top to bottom for the betterment of millions of Americans .. so elated to see this!

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Hopefully it will have an effect up here in the Dictatorship of Canada. We desperately need an election to clean our swamp too.

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Isn't Canada scheduled for an election in 2025 to replace clueless Trudeau with Pierre Poilievre?

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We're hoping for an early election while Turdeau with the help of Singh is trying yo extend the election date so their junior M.P.'s will qualify for exorbitant pensions. Talk about thinking your entitled. These scandal ridden jackals deserve jail not pensions. The only good thing about Turdeau is that I'm old enough to have voted against his father as well. In my opinion they are nothing but a bunch of parasites who have done nothing but attack our freedoms and security since the got in. They make me want to puke.

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Don't hold back, Peter. Tell us how you really feel! 🤣

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I think that sort of language would get me kicked off of Substack so I'll leave it at that.

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Hallah freaking luyah!

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Thank God. We need Big Pharma disbanded.

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He should pull the CDC's bones out of the closet for the entire World to Observe, right along with Alex's case of the WH with their hands caught in the cookie jar! No skeptic when the proof shows they lied and more people died.

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Wowzaah!!! Who do I donate to?

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MAHA is a good place to start

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The root of the root is about to get rooted out.

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Let's HOPE so. Nov 5th was as much about a RECKONING in the swamp as it was about FREEDOM!

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USA 🇺🇸 USA 🇺🇸 USA 🇺🇸

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