If only our gov apologized, tried harder, and made adjustments.

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You clearly are not a mainstream journalist. You admit mistakes. They never make them. 🙄

Seriously, thank you. No need to straw man the other position when it's terrible on its own.

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Thanks for your ongoing commitment to reporting the truth - even if it means eating a little humble pie (if only everyone in the media and the government could do likewise).

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It's in the open sharing of information that errors can be found and corrected. This is a much better way to increase knowledge than the current censoring of information which attempts to close down conversation and criticize.

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Thank you Alex! Your urgency to correct your mistake speaks volumes! Hope you are feeling better!

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Appreciate you and your detail oriented readers. Great village. (Solid batting average remains!)

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Most substack writers don't have editors (that's the way we like it), so it becomes our job as readers.

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Thank you, Alex for the prompt correction.

Kudos to the sharp-eyed reader as well.

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Grace is given.

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Alex, you need not apologize for acknowledging an error. It is actually refreshing to find someone with humility these days.

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You are wonderful Alex. True leaders apologise promptly when they make a mistake. The broader point is correct. March on. We are right beside you. In gratitude, the critical thinking people of Australia salute you.

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You have smart readers. No surprise.

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Thank you for the correction. Also, thank you for continually monitoring these studies and digging deeply into the real data that isn't part of the official narrative. You are a real journalist in the original meaning of the word.

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Mistakes happen. Please keep up the good work- we rely on you.

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Sucks to make a mistake so publicly. I respect the retraction.

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I was going to say I read the study and didn't come away with your conclusions. Good you caught it.

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Hold on, there might be something to this after all, Alex.

We would have to analyze the data carefully, but it may be that patients who began treatment for cancer prior to being given Covid mRNA vaccines would have received some protection against vaccine injury due to their cancer treatments including RNA transcriptase inhibitors (i.e. antineoplastic drugs), thus preventing the vaccines from "working" as intended. If this signal exists, we should be able to tease it out of other studies, including studies focused on completely different areas.

I'm not saying this is the case, but it's worth looking into.

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