Doctors who treat actual Covid-19 patients claim this virus is treatable with HCQ and Ivermectin (both on the WHO list of essential medicines with decades of safety data) in combination with other therapies and supplements. These drugs have been prescribed millions of times. Billions of doses have been taken. They are OTC in several countries.

Lockdowns don't work.

Masks don't work.

The experimental jabs don't work.

Isolate the sick.

Protect the vulnerable.

Get on with life.

We must learn to live with this virus.

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You are absolutely correct. Excellent simple truth.

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Let a sick person isolate by their own choice, not giving any authority the power to remove and isolate you.

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To garble the US stats even more, I've read that the CDC now employs a double standard for counting COVID cases and deaths between vaccinated an unvaccinated. They're only counting deaths FROM Covid among the vaxxed, but they'll count deaths WITH Covid for the unvaxxed. For cases, only hospitalizations and deaths count for the vaxxed, PCR positive alone is good enough for the unvaxxed. I suspect that's how Fauci can say that 98% of US Covid deaths are now among the unvaxxed, because he distorts the data. Even more than before. And as far as he's concerned, we can just "get over it."

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Hey, do you have a source for the FROM vs WITH discrepancy? Thanks!

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Cases will go up again in fall, PCR testing will continue to drive the numbers up. Except of course for vaccinated people who get a handy cycle rate of 28.

My biggest concern is will Americans just roll over and accept more useless masking and destructive lockdowns? They’re coming. Give ‘em an inch…

My best advice is run far away from blue states. The powerful have been eying Canada and are licking their chops at all that tyranny.

The west is dying of a mind virus.

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The PCR cycle cut off of 28 is for sample sent to CDC for genotyping. I'm not sure what individual counties or states are doing with regard to cycle cut off for fully vaxxed. CDC stopped keeping track of breakthroughs unless they end up in hospitalization or death.

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Cycle rates are lower for vaccinated than non-vaccinated? That's interesting.

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Some of my physician friends and I questioned the efficacy of the vaccine when it first came out. The vaccine seemed to do little to alter the overall curves of this disease. The testing was short, with no way to effectively gauge exposure. Ionnaidis was early in his discussion of the likely immunity of as much as 80% of the population as evidenced by the Diamond Princess population. We have ignored acquired natural immunity, T-cell immunity, different immunity by HLA groups. I suspect the vaccine will turn out to be of little benefit. The bell-shaped curves suggest more likely acquired immunity is the cause of the decrease in cases. RNA viruses are known for their mutations and this one will be no different. Keep putting out the data. We need someone relentless like you. Thanks for all you do. Unrelate, I really enjoyed "The Power Couple."

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Alex, FYI the new playbook is definitely that it's not vaccine failure it's the variant (more will come) and the unvaccinated that we'll only be safe when everyone gets weekly boosters. The second part is a joke, not the first. This has more legs than you think in the maskies.

And as we've seen they'll simply lie about the data to push more shots. I feel like I'm in the plot of a supervillain movie.

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I start to even wonder about the vaccine uptake stats. I would love to see a large random sample survey of people in a given jurisdiction to see if they had the vaccine, and see if matches the rollout stats.

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My biggest takeaway: If vaccine makers don't think the product is effective for even six months, is it really worth the risk?

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Nope. No, it's not.

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Alex, here's another theory that could explain some of the failure we are seeing with the (in)effectiveness of the vaccines. I don't think it is necessarily the explanation for everything, but it may contribute.

I store a lot of good old fashioned vaccines in my clinic and they have fairly strict guidelines for temperature of storage and administration measures. My nurses and clinic manager are highly trained in ensuring they are properly kept and dosed exactly as they should be. We take it VERY SERIOUSLY. We want the assurance for our little patients and their parents that when we say they got the MMR, they actually got an active form that does what it is supposed to do.

Keep in mind that these vaccines, especially the mRNA ones, have far more fastidious restrictions regarding temperature and storage. There are stricter precautions for dosing timeliness. You might recall, even, that the regulatory agency for the European Union, the EMA, (similar to the FDA), was concerned that a substantial amount of mRNA they analyzed from Pfizer was not intact and presumably not active. https://principia-scientific.com/the-ema-data-leak-and-what-it-tells-us-about-mrna-instability/

Consider this: vaccine trials will give their best product, manufactured to standard, stored perfectly, and administered exactly as it should be given. Was that really what happened here in the US and much of the world once the rollout began? Transport across thousands of miles, storage in a variety of freezers, from clinics to pharmacies to nursing homes to departments of health and mass vaccination sites, even door to door in the community. Volunteer nurses and staff (including police, EMS, and retired health professionals, including dentists, psychiatrists, and podiatrists) giving thousands of injections in one day. Is it not unreasonable to question if a sizeable percentage of vaccines given may have been duds? This mght also partially explain the "only a sore arm" (which can happen with a saline injection) and the folks who really suffered from fevers and COVID-like symptoms post vaccine.

If the CDC and FDA were genuinely concerned about this, there would have been more post-vaccine follow-up, such as testing antibodies or randomly sampling vials at various sites. They have done NONE of this. They have specifically said not to test for antibodies after vaccination.

If this is indeed the case, there may be a silver lining: can you imagine the rate of morbidity and mortality if everyone got an active dose?

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Not only antibody testing, but random product testing at distribution points. I think you're right that no serious attempt was made to safeguard against spoilage, which complicates the whole "Bill G***s Is Sterilizing the Earth" narrative. OTOH, because the rollout was age-reversed, it is likely (and was predictable) that supply chain issues would be worse in the beginning, while the citizens of actual reproductive age would more consistently get the nonspoiled product. Additionally, rolling out the vaccines at the tail end of a "surge" meant that, from the perspective of governments who just want to get the press off their backs, there was no need to put anything into the first wave of shots to give them the appearance of efficacy in the beginning. There's a billion potential nefarious and comically incompetent reality-theories that arrive at the same endpoint: we have no idea how many people are receiving active Covid vaccines.

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Once you mention this it seems obvious that it might possibly be the case. I have seen news coverage of people receiving saline injections at the pharmacy instead of the vaccine, so if that can be messed up I'm sure improper storage has happened at least a few times.

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Merck is in a lawsuit for falsifying the efficacy data of the mumps portion of MMR

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Alex, where are we on treatments? At this point, shouldn't we be focused on treating rather than rely on preventing?

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What is unfortunate is that any increase in covid+ tests will be blamed on the un-vaxed regardless. The Narrative won't allow vaccine inefficacy or failure to be part of the story. Just as pre-vax all the covid+ increases were blamed on the un-masked, even as it appeared to me that everyone was wearing a mask (to no avail.) Now the shame and blame game will shift to the un-vaxed.

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Possibility 6 is not off the list. Especially if you pair it with the possibility that Covid-19 - the actual disease which follows infection - was already being caused by ADE primed by recent vaccine preparation methods, such as used in flu vaccines, which might be cross-wiring IgE antibody response (cytokines) to coronaviruses. I shared this study in the previous article comments but it directly applies: https://europepmc.org/article/PPR/PPR241819

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A competent, honest health care industry would be teaching us to develop our immune health, not obsessing on prophylactics like vaccines and masks and plastic shields. We don't have that. Instead, we have a sick care industry focused on selling us expensive medicines and procedures. The 21 Day Immunity Plan is a good primer for those who don't want to depend on the corrupt medical-industrial complex.

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What do you make of the public health line and the line of every media talking head that state 99% of deaths from COVID in the US are in the unvaccinated cohort? This could be true but with 56% of current serious COVID cases occurring among fully-vaccinated individuals in Israel (according to your linked article) this doesn't make sense.

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In my reading it appears that we have several drugs that can be used in early covid with good success of preventing the complications from covid. Am I incorrect in this. I also see the importance of all people getting their Vitamin D level checked and taking supplemental zinc and Vitamin D (as indicated) to prevent Covid??? I don't understand why our country is not embracing these proven cures??? and doing a full-on promotion of these things??

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Follow the money.

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Your questions address the core of the issues as well as the conspiracy theories. There is no RATIONAL reason why the CDC and NIH aren't screaming the benefits of normalizing your weight, taking Vit D, zinc, and promoting early treatment with anti inflammatory colchicine, steroids , anti viral hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin as well as aspirin for clotting.

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Not vaccines. Genetic therapy.

When people describe these therapies as Vaccines, they are useful idiots for the authoritarians. Vaccines are decades old proven public health interventions. The word carries credibility (though some legit questions) and busy people trust that word. When these fascists propagandize and manipulate one of the classic means is disinformation and word-games.

These gene therapies have been lumped into the Vaccine basket from which they get the credibility of actual vaccines.

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Alex, do you think (and I admit I'm calling for speculation here) that the CDC reduced testing for breakthrough infections in anticipation of this happening? AFAIK, that reduced testing is a critical flaw in that 99.5% number that keeps getting thrown around.

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Well outcome #4 is disappointing. I just wish there was an early outpatient treatment that worked to save all those folks who got the shot that is now in need of "boosting" just six short months later. Say - how did India end its pandemic in six weeks anyway? That drop in positive tests was just astonishing. Maybe it was remdesivir! Or perhaps - something else?

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Sarcasm? "India" used ivermectin, although in a very federalized manner. Dehli, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Goa, Uttarakhand, Karnataka medical boards leaned into or redoubled existing distribution of ivermectin in late April or early May. Tamil Nadu joined them but then switched to remdesivir; it still got over its April wave with a relatively low cumulative death rate, but a longer delay between peak cases and peak deaths than the ivermectin-adopting states. Maharashtra never got around to ivermectin (I haven't checked guidelines since May) and leads the nation in absolute deaths despite having half the population of Uttar Pradesh.

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So what is this "Ivermectin" stuff anyway? Is it promising? Perhaps NIH can run one of those BIG RCTs and have it finish in a couple of years from now. Can't be too careful with something brand new like Ivermectin. Its still patented and really expensive, right?

And while we wait those two years for the results of NIH's BIG Ivermectin RCT (kinda like those dying AIDS patients had to wait for Fauci to run that BIG Bactrim RCT way back when), let's all get the shot! Twice! Per year!


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