The vaccine mandates are a tool being utilized for total control of the individual from both the inside out and the outside in. They are a gateway to complete digital and biological enslavement.

We _must_ stop this onslaught of medical tyranny or we _will_ be slaves. In order to accomplish that we need to see the system perpetuating this tyranny - clearly - for what has become:

The system is rotten to the core and is woven together by blanket webs of interlocking incestuous corruption. It cannot be untangled or fixed as each corrupted entanglement has a stranglehold on the ones surrounding it. It can only be demolished by kicking the crooked politicians and bureaucrats out, and rebuilt from scratch.


I completely reject the notion that my being against getting injected with something against my will makes me a bad citizen.

I am pro-American. Those who wish to violate my bodily sovereignty are anti-American, because they are against the core principles that the country is supposed to stand for - a Constitutional Republic, an open society with due process and the rule of law, a humble inward looking government constrained by checks and balances, a bulwark justice system more than strong enough to keep the tireless wolves of government and corporate tyranny at bay...

But those who would force this upon us... They corrupt all of that by defending the indefensible all the while hiding behind a cloak of faux patriotism and safety. Those guys disgust me. Really.

If you haven't read this yet guys, read it, really - it blows the lid off of this fraud and launches it into orbit:


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The first principle of the scientific method is falsifiability. If there is no way to disprove a statement, then it is faith, not science. Western culture has devolved back to the Middle Ages. Copernicus and Galileo are looking at each other and saying: "Yup, here we go again."

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"Cavuto is entitled to think - and say - whatever he likes. He’s had a rough month."

Yep, whatever helps you sleep at night, Neil. But don't force your jab on me. And don't censor people like me who think you're wrong and would have been better off without the jab. Because, you know what, your little shot is not a magic amulet and you haven't proven your case. (In fact, we all suspect you got the booster recently and that screwed up your system. But you do you, Neil.)

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So Cavuto gets covid despite being vaxxed and undoubtedly boosted and fights for his life in an ICU where he was most likely treated with monoclonal antibodies and he credits the vaccine for saving his life?

This is the type of emperor's new clothes insanity the MSM is peddling with a straight face and the reason I stopped watching Cavuto 4 years ago.

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Cavito got covid-19 twice and both times the "vaccine" that was supposed to prevent him from contracting covid-19 "saved his life".

Cavito is an irresponsible idiot for not screaming that the "vaccines" do not work. We are no longer living in reality.

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It’s not Covid pneumonia. It’s a secondary infection. Call it what it is.

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For what it’s worth: My father, who is a cancer survivor and who suffers from Multiple Sclerosis, had COVID in late 2020, before vaccines were available. He was 77 at the time. He suffered flu-like symptoms and recovered well. He has not and will not take a vaccine for most things, though he has taken pneumonia vaccines in the past. He will not take a COVID vaccine. He does not treat his MS with pharmaceuticals; rather, he eats an anti-inflammatory diet, takes some vitamins and supplements, and exercises mildly. It’s not that MS hasn’t taken a toll on his body. But the pharmaceutical interventions currently considered the standard in treatment are worse for him than the disease itself. What I mean is that they literally make him more sick than the MS.

My understanding is that Cavuto does treat his MS with pharmaceuticals. His love of cannolis is not a secret; it is highly unlikely that he eats an autoimmune-friendly diet. Perhaps he does. I don’t know. But I do know that the human body is complex and that so many factors play a role in how any individual’s body responds to so many things. Why he and so many others are so convinced that a vaccine prevented him from succumbing to a virus that is survived by over 99% of people who contract it without the aid of any prophylaxis is still astonishing to me. And in any event, there is no way to prove the contrary of their thesis. None of these people have no idea how he would have responded to the virus had he not taken the vaccines.

I just find it interesting that my father, who has a similar health profile to Cavuto’s but is older than Cavuto, came through his bout of COVID just fine without any intervention whatsoever, but it’s Cavuto’s story that gets the attention. Of course, I know why this is the case. We’ve all seen Lord Acton’s astute observation that absolute power corrupts absolutely in action for some time now.

Thank you for your tireless work on this subject, Alex.

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With the exceptions of those two unfortunate tiger attacks, my tiger-repelling rock has been working great.

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How do they know how bad it would have been without the vaccine? They don't. In fact, it could be that the VACCINE made it WORSE. Did they ever think about that? Did they ever read how the mRNA gene therapy reduces T-cell immunity? Guess not.

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Let me be clear. I am almost 75 years old. I was diagnosed with incurable bone marrow cancer and given 3-6 months to live in 2018. I am not vaccinated. I have survived well using the “10 Unconventional Cancer Protocol” I created (https://drdanenberg.com/unconventional-cancer-protocols/). I rejected chemo at the outset.

In June 2021, I contracted COVID-19 Delta Variant. By taking the time to enhance my immune system with my Protocols, I survived the virus without any drugs or hospitalization. It was difficult.

Then in January 2022, I contracted what I believe was the Omicron Variant. Again, no drugs and no hospitalization.

Once again, I emphasize that I am not vaccinated. But I have taken the natural steps to enhance my immune system once I was diagnosed with incurable bone marrow cancer in 2018. And my oncologist is amazed that I am not only alive but also thriving! Even without chemo!

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Cavuto can go get another booster. He'll then complete the mission.

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Sorry to hear about Cavuto's health, but he recently recovered from Open Heart Surgery a year or two ago too. His health is Not Good. He also is a money man. Just wonder how much he has locked into Moderna and Pfizer. As I remember, his shows have been sponsored by Pfizer and many other Big Pharma Companies. He's just not Credible.

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I think it is great that people get the vaccinations and feel it helps them. Whatever floats your boat! I'll continue to rely on my own immune system thank you.

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Oh my goodness does this sound like my brother-in-law and his insane thinking! First week of February my husband's mother, who is 84 years-of-age and has several co-morbidities came down with COVID. "Thank goodness she's jabbed and boosted. It could be worse", he declared as she was feeling okay and being treated at home. Which means...she wasn't really being treated. I offered to send them some Ivermectin. Offer soundly denounced as horse medicine.

A week later she ends up in the hospital with pneumonia, a kidney infection and uncontrolled blood sugar. And again he called to declare to us, "Thank goodness she's jabbed and boosted.

It could have been worse"! Worse than what?? Death? Because she's almost there. If she dies I wholeheartedly expect him to call and make the same declaration! They are simply brainwashed, cult members. It's downright scary how easy it is to delude the masses.

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My sister was autoimmune compromised. Triple vaccinated with her booster in August. Got her RA infusion in Dec. -had received them every 6 months for 10 years. One week later, terrible GI issues… could barely eat. Blamed her intense pains, diarrhea, blood in stools from food poisoning. For more than a week! Never went to the doctor. She was vaccinated! Diagnosed with Covid Dec 31. Never went to doctor. Exhausted, taking Advil only…. All active symptoms of Covid. Went to the ER Jan 17 with blood oxygen at 90%. After the ER left her alone in a hallway in s wheel for SEVEN hours, she was admitted with oxygen levels at 83. In hospital for ; days as they rang “tests” to reconfirm Covid etc. sadly put on a ventilator for 10days. All of a sudden her kidneys started failing (certain her family authorized Remesdivir). And she died. Trusting her vaccines - she never went to a doctor in TEXAS where she lived. Including family members who are doctors. Trusting the media, message, Fauci, and the propaganda cost her her life!

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Neil BEGGED his viewers to get vaxxed, BEGGED them.

Shut up and talk about stocks retard, nobody cares about your medical advice, since you obviously have trouble staying alive. Just shut up and read the teleprompter

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My brother-in-law’s father-in-law, 74 and healthy, got his first vaxx shot in early January of this year. Approximately 10 days later he was in the hospital with “Covid pneumonia.” One week after admission he was in the critical care unit, on a ventilator. A week later he was dead. Every unvaxxed person I know, including myself (age 55), who has gotten Covid cleared the virus rather easily. I have not heard of anyone within my circle (immediate and 2-3 persons removed, i.e. a friend of a friend) who was unvaxxed that had any Covid problems or even general health problems in these two years. However, I continually hear of Covid contraction, other health issues and deaths in people within my circle who were vaxxed in the last year.

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Good post. There is zero evidence because you “think” the vaccine helped curtail death. It’s all speculation. Not proof at all. I’m not jabbing again. Ever.

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“The vaccine didn’t protect me from getting COVID, but if I hadn’t been vaxxed I would have died”....The most absurd statement in the history of propaganda. “If I hadn’t appeased Hitler at Munich, he would have been much worse “. Prime Minister Chamberlain

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This is why in actual science we have something called a control group. Otherwise the spin and relativism never ends.

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It makes me crazy when I hear the "imagine how bad it would have been if I hadn't been vaccinated" line. And when I say I had Covid in 2020, before the vaccine, and it wasn't a big deal. Sailed through it in a week. Lost my sense of smell/taste, but that seems to be coming back. And no, I see no reason to get vaxed now. Then they all start scooting away like I'm a leper. I need smarter friends.

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They have to keep the facade going so everyone keeps believing it. Since the average person doesn’t understand the epistemological problem with an argument being non falsifiable, and this “it would have been worse” is indeed, non-falsifiable, they can argue this permanently and it will probably work

Therein lies the problem with arguing against tyrants on any subject matter other than the *principles* that the government has absolutely no right to mandate vaccines, lockdowns, masks, etc.

It’s time to move on from arguing about efficacy to arguing that tyrants and their disgusting little minions have to be put in their place.

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I don't know, that sounds more like ADE to me.

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First - Vaccines will prevent COVID in 95% of people.

Second - Ok, you will get COVID but it will prevent serious illness.

Third - Ok, you will get COVID have a great chance of being seriously ill but will prevent death

Fourth - Ok you will get COVID may die from it but you won't suffer as much

How about this for Fifth - OK, you will get COVID, die from it, but will go to heaven.

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Does my story bear the same weight?

I had severe Covid last summer. Two weeks in the hospital, touch and go on whether I would need a ventilator (Brave doc who decided to try a medication not on the "approved list likely saved me from that.)

My husband got Covid in December. I took care of him, didn't distance, nor did we mask up. My natural immunity kept me perfectly healthy. A month later, Omicron got a hold of our entire family (adult children and grandchildren, living elsewhere, but visit often.) We might have had it - don't know, didn't test, stayed home just to be kind - we had the sniffles for a few days, and that's it. It was very much like the seasonal allergies I get in the spring and fall.

Natural immunity works! It could have been much worse!


ETA: I couldn't get IVM, my husband did. His Covid was very mild.

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No one can claim any mRNA injections work for anything other than to wreck immune systems. Apparently, there have been dozens of different "lots" or types of mRNA poisons injected at various times and how do we know which lots have done what to whom and when? It's all a big fog which is for nefarious purposes in order to scare the jabberers out of the fearful. Perhaps Caputo's sickness was not exactly covid and was more dangerous because he has other complications. As with all things fake pandemic related, we will never discover the exact truth, except for a few tidbits here and there apart from the mainstream agenda and rhetoric.

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According to the vaxx fanatics the vaccine should lessen the symptoms so you would not wound up in the intensive care. He did.

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I watch Fox Business a lot, and have to turn it off when Cavuto is hosting his show (he's been off-air for most of the last six months). He is always pushing vaccines but never talks about co-morbidities. His health is basically like a 95-year-old, any little issue has the possibility of ending his life. He doesn't talk about losing weight, getting healthier....he's obviously morbidly obese. He does talk about Italian food though, jeez.

Cavuto is looking for the magic pill that will allow him to keep going without having to do the work to get healthier.

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It’s absurd. Proof is that there’s no record of unvaccinated people recovering from Covid and later developing a more serious case.

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Man, that outcome for Mr Cavuto sucks. Especially that second infection.

If only there was some kind of ... I dunno ... sequenced multidrug early treatment therapy for COVID19. And it was really encouraged by all of our "health" authorities. And immuno-compromised people like Mr Cavuto could have treatment elements on hand, just in case.

I hear - in other conditions - Early Treatment Saves Lives. Cancer, for instance. And Influenza. Just a thought.

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I have heard this line from so many people recently - fully vaccinated and boosted people who have been very sick from Covid in the last couple of months. They all are convinced that it would have been far worse had they not taken the shots. I find this to be the strongest evidence to date of the power of the pandemic propaganda; that in the face of such irrefutable evidence of inefficacy, otherwise highly intelligent people set aside all logic to parrot corporate pharma-driven talking points.

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Gertz should spend more time looking at the links between the vaccine and the virus instead of attacks on other reporters.

I'll give him a clue. Lab leak theories are suddenly very much in MODE (RNA gives us the clue)


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Neil now has a shattered immune system thanks to the toxic mRNA shots. If he had not been vaccinated he would not have been in the hospital. Neil needs to be picked on because he does nothing but spout fiction. What is sad is he doesn’t realize it. Crediting the very thing that made him sick and forever vulnerable to infection because of the Jab induced immune deficiency he now suffers from is really sad and ridiculous. Not putting it together that the people really getting sick and harmed are the people that have submitted to the freaking mRNA shots. He has forgotten how to be a journalist. He is but a mouthpiece for the false narrative that has almost destroyed the world. If more people don’t wake up to this what do they think the the end results will be. Do these idiots think they will be rewarded for their participation in spreading the lies of the globalists?

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I am so disappointed in Neil Cavuto who has bought the whole enchilada regarding vaccines and thinks everyone else should too. I also have multiple sclerosis and have had cancer eight times. I am not vaccinated and do not plan to be. I am 75 and many--if not most of my friends and relatives--are horrified. Thank goodness that does not include my husband of 53 years who is also not vaccinated. One branch of our family who has bought the whole enchilada are vaccinated and boosted have had Covid--in fact my 18-year-old grandson has had it twice and is having a difficult recovery in this second bout. I think the people who love masks so much should start using them as blindfolds so they hide their eyes from the truth that is right in front of them.

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I'll pick on Neil Cavuto, I will never forget the day that President Trump was in the middle of a press conference, and was talking about the many Doctors and Scientists who had contacted him about the benefits of using Hydroxy Chloriquine. I was watching this during the Neil Cavuto show. Neil broke away from the President and said " I must end the coverage of this press conference, do not take Hydroxy Chloriquine. If you take Hydroxy Chloriqine you will die." Neil Cavuto is a dangerous man. Neil Cavuto is corrupt. Neil Cavuto needs to be charged with war crimes, and at the very least, spend the rest of life in prison.

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Are serial Covid infections what’s in store for the jabbed?

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If the vaccine would have worked as they say, Neil would not have been anywhere as sick as he was.

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After being triple vaccinated, my sister’s RA transfusion reaction completely changed. Rather than being “energized” immediately after her steroid transfusion, she was exhausted with terrible GI issues for the week following. And she had taken this transfusion for 8+ years. She knew the typical “days after”. Lost 20 lbs in her 6 week battle. Living in tX with adult children and one that is an ER doctor - why did they give her no treatment until she was taken to the ER? (Which was the lease on death in my opinion in how the hospital treated her)? Because they fully and completely believed Fauci, the CDC, the media on these crazy lies of the vaccines. For the funeral - they want our unvaccinated family to be tested and everyone in masks. And my sister, although the only living person on my side of the family, was not able to visit our family since Jan 2020 when she’d typically see us 5x a year. Sad indeed. A tragic loss due to lies, naivety, and everyone focused on fearing Covid and not what the mid or long term effects of the vaccines due to the cardiovascular or immune system. She was early 60s.

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You can say, "Cavuto almost died from Covid, but being vaccinated saved him." OR "Despite being vaccinated, Cavuto almost died from Covid and the vaccine was useless." I'm going with the latter.

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I truly think it is time to start serious discussions about how we are to navigate what is coming. With Biden extending his emergency powers, Hochul sneaking in Bill A416 as a regulation in NY and I’ve read other states are doing similar backdoor moves, this all gives these psychopaths massive power over us. What happens if we lose contact on social media? What do we do if the people we have been depending on for honest info throughout all this madness are arrested and deemed terrorists spreading misinformation? What happens if our bank accounts are frozen? What do we do when we are told we are a health threat and need to be escorted to a quarantine facility? This is all a possible outcome if they decide to release another whopper on us as Gates has repeatedly warned, “there will be another pandemic.” They will not stop!

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Feb 21, 2022·edited Feb 21, 2022

There's a high chance Neil "HCQ KILLS PPL" Cavuto is experiencing OAS (original antigenic sin) as well as antibody-mediated viral enhancement (aka ADE), in short: a Fauxine corrupted immune response resulting in him being even more endangered by re-infection. Wouldn't have happened without the clot shot - if he had survived the first infection as immunocompromised as he is, but even more handicapped by his early-treatment-allergy!

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At this point we have to start looking at the vaccine fanatics the same way we look at ISIS recruits.

They have been brainwashed into an ideology and will twist themselves into knots and deny reality to avoid admitting the fact that they've been suckered.

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Cavuto also has MS, as I recall. He is a poster child for co-morbidities. And I stopped watching him when he railed on TV that HCQ was going to kill you.

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The phrase "The operation was a success but the patient died." comes to mind in too many of these discussions....

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Feb 21, 2022·edited Feb 21, 2022

Cavuto is somewhat responsible for this line of "reasoning" by claiming that the vaccines last for a while but with his compromised immunity they don't last... so that's why he got so sick the second time even after being vaxxed and probably boosted regularly. Truth is, as Mr. Berenson has pointed out, the vaccines don't last no matter who gets them.

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I recently spoke with someone at our local dog park who was very eager to tell us about her "long" COVID experience. She says she had caught COVID in May of 2021 and had no symptoms. She then received her two doses of vaccine starting in June 2021. She claimed to be suffering "long COVID" even though her infection gave her no symptoms. When I asked if she considered the possibility of having a vaccine injury, she protested resolutely and claimed to be soooo grateful to have had the vaccine. Imagine how much worse it would have been for her had she not had the vaccine!

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This sounds like a very famous Romanian politician who said: "a lot of Romanians are going to bed alive and wake up dead"...

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Neil is very obese. His health has been awful for many years. He is lucky to still be here. I once thought a lot of him years ago, but something happened to him around the Mitt Romney running for prez. Both men have lost their minds. They are unrecognizable. Add Michael Medved. 3 loons. I am being kind here. What I really think of these men is unprintable.

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Feb 21, 2022·edited Feb 21, 2022

Still remember, when Donnie revealed that he took HCQ "for quite some time now" (cool Donnie punch as usual! 👍), that awful Neil Cavuto almost jumping into the camera yelling: Don't take HCQ, IT WILL KILL YOU! One thing for sure: "don't take" medical advice from that Anti-Trump jerk, and then probably: no advice at all! Don't even wanna guess how many ppl he scared off with his irresponsible hysterics making them more likely to deny valuable early treatment and die from COVID!

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Is anyone else tired of the whole mentality that if you weren’t vaxxed you would have been much sicker. I got the delta variant and was down for the count for 12 days. I personally believe that had I not been vaxxed I would not have gotten as sick.

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