I could not imagine living beneath these California threats of booster mandates, then, at the last minute, the state backs down. This is torture. This is unforgivable.

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It is also on purpose.

The shifting narrative is a part of the demoralization phase. Take the latest John Hopkins study on the lockdowns as an example: Now all of the people who bought into them and believed they were good, right, and true - well - John Hopkins just set that dream on fire with their latest study that they were quite detrimental. This kind of thing wreaks havoc on people.

tritorch.com/havoc [image]

To everyone reading this, please do yourself a favor and take the time to read the following and watch all of the videos. An enormous amount of work has gone into it, and by the time you are finished you will understand exactly what is occurring and why:


If you've visited that page before, take another look - it has been heavily revised to include far more information.

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The irony was not lost on me that it was the Johns Hopkins site that had the pandemic wargame outlines like Event 201 and Dark Winter which called for the lockdowns in the first place. Nobody reports that little piece of pie.

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You got it!

John Hopkins is in the back pocket of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, they - and that deliberately perpetually wrong rat Ferguson - were instrumental in getting this COVID fraud off the ground.

tritorch.com/Ferguson [directory of information on Ferguson]

tritorch.com/B&L2 [image]

tritorch.com/B&L [image]

Now Hopkins is doing a deliberately timed 180 to further the division and discord. All of this was outlined by John Hopkins in their SPARS 2025-2028 publication from a few years ago:


It reads like an instructional manual to what’s going on now, and includes a section on how to spin everything once the jig is up.

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Melinda has announced that she will not be contributing any of her personal fortune to the Foundation.

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Well, isn't that interesting. Perhaps she has had some change of heart?

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Maybe doesn't want to hang next to the husband.

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She doesn't have a heart. None of them do. But very kind of you to think she's reconsidering her murderous role in the burning down of humanity. Too harsh? I think not. Be well, Maria.

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Her contribution letter for this year was not committed and non specific which was unusual but there was no statement ruling it out either. She has committed to spreading it around: https://www.marketwatch.com/story/melinda-french-gates-no-longer-pledging-most-of-her-wealth-to-gates-foundation-11643848882?mod=home-page

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Dr. Marty Makary did admit, live on the tele last night, that he was wrong at first agreeing with the lockdowns. He did, however, start pushing against them pretty early on once he saw the figures. I noticed him changing his mind.

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he talked about report showing lockdowns didn't work, but I didn't see him mention anything about the lockdowns being their recommendations in the first place, or the fact that lockdowns were part of several predefined plans.

It's almost like they were testing how well their plans worked. I'll be interested to see the next plan.

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We may have been watching different programs. He straight up said he'd been wrong at first.

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Right I think it was the same one. I remember him saying he was wrong and I respect that. But he is just one guy. I think he overlooked the point that they had been wargaming pandemics for years and the lockdown was out of their playbook. That and control of the media messaging.

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Of course vax demand is down.....a lot of light bulbs have kicked on after seeing loved ones killed or injured. Too hard to ignore at this point! The damage is spreading too fast to conceal with Bull Shit talking points!!

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Although it's probably semantics but I don't think it's a question of demand being down. Rather, it's that they have maxxed out on the number of people who are willing to get them.

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I have always believed the last 20-25% would not give in No matter what; It's about same ratio as the colonists that fought for independence from England.

They were a minority,too.

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Excellent analogy. I do we believe that we are kindred spirits with Thomas Paine, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and George Washington, surrounded by Tories and Hessian mercenaries. We just need to cross the Delaware.

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Well, for God's sake, let's wait til Spring this time!

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threat signaling the companion to virtue signaling

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I do live in California and got a religious exemption. I work in a hospital. It really means to me that I’m meant to stay here for now, because if I would’ve been denied the exemption, we’d have sold the farm and moved to a red state.

California is crazy. It’s sad.

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God bless you, Karen, we're not so steadfast. We're making the move now. Just can't take it anymore.

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Please vote red in your new state, not blue!

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We will. But I understand why you are traumatized by past migration patterns.

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Hang the Gadsden flag on your new abode, so new neighbors know you’ve moved in peace!🙂,

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I kid you not, that is 100% my plan. Also a "DeSantis 2024" bumper sticker.

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I read a few months ago that this was never really an issue as the people who enjoyed the virtue signaling of leftist policies didn't want to go to evil red states anyway. The issue over the past few decades has been that Hispanics vote Democrat and their population is the one increasing the most. Immigration controls are very important regardless but it's looking increasingly likely that Hispanic voters will be more of a 50:50 bet going forward.

It's not good enough though.

After the mid-terms, Democrats need to be treated the way Democrats have treated the unvaccinated. Lose their jobs, get locked in their houses, lose right to protest. And it should be extended to climate change dickheads too. Take their grid electricity away from them and let them survive purely on solar panels and burning dung.

If that still isn't punishment enough (and it will never be), get the most dangerous illegal aliens that have crossed the border (sex traffickers preferably) and give them all keys to houses of Democrat voters - they want to welcome such people, they can have them.

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I am so sorry that your lives have been turned upside down by this tyranny and persecution. I look forward to the time when there is a reckoning. Now you have an insight into how the early Christians might have felt during the persecution by Nero and Diocletian. You have truly fought the good fight.

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Us too. We hear from the Utah school lotteries this month.

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Yeah I’m getting real tired of fighting the mask wars here in loony CA. My son is still forced to wear one inside at school all day long. I know which stores will let me slide but shoppers hassle me, bless their misinformed deceived hearts. Looks as though Newsollini will require spike spikes into all students by the start of next school year. I’ll soon be heading red and watching my formerly beloved native state grow small and then forever disappear from the rear view mirror.

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You'll not regret the move! Here in NC, in spite of a blue governor, most all of the towns dropped mask mandates months ago --except Raleigh, Chapel Hill (the hometown of the virus, by the way), maybe parts of Charlotte -- It was funny going to the supermarkets and watching the virtue-signalling mask diehards and their cousins, the ignorant, slowly, day by day, dwindle in number until now...where they are very rare, if you see one at all. The masked now stand out like freaks.

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My brother and his family live in Durham and summer 2021 I saw full-on adults and kiddos playing, running around a neighborhood playground with masks on. Reminded me of California! Rest of NC I saw that summer (High Point and the beloved Outer Banks) were totally fine. My two kids and I felt like we were on another planet getting to go into stores with naked faces. It was amazing. Can't wait to experience that again summer 2022 when we visit the free state of NC!

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Story Time in NC: Early on in 2020, my grocery store had "Masks Required" signage and I'd waltz right in bare nekkid-faced. The nice lady sitting inside with the box of masks asked me if I'd like one; to which I sweetly replied "no thank you" and went about my shopping. I ignored the directional signs but observed the Distancing rite. By summer the lady was gone but the signs were still up and then dropped by Thanksgiving.

About a month ago I was walking down an aisle and an oncoming shopper (an older gentlemen, maybe 70, probably a farmer) said something in an odd tone as we passed so I turned around and said What?? He goes "Where's your mask? Have you gotten your shot?" With a decidedly displeased look on my face, I went up to him saying "Look, I'm not telling YOU or anybody else if I had a shot or not, it's nobody's business!" He said he was just repeating what others had said to him & we just looked at each other like Ohhh, you're one of US. We had a short exchange wherein he said he hadn't gotten it & wasn't gonna get it since he'd already been sick. We laughed and marveled at how they actually DO think we're stupid.

I admit it - I also saw a young mother with her pre-schooler wearing masks and I gave her a dirty look. My behavior hasn't changed except now we know exactly who the tribe followers are.

This whole thing is so grotesque in every way. Yes, NC has a blue gov (somehow) but a very red Lt. Gov and Legislature. I cannot imagine CA or WA.

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You're great! I love it here!

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Read that right after you posted it...was it yesterday morning? Excellent stuff, Mark.

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nicely said, every part.

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Well played.

Regarding your observation that, “It’s crazy”: How close are you to believing, “It’s not crazy, it’s intentional”?

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As soon as I read Alex's post I thought: and/or CA can't afford to lose anymore stable, middle class residents to other states. And, viola, "leavers" are chiming in on this thread to prove the point.

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Left in November. And we took our small business with us.

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The only issue I have with the fact that you all left is YOU LEFT ME BEHIND! Free to leave come April (capital gains taxes on sale of house). I just cannot decide where to go!

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we need to replace "crazy" with "evil"

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Funny, just told my wife that a minute before your post.

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No offense but this just reminded me of something. I am really tired of the phrase “religious exemption”. Who dares to determine what MY exemptions are. I do. Why would the state or my employer or some other body make a decision about it? Isn’t that my choice?

That is all. Final question- am I a crabby old man already? 👴🏻 😈

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If I’m understanding correctly, I share your sentiment. I’m tired of the phrase too. Apparently my religion doesn’t have a problem using aborted fetuses to develop a vaccine but I DO have a problem with it, so why does it have to be a religious exemption? What if you don’t have a set religion? It’s all crazy and I too get crabby about the topic so you are not alone!

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Agree--Peggy Hall has some great videos on this. "Who is qualified, on your staff, to judge the sincerity of my sincerely held religious beliefs?" But this is why people want to move (I'm in CA too). If I'm gonna have to jump through all these hoops (and believe me, I did, but am leaving the job anyway because their "accommodations" are also invasive (mask, test)), I may as well jump through a slightly more involved hoop and get WAY more freedom.

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Go on saving lives in a difficult situation. I admire you

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We saw the crazy coming years ago. Our favorite trek for years was to attend”Barely Strictly Bluegrass” a wonderful weekend of free music in Golden State Park. That event was always very respectful. Getting to the park by train, bart or walking through any part of the city is sketchy. Our last year there was 2015.

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I don't get why you wouldn't move anyway. You would save so much on real estate you could afford to take several extra weeks holiday per year to see any family you have.

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well, a lot of people have elderly family (vax damaged) that they need to be near

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Truly unforgivable. Introducing bills to get this crap on the childhood vaccination schedule and vaccines without parental consent! Over our dead bodies. RESIST - FIGHT!!!

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And even more tragic...Immune systems are being ruined.....From Capitalist Exploits via ZeroHedge.....

"The UK government has admitted that once you have been double-vaccinated, you will never again be able to acquire full natural immunity to Covid variants… or possibly any other virus." ( or any other disease , such a cancer , for which cases numbers are exploding)

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Trust me, living here is torture.

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Try NYC! At least you've got decent weather!

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We need an alternative to the I ❤️ NY t-shirts

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I💩 NY or I🖕NY

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Should be "I don't 🖕 with NY"

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How about "NY ❤️ It or Leave It", with "❤️ It" crossed out?

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Because that's what people are doing in droves. It's really spectacular how many people I know who never thought they'd live anywhere else are falling all over themselves to get out. I'm trying to figure out how to do it myself.

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Same here. We are saving up to hopefully get out of this state!

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I'd have to convince several people to leave

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Feb 3, 2022
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I like it! The idea, not syringes.😉😄

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Very clever! You guys are creative!

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I heart Florida may be ? In my case, I heart Georgia

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Maybe with NY crossed out & Florida written below 🤣

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that would be epic.

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Or freedom written below

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Feb 3, 2022
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No....NJ already has that one

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LOL…well done!

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Feb 3, 2022
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Also not everyone likes a monoseason! I am looking forward to having real seasons again.

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I love seasons. Love the changing rhythms. From a native SoCal.

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Feb 3, 2022
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I one saw it said that San Francisco has four seasons: rain, sun, smoke, and Shen Yun posters

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Sorry. You know, if you'd said that a few decades ago, people would think you were certifiable. Not anymore, huh?

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Everyone agrees on two things about Cali. One, it was once a great place to live. Two, it is steadily getting worse. Whether it is still good, or now terrible, depends on one's politics, personal wealth and other views. Certainly for the non-rich, it is now a pretty crappy place to be.

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I think of all the people who didn't want the vaccine but succumbed to extreme pressure, only to have the mandate that pushed them into getting vaccinated removed at the last minute. This whole thing has turned into a dystopian nightmare.

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It's emotional waterboarding. No doubt.

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and then to have a possible time bomb of spikes in one's body

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My hope is that people in California will wake up and the spell will be broken. I am a very old-fashioned and non-conformist type and feel so out of place in this city. I love the land and the weather and my husband's job is here. The state is coming for our children. They go to a Catholic K-8 school. If the Diocese of San Jose pushes covid shots for them for 2022-2023, I need to homeschool or finally pull the rip cord and move. I want to stay and fight for sanity and common sense in this place, but it bruises my soul having to put on a mask to enter any place and know that I cannot attend events I used to love since I am jabless.

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NYC, California, Chicago, Seattle, Portland, (insert woke city here)... I have my doubts as to whether these places will recover. The governments are a reflection of the majority of souls living there and I don't think trading your mental health and freedom for weather is probably worth it in the long run. How many years are you willing to battle this? Life is totally normal in rural areas and red states. Not judging, just asking the question.

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Not feeling judged :-) but I probably should be judged for how I succumbed to the initial panic and like Bari Weiss lysoled all our groceries (probably giving me and the family cancer later on) after friends and family sent around some Michigan doctor YouTube video about how to properly wash down all the things you eat after you bravely go out into the unknown for your weekly rations. I was so terrified in March 2020 and gradually woke up and now am pissed. I had listened to Governor Ken Doll on his daily radio address at noon while feeding the family in our tiny kitchen wanting to be good citizens and flatten the curve for humanity. I'm so mad that I got swept up in the fear. I feel manipulated. I have resisted and refused the jab out here, which is no small feat, mind you. This evil mindset that has confused and corroded us has driven families into such disharmony. It's not even about health--it's whether you followed the rules and are in the tribe with other family and friends.

My husband is not ready to leave California. We have set down roots during the past 20 years, but neither one of us has any family here. They are all out of state. I hope he will wake up about the covid policy deception and want to live in a free state. That is my hope, that is my prayer. I would be ready at a moment's notice to hit the road and not look back.

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Don’t beat yourself up! I was the same way in March 2020. Wiped down the groceries and made my husband change his clothes after work. I couldn’t keep living like that so I started searching for answers, which lead me to where I am now. There are people still stuck in the March 2020 mindset. I’m thankful that’s not us.

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It took me months of pressure to get my husband to understand we only had a small windows to get out and actually get our money back from buying here. Our realtor told us once elections come prices will drop again. That convinced my husband time to go now. We sold before it hit the market. Gonna save 13% in taxes! I’ll be able to be mask free when I work out!, holy shit. I can’t wait. No vaccines for me!! My immune system is working great. Daughter has covid now. Fully vaxxed. Ummm her sister got the booster so makes me wonder as they live together. I ate off her plate on sat and Monday she was full blown covid. I’m good. Does it really spread when you are asymptomatic???? Hmmmm. Anyways! Goodbye California. Wanted to live here my whole life and now I can’t wait to get away from the covid freaks!

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I'm curious which elections, the fall congressional?

You dodged a bullet when the universal health care bill died. As much as I want to see every citizen with decent medical care, that bill would have totally immolated this state.

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Yea. Fall elections. He told us now was the time. Lack of houses on market etc. he was right! Made some cash. I have a feeling that health care bill will circle back.

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At this point everything is 100% political for so many people. I know so many Bay Area folks who will never admit anything has gone wrong here because they support the politics that led to it. Others of course freely admit that San Francisco will deteriorate faster than Detroit, once the wealthiest city in the world, ever did.

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Yep same here. That’s why we close on our house today and are leaving. My kids are all staying though😢

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There's a wake up call at presscalifornia.com

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Cali's government is incompetent and corrupt. That is a lethal combination.

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Just don't forget this and vote for Newsom in 2024 Wilma or any other Democrat for that matter.

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California is going to play this game all year long and with people's kids. They are going to pass a law mandating C19 vaccines for 5+ with no personal belief exemption. The govt-media complex will rattle their sabers about how everyone need to shoot up their kid or be turned away at the school door.

Based on the current trends though I doubt even 50% of 5+ kids will be vaxxed by September. So they will pull this same trick over and over, announcing delays of 1 more month to get the stragglers.

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Yes, CA is going all in with the child vax. But they're going to have a big problem, because this time too many parents are wide awake. See my article here:

Parent's Aren't Buying It: Vaccine Program for Kids Has Flopped!


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Oh you're right about that. I follow the CA vaccine tracker. It hasn't entirely flatlined, but I can't see that curve pushing above 50%. And even the 12-18 group looks to have flatlined around 60% compliance.

I'm hopeful for my friend in LA who can't leave due to custody issues. I predict if she holds firm she will never have to shoot up her darling girl.

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Better hope her ex doesn't use that against her in a custody fight. Man, what a horrific thought.

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There is that case in NY

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she'd better keep an eye on her ex. I know someone whose ex took the kid in for a jab without mentioning it.

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Same issue for me here in Wacko Bay Area. I’m holding out

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Yep my daughter who is a healthcare worker just caved this week.

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A decision that lasts forever 😢Hopefully she’s ok

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oh no! she must be so frustrated.

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There's more resistance in California than you think. Check out presscalifornia.com

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Nice site thank you. Who knew there was an epic battle over McAfee's body going on. That guy was a boss even in death.

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Agreed. They just posted a story about Gavin Newson's kids not having the Covid vax.

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Where is the blockade of Sacramento by Truckers? Crush Tyranny in Cali, so goes the Nation?

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This is liberal!

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Feb 3, 2022
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Santa Clara is the worst.

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This is turning out to be a total and complete clusterfuck from all angles. Alex - I believe that you equated the vaccine rollout to the Mortgage crisis of 2008 a few weeks ago. You couldn't have been more right. Remember when all the "experts" told us that there was no way the housing market could drop. And then it did? Everything is falling apart for the MRNA shills.

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Experts at the bond rating agencies declared junk mortgage debt AAA rated safe.

Safe and effective!

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Reminds me of Y2K as well

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Yup a real Charlie Foxtrot. Being held together by Uncle Joe and Fauci. Just wait until the new updated vaccines come out - just as Omicron is gone!

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Put all those needles into Fauci and Gates.

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My demand for vaccines of ANY kind is now zero. Same for drugs, doctors, nurses, techs, vitamins & supplements unless I'll die without them. How do we trust them if we don't know which ones can be trusted & can't choose them anyway? Hospitals are killing for profit & politics, denying cheap lifesaving therapeutics. A Phoenix hospital murdered my friend's dad. Denied ivermectin. They've sued.

I won't go to a hospital or get injected unless I'll die if I don't. How do we know what's in it? I had an anaphylactic reaction to a scan contrast push last year & I suspect they slipped in covid vax. Stopped halfway through & mumbled they "didn't think" it was anaphylactic, "just a reaction that happens sometimes." Uh huh. I've had contrast several times before, no problemo. If they did, at least I only got a half-dose. My lungs have since been a bit off, gradually improving with light exercise. I still sometimes get the same simultaneous urge to sneeze & puke I never had before.

Those who NEED injections should say YES to the vax status question. That's right, LIE.

No more vitamins-supplements. Nearly all have ChiCom content &/or processing. I'll get them from food & sun. "U.S." firms that say you can trust "quality control" & "safety" in a mass-murdering communist slave state are lying. China inflicted designer covid on us. Even "trusted" outfits like Mercola & Life Ext get their crap from China - for a few pennies extra profit per pill. As evil as firms that traded with the Nazis & Soviets.

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Yes. I feel the same. The damage to faith in the health care system is HUGE!!!

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Yes NEVER go to a hospital unless near death--seriously. Their incentives are financial and financial only. Find a local doctor not an HMO who will help you with natural medicine and MINIMAL Pharma intervention.

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The industry was taken over by private equity firms that are in it purely for the federal funding grift, and to squeeze any remaining actual care out.

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I'll die at home, thank you, rather than take my chances with hospitals as they are now.

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At least that way we die with dignity and family without making corrupt medical murderers rich.

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Silver Lining: The damage to "healthcare", Pfarma, vitamin & supplement INDUSTRY profits will be huge due to lost trust. They'll have to back WAY the Pfuck off and change their attitude & despicable practices to restore it.

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I had an allergic reaction last scan. Years ago. Not trusting them now. no way. The past two year and with that fungus running loose in hospitals (candida auris) I feel I am better off without strangers with needles, scopes and scanners.

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🥰 its an industry not a calling anymore. Hasn't been for awhile, that's why I practice privately here in Canada.

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lucky patients there.

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Mom here. After seeing how this covid crap was handled I halted boosters for my oldest and have refused all jabs for my youngest. Upon further research I've come to the conclusion that my sister who died at 2 months old from SIDS back in the 80s was likely a vaccine death.

When my pediatrician pushed back on me not immunizing my youngest I shared that I believe my sister died at 2 months old from vaccines.

To which the pediatrician replied: "Oh they don't make them like that anymore. They're safer now."

Sure, Jan.

I'm now CONVINCED the jabs are poison.

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I'm with you. My children were all vaxxed (grown now) but if I had little ones now, I would not vax any of them. I used to think my anti-vaxx acquaintances were a little nutty, now I think they were right.

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And yet, today the European Commission is proposing to extend the EU Digital COVID Certificate by a year, until 30 June 2023.


It isn't about Covid or the vaccines. It is about control.

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That's because they want to have a "good citizen" system.

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Good luck with that. The EU gets "funding --err kick backs" from Pharma and Mr. Gates/Soros/Schwab for their virtue signalling and "intent". Just like all the vaccines tossed, no one expects to use all of them. Its a game-- a kick back, funding criminal game.

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I hope we see some more nations separating from the EU.

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Feb 3, 2022
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Creepy. Glad the US is a big country. Don't see international vacations in my future in the near term, if ever again. Sigh. Glad I visited when the EU was still free.

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Sadly, I have relatives who will do whatever to keep being able to tour Europe. :(

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Yes, sad. I value my health above an international vacation.

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What a shame! & it's all Joe Rogan's fault!!

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(snicker) 😆

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I was on the Berkeley, CA school board meeting last night. They are in the process of implementing a staff vaccine mandate. There has been a test out option, but they are looking to do away with that by next year. The proposal was to mandate just the first two shots and no boosters. Two of the board members evidently had not gotten the memo that if they mandated the booster they would lose half the teachers. A very squirmy discussion ensued where it was quite obvious they could not state in open session why, exactly, they could not mandate the booster. The entire Berkeley community, which is one of the most vaccinated and aggressively hostile to the non-vaccinated, is only 55% boosted. I have to believe that, as this post concludes, that number has plateaued. They can't mandate the booster shot, but with or without the booster shot the vaccinated are likely in worse shape than had they done nothing. It makes for fascinating viewing.

Even better viewing is the discussion that was taking place about "disaggregating" vaccine data by race! Conveniently, they did not have student vax status by race at their fingertips. I can tell you though it is something like 99% white kids vaxed and maybe 50-60% African American and Multi-ethnic kids vaxed. The discussion to send all the unvaxed kids into Independent Study next year when the student mandate kicks in by the Nazis in the state capital, all with everyone of those hypocritical tools flying their black history month flags, was not lost on me.

My wife did have her religious exemption for the booster shot approved. She is an RN at a major hospital system here.

I can't take it here anymore. We are winding our lives down in California and expect to be gone by the Fall. With nothing left to lose, I haven't missed a school board meeting to tell them exactly how I feel. F it!

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Great post, I teach in Berkeley part time. You are right to bring up the racial angle. That is how we know it is all a big bluff. Come the fall half the black students in any given district will probably not be in compliance and there will be a huge racial disparity in who is getting turned away at the door. They will never be seen doing that so they will try to keep bluffing everyone into compliance. I would actually stay if my son really insisted on it because I am so convinced it's a bluff, but fortunately we are all happy to go live somewhere where we just don't have to think about this crap anymore.

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Interesting take. I have been trolling Buffy and the rest of the nazis in the legislature reminding them of that often. Maybe it is a bluff. I have loved living here, but what I have seen from my "friends" and neighbors through this, is truly horrifying. The only good to come of this, as I see it, is I completely understand how the holocaust was able to happen. 1 in 100 people are really willing to stand up and say something in the face of oppression and evil. It is much less than that here in Berkeley.

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Wish I could leave too.

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It's so hard to believe that people think that we are still in the Alpha wave. We are now entering the B.2 Omicron wave. Still transmissible but getting milder. The fear is palpable in so many. Don't know when this fear & hypnosis will subside. The reduction of Boosters may be an early indicator. I find this "Cancer talk", concerning. Could it be a harbinger of future health of individuals who accepted the jab???? All the decisions these boards are making

are with a static view, this is moving and fluid. Peoples health is fluid. The "Controls" (those that chose not to take the Vaxx), will we heard louder as time goes on. Best to be ProActive.

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The shots are dangerous and don't even match the current variant. Our country may be too stupid to survive.

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Dr Ryan Cole is doing a lot to research the link between the jabs and high cancer rates

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Really good interview (about 1hr) with Dr. Cole and Jan Jekielek at the Epoch Times site. It's worth subscribing just for Jan's interviews of people like Dr. Malone and Dr. Cole.

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He did an interview on EpochTV which is excellent.

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May your wind down and move be smooth and enriching

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East Tennessee is lovely and the schools could use someone like you. Gov Lee is going to work with Hillsdale College to create a number of charter schools in the state. In the more rural areas, kids have not wore masks since fall 2020. I’m a native Californian. I could see California moving towards a two-class system 25 years ago.

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I should also add that Hillsdale is a private “Constitutional “ college that accepts no government funding. They require every student complete a semester course on the principles and meaning of the Constitution. Required reading includes the Federalist Papers, the Anti-Federalist Papers and the Constitutional Convention Debates and A Familiar Exposition of the Constitution of the United States.

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That sounds great. The charter system around Salt Lake City seems really impressive. If one is oversubscribed it is resolved by lottery, which avoids any cronyism or political battles, at the same time there are so many of them that everyone seems satisfied they got into one they liked. So different than NYC where if a kid doesn't win a lottery, they basically have to leave town.

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The director of the Ichilov hospital in Israel just reported that 80% of all the serious ill COVID patients have been fully vaccinated and that vaccinations do nothing to prevent serious illness. https://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/321674

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Good news. Resistance works!

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If the doctors and nurses had stood up (the way the truck drivers are standing up) this would’ve been over a long time ago. So please to all those doctors and nurses who know the truth, now is the time to do something about it. We must Unite as a global entity!

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Never underestimate the willingness of the far left to embrace and continue to support bad policy.

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How great is the irony of antifa beating people for not wearing masks and attending protests in favor of forced shots?

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they are paid thugs

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Globalist regime brownshirts

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By now every human on Earth has, at minimum, a close or one-person-removed relationship with someone who suffered a vaccine injury. A healthy, fit 32 year old male friend of mine had a stroke after Pfizer Jab No. 1 in February in Budapest. Those stories are everywhere, this is real life. Now everyone and their Uncle just got the Optimus Prime and here we are. Nothing like real-world experience to scare people away from the poison. Remember when Cola was recommended to children in those ads from the 1950's? Lucky Strikes are good for you? This is far worse.

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It will be like asbestos - but way worse. Pfizer may survive as a shell of it's former self once the legal fights are over. The others are toast.

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I think this is the correct long view. Till then we have to hunker down and sit tight.

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Here in Canada and I suspect in most other countries every single year TONS of flu vaccines are dumped. Pharma criminal organizations demand govt's (especially those that have federal systems like ours Englands etc.) buy a HUGE amount beyond the population of the country. Its a perfect kick back--then Pharma funds the govt in powers next election. A pure case of "you scratch my back I will scratch yours". This is a VERY old model.

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Making 5-year olds get the jab when there is almost zero risk for them is pure child abuse. It's what the Italians would call an "infamia." If any child dies from one of these vaccines, the people who performed, arranged, ordered or required the vaccine are morally and ethically responsible for that child's death.

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Doctors in the Bay Area tell me it’s your social contract duty to vax your child even if he she dies / it’s your duty to protect society. Those people shouldn’t hold medical licenses.

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Even if he/she dies?! I. Am. Furious!! They obviously do not know what it is like to have your child die before you. I am so mad I could spit nails! May they rot in hell for saying those words and believing them!!

Edit:Added to last sentence

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First do no harm? A powerful sentence…I wonder what industry embraces this belief. Politics? Yeah…that’s it!

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When people were tsking their first dose everyone was mocking me for saying no thanks. I don't mind banter but I could tell many people were almost mad "Coco thinks there's tracking devices in the shots"

"I really don't. I just don't think I need it and i want a lot more data before I accept it"

Now I would say half of them are saying no to the booster.

And yes, I have been asking all of them "What's the matter? Do you think there is tracking devices in the shots or something?"


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The crazy thing is that most of the people who took the shots early thought that they were vaccines just like the shots they got in childhood. By calling them vaccines, people didn't even bother to ask questions about how they work.

Now I am asking questions not just about these jabs but about all of "modern medicine". If they can lie about the Covid shots, what else have they been lying about?

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