Berenson vs. Totalitarianism, Communism, Authoritarianism, and Fascism (pick one; I can't make up my mind today).

I think that's what you're really fighting.

Show em' who's boss Alex!

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Alex, how about an article on this: “ Jamie Foxx ‘Paralyzed and Blind’ From Blood Clot in the Brain AFTER COVID SHOT: Journalist A.J. Benza”. See https://radaronline.com/p/jamie-foxx-paralyzed-blind-blood-clot-brain-covid-vaccine-aj-benza/

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I believe Missouri v. Biden and Berenson v. Biden are two of the most important lawsuits in the history of both the US Constitution and of individual rights in general. We are in a struggle against authoritarian government attempting to control not only social media platforms, but news content, information, opinions, debate, and perhaps thought itself.

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Damn. MSM investigating? Crickets?

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Ofc crickets. They are all paid shills. Useless. We can blame the fall on them.

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Thx for link. Just read it. Unreal

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Courtesy el gato malo.

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He is one bad cat, that's for sure!

Love gato's stuff.

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He is certainly right here, and maybe Elon will release all the documents referenced above but Alex needs to review what “book banning” among other things mean.

At least he is right much of the time.

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Yeah I was surprised he messed that story up

Perhaps he could educate himself on what really has happened:


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I was "permanently suspended" by Twitter x 2.3 years for warning against the mRNA shots. Then I found my account suddenly and unexpectedly restored about a week ago, even with the censored tweet intact.

What bothers me a lot is that lives were lost (how many?) and even more disabilities were suffered by this censorship, because our warnings may have been necessary to make people hesitate long enough to at least look up animal studies or prior mRNA calamities, before plunging into the shot irreversibly.

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I agree, doctor. Luckily, I read Alex’s Twitter info before he was banned and that helped me avoid the jab. I was also able to warn others. I also learned a lot at that time from an account called Gummibear. Not sure if s/he is still on Twitter, as I left and joined other platforms.

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Love your books, I don't use Twitter.

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Please enlighten us on "prior mRNA calamities".

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Here is what I wrote on 2/21/21, including about prior mRNA calamities, too late to warn people on Twitter, not yet having heard of Substack.


I tweeted this on 2/19/21, which tweet got me suddenly suspended x 2.3 years:


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Really happy someone was willing to engage in this very necessary battle. Bravo.

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Excellent news for Alex and for the First Amendment!

And many thanks to Michael Shellenberger for being an actual journalist in the current dark information age.

Finally, kudos to Elon Musk for releasing the Twitter Files.

We must cherish the small victories and store them as weapons to be used in future battles.

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He should also release all the documents that Alex refers to above.

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That tweet on Aug 8th mentioning "don't think of IT as a vaccine" still resonates strongly. I'm amazed many refer to IT as a Vaccine to this day, when it never was one to begin with. Just called one. EUA experimental gene therapy medication. I for one have never referred ever to it as a V!

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I refer to it strictly as “the jab”.

I haven’t taken it, of course.

Interesting factoid:

Several weeks ago eight of us met for dinner, four jabbed and four unjabbed.

Among the jabbed:

* One just developed a sudden cancer (and already had immediate surgery);

* Another has developed a form of alopecia and has lost her eyebrows plus is losing her hair in a steady match starting at her forehead moving back across her head; and

* A third dinner guest developed tinnitus.

All of these reactions are listed in VAERS.

While I know the fourth “jabbee”, I don’t see her in private thus, if she has developed any particular condition, I wouldn’t know.

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And my guess is none of these injected peeps you know remotely connected the dots with their afflictions? I am astounded by the denial in so many I've seen-known too, and how media reports on it all as directed more likely than not by those who own the media, who are owned by Pharma etc, so all we hear is the normalization of rising afflictions, as if it's all normal and people (sheep) just need to be now to be treated with dangerous meds by the same people who did this to them. Its insane! The create the problem and provide the solution is the oldest trick in the book by Pharma and the minions surrounding them. A sick society is juts a better business model and Pharma knows IT. Round and round and round we go with ZERO accountability anywhere to be seen. The absolute PERFECT crime. Just sayin...

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Unfortunately (or fortunately), the two have been forever conflated. The failure of mRNA therapy has led to the a significant portion of the public calling into question of vaccines in general.

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Yes, let's HOPE the calling into question actually makes a dent, because I have seen no real dents yet of substance with all the same players in all the same positions. Not ONE person responsible for all of it has remotely been held to account in 3.5 years now. Not ONE! Its one thing to have the public aware and a completely different thing in it making a difference. Knowing without accountability means what exactly in the larger context? At least for me and many of us here the redundancy in far past deafening, and the overt obvious events which happened (intentionally) to humanity are known and yet not ONE person. Just sayin

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It's coming. The personal injury lawyers will lead the charge.

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The thing is it will simply be about $$$ in any suing and no one will be put behind bars or held the Nuremberg like crimes against humanity which is literally what was allowed to happen.

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Criminal convictions require a higher standard of proof than civil lawsuits.

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Yes and that is the Irony here. The crimes against humanity are overt and obvious, and yet no one will be held accountable. A "higher standard"...what an absolute joke law has become when you think about how many lives were taken in the great 2020 plandemic alone, not even including what the intentional lockdowns did you human lives all things considered. Pretty astonishing NO ONE will be held to actual or real account. Some measly fines at best and those taxpayer slush funds are intended for it. They simply will not feel any sort of accountability either

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If the MSM doesn't report on Berenson v Biden et al, will the public ever know that the Biden WH was censoring free speech, violating the the 1st Amendment? Will people vote for Biden in 2024 like they did in 2020 without knowing the truth? Censoring free speech should be a deal breaker.

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Go get 'em Alex 'The Red Baron' Berenson!!!!

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Wow. Alex, thanks for the update. We all know that the corrupt Biden Administration and Pfizer pressured Twitter (and other Tech companies) to block and censor people. U.S. Totalitarianism meet Corporate Fascism at its finest. What should be a Wet Dream bombshell on historic U.S. corruption for the media is completely ignored. Keep pushing these bastards Alex. Many of us are backing you.

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Hey Alex!

Mark Steyn was sued some ten years ago by Global Warmmonger fabulist Dr. Michael Mann - he of the fabricated “Hockey Stick” graph for a criticizing Mann in a 300 word column. (The DC court has been mumbling on it for ten years).

Steyn was joined by amici from institutional non-political allies of Steyn who recognized the significance of the First Amendment issues. Good on them.

Question: have any of the First Amendment - dare I say Stakeholders- joined you in your own cases?

Rock on, good Sir.

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“... money doesn’t seem to be the motivating force here...”

Applauding you wildly Alex!

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Good work Alex - corruption runs deep in this and it's good to know that some of it is being exposed.

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"and mercifully we had answers"...

The cowardice of "We the People" is downright depressing at this point. The WH works for us!!

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Alex and his team have discovered and will continue to discover the behind-the-scenes machinations of the old Twitter which likely parallel what other platforms have done to cancel dissenting voices. This is all very interesting and one of the legitimate uses of lawsuits. Cancellation strikes at the very heart of our constitutional liberties and must. be strongly opposed. Thanks, Alex, for your transparency.

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It seems that recently, many people I know personally have been experiencing cardiovascular problems. Some of their doctors are suspicious that the symptoms are related to getting the "vaccine". I wish there was a way to definitively prove the connection between the two. All we have is a huge spike in symptoms right after the mandated jabs. It's not proof but it's good enough for me to believe the jab and the symptoms are tied together.

Thanks for all the work you have done to put this stuff out there and bring the culprits to justice!

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What about all the evidence from years of tests with this technology on animals? The fact that most of them died should tell you something. Why do you think Moderna had not brought a single product to market in 10 years. Too many safety signals.

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You have run -up against the power of the politicians that are euphemistically called "The Deep State" that run the power of the REPUBLIC as we know it. Pundits have constantly warned "Don't Fight City Hall" to keep the unwashed in their place and prevent rising resentment of the status quo. I personally do not see how Berenson Vs Biden can be settled except in a court of law, holding the perpetrators responsible for "Constitutional Violation of the people's rights." One thing to keep in mind is that Lawyers lie better than ordinary politicians, so the corollary would be, that is why so many politicians are also lawyers. I suspect that defer and obfuscate until the clock runs out will be the accepted rule.

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The “deep state” may include politicians but more importantly it includes the continuous bureaucracy in DC that work behind the scenes to stop anyone who might limit their power. Eg some at the top of the CIA, NSA, FBI who have lied to Congress and had no consequences.

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Amen to the choir.

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After reading that first email chain where the admit that at trial their chances are less than 50%, but on appeal they felt better. The issue I raise is they know on appeal if they put that appeal in front a favorable judge they will get a favorable opinion. Welcome to holes in our system. People keep saying the system isn't fair for certain groups. That's sort of accurate but only sees a single tree when we are meant to see a forest. The system doesn't really care about anyone except those who game it. Elites run it and they use it playing their game.

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Good point. Wonder if this means the appellate courts in general are corrupt? Or if they can sway which judge picks it up?

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