Kerry has an odd take on what consensus means. It’s hard to build consensus unless you can shut down your opposition?

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Absolutely right.

How about when the world went into lockdown uniformly?

They are dangerous because they have consolidated legions of technocrats, elites and bureaucrats to give the appearance of consensus.

Consensus can be a vehicle for conquest and conciliation of the "crowd". A crowd that's conditioned to conformity is easy to control. They won't even recognize they've been conquered when they clamp their own chains.

Who was in control during the plandemic?

A cabal of consensus.

How many people noticed that?

Very few, because the appearance of consensus blinded the crowd to the consequences of forfeiting the need to confer.

"Historically, the claim of consensus has been the first refuge of scoundrels; it is a way to avoid debate by claiming that the matter is already settled. Whenever you hear the consensus of scientists agrees on something or other, reach for your wallet, because you're being had. The greatest scientists in history are great precisely because they broke with the consensus. "


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John Kerry, Bill Gates, and many others who run in the circles who support “the current thing” (c) think that they and theirs know better than the average person or anyone who does not agree with their positions.

They think that they are superior and hold superior positions. Nothing new under the sun…

Americans need to be reminded that without freedom of speech, truth dies because the ruling classes’ opinions become “truth” and all else is disinformation. Ask any person who grew up behind the iron curtain.

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Completely agree. Also remember that both Kamala Harris and Tim Walz have said that free speech is a "privilege", a completely false statement since it is a first amendment right. I think part of the plan is to say this enough, then people become comfortable with the idea that there's a gray area, and they can exploit that gray area to their advantage. It is desensitization in action. Beware and do not fall victim to it.

Also, great speech by Matt Taibbi at the MAHA event yesterday. It is now up on Youtube so you can watch him deliver it. I generally prefer that to reading transcripts whenever I have the time to watch.

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When Michael Crighton wrote State of Fear 20 years ago, I didn't fully appreciate how profound his writings were. Now we are here. When are they coming for Substack?

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"State of Fear" showed that climate change (in the sense of global warming) is a complete hoax. Crichton was ahead of his time in spotting this gigantic fraud on the public. The climate has been changing for three billion years folks. Stone Age man was able to cope with it but somehow it's an "existential threat" for us? If you believe that I have a bridge in Brooklyn I would like to sell you.

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We'll find another forum beyond their reach.

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I was working for the Competitive Enterprise Institute at the time… Crichton included CEI in State of Fear! As one of the good guys of course.

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Bill "Kill" Gates has been kicked out of several African countries for his destructive vaccines.

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Read RFK's book the Real Anthony Fauci to get an understanding of just how evil Bill Gates vaccine greed is in Africa.

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"In the Spring of 2019, I became aware of outside influencers promoting a false narrative of Ukraine inconsistent with the *CONSENSUS* views of the interagency," (Alexander) Vindman said in his opening statement. "This narrative was harmful to U.S. government policy. While my interagency colleagues and I were becoming increasingly optimistic on Ukraine's prospects, this alternative narrative undermined U.S. government efforts to expand cooperation with Ukraine."

- opening statement of Alexander Vindman on the occasion of Trump's first impeachment

* Capitalization for emphasis added by me.

Source: https://www.usnews.com/news/politics/articles/2019-10-29/alexander-vindman-testimony-fuels-democrats-impeachment-case-against-trump

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Consensus is following the herd. We should have figured that out when they were telling us about the "climate science consensus".

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Remember how the elf fraud Fauci talked about consensus during the great plandemic...

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Kerry and Gates have crossed from arrogant, condescending, rich guys over to believing they are secular messiahs. But they are the wrong way, the lies, and the death.

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Thank God this man never got into the White House. Glad he lost.

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I think we need to name the information that some people didn’t get because they don’t read widely or that information was censored. I just had an unpleasant weekend with my longtime friend who loves to throw around the mis and the dis words, but she doesn’t know what she doesn’t know because she never encountered different ideas and opinions and different facts. What do we call information you don’t know because of censorship or or lack of curiosity about another view.

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My older uncle (82) won't listen to anything I say because he hasn't seen it on CNN or read it in the NYT. (This was all during COVID.) When he sent me something about climate change, I sent him several links that debunked his claim, and he said that my sources were biased and that the NYT says that climate scientists have a consensus and thus I'm only listening to a small minority. So we just don't talk about anything anymore except family.

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I am in the same position. I am a meteorologist with 50 years experience, write extensively about climate change policy in New York State (Pragmatic Environmentalist of New York blog) and my children refuse to believe me when I say climate change due to human emissions of GHG is not an existential threat and that the real problem is climate change policy that mandates getting away from fossil fuels before we have affordable, reliable, and less environmentally impactful options. The mantra that clean, green energy is a solution is bat crap crazy.

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I've had the same issues with older family members. They have been watching CNN for 40 years, reading the NYT for longer, and those outlets never stop warning them about how dangerous it is to believe "crazy stuff on the Internet." Very frustrating and sad.

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Fortunately my mom listens to me :)

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I've had the same issues with my children. Heartbreaking.

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I have a longtime neighbor friend that falls into that category. We talk about neighborhood issues only.

I guess my problem is that when I was a young teenager, I was a paperboy for the Washington Star, not the Washington Post so I did not get the early brain washing.

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Let's call it info-deficient. My motto during Covid was this: I don't know. But at least I know that I don't know. There are many who think they know but they don't know. And they don't know that they don't know.

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There’s a reason why hubris is the First Deadly Sin.

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Naivete? Ignorance?? Arrogance? All of the above.

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Exinformation! The information that was cut out.

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I have this problem too. The problem is my brother's wife is a hard core Democrat. They don't talk about politics because she knows she will be shown to be wrong. When I visited them, Tim and I talked a lot about politics and some about his wife. I was then told to not visit them again.

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This is so chilling. It seriously out of a dystopian movie. I'm terrified

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Just remember when a bullet nearly ended Trumps LIFE..."fight fight fight" he said. Do NOT go quietly into that good night. This is a moment or era of time in America where there is no time to hide. Each one of us has an ability to influence albeit in differing ways. America NEEDS us more than ever!

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So does this mean you're going to vote for Trump? You can do it!

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And you don't have to admit it. There is a reason the voting booth has a curtain. :)

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If you're not on X, Substack, other outlets, and well-informed - you will NOT see this information. Or the hurricane damage in real time. Or the two DC conferences this past weekend. Or, or, or. Finding it VERY hard to push back firmly, with civility, and patience when I'm well out of sorts with so-called smart people. I really don't "do stupid well".

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They're not stupid. They are simply believing the same sources they have believed all their lives. The ones their parents trusted too, probably. It's not easy to get out of an echo chamber.

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4 hrs ago·edited 4 hrs ago

And yet the typical BLUE voter will still vote BLUE because of the brilliantly executed psyop psychosis known as TDS. In any normal universe Trump wins this election in the single greatest landslide in American history, but this is no normal universe is it. When Biden was forced out by the puppeteers they literally could have placed a hamster as a candidate and 90% of the typical BLUE voters will vote for IT!

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That amazes me. When they installed Kamala, they disregarded 14 million voter's choice. There were no riots, nothing was set on fire, not even a peaceful protest was held. No one even said it was not the way the process is supposed to go.

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3 hrs ago·edited 3 hrs ago

Probably the most NON democratic "allowed" process I have ever seen in my lifetime. Just says a LOT about the HIVE mind of the average BLUE voter

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Now that's what I call a threat to Democracy but the blue voters will never see it that way.

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3 hrs ago·edited 3 hrs ago

RIGHT...the way of the modern DEM is project and deny. Accuse YOU of what they DO. Classic Alinsky teaching's where most Marxist and Communist nations utilize against political opponents or dissidents. How the average BLUE voter does not SEE this going on in the USA is astonishing

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In the interview Gates refers to it specifically as "the notion of a first amendment." Um, the NOTION?!? That was a carefully chosen word on his part----to him, it's not actually real. It's "like, yeah, we kinda sorta have some free speech." I can't hate this man enough.

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Harris/Walz will push the country past our tipping point. The Fall of America is within sight.

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If it's the America of the Federal deep state that falls, then we will band together, drive the foreign invasion from our shores, and rebuild in the image of our forefathers.

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Not a chance. But I appreciate your spirit.

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At the dawn of the 20th century, Linbergh told the country what was happening. No one listened. Eisenhower told the country what was going on back in the 50s. No one listened. Kennedy told the country what was going on in the 60s. No one listened. The elite class has been pulling the strings for over a century. The internet is the only thing that has kept the United States somewhat free for the last 20 years. The next logical step for the elite is to control the internet. None of this is shocking for the few who have paid attention. The shocking part is how many of our citizens beg for the elites to rule their lives.

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Kerry mentions that this inconvenient little think called the 1st amendment makes it "harder to govern", which is really the key to all of this. What he actually means is "harder to control".

Kerry, Gates and their ilk truly believe that they are better than the rest of us, and should be able to strip away any obstacles to them implementing what they've decided are the right policies - regardless of what voters may believe. A few years ago I would have labeled what I wrote just a fringe conspiracy theory. Unfortunately, the Washington establishment has disabused me of that notion totally.

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But there's absolutely zero chance they'll cheat again AB.

Oh wait....North Carolina had over 700k ineligibles on voter rolls.


Let me ask everyone:

If they're against the constitution because of The Evil Orange Dragon...there's no possible way they would cheat, right?!

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And Georgia. And Arizona. And there is no rush to help the deep-red areas of western NC.

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He needs another Swift Boating....

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gates is a horrible disappointment, but it's not like we didn't know that kerry is a bag of sh*t.

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Bill Gates has been awful and evil for a long time. This should come as no surprise. He has bought up a bunch of farmland in the US, has been an investor and proponent of fake meat, of eating bugs, of experimenting with untested vaccines on vulnerable populations. I hope this is not news to any readers of this substack. A WEF member and participant for quite a while.

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of course, you're right - but at least he earned his fortune. kerry has no redeeming qualities whatsoever and should have been tarred, feathered and exiled fifty years ago.

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Did he earn his fortune? More of a pirate that ripped off Jobs (Apple).

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Windows sucks.

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What makes computer geeks and party hacks think they're the smart ones? One sign of stupidity is when a person presumes to be right, based on nothing but their own ego.

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Kerry and Gates ....... the new Poluburo in plain sight.

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4 hrs ago·edited 4 hrs ago

Dr. Jay Bhattacharya made a post on X with a looooong list of things the government censored. For every single item, he and the others who were censored were right and the government was wrong.


The government hates it more than anything else when somebody points out where they're wrong. Or lying.

His post below.


The thin excuse the censors use to justify their dangerous, authoritarian measures is that the proles will spread misinformation amongst themselves if given the right to free speech, and they will end up voting for things and people the powerful don't like.

Actually, the purpose of censorship is to cover up for government policy failure.

A reminder about what the censors got wrong during the covid era:

- the covid infection fatality rate is an order of magnitude lower than the case fatality rate

- there is an enormous age gradient in hospitalization and mortality risk from infection, with miniscule risk to most children

- covid is airborne, actually

- the lab leak hypothesis is not a conspiracy theory, and is the likely explanation of the origin of covid

- hunting for viruses in the wild, bringing them to biolabs in city centers, and genetically altering them to make them more transmissible and dangerous to humans is a dangerous idea that governments should no longer fund and should regulate vigorously

- lockdowns are a luxury of the laptop class and do not ultimately protect against infection

- school closures are an irrational response to covid, as proven by the Swedish experience

- children are harmed in myriad ways by school closures and forced online 'learning' is not a substitute for real learning

- many children are not resilient to the harms of school closures

- the lockdowns and the financing of them with printed trillions caused tremendous economic damage, including severe disruption of supply chains, small businesses, and lingering inflation

- the economic dislocation of the lockdowns led to the starvation of millions of the poorest people in the world

- the covid vaccine's protection against disease transmission was never proved in a randomized trial

- the covid vaccine mandates and the false assurances of near-perfect efficacy against infection and transmission undermined public trust in public health

- there are people who were harmed by the covid vaccine, actually

- there is substantial immunity against subsequent infection (at least until the next variant) provided by covid recovery

- there is no good randomized evidence that mask mandates have any substantial impact on covid transmission

- there is no evidence whatsoever that toddler masking reduces the risk of covid infection for anyone

I could go on, but the point should be clear. The censorship machine suppressed criticism of the government getting all those important points wrong, and bad public health policy was the covid-era norm, with countless people harmed as a result.

The purpose of censorship now is to protect the reputations of the powerful people who pushed all these policies so that governments protect their power to impose them again in the future.

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