Nicki Minaj was right on this more than a year ago.

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TFW Nicki Minaj is a better source for health information than the heads of the CDC, the FDA and the NIH.

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And Brandon: "Pretending to be President is as easy as riding a bike!"

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Dang, that is hilarious. I wish I had thought of it.

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Fixing the economy is like riding a bicycle.

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Maybe he should get a stationary bike

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...no...he should get a firing squad.....

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Or a brain transplant.

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..and that would match the state of the economy, stationary.

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🤣😂 classic

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To be fair, Brandon did speak eloquently about “ gum control”, and the “ “crimate clisis.” Then he face planted.

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now Justin Bieber and wife are the poster children for what not to do! God bless them, they got hoodwinked from their self-righteousness and virtue signaling. PPL got the VAX from hell so they could go to the Gala's and travel and "get back to normal" and "save themselves from death" (only God protects us and numbers our days), it was all a lie. Hook, line and sinker ONLY FOR PROFITS to pharma and faucxi types. And Bob Saget and our dear Betty White coulda lived another few years but they had to go with the WOKE CROWD to their grave. Just observe the anger from the jabbed as they find out they took the ride to vaxxine damage. They'll blame YOU for not making the stupid mistake that they did....typical narcissistic response. And they'll ride the victim train the rest of their lives b/c they couldn't spot a narcissist telling them what to do. THINK FOR YOURSELF...SEEK COUNSEL AND WISDOM FROM GOD.

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I agree with you more than not, BUT; there is no Acts 17 Berean exegesis of the Scriptures to support blessing Bieber and his wife, rather there is much Scripture to pray for their road to Damascus conversion. And for the truth record, We must stop calling it a vaccine when it is *NOT* and when it only further perpetuates the profoundly enormous wicked evil fraud to call it such.

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Vaxectomy… infertility via jab.

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Vaxectomy- can I steal that?

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That is really clever.

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I prefer "injecticution" for slang. For intelligent English i prefer: Biological weapons.

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Always write vaccine as "vaccine".

They changed the definition of a vaccine for THIS "vaccine"...

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Look up aceulluar pertussis

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I know they changed the definition, by i prefer to type, not write, what i do to be as accurate as possible.

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Right! I refer to mRNA jabs as "Vexxes."

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Why vexxes, just so i make sure i comprehend correctly, thanks.

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when you believe in anything other than creator God you are under a VEX...an evil spirit...you get taken advantage of by satan himself. We are made to worship something...when we aren't taught how to direct that worship it goes completely haywire. We worship success, ourselves, other narcissistic ppl, money, porn, consumption/shopping, controlling others/power, mens and womens bodies, fear and worry can be an idol, what ever holds your attention is a vex. If you're a dog in obendience school, a squirel running by is a vex. If you aren't spiritually enlightened, you objectify others and yourself...as objects to be used, rather than seeing yourself/others as loving beings capable of giving and receiving love (not sex). Using others for your own purposes is a vex.... that is what pharma/fauxci and little lord brandon are trying to do to the masses, because they see themselves as objects to be used and abused...they must have been to treat others that way.

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I call it poison.

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poison injections

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Bob Saget probably didn't die from the vaccine. He had his head bashed in.

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Plenty of people passing out and hitting their heads after the vaxx

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Was his case declared a murder?

No it wasn't. So what exactly caused him to lose consciousness. I saw the report mentioning something about his heart.

We can't know for sure without a detailed investigation and it made public. But of course, that's not happening so a number of causes remain on the table, including the jab.

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His head was bashed in more than could have occurred from a simple fall. I believe he was. murdered and for some reason it is being covered up

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"God bless them..."

Apparently not.

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hate to say it's come to that but yes that is correct.

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Pretty much everything that they told you about the vaccines -- the opposite is true. I'm just going with that.

The whole thing has been an orchestrated lie. The fact that the FDA wanted to slow walk the release of the Pfizer trial data for 75 YEARS is all you need to know. If any of this was on the level, they wouldn't have needed to do that.

And what happened as soon as a judge in Texas ordered the data released over 8 months? European countries immediately started dropping their vaccine mandates. Hmm...


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You know, it may very well be a wholly unintended consequence but what's going to happen to our health data in the years to come now that the Biden administration has allowed about 3M undocumented people to flood over the border?

Reuters ran an article last year in which they said the reason why refugees/migrants were not subject to mandates is because they are not subject to the laws of the countries they enter as non-citizens — meaning that if the government of the country they enter has entered into an agreement to protect "vaccine" manufacturers from liability, that liability protection ONLY extends to the citizens. The article flat-out stated that the pharmaceutical companies are afraid of being sued — thus no vaccine mandates for migrants/refugrees.

Not to get too Biblical here but it gives new meaning to "And the meek shall inherit the earth" — if the citizens from advanced countries are mostly vaxxed, and therefore mostly impacted by lowered fertility rates, cancer, heightened risk of infectious disease — or whatever the long term fallout may in fact be. (We are only at the initial stages of seeing how mRNA will "reprogram" the immune system of those who have been vaccinated.)

Years from now, the deluge of "pandemic migrants" will go on to have families and to have health and reproductive characteristics and rates consistent with what the native population (American citizens) would have had pre-2020 — except this will be 2025, 2035 and beyond. So IF we hypothesize that there are falling reproductive raters among American citizens (i.e. children) that have been jabbed, will it even become apparent in the health and actuarial data that is collected 5 or 10 years from now?

I hope for the sake of my mostly-vaccinated family members and fellow Americans that I am wrong, but I think the fact that we have had an unprecedented border crisis run in tandem with the pandemic — when logically speaking one would expect border security to be at its BEST during a pandemic — speaks to the idea that in THIS country, where Operation Warp Speed began, the powers that be are cognizant that there will be downstream repercussions — in which case one way to paper over the health consequences is to keep the floodgates open to vast numbers of unvaccinated people who, presumably, will lead healthier, longer lives. That will allow the FDA, CDC and Dr. Fauci's successors, whomever they may be, to gaslight American citizens.

If I'm correct — and again I hope and pray I am not — fact checkers some 5-10 years from now will no doubt report that it is a "myth" that American life expectancy is on the decline. The "experts" in this way will be able to prove the data they WANT to "prove" because they will A) Memory hole the fact that the age/sex/race/national orgin/vaccine status demographics rapidly shifted during the Biden administration thanks to record-breaking undocumented migration, and B) Fail to make a distinction for whether vaccinated vs. unvaccinated comprise those health metrics/statistics. When they lump both existing Americans who were subject to mass mRNA vaccination together with all the "fresh blood" coming over the border, they're going to come up with the status quo — a picture that is less a "ten thousand words" and more "ten thousand lies".

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We typically exterminate disease carrying vermin, correct?

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Interesting thesis. Keep up the critical thinking; not enough people stretch their minds.

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Thanks for this. I generally agree with you minus calling it a vaccine.

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Correct, it's really gene therapy that "identifies" as a vaccine! LOL

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I wouldn't use the word "therapy" for these poisons.

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Yeah... I call it Frankengene.

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No wonder the Identity Politics disciples love the shots. Adverse reactions and severe adverse reactions are not therapy, thus more evidence of the wicked double-speak.

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She was only right because she learned it from authentic morally guided whistle blowers who were mercilessly attacked for revealing this hard reality truth.

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No, she learned it from first-hand observation, but nice try at a very odd silly post. Nicki Minaj had a girlfriend who told her, her boyfriend's "woohoo" wouldn't stand up after the vaccine. After she heard first-hand accounts of vaccine induced erectile dysfunction, she was like "Hellllllllllll noooooooooo!". Not some morally guided whistle blower. Gossip from real-life accounts. Everyone at this point, knows at least a few 'mysterious' illnesses oncoming after a 2nd or 3rd shot in their family/friend/work circle or at least very-convenient coincidences.

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OMG! Who cares about sperm count.... WHEN ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION kicks in to epic proportions, then the shit gonna hit the fan! Don't think THE SPIKE PROTEIN is very friendly to tiny sensitive capillaries and veins. Vaxxi castration? And the idiots are still praising Brandon telling them to "go get vaccinated" with the most diabolical grin and chalk-board scratching voice! That proclamation shoulda been a huge flashing warning to all ! NEVER take advice from a narcissist. Just look at his son.

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But pHarma provides that ‘little blue pill’ while shooting blanks.

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pfizers little blue pill became "generic" about the very same time covid not-vax vexx rolled out which compromises their profits from it at this point. of course pfizer knew they would need to make up profit difference somehow...

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ED sir (or ma'am)? No problem, we got a pill for that.

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I'm sure there are side effects to anything that is not natural. The blue pill has many warnings, we probably haven't seen all of the collateral damage from taking a boner pill. Ya know, most pharma products cause you to need another pharma product, rinse and repeat.

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Yes, one such side effect is a monster woody and a loss of blood to the brain and other organs. This will be the new "SADS" killing otherwise healthy men; they'll call it "MBDS" for short.

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So being un'vaxed' has other benefits... Nice to meet you ma'am...

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And his daughter

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Very odd silly post? According to those who perform eisegesis with my words? This is what you missed as one guilty of Proverbs 18:13; the fact that her girlfriend told her about this, is part of being morally guided whistle blower [in this instance] since the girlfriend chose to heed morality and tell the truth, not lie. Notice i also put "whistle blowers", plural, because if you bothered to check what Minaj stated after she did some competent indagation of her own via her connections after hearing this from her girlfriend, she got further confirmation by other whistle blowers who were mercilessly attacked for revealing this hard truth. Anytime anyone makes a choice to be moral, that is whistle blowing regardless of what level of society we are at. Unsaved folk as yourself are not credible in our Creator's eyes about being trustworthy to give a lesson on morality.

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Ya'll gotta stop reading People, Teen Vogue, hahaha, j/k.

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Good thing you stated j/k.. since those rags i would not dare touch and would only look through them to see where we are at in the stage of the downfall of a nation.

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Still doesn't explain your dismissive "She was only right because she learned it from...", as if anyone is only credible for what they know if they themselves divined it, without any outside help or third-party participation.

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Once again eisegesis. Sigh. Is your name Andrew?

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Is that an attempted criticism of her? Because plenty of us were right about this that or the other thing because we learned it from OTHERS, such as from Alex.

So saying "she was only right because..." has no value.

She was right. Full stop.

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Sorry, i don't communicate in leftistspeak/idiotspeak/foolspeak/trickspeak/Devilspeak.

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Happy Juneteenth everybody! The beginning of rampant violent crime and drug crime. The beginning of making once great cities into giant ghettos! The beginning of violent gangs every where you go. The beginning of frequent mass shootings at BBQs. The beginning of communism in the USA and its hold on the media and the schools. Way to go! Happy Juneteenth, let's celebrate the USA turning into a third world country!

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You got a point. Valid one.

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FINA is the world swimming association I think. And they've just banned trans athletes from competing against women. They'll get their own category. Not really related to this topic but good news for women swimmers.

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They already have a proper category, it's called the Mens' division.

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@Vanda- only if they had achieved and participated in puberty.

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Yes, you're right. I forgot about that part.

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https://www.justpaste.it/24iqc Why not to use "trans-" etc.

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We need all Allies. We can’t disrespect them simply because they learned something later than we did.

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We aren’t writing essays. We are writing short cryptic statements. Eisegesis is natural and reasonable under these circumstances.

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You don't need an essay for there to be eisegesis. More DKE you showcase. No it is not reasonable with someone as quite presumptuous as yourself. We are typing here, not writing. No one signed affidavits selecting you as the mediator for this 'we' you refer to. You reply as if you are omnscient, when clearly you're not. Sigh, the self-convinced X-Men sixth sense you have is quite luculent. I desire not to engage with those grant themselves as a level of cognitive intellection and perspicuity that is clearly in the realm of fantasia, expected with mystics.

Edited for clarity.

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And pedantic as hell

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No kidding! He must be fun around the family dinner table. He completely missed my point too.

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Is wolf your real surname?

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Jun 21, 2022
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What for?

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We are speaking and writing in short form. We all ‘interpreted’ your words to be a bit of a dig at her. ‘She only....because...’. We all had to assume there was a reason you wrote what you wrote. On these sorts of forums we all interpret. Are you saying we were wrong to interpret it that way?

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No sense in further engaging with you, since if you can't get simple things correct, attempts at greater things only secures much greater error.

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Just so i can be sure, who is your reply for? Thanks.

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Ok so then you performed eisegesis with my words.

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"She was only right because she learned.." And you?

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And me what? I've been indagating the NWO agenda got twenty plus years warning people and spreading information on the net and on the streets for a long time of these NWO agendas by the elitists. I was part of a known group at the time here in Toronto from 2008-2013 that was started in 2001 about 911 being an inside job, and around 2008/2009 we exposed as best as possible the swine flu shots and spoke to so many people every saturday and handing out so many free DVDs and flyer we made to raise awareness not to take the shots - our slogan was "The shot is the pandemic" and you can still find parts of this on the net. This was on the corner of one of the most busy corners in downtown Toronto [Yonge and Dundas] and we were apparently so effective that the major state media at that time did a story on our campaign to inform people not to get shots, they sought to make us look like out of our mind conspiracy theorists, but good think we had a guy who is well spoken, well learned man to represented the group, and we did our best before and after this interview to inform people on that very busy corner we spend at least 8 hours or more to why they should not take the swine flu shot, what was actually in it which we printed out the ingredient list and cross referenced it with why such ingredients should NOT be put in your body and encouraged them to take initiative to start eating more healthy with real food, getting quality vitamin and mineral supplements, to get exercise, rest and on.

What have you been doing for the last at least 15 years about this?

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You're right. I remember that on Twitter. Ms. Minaj was spot on. That's why I followed her, because she had the guts to speak the truth.

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Exactly. She had the guts. Others.. not so much.

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This is all so deeply disturbing. We must find a way to stop it. Nicki Minaj - a brave warrior of freedom? How did we get here? Is she protected? With regard to other celebrities - they participated and were financially rewarded for pushing this. look at Bieber- he was paid to push it and now he’s going to back track, in my opinion. Where the hell are we?

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Correct me if I am wrong but didn't Uncle Joey Biden sent someone to tell her that she should shut her mouth.

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Probably, she was trending for a few days then went silent.

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Does this mean the Ivy schools aren’t going to need to worry about legacy admissions in 25-30 years?

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Something like that, yes.

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OMG I completely forgot about that. You're right!!!

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Random chance is one out of 20, what were the other 19 dumb fuck comments she made that were shamed into irrelevance?!...

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Pears like they did a disservice to our European brothers, by messing with their semen count - to our European race. China might’ve had inside info, and yelled out, “NO way!” to those mRNA vexxinations; Russia said, NO!; N. Korea declined, too; and a majority of our African brothers ain’t mRNA vexxinated either. Oh well.

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Can we be sure the drop in sperm counts isn't simply a reflection of the lack of balls shown by any man who ran to comply with these mandates and/or begged phrama for the hot-mRNA injection?

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While a bit funny this is pretty harsh. I feel for the enlisted soldiers threatened with dishonorable discharge as well as having to pay back GI bill benefits. And the millions of blue collar workers faced with loosing their jobs if they failed to comply. The college students given the option of an experimental drug they didn't need or delayed graduation (which is extremely expensive) and in some cases loss of scholarship. All because of corporate sycophants scrambling for a place in the new world order. None of this was done out of concern for public health.

We should focus our wrath on the bastards that harassed and insulted us, violated our rights, and continue to endanger our children.

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I watched my 35 yr old unjabbed son go through weekly ‘testing’ to keep his job while the jabbed kept taking time off because they got the vid. Thankfully, he can still make me a gramma if he ever finds an unjabbed woman…🙏🏻

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Rootin' for ya MaryAnn!

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Please don’t forget all our pilots and airline personnel! We are entering a dangerous time flying with vaccinated pilots because of the unconscionable and illegal mandates !! Now , they want to hurry up and hire pilots with half the training and probably no military flight experience! This was all planned and it could be devastating to us all . The experienced pilots who were close to retirement, did so snd I would have to . There is so much data on Vaers , look it up !

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I have a feeling most of those degrees are already useless.

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Well said. Eyes on the prize people. And fire trained on the evildoers. Don’t let anyone get caught in the crossfire.

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“Scrambling for a place in the new world order…”. For whatever reason, that phrase makes so much sense and puts into perspective the reason so many people have gone along with all of this.

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What they don't understand is that there is no "protected class' in the NWO. There are the planners and the serfs. That's it.

None of these "celebrities" are going to be protected. They are in the "useful idiot" class, along with most of the western "leaders." Because when it all comes down, the first people they will do away with are those who bought the lie. Those who still wield some power are the largest enemies, once they realize what the actual plan is.

It always goes down this way.

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Arent the kulaks the first to go?

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The Kulaks were individualist farmers. They were hated for obvious reasons.

I think the ones you're thinking of might be the Kadets. The party of insufferable intellectual idiots.

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Absolutely, that's so true. The useful idiots are always the first to go.

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This is true 💯%. I cringe when I read the diatribes on here blaming the victims b/c they were supposedly too stupid, too narcissistic or too lacking in character to resist the greatest propaganda campaign the world has ever known.

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Many ordinary people do not have the financial resources to lose a job. It's easy to sneer when you have options that will keep the mortgage paid.

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Which is why it's so important for people to learn the lesson is to resist tyranny, not take the path of least resistance. It will be even worse next time.

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What next time?🤣. This is it. You need to realize that. NOW‼️

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Nah, it can always get worse.

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That’s the problem, it can only get worse. Hence no next time just a continuation of this mess. On and on and on and on and on and on they go‼️

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I love all this virtue signaling about imaginary "people"... In reality, the easiest option is to submit a religious exemption. Others waited it out and the employer cancelled it on their own or as a result of lawsuits. Some got another job or moved. Some even get fake cards. There is a difference between obeying without a fight (mortgage is such a great excuse!) and flighting and losing. From my anecdotal experience, most of those fighting resolved this problem one way or another, with women having bigger balls. Just keep whining.

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I waited it out & my employer canceled its mandate.

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And my son got a religious exemption.

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