On Friday, the journal Andrology published a peer-reviewed paper showing large decreases in sperm counts among men after the second dose of Pfizer’s mRNA Covid jab.
Based on counts from men who donated sperm to three fertility clinics in Israel, this finding is devastating - medically and politically.
It cuts to the heart of the hottest button question of all about the mRNA shots, whether they have hidden fertility risks. That issue has simmered since early 2021, following my reporting that data showed the shots had caused excess miscarriages in rats - and other reports showing that measurable amounts of vaccine reached the ovaries and testes in tests in rats.
Ever since, media “fact-checkers” and public health authorities have dismissed and mocked the concerns and anyone who raises them:
Now - after a half-billion men have received mRNA shots - the skeptics appear to be right. Again. The Israeli paper offers hard evidence that the vaccines may present a systemic risk to men’s sperm counts. What was a conspiracy theory is now just a theory. AGAIN.
The paper raises questions about mechanism of action that must be answered immediately. And on top of the myocarditis risk, the finding is more evidence that encouraging - much less forcing - men under 40 to take the mRNA vaccines was a catastrophic mistake.
However, the authors qualified their findings by reporting that after five months, sperm levels recovered. Thus the decreases were only temporary, they wrote.
Put aside the fact that a five-month decrease hardly qualifies as temporary for someone trying to start a family - or compared to a “vaccine” that loses effectiveness against Omicron within weeks or months.
As other writers have pointed out, the actual data in the paper do not really support the argument that sperm levels returned to normal after five months. In fact, by some measures, levels continued to decline.
Rather than acknowledging this fact, the authors offered the best possible spin on their data, while at the same time publishing the figures themselves near the end of the paper so that other researchers could see the reality for themselves.
This tactic is now commonplace among researchers putting out data that might raise concerns about the mRNA shots. It is likely a response to the overwhelming political pressure to hide the deepening crisis around the safety and efficacy of shots that governments have given to over a billion people worldwide.
Below is the crucial chart, which shows that “total motile count” - the number of sperm in the ejaculated semen - plunged 22 percent three to five months after the second shot (T2) and barely recovered during the final count (T3), when it was still 19 percent below the pre-shot level.
Even more importantly, the fall in sperm counts CANNOT be blamed on short- or even medium-term inflammation as mRNA-generated spike proteins causes our immune cells to ramp up the systemic production of anti-spike antibodies. If that were the case, one would expect to see a short term decrease in sperm count that reverses over time. Instead, total sperm counts are unaffected shortly after the mRNA shots, then decrease months later and hardly recover.
To play down this unpleasant reality, the researchers instead focused on the fact that median rather than average counts did recover after five months. (The median is the numerical midpoint of a series; If a series goes 1, 2, 3, 4, 20, the median will be 3, but the average will be 30 divided by 5, or 6.)
Both the median and the average can be valuable statistics. Using the median rather than the average will hide extreme outliers. In this case, the fact that the average fell much more than the median is a sign that some of the men probably had near-zero sperm counts in both the second and third time periods - and that fact is arguably more important than the median change.
All of which is to say that this data cannot be easily explained away and should not be ignored, as badly as the media would like to do so. The fall in sperm counts is part of an emerging and increasingly dark picture about the long-term health impacts of the mRNA shots - and should all by itself convince parents not to risk exposing their children to these powerful biotechnologies.
now Justin Bieber and wife are the poster children for what not to do! God bless them, they got hoodwinked from their self-righteousness and virtue signaling. PPL got the VAX from hell so they could go to the Gala's and travel and "get back to normal" and "save themselves from death" (only God protects us and numbers our days), it was all a lie. Hook, line and sinker ONLY FOR PROFITS to pharma and faucxi types. And Bob Saget and our dear Betty White coulda lived another few years but they had to go with the WOKE CROWD to their grave. Just observe the anger from the jabbed as they find out they took the ride to vaxxine damage. They'll blame YOU for not making the stupid mistake that they did....typical narcissistic response. And they'll ride the victim train the rest of their lives b/c they couldn't spot a narcissist telling them what to do. THINK FOR YOURSELF...SEEK COUNSEL AND WISDOM FROM GOD.
I agree with you more than not, BUT; there is no Acts 17 Berean exegesis of the Scriptures to support blessing Bieber and his wife, rather there is much Scripture to pray for their road to Damascus conversion. And for the truth record, We must stop calling it a vaccine when it is *NOT* and when it only further perpetuates the profoundly enormous wicked evil fraud to call it such.
when you believe in anything other than creator God you are under a VEX...an evil spirit...you get taken advantage of by satan himself. We are made to worship something...when we aren't taught how to direct that worship it goes completely haywire. We worship success, ourselves, other narcissistic ppl, money, porn, consumption/shopping, controlling others/power, mens and womens bodies, fear and worry can be an idol, what ever holds your attention is a vex. If you're a dog in obendience school, a squirel running by is a vex. If you aren't spiritually enlightened, you objectify others and yourself...as objects to be used, rather than seeing yourself/others as loving beings capable of giving and receiving love (not sex). Using others for your own purposes is a vex.... that is what pharma/fauxci and little lord brandon are trying to do to the masses, because they see themselves as objects to be used and abused...they must have been to treat others that way.
No it wasn't. So what exactly caused him to lose consciousness. I saw the report mentioning something about his heart.
We can't know for sure without a detailed investigation and it made public. But of course, that's not happening so a number of causes remain on the table, including the jab.
Pretty much everything that they told you about the vaccines -- the opposite is true. I'm just going with that.
The whole thing has been an orchestrated lie. The fact that the FDA wanted to slow walk the release of the Pfizer trial data for 75 YEARS is all you need to know. If any of this was on the level, they wouldn't have needed to do that.
And what happened as soon as a judge in Texas ordered the data released over 8 months? European countries immediately started dropping their vaccine mandates. Hmm...
You know, it may very well be a wholly unintended consequence but what's going to happen to our health data in the years to come now that the Biden administration has allowed about 3M undocumented people to flood over the border?
Reuters ran an article last year in which they said the reason why refugees/migrants were not subject to mandates is because they are not subject to the laws of the countries they enter as non-citizens — meaning that if the government of the country they enter has entered into an agreement to protect "vaccine" manufacturers from liability, that liability protection ONLY extends to the citizens. The article flat-out stated that the pharmaceutical companies are afraid of being sued — thus no vaccine mandates for migrants/refugrees.
Not to get too Biblical here but it gives new meaning to "And the meek shall inherit the earth" — if the citizens from advanced countries are mostly vaxxed, and therefore mostly impacted by lowered fertility rates, cancer, heightened risk of infectious disease — or whatever the long term fallout may in fact be. (We are only at the initial stages of seeing how mRNA will "reprogram" the immune system of those who have been vaccinated.)
Years from now, the deluge of "pandemic migrants" will go on to have families and to have health and reproductive characteristics and rates consistent with what the native population (American citizens) would have had pre-2020 — except this will be 2025, 2035 and beyond. So IF we hypothesize that there are falling reproductive raters among American citizens (i.e. children) that have been jabbed, will it even become apparent in the health and actuarial data that is collected 5 or 10 years from now?
I hope for the sake of my mostly-vaccinated family members and fellow Americans that I am wrong, but I think the fact that we have had an unprecedented border crisis run in tandem with the pandemic — when logically speaking one would expect border security to be at its BEST during a pandemic — speaks to the idea that in THIS country, where Operation Warp Speed began, the powers that be are cognizant that there will be downstream repercussions — in which case one way to paper over the health consequences is to keep the floodgates open to vast numbers of unvaccinated people who, presumably, will lead healthier, longer lives. That will allow the FDA, CDC and Dr. Fauci's successors, whomever they may be, to gaslight American citizens.
If I'm correct — and again I hope and pray I am not — fact checkers some 5-10 years from now will no doubt report that it is a "myth" that American life expectancy is on the decline. The "experts" in this way will be able to prove the data they WANT to "prove" because they will A) Memory hole the fact that the age/sex/race/national orgin/vaccine status demographics rapidly shifted during the Biden administration thanks to record-breaking undocumented migration, and B) Fail to make a distinction for whether vaccinated vs. unvaccinated comprise those health metrics/statistics. When they lump both existing Americans who were subject to mass mRNA vaccination together with all the "fresh blood" coming over the border, they're going to come up with the status quo — a picture that is less a "ten thousand words" and more "ten thousand lies".
No wonder the Identity Politics disciples love the shots. Adverse reactions and severe adverse reactions are not therapy, thus more evidence of the wicked double-speak.
She was only right because she learned it from authentic morally guided whistle blowers who were mercilessly attacked for revealing this hard reality truth.
No, she learned it from first-hand observation, but nice try at a very odd silly post. Nicki Minaj had a girlfriend who told her, her boyfriend's "woohoo" wouldn't stand up after the vaccine. After she heard first-hand accounts of vaccine induced erectile dysfunction, she was like "Hellllllllllll noooooooooo!". Not some morally guided whistle blower. Gossip from real-life accounts. Everyone at this point, knows at least a few 'mysterious' illnesses oncoming after a 2nd or 3rd shot in their family/friend/work circle or at least very-convenient coincidences.
OMG! Who cares about sperm count.... WHEN ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION kicks in to epic proportions, then the shit gonna hit the fan! Don't think THE SPIKE PROTEIN is very friendly to tiny sensitive capillaries and veins. Vaxxi castration? And the idiots are still praising Brandon telling them to "go get vaccinated" with the most diabolical grin and chalk-board scratching voice! That proclamation shoulda been a huge flashing warning to all ! NEVER take advice from a narcissist. Just look at his son.
pfizers little blue pill became "generic" about the very same time covid not-vax vexx rolled out which compromises their profits from it at this point. of course pfizer knew they would need to make up profit difference somehow...
I'm sure there are side effects to anything that is not natural. The blue pill has many warnings, we probably haven't seen all of the collateral damage from taking a boner pill. Ya know, most pharma products cause you to need another pharma product, rinse and repeat.
Yes, one such side effect is a monster woody and a loss of blood to the brain and other organs. This will be the new "SADS" killing otherwise healthy men; they'll call it "MBDS" for short.
Very odd silly post? According to those who perform eisegesis with my words? This is what you missed as one guilty of Proverbs 18:13; the fact that her girlfriend told her about this, is part of being morally guided whistle blower [in this instance] since the girlfriend chose to heed morality and tell the truth, not lie. Notice i also put "whistle blowers", plural, because if you bothered to check what Minaj stated after she did some competent indagation of her own via her connections after hearing this from her girlfriend, she got further confirmation by other whistle blowers who were mercilessly attacked for revealing this hard truth. Anytime anyone makes a choice to be moral, that is whistle blowing regardless of what level of society we are at. Unsaved folk as yourself are not credible in our Creator's eyes about being trustworthy to give a lesson on morality.
Good thing you stated j/k.. since those rags i would not dare touch and would only look through them to see where we are at in the stage of the downfall of a nation.
Still doesn't explain your dismissive "She was only right because she learned it from...", as if anyone is only credible for what they know if they themselves divined it, without any outside help or third-party participation.
Is that an attempted criticism of her? Because plenty of us were right about this that or the other thing because we learned it from OTHERS, such as from Alex.
So saying "she was only right because..." has no value.
Happy Juneteenth everybody! The beginning of rampant violent crime and drug crime. The beginning of making once great cities into giant ghettos! The beginning of violent gangs every where you go. The beginning of frequent mass shootings at BBQs. The beginning of communism in the USA and its hold on the media and the schools. Way to go! Happy Juneteenth, let's celebrate the USA turning into a third world country!
FINA is the world swimming association I think. And they've just banned trans athletes from competing against women. They'll get their own category. Not really related to this topic but good news for women swimmers.
You don't need an essay for there to be eisegesis. More DKE you showcase. No it is not reasonable with someone as quite presumptuous as yourself. We are typing here, not writing. No one signed affidavits selecting you as the mediator for this 'we' you refer to. You reply as if you are omnscient, when clearly you're not. Sigh, the self-convinced X-Men sixth sense you have is quite luculent. I desire not to engage with those grant themselves as a level of cognitive intellection and perspicuity that is clearly in the realm of fantasia, expected with mystics.
We are speaking and writing in short form. We all ‘interpreted’ your words to be a bit of a dig at her. ‘She only....because...’. We all had to assume there was a reason you wrote what you wrote. On these sorts of forums we all interpret. Are you saying we were wrong to interpret it that way?
And me what? I've been indagating the NWO agenda got twenty plus years warning people and spreading information on the net and on the streets for a long time of these NWO agendas by the elitists. I was part of a known group at the time here in Toronto from 2008-2013 that was started in 2001 about 911 being an inside job, and around 2008/2009 we exposed as best as possible the swine flu shots and spoke to so many people every saturday and handing out so many free DVDs and flyer we made to raise awareness not to take the shots - our slogan was "The shot is the pandemic" and you can still find parts of this on the net. This was on the corner of one of the most busy corners in downtown Toronto [Yonge and Dundas] and we were apparently so effective that the major state media at that time did a story on our campaign to inform people not to get shots, they sought to make us look like out of our mind conspiracy theorists, but good think we had a guy who is well spoken, well learned man to represented the group, and we did our best before and after this interview to inform people on that very busy corner we spend at least 8 hours or more to why they should not take the swine flu shot, what was actually in it which we printed out the ingredient list and cross referenced it with why such ingredients should NOT be put in your body and encouraged them to take initiative to start eating more healthy with real food, getting quality vitamin and mineral supplements, to get exercise, rest and on.
What have you been doing for the last at least 15 years about this?
This is all so deeply disturbing. We must find a way to stop it. Nicki Minaj - a brave warrior of freedom? How did we get here? Is she protected? With regard to other celebrities - they participated and were financially rewarded for pushing this. look at Bieber- he was paid to push it and now he’s going to back track, in my opinion. Where the hell are we?
Pears like they did a disservice to our European brothers, by messing with their semen count - to our European race. China might’ve had inside info, and yelled out, “NO way!” to those mRNA vexxinations; Russia said, NO!; N. Korea declined, too; and a majority of our African brothers ain’t mRNA vexxinated either. Oh well.
Can we be sure the drop in sperm counts isn't simply a reflection of the lack of balls shown by any man who ran to comply with these mandates and/or begged phrama for the hot-mRNA injection?
While a bit funny this is pretty harsh. I feel for the enlisted soldiers threatened with dishonorable discharge as well as having to pay back GI bill benefits. And the millions of blue collar workers faced with loosing their jobs if they failed to comply. The college students given the option of an experimental drug they didn't need or delayed graduation (which is extremely expensive) and in some cases loss of scholarship. All because of corporate sycophants scrambling for a place in the new world order. None of this was done out of concern for public health.
We should focus our wrath on the bastards that harassed and insulted us, violated our rights, and continue to endanger our children.
I watched my 35 yr old unjabbed son go through weekly ‘testing’ to keep his job while the jabbed kept taking time off because they got the vid. Thankfully, he can still make me a gramma if he ever finds an unjabbed woman…🙏🏻
Please don’t forget all our pilots and airline personnel! We are entering a dangerous time flying with vaccinated pilots because of the unconscionable and illegal mandates !! Now , they want to hurry up and hire pilots with half the training and probably no military flight experience! This was all planned and it could be devastating to us all . The experienced pilots who were close to retirement, did so snd I would have to . There is so much data on Vaers , look it up !
“Scrambling for a place in the new world order…”. For whatever reason, that phrase makes so much sense and puts into perspective the reason so many people have gone along with all of this.
What they don't understand is that there is no "protected class' in the NWO. There are the planners and the serfs. That's it.
None of these "celebrities" are going to be protected. They are in the "useful idiot" class, along with most of the western "leaders." Because when it all comes down, the first people they will do away with are those who bought the lie. Those who still wield some power are the largest enemies, once they realize what the actual plan is.
This is true 💯%. I cringe when I read the diatribes on here blaming the victims b/c they were supposedly too stupid, too narcissistic or too lacking in character to resist the greatest propaganda campaign the world has ever known.
Which is why it's so important for people to learn the lesson is to resist tyranny, not take the path of least resistance. It will be even worse next time.
I love all this virtue signaling about imaginary "people"... In reality, the easiest option is to submit a religious exemption. Others waited it out and the employer cancelled it on their own or as a result of lawsuits. Some got another job or moved. Some even get fake cards. There is a difference between obeying without a fight (mortgage is such a great excuse!) and flighting and losing. From my anecdotal experience, most of those fighting resolved this problem one way or another, with women having bigger balls. Just keep whining.
Julia, shut the fuck up. I'm not vaxxed and lost my brother to covid lock down shit and lost my job cuz I refused to vax just like you state is the only way to go, but don't you dare taunt people who choose their mortgage over staying unvaccinated. Unless you prove that's exactly what you did (like I can) then don't call out other commenters on here who choose their house for reasons you might never know. Now if you DID lose your house cuz of the vaccine then I apologize, and good for you, but save your anger for the motherf'uckers still trying to vax kids
Fred, you are correct. Don’t let the others get to you. MANY people had NO choice. Especially the family breadwinners. Seriously don’t let them tell you what it is like to walk in your shoes.
Fred - Throwing around obscenities in anger and invoking the "poor me" attitude is not persuasive. You win these fights by keeping your cool and knowing more than the other guy. I'm sorry for the situation you are in but your attitude almost certainly contributed to your problems.
You wildly misread my comment brutha. I'm the one who doesn't feel sorry for myself. The woman I called out was hectoring other people on this site, and she oughta knock it off. You are correct that my obscenity didn't help convey my thoughts on the matter. On the other hand I did want that commenter to shut the fuck up, she was making others feel bad about themselves. I don't like watching that happen. I sure hope you feel the same way.
Yep. Got up to speed on the law, the writings of the EEOC, and relevant cases and used that info to insist my employer honor my religious accommodation. I rejected their request for a letter of support from a religious leader on biblical and legal grounds (with citations). It was granted after about a month. It also didn't hurt that I work my butt off and am highly regarded in the field. My employer ultimately suspended the mandate once it ran into legal trouble about two months later.
Anyone who didn't pursue a religious accommodation under the Civil Rights Act of 1964 with full vigor really can't complain about having to take the shot or getting let go. The law is there for a reason, and it's pretty crystal clear. If you gave it full effort and it was denied then you have a right to complain. But you also have a long paper trail showing you followed the process to use in a lawsuit.
The world is unfair in many ways unfortunately, it is what it is. People can complain about it, or use the information available at your finger tips to fight it. In the past it would have taken trips to university libraries to research legal proceedings. Now you can Duck Duck Go it in fifteen minutes in the comfort of your own home. Yet people still complain rather than educating themselves and throwing the law back in these people's face.
You are right in that many people don't have the financial resources to lose a job, but that's a straw man argument. Everyone has a brain and an internet connection which is all it took to fully understand the law. How many complaining did even ten per-cent of what I describe above?
No one is going to save you short of Jesus returning. People need to stop complaining, take matters into their own hands, and stand up for themselves.
When Jesus returns he it will be to "judge the living and the dead". He already saved us on Good Friday. So this crazy covid showdown is like a big sign that reads: Repent!
i don't really have a religious exemption although i do have strongly held beliefs and i've read that they count. however my job of 40 years wouldn't take them anyway. they did have to drop the mandates as the governor made it illegal to even ask but it was too late. my replacement was hired and the wheels were in motion. i wouldn't have worked for them anyway after that. sure, eventually they did the right thing but only because they were forced which doesn't count in my book
yes, you are completely correct. getting a religious or medical exemption only spares you from getting the shot. it doesn't save your job if your employer has a no exception policy (which is illegal but who is gonna spend the $$$ on a lawsuit?)
People are afraid fake cards will be caught by the software used when uploading. A friend of mine in film was really opposed but ended up getting jabbed. You can’t get exemptions when the industry you work in is woke.
Same for my son (screenwriter, production asst., and background actor). It’s very difficult for him to find work. Film production union voted a few months ago to require boosters.
The amount of film work has also slowed down dramatically, Hollywood is reeling and off balance and many aren't sure what's where. Sorry for your son, it's a rough biz in ordinary times, but I hope he scores.
I’m sorry she was pressured so much. Our son also got J&J - very reluctantly. He has told us that he will not get the booster. Makes it very difficult to work in that industry. We pray that he sticks to his guns and can also make rent every month! We’ll keep your friend in our prayers as well.
I work for the DoD and submitted three separate objections - religious, medical, and Constitutional. Did not have to test or actually utilize the objections, thank God, but did tell my family that we might lose the house because I would not submit, regardless of the outcome(s), and my be fires over it. All it takes is for good/Godly men to do nothing...out of fear.
My husband was ambivalent, though I explained the risks to him. Then I told him I wouldn't sleep with him if he took the shots because the mRNA lnps can travel into my body from his. Message received.
If you complied, you are part of the problem and made it that much harder for the rest of us to stand firm. Your position is exactly the answer to "how did <insert oppressed people> allow that to happen"?
Tommy, I gave up and lost more shit than you'll ever know cuz I won't give in to these vaxxers in power who among other things are trying to steal this great country, but your self righteousness, even though it's on MY side, sounds a lot like the bastards who came after us unvaccinated, with their "patience wearing thin" and all, and High and Mighty never rings right to me. Just Mighty without the chatter on the other hand is fantastic.
But, it's even more interesting that you aren't. So, just a white knight with no skin in the game patting yourself on the back for your compassion for the little guy? Even worse.
I took my employer to the brink. My wife gave her clinic an ultimatum -- they could have their mandate or they could have her. It was stressful as hell. And, the apparently hypothetical people you're championing made it worse by enabling these authoritarian whack jobs. Both eventually cracked, no thanks to people like you.
Nah. I just despise hypocrisy. You hate them dumb vaxxers, right? Deserve ruination for being unenlightened? You're sounding pretty much like a Park Avenue masker right now...
Your job enables your life. Again, plenty of arrogance in this thread. All of you independently wealthy? Or just comfortably retired, or self-employed?
sadly, i went to the funeral of a 41 year old stagehand who got the shot merely to keep his job. he went to work on thursday and didn't show up on friday. also didn't answer his phone which his friends found troubling. his brother went over to check on him and found him stone cold dead in bed.
his funeral was on a saturday. we didn't know him but went to support a mutual friend who was totally broken up by his loss and tormented by her vaccinated union "brothers and sisters" who told her she was an idiot for not taking the shot.
the real irony is that the deceased was supposed to start a new job that monday (also vaxx required) and his new boss, who i do know, didn't even come to the funeral!
...so "This Week in the Sunday Obits" -- Houston edition. Three "unexpected" and/or "sudden" deaths of people born 1955, 1955 and 1986. Every untimely death is tragic and some are additionally "suspicious." I read these every week and there's never even hint of a "vaxx connection."
announcement at church last week....4th month mis-carriage and 4th stage lung cancer. It's getting crazy...small church, announcements every week and deaths.
Mark Crispin Miller (on substack) has been writing about these sudden, unexplained deaths for weeks, or maybe for months. (I just heard about his 'stack recently.)
(2) 35 year olds here...one in november and another in march...both boosted and died within month. Both pretty woke and anti trump liberal socialist minded, the kind of mentality of those riding the govt and never having a business for themselves. This is why tyrannical govt's want to kill small business owners...they hate the independent creative spirit that is God Spirit inspired.
I am neither. I decided to quit my job rather than take the poison shots. Living on savings now while looking for a job not requiring shots. They are few and far between in my field. Everyone must make their own choices and live with the consequences.
My sister chose her paycheck over her health. She died and had no need for that paycheck anymore. I saw that which is one of the reasons I made my choice to quit.
Awful, just awful. My deepest sympathies on the death of your sister. Praying now that God will guide you to a new job so you can put your life back together. Your family has been amputated.
You’re really overreacting. I know how traumatic it is to be faced with a choice like that, having personal experience of it. Not independently wealthy, nope. But the simple truth is, you are sometimes faced with stark choices in life. So when faced with that choice—especially given that you are helping to fuel the problem by acquiescing—you either cave like a coward, or you cowgirl up and say no way am I allowing monsters to force me to be part of their experiment for profit & inject me with a toxin that will injure me and possibly kill me.
Go back and look at the comment I responded to. And yes everyone should have refused to comply, which I did I never wore a mask. I actually kept the receipts from their competitors and brought them their receipts and said this is how much I didn’t buy here because you’re a communist.
Exactly. My husband fought hard to keep his job and succeeded. But never would have had to if he and everyone else had made mandatory masking in the office a hard “No.”
It was a tough choice no doubt. It is sinister that millions were forced to make that decision but ultimately, you have one life and the shots cannot be reversed.
The proper decision should have been reached at the end of the day.
Not to be too argumentative but, I read at least 4 or 5 articles today about employers who are practically begging people to come to work for them. It seems jobs are plentiful.
you see the state of the airlines? they screwed themselves! And they're complaining to the govt. 3000-4000 cancelled flights in one weekend!? Let em go broke and let's start some new non-woke airlines. Never forget the tyrannical opinion of all US Airlines...I have not flown for 2 years.
There are some companies springing up to disrupt the space. I heard of one recently called Aero. Haven’t delved into the brand too much but they do seem primed to capture a market fed up with the biggies in the field.
A very bright, natural-health conscious christian, conservative captain for United held out and held out and finally got 1 jab in December '21 right before they relaxed it. He was part of the group suing United, I still cannot believe he gave in! He got the shingles vax about 2 years ago and got a bizarre rash on his thigh. DO NOT GET THE SHINGLES SHOT! If you got the covid vaxx you possibly awakened the shingles herpes Zoster anyway! Take the best of care of your immune system!
I'm 42 years old. Everyone in my household had COVID-19. It was like a mild cold. A little achy a low grade fever for a few days, then we lost taste and smell for a few days. The strangest thing was the loss of taste came after we all had no other symptoms. Then a few days later, taste and smell were back and we were fine.
I don't buy any of the numbers, because my experience was like nothing they are describing. Of course you could say, "You're only one person." That's fair enough, but my two boys and my wife had it as well, we all had it around the same time and we all had the same symptoms.
My experience with COVID-19 was such that I can't see anyone requiring hospitalization. that is unless there was something already badly wrong with you, and you weren't aware of it. If it wasn't for the COVID-19 scare, I would have taken Tylenol and showed up for work as usual. I've been much more sick in the past from, I don't know what. There's absolutely NO WAY that I would consider even a normal vaccine for something so mild.
My wife worked at a local hospital, and had worked for that hospital system for 15 years. When the vaccine mandates came down. They were allowed to "request" a religious exemption, with a vaccine deadline of November 2021.
I immediately went to work, to slim down our budget so, that my wife would no longer have to work. I tried to get a home refi, to pay off all our debt, but I couldn't because of one late payment within a 12 month period. We owed $96k on our house, and in 2021 it was valued at $285k. There was zero liability for the bank, but because of FHA rules, we were unable to do a refi.
I watched my 401k lose $2k overnight. After that I made a decision. If things keep going the way they are, I'm NEVER going to retire anyway. So, I rolled my 401k into a rollover IRA and drew it all out. I used the money to pay off our house, pay off my wife's school loans, our car, and whatever debt we had left.
This made it so that my wife no longer had to work. A few days after we paid off our debts the hospital came back and said that my wife's religious exemption was accepted. But it didn't matter, my wife retired early!
We took a VERY large tax hit for 2021 and had to do a cash out refi to cover it, but still we are in a much better position than we were after withdrawing my 401k. The way I see it, we own our house now, and the house is a much better investment than the stock market right now. And, as long as we pay for our local property tax, and insurance, we'll be OK. I can still keep things afloat even if I were to lose my current job.
There were ppl in the military that sued not to have to be jabbed and won. People who chose to be fired from hospitals rather than jabbing. Life is full of choices. Not every one is easy. My niece and nephew are marines and chose to get jabbed. They chose it. We all have free will. They would not choose to be labelled as victims. They didn't like it, but decided to do it. My BIL lost a contract that was his main source of income after a long year of being beat down by Karens who called the police when he opened his restaurant. Why. He wouldn't get jabbed. His choice. The job market is pretty sweet BTW. I agree with you that sneering is not a good look. We haven't liked it for a couple years now. No sense emulating their worst traits.
The girls who switch teams have to act like girls... which should be the easiest thing ever. Point being all will be chicks no matter what their claims about the content of their pants. They will all be throwing a softball like a shotput and asking their SO what they are thinking. Have mercy!
Yea, wins for not exactly prudent spiritually mature comment in a time of such serious in our face elitist controlled demolition/mass murder of mankind via waging war on procreation via those like the Federal Death Agency and Consolidating Disease Contribution and Nefarious Iatrogenic Homicidalists and all their partners.
you can thank Obama for most of this beginning 14 years ago....he set back the blacks 50+years....all they do is complain and point at slavery and white on black cops bs. When you blame, you get no where b/c you are leaving God out. I am white and had much hell and abuse and poverty as a child, do not think your shit is worse than mine. The entire story in the bible is..."do you trust God", if you do not, then life is much more hellish and confusing. And satan will turn you inside out.
"you can thank Obama for most of this beginning 14 years ago....he set back the blacks 50+years...."
Well i in part agree, but it was more so those above him that he answers to like Henry Kissinger for example, and those like the CFR, Trilateral Commission, Club of Rome and the other connected entities.
"all they do is complain and point at slavery and white on black cops bs."
Well the democrat african-americans do.
"When you blame, you get no where b/c you are leaving God out."
" I am white and had much hell and abuse and poverty as a child, do not think your shit is worse than mine."
You mean "you" in general right, not me specifically right?
"The entire story in the bible is..."do you trust God", if you do not, then life is much more hellish and confusing. And satan will turn you inside out."
One thing i want to share you with you which is of serious importance and i hope you are edified by it [Note: the CAPS here is passionate heightened voice, not necessarily yelling];
One of the things that really enfuriates me righteously, is the leftists [j-clan started arguably] reference to European background people "whites" and dark skinned as "black".. DOES NOT ANYONE SEE THE INSTANT DECEPTION? NO ONE is "WHITE" and NO ONE is "BLACK", we are actually in factual CREATION science, ALL SHADES OF BROWN! But by calling us "WHITE" and 'BLACK" you INSTANTLY CAUSE [utterly false] DIVISION [which is what the rulers want - like a checkerboard at the Free Mason lodge!] WHEN WE ALL BLEED RED AS SHADES OF BROWN! Nowadays this they have "people of colour", DO WE SEE IN BLACK AND WHITE? NO! WE SEE IN COLOUR! WE ALL HAVE COLOUR! From LIGHT to DARK! STOP STOP STOP STOP ALLOWING YOURSELF to be BROUGHT DOWN TO TRIBAL LEVEL and mindlessly dividing yourself by colour of skin RATHER THAN THE CONTENT OF YOUR CHARACTER! WAKE UP FOR THE LOVE GOD/JESUS [who IS WHERE TRUTH IS FOUNDED UPON AND FLOWS FROM ETERNALLY!!]
If you are not going to answer a simple question by evading and asking me a question, which my question is a simple honest question, than there is no reason for me to answer yours since i'm not into games, obviously you are.
“ forcing men under 40 to take the mRNA vaccines was a catastrophic mistake” No mistake there. What do we do to keep down strays? We spay and neuter. We are just strays to the elite class.
Bingo. Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla received his doctrate from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki's Veterinary School in 1985. His field of study? The biotechnology of reproduction.
He worked in the fields of animal research and wildlife management. I would say your observation is pretty spot on - we commoners are not viewed as fellow human beings but rather animals to be controlled.
Also, if you look at one of the huge payments Pfizer had to make involving veterinary vaccines when Bourla was in charge of that part of Pfizer, the adverse effects weren’t with the animal that got the vaccine but it’s offspring and their offspring.
Even they knew they couldn’t kill enough existing adults to get the world’s population down to where they want it. However, if you are able to kill a significant number now but have it blamed on other medical conditions, and keep a significant number of the survivors from successfully reproducing, it’ll get there in a few decades.
Or an extreme pussy of any "gender". I listened to a video by Dr. Marc McDonald (a psychiatrist), the sexes don't even date anymore afraid of each other. Watching porn is good enough.
The vaccine is D.E.A.D.L.Y. BY DESIGN. Its only purpose is to cull, maim, and sterilize the population, while ushering in the population control grid with vaccine passports.
Well considering how the New World Order kings have become so successful in mind-washing so many Western women to become profound harlots... such will not care for children.
Ivermectin was originally invented for some veterinary parasitic diseases. But then some doctors tested it on human "River Blindness" disease which is a rare tropical parasitic disease and it was exceptionally effective against this disease.
Human studies found it to be ambiguous. Many anecdotal reports state it was effective.
My son had a bad case of the Delta variant in early November and got the Ivermectin Rx and it took him about 10 days to get over the symptoms. His wife and daughter had mild cases.
In late November, my wife and I and another son got Delta. My wife and I got monoclonal antibody transfusions and it took about 10 days to clear up. Meanwhile, my other son who got it recovered in 10 days as well without any special meds.
My anecdotal evidence is that neither Ivermectin nor the monoclonal antibodies did any good. We would have been over it anyway in about 10 days.
One symptom that I got and no one else did took about 30 days to clear up and that was my stool turned black. I later found that the only root cause for black stool is gastro-intestinal bleeding. So of the 4 cases I just described I would say that my illness was the worst.
You said "We must stop calling it a vaccine..." - can you clarify why? I'm unsure what root problem you're referring to but I don't think it's the real root I am.
It simple: It's not a vaccine which Dr. Robert W Malone, inventor of the mRNA technology as stated many time over the last year especially, it's gene alteration / modification serum injection which is sanitised in the dishonest medical world to be called Gene Therapy.
Board-certified pathologist Dr.Cole treated >500k patients, expert in postmortem examination. "we are using a dangerous gene-based product w/o long term safety studies...We are seeing damage + autoimmune disease + death from all causes at increased rates"
Well, sure, of course it isn’t. But the reason is slightly more deep than you’ve mentioned. The real root issue is the alleged cause of the illness. Dr Tom Cowan, Dr Sam Bailey, Alec Zeck, Dr Andrew Kaufman, Eric Coppolino, Dr Stefan Lanka, Mike Donio, and many more have done incredible work educating.
I also wanted to say that I am grateful for all the hard work Alex puts into his posts. I find every post interesting and easy to follow. I also appreciate that the posts are just long enough to get the points across with proper support, and in a humorous way sometimes. Some people can be so wordy! I like to say "just put a point on it" when folks ramble on (at least in my mind). I don't have to do this with Alex.
"And on top of the myocarditis risk, the finding is more evidence that encouraging - much less forcing - men under 40 to take the mRNA vaccines was a catastrophic mistake."
Repeat after me. "Nothing about this jab program was a mistake. They knew what they were doing. They didn't care about the risks. In fact, it was in the plan."
I understand this, but your first part, well watch this because it appears that the claim for covid was invented to do the rest of what you stated;
videopress.com/v/p8R7ebPy - If people get jabbed after watching this they are are beyond saving - (well, only Jesus can save them if they want to be saved.)
Too late for most. My county has one of the highest vaxx rates in the country. Over 85% of 12-17 year olds, and I wouldn’t be surprised if a big % of those are boosted as well. I’ll bet we will see birth rates decline drastically around here. One of my son’s triple vaxxed classmates has had Covid 4 times in one year! Another one has been out of school on and off over the past year due to POTS, clueless mother has no idea what triggered it. Very sad situation.
Of course these people wouldn’t steal an election or build biological weapons in Ukraine or lie about what is going on there. No sirreee. They are as honest as the roulette wheel at Rick’s in “Casablanca”.
that is why they hate trump and are continuing the witch hunt to this day! THEY HATE THE TRUTH AND ARE ATTACKING ANYONE SPEAKING THE TRUTH. And yet, their ignorance is going to kill them and their children b/c they have no idea what the truth is so they are taken advantage of by every narcissist they hear....b/c they are speaking their own language. NEVER take advice from a narcissist.
The people who are very enthusiastic about mandatory or highly coerced vaccines seem to have lost track of the difference between FDA approval of a drug as something that is safe to be OFFERED and something that is so safe you can FORCE it on people. To have a medicine be mandatory, or even administered automatically, the safety bar should be much, much higher than that required to offer it as a choice. Many approved drugs are highly contraindicated if you are pregnant or thinking of starting a family. But no one is fact-checking you if you discuss the risks, or calling you a conspiracy theorist for pointing them out. These fact checkers quibbling over how uncommon fertility side effects are seem to forget that even what they might consider "low frequency" risks should never be forced on people.
If this is what the shot did to sperm counts, think what it is doing to women's eggs. A woman is born with all the eggs she's ever going to have. Her body cannot create new eggs, ever. New sperm is made fairly often (sorry; can't remember the specifics). What will happen to women's eggs--will they just die, or will they survive but with genetic errors? Will we have not only a fall in the birthrate but also a great percentage of babies born with chromosomal errors? Will Pfizer and Moderna then come out with another miracle drug to try to repair the damage to eggs and sperm? Will they come out with more gene therapy to try to repair the chromosomal damage to the offspring of the vaxxed? Will the RNA from the fake vaccines be incorporated into women's DNA via their eggs, or will it be incorporated in any other way, to all future generations?
This is such utter evil and greed. This is evil of Biblical proportions. Why won't anyone stop this? They are committing genocide and not one person in any public health bureau or anything has the DECENCY or INTEGRITY to come forward and say it? They are going to allow literal babies to be murdered by gene therapy shots, and who isn't murdered will possibly be sterile? THIS WAS DONE ON PURPOSE.
Doesn't look like I'm going to be a grandmother :( My 24 year old son has had 3 shots maybe more don't know. His girl friend is a first year nurse who also had to get the shots who then got Covid around Christmas last year. THIS MAKES ME SO MAD!!!!
Both my daughters. One got boosted only because SF(at the time) required the booster to get into some stupid Harry Potter play. I told my other daughter if she even thinks about having my two grandkids injected with that poison, I will change my trust and remove her from any inheritance. Not joking.
Harry Potter is satanic. Maybe one day if you have not already, will search for videos by competent Bible based believers who show you how seriously witchcraft-indoctrination Harry Potter is. Witches got stoned in the Old Covenant/Testament.
My cousin (double jabbed) and his wife (triple jabbed) are currently expecting their first child. So far they’ve been told everything is developing normally.
I’ll pray also. I fear for the women that are breastfeeding and their babies! What are they passing on? I believe Malone had an article on shedding recently. Not good news. Again I worry for my grandkids. Hang in there she is halfway there!
Sad to read this Chris.. man, this is so abominably wicked. Thank God/Jesus there is a Lake of Fire for all them who go to the grave who wilfully choose to reject eternal life by the authentic austere Scriptural God/Jesus the Christ.
After Edit: Immensely justified/righteous indignation i too have, but sinning not.
Being kept in line by God/Jesus is the wisest thing in this life. I fear God/Jesus but no man. Those who do not fear God, like the Marxists have no idea what truly they will be in after death for eternity.
There are so many complex systems in development in small children that the effects of the mRNA jabs could be profound. And the scary thing is that we may not know how safe or dangerous these jabs are in toddlers until 30 years later. Fertility is just one of the systems that could be affected.
way back when the "vaccines" had just been out a few months, i asked the nurse/health coach at my doctor's office how she felt about them. "we're not recommending them" she said. apparently, in their small boutique practice, they had had two suspicious miscarriages and one 69 year old woman who's menstrual cycles started up. "they're doing something to women's hormones" she concluded.
I'm glad you are starting to realise this. Us who have known for about twenty years.. man i can't even tell you how many times i was called a fool "conspiracy theorist" in the of course pejorative way.
I embrace as i have for twenty years or more. Check out my twitter @IesousDisciple since i just recently over the last few days tweeted about the factual definition of conspiracy theory.
Pfizer and the New World Order Depopulation Agenda: Anti-Sperm Antibody Is One of the "Adverse Events of Special Interest" Found in the Secret Pfizer Document
“The earth has cancer and the cancer is man” - Club of Rome, Mankind at the Turning Point
I appreciate the quote if accurate and am aware of the what you stated in the first paragraph, but i would really like to know, why call yourself Lioness of Judah when it implies you're Jesus' wife when if anything, a true born again remnant believer is His adopted child, not His wife, for it is the ekklesia who is the wife? And neither is their Scripture for having one's own ministry when Acts 17 Berean exegetical study shows there is only one ministry, that is the ministry of Jesus the Christ [God] and all true John 3:3-16 qualified are His ministers who are part of that one ministry. The self-promotion is a little.. well.. riding coat-tails.
it implies being a follower of the Messiah , a part of his ekklesia , a Part of the Bride
"The Lion of Judah (Hebrew: אריה יהודה Aryeh Yehudah) is a Jewish national and cultural symbol, traditionally regarded as the symbol of the Israelite tribe of Judah. According to the Torah, the tribe consists of the descendants of Judah, the fourth son of Jacob. The association between Judah and the lion can first be found in the blessing given by Jacob to his son Judah in the Book of Genesis.[1]"
" While the title and description of the lion of Judah is a reference to Jesus, we should not forget that all Christians are lions in God’s eyes. This is because Jesus has made us into His children by giving us new life through faith in Him. So when people call you a “lion,” don’t get defensive or offended; instead, embrace it as an opportunity to share how Christ has transformed your life."
Very strange conclusion you are making , I mean "The self-promotion is a little.. well.. riding coat-tails. " ...
Its amazing how many Christians are attacking other Christians based on legalism which Paul addresses in his letters. Nothing changed unfortunately, actually it became worse, as it was prophesied. And your comment is an illustration...
"it implies being a follower of the Messiah , a part of his ekklesia , a Part of the Bride"
Remnant disciples of Jesus were called by many terms, one being 'brethren" which included women, so there is no Scripture to substantiate your claim. Jesus is the Lion of Judah, as one who is a linguist of Italian heritage and trained in Latin and Bible Greek in different strengths, the term "Lionness of Judah" infers inescapably a wife of Jesus. So you are performing eisegesis or deceived by what a charlatan false teacher told you.
""The Lion of Judah (Hebrew: אריה יהודה Aryeh Yehudah) is a Jewish national and cultural symbol, traditionally regarded as the symbol of the Israelite tribe of Judah."
I've been trained in Bible Hebrew by a professor in Israel, I am aware of what the Lion of Judah means, but this term "Jew'ish" is a very deceptive term, which evidently you have not thought to check it's problematic nature.
" According to the Torah, the tribe consists of the descendants of Judah, the fourth son of Jacob. The association between Judah and the lion can first be found in the blessing given by Jacob to his son Judah in the Book of Genesis.[1]""
I'm a Bible textuary, i am aware of these things thanks for the reminder. Seems you copied and pasted that from somewhere.
"" While the title and description of the lion of Judah is a reference to Jesus, we should not forget that all Christians are lions in God’s eyes."
Being lions in Jesus' eyes is nowhere to be found in the Scripture lest you perform eisegesis which the authentic austere Scriptural Jesus the Christ taught will be the norm in the last days and more often than not is evidence of one qualified for Matthew 7:21-23.
"This is because Jesus has made us into His children by giving us new life through faith in Him. "
It is undeniable that becoming John 3:3-16 qualified makes us His adopted children but again the Scriptures have nowhere exegetically stating that one becomes a lion figuratively or symbolically when becoming a born again remnant believer, the precedent stands.
"So when people call you a “lion,” don’t get defensive or offended; instead, embrace it as an opportunity to share how Christ has transformed your life.""
Ok that is where you got this non Acts 17 Berean eisegetical Matthew 24:11 stuff from you are a partaker in and thus part of, understood, thank you.
"Very strange conclusion you are making."
It is strange to the Matthew 24:11 types of which many are in this day.
" I mean "The self-promotion is a little.. well.. riding coat-tails. " Its amazing how many Christians are attacking other Christians based on legalism which Paul addresses in his letters."
Secondly to do what the authentic austere Scriptural the Christ Jesus commands which is righteous judgment., is not attacking which they who believe they are truly of Him, would know this. Also, you clearly are deceived you understand what "legalism" is - which is actually a recent history English term applied to Bible Scripture by false teachers and preachers - thus just more incontrovertible evidence of how seriously the majority Far West/American version of what the Scriptures teach in our day has degenerated into all manner of variations of the Matthew 24:11 landscape, thus this quite eisegetical claim of legalism is incontestable evidence of false understanding which leads to false discernment which leads to false accusation, see Matthew 10:40-41, Luke 10:16 for example since this 'legalism' you think it means, i promote no such thing for i actually comprehend Scriptures far more than you realise woman. Your last sentence solidifies this; Quite sad that you so clearly know not the Scriptures well enough to see you are demonstrating who the authentic austere Scriptural Jesus refers to in Deuteronomy 18, Jer 14:14-16, 23:9-40, Matthew 7:13-29 [specifically verses 21-23], Matt 10:40-41, 13:14-15, 15:7-9, 19:16-19 [v 18], 24:11, 24, Mark 7:6-7, 10:19, Luke 10:16, 13:1-5, 22-30, 18:18-20 [v 20], 2Cor 11:13, 26, 2Tim 4:3-4, Titus 1:10-16, 1John4:1, 5-6, 2Pet2:1-3, 12-22, 3:15-16, Rev 3:15-16, 21 [verse 8], 22 [specifically 15].
I will continue to pray as i do daily for those as yourself, who have yet to see they have been beguiled into exactly what Paul taught in Galatians 1:7-9 also. Selah.
After Edit: Refined for more clarity and corrected slight keyboard missed key spelling mistake.
And now they are approving it for children under 5?... there still active we don't know about future effects...today bad practice to approve it for this group.
Garrett Hardin's First Law of Human Ecology: "We can never do merely one thing. Any intrusion into nature has numerous effects, many of which are unpredictable."
Do you know how many of my friends (late thirties to early forties) who have persistent menstrual issues post-vaccination have been told by their doctor, three or six or nine months after their last shot, "No, it's implausible that the vaccine is STILL be affecting your cycles. This is probably just the beginning of perimenopause. Periods change as women get older. Get used to it."
(I bring up the female example because, honestly, the idea of all these recently-jabbed, fertility-impaired men making sperm bank donations is not a thought I want to linger on.)
This is truly devastating. I am in Australia, over 95% of Australians have taken these shots. What does this mean for the future of this country? Those of us who didn't take the shots have been shouted down, called conspiracy theorists and basically cut from society. The worst thing of all is that all my friends children, little kids, 5-6 year olds, have all been vaccinated. A little boy I know who is only 4 has also been vaccinated, despite the shots only being available to those over 5 (his parents obviously pushed for it but still, I have no idea how a medical provider could have given him the shot when it's not even approved for his age group). What does this mean for the futures of all of these beautiful children?
China already runs Australia. In the future 95% of Australian will be of Chinese heritage and Australia will become a province of China. It part of the WEF plan.
"the finding is more evidence that encouraging - much less forcing - men under 40 to take the mRNA vaccines was a catastrophic mistake." Not IF you're one of the Elites literally freaked about "overpopulation", and you are trying to drastically reduce the population. I have actually met some of these people and they are dead serious. Interesting that Musk has come out recently to debunk the "population bomb" malarkey.
Thanks for sharing that, who did you meet if you are able to share?
Elon pushing anthropogenic warming, part of the NWO agenda, consider this;
Check out this following video, i am NOT a supporter of the producer because he works for Alex Jones (sure they get a certain amount of things generally truthfully correct but there's a bunch of very important things they do not which further confirms why you have to be circumspect with what they put out) and this producer believes he is truly against the NWO but if you are claiming to be against the NWO agenda making slick videos exposing the NWO, you ought to know better by now that to push certain views that are NWO key component teachings is not exactly truly against the NWO. So anyway, here's his video on Elon Musk, i have not quadruple checked every claim he makes, but he does seem to be more right than not in general about Elon;
Does Bill Gates remind you of an old Bond Villain? Just sitting somewhere on a mountain or in a cave laughing at everyone while petting a white cat on his lap.
Event 201 simulates an outbreak of a novel zoonotic coronavirus transmitted from bats to pigs to people that eventually becomes efficiently transmissible from person to person, leading to a severe pandemic. The pathogen and the disease it causes are modeled largely on SARS, but it is more transmissible in the community setting by people with mild symptoms.
The oligarchs who preyed on the weak and uninformed Americans to take this genocide all agreed we had too many people in the world. It was pretty easy to see what was going on.
what is truly amazing or perhaps hard to believe is they have 100% gotten away with it all. The mongers just keep moving this agenda forward. Not ONE person responsible for any of it has remotely been held accountable. Not ONE!
Not only hasn't anyone been held accountable, they are starting to jab the 6 month old babies this week. If there are unexpected (at least to us) consequences to getting these jabs when you are a full grown adult, imagine what they could do to a very small child. I feel like I woke up in a really scary "Twilight Zone" episode.
It's what happens when there is no accountability and same mongers left in place. Why would anyone be surprised they would not do this to infants and children too.
Fauci is 40 + years in and is looking like he will simply fade when he wants into a cushy well funded pension paid for by guess who! So are you telling me there is a chance?
The Elf was doing these evil things in the 80's and look at how he has been held to account. The highest paid "we the people" funded Government employee
Add this to the fact that male sperm counts have been dropping for decades, and we have a population disaster on our hands. Several recent published studies determined that most, if not all men, will be sterile by between 2045 and 2060.
Also, let me share this with you, it should really jolt you to the confluence of all of this deliberate agenda of the Devil himself;
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0oxApooaYc - Dr John Sanford Genetic Entropy and the Mystery of the Genome - Dr. John Sanford is a former "atheist" (i put it in quotes because God/Jesus makes clear in His Holy Writ there are no "atheists") who became a Bible believer. He is a PhD Cornell Professor in "Population Genetics" (Geneticist) and who was for decades before his conversion. You will learn quite a bit of factual Creation Science in this not long video and it will help you see from a quite accurate Scriptural/Creation Science perspective that when there are those men who profess directly or indirectly to be supposedly immune to Matthew 7:21-23, 24:11 etc by supposedly giving you correct and proper Acts 17 Berean comprehension of the Scriptures in such areas, well, as the authentic austere Scriptural Jesus the Christ taught, you must *always* test all spirits and all things by using His Holy Writ as the filter to see if those who truly profess to come in the name of the true Lord, are truly teaching what the true Jesus actually taught. Selah.
Mutation and natural selection lead to a loss of information over time in the human genome. Why the real nature of DNA and mutation points to a young human race and refutes Neo-Darwinian macro-evolutionary theory.
Dr. John Sanford, a retired Cornell Professor who co-invented the "gene gun" technique of genetically engineering plants, shows in "Genetic Entropy and the Mystery of the Genome" that the "Primary Axiom" is false. The Primary Axiom is the foundational evolutionary premise -- that life is merely the result of mutations and natural selection. In addition to showing compelling theoretical evidence that whole genomes must in fact degenerate over time, this book strongly refutes the Darwinian concept that man is just the result of a random and pointless natural process. This is an updated version of the October 2005 edition, which includes both a new appendix and glossary.
The medical science controversy of my lifetime (I’m 52). And the only thing they can think of is to circle the wagons and double down. It’s madness. Criminal level madness.
You may have to mention large swathes of Europeans as well; a lot of countries bought the false narrative, and even celebrated the injections. A very fine example is Portugal which is about 90% jabbed. Even in Switzerland, we are 70% jabbed; I not. I would postulate that there are many Americans who did not fall victim to the propaganda, lies, and deception. Ignorant and lazy ( or just "too comfortable", to sweeten the word lazy) humans exist all over our wonderful globe. The "dumbing down" has been happening for decades, and it is widespread. I have been a teacher for almost 30 years, and I noticed it first while I was still in university. They were even pumping out many stupid teachers then, so their pupils had little chance. I still believe the best education starts at home with the parents, and then hopefully one gets a wonderful mentor at school. The chances are even slimmer now; a major reason for me leaving the system, and going out on my own. I feel like I have a much bigger impact, even if it's on just a few. :-)
Alex, I’m going to ask you again (since a few weeks ago you asked us paying subscribers what it takes to keep us subscribed): please investigate another possible “conspiracy” concerning the toxicity of different batches. Is there anything to this? Thanks.
I have been concerned since day 1 about this. As far as the meme: IF I unblock my brother on Facebook, I'll share it. After all, being unvaccinated I'm an irresponsible killer, you know.
But, but, but, they're totally safe for 5 year olds. These people, Pfizer, Moderna, et al, are freaking monsters and should be tried by Nuremberg type trials. With the same outcomes the Nazis received.
Except hundreds of Nazi scientists and academics never saw a courtroom. They were fundamental to what happened in the Third Reich. Were brought to the US under Paperclip. And they didn’t leave their ideology behind. Nope, they populated our institutions and incorporated their ideology into programs and culture. Ivys and Hollywood as standouts, public institutions and education as well, all insidious. Drip... drip... Slow poison throughout society. With sociopaths -no second thoughts about means to an end- rising to the top. Three generations later hello, all hail / heil woke dominance and uniparty - useful idiots but needed for the well planned, patient and stealthy execution. I suspect figureheads may pay for heinous crimes being perpetrated across the planet but I wonder about the deep layers. And they are deep. Not saying I have answers, just never ending questions. Painful. When I look back at earth in my mind’s eye from way beyond the moon I grieve for her human family. Especially the younger generations. Only choice for me is to focus on Spirit. The catchphrase these days is “spiritual war”. There’s absolutely polarization - good-evil, right-wrong, light-darkness. Picked my side, my hill. In the midst I lean on, Our life on earth is but a vapor; we don’t die, just an address change. Whew. That would be called... stream of consciousness. On a Friday morning. ...Swinging around a star...
This is sad, but it’s only a precursor until the papers come out on what the jabs have done to the female reproductive organs…. And the poor newborns…. Buckle up everyone.
Specifically, we needed to have have independent trials lasting at least 5 years to understand the perverse mechanisms these mRNA gene therapies introduce into a body...any and all bodies. All we are getting is hit and miss data and speculation.
The real burden of proof is upon pfizer and moderna to prove without any doubts that their mRNA gene therapies work as intended and do no harm to the body. As of now, that proof is non-existent after two or more years of development and usage. Since the FDA and CDC do not care how many people are murdered by these substances, there will never be any proof of their efficacy.
Anyone still believing these concoctions are for their own good is insane. So, I guess I have many family members and friends who are sailing in that boat.
My whole family, with the exception of myself and my two adult children ( THANK GOD) went sailing in that boat many moons ago....and soon it will be sinking. And there are no paddles to speak of.
"What was a conspiracy theory is now just a theory"
I never doubted it has 'side effects', the question in my mind always have been whether these 'side effects' are INTENTIONAL. The hysteria with which the PROPAGANDA machine was pushing an EXPERIMENTAL DNA MODIFYING drug (YES it does that) tells me (from the experience in communism I grew up in) that whatever the drug does is INTENDED (and it is not of preventing COVID)
GT, you are right, the hysteria to get vaccinated here in the US was like nothing I've ever seen. As each lie was exposed, including their inflated Covid death numbers, the "Get Vaccinated", hysteria continued, even increasing a bit as each "great efficacy" lie was blown to smithereens. My main question (Because I'm unvaccinated) is and has been what you mention in your comment: Why SO much hysteria to vaccinate. Many will say money, and maybe that's it... but with some of these crazies it feels like there's something more going on. You mentioned your former communist country, I was wondering if all the "get the vaccine" propaganda/fear porn smack of something specific?
I think it is also because people are illiterate and innumerate, too illiterate to find and read and understand any alternative views, and too innumerate to understand what "99.98% survivable" means. When this thing started I went to the official website that calculates your chance of death and entered my details (65, male, average weight, good health, etc) and my chance of death was 1:22,000. I've never had a flu shot in my life and I smelled a rat so I Just Said No Thank You
Fred, these that lived under the "dictatorship of the proletariat" knows that if the propaganda machine is pushing something hard, it has really bad intentions that are not at face value. I don't have anything specific but the dirty laundry is coming out every day (if one pays attention)
To gather data on the trial group (all who took the shots)to make and sell further mRNA shots for all kinds of conditions; to get rid of the control group; to brainwash the world into submission so they can push any for-profit drug at any time, or do lockdowns, or seize control of assets (as in Canada) with little resistance.
Any time I need serious, honest advice about my health, I check with the experts at Reuters. After all, if you're going to play Russian Roulette with an experimental gene therapy pushed by Luciferian felons, you need to be 100% sure that you are going to receive the truth. In reality, having gotten away with lying for so long, all of these clown institutions that have raped, pillaged and robbed our country for decades are learning the hard way that their day in the sun is over. They are being disinfected with truth and they can't stop it. If credibility were a currency, they need to file bankruptcy.
It’s funny that some of these pretend-authoritative sources were viewed in a completely different light not all that long ago. As I recall Reuters and Bloomberg were primarily financial trading systems (foreign exchange for Reuters and fixed income trading/analytics) for Bloomberg, each with a token news service tacked onto them for marketing purposes. AP, well, it was for low end newspapers that lacked the resources to do much original reporting. It says a lot about our times that they magically morphed into “truth tellers” from their lowly beginnings.
Nicki Minaj was right on this more than a year ago.
TFW Nicki Minaj is a better source for health information than the heads of the CDC, the FDA and the NIH.
And Brandon: "Pretending to be President is as easy as riding a bike!"
Dang, that is hilarious. I wish I had thought of it.
Fixing the economy is like riding a bicycle.
Maybe he should get a stationary bike
...no...he should get a firing squad.....
Or a brain transplant.
..and that would match the state of the economy, stationary.
🤣😂 classic
To be fair, Brandon did speak eloquently about “ gum control”, and the “ “crimate clisis.” Then he face planted.
now Justin Bieber and wife are the poster children for what not to do! God bless them, they got hoodwinked from their self-righteousness and virtue signaling. PPL got the VAX from hell so they could go to the Gala's and travel and "get back to normal" and "save themselves from death" (only God protects us and numbers our days), it was all a lie. Hook, line and sinker ONLY FOR PROFITS to pharma and faucxi types. And Bob Saget and our dear Betty White coulda lived another few years but they had to go with the WOKE CROWD to their grave. Just observe the anger from the jabbed as they find out they took the ride to vaxxine damage. They'll blame YOU for not making the stupid mistake that they did....typical narcissistic response. And they'll ride the victim train the rest of their lives b/c they couldn't spot a narcissist telling them what to do. THINK FOR YOURSELF...SEEK COUNSEL AND WISDOM FROM GOD.
I agree with you more than not, BUT; there is no Acts 17 Berean exegesis of the Scriptures to support blessing Bieber and his wife, rather there is much Scripture to pray for their road to Damascus conversion. And for the truth record, We must stop calling it a vaccine when it is *NOT* and when it only further perpetuates the profoundly enormous wicked evil fraud to call it such.
Vaxectomy… infertility via jab.
Vaxectomy- can I steal that?
That is really clever.
I prefer "injecticution" for slang. For intelligent English i prefer: Biological weapons.
Always write vaccine as "vaccine".
They changed the definition of a vaccine for THIS "vaccine"...
Look up aceulluar pertussis
I know they changed the definition, by i prefer to type, not write, what i do to be as accurate as possible.
Right! I refer to mRNA jabs as "Vexxes."
Why vexxes, just so i make sure i comprehend correctly, thanks.
when you believe in anything other than creator God you are under a VEX...an evil spirit...you get taken advantage of by satan himself. We are made to worship something...when we aren't taught how to direct that worship it goes completely haywire. We worship success, ourselves, other narcissistic ppl, money, porn, consumption/shopping, controlling others/power, mens and womens bodies, fear and worry can be an idol, what ever holds your attention is a vex. If you're a dog in obendience school, a squirel running by is a vex. If you aren't spiritually enlightened, you objectify others and yourself...as objects to be used, rather than seeing yourself/others as loving beings capable of giving and receiving love (not sex). Using others for your own purposes is a vex.... that is what pharma/fauxci and little lord brandon are trying to do to the masses, because they see themselves as objects to be used and abused...they must have been to treat others that way.
I call it poison.
poison injections
Bob Saget probably didn't die from the vaccine. He had his head bashed in.
Plenty of people passing out and hitting their heads after the vaxx
Was his case declared a murder?
No it wasn't. So what exactly caused him to lose consciousness. I saw the report mentioning something about his heart.
We can't know for sure without a detailed investigation and it made public. But of course, that's not happening so a number of causes remain on the table, including the jab.
His head was bashed in more than could have occurred from a simple fall. I believe he was. murdered and for some reason it is being covered up
"God bless them..."
Apparently not.
hate to say it's come to that but yes that is correct.
Pretty much everything that they told you about the vaccines -- the opposite is true. I'm just going with that.
The whole thing has been an orchestrated lie. The fact that the FDA wanted to slow walk the release of the Pfizer trial data for 75 YEARS is all you need to know. If any of this was on the level, they wouldn't have needed to do that.
And what happened as soon as a judge in Texas ordered the data released over 8 months? European countries immediately started dropping their vaccine mandates. Hmm...
You know, it may very well be a wholly unintended consequence but what's going to happen to our health data in the years to come now that the Biden administration has allowed about 3M undocumented people to flood over the border?
Reuters ran an article last year in which they said the reason why refugees/migrants were not subject to mandates is because they are not subject to the laws of the countries they enter as non-citizens — meaning that if the government of the country they enter has entered into an agreement to protect "vaccine" manufacturers from liability, that liability protection ONLY extends to the citizens. The article flat-out stated that the pharmaceutical companies are afraid of being sued — thus no vaccine mandates for migrants/refugrees.
Not to get too Biblical here but it gives new meaning to "And the meek shall inherit the earth" — if the citizens from advanced countries are mostly vaxxed, and therefore mostly impacted by lowered fertility rates, cancer, heightened risk of infectious disease — or whatever the long term fallout may in fact be. (We are only at the initial stages of seeing how mRNA will "reprogram" the immune system of those who have been vaccinated.)
Years from now, the deluge of "pandemic migrants" will go on to have families and to have health and reproductive characteristics and rates consistent with what the native population (American citizens) would have had pre-2020 — except this will be 2025, 2035 and beyond. So IF we hypothesize that there are falling reproductive raters among American citizens (i.e. children) that have been jabbed, will it even become apparent in the health and actuarial data that is collected 5 or 10 years from now?
I hope for the sake of my mostly-vaccinated family members and fellow Americans that I am wrong, but I think the fact that we have had an unprecedented border crisis run in tandem with the pandemic — when logically speaking one would expect border security to be at its BEST during a pandemic — speaks to the idea that in THIS country, where Operation Warp Speed began, the powers that be are cognizant that there will be downstream repercussions — in which case one way to paper over the health consequences is to keep the floodgates open to vast numbers of unvaccinated people who, presumably, will lead healthier, longer lives. That will allow the FDA, CDC and Dr. Fauci's successors, whomever they may be, to gaslight American citizens.
If I'm correct — and again I hope and pray I am not — fact checkers some 5-10 years from now will no doubt report that it is a "myth" that American life expectancy is on the decline. The "experts" in this way will be able to prove the data they WANT to "prove" because they will A) Memory hole the fact that the age/sex/race/national orgin/vaccine status demographics rapidly shifted during the Biden administration thanks to record-breaking undocumented migration, and B) Fail to make a distinction for whether vaccinated vs. unvaccinated comprise those health metrics/statistics. When they lump both existing Americans who were subject to mass mRNA vaccination together with all the "fresh blood" coming over the border, they're going to come up with the status quo — a picture that is less a "ten thousand words" and more "ten thousand lies".
We typically exterminate disease carrying vermin, correct?
Interesting thesis. Keep up the critical thinking; not enough people stretch their minds.
Thanks for this. I generally agree with you minus calling it a vaccine.
Correct, it's really gene therapy that "identifies" as a vaccine! LOL
I wouldn't use the word "therapy" for these poisons.
Yeah... I call it Frankengene.
No wonder the Identity Politics disciples love the shots. Adverse reactions and severe adverse reactions are not therapy, thus more evidence of the wicked double-speak.
She was only right because she learned it from authentic morally guided whistle blowers who were mercilessly attacked for revealing this hard reality truth.
No, she learned it from first-hand observation, but nice try at a very odd silly post. Nicki Minaj had a girlfriend who told her, her boyfriend's "woohoo" wouldn't stand up after the vaccine. After she heard first-hand accounts of vaccine induced erectile dysfunction, she was like "Hellllllllllll noooooooooo!". Not some morally guided whistle blower. Gossip from real-life accounts. Everyone at this point, knows at least a few 'mysterious' illnesses oncoming after a 2nd or 3rd shot in their family/friend/work circle or at least very-convenient coincidences.
OMG! Who cares about sperm count.... WHEN ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION kicks in to epic proportions, then the shit gonna hit the fan! Don't think THE SPIKE PROTEIN is very friendly to tiny sensitive capillaries and veins. Vaxxi castration? And the idiots are still praising Brandon telling them to "go get vaccinated" with the most diabolical grin and chalk-board scratching voice! That proclamation shoulda been a huge flashing warning to all ! NEVER take advice from a narcissist. Just look at his son.
But pHarma provides that ‘little blue pill’ while shooting blanks.
pfizers little blue pill became "generic" about the very same time covid not-vax vexx rolled out which compromises their profits from it at this point. of course pfizer knew they would need to make up profit difference somehow...
ED sir (or ma'am)? No problem, we got a pill for that.
I'm sure there are side effects to anything that is not natural. The blue pill has many warnings, we probably haven't seen all of the collateral damage from taking a boner pill. Ya know, most pharma products cause you to need another pharma product, rinse and repeat.
Yes, one such side effect is a monster woody and a loss of blood to the brain and other organs. This will be the new "SADS" killing otherwise healthy men; they'll call it "MBDS" for short.
So being un'vaxed' has other benefits... Nice to meet you ma'am...
And his daughter
Very odd silly post? According to those who perform eisegesis with my words? This is what you missed as one guilty of Proverbs 18:13; the fact that her girlfriend told her about this, is part of being morally guided whistle blower [in this instance] since the girlfriend chose to heed morality and tell the truth, not lie. Notice i also put "whistle blowers", plural, because if you bothered to check what Minaj stated after she did some competent indagation of her own via her connections after hearing this from her girlfriend, she got further confirmation by other whistle blowers who were mercilessly attacked for revealing this hard truth. Anytime anyone makes a choice to be moral, that is whistle blowing regardless of what level of society we are at. Unsaved folk as yourself are not credible in our Creator's eyes about being trustworthy to give a lesson on morality.
Ya'll gotta stop reading People, Teen Vogue, hahaha, j/k.
Good thing you stated j/k.. since those rags i would not dare touch and would only look through them to see where we are at in the stage of the downfall of a nation.
Still doesn't explain your dismissive "She was only right because she learned it from...", as if anyone is only credible for what they know if they themselves divined it, without any outside help or third-party participation.
Once again eisegesis. Sigh. Is your name Andrew?
Is that an attempted criticism of her? Because plenty of us were right about this that or the other thing because we learned it from OTHERS, such as from Alex.
So saying "she was only right because..." has no value.
She was right. Full stop.
Sorry, i don't communicate in leftistspeak/idiotspeak/foolspeak/trickspeak/Devilspeak.
Happy Juneteenth everybody! The beginning of rampant violent crime and drug crime. The beginning of making once great cities into giant ghettos! The beginning of violent gangs every where you go. The beginning of frequent mass shootings at BBQs. The beginning of communism in the USA and its hold on the media and the schools. Way to go! Happy Juneteenth, let's celebrate the USA turning into a third world country!
You got a point. Valid one.
FINA is the world swimming association I think. And they've just banned trans athletes from competing against women. They'll get their own category. Not really related to this topic but good news for women swimmers.
They already have a proper category, it's called the Mens' division.
@Vanda- only if they had achieved and participated in puberty.
Yes, you're right. I forgot about that part.
https://www.justpaste.it/24iqc Why not to use "trans-" etc.
We need all Allies. We can’t disrespect them simply because they learned something later than we did.
We aren’t writing essays. We are writing short cryptic statements. Eisegesis is natural and reasonable under these circumstances.
You don't need an essay for there to be eisegesis. More DKE you showcase. No it is not reasonable with someone as quite presumptuous as yourself. We are typing here, not writing. No one signed affidavits selecting you as the mediator for this 'we' you refer to. You reply as if you are omnscient, when clearly you're not. Sigh, the self-convinced X-Men sixth sense you have is quite luculent. I desire not to engage with those grant themselves as a level of cognitive intellection and perspicuity that is clearly in the realm of fantasia, expected with mystics.
Edited for clarity.
And pedantic as hell
No kidding! He must be fun around the family dinner table. He completely missed my point too.
Is wolf your real surname?
What for?
We are speaking and writing in short form. We all ‘interpreted’ your words to be a bit of a dig at her. ‘She only....because...’. We all had to assume there was a reason you wrote what you wrote. On these sorts of forums we all interpret. Are you saying we were wrong to interpret it that way?
No sense in further engaging with you, since if you can't get simple things correct, attempts at greater things only secures much greater error.
Just so i can be sure, who is your reply for? Thanks.
Ok so then you performed eisegesis with my words.
"She was only right because she learned.." And you?
And me what? I've been indagating the NWO agenda got twenty plus years warning people and spreading information on the net and on the streets for a long time of these NWO agendas by the elitists. I was part of a known group at the time here in Toronto from 2008-2013 that was started in 2001 about 911 being an inside job, and around 2008/2009 we exposed as best as possible the swine flu shots and spoke to so many people every saturday and handing out so many free DVDs and flyer we made to raise awareness not to take the shots - our slogan was "The shot is the pandemic" and you can still find parts of this on the net. This was on the corner of one of the most busy corners in downtown Toronto [Yonge and Dundas] and we were apparently so effective that the major state media at that time did a story on our campaign to inform people not to get shots, they sought to make us look like out of our mind conspiracy theorists, but good think we had a guy who is well spoken, well learned man to represented the group, and we did our best before and after this interview to inform people on that very busy corner we spend at least 8 hours or more to why they should not take the swine flu shot, what was actually in it which we printed out the ingredient list and cross referenced it with why such ingredients should NOT be put in your body and encouraged them to take initiative to start eating more healthy with real food, getting quality vitamin and mineral supplements, to get exercise, rest and on.
What have you been doing for the last at least 15 years about this?
You're right. I remember that on Twitter. Ms. Minaj was spot on. That's why I followed her, because she had the guts to speak the truth.
Exactly. She had the guts. Others.. not so much.
This is all so deeply disturbing. We must find a way to stop it. Nicki Minaj - a brave warrior of freedom? How did we get here? Is she protected? With regard to other celebrities - they participated and were financially rewarded for pushing this. look at Bieber- he was paid to push it and now he’s going to back track, in my opinion. Where the hell are we?
Correct me if I am wrong but didn't Uncle Joey Biden sent someone to tell her that she should shut her mouth.
Probably, she was trending for a few days then went silent.
Does this mean the Ivy schools aren’t going to need to worry about legacy admissions in 25-30 years?
Something like that, yes.
OMG I completely forgot about that. You're right!!!
Random chance is one out of 20, what were the other 19 dumb fuck comments she made that were shamed into irrelevance?!...
Pears like they did a disservice to our European brothers, by messing with their semen count - to our European race. China might’ve had inside info, and yelled out, “NO way!” to those mRNA vexxinations; Russia said, NO!; N. Korea declined, too; and a majority of our African brothers ain’t mRNA vexxinated either. Oh well.
Can we be sure the drop in sperm counts isn't simply a reflection of the lack of balls shown by any man who ran to comply with these mandates and/or begged phrama for the hot-mRNA injection?
While a bit funny this is pretty harsh. I feel for the enlisted soldiers threatened with dishonorable discharge as well as having to pay back GI bill benefits. And the millions of blue collar workers faced with loosing their jobs if they failed to comply. The college students given the option of an experimental drug they didn't need or delayed graduation (which is extremely expensive) and in some cases loss of scholarship. All because of corporate sycophants scrambling for a place in the new world order. None of this was done out of concern for public health.
We should focus our wrath on the bastards that harassed and insulted us, violated our rights, and continue to endanger our children.
I watched my 35 yr old unjabbed son go through weekly ‘testing’ to keep his job while the jabbed kept taking time off because they got the vid. Thankfully, he can still make me a gramma if he ever finds an unjabbed woman…🙏🏻
Rootin' for ya MaryAnn!
Please don’t forget all our pilots and airline personnel! We are entering a dangerous time flying with vaccinated pilots because of the unconscionable and illegal mandates !! Now , they want to hurry up and hire pilots with half the training and probably no military flight experience! This was all planned and it could be devastating to us all . The experienced pilots who were close to retirement, did so snd I would have to . There is so much data on Vaers , look it up !
I have a feeling most of those degrees are already useless.
Well said. Eyes on the prize people. And fire trained on the evildoers. Don’t let anyone get caught in the crossfire.
“Scrambling for a place in the new world order…”. For whatever reason, that phrase makes so much sense and puts into perspective the reason so many people have gone along with all of this.
What they don't understand is that there is no "protected class' in the NWO. There are the planners and the serfs. That's it.
None of these "celebrities" are going to be protected. They are in the "useful idiot" class, along with most of the western "leaders." Because when it all comes down, the first people they will do away with are those who bought the lie. Those who still wield some power are the largest enemies, once they realize what the actual plan is.
It always goes down this way.
Arent the kulaks the first to go?
The Kulaks were individualist farmers. They were hated for obvious reasons.
I think the ones you're thinking of might be the Kadets. The party of insufferable intellectual idiots.
Absolutely, that's so true. The useful idiots are always the first to go.
This is true 💯%. I cringe when I read the diatribes on here blaming the victims b/c they were supposedly too stupid, too narcissistic or too lacking in character to resist the greatest propaganda campaign the world has ever known.
Many ordinary people do not have the financial resources to lose a job. It's easy to sneer when you have options that will keep the mortgage paid.
Which is why it's so important for people to learn the lesson is to resist tyranny, not take the path of least resistance. It will be even worse next time.
What next time?🤣. This is it. You need to realize that. NOW‼️
Nah, it can always get worse.
That’s the problem, it can only get worse. Hence no next time just a continuation of this mess. On and on and on and on and on and on they go‼️
I love all this virtue signaling about imaginary "people"... In reality, the easiest option is to submit a religious exemption. Others waited it out and the employer cancelled it on their own or as a result of lawsuits. Some got another job or moved. Some even get fake cards. There is a difference between obeying without a fight (mortgage is such a great excuse!) and flighting and losing. From my anecdotal experience, most of those fighting resolved this problem one way or another, with women having bigger balls. Just keep whining.
I waited it out & my employer canceled its mandate.
And my son got a religious exemption.
Julia, shut the fuck up. I'm not vaxxed and lost my brother to covid lock down shit and lost my job cuz I refused to vax just like you state is the only way to go, but don't you dare taunt people who choose their mortgage over staying unvaccinated. Unless you prove that's exactly what you did (like I can) then don't call out other commenters on here who choose their house for reasons you might never know. Now if you DID lose your house cuz of the vaccine then I apologize, and good for you, but save your anger for the motherf'uckers still trying to vax kids
Fred, you are correct. Don’t let the others get to you. MANY people had NO choice. Especially the family breadwinners. Seriously don’t let them tell you what it is like to walk in your shoes.
Stop schoolmarming, it’s not becoming.
Fred - Throwing around obscenities in anger and invoking the "poor me" attitude is not persuasive. You win these fights by keeping your cool and knowing more than the other guy. I'm sorry for the situation you are in but your attitude almost certainly contributed to your problems.
You wildly misread my comment brutha. I'm the one who doesn't feel sorry for myself. The woman I called out was hectoring other people on this site, and she oughta knock it off. You are correct that my obscenity didn't help convey my thoughts on the matter. On the other hand I did want that commenter to shut the fuck up, she was making others feel bad about themselves. I don't like watching that happen. I sure hope you feel the same way.
Yep. Got up to speed on the law, the writings of the EEOC, and relevant cases and used that info to insist my employer honor my religious accommodation. I rejected their request for a letter of support from a religious leader on biblical and legal grounds (with citations). It was granted after about a month. It also didn't hurt that I work my butt off and am highly regarded in the field. My employer ultimately suspended the mandate once it ran into legal trouble about two months later.
Anyone who didn't pursue a religious accommodation under the Civil Rights Act of 1964 with full vigor really can't complain about having to take the shot or getting let go. The law is there for a reason, and it's pretty crystal clear. If you gave it full effort and it was denied then you have a right to complain. But you also have a long paper trail showing you followed the process to use in a lawsuit.
The world is unfair in many ways unfortunately, it is what it is. People can complain about it, or use the information available at your finger tips to fight it. In the past it would have taken trips to university libraries to research legal proceedings. Now you can Duck Duck Go it in fifteen minutes in the comfort of your own home. Yet people still complain rather than educating themselves and throwing the law back in these people's face.
You are right in that many people don't have the financial resources to lose a job, but that's a straw man argument. Everyone has a brain and an internet connection which is all it took to fully understand the law. How many complaining did even ten per-cent of what I describe above?
No one is going to save you short of Jesus returning. People need to stop complaining, take matters into their own hands, and stand up for themselves.
When Jesus returns he it will be to "judge the living and the dead". He already saved us on Good Friday. So this crazy covid showdown is like a big sign that reads: Repent!
What a great God we have! :)
My husband and eldest son both got religious exemptions, pretty much for the trouble of just writing the request. So many didn't bother even trying.
i don't really have a religious exemption although i do have strongly held beliefs and i've read that they count. however my job of 40 years wouldn't take them anyway. they did have to drop the mandates as the governor made it illegal to even ask but it was too late. my replacement was hired and the wheels were in motion. i wouldn't have worked for them anyway after that. sure, eventually they did the right thing but only because they were forced which doesn't count in my book
That is patently not true. Most companies did not accept any religious exemptions. Nor did the military.
yes, you are completely correct. getting a religious or medical exemption only spares you from getting the shot. it doesn't save your job if your employer has a no exception policy (which is illegal but who is gonna spend the $$$ on a lawsuit?)
Do you have actual data on that?
Our youngest son got the jabs from the US Army so...
People are afraid fake cards will be caught by the software used when uploading. A friend of mine in film was really opposed but ended up getting jabbed. You can’t get exemptions when the industry you work in is woke.
Same for my son (screenwriter, production asst., and background actor). It’s very difficult for him to find work. Film production union voted a few months ago to require boosters.
The amount of film work has also slowed down dramatically, Hollywood is reeling and off balance and many aren't sure what's where. Sorry for your son, it's a rough biz in ordinary times, but I hope he scores.
Thank you so much for the positive thoughts!
Sorry to hear that. My friend is an extra and in the union. She got J&J, then was recently forced to get a booster.
I’m sorry she was pressured so much. Our son also got J&J - very reluctantly. He has told us that he will not get the booster. Makes it very difficult to work in that industry. We pray that he sticks to his guns and can also make rent every month! We’ll keep your friend in our prayers as well.
You can try.
there's recently been a spate of arrests for fake card rings in NY and spain
I work for the DoD and submitted three separate objections - religious, medical, and Constitutional. Did not have to test or actually utilize the objections, thank God, but did tell my family that we might lose the house because I would not submit, regardless of the outcome(s), and my be fires over it. All it takes is for good/Godly men to do nothing...out of fear.
You really did stand up!
My husband was ambivalent, though I explained the risks to him. Then I told him I wouldn't sleep with him if he took the shots because the mRNA lnps can travel into my body from his. Message received.
Thank you. I recently watched "Sophie Scholl – The Final Days" movie, it's totally surreal that people used to die for their beliefs.
Exactly. No one-at least in the US- was forced. They rolled over.
How can you stand being so compassionate?
Just keep sneering.
I'm not sneering. Frankly, I'm disgusted.
If you complied, you are part of the problem and made it that much harder for the rest of us to stand firm. Your position is exactly the answer to "how did <insert oppressed people> allow that to happen"?
And, what, you want pity? No. Sorry not sorry.
Tommy, I gave up and lost more shit than you'll ever know cuz I won't give in to these vaxxers in power who among other things are trying to steal this great country, but your self righteousness, even though it's on MY side, sounds a lot like the bastards who came after us unvaccinated, with their "patience wearing thin" and all, and High and Mighty never rings right to me. Just Mighty without the chatter on the other hand is fantastic.
Good, I'm glad you didn't give in. I'm not talking about you.
But, you haven't even tried to refute the point I made, you're just winging insults.
How about our military?
You are exactly that which you hate.
Why would you assume I'm talking about myself?
I didn't.
But, it's even more interesting that you aren't. So, just a white knight with no skin in the game patting yourself on the back for your compassion for the little guy? Even worse.
I took my employer to the brink. My wife gave her clinic an ultimatum -- they could have their mandate or they could have her. It was stressful as hell. And, the apparently hypothetical people you're championing made it worse by enabling these authoritarian whack jobs. Both eventually cracked, no thanks to people like you.
Damn straight.
so offended!
Nah. I just despise hypocrisy. You hate them dumb vaxxers, right? Deserve ruination for being unenlightened? You're sounding pretty much like a Park Avenue masker right now...
So true….but when the choice is your job or your life, it becomes crystal clear.
Your job enables your life. Again, plenty of arrogance in this thread. All of you independently wealthy? Or just comfortably retired, or self-employed?
sadly, i went to the funeral of a 41 year old stagehand who got the shot merely to keep his job. he went to work on thursday and didn't show up on friday. also didn't answer his phone which his friends found troubling. his brother went over to check on him and found him stone cold dead in bed.
his funeral was on a saturday. we didn't know him but went to support a mutual friend who was totally broken up by his loss and tormented by her vaccinated union "brothers and sisters" who told her she was an idiot for not taking the shot.
the real irony is that the deceased was supposed to start a new job that monday (also vaxx required) and his new boss, who i do know, didn't even come to the funeral!
it was heart breaking and infuriating.
...so "This Week in the Sunday Obits" -- Houston edition. Three "unexpected" and/or "sudden" deaths of people born 1955, 1955 and 1986. Every untimely death is tragic and some are additionally "suspicious." I read these every week and there's never even hint of a "vaxx connection."
announcement at church last week....4th month mis-carriage and 4th stage lung cancer. It's getting crazy...small church, announcements every week and deaths.
Mark Crispin Miller (on substack) has been writing about these sudden, unexplained deaths for weeks, or maybe for months. (I just heard about his 'stack recently.)
(2) 35 year olds here...one in november and another in march...both boosted and died within month. Both pretty woke and anti trump liberal socialist minded, the kind of mentality of those riding the govt and never having a business for themselves. This is why tyrannical govt's want to kill small business owners...they hate the independent creative spirit that is God Spirit inspired.
I am neither. I decided to quit my job rather than take the poison shots. Living on savings now while looking for a job not requiring shots. They are few and far between in my field. Everyone must make their own choices and live with the consequences.
My sister chose her paycheck over her health. She died and had no need for that paycheck anymore. I saw that which is one of the reasons I made my choice to quit.
Stop all shot mandates now!
Awful, just awful. My deepest sympathies on the death of your sister. Praying now that God will guide you to a new job so you can put your life back together. Your family has been amputated.
i'm so sorry about your sister. no amount of government sponsored propaganda will break through a personal experience like that. your eyes see
Yes certainly, those mandates are a crime against humanity. Medical profession right now is like the Augean stables.
I’m so sorry for your loss.
Comfortably retired no longer exist. Have a good look at the stock market. My retirement is there. Or was‼️
You’re really overreacting. I know how traumatic it is to be faced with a choice like that, having personal experience of it. Not independently wealthy, nope. But the simple truth is, you are sometimes faced with stark choices in life. So when faced with that choice—especially given that you are helping to fuel the problem by acquiescing—you either cave like a coward, or you cowgirl up and say no way am I allowing monsters to force me to be part of their experiment for profit & inject me with a toxin that will injure me and possibly kill me.
Go back and look at the comment I responded to. And yes everyone should have refused to comply, which I did I never wore a mask. I actually kept the receipts from their competitors and brought them their receipts and said this is how much I didn’t buy here because you’re a communist.
Exactly. My husband fought hard to keep his job and succeeded. But never would have had to if he and everyone else had made mandatory masking in the office a hard “No.”
First off I’m no 💉. And your off topic
It was a tough choice no doubt. It is sinister that millions were forced to make that decision but ultimately, you have one life and the shots cannot be reversed.
The proper decision should have been reached at the end of the day.
Not to be too argumentative but, I read at least 4 or 5 articles today about employers who are practically begging people to come to work for them. It seems jobs are plentiful.
you see the state of the airlines? they screwed themselves! And they're complaining to the govt. 3000-4000 cancelled flights in one weekend!? Let em go broke and let's start some new non-woke airlines. Never forget the tyrannical opinion of all US Airlines...I have not flown for 2 years.
There are some companies springing up to disrupt the space. I heard of one recently called Aero. Haven’t delved into the brand too much but they do seem primed to capture a market fed up with the biggies in the field.
i wonder if they have vaxx mandates?
Yeah, now that the house has been foreclosed on and the credit cards maxed out.
Understood. You make great points.
No way the house is foreclosed! it's worth 200k more than 5 years ago, or you've lost your mind.
You know what's even worse than that? The gulag.
A very bright, natural-health conscious christian, conservative captain for United held out and held out and finally got 1 jab in December '21 right before they relaxed it. He was part of the group suing United, I still cannot believe he gave in! He got the shingles vax about 2 years ago and got a bizarre rash on his thigh. DO NOT GET THE SHINGLES SHOT! If you got the covid vaxx you possibly awakened the shingles herpes Zoster anyway! Take the best of care of your immune system!
I'm 42 years old. Everyone in my household had COVID-19. It was like a mild cold. A little achy a low grade fever for a few days, then we lost taste and smell for a few days. The strangest thing was the loss of taste came after we all had no other symptoms. Then a few days later, taste and smell were back and we were fine.
I don't buy any of the numbers, because my experience was like nothing they are describing. Of course you could say, "You're only one person." That's fair enough, but my two boys and my wife had it as well, we all had it around the same time and we all had the same symptoms.
My experience with COVID-19 was such that I can't see anyone requiring hospitalization. that is unless there was something already badly wrong with you, and you weren't aware of it. If it wasn't for the COVID-19 scare, I would have taken Tylenol and showed up for work as usual. I've been much more sick in the past from, I don't know what. There's absolutely NO WAY that I would consider even a normal vaccine for something so mild.
My wife worked at a local hospital, and had worked for that hospital system for 15 years. When the vaccine mandates came down. They were allowed to "request" a religious exemption, with a vaccine deadline of November 2021.
I immediately went to work, to slim down our budget so, that my wife would no longer have to work. I tried to get a home refi, to pay off all our debt, but I couldn't because of one late payment within a 12 month period. We owed $96k on our house, and in 2021 it was valued at $285k. There was zero liability for the bank, but because of FHA rules, we were unable to do a refi.
I watched my 401k lose $2k overnight. After that I made a decision. If things keep going the way they are, I'm NEVER going to retire anyway. So, I rolled my 401k into a rollover IRA and drew it all out. I used the money to pay off our house, pay off my wife's school loans, our car, and whatever debt we had left.
This made it so that my wife no longer had to work. A few days after we paid off our debts the hospital came back and said that my wife's religious exemption was accepted. But it didn't matter, my wife retired early!
We took a VERY large tax hit for 2021 and had to do a cash out refi to cover it, but still we are in a much better position than we were after withdrawing my 401k. The way I see it, we own our house now, and the house is a much better investment than the stock market right now. And, as long as we pay for our local property tax, and insurance, we'll be OK. I can still keep things afloat even if I were to lose my current job.
My site is WindUpRubberFinger.com
There were ppl in the military that sued not to have to be jabbed and won. People who chose to be fired from hospitals rather than jabbing. Life is full of choices. Not every one is easy. My niece and nephew are marines and chose to get jabbed. They chose it. We all have free will. They would not choose to be labelled as victims. They didn't like it, but decided to do it. My BIL lost a contract that was his main source of income after a long year of being beat down by Karens who called the police when he opened his restaurant. Why. He wouldn't get jabbed. His choice. The job market is pretty sweet BTW. I agree with you that sneering is not a good look. We haven't liked it for a couple years now. No sense emulating their worst traits.
And they're exactly the ones who should be most upset. But are they?
No, just validation as Adam Carolla told us several years ago in his book, by 2040 everybody will be a chick!…
Except boys will be girls and girls will be boys!
That’s what “The Kinks” were singing about in “Lola”.
The girls who switch teams have to act like girls... which should be the easiest thing ever. Point being all will be chicks no matter what their claims about the content of their pants. They will all be throwing a softball like a shotput and asking their SO what they are thinking. Have mercy!
Hey! At least we'll be rid of toxic masculinity 🙄
channeling Jeff Goldblum..."life finds a way" I would add or not
HAHAHA!! Your comment WINS!
Yea, wins for not exactly prudent spiritually mature comment in a time of such serious in our face elitist controlled demolition/mass murder of mankind via waging war on procreation via those like the Federal Death Agency and Consolidating Disease Contribution and Nefarious Iatrogenic Homicidalists and all their partners.
you can thank Obama for most of this beginning 14 years ago....he set back the blacks 50+years....all they do is complain and point at slavery and white on black cops bs. When you blame, you get no where b/c you are leaving God out. I am white and had much hell and abuse and poverty as a child, do not think your shit is worse than mine. The entire story in the bible is..."do you trust God", if you do not, then life is much more hellish and confusing. And satan will turn you inside out.
"you can thank Obama for most of this beginning 14 years ago....he set back the blacks 50+years...."
Well i in part agree, but it was more so those above him that he answers to like Henry Kissinger for example, and those like the CFR, Trilateral Commission, Club of Rome and the other connected entities.
"all they do is complain and point at slavery and white on black cops bs."
Well the democrat african-americans do.
"When you blame, you get no where b/c you are leaving God out."
" I am white and had much hell and abuse and poverty as a child, do not think your shit is worse than mine."
You mean "you" in general right, not me specifically right?
"The entire story in the bible is..."do you trust God", if you do not, then life is much more hellish and confusing. And satan will turn you inside out."
One thing i want to share you with you which is of serious importance and i hope you are edified by it [Note: the CAPS here is passionate heightened voice, not necessarily yelling];
One of the things that really enfuriates me righteously, is the leftists [j-clan started arguably] reference to European background people "whites" and dark skinned as "black".. DOES NOT ANYONE SEE THE INSTANT DECEPTION? NO ONE is "WHITE" and NO ONE is "BLACK", we are actually in factual CREATION science, ALL SHADES OF BROWN! But by calling us "WHITE" and 'BLACK" you INSTANTLY CAUSE [utterly false] DIVISION [which is what the rulers want - like a checkerboard at the Free Mason lodge!] WHEN WE ALL BLEED RED AS SHADES OF BROWN! Nowadays this they have "people of colour", DO WE SEE IN BLACK AND WHITE? NO! WE SEE IN COLOUR! WE ALL HAVE COLOUR! From LIGHT to DARK! STOP STOP STOP STOP ALLOWING YOURSELF to be BROUGHT DOWN TO TRIBAL LEVEL and mindlessly dividing yourself by colour of skin RATHER THAN THE CONTENT OF YOUR CHARACTER! WAKE UP FOR THE LOVE GOD/JESUS [who IS WHERE TRUTH IS FOUNDED UPON AND FLOWS FROM ETERNALLY!!]
Are you a white dude?
If you are not going to answer a simple question by evading and asking me a question, which my question is a simple honest question, than there is no reason for me to answer yours since i'm not into games, obviously you are.
Brought to you by the mcmedia presstitoots‼️
Indeed. Your profile has some valid descriptions/play on words no doubt..
I wish‼️
Fair point.
“ forcing men under 40 to take the mRNA vaccines was a catastrophic mistake” No mistake there. What do we do to keep down strays? We spay and neuter. We are just strays to the elite class.
Bingo. Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla received his doctrate from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki's Veterinary School in 1985. His field of study? The biotechnology of reproduction.
He worked in the fields of animal research and wildlife management. I would say your observation is pretty spot on - we commoners are not viewed as fellow human beings but rather animals to be controlled.
And here, I’ve been thinking Bourla was a clueless fall guy. I didn’t know his history. Thanks for the education.
Your sharing that even makes so much more sense. Thanks.
Also, if you look at one of the huge payments Pfizer had to make involving veterinary vaccines when Bourla was in charge of that part of Pfizer, the adverse effects weren’t with the animal that got the vaccine but it’s offspring and their offspring.
Even they knew they couldn’t kill enough existing adults to get the world’s population down to where they want it. However, if you are able to kill a significant number now but have it blamed on other medical conditions, and keep a significant number of the survivors from successfully reproducing, it’ll get there in a few decades.
…or, if you prefer, locusts.
Well stated. Truth. Hard truth.
vaxxi castration.
vaxxstration. Rolls off the tongue easily. You could use a single x but I prefer xx.
Or maybe this is a feminist plot to get rid of men.
Exactly. Women are the bottleneck of reproduction. If 99% of men are sterilized then life could continue pretty much as normal
Pro-Vax camp next argument: "Well, you can't have kids anyway if you're DEAD"...
Lmao. “Who wants kids when you have lOnG cOvId?”
Oh that immensely enfuriating fraud of "Long Covid."
'You shouldn't be having children anyway because climate change."
So true how utterly diabolic the lies that are now going to be more than ever into high gear.
Or an extreme pussy of any "gender". I listened to a video by Dr. Marc McDonald (a psychiatrist), the sexes don't even date anymore afraid of each other. Watching porn is good enough.
How.....sad. The art of courtship was also dead.
Caller SHREDS the Panelists During FDA Hearing to Approve Pfizer Vaccine for 0-5:
The vaccine is D.E.A.D.L.Y. BY DESIGN. Its only purpose is to cull, maim, and sterilize the population, while ushering in the population control grid with vaccine passports.
It does all of these things extremely well.
Wow, amazing caller, thanks.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Dating sites are now asking for COVID vaccine proof.
Ladies, turn that against them. Ask healthy sane men to advertise. Like this!
White male, blue eyes, blond, 5'11'', 210 lbs, 133 IQ, No Covid, No Vaccine!
Want a healthy baby? Leave a message.
Well considering how the New World Order kings have become so successful in mind-washing so many Western women to become profound harlots... such will not care for children.
Sad that many Western women consider abortion to be no more than cosmetic surgery.
It's for convenience. That's all. Killing someone helpless, for convenience' sake. It doesn't get any worse than that.
It's a testament to how truly morally depraved such a society is becoming and quite sad.
I saw a TV commercial for Ru Paul's drag show last night. 🤮
And what are your thoughts Zade?
Some people also post their pronouns... Vax status and pronouns... Ugh. Swipe... LEFT!
If ....I was to do that, (No Covid, No Vaccine!)
And why alternative mRNA free dating sites are now popping up: https://purebloodconnections.com/
No proof required but you need to agree that you're non-mRNA compliant.
And how about the crypto ‘Unvaxxed Sperm’, "Trying to Become the Anti-Vax Bitcoin" : https://www.vice.com/en/article/n7nn87/unvaxxed-sperm-coin-spreading-covid-disinformation
Maybe Substack should bring back this idea. https://on.substack.com/p/lovestack
An alternative is to ask who fave Substack authors are.
How about this advise: Stay off internet dating services if you are not a "bot" and do not let algorithms to rule your family tree.
Why not market the vaccine as a male contraceptive? Just think of the profit for the pharmaceutical companies.
Good point. Wasn’t Viagra first invented as a blood thinner? Pfizer is brilliant at turning failure into financial success.
Vasodilator for heart trouble…
Ivermectin was originally invented for some veterinary parasitic diseases. But then some doctors tested it on human "River Blindness" disease which is a rare tropical parasitic disease and it was exceptionally effective against this disease.
Human studies found it to be ambiguous. Many anecdotal reports state it was effective.
My son had a bad case of the Delta variant in early November and got the Ivermectin Rx and it took him about 10 days to get over the symptoms. His wife and daughter had mild cases.
In late November, my wife and I and another son got Delta. My wife and I got monoclonal antibody transfusions and it took about 10 days to clear up. Meanwhile, my other son who got it recovered in 10 days as well without any special meds.
My anecdotal evidence is that neither Ivermectin nor the monoclonal antibodies did any good. We would have been over it anyway in about 10 days.
One symptom that I got and no one else did took about 30 days to clear up and that was my stool turned black. I later found that the only root cause for black stool is gastro-intestinal bleeding. So of the 4 cases I just described I would say that my illness was the worst.
For me and my husband the ivm did seem to help. Felt better within 12 hours of starting it.
It appears that there are two groups , responders and non responders.
I believe there is a current trial to look at that.
Dr. Pierre Kory has also made this observation.
I take a form of cialis for a rare lung disease as it helps blood flow
Dont give them any ideas.
Soon enough they will want everyone to turn your bikes in!
That's how we should all be communicating about it, so thanks for the idea.
We must stop calling it a vaccine when it is *NOT* and when it only further perpetuates the profoundly enormous wicked evil fraud to call it such.
What can we call it then? Hmmm...
Needs to be catchy...
- Poison - too obvious
- Sperm on fire? It's not just a sperms killer...
- EVilAX - will get misunderstood
You haven't seen the various accurate ways to call it yet?
Do you know why we shouldn't call it as such? Honestly, do you understand the root problem?
I am wondering why you are asking me this when i explained already and the root problem.
You said "We must stop calling it a vaccine..." - can you clarify why? I'm unsure what root problem you're referring to but I don't think it's the real root I am.
It simple: It's not a vaccine which Dr. Robert W Malone, inventor of the mRNA technology as stated many time over the last year especially, it's gene alteration / modification serum injection which is sanitised in the dishonest medical world to be called Gene Therapy.
What 'real root" are you referring to?
And the following by the way is required viewing;
Board-certified pathologist Dr.Cole treated >500k patients, expert in postmortem examination. "we are using a dangerous gene-based product w/o long term safety studies...We are seeing damage + autoimmune disease + death from all causes at increased rates"
Well, sure, of course it isn’t. But the reason is slightly more deep than you’ve mentioned. The real root issue is the alleged cause of the illness. Dr Tom Cowan, Dr Sam Bailey, Alec Zeck, Dr Andrew Kaufman, Eric Coppolino, Dr Stefan Lanka, Mike Donio, and many more have done incredible work educating.
Dr Jordan Grant has a fantastic presentation that sort of covers the main talking points. https://rumble.com/v13jt4t-science-pseudoscience-and-the-germ-theory-of-disease-dr.-jordan-grant-2022-.html
Don't give them ideas!
I also wanted to say that I am grateful for all the hard work Alex puts into his posts. I find every post interesting and easy to follow. I also appreciate that the posts are just long enough to get the points across with proper support, and in a humorous way sometimes. Some people can be so wordy! I like to say "just put a point on it" when folks ramble on (at least in my mind). I don't have to do this with Alex.
I think what you may be saying is that he is an excellent journalist. I’ve been waiting a couple of decades for one to come along.
Good point.
Good point. No pun intended. 🙂
"And on top of the myocarditis risk, the finding is more evidence that encouraging - much less forcing - men under 40 to take the mRNA vaccines was a catastrophic mistake."
Repeat after me. "Nothing about this jab program was a mistake. They knew what they were doing. They didn't care about the risks. In fact, it was in the plan."
covid was created for the vaxx, the pandemic was created so they could get the needle into you! why aren't ppl seeing this?
I understand this, but your first part, well watch this because it appears that the claim for covid was invented to do the rest of what you stated;
videopress.com/v/p8R7ebPy - If people get jabbed after watching this they are are beyond saving - (well, only Jesus can save them if they want to be saved.)
Yes..the world is supposedly overpopulated. See GGC1.
YOU are the carbon they are trying to remove…
Exactly, more people need to learn what all the "NET ZERO" really is about. We are carbon based life in physical realm.
Too late for most. My county has one of the highest vaxx rates in the country. Over 85% of 12-17 year olds, and I wouldn’t be surprised if a big % of those are boosted as well. I’ll bet we will see birth rates decline drastically around here. One of my son’s triple vaxxed classmates has had Covid 4 times in one year! Another one has been out of school on and off over the past year due to POTS, clueless mother has no idea what triggered it. Very sad situation.
Thank you for sharing, may i know what state you are in?
Of course these people wouldn’t steal an election or build biological weapons in Ukraine or lie about what is going on there. No sirreee. They are as honest as the roulette wheel at Rick’s in “Casablanca”.
What a reference... Casablanca / Whitehouse.
that is why they hate trump and are continuing the witch hunt to this day! THEY HATE THE TRUTH AND ARE ATTACKING ANYONE SPEAKING THE TRUTH. And yet, their ignorance is going to kill them and their children b/c they have no idea what the truth is so they are taken advantage of by every narcissist they hear....b/c they are speaking their own language. NEVER take advice from a narcissist.
This is one way to fix the baby formula shortage!
Who knew that baby formula shortage would occur as a result of male pregnancy?
The people who are very enthusiastic about mandatory or highly coerced vaccines seem to have lost track of the difference between FDA approval of a drug as something that is safe to be OFFERED and something that is so safe you can FORCE it on people. To have a medicine be mandatory, or even administered automatically, the safety bar should be much, much higher than that required to offer it as a choice. Many approved drugs are highly contraindicated if you are pregnant or thinking of starting a family. But no one is fact-checking you if you discuss the risks, or calling you a conspiracy theorist for pointing them out. These fact checkers quibbling over how uncommon fertility side effects are seem to forget that even what they might consider "low frequency" risks should never be forced on people.
Thank you Kathryn, that was insightful and edifying.
If this is what the shot did to sperm counts, think what it is doing to women's eggs. A woman is born with all the eggs she's ever going to have. Her body cannot create new eggs, ever. New sperm is made fairly often (sorry; can't remember the specifics). What will happen to women's eggs--will they just die, or will they survive but with genetic errors? Will we have not only a fall in the birthrate but also a great percentage of babies born with chromosomal errors? Will Pfizer and Moderna then come out with another miracle drug to try to repair the damage to eggs and sperm? Will they come out with more gene therapy to try to repair the chromosomal damage to the offspring of the vaxxed? Will the RNA from the fake vaccines be incorporated into women's DNA via their eggs, or will it be incorporated in any other way, to all future generations?
This is such utter evil and greed. This is evil of Biblical proportions. Why won't anyone stop this? They are committing genocide and not one person in any public health bureau or anything has the DECENCY or INTEGRITY to come forward and say it? They are going to allow literal babies to be murdered by gene therapy shots, and who isn't murdered will possibly be sterile? THIS WAS DONE ON PURPOSE.
Doesn't look like I'm going to be a grandmother :( My 24 year old son has had 3 shots maybe more don't know. His girl friend is a first year nurse who also had to get the shots who then got Covid around Christmas last year. THIS MAKES ME SO MAD!!!!
Both my daughters. One got boosted only because SF(at the time) required the booster to get into some stupid Harry Potter play. I told my other daughter if she even thinks about having my two grandkids injected with that poison, I will change my trust and remove her from any inheritance. Not joking.
Good ultimatum.
Harry Potter is satanic. Maybe one day if you have not already, will search for videos by competent Bible based believers who show you how seriously witchcraft-indoctrination Harry Potter is. Witches got stoned in the Old Covenant/Testament.
Steady yourself. There could be live damaged grandchildren.
Exactly, a great myriad of them in the next few years and more.
My cousin (double jabbed) and his wife (triple jabbed) are currently expecting their first child. So far they’ve been told everything is developing normally.
That’s great to hear. I personally know three young women that have miscarried.
We were all surprised to find out they were expecting. She’s almost 20 weeks along now so we just keep praying that all goes well, despite the odds.
I’ll pray also. I fear for the women that are breastfeeding and their babies! What are they passing on? I believe Malone had an article on shedding recently. Not good news. Again I worry for my grandkids. Hang in there she is halfway there!
There could be long-term repercussions for their children. Remember DES.
Sad to read this Chris.. man, this is so abominably wicked. Thank God/Jesus there is a Lake of Fire for all them who go to the grave who wilfully choose to reject eternal life by the authentic austere Scriptural God/Jesus the Christ.
After Edit: Immensely justified/righteous indignation i too have, but sinning not.
Marxists have no fear of that but they are happy scripture keeps you in line.
Being kept in line by God/Jesus is the wisest thing in this life. I fear God/Jesus but no man. Those who do not fear God, like the Marxists have no idea what truly they will be in after death for eternity.
Like I said...Marxists have no fear of that but they are happy scripture keeps you in line.
Proverbs 1.
imagine the impact it may potentially have on the reproductive organs of children under 5 years of age.
There are so many complex systems in development in small children that the effects of the mRNA jabs could be profound. And the scary thing is that we may not know how safe or dangerous these jabs are in toddlers until 30 years later. Fertility is just one of the systems that could be affected.
I agree but even more., but by 15 years it will already show enormously.
That's the plan i believe from many years study of;
"Silent weapons for quiet wars and quiet weapons for silent wars" AKA slow-kill and fast-kill bio-weapons.
Another angle on population control.
E X A C T L Y !
Georgia Guidestones "commandment" number 1.
The Medical Industrial Complex built Coronamania.
way back when the "vaccines" had just been out a few months, i asked the nurse/health coach at my doctor's office how she felt about them. "we're not recommending them" she said. apparently, in their small boutique practice, they had had two suspicious miscarriages and one 69 year old woman who's menstrual cycles started up. "they're doing something to women's hormones" she concluded.
apparently to men's as well.
It's getting harder and harder to dismiss the idea that this was a plan.
I'm glad you are starting to realise this. Us who have known for about twenty years.. man i can't even tell you how many times i was called a fool "conspiracy theorist" in the of course pejorative way.
Embrace the pejorative! Today's conspiracy is tomorrow's indisputable fact.
I embrace as i have for twenty years or more. Check out my twitter @IesousDisciple since i just recently over the last few days tweeted about the factual definition of conspiracy theory.
truth = dis-information
Pfizer and the New World Order Depopulation Agenda: Anti-Sperm Antibody Is One of the "Adverse Events of Special Interest" Found in the Secret Pfizer Document
“The earth has cancer and the cancer is man” - Club of Rome, Mankind at the Turning Point
I appreciate the quote if accurate and am aware of the what you stated in the first paragraph, but i would really like to know, why call yourself Lioness of Judah when it implies you're Jesus' wife when if anything, a true born again remnant believer is His adopted child, not His wife, for it is the ekklesia who is the wife? And neither is their Scripture for having one's own ministry when Acts 17 Berean exegetical study shows there is only one ministry, that is the ministry of Jesus the Christ [God] and all true John 3:3-16 qualified are His ministers who are part of that one ministry. The self-promotion is a little.. well.. riding coat-tails.
it implies being a follower of the Messiah , a part of his ekklesia , a Part of the Bride
"The Lion of Judah (Hebrew: אריה יהודה Aryeh Yehudah) is a Jewish national and cultural symbol, traditionally regarded as the symbol of the Israelite tribe of Judah. According to the Torah, the tribe consists of the descendants of Judah, the fourth son of Jacob. The association between Judah and the lion can first be found in the blessing given by Jacob to his son Judah in the Book of Genesis.[1]"
" While the title and description of the lion of Judah is a reference to Jesus, we should not forget that all Christians are lions in God’s eyes. This is because Jesus has made us into His children by giving us new life through faith in Him. So when people call you a “lion,” don’t get defensive or offended; instead, embrace it as an opportunity to share how Christ has transformed your life."
Very strange conclusion you are making , I mean "The self-promotion is a little.. well.. riding coat-tails. " ...
Its amazing how many Christians are attacking other Christians based on legalism which Paul addresses in his letters. Nothing changed unfortunately, actually it became worse, as it was prophesied. And your comment is an illustration...
"it implies being a follower of the Messiah , a part of his ekklesia , a Part of the Bride"
Remnant disciples of Jesus were called by many terms, one being 'brethren" which included women, so there is no Scripture to substantiate your claim. Jesus is the Lion of Judah, as one who is a linguist of Italian heritage and trained in Latin and Bible Greek in different strengths, the term "Lionness of Judah" infers inescapably a wife of Jesus. So you are performing eisegesis or deceived by what a charlatan false teacher told you.
""The Lion of Judah (Hebrew: אריה יהודה Aryeh Yehudah) is a Jewish national and cultural symbol, traditionally regarded as the symbol of the Israelite tribe of Judah."
I've been trained in Bible Hebrew by a professor in Israel, I am aware of what the Lion of Judah means, but this term "Jew'ish" is a very deceptive term, which evidently you have not thought to check it's problematic nature.
" According to the Torah, the tribe consists of the descendants of Judah, the fourth son of Jacob. The association between Judah and the lion can first be found in the blessing given by Jacob to his son Judah in the Book of Genesis.[1]""
I'm a Bible textuary, i am aware of these things thanks for the reminder. Seems you copied and pasted that from somewhere.
"" While the title and description of the lion of Judah is a reference to Jesus, we should not forget that all Christians are lions in God’s eyes."
Being lions in Jesus' eyes is nowhere to be found in the Scripture lest you perform eisegesis which the authentic austere Scriptural Jesus the Christ taught will be the norm in the last days and more often than not is evidence of one qualified for Matthew 7:21-23.
As for that word "Christian" = http://ecclesia.org/truth/christian.html
"This is because Jesus has made us into His children by giving us new life through faith in Him. "
It is undeniable that becoming John 3:3-16 qualified makes us His adopted children but again the Scriptures have nowhere exegetically stating that one becomes a lion figuratively or symbolically when becoming a born again remnant believer, the precedent stands.
"So when people call you a “lion,” don’t get defensive or offended; instead, embrace it as an opportunity to share how Christ has transformed your life.""
Ok that is where you got this non Acts 17 Berean eisegetical Matthew 24:11 stuff from you are a partaker in and thus part of, understood, thank you.
"Very strange conclusion you are making."
It is strange to the Matthew 24:11 types of which many are in this day.
" I mean "The self-promotion is a little.. well.. riding coat-tails. " Its amazing how many Christians are attacking other Christians based on legalism which Paul addresses in his letters."
Once again see this; http://ecclesia.org/truth/christian.html
Secondly to do what the authentic austere Scriptural the Christ Jesus commands which is righteous judgment., is not attacking which they who believe they are truly of Him, would know this. Also, you clearly are deceived you understand what "legalism" is - which is actually a recent history English term applied to Bible Scripture by false teachers and preachers - thus just more incontrovertible evidence of how seriously the majority Far West/American version of what the Scriptures teach in our day has degenerated into all manner of variations of the Matthew 24:11 landscape, thus this quite eisegetical claim of legalism is incontestable evidence of false understanding which leads to false discernment which leads to false accusation, see Matthew 10:40-41, Luke 10:16 for example since this 'legalism' you think it means, i promote no such thing for i actually comprehend Scriptures far more than you realise woman. Your last sentence solidifies this; Quite sad that you so clearly know not the Scriptures well enough to see you are demonstrating who the authentic austere Scriptural Jesus refers to in Deuteronomy 18, Jer 14:14-16, 23:9-40, Matthew 7:13-29 [specifically verses 21-23], Matt 10:40-41, 13:14-15, 15:7-9, 19:16-19 [v 18], 24:11, 24, Mark 7:6-7, 10:19, Luke 10:16, 13:1-5, 22-30, 18:18-20 [v 20], 2Cor 11:13, 26, 2Tim 4:3-4, Titus 1:10-16, 1John4:1, 5-6, 2Pet2:1-3, 12-22, 3:15-16, Rev 3:15-16, 21 [verse 8], 22 [specifically 15].
I will continue to pray as i do daily for those as yourself, who have yet to see they have been beguiled into exactly what Paul taught in Galatians 1:7-9 also. Selah.
After Edit: Refined for more clarity and corrected slight keyboard missed key spelling mistake.
And now they are approving it for children under 5?... there still active we don't know about future effects...today bad practice to approve it for this group.
Garrett Hardin's First Law of Human Ecology: "We can never do merely one thing. Any intrusion into nature has numerous effects, many of which are unpredictable."
Alex - here is a clear Graph that shows Table 2: https://files.catbox.moe/9zk6rt.png
Do you know how many of my friends (late thirties to early forties) who have persistent menstrual issues post-vaccination have been told by their doctor, three or six or nine months after their last shot, "No, it's implausible that the vaccine is STILL be affecting your cycles. This is probably just the beginning of perimenopause. Periods change as women get older. Get used to it."
(I bring up the female example because, honestly, the idea of all these recently-jabbed, fertility-impaired men making sperm bank donations is not a thought I want to linger on.)
This is truly devastating. I am in Australia, over 95% of Australians have taken these shots. What does this mean for the future of this country? Those of us who didn't take the shots have been shouted down, called conspiracy theorists and basically cut from society. The worst thing of all is that all my friends children, little kids, 5-6 year olds, have all been vaccinated. A little boy I know who is only 4 has also been vaccinated, despite the shots only being available to those over 5 (his parents obviously pushed for it but still, I have no idea how a medical provider could have given him the shot when it's not even approved for his age group). What does this mean for the futures of all of these beautiful children?
It means in 30 years Australia will be run by pure-blood adults again. Sanity will rein again.
China already runs Australia. In the future 95% of Australian will be of Chinese heritage and Australia will become a province of China. It part of the WEF plan.
El Gato Malo wrote an excellent analysis yesterday on this. There is a reason he was the first Team Reality member to be banned from Twitter…
Is he back yet?
No but he has a substack.
"the finding is more evidence that encouraging - much less forcing - men under 40 to take the mRNA vaccines was a catastrophic mistake." Not IF you're one of the Elites literally freaked about "overpopulation", and you are trying to drastically reduce the population. I have actually met some of these people and they are dead serious. Interesting that Musk has come out recently to debunk the "population bomb" malarkey.
Thanks for sharing that, who did you meet if you are able to share?
Elon pushing anthropogenic warming, part of the NWO agenda, consider this;
Check out this following video, i am NOT a supporter of the producer because he works for Alex Jones (sure they get a certain amount of things generally truthfully correct but there's a bunch of very important things they do not which further confirms why you have to be circumspect with what they put out) and this producer believes he is truly against the NWO but if you are claiming to be against the NWO agenda making slick videos exposing the NWO, you ought to know better by now that to push certain views that are NWO key component teachings is not exactly truly against the NWO. So anyway, here's his video on Elon Musk, i have not quadruple checked every claim he makes, but he does seem to be more right than not in general about Elon;
https://www.newswars.com/elon-musk-exposed/ - (skip the Alex Jones ad at beginning of video in order to quickly get to the video about Elon)
Shout out to el gato malo
Does Bill Gates remind you of an old Bond Villain? Just sitting somewhere on a mountain or in a cave laughing at everyone while petting a white cat on his lap.
no, that would be klaus schwab. he's even got the costume for the role
yes you are correct!!!
Remember, the Clot Shot ...........IS .............the Bio-weapon!
The virus was engineered and released to provide an excuse to force the 'vaccine' on everyone. Event 201 is the clue.
The Event 201 scenario
Event 201 simulates an outbreak of a novel zoonotic coronavirus transmitted from bats to pigs to people that eventually becomes efficiently transmissible from person to person, leading to a severe pandemic. The pathogen and the disease it causes are modeled largely on SARS, but it is more transmissible in the community setting by people with mild symptoms.
The oligarchs who preyed on the weak and uninformed Americans to take this genocide all agreed we had too many people in the world. It was pretty easy to see what was going on.
It was pretty hard to believe that this level of evil existed in our world.
what is truly amazing or perhaps hard to believe is they have 100% gotten away with it all. The mongers just keep moving this agenda forward. Not ONE person responsible for any of it has remotely been held accountable. Not ONE!
Not only hasn't anyone been held accountable, they are starting to jab the 6 month old babies this week. If there are unexpected (at least to us) consequences to getting these jabs when you are a full grown adult, imagine what they could do to a very small child. I feel like I woke up in a really scary "Twilight Zone" episode.
So long as they are voluntary, fuck it. Darwin always wins.
It's what happens when there is no accountability and same mongers left in place. Why would anyone be surprised they would not do this to infants and children too.
So far....
Fauci is 40 + years in and is looking like he will simply fade when he wants into a cushy well funded pension paid for by guess who! So are you telling me there is a chance?
The Elf was doing these evil things in the 80's and look at how he has been held to account. The highest paid "we the people" funded Government employee
just sayin
It's been here a while, they now feel so confident in their power they are bringing it into the open believing they can't be stopped.
Add this to the fact that male sperm counts have been dropping for decades, and we have a population disaster on our hands. Several recent published studies determined that most, if not all men, will be sterile by between 2045 and 2060.
Under His Eye
Blessed be the fruit
You mean the Lord's right Martina?
Also, let me share this with you, it should really jolt you to the confluence of all of this deliberate agenda of the Devil himself;
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0oxApooaYc - Dr John Sanford Genetic Entropy and the Mystery of the Genome - Dr. John Sanford is a former "atheist" (i put it in quotes because God/Jesus makes clear in His Holy Writ there are no "atheists") who became a Bible believer. He is a PhD Cornell Professor in "Population Genetics" (Geneticist) and who was for decades before his conversion. You will learn quite a bit of factual Creation Science in this not long video and it will help you see from a quite accurate Scriptural/Creation Science perspective that when there are those men who profess directly or indirectly to be supposedly immune to Matthew 7:21-23, 24:11 etc by supposedly giving you correct and proper Acts 17 Berean comprehension of the Scriptures in such areas, well, as the authentic austere Scriptural Jesus the Christ taught, you must *always* test all spirits and all things by using His Holy Writ as the filter to see if those who truly profess to come in the name of the true Lord, are truly teaching what the true Jesus actually taught. Selah.
Mutation and natural selection lead to a loss of information over time in the human genome. Why the real nature of DNA and mutation points to a young human race and refutes Neo-Darwinian macro-evolutionary theory.
Dr. John Sanford, a retired Cornell Professor who co-invented the "gene gun" technique of genetically engineering plants, shows in "Genetic Entropy and the Mystery of the Genome" that the "Primary Axiom" is false. The Primary Axiom is the foundational evolutionary premise -- that life is merely the result of mutations and natural selection. In addition to showing compelling theoretical evidence that whole genomes must in fact degenerate over time, this book strongly refutes the Darwinian concept that man is just the result of a random and pointless natural process. This is an updated version of the October 2005 edition, which includes both a new appendix and glossary.
After Edit: Corrected 'decade' to 'decades.'
Nothing to see here...move along people said the Pharma cartel
Pay no attention to the men at WEF ... exactly Brogan.
The medical science controversy of my lifetime (I’m 52). And the only thing they can think of is to circle the wagons and double down. It’s madness. Criminal level madness.
They are trying to give this stuff to kids now and it isn't even effective against Omicron.
How do we stop this madness?
The ignorance of the America people is astounding as is the malevolence of big pharma.
You may have to mention large swathes of Europeans as well; a lot of countries bought the false narrative, and even celebrated the injections. A very fine example is Portugal which is about 90% jabbed. Even in Switzerland, we are 70% jabbed; I not. I would postulate that there are many Americans who did not fall victim to the propaganda, lies, and deception. Ignorant and lazy ( or just "too comfortable", to sweeten the word lazy) humans exist all over our wonderful globe. The "dumbing down" has been happening for decades, and it is widespread. I have been a teacher for almost 30 years, and I noticed it first while I was still in university. They were even pumping out many stupid teachers then, so their pupils had little chance. I still believe the best education starts at home with the parents, and then hopefully one gets a wonderful mentor at school. The chances are even slimmer now; a major reason for me leaving the system, and going out on my own. I feel like I have a much bigger impact, even if it's on just a few. :-)
Alex, I’m going to ask you again (since a few weeks ago you asked us paying subscribers what it takes to keep us subscribed): please investigate another possible “conspiracy” concerning the toxicity of different batches. Is there anything to this? Thanks.
Absolutely true! Go to Craig Paardekooper’s How bad is my batch.com . HORRIFYING
I have been concerned since day 1 about this. As far as the meme: IF I unblock my brother on Facebook, I'll share it. After all, being unvaccinated I'm an irresponsible killer, you know.
Let him have it! You need to unload on these people. Of course, I do it all the time.
But, but, but, they're totally safe for 5 year olds. These people, Pfizer, Moderna, et al, are freaking monsters and should be tried by Nuremberg type trials. With the same outcomes the Nazis received.
Except hundreds of Nazi scientists and academics never saw a courtroom. They were fundamental to what happened in the Third Reich. Were brought to the US under Paperclip. And they didn’t leave their ideology behind. Nope, they populated our institutions and incorporated their ideology into programs and culture. Ivys and Hollywood as standouts, public institutions and education as well, all insidious. Drip... drip... Slow poison throughout society. With sociopaths -no second thoughts about means to an end- rising to the top. Three generations later hello, all hail / heil woke dominance and uniparty - useful idiots but needed for the well planned, patient and stealthy execution. I suspect figureheads may pay for heinous crimes being perpetrated across the planet but I wonder about the deep layers. And they are deep. Not saying I have answers, just never ending questions. Painful. When I look back at earth in my mind’s eye from way beyond the moon I grieve for her human family. Especially the younger generations. Only choice for me is to focus on Spirit. The catchphrase these days is “spiritual war”. There’s absolutely polarization - good-evil, right-wrong, light-darkness. Picked my side, my hill. In the midst I lean on, Our life on earth is but a vapor; we don’t die, just an address change. Whew. That would be called... stream of consciousness. On a Friday morning. ...Swinging around a star...
This is sad, but it’s only a precursor until the papers come out on what the jabs have done to the female reproductive organs…. And the poor newborns…. Buckle up everyone.
Maybe this was the real End Game. Population control. Isaac Asimov couldn't write anything this nefarious.
You're right -- generations were taught "Zero Population Growth"......Guess that was the beginning of the "public health" campaign we're in now!!!!
Specifically, we needed to have have independent trials lasting at least 5 years to understand the perverse mechanisms these mRNA gene therapies introduce into a body...any and all bodies. All we are getting is hit and miss data and speculation.
The real burden of proof is upon pfizer and moderna to prove without any doubts that their mRNA gene therapies work as intended and do no harm to the body. As of now, that proof is non-existent after two or more years of development and usage. Since the FDA and CDC do not care how many people are murdered by these substances, there will never be any proof of their efficacy.
Anyone still believing these concoctions are for their own good is insane. So, I guess I have many family members and friends who are sailing in that boat.
My whole family, with the exception of myself and my two adult children ( THANK GOD) went sailing in that boat many moons ago....and soon it will be sinking. And there are no paddles to speak of.
Will this seminal paper be presented at a seminar?
Quick...let's make sure Jane's Revenge knows it's really been Big Pharma quietly (mis)leading the charge to kill off the abortion industry!
Jane's Revenge needs to get all over these injections, they are more effective at inducing abortions than the medicines designed for that purpose
We need the raw data.
We need to understand what is happening in their bodies.
Did the jabs induce an autoimmune attack on the testicles?
2 + 2 = 5
"What was a conspiracy theory is now just a theory"
I never doubted it has 'side effects', the question in my mind always have been whether these 'side effects' are INTENTIONAL. The hysteria with which the PROPAGANDA machine was pushing an EXPERIMENTAL DNA MODIFYING drug (YES it does that) tells me (from the experience in communism I grew up in) that whatever the drug does is INTENDED (and it is not of preventing COVID)
GT, you are right, the hysteria to get vaccinated here in the US was like nothing I've ever seen. As each lie was exposed, including their inflated Covid death numbers, the "Get Vaccinated", hysteria continued, even increasing a bit as each "great efficacy" lie was blown to smithereens. My main question (Because I'm unvaccinated) is and has been what you mention in your comment: Why SO much hysteria to vaccinate. Many will say money, and maybe that's it... but with some of these crazies it feels like there's something more going on. You mentioned your former communist country, I was wondering if all the "get the vaccine" propaganda/fear porn smack of something specific?
I think it is also because people are illiterate and innumerate, too illiterate to find and read and understand any alternative views, and too innumerate to understand what "99.98% survivable" means. When this thing started I went to the official website that calculates your chance of death and entered my details (65, male, average weight, good health, etc) and my chance of death was 1:22,000. I've never had a flu shot in my life and I smelled a rat so I Just Said No Thank You
Fred, these that lived under the "dictatorship of the proletariat" knows that if the propaganda machine is pushing something hard, it has really bad intentions that are not at face value. I don't have anything specific but the dirty laundry is coming out every day (if one pays attention)
To gather data on the trial group (all who took the shots)to make and sell further mRNA shots for all kinds of conditions; to get rid of the control group; to brainwash the world into submission so they can push any for-profit drug at any time, or do lockdowns, or seize control of assets (as in Canada) with little resistance.
15 days & generational infertility to flatten
the curve 🥳
Any time I need serious, honest advice about my health, I check with the experts at Reuters. After all, if you're going to play Russian Roulette with an experimental gene therapy pushed by Luciferian felons, you need to be 100% sure that you are going to receive the truth. In reality, having gotten away with lying for so long, all of these clown institutions that have raped, pillaged and robbed our country for decades are learning the hard way that their day in the sun is over. They are being disinfected with truth and they can't stop it. If credibility were a currency, they need to file bankruptcy.
It’s funny that some of these pretend-authoritative sources were viewed in a completely different light not all that long ago. As I recall Reuters and Bloomberg were primarily financial trading systems (foreign exchange for Reuters and fixed income trading/analytics) for Bloomberg, each with a token news service tacked onto them for marketing purposes. AP, well, it was for low end newspapers that lacked the resources to do much original reporting. It says a lot about our times that they magically morphed into “truth tellers” from their lowly beginnings.