Oh so Mayor Pete stopped breastfeeding long enough to think about the ramifications of vaxx mandates?

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Chest feeding!

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I stand corrected😂

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Hey! Call it what it is!

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Bottle feeding by a crazy person.

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His baby Gus was just in Ped ICU for a week on a vent. Hope they are giving him breast milk. It’s best. Don’t know diagnosis.

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He needs his mom

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Life is now a commodity, bought like furniture.

As by those by those two.

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I cringe when I hear or read the word “stakeholder”. Yes Mark the globalists may THINK we are all a commodity or a useless eater but we are all human in the eyes of God. We are of value each and every one of us.

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Many of history's greatest disasters stem from the fact that we are not all human in the eyes of those who think themselves God.

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Ask Pelosi to donate, she’s got a huge set of jugs.

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Yeah but there's only vodka in them.

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and silicone

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and $20 a pint ice cream

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Those aren’t real- just like Pete’s, they won’t work! 😂

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They're Virtual !

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Those jugs are where Pelosi keeps her WAM...Walking Around Money !

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Maybe the poor kid was given the moderna vax

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Or Mayor Pete was “ shedding “ while “ chest feeding”.

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I’m sure all of the drug companies sent plenty of formula.

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...and the shipments made it through the supply chain...

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You all gotta stop because I am going to die from laughter!!

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Baby Gus probably realized Mayor Pete wasn't his mom and had a panic attack.

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I think men can get breast cancer… however women cannot get prostate cancer. Go figure.

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In the crazy new world, “men” can be pregnant and “women” can get prostate cancer. Science deniers!

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I'm a chick. I should demand to have my PSA numbers checked.

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That's so damned unfair

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Racist! Excuse me...that's chest feeding person. Duh.

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I told my 98 Year old Mother about a grown Man who took 2 Months off for maternity leave breast feeding duty and that 2 men was Married. She said what has this world come to. This Bag of Bones of a President has zero shame or compassion for the lives he is destroying.

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That picture of Pete with the big plastic boobs is this half-decade in a nutshell. Get me the hell out of here.

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Let us all hope that Scottie is not in maternity-leave as well; I need him to BEAM ME UP out of Sodoma-Gomorrah v2.0.

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A picture??? With his boob?!?!? Lordy Lord! Sai it ain’t so…..🤦‍♀️

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My parents are probably spinning in their graves!

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It's all so fucking stupid. And I'm a gay man! We can't have babies. We can't breastfeed. Gay marriage ... whatever, if people want to do it, fine. It still seems dumb to me.

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This is what happens when the American people have a deeply composed bag of bones in the White House as the world's medical expert.

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Our whole society is sick. It really is. People are giving their kids a vaccine that could kill them for something that doesn't affect them. Insanity.

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Hahahahahahahaha hahahhahaha Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha hahahhahaha!! I can see him with his prosthetic nippy and bag-o-milk in front of the TV.

Hahahahahahahaha hahahhahaha Hahahahahahahaha

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I laughed so hard my tea flew out my nose. So damn funny. 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂

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I'm pretty sure hei s a pelvic feeder.

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The pc term is chest feeding

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Political correctness GOT US WHERE WE ARE!!!!! He can't CHESTFEED or BREASTFEED!!!!

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Oooooh, did I just hear a racist dog whistle? (Sarc)

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Equal lack functioning breasts for all men of all races. God is unfair! But equally unfair to all races of men!

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Males don’t have the body chemistry to induce lactation. And there’s no way they ever will- I don’t care what they’re delusionally identify as.

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Yes, Jay you’re late to the party, I already was corrected and apologized. 😂

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Although I usually editorialize against Newspeak and its definition changes, sometimes they seem less innocuous. I read (and listen) to lots of old books. Right now, a 19th century one. Earlier English usage has "breast" for "chest." For example, the brave soldier took a grapeshot in his breast. Clearly, the meaning of words shifts over long periods of time, new words invented, old ones disappear.

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True, and normal people understand the synonyms at hand, which is why we understand what the left is doing. However, the purpose behind the radical lefts change of words is to eliminate all differences between men and women in order to promote the lie that gender is purely a social construct which is key to their destruction of the family, which is essential to all Marxist movements.

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Does anyone know if this also applies to private companies who work with federal contracts?

The parent company of the company I work for does PR/Marketing work for the CDC (sad), so they are under a different set of rules. No jab–no job. There is no testing/masking option. However, they will accept medical and religious exemptions—the former of which I believe I will be able to get.

Would love some clarity on this. The biggest joke is that I work remotely.

Thanks in advance!

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Pretty sure if you work 100% remotely, you are exempt.

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Nope. My husband is going to be "terminated" December 8. Had worked from home from start of the covid panic last year. Still works 100% from home. Contractor to NASA.

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If private and no gov't contract. There's a separate set of rules for privet companies with gov't contracts. Not sure if the halt covers both.

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But that doesn't mean your employer is prohibited from enacted a mandate.

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That's called CHESTFEEDING now :-/

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They say "EDGE EDGE". Like the edge of a building. BOOT-EDGE-EDGE.

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I say Booty Judge

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I always thought it was a perfect tee up for a joke to have a gay man with a name that starts with “booty”

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Me too LOL

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I’d like to see him get booted off the edge/ledge!

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Bootlick edge edge

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Happy for the truckers……..but, I was actually hoping for a total shutdown of long haul trucking for a few days long about November 20 so the elite and enlightened would have a little more appreciation for people who labor

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The truckers should strike for all of us. Apparently they are the only ones being listened to.

Certainly shows that it’s NOT for health.

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Never gonna happen. Those brainless twits will never have appreciation for hard working citizens. We just provide the tax $ for them to spend however they wish.

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Nov 7, 2021
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I would love to see truckers just blockade DC. A ring of semis parked on all lanes in and out of DC for a few days would maybe get them to realize that We The People are their bosses.

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Daniel, I'm curious: how much contact (within 6 feet) do you have with other people on a normal trucking shift? I think it's a pretty solitary work environment for the most part--am I wrong?

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They don’t care if the supply chain collapses.

They do care if their power collapses.

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I don't get the feeling they care about anything.

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They are creatures of the rino deep state/ Demokratic party. They only owe allegiance to themselves. Screw America.

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Maybe they fear the 2022 mid-terms will come soon enough to dampen the chaos they seem to be so intent on sowing.

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Thank God. Thank you Alex too. Domino's are falling right and left I am so glad I am on this side of the "I told you so" moment

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Can't exempt this, Can't exempt that , without eventually exempting us all from the mandate.

This will be the corner stone of "unequal protection under the law " argument in the courts. Seems Logical, We'll see.

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If it’s so dire- no one should be exempt. The fact is, the vaccinated are infected each and the unvaccinated. It’s not a vaccine- it’s an experimental bio weapon.

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No, it's a "gene therapy." That (I believe) was the correct medical term before the Orwellian Newspeak dictionary redefined what a "vaccine" is. For reference, my 1980s era paper dictionary specifically defines a vaccine is made from a dead or inactivated pathogen (bacteria or virus). It does include "etc" which I supposed a lawyer would argue to allow a man-made virus (J&J) or synthetic mRNA molecule and lipid (Pfizer, Moderna) but I doubt the ghosts of earlier vaccine pioneers would agree.

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You’re correct- it’s a genetic therapy that’s been weaponized against humanity. The CDC couldn’t get a patent due to it not meeting the US Patent Office’s definition of a vaccine. So they lied and manipulated as they always do. Check out this report- this guy is an expert in IP law on an international level.


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So now the Labor Secty says most truckers aren't covered by the mandate. Great news but how do they think they can carve out a distinct group of people from this "national mandate" and still say it passes constitutional muster? Especially the most mobile and constantly in transit group. Idiotic. They terrorize millions with looming deadlines that they then deconstruct in absurd ways. We are all in an abusive relationship with an angry, drunken federal government.

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Hard to prove "Grave Danger" when there are carve outs for 650,000 Postal worker and Truck drivers.

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Hard to claim something that prevents neither infection or spread from this “grave danger” must be mandated…..,

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Exactly, so the post office gets a pass because of the union. Makes zero sense. If it a person who works at home must have it how do you justify exempting the post office employees?

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It is a scam Nick. Post office gets exempt because of the fraud votes they deliver. And will hopefully keep delivering out of the blue at all times of the day and night, after the elections are over and they keep counting the votes. They cannot have them dying by the “ vaccine “ injection. They would not get re elected if they die and are maimed. They do a lot of talking while they are sorting mail. Also needed to be exempt are all the Federal Judges that will rule in their favor if they don’t need to take the PEG, graphine oxide, parasite laced injection and Covid tests. The Congress and Senate and all aids, staffers and employees are exempt for the same self preservation reason. It goes on and on…now the truck drivers exempt because the “ let them eat cake “ elites are realizing the little people will rebel with no food and Christmas toys!

The good news is the bastards are backing down because of our push back.

Let’s ramp it up! Thank you Alex!

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I read Emerald Robinson’s article on luciferase. This is pretty far-fetched to say the least. I mean, luciferase creates a visible-wavelength glow in fireflies but the other chemicals have to be there in order to react! Enough about that. As various Substack authors have warned, there are individuals out there trying to flood the zone with odd conspiracy theories in order to taint the rest of the “alternative information”. We need to rely on good data, scrupulously sourced and checked thoroughly to verify that it passes the smell test. If we do that, we have predictive power that the mainstream corporate media and governmental agencies do not have, since they rely on hysteria, lies and cherry-picked data.

How many fireflies do I have to eat? Too bad they are out of season.

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I think I see some future job prospects opening up for me…post office vs. trucker!

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The Covid virus recognizes an exempt person and skip them. Smarter than Brandon.

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Virus also disappears when you sit down to eat.

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Walensky testimony yesterday: 83% of vaxxers buy timeshares.


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The ‘Government’ is a sociopathic narcissist, the Left exudes the attributes

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Slightly off-topic, but posting since this thread is the most active...

Chickenpox, per Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chickenpox), for what it's worth... I found it interesting.

Being exposed to chickenpox as an adult (for example, through contact with infected children) boosts immunity to shingles. When children are vaccinated against chickenpox, they lose this natural boosting, so immunity in adults will drop and more shingles cases will occur.

It is part of the routine immunization schedule in the US. Some European countries include it as part of universal vaccinations in children, but not all countries provide the vaccine. In the UK as of 2014, the vaccine is only recommended in people who are particularly vulnerable to chickenpox. This is to keep the virus in circulation thereby exposing the population to the virus at an early age, when it is less harmful, and to reduce the occurrence of shingles in those who have already had chickenpox by repeated exposure to the virus later in life.

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Yes exactly. This is why we have an epidemic of shingles in younger people now. It used to affect only the elderly who were isolated in nursing homes, etc., and were no longer being exposed to chicken pox through children in the community. Now shingles is affecting much younger people. I had shingles myself this past May. Shingles is a much more serious disease than chicken pox. We've traded a generally benign childhood illness for a painful, debilitating adult illness. Yeah us!

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I think discussing this makes us antivaxxers, which is exactly the same as Bin Laden, according to MSLSD and CNN. We have become trapped by the medicocracy.

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I’m not an anti - anything. Anti- is a prefix added by the Marxist Left to give a negative connotation those who oppose any aspect of their diabolical ideology. They use it to divide and demean humanity. Terms like anti- science, anti-abortion, anti-vaxx, anti-climate change, etc., are the Marxists way of shutting down intelligent debate and discussion so their agenda won’t be exposed to the light of the truth.

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I had shingles in college- and since then have had issues with a syndrome that causes nerve pain as a result of the virus. It’s lifelong. So it’s not just shingles (which are terrible enough) it could also cause them lingering issues. Oh well we will keep promoting vaccines to one and all!

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Rose, did you received the chicken pox vaccine? Are the young people getting shingles BECAUSE they received the CP vaccine, and not the wild virus?

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No i did not receive the vaccine. I had shingles in college 20 plus years ago :)

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Yep. This is also an argument against isolating the elderly in homes or even in 55+ communities. Communities should include people of all ages. My friend had shingles at 35yo. She said it was miserable. I would rather have Chickenpox than Shingles at an early age.

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Folks, I think you are confused about shingles. I am 72 and caught chicken pox as a child from my grandfather who had shingles. Anyone who had chicken pox can get shingles. We who had chicken pox carry the virus after recovery. I assume ( but don't know for certain) that anyone vaccinated as a child can get shingles as an adult. About five years ago I received a "vaccine" for shingles that was 50% effective. About three years ago a new shingles vaccine, Shingrix was introduced. My dr. Strongly encouraged me to get it. Apparently it was so in demand I had to get on a waiting list so I abandoned. Now I discover vaccine contains warning label about Gillian charge (excuse spelling).

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Very interesting Susan, there is also a chance of getting Guillan Barre from the flu shot. My sister in law who is in her 50’s and very healthy and active, perfect weight, and got Guillan Barre out of the blue. She did not get a flu shot. They actually had to use plasmapharesis or some type of dialysis to help her. She was out of work for about 9 months, had to learn to walk again. She was a mail delivery person!

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Very sorry about your sister-in-law. Thanks for info about flu shot.

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Hi Susan, The Wikipedia article just states that as an adult that recovered from Chickenpox, being around kids with Chickenpox boosts the adult's immunity to Shingles. So maybe it helps prevent or delay Shingles. idk. Shingles is possible in anyone that had Chickenpox, but it doesn't affect everyone that had Chickenpox. (My mom had Shingles. My dad didn't.) If it is the case, it would definitely make sense to only vaccinate the vulnerable against Chickenpox.

A number of vaccines have a risk of Guillain–Barré syndrome. My friend that had Shingles was also encouraged by her doctor to get the Shingrix vaccine afterwards. Of course after this pandemic experience, I feel that I need to read the clinical trial data for every drug recommended by my doctors, but I personally hope the Shingrix vaccine works well. My first childhood memories are of Chickenpox and I don't wish to experience Shingles.

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Thanks for the info about boosting immunity. I encourage you to carefully research Shingrix. I am aware that GB (the editor on my tablet won't let me type it) is a side effect of many vaccines, but the Shingrix vaccine contains a warning label specifically mentioning GB. Shingrix is also expensive (to me) at $180 per dose for 2 dose requirement (my insurance covers $15 or so of the cost). I had the less effective vaccine. May we both not get shingles.

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Typically that type of warning is called a "black box warning" on a pharmaceutical label. "A boxed warning is the FDA's harshest warning, and the last stop before a recall notice."


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Agree. Definitely carefully research. Wow, that is surprising. I would have expected most scheduled vaccines to be covered 100% by insurance. Absolutely, may we both not get shingles.

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Sooooo, since I had the chicken pox as a child, and all my grandchildren got the vaccine, should I get the Shingles vaccine or not? I am “old enough” and should be getting it now, but after the Covid Jab fiasco I have not gotten it yet.

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I can't advise you on that. I can only tell you that I opted not to get a shingles vaccine myself. There is very effective antiviral med for shingles. But like HCQ with Covid, it needs to be taken in the first 48 hours of symptom onset to be most effective. So if you decide not to get the vax, I suggest you read up on the symptoms of shingles so that you can act swiftly if you come down with it. Shingles can start behind the ear? Did you know that? I didn't until it happened to me. Generally that is the more serious form because it can go to the eye and in rare cases cause blindness.

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Never knew about getting certain meds so fast for treatment. I was hit hard with that nightmare. All doctors told me I had the worse case they had ever seen. Went from the belly button all the way around to the spine and covered a large area. The pain! My dr keeps showing getting the vaxx for it. I keep refusing with "I already had it!" She kept telling me you can get it again. Yeah, had mono numerous times, too. Whatever.

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showing should be shoving

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I’m going to hold off on the vaccine and investigate the nerve pathways in the body, maybe print out a picture. I am familiar with how some shingles start, like on the trunk/torso of the body, but didn’t I didn’t know about behind the ear. There are probably more typical areas, and then the outliers which can be more dangerous. That’s interesting about the pox virus not being out in the wild anymore…explains why my parents never got shingles because they were around their grandchildren who were still in the age group that got chicken pox. Thanks for the info!

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Go find a kid with chickenpox and give him a big hug

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I don’t think those kids exist anymore 🤷🏻‍♀️. What if I find a person with shingles and give them a big hug…would that work?!

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I’m a chickenpox survivor circa 1992. It’s HARD to find wild chickenpox to expose my children to these days

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So true. But this is one shot that we definitely need to back out of. A case could be made for giving the chicken pox vaccine to children who reach puberty without having contracted the wild virus. Teens and adults definitely can suffer complications from chicken pox that are not seen in young children. Children under 12 should be allowed to contract the wild virus. This keeps it in circulation in the community and prevents shingles. Of course, the vaccine makers would not like this plan. Right now, they are making money, hand over fist, selling chicken pox AND shingles vaccines to the entire population.

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This does not surprise me in the least! When I was about 45 I had my titers checked in order to work at a hospital after graduating nursing school. My measles, mumps, and chicken pox titers came back high so I was still immune after almost 40 years.

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My 35yo friend that had Shingles doesn't have kids. A case could be made that adults over a certain age with no children or infrequent exposure to children should be offered the Shingles vaccine. Offered, not forced.

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The great thing about this virus is that you don't have to have children of your own to get protection from circulating chicken pox. As long as it is circulating in the community, and you aren't confined to a nursing home or otherwise living as a hermit, you will get exposed. Your 35 year old friend got shingles because there is no wild type chicken pox in circulation. We've completely suppressed it through mass vaccination.

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Fair point. She is definitely not a hermit.

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My children (now 31 & 36) would NOT get chickenpox. I can't count how many times I took them to "visit" neighbors, friends, cousins, etc. I finally had the pediatrician do a blood test to see if they'd somehow developed an immunity. Nope.

Finally, at ages 8 & 13, they got a shot.

As for me & the shingles vaccine, I'd planned to get it, and then along came covid. I hesitate now because I did get the covid vax. (I was essentially forced to get the Moderna because I needed to visit a friend who'd moved into assisted living--and I couldn't visit her without the covid vax.)

Now I wonder about the shingles vax on top of the covid vax.

BTW, I'm almost 6 months beyond the second covid vax--and don't want the booster.

Any thoughts from those of you who might have experience with this situation.

At this point, I don't trust asking a doctor--they're awfully quick with those needles.

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It would seem that being 6 months beyond the second vax would make you ok for the Shingrix vax, but I am not a doctor.

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LOL--nor am I a doctor.

I guess I"ll just keep my fingers crossed for the time being.

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Have a game plan for if you catch covid. With or without the vax, it’s likely we are all going to catch it. Early treatment is critical for anyone at risk. And with no downside for the protocol - good for low risk people too.

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Me = Chx Pox not till 24 years old. Fortunately, it was no biggie.

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You can get chickenpox from someone who has active shingles, if you are unvaccinated. It happened to me.

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Yes. This is true. If you have not had chicken pox and are not vaccinated against chicken pox, you can get it from exposure to shingles. Both are caused by the same virus.

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Truly facinating!

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This is a huge problem for Fauci, who is desperate right now to get rid of the control group. He will fight these exemptions tooth and nail. No doubt he is already whispering in Biden's ear that these exemptions will prevent us from ever putting the pandemic behind us. This is not Fauci's first rodeo with a dangerous vaccine. It's all about getting rid of the control group for him. You can read that story here:


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Lord of the Rings - Wormtongue as a chief advisor for the demented old king Theoden

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I never had Rand Paul pegged as a Gandalf but I'm open to it

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Sauron in Numenor bringing about its downfall in a search to escape man's fate of death.

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I was just going to write that. First thing that came to mind.


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"Whispering in Bidens ear" lol

He is Rasputin reincarnated

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I prefer to think him more as Slugworth from Willy Wonka.

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Lol yes and I love the Wormtounge visual also

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Yes, I am concerned that someone from the government will show up at my door with a syringe. I recognize that as a member of the control group, I am a threat to their narrative and agenda.

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I wonder about this too, but hey I'm optimistic they won't, since they never actually sent the people around to talk to us about the vax (remember, that was s'posed to happen too.) I think they chickened out, a lot of us are armed and don't want random folks coming to the door to tell us about vaccines.

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Actually during that timeframe, a guy with a clipboard did show up at my house. When he saw the video doorbell, he walked away.

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Nov 6, 2021
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I hope he doesn't orchestrate the death of too many more people before he dies. Unfortunately, Rochelle P. Walensky is right there keeping up the bad work even if Dr Faust exits the earth.

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I'd hope she'd come to her senses as she originally said kids should be in school when first put in office - and then she back-walked it.

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Probably looking at Faust's salary and thinking, "I'm gonna get me somma dat"

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Nov 7, 2021
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She what can be referred to as a ‘Jezabel’. Look the name up- talk about one evil woman!

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I predict an apocalyptic hailstorm of lawsuits the likes of which we have never seen. Peoples livelihoods ruined because they chose not to take vaccines that didn't work. Non constitutional OSHA mandates. Now children 5 years old soon to be carded in San Francisco restaurants. First Kamala said she wouldn't take the "Trump" vaccine. Then we were assured there wouldn't be mandates. But Brandon couldn't resist demonizing a substantial minority of the population and inflicting economic harm. It's gonna get very, very, messy.

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I hope you are right. I hope every woke executive and every school district that prematurely greenlighted mandates for experimental vaccines that legally can't be mandated is made to pay and pay dearly for every health problem and every wrongful death they perpetrated.

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Enormous stress has been caused by the coercion of companies proactively mandating vaccines or making people upload proof to company websites. It is all illegal. And the big companies that have done this need to face enormous class action lawsuits, like in the billions.

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It's already begun. The lawsuits and the backlash will be epic. They really screwed up here.

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Nov 6, 2021
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Don’t forget CDC having the legislative ability to stop evictions that was bright! Insanity.

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Good one. Spot on for the second part. The dumbest of the dumb in health care workers they get to carry out their agendas. Sorry, but true. They know it. Every health care professional knows it. So sad.

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Never thought of that - good call!

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I feel like the mandates are going to fall a part much quicker then this time next year. with new therapeutics, we have another method to treat covid and one that is likely much more successful and likely more safe (and even more profitable). It will be the drug companies pushing the transition though. The push will come because of the mounting bad news coming from the existing vaccines. It's becoming more and more clear they are ineffective, but also dangerous. I think the bad news is piling up quicker then they expected. The transition can't be too fast though or it will be obvious and it will draw into question the existing 'science' around the vaccines. It might even be Pfizer and the other drugs companies with these new antivirals making the push potentially sealing the fate for J&J or anyone who doesn't have something similar.

Likewise, this will be a win for the left who have pushed the vaccines. They can still continue to believe that the vaccine was the best method to treat it at the time, but now there is something better! How convenient. Then the existing EUA vaccines can fade away and the 'approved' vaccines don't even need to hit the market. The mounting health crisis of heart attacks and myocarditis can be squelched.

The push to vaccinate kids is just a massive cash grab and another way to segregate society along party lines. Hooray! I don't think those pushing the mandates though have still grasped how much backlash is brewing. So, they can test the waters a bit longer and if those fail, they have an easy out now.

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There's something about the word "vaccine" that causes half the country to go completely braindead. This is not a vaccine like MMR etc. This is some mRNA prototype vaccine that clearly is not ready for primetime at all.

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It’s never worked. Biden, Fauci and Trump decided to use the American citizens as guinea pigs for Big Pharma. This way they can’t be held responsible for adverse events and deaths. Big Pharma gets rich!

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Trump decided to let those who chose to be used as guinea pigs - Biden and Fauci mandated those who don’t to be guinea pigs and absent Gavin has now mandated that 5 year olds must be guinea pigs.

When my daughter was in a clinical trial at 2 years old it was by our choice after informed consent. And she had to be at risk of death from peanut allergies to be considered. I’m not opposed to people choosing experimental treatments for something that might kill them, but I am opposed to authoritarians mandating those who face no risk be used as guinea pigs. The difference does actually matter.

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It's even worse than that. For the vast majority of people, the COVID-19 "vaccines" provide little benefit and there is no group benefit (they don't seem to reduce infection and spread of virus). And short- and long- term side effects thrown in for free! I think you're absolutely right about the problems of the mandates. In the first place, these are all EUA products that, in theory at least, require advance informed consent (and therefore, are voluntary for the patient.)

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I think they are trying to claim it’s legal since Pfizer got the official approval, even though the vials are still branded under EUA. That said, changing the process to rush approval is a dangerous elevation of the authoritarian Democrats constant changing of definitions. The government has zero authority to say “take this medicine or get excluded from life.” Zero. Maybe get excluded from direct government employment or services, though that is still messed up, but not private businesses, schools, facilities, services. It’s insane. Brandon doesn’t get to decide that he’s dictator of the US. No one voted for him to have the authority if a king.

Add to it that these shots are ineffective, short term, and the long term consequences are unknowable and it becomes evident this has nothing to do with a virus snd everything to do with being authoritarian. It’s conditioning people to just accept the government telling them what to do, when to do it, and how to do it. It’s appallingly stupid.

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Trump is a known germophobe and I think he was grasping for anything. And had to deal with Fauci who didn't like him. What puzzles me is that the Dems were all saying they wouldn't take the Trump vaccine, and when he lost they all lined up for it (or so it appeared). If Trump had won, we'd all be better off on this vaccine stuff imho.

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This isn't a defense of Trump, but I think he was left out of the loop. If he had known, he would never have made the claim the virus came from the lab. He probably got next to no intel and his own administration likely pieced it together.

But, they let him 'own' operation warp speed and take credit for it. Reality is, they were likely working on all this stuff at far earlier date. Well, by allowing Trump to own that aspect, he championed the vaccines since he was a part of the process.

I think Fauci, the NIH, big pharma, and likely a bunch of other researchers have blood on their hands. They all knew.

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I think there's more to it than just Big Pharma getting rich. But I'm not yet smart enough to know what it is - YET!

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Definitely. It's covering for Fauci and likely a lot of other less then honest research going on. China was happy to do the research because they got lots of funding. Everyone along the chain knew and lied. Especially the WHO. They knew their investigation was a giant farce. They are all linked either Fauci or big pharma though, so they aren't to say anything.

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When the outbreak began, the push should have been for therapeutics--TREATMENTS. Of course if there's an effective treatment, there's no Emergency Use Authorization for vaccines.

I know, I know.

The government response to the pandemic has been botched for the get-go.

I just wish the appellate court judges would enroll in remedial constitutional law, and make this country America again.

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I don't believe it was botched at all. What's "botched" is that we are all becoming informed, thanks to people like Alex Berenson, discovering some very hard truths about the vax, the contents, the effects, the "vaccine injuries", the total lack of data, Fauci, the Wuhan lab, government COERSION, etc., and I want to know "WHY IS IT SO IMPORTANT THAT WE ALL GET THE JAB???" It's not for our "own good"! That's for sure!

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I don't think it was botched at all. I think they were going into damage control.

Fauci knew he had a hand in it. Big pharma likely knew where it came from day one. The Wuhan lab at a database of their work and they took it offline. Pfizer and all the other big pharma companies had access. They knew.

Well, all of the research was all linked back to the NIH and Fauci via funding. Considering we still have redacted information in those emails, I would safely assume they knew a lot more from the get go. Specifically, an email that Ian Lipkin forwarded to Fauci from a Chinese official.

Fauci knew. The NIH knew. Big pharma knew. So, they probably all worked in concert of each other doing both damage control AND fast tracking a treatment with guaranteed immunity from liability. They had the opportunity to test a new treatment and in the mean time, create a new antiviral with new patents to make money off of.

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I do agree with you.

"They"--pharma, Fauci, the Wuhan lab--knew, and yes, it's damage control.

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Yep. It will be seen as a huge win by the left and they'll continue to push it. They'll memory hole them in the most beautiful way possible. As the injured start to pile up, literally, they will be honored for doing their part to stop the pandemic and to bring about this new type of treatment. They'll 'accept' the dangers are real and promote the new treatment.

What I'm curious is how they'll be able to continue to maintain the power grab. What will be the justification now? It's to soon for global warming, though we all see where that's going. So how do they get to maintain the gains they made during covid?

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At some unfortunate point, the guilt-anguished wails of parents of “vax”-injured children will be heard far louder than those responsible for the mass murder.

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Maybe. I doubt it though. Sadly. CNN, MSNBC, etc. have very little incentive to talk about any of this unless a few high profile children die. They are all receiving funding from big pharma.

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I hope you are right!!!

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The "global warming" hoax goes on until they enact policies that raise the cost of gas over $3 a gallon for no reason. That's how you find out how many people buy into that nonsense.

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Just paid $4.74/gallon for 91 in SoCal

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Good point. And I would also like to know if there is ANY other medical treatment modality that’s one-size-fits-all like this jab. Is there any other treatment that you would just use to blindly blanket society regardless of medical status, medical history, etc?

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MMR: so good Merck is in a lawsuit for falsifying efficacy data!


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The definition of a "vaccine" needed to be modified in order for these mRNA shots to be called a vaccine. The Powers to Be knew that if the mRNA shots would have been classified correctly as Gene Therapy shots, the public would not have been so eager to get the injection.

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They did redefine it!!!

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Simple, it’s an injection. Much different connotation there (which is why vaccine was co-opted)

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And even for the new orals they are asking for EUA’s.

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Yep. Makes sense. They likely already know much more about these types of drugs. I mean, Twitter already has 'fact checkers' saying these new antivirals have NOTHING to do with Ivermectin. Right. They likely deal with the virus in the same manner and the risk factor is already known.

If we were to get even... darker about this... They knew this all along. The vaccines were just an easy way to test a new 'vaccine' type and a massive cash grab. They got to corner the market and they got to make it the norm to use EUA pharmaceuticals to treatment pandemics. This is now the method to treat any emerging threat. No more needing to wait 5-10 years! The threat is real now! We must commit! What's the next health crisis that is going to need big pharma intervention?

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John, you bet! Right on.

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This is a perfect summary.

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Interesting inadvertent signal from that paragon of liberty AM https://twitter.com/alyssa_milano/status/1456414456204857363?s=21

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Oh yes. Check it out! The signal has only trended stronger in the inadvertent direction.

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I think it’s wishful thinking and they will just double and triple down on all age groups

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Pfizer's stock had been on the decline. The announcement saw 10-12% increases in PFE in premarketing trading. I think they are looking for a transition.

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Will be interesting to see if they pursue mRNA shots for flu - will that actually come to market?

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Long term, definitely. I would assume we will see them once the long term studies for the covid vaccines conclude. So 2026-27 at the earliest. But who knows. They have already been takling about 'super' flus and I can only imagine those will be the next major threat.

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Let’s go Brandon!

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Wasn't "Brandon" a trucker once? I thought I heard that somewhere.

Or did he "identify" as a trucker?

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It's only job was a lifeguard. He went from saving lives and fighting corn pop to being the

D D D D Death Dealer. His father I'm sure is flopping around in his grave. Is so proud of his son.

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"It's" *laughing*

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I'm a trucker, does this mean I get a special gold star?

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You get a gold star just for having the name scooter!!

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This means you wield a lot of power right now. Please don't take your responsibility lightly.

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Some entrepreneurial truckers who own California compliant trucks should get together and start up a business to haul containers out of California to locations just across the state line where they could be taken to their final destinations by trucks that don't meet California's absurd rules. A California container relay business...

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It's sad that we have to get excited about a court staying a mention, in order to have hope of getting our freedoms back.

We should have nationwide sick weeks.

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So they can't upset the USPS nor the truckers... and anyhow it's delayed until January 4th so remind me again how absolutely imminent and pressing this Most Lethal Health Crisis is???

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And you notice how the date keeps getting pushed? Another scare tactic to get people vaccinated (and threatened and fired) before there’s anything in place. However, it’s clear this isn’t urgent, so hopefully people continue to stand firm. I think this is just helping the lawsuits even more.

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Giant game of chicken. More power than we realize.

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Yes and the realization of how blind so many people can be! People are playing Russian Roulette with their lives. I honestly think many of these people truly would jump off a cliff, if told to do so

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They are ONLY listening to mainstream media and their friends who do the same. We had sent my daughter info in the past and she went out and got it anyway! Now I fear for her children because they are in the 5-11 age group. She’s getting angry at us for sending her info and says she would prefer to do her own research! But she’s researching radial left propaganda! I can only pray my grandchildren aren’t one of the “unlucky” ones.

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My children (40 and 41), both triple vaxxed, now get furious with me when I send them info, even if it's just about how the shot should be aspirated before final jab to avoid flooding the bloodstream with the garbage that's in the shot. And I don't even want to know if they are allowing my grandchildren to be jabbed!

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It really makes me sick to my stomach. I will send my daughter just one more short letter begging her not to do this. But ultimately they are her children. What really surprised me is that my daughter ran out and got this stupid jab at 38 years old because she didn’t even want to take NyQuil when she had a bad cold, or any other cold medicine…she just suffered through it. She told us, well I’m doing what me and my family thinks is best for me when we asked her why she got the death dart (a young, very healthy person). What the hell, apparently her parents aren’t part of her family? The ones who made it possible for her to be born!!

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It certainly is giving the lawyers more time. My previous hospital just changed their deadline to 1/15/22 for all the non jabbed to keep working (those who RE’s were denied). It’s the busiest time of year, especially with elective surgeries (taking advantage of that deductible). I’m sure they did a survey to see how many were going to get jabbed before the deadline, and they probably realized they could not stay open with such a shortage. Kick the can down the road!

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I bet they sure did! And then OSHA picks Jan 4th because they need workers for the holiday shopping season! And it’s all such an Urgent Crisis?!

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The problem is that the gov't knows most people are gullible and weak.

Walensky testimony yesterday: 83% of vaxxers buy timeshares.


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Wow! Again, what a great piece! You summed it up brilliantly!

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Thanks, Cheryl.

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You’re Welcome!

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Or Congress since they nor their staff are required to take the jab either.

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This will be an interesting study. Who starves to death quicker the vaxed or unvaxed

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Yep! Just like making healthy people stay home because they weren’t essential personnel. Every worker is essential! Well, except the idiots in DC

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Anyone with half a brain knows these mandates are not only illegal but unethical and downright inhumane. It is shocking that there has not been more resistance to this medical tyranny!

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The dumbing down of America has been in the planning stages for decades.

Now all the stupid chickens (no offense to chickens) are coming home to roost:

“I get my news on CNN and Yahoo! I don’t know what you are talking about!”

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Alex mentions the prediction of coffins at schools due to covid. I hope someone is making a collection of all the ridiculous predictions and false claims throughout this psyop coming from the regime media and The Science. Maybe a website for the sake of posterity. You'll have to make it all screenshots as they erase and edit away their greatest hits.

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Remember the headlines about teachers writing their wills in case they were forced back into the classroom...?

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H.L. Mencken in in the intro to his translation of Nietzsche's "The Antichrist" (published shortly after WW I) makes a similar humorous case against the Allies' ridiculous wartime propaganda. He said he'd saved newspaper clippings and might publish them in a future book. I don't know if such was ever done. With something like a pandemic, surely some leeway might be allowed (e.g. at first no one knew the severity of the threat, so freaking out was quite justified.) But as facts became known, and especially scholarly research, not so much. Exhibit A: the continuing world wide push to inject everyone including the mold in the bathroom shower* with experimental products already shown by wide experience to not even do what they were designed to do very effectively and with dire side effects.

*Thanks to whoever thought that one up.

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Interestingly, the regime media’s initial response when very little was known was to massively play it down. Truly the enemy of the people. Remember Pelosi and deblasio PR campaigns to visit Chinatown and hug a Chinese to show you’re not racist? Media with multiple reports that it’s just the flu in January and February while China was locking down hundreds of millions of people. Then once it was clear it’s only a danger to very unhealthy seniors, they ramped up the fear propaganda. They’re going to dial it up to an 11 this winter to try to sell the boosters.

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Fake video of Italian hospital.

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Also love Alex’s 1-year look back posts (formerly tweets) with great Fauci quotes not just about masks, but like how a real vaccine is years away, and other real doozies until he learned to align his message with the larger agenda and as Alex said, “not make that mistake again.”

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They're not caskets they are vaults. You will get your own personal body bag then be tossed in vault until it is full . Then capped and frozen until a later date to Be used as food for the poor that survived.

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You will eat cadavers and you will be happy.

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OMG, you are too much 🤣😵‍💫

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soylent green.

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All the vaults are needed for the boat loads of money people are making money off this Scamdemic. Starting with Big Pharma, the Politicians and the patent holders Fraudci and friends, the list goes on down the line.

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Halloween was a week ago. 😏 Yet your "Soylent Green" conjecture has actually happened a few times in history. I recall from an article that mentioned the worst times of the plagues: crops failed. People ate rats and cats. When rats and cats became scarce, they dug up the dead and ate them. 😲 Probably in England.

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That was before.

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Alex’s book comes out later this month. I’m sure he addresses this.

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