I have no problem with the CDC pick. I don't want "reform" at the CDC... I want the clown show to continue until we finally burn it down to the ground. That agency should be tossed on the ash heap of history.

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Absolutely we don’t need bureaucrats telling local physicians anything , including threats.

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Raise your hand if you thought "Joe Biden" was going to appoint a CDC skeptic and reformer to this position? I see no hands.

We all knew the next Walensky would be as bad or worse than the previous one ... The same with the "next Anthony Fauci" at the NIAID. The same with every bureaucrat appointment in Washington D.C ... or the world.

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And of course, Joe Biden is not the one in charge.

The behavior of doubling down is more a signature of Obama.

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That's why I now put "Joe Biden" in quotation marks.

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Yes. Let the beclowning of the CDC continue. I can't wait for the next "Fauci fun mask week" where we're all expected to play along. That's sure to be a big hit.

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Unfortunately, I suspect the next pandemic will be the real deal with a substantial death toll. Another WuFlu with a miniscule mortality rate won't do. Too many people know that they have been had, so the powers that be won't be able to whip up the necessary hysteria without a disease with some sock to it. The WHO has already put together a treaty allowing them to take over the world when there is another pandemic declared and you can be sure that Pharma is already working on an mRNA "vaccine" for the next bio-engineered organism loosed on us.

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I do think Bill Gates and others are working on their depopulation plan....covid was just a dry run.

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Yes but the powers that be may die too if it’s a real deal. They should know their vaccines are crap & masks don’t work

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Creating a pandemic via the lab is most certainly possible. But nature has a balance between the spread and the dead. Ebola is quite deadly but most die before they have a chance to spread it much. Covid clearly was deadly to certain people, most not able to spread it; instead the younger crowd got mildly ill and spread to everybody. And had the government bothered to inform the public about Vit D and nominal mouth/nose sanitation the spread would have been much lower. And perhaps without the leaky jab, herd immunity would arrive with some resistance to strains.

The pandemic messaging seems another power/money grab. We can hope the usual subjects don't give in. The coming fiscal collapse might require a pause.

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Starring Josef and his Mengelettes!

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Indeed, right along with most of the alphabet outfits....IRS, FBI, ATF, DHS, CIA, NSA, TSA, etc. and if decided that they are needed in some form, then remake them. But as they are today, they have all become tools for the current fascist regime and as such, enemies of the American People

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Sadly - This is not because lessons weren't learned. This is intentional and based on what they DID learn.

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This isn’t a complicated game. We live in an oligarchy. You kiss the ring, and check the boxes, of which merit is irrelevant, and you remain “in the circle.” We voted for this so we can’t be shocked when we get what we asked for

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"We" did not all vote for this and the outcome is not shocking but it is disturbing. Many voted against those who are currently in power.

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I can’t say for sure that you did - can’t say that specifically about anyone. But, anyone who thinks this is a new problem for a “democrat” problem, or a “if my guy had just gotten in things would be better” problem, isn’t really paying attention. If you’ve voted for any sitting president, or anyone that finished second, or any senator or congress person who’s been in office for more than 8 years, then yes, you voted for this.

I go into this in excruciating detail in this stack - https://butthedatasays.substack.com/p/has-the-american-dream-been-eaten

At some point we have to stop blaming the other guy and realize we’ve (almost) all voted, in one way or another, for this system.

Never vote for the party in power, and never vote for someone who’s been in office (or will have been if they win) for more than 12 years, and never vote for anyone who has supported any spending bill in any form, and then you can say you haven’t voted for this. Otherwise - you have - and you’re just pretending otherwise by blaming the other guy because “he’s worse”

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Thanks for posting the link to your article. I really enjoyed reading it and you did a great job of simplifying things on this topic.

I have one disagreement, though. You say don’t hate Pfizer(and many other companies) because they, like all of us, are responding to incentives. I agree that they are, but I can still hate them for not being moral in their endeavors. Our founders, and I believe Adam Smith also, said that this experiment required a moral people to succeed. It is clear that morality has left the building!

But brilliant article regardless. Thanks again.

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First, I greatly appreciate the kind words (and anyone who takes the time to read my ramblings :)). Second, you're certainly not wrong that Pfizer isn't moral in their endeavors, I'm just not sure that I believe institutions can have "morality." It's a complicated question, and one I certainly haven't spent enough time sitting with to really have an opinion on, but I suppose I ultimately try to reserve my hatred for evil in general and point it away from character actors, but now you've certainly got me thinking about if an institution itself can be so morally reprehensible as to deserve hatred, or whether that's letting the people off easy by misplacing that angst toward the institution. Much to ponder, and I appreciate it!

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Hate is definitely too strong a word and I should have thought of a better one. An institution is just a group of people working towards a goal. The people in that institution should behave morally, and it is clear that at least some of them at Pfizer, and other institutions, no longer are. Instead, they are acting in the pursuit of power and money at any and all costs. To me, that is evil , and certainly worth our disgust, and hopefully, some action to correct the problem.

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You have to assume that your vote counts in the election/selection that most people have no idea what’s truly going on.

Oops, fell in that rabbit hole again.

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It’s like Game of Thrones. The new villain is even more diabolical than the last.

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it's all just ALLOWED

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But not worthy villains who can survive an actual battle...paper pushing pathetic pale pansies.....the kind you want to punch in the throat when they speak their idiocy.....sorry.....but the entire CDC apparatus enrages me!!

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I live in Raleigh, NC and believe all of us: this is NOT a good decision for those who value medical freedom! She and governor Cooper ran a tight ship here and didn’t allow prescriptions to be filled for H or IVM(I wrote the NC Pharmacy Board as well as the state attorney general and got a “trust us we know what’s good for you” response).

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I live in NC and was working at DHHS during her tenure. I could not Agree with you more, but you left,off the part where Covid press conferences held by our Governor and Dr. Cohen were scripted and rehearsed. They Did Not allow any spur of the moment questions, nor thought provoking questions. All reporters were hand picked prior and questions already written in prior. Remind you of anyone we know?

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We have lived in NYC our entire lives (I married the boy across the street!) and are ready to move (we have a 5 year old son) — we’re checking out VA and NC this summer. Is NC free enough or should I be looking somewhere else? It has been so sad to see my beloved town crumble. Appreciate your insight as North Caroliners!

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We live outside Charlotte for the past 12 years. Originally from San Francisco. Had a vacation house in the mountains near Blowing Rock. Union County was freer than Mecklenburg county during Covid and the mountain communities even better. But we are moving to West Virginia this year because we need to be near Dulles because of international flights. Bit too hot in NC but cost of living and people are great. Really like the mountains but you might want a bigger city. Raleigh-Durham is super liberal but has better museums and culture and food scene. Charlotte has a better airport.

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Union County is amazing. Please don't move here...

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NC is nothing like TN or FL. The cities are all blue but the rural counties are much freer. It’s quite the divided state.

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Molly, I live close to Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill in a small town and while the lock downs did affect our area, not nearly as bad as for those cities. We have a Republican legislature with their hands around the Governors neck 😂, so we have done fairly well. I also have a lake house in Virginia. I vote find a place there, geographically it can not grow very much and is Very Safe.

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We moved to,Charlotte 11,years ago from,NYC. My husband is from,NC (another part). We love it.

Caveats, Charlotte schools were closed for a year,because of Covid, while Union County (next door) was open.

Charlotte/Raleigh/Durham/ etc. All cities, are very blue.

Weather is great.

People are great.

I will write more later.

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Molly, I've been to Charlotte. I've looked at a topographical map. Charlotte is on the piedmont. So we know Summers are miserable. Great by NYC comparison, sure. But not otherwise. 🙂

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Yes. Summers are miserable. And I’m a native. Late 50’s here and I can hardly do the heat and humidity in the dead if summer, although it’s lovely to be able to dine outside in March and even sometimes in November.

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Not sure if you’ve considered Georgia. Much like NC, the larger cities are blue but Atlanta was much less locked down than many other big cities. There were no state mandates around masks or closings, either. And just outside Atlanta proper, in the immediate suburbs, most places were wide open. It is hot and humid in the summer but you pretty much get 6 months of spring like weather and mild winters. I met someone in Blue Ridge (in the mountains near the NC border) last year from NYC and she had moved during the pandemic and said she was never going back.

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We moved to NC from Chicago in 2014… we lived outside of chapel hill, a place that we absolutely LOVED for our first few years there.

The reality is NC is a divided state, as all states with massive wealth divides ultimately become, and it’s been enhanced in a major way in the last 5 years as it transformed into a suburb of New York.

We relocated to northern Michigan in 2020 because I refused to live somewhere where the community didn’t think children’s education was worth potentially getting a cold.

There is a lot to love about NC - the weather is great (seasons but mild), the access to the mountains and hiking and amazing golf and Charleston and the NC coast for weekend getaways. I worked in NYC from 17-20 and RDU is an amazing airport with easy access all over the world.

The downside is it doesn’t know what it wants to be. Lots of get-along true liberals, and lots of deep red conservatives and lots of tyrannically lefties since the state is now owned by Big Pharma (as evidenced by miss Mandy).

We loved it there and were probably broken by the reaction to covid, and found a perfect small town that shares our values and perspective on life, but it’s still a very good place to live.

Last comment - it’s grown faster than the infrastructure around the triangle was ready for - so keep in mind highway access if you relocate, and how hard school drop off and afternoon commute can be if you’re on “rural” roads that connect what are now large cities.

Good luck!

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Northern VA is deep blue but there are pockets of sanity. If you happen to be Catholic and seeking a parish that actually teaches the Catechism and with great love, check out St. James. Our diocese got the kids back in school in Fall 2020, allbiet with masks, because Governor's order. If you move to NoVA, plan to pay for private school; some of them are not completely woke; the public schools are completely woke and do not provide the quality of education for which they are renowned. My kids graduated from Arlington County high schools having read no Mark Twain, no Hawthorne. Even my lefty acquaintances are shaking their heads.

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North Carolina is east coast I wouldn’t consider it as free and states in the South.

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They never let Brett Jensen from WBT radio ask a question.

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There is nothing, and I mean NOTHING I love more than a Board of Pharmacy dictating to DOCTORS what they can and cannot prescribe. Even a completely benign medication that has nothing to do with COVID, my local CVS tried telling my doctor when and what he could prescribe to override a refill before I left the country. Needless to say, he had a lovely little chat with the pharmacist who promptly filled my prescription for me.

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Along with all these 3 letter agencies, these boards need to GO. Did not even know they existed ... until we were not allowed to buy a piece of medical equipment that we already HAD. Why? Because the Pharma board knows better! (In Arizona.)

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Every sports commissioner was pushing/mandating these vaccines for healthy young athletes. I, for one, have not forgotten. Also, those fearless sports commentators with their brave "hot takes" are actually just wimps, always supporting the Current Thing.


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What a BS response!

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(Digression continues. What color is that? It’s not beige, it’s not orange, it’s not brown, it’s not white. Seriously, what color? Ecru? But is ecru a color, or just a world for beige at fancy furniture stores?)

"Jaundiced" fits on more than one level.

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🤣🤣🤣yes!! Jaundiced....not due to a chirrotic liver but from a chirrotic brain that no longer makes any sense....caused by years of self aggrandizing behaviors!!

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Got me good on that one!

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“We are in for a treat” says Andy Slavitt. Ah, the treat that is Nurse Ratched.

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Bring her on! The truth will grind her down, just like it did to Walensky.

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She looks insane, which seems to be a requirement these days for any health official.

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If she's coming to your house and you have pet rabbits I advise you hide them

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Ha ha ha!

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They chose her precisely because the WILL do it all again. All of it. Every single failed authoritarian policy will absolutely be trotted out again and they must have a “true believer” at the helm of the CDC. Won’t matter to me, though. I will NEVER believe nor follow any CDC recommendation again. In fact, I will do exactly the opposite.

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Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

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The Democrat policy is to pick the worst, most incompetent person in the country for EVERY position in government. It started with the Presidency, then the VP an so on. There isn’t one person in this administration who is qualified for any position.

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You're 100% right. It's by design:

"Totalitarianism in power invariably replaces all first-rate talents, regardless of their sympathies, with those crackpots and fools whose lack of intelligence and creativity is still the best guarantee of their loyalty"

- Hannah Arendt

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Orange Woman Bad! Orange Woman Bad!

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Come on man! Like this is a surprise? The absolutely most surreal reality which STILL persists is the perceived surprise of what continues to occur. All the same players in all the same positions with most of them getting multiple generous "we the people" funded pay raises for doing what they do to humanity and intentionally and yet people STILL act surprised. A rapist will rape until IT is not allowed to do so anymore. Its not rocket science. ZERO accountability is the #1 existential crisis we face in the swamp and its alliance with the Pharma-Military and Media cartel. Come onnnn mannn

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She was a daily horror in NC all through Covidcrisis. Cannot imagine who thought this was a good idea. Oh wait! Yes i can.

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“Proving it has learned all the wrong lessons since 2021,”?? Alex, it’s all part of the plan. She’s being installed for a reason.

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100% intentional and the swamp just allows it.

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My NC friends say she’s horrible. She’ll fit in just fine with the Biden Administration…

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Horrible, YES, however, she is much quicker on her feet. She could talk circles around the now departed head of the CDC. I am an Infection Preventionist and used to think the CDC was the “god” of infection control, Covid opened my eyes. Hindsight What Was I Thinking?

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At least you saw the light!

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Can we just admit that this is primarily a feminist-powered critical theory campus-indoctrinated female problem?

Read "Cynical Theories" and "Woke Racism". Those two books cover the reality of our education systems being corrupted with this fake scholarship toxic mind virus. It infested the humanities disciplines to start, and has bled to other subjects. However, it tends to dominate the degree programs that females pursue. And it tends to drastically influence females more so that it does males.

All the controversial corporate woke crap comes back to a female executive or marketing manager making the decisions.

When you dig into the critical theory text it is clear that it is an ideology for radicals. The practitioners don't hide the fact that they goal is to gain political power through disruption, conflict and chaos. Fear causes people to give up freedoms to authoritarian power in order to feel safe. And throughout history this is the method used by radicals to get support from the people.

So these CDC leadership choices really don't care so much about disease and related human harm. They are using their position to advance the cultural Marxism agenda. They are radical culture warriors. They are, frankly, enemies of the US as the US is and should be. Yet, they hold top positions in the US government.

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Paint me surprised! Really? Another Lock Down Wear Your Mask Queen? Git your Covid jab here folks!🙄

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she can have all of mine too. unfortunately I have no masks

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Absolutely shocking I tell you! 🙄

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