What sort of president, or person for that matter, quits their job via social media? He has never shown an ounce of respect for the American people and this cements his disdain for us, our country, and the office of the president.

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A 50 year + marinated swamp creature who has zero remorse for what IT does and all on " we the peoples" dime that is who...

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I would have expected at least a TV appearance by now.

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Why? Do you think he gives a damn about you or me or what we think? Jill negotiated her exit deal and is outta here.

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Absolutely not. I guess he literally only cares about himself. I mean, even his aides, who have put their reputations in the gutter for him, found out via X. There's not even the tiniest shred of honor or integrity in that shell. I'm not shocked, but damn... it's the office of the president.

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I don’t think he knows what has transpired since his visit to Vegas last week.

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Its EXACTLY what occurred. The GOLDEN parachute was negotiated

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Given his current cognitive state they can't take a chance that he might blurt something out. 🎯 Remember that?

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Good point, Louise.

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Did you see Joe trying to explain that comment to Lester Holt? Joe said, "I didn't say put him in the cross hairs." Kind of made it worse.

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I was so hoping for that.

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Did he quit or did they "quit him"?

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I've been wondering the same thing. The longer we don't see him, the more likely that it's the latter.

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Like I just posted, when the money went bye bye, Joe goes bye bye.

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Most definitely FORCED out, but with a nice golden parachute is best bet

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Can’t wait til Jill & Hunter’s China (and other foreign meddlers) $$$ connection dries up. I hope they’re all exposed…even though I know they’ll never have a consequence.

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No prosecute Hunter or himself because he will pardon Hunter and himself. This of course will happen after the election.

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Notice that in his resignation letter he listed his Party before country.

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He didn't write it. He's not capable of writing a letter like that. He didn't sign it, either. Nearly all presidential correspondence is stamped with a 'signature'. We have yet to see any verifiable evidence that he quit the race.

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Or if he’s even alive!

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I keep seeing the picture that was on one these Substacks of the gang of his speech writers. A gaggle of twenty something sitting around a table have a party or eating pizza

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And there's a bong sitting right next to the pizza.

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It wasn't written on presidential stationary and the signature is weird....watch Megyn Kelly's latest show for details.

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Yes. Real class act right there... party above country, self above country, everything above country.

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I, me, mine after all!

Rules #1, 2, and 3 with a • (that's a bullet for those who don't know this euphemism).

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I noted that right away.

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He may be comatose. We are left guessing - just as we have been in the dark for the past 3.5 years.

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Comatose or dead.

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The hero talk was quick and of course disingenuous. Never before in our history has a President and Candidate quit the race at this point in the timeline. But where is he? Does he know he dropped out? Last seen publicly he said he was still running and looking forward to getting back on the campaign trail. The left is making it very hard to not be a conspiracy theorist!

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All the evidence points to a palace coup. If they announce his death before his next public appearance I think we can be pretty sure he's been neutralized. Remember when Americans could at least count on the Secret Service to protect a President, at the very least? Now it looks like they've been compromised, too.

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What sort of person lets his dog bite the people protecting him more than 20 times.

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Omg…no kidding!

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Conspiracy? I would not put anything past the whole contemptible Democrat Party. I am sure whatever machinations took place Biden took the most corrupt and sleaziest way out. It would be poetic justice if his dementia was accelerated by Prion Disease from the “vaccine” he tried to mandate for all of us. But we can take some solace from some of the words Kurt Schlichter wrote today: “….But that’s Joe – always wrong, always inept, always blowing it – yet always convinced he’s a prodigy and a visionary. It would be funny if his incompetence had not gotten so many people killed, from our troops to citizens murdered by coddled criminals and illegal aliens he invited on in….reflected the contempt those who know Joe Biden have for him. Now history will portray him as what he is, a doddering clown and a grubby, corrupt scumbag who couldn’t even stagger his way through a full term without making a fool of himself. Biden feels no shame; his crime family apparently lacks the necessary genes. A normal person would be utterly humiliated at having to surrender after making a babbling and incoherent spectacle of himself in an ambush debate he demanded…. With his towering ego and rock-bottom talent, Joe Biden is now faced with the reality that he will be – if we are lucky and he doesn’t get us all conquered or killed in the next half year – a mere footnote in history. Don’t go away mad, Joe. Just go away. Your rocker and Matlock await…. But you should remember to take some time to laugh at Joe Biden because that corrupt, desiccated, and perverted moron deserves his humiliation. Rub it in.”

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"What sort of president, or person for that matter, quits their job via social media? "

The kind that sleeps on a box of dirt from Scranton...

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Lol... nicely done!

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It's like breaking up with your partner over a text.

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I wrote the same response - though 2 hours late. Apologies. Could have just like your post if I had read it first!

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No worries! I've definitely done that before. I'm sure many of us had the same thought.

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Fair enough.

But consider, Biden’s handlers used TwitterX-ville cuz that’s main conduit to majority of journo’s. Fastest pipe. When journos bother to provide a reference, half the time it leads to some other journo on twitX. They spend their day there. It’s journo heaven. They basically write to each other.

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His speech writers are all millennials or younger. They use Twitter X

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I wish that were true. I read plenty of geezer journo’s whose references, when they bother to give them, often lead back to twitX. TV Journos too. Old, young, doesn’t matter.

Their primary activity now is reporting on the hive mind, talking to each other, and seeking status by way of retweet. Likely it’s monetized as well.

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Democrats are trying to win gen Z and millennial voters back. (Twitter)X is a good place for making sure they know Joe is going.

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Good point!

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My party, the country. Straight from his letter. Explains it all.

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Obviously the opinion of whoever wrote that letter. It wasn't Biden himself.

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His name, his statement until he personally on camera refutes it!

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It's not his until he personally, on camera, confirms it.

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Like yours better, but think mine accurately describes where we are today.

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Both work brilliantly!

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It's the same sort of person who breaks up with a long-term (3.5 years) romantic partner via text. This is neither shocking nor surprising. Sadly, what is also neither shocking or surprising is the immediate MSM/Democrat statements of praise for Biden's bravery, patriotism, and selflessness. The blatant dishonesty and cover-up continues.

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Word is he's furious. They fear what he will say.

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I think he is a raging narcissist and a collapsing one. They are dangerous, but also very very manipulatable . Especially if they are elderly with dementia. It's all disgusting, a nest of vile criminals.

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I'm sure he is furious, but I doubt he says anything. They probably have enough dirt on him and his family to imprison them all and throw away the keys.

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Did you note the bruise on his jaw when he finally appeared to make the announcement?

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Do you really think that letter was all his choice?

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Isn't this how it works in totalitarian regimes? The Supreme Leader is incapacitated, but no one other than a few party insiders are aware of this, so the regime operates as if nothing is amiss.

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It reminds me of when Xi Jing Ping named himself President of China and a man next to him was escorted out of the room by security never to be seen again.

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an AI lizard creature will take it from here

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Let's face it Alex, there's no one in the media to call this out. They have their talking points and if they want access to the WH, they can't question the narrative. But really, there's no one left to hold them accountable for ANYTHING. I would prefer to be wrong about this, but I mean, c'mon, it's been like this for the entire administration. Why would it be any different now?

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Megyn Kelly, Candace Owens, Tucker Carlson, Joe Rogan....the list is fairly long of now independent journalists and podcasters who do question the narrative, and go much further in fact. Not saying these people are pure or perfect or don't have their own agendas, just saying the media as it has been known is itself dying and yet there is a rebirth of independent media. Many with large audiences are asking the same questions as asked here.

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I agree 100%, but the national media still has so much sway in the public sentiment, that unless they call it out, not much will change right now. As much as we can't stand the mainstream media, it's fairly obvious that they have more power right now than they deserve and are abusing it to the detriment of all of us.

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Oh yes, totally agree and I thought that was your main point, just wanted to add that thank goodness there are those who have escaped the media stranglehold. 🥰. It will fall. It has to. All of it. The whole house of cards. The thing is, that the REAL power is in each individuals mind. So "each card" (each individual mind) must awaken itself from its own programming. This is exceedingly challenging. But it is the only way "the awakening" is able to occur. So "the legacy media" will die, but it's the brainwashing that will remain .....until each individual CHOOSES (free will) to allow new information in, to do self inquiry. Way easier said than done because to the ego/personality structure it feels like death. And it's true, it's the death of beliefs and ideas people are dearly attached to. Sorry I went into rant mode!

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22

Thank you for your rant. I am distressed every single day that so many wonderful people that I know and love are amongst "the brainwashed."

This pearl of wisdom keeps popping into my head:

“It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.” ― Mark Twain

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It's really hard. I totally get you, I am in the same situation. But I do think I have learned some deep lessons from attempting and failing miserably to "wake them up". Everyone is on their own created path, and they have good reasons for taking their path. Actually, if everyone woke up at one moment it would be too much too fast! This is such a massive shift in consciousness that it is literally traumatic for people to wake up too fast, in my opinion. All in good time is what I keep telling myself! Meanwhile, I try to speak up when it seems worth it, and keep my mouth shut when it doesn't. 😞😎😖😳

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Couldn't agree more. I try to wait patiently for the cognitive dissonance to set in - for an awakening. I too "try to speak up when it seems worth it, and keep my mouth shut when it doesn't" - and it's mostly mouth-shut for me because I fear losing relationships that I value.

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Mee too

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Probably more than half the country have no idea who Megyn Kelly, Tucker Carlson or Joe Rogan are.

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And I’ve tried very hard to introduce them!!!

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Could be ... It's hard to imagine not being able to break through the mainstream media and forge your own investigative path.

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Maybe Trump will kick them all out of the White House

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Please let it be!!!

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“Night of the Long COVIDs!”

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Night of the Long Covids - brilliant!

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Biden isn't able to continue in office, Covid or no Covid. He hasn't been able to service in office since 2019.

Obama, however--along with that old bat Pelosi-- ARE able to continue in office.

Don't forget, Pelosi had her daughter literally pushing Diane Feinstein's wheelchair when the woman had one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel. Feinstein damn near died in the well of the Senate.

These people have no conscience or sense of decency.

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You are so right. They don't give a sh!t about people, only power. Joe was going to make them lose power after his less than stellar debate performance. They would have kept him if he still could be a plausible puppet. We can't even be sure he actually has Covid.

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Dr. Jill has never been camera shy; why isn’t she speaking for Joe like she’s done in the past?

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Good point. JB has obviously "not answered all the questions"!

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She may be ungovernable after the ouster.

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She and her beloved stepson are busy moving money around no doubt. I never believed for a second he had Covid.

We are in perilous times my friends. Literally watching Coup 2.0 while the puppet is taken offline.

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Those in charge told her to take her money and go back to DE. No comments needed. She's not in charge anymore.

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She took her mulit-million dollar payoff check and skipped town.

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She's depressed. No more Vogue covers.

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He’s having a temper tantrum and if he can’t play with the big kids he’s taking his ball home.

The drugs stopped working

Amazon stopped shipping Depends to 1600 Penn

He died and they’re waiting for rigor mortis to abate so that they can do a Bernie scheme (or, the double is waiting for the surgery to heal 🤷‍♀️)

DOES IT MATTER⁉️ he was never really there anyway.

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Maybe he's pissed they ruined National Ice Cream day for him.

There is an assumption in all this Biden knows he dropped out.

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What if, WHAT IF⁉️, in the throes of the Chai-Nah plague those around him ( say Queen Cackles ) took preemptive action and publish all that we’ve seen so far? Palace coup w/o all that muss&fuss that happens when, well, you know.

And, like you allude to, would he even know? All they gotta do for 100 days is get him to smile&wave from the WH balcony, say something innocuous, maybe yell a few times at a dog faced pony soldier reporter; it’s only 100 days, he’s got long covid, he’s moping due to Nat.IceCream day

And who knows, as bad as he’s been looking, he may go to sleep one afternoon and, well…grandpa won’t have to worry about that 7th Christmas stocking ever again.

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I thought the same kind of things. Why did they announce this on a Sunday afternoon ? It wasn’t so urgent they couldn’t wait till he ‘recovered’ from covid. Too bad his endless stream of boosters haven’t worked and Paxlovid can be a dangerous drug so he could legitimately be suffering. Does he even know ? i give us a 50/50 chance of having president kamala before November because Joe isn’t with us anymore . This absolute defeat , the vitriol from his wife, might just put him in his grave.

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They announced on X and on Sunday so they could dominate the news cycle and they gave orders to the media to say he was as hero for quitting and kamala is great. 😳🙄😞

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Just 50/50?

Mom , late 80s, fully vax’d/boosted was hospitalized last year, recovered now; keep hearing how the continuous exposure to the "vaccine" can have the opposite effect, make things worse. That could be what’s happening now.

Just not sure how the world would fare if Queen Cackle ever ascends to the throne - she come across as the type of person who believes their publicity and may try and "fix" the world in the couple months she’ll have in the Oval Office.

We avoided catastrophe when President Trump beat out Queen Cankles; how ironic (?) if we get Queen Cackles.

Now, it’s getting close to bread baking time - which, truly, makes me question my sanity: we’re approaching triple digits, again, and I’ve hit the over blazing at 450°F. Maybe it’s true we all create our own special hells. 😆

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that's exactly what she will try to do . Lord, help.

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Alex, I love you but seriously..."Now. Today. I am not saying Joe Biden has been forced to drop his Presidential candidacy unwillingly¹. Most likely, he is simply sick with Covid"

IS THIS A JOKE? OMG - He has dementia brought on by his years long battle with Parkinson's. Of course, he was forced out. He was never running the country either. His illness progressed too far that he can't keep the charade up anymore. What a joke the democrats and the media have become.

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I doubt Joe is aware of anything right now. We are in a perilous situation, since we have not been informed that the VP is serving as Acting President. Of course it changes nothing, since Joe has not been running anything for years. Kamala won't be running anything either.

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The question everyone should be asking is who is in charge of our country at this very moment?

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You're right, of course, but it's almost certainly the same team/cadre that has been running things since Joe was inaugurated.

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My dog, Annie, helps me edit my Substack. Annie could have done just fine as president - better than she does as my co-editor.

... Here's a photo of Annie after she just made another post at Unreported Truths.


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I don't know if she will be the nominee. Obama did not endorse her. He said he's confident the Democrat Party will pick a strong nominee.

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Who knows at this point...but the party is sure going to great efforts to put out a play that Kamala is "it".

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The Republicans are going to point out that she was border czar and she did nothing about illegal immigration. She joked when asked if she was going to the border.

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My conspiracy theory is that Biden is not with us any longer. There, I typed it out loud.

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If Biden died from Covid this is going to be a tad embarrassing to the "vaccine" cultists. If nothing else, the shots are supposed to be 95 percent effective at preventing ... death.

We're told Biden has got all of his shots and boosters ... or that's at least been implied.

If Biden dies from Covid, maybe more people will understand that all the claims about the shots were brazen lies.

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Dr McCullough reports that Biden has officially had 6 shots.

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This would be yet another important "truth bomb" belatedly detonating.

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its actually been an AI lizard creature for quite a while now

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Just clicked like because that train of thought has many tracks that need to be explored. Thanks for saying it.

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He may not be aware that he has quit the race. Most likely, he will serve out his term as nothing but a figurehead. He may not even be aware of that. Can we conclude that a demented old man has been locked away with comforting stories to keep him quiet?

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I am old enough to remember how this looked during the Soviet era & how Americans use to deride it.

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It wouldn't be hard to maintain his illusion that he is President indefinitely. A very small staff could just give him papers to look at or scribble on, and hold pretend cabinet meetings that are like little girls' tea parties. He could do all campaign events and press conferences in the dining room of the nursing home.

Seriously though, if he feels like crap and is generally out of it, anyone with access to his X account could post that letter. When he realizes what happened, what is he really going to say?

Or, they just got to him at a weak point when he feels sick and feeble.

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22

Or they made Jill and Hunter an offer they can't refuse.

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I think that's plausible. They did have a pretend Oval office made for him where he could give speeches to the public.

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What makes you think he really has covid?

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Biden said it himself - You can't get Covid if you get the Covid shots.

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Sure did! But I think they've been drugging him massively to cover up his decline and it's no longer working. They thought they were gods but even the most vile humans are mortal.

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He may have something much worse. Dr. Russell Blaylock contends that after the third Covid shot, a person has essentially no immunity left. I doubt he will make it through the next six months. He has obviously been taking a lot of injections. This might be slow death by lethal injection. Too much of a good thing can be bad.

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We don't know how many uppers his doctors have been giving him to get through important events. They are just as bad as Elvis's doctors.

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Just another Biden lie.

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I don't think he does.

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"In that case, his physicians owe the world an update on his condition and prognosis, including whether he is currently able to serve as President."

His physicians have been neither forthright nor transparent and have conspired to equivocate. Their statements issued only in print stand out for what they don't say. I expect that those "physicians" are knee-deep in concocting drug cocktails, oxygen fortified CPAP and other quackery designed to conceal Joe's senility for periods of time which explains Joe's limited public time. Nothing will be forthcoming from physicians.

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Today his physician said that the President is performing his official duties. So I suspect that he is either dead or incapacitated.

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He was 100% not asked, nor was Jill. She was TOLD, and she may or not have explained what is happening to the former Joe Biden. They didn't even have the decency to tell Jill before they concocted the plan to let him debate Trump BEFORE the convention, which was a setup from the beginning. There is evil going on here behind the scenes, and the liberal media won't say a word...because they are part of the plan.

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you can’t seriously believe he has covid! I mean, he probably does, given 3 doses and God knows how many boosters…..but you think that’s *really* why he’s disappeared? Seriously??

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they probably put him on a vent…..Adios, Brandon

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In my view, there was no "quitting" by a guy who had been in D.C. since January of 1973. The people who run the White House and the Presidency simply said something to the effect that if you do not quit the campaign now, the 25th Amendment will be invoked. He had no option.

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that makes the most sense ... or that he really is in a mentally incapacitated state

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