Alex: Your unwillingness, to date, to consider the childhood vaccine schedule’s role in the autism epidemic has been very frustrating for people like me who otherwise conisder you a hero. I hope this revalation helps you re-consider that somehow, magically, the childhood vaccines cause no problems…If you are looking for a mechanism of action, Cal Tech’s Paul Patterson proposed a very clear one more than a decade ago: immune activation events in the brains of babies during critical periods of brain formation. These simmering brain infections can be caused my many different antagonists, but man-made nanoparticle aluminum (the kind found in vaccines that isn’t found in nature) is an obvious culprit, becuase lymphocytes transport it to the brain and the body cant excrete it. There’s likely something similar happening with the mRNA shots that hit the brains of the baby rats, perhaps it’s the spike protein. Anyone who takes the time to read Paterson’s seminal paper will be forever changed: https://calteches.library.caltech.edu/697/2/Pregnancy.pdf

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Mr. Handley: The government doesn't know much about what causes autism (after a thirty-five year massive increase in incidence). The only thing they seem sure about is that vaccines have nothing to do with it [sarcasm alert].

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Countries with the lowest Autism rate: France, Portugal, Iceland, Italy, Norway, Germany, Greece, Austria, Spain, Belgium. Interesting - Canada and Sweden have higher rates than the US. But they also have universal health care -so better coverage...

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One experience is only one anecdote, but I have two grandchildren (age 2.5 and 5 months) and they were both born to unjabbed moms. Both are absurdly happy, healthy, perfect little kids who are both progressing fast. However, 2.5 year old baby's mom has a multi-vaxxed best friend who also has a 2.5 year old, and there is a world of difference in these two children. Her child is a bit behind in development, he seems unhappy and fretful a lot of the time, and I have actually wondered if he might be somewhere on the autism spectrum because of how he doesn't relate to people very openly or enthusiastically. This doesn't prove anything of course, but the differences are stark enough to make me start wondering about this kid. His mother had at least 4 vaccines.

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This could also be an effect of parental ideology and temperament. A recent study by Gallup found that children of conservative leaning parents tend to be better adjusted then those of liberal parents. In this day and age, anyone who resisted the psy-op completely to make it through pregnancy with 0 jabs would probably classify as "conservative" by most conventional definitions. Whereas healthy people who got 4+ shots... yeah, I'm gonna go out on a limb and suggest that the rate of blue hair and cluster B histrionics there is probably quite elevated from baseline 😉.


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i would agree with this hypothesis, over the jab theory. That kid was born into a world of double masking, and no socializing. The mom probably tried to mask up the kid at 1, wouldnt let him be hugged and touched by other family members. This is an assumption of course, but I'd say someone thats taken 4 jabs was reluctant to socialize and spend much time in public, and was always masked if they did.

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You beat me to it. Alex needs to take a serious look at vaccines and autism. His refusal to do so is perplexing.

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He could read some RF Kennedy, Jr books!

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Well perhaps he docent want to be labelled an Anti-vaxer if it looks like he is against most vaccines.

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Theresa Deisher, Ph. D did a lot of work to show the problem. When Alex looks at that someday he will begin to understand. For reference on vaccines go here: https://soundchoice.org/vaccines/vaccine-chart/

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So glad you chimed in with this.

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Add to that the following literature, Turtles All The Way Down and the Elanor McBean book The Poisoned Needle - this issues have been documented for many years yet the regulatory bodies (pharma water carriers) refuse to lift a finger, Of course they fund their own studies but impartial they are not.

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JB- thank you for jumping in first on Alex and for continuing to be the voice for so many kids vaccine injured. I saw first hand my son's reactions to a vaccine that threw him into the world of autism too like so many. Right in front of my eyes but I am just a crazy anti vaxxer. I love Alex but wish he would not draw such a distinction like just mRNA vaccines cause issues. Any drug, vaccine, or chemical can cause side effects in different people or for that matter peanut butter. NOTHING is 100% safe and effective especially vaccines. I know mRNA vaccines are awful and that is his focus, but I wish he would not discount us as conspiracy theorists childhood vaccines which is what the mainstream media does to him on mRNA. He should know better.

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I've been a vaccine skeptic since 1985 when a close friend's 8 month old baby girl was ruined for life by a DPT vaccine. She was beautiful and normal, and after the DPT she started having seizures...up to 5 or 6 a day. She ended up severely retarded and has spent her life in a wheelchair, unable to walk, talk or really to do anything for herself. What I saw with the DPT caused me to avoid that shot and most others when my son was born a year after that. He had a few shots (not many) as a kid, but I was scared to death of the DPT. Wish I'd known about the other ones! I believe there was a big lawsuit in 1986 or so and big payouts to parents whose kids were affected....supposedly from bad lots of the vaccine. The parents of my two grandkids have decided not to give any vaccines to their babies.

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Alex also Tweeted there's no long term damage from getting the clot shots, but this study (and obviously many others) suggests otherwise. He also says there was no 2020 election fraud, Ivermectin doesn't work, and Jan 6th was an Insurrection, but seems to know something's fishy with the Covid shots. Obviously he's really out of it, but he's making me rethink my total rejection of all that 5G/nano-particle hoopla. I have children so I can't afford to pull an Alex.

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RFK has an interesting data point - the US kids Vax schedule is 4x that of most of the EU. The lowest Autism rate in the world, by order are: France, Portugal, Iceland, Italy, Norway, Germany, Greece, Austria, Spain, Belgium.

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hey JB, saw your comment just after posting mine. It's tough to consider AB much of a hero in the larger context.

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Thank you for writing this Alex. I'm a friend, not an opponent, but I need to understand why you are relying on a Norway study and a British study to conclude that the shots don't cause stillbirths? What about the Pfizer clinical trials and all the shady things they did there with pregnant women? What about the fact that Pfizer stopped their study of vaccinated pregnant women early? Why would they do this? Here's what an internal email revealed from Jelena Vojicic, vaccines medical lead at Pfizer Canada: “The study enrollment was stopped with incomplete numbers because recruitment was slow and it became unreasonable/inappropriate to randomise pregnant women to placebo given the amount of observational evidence that the vaccine is safe and effective, coupled with increasing number of technical committees supporting immunization of pregnant women." So, they stopped the study of pregnant women because of their a priori commitment to the "safe and effective" baloney. And due to the fact that various committees were recommending the shot to pregnant women, never mind finishing the study to see if they're actually safe.

Also, what about the FOIA request of Pfizer that showed that only 270 pregnant women were vaccinated, and out of the 270, there was no outcome reported for 238 of them. Hmmmm. Amongst the remaining 32 pregnancies, there were 23 spontaneous abortions!!! That's astonishing. This is a document by Pfizer that was forced out of them by FOIA -- the same Pfizer that asked if they could wait 75 years to release such damning data.

Additionally there is the VAERS data and the anecdotal evidence from OBGYN whistleblowers.

So, why are these things not valid, but the Norway and Britain studies are. What would be the explanation for the discrepancy?

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Jan 19, 2024
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Yep, Never answers. It's bizarre how often he'll pass in and out of range, it's like he has good days and bad days, and forgets to follow up. Maybe he should journal?

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That's a ridiculous statement. This thread alone has 86 comments (to date). I just finished reading one that has 586 comments. Do you seriously think he, or any other publisher for that matter, has the time and/or bandwidth to respond to every crybaby out there. Grow up!

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With this study, it would not qualify for use in humans. This is not looking good for the people who fell for what our government leaders and legacy media have been telling everyone. I feel bad for all the children who were forced to take these mRNA shots.

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Still claiming all cause mortality isn’t caused by vaccines ?

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" the potential autism and brain changes the Turkish researchers found are much harder to track and diagnose than obvious problems like low birthweight or pre-term birth." Yet no govt wants to investigate? As always, "follow the money."

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This is a significant finding. I have a five year old grandson that is autistic. After doing research on the subject, I have found that the rate of autism is increasing at a concerning rate even before the gene therapy shots. The rate of autism is approaching 4% and is three times as prevalent in males as in females. The strain on parents is immense. We have him in ABA training that has helped a lot and are giving him supplemental vitamins because autistic kids need more vitamins than normal .We also have him on an experimental program that is designed to repair the brain damage caused by demyelination of the brain nerves caused by excessive inflammation. Time will tell.

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Aside from the burden on parents (on which I can qualify as an expert, having two autistic sons), the financial burden on society is crushing. A recent study estimated that the total cost to the USA will top $1 trillion/year in the near future. It is an unsustainable burden and I am fairly sure our overlords will eventually consider euthanizing the worst affected to address the problem. I also suspect that the large sums spent on identifying a genetic basis for autism are intended to develop an in utero test to facilitate the weeding out of the vulnerable via abortion.

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I have read that research is available dismissing the genetic causes of autism. Low plasmalogens levels at birth and in the first year seem to be an important factor. This is more prevalent in premature babies and babies that are not breast fed. FYI

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Hi Alex,

Have you read “Turtles All The Way Down”?

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Pregnant rats and autism link a pretty bleak recommendation for prescription for pregnant women. This from the trial:

“Pregnant women were excluded in 2020 from the big clinical trials that led to the approval of the shots, but ever since regulators and obstetricians have strongly encouraged them to take the shots. The reason is that pregnancy causes weight gain and blood pressure changes that increase Covid risk.”

No, doctors knew better but prescribed anyway. They know that unknown adverse risks downstream (in this case autism as one) would be lurking. They were bullied and scared like so many. But here, their weakness affects the most vulnerable. Fear is everywhere, courage hides.

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ACOG (American college of obstetricians and gynecologists) were paid off. Millions $$$ with the caveat - say anything bad about the jab and you have to give the money back...

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Do you have a handy link to document this no-so-fun fact? Thanks!

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Also the fact that doctors could increase their earnings via jab was discussed on a dr. Drew podcast.

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I don’t. But I believe Naomi wolf has written about it.

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[pregnancy causes weight gain and blood pressure changes that increase Covid risk.]

Rule #1:

Treat everything like a disease.


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Another example of how the pandemic was handled so horribly. Encouraging pregnant women was so against common sense.

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PLANdemic and handled intentionally in the way it was...

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Nothing new here other than since 2020 the psychopathic entities and criminals responsible for it all have doubled and tripled down within the church of vaccinology. Watch ALL 8 episodes of remedy.film ZERO accountability....its all just "allowed" to continue. All the same players in all the same positions and STILL there are people who ask WHY it all continues. A rapist will rape until IT is not allowed too. It's never been rocket science. Just sayin...

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I'm giving up. Vaccine schedule for infants including newborns? Ivermectin? Soaring excess deaths?

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What we don't know is how much of the negative effects of the mRNAs are due to the MRNAs themselves and how much is due to the DNA "Klingons" that come along with them.

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You wrote "And so even if autism diagnoses notably rise in the next few years, proving the mRNAs are responsible will be next to impossible. An outcome that’ll work out fine for everyone involved - except kids with autism and their families." True that. But the larger issue is less that point than the fact that autism rates have been exploding for decades now, and began rising shortly after the NCVIA unleashed Merck, GSK and Sanofi to perform a vast uncontrolled experiment on 2 generations of children. You want to be the heroic critic of Pfizer and the narrow class of mRNA products and have done good work in that regard. But the problems with the industry, regulatory capture and vaccine injury are so much larger and you are far too reluctant to deal with them. You love to criticize Steve Kirsch and others for being too aggressive in their arguments. Maybe they've had their eyes opened more widely than yours have been. That makes you less a hero than a coward.

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The blood brain barrier does not close for at least 2 months after full term baby is born. Boys develop more slowly than girls (my twin boys were 28 weekers so this is a fact, they would have been better off as girls in terms of problems). Let that sink in....

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Alex you seem to suddenly be all in on ANY study/paper from a mainstream source that you used to distrust. Why is that? Is Big Science now suddenly independent from Big Pharma’s financial influence?

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Naomi Wolf and her crew at Daily clout has been pointing this out from the documents that the FDA was forced to release after trying to hide it for 75 years. They all knew it was dangerous to reproductive health. Maybe Alex would coordinate his work with Naomi’s and expose the greatest crime against humanity. You could win a Pulitzer Prize for this. And yes maybe this will open his eyes about all vaccines for children. Great book to read is. “Turtles all the way down”. His worldview is still deeply rooted in the left side of the political spectrum which is made up of lies that they repeat to themselves over and over again till they can not think outside of their world of lies.

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Jan 19, 2024
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he lives in a liberal bubble a worldview that is built upon lies told over and over again that they believe are the truth. Read someone like Naomi Wolf who realizes now that her world view was all a lie. vs Alex

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