I'm furious about this. I'm furious NYC essentially exterminated the elderly in nursing homes. I'm furious for every person who had to die alone and scared in nursing homes and hospitals. I'm furious how most scientists and doctors either aided and abetted or were cowards. I'm furious at how hospitals and medical professionals treated the unvaccinated. I'm furious about every job lost, business closed, school closed, and drug relapse. There's more, but I am mostly furious there has been no accountability.

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I’m furious at colleges and universities that mandated jabs for their overpriced “education.”

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I am livid pi'''d off how our brave loving Canadian Truckers were treated. The RCMP trampling an elderly lady in a wheel chair. Castro Jr. his ilk pulling the emergency powers act. shutting down bank accounts of people that donated to the brave men women going miles, miles to Ottawa in the blistering cold with children in tow. Every politician ,be it Liberal, NDP or Conservatives failed to meet with the appointed Truckers for a meeting. Castro PM ran and hid. GFM refused to give the money donated by Canadian citizens to the Truckers, hence a huge debacle. Never deal with GFM, THEY ARE AS biased as they come. To this day we the people that donated have no idea or accounting of the monies donated. I along with many others would like to see, make it mandatory for the doctors, politicians that caused this clown shit..show receive the jabs that they wanted the Truckers and others to take for their livelihood. We are furious that after two plus years of this nothing has been resolved. I thank our brave loving God fearing Truckers, workers, supporting citizens to see accountability for the days months years of stress and being looked down on. Spit in their faces would be a good start, keep up with the prayer, reap what you sow, please loving God let us see it come to fruition. Amen. America has a great start with PDJT elected. Castro resigned a glimmer

of hope for an early election, no Liberal or NDP as a Crime Minister. Lets's see what happens. Cheers.

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I have so much respect and gratitude for the truckers.

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I wholeheartedly agree. The Truckers were the ones that stood up and history slowly started to turn. I am forever grateful for each and every one of them.

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My wife and I were recently talking about the truckers, and I have to say, they were some of the most inspiring people I have ever seen in real time. Their protests were among the most transcendentally beautiful and noble actions taken in recent memory.

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I give them credit for essentially ending COVID restriction, both in Canada and in the US.

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I am furious at stupid parents who kept paying and poisoning their children because of a mickeymouse educations. It truly beggars belief!

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They still are mandating

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And believe some institutions continue to mandate the vax.

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I personally know of at least 6 "covid divorces." I believe the collapse of these relationships was caused or at least exacerbated by the loss of jobs, loss of schooling for children, loss of community, forced confinement, loss of the support of extended family, and the stress brought on by 24/7 fear mongering by the media and public health. In all cases there are children involved and the financial situations for these people have deteriorated further. People don't talk about this. I don't know anyone personally who died of covid, and the 2nd-hand stories are all elderly nursing home patients. But the relationships brought to the breaking point by the covid madness are younger people and children whose lives will never be the same. This is one of the many reasons I remain furious!

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"Only" losing the relationship of my beloved youngest brother is not so bad compared to others. Since learning of my refusal to jab, he will not speak to me except in condescending ways and he's forced to talk, such as at our mother's funeral service when even then in our shared pain he reminded me of my ignorance of science. He has even said my church has the same beliefs that enabled the Not Sees. He was a normal, funny, kind-hearted person before he got his liberal PhD. After nearly three years I'm still not over the loss.

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So very sad for you. I don’t have siblings but can’t imagine my husband losing his relationship with his brother over something like that. People have lost their minds. And it seems, the more formal education the worse it is.

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Some people will never admit they were/are wrong and would rather risk the loss of family and friends. It's unfortunate.

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That's an excellent point and something that should be examined further. We are quick to point out the economic and educational impacts but act as if marital separation is some personal decision entirely seperate from external influences.

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True. The damage to all kinds of relationships is hard to measure but truly devastating .

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I came close. Sort of. My wife of 24 years HATES confrontation and is a paralegal for a county prosecutor’s office. I’m a Marine veteran and construction professional. (Probably with a screw loose) I tend to go towards the sound of gunfire. That’s not to say I’m brave, it’s just ingrained. And I don’t shy away from conflict. Covid awakened something deep within me and it was the opposite of liking to be pushed.

Some attorney came into their open office and announced that they still had some shots left (because government workers were foremost when it comes to protecting the populace) but they needed to go RIGHT NOW!!

So she did in mid-March of 2021. We were watching TV in May and after watching a Pfizer commercial I asked her if she thought she’d ever get that shot. She told me she’d already gotten both doses. I really thought I would throw up. I’d found a PDF of the card on the University of Wisconsin website earlier that year and had it if I ever needed it. I don’t give a fuck about their logo, the CDC is The People’s department.

But to me it meant that she was going on a path that I couldn’t follow. If that card became a barrier to entry she had one and I didn’t. A lot of things that I THOUGHT of but it really came down to her having anxiety, disliking confrontation and just wanting to get the shit over with. She regretted not telling me but she knew I’d talk her out of it or at least want her to wait. And she didn’t want to have a spotlight on her if it ever came up in her office (it didn’t).

But yeah, Goddamn them for putting her and us through that.

And then our neighbors…friends for 14 years (2006 to 2024 (I subtract 4 years because I was outcast when I didn’t want to wear a stupid mask, physically distance and clamor excitedly to get an experimental shot)) stopped including us because I didn’t live as they chose. The one next door has family in NYC and thought she wasn’t helping them if her level of freak out wasn’t adequate to that of Cuomo.

It’s been an adventure and I’ve learned a lot about myself. Chiefly that liberty is natural and personal. You can sacrifice yours but you can’t sacrifice mine. I say it was worth losing friends over. I wonder if they’ll say the same thing.

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And marriages that ended because spouses felt differently about getting the shot or wanted/forced their children to get one when their spouse disagreed.

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The SCOPE in damage the PLANdemic psyop of 2020 did is so broad in reach isn't it! ALL of it was just "allowed" to play out too with the swamp doing NOTHING to hold these criminals who brought it intentionally and deliberately to account, and NOW we see Trump backing the development of even MORE mRNA gene therapy medications with operation STARGATE

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THANK YOU for a perfectly written comment. There are not enough mad citizens .

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This is the best comment on the current state of Covid idiocy I have seen. So many of us are furious (great word choice) and utterly and completely ignored..."let's hope it gets better or let's move on or whatever". Nothing has happened to make me less furious because, as you note, there has been zero accountability. Glad to see I have fellow travelers on this journey.

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Yeah I still haven’t received my apology. And there’s no fucking way they can still think they were right. Although I think if asked, most would say “I just wanted to help others.”

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We need answers!

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Not ONE person has remotely been held to account for the the pre planning, and executing of the great 2020 PLANdemic. Not ONE person on the entire PLANET. I must have posted this or similar mention at least a 1000x and here we are at almost groundhog day (fitting) 2025 saying the exact same thing said in 2020. ALL of it has just been "allowed" to have occurred and still IS being allowed. Just endless redundancy now. Furious is a good word, but are there any words to describe just what was deliberate and intentionally done with humanity? Not ONE!

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Thanks for the continued reminder of why the Biden Admin was the absolute worst in history. Keep the pedal down, Donald!

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Former Army, got out in 2022. Still angry.

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What remains baffling to me is why they took this big risk of reducing combat readiness, likely irreversibly, given the early information on young athletes and myocarditis. Was there any decision memo on this??

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Some have hypothesized that the bigger picture was to identify and separate individuals in the armed forces who do not go along with "the program." Potentially non-compliant individuals could pose a threat to questionable orders from their superiors. By getting rid of those who refused the shot, the armed forces will be composed of the compliant.

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The potential ramifications, if this is true, are incredibly scary...

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It depends if you are getting promoted for combat readiness or more "vaccinations"

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Yep. “The Navy has fired a dozen leaders but won't explain why.”

A total of 13 commanding officers have been fired so far this year, including five in one week, the Navy said. Read in NBC News: https://apple.news/A2s7rtAM5TUi9YqTUIt3lxA

I know why; they dared to speak out about the sudden deaths among young, healthy recruits and were simply removed from their positions

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Furious indeed!

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oh no, all the dismissed soldiers were easily replaced by fabulous transgender warriors! think of the amazing battle stories- having to stop in mid march to take a hormone injection, making sure you've got the pronouns right before you blow someone's head off, checking your false eyelashes and your nails before reporting to duty, planting your rainbow flag on enemy territory. who knew wars could be such fun?

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Love the article. Fully disagree with your imputed reasoning as to why Biden did it.

In fact it was a curious segue from the factual to the speculative without skipping a beat.

What Biden did to us all with mandates, the military being a part of us all, and with a slight different flavour than other sectors, is fact.

But why he did it, wasn't to please the karens.

Many possible reasons are far better explanations than the one you gave for why the Obama/Biden admin forced these shots.

A plan to obliterate individual rights including bodily autonomy, makes way more sense than your explanation.

Just trying to please the karens, doesn't explain the ending of the 1st amendment on Twitter, does it? As just one tiny example of the industrial scale destruction of rights in the US over Covid.

Everything in the last 10 years or so has been about the erosion of constitutional and individual rights. About the nation state as a whole and the USA in particular. The lies about mass immigration and the border were the same kind of lies about Covid and the vaxx.

I gotta say Alex, I think you really really dropped the ball on this one.

And I'm a fan of yours.

To write off the deaths of at least tens of thousands, after it was known what these shots did as pleasing karens? Really?

And they knew EARLY ON these shots did no good and killed a lot of people.

At some point, you have to go with the obvious. The results they got, are the results they wanted.

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You nailed it. The results they wanted are the results they got. Purposeful. Intentional. Prescriptive. Insanely evil.

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You’re so right in your analysis. This was planned by some evil people. No one has suffered for doing this. Until that happens they will try it again.

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they are already trying. monkey pox didn't work so now they're planning to use "bird flu" to get rid of chickens, cows and raw milk.

they don't have much imagination- they always try the same things. it's up to us to keep their plans from working

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These people do not value human life.

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Wow, you'll think I'm exaggerating but my heart started beating faster when I read the part that comes after "curious segue..." There have been many curious things like this coming from this particular stacker, and the only

reason I haven't cancelled is cuz I'm trying to figure out what his game is... here's a nuanced glitch I find in his writing: a deadly serious topic, a quick time out for a "witty pun" to attract paid subscribers, then back to horror. Bigger examples are his refusals to - at least to his readers -entertain the idea that the same sociopath kingpins who pushed Covid crimes against humanity would ever in a million years rig a 2020 election to have a zombie stooge to read their teleprompters or stage a Jan 6 to keep the freewheeling loose cannon out. I respect many friends much less for not instantly, if ever, seeing these crimes for what they were, but at least these same friends have been consistently dumbassian. The guy writing this Stack oddly pretends he "sees noth-ING" (H's Heroes) except scamdemic - Although last I checked he's not talking much about the continuing climb of all-cause horrors.

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The segue from fact to speculation, is itself an indicator of something else, I think you are trying to say.

It is difficult not to think so.

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I agree, it's great when people understand how crazy evil it all was, but when somebody well versed on many of the facts offers only pedestrian reasons for why it all went down, I start thinking there's a hard ceiling on the scope of their thinking... for some reason.

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A writer often uses a turn of phrase - "pleasing Karens" - to sum up quickly what really is a massive complex concept. WTF was really behind ALL of the PSYOP and economic devastation inflicted on us? That's several books, IMHO. No worries, Alex. We had some Karens in our worlds too. And some of them were men...

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Alex,, I found you because of this topic and your voice was a savior to me during this madness and remains so till today. At that time, I was being bullied and threatened from all ends for refusing the shots and wanting to wait until I knew more. Good Friends alienated me and started suggesting I "must want my kids to die" for my choice to hold off on vaccinating them until I knew more. I was falling apart getting emails and texts telling me how stupid I was and how I too was going to die from covid....and I was fielding these threats while trying to not have my daughter expelled from a school( I finally won). I felt so alone until I found this and your extremely well written and SANE pieces- they literally saved me during that time because I knew you were right. YOU were RIGHT- and Ill forever be grateful to you for giving me all the reasons to believe I was too. Thank you.

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As a former pariah myself, you deserve praise - you did right by your children. All of my family members and their children that got vaxxed too are suffering weird ailments now. Some fatal. I’m pissed I’m losing beloved family members … and thank all who helped the rest of us stay strong.

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@J- same except my kids are all adults.

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Yes, I'm still angry. And still angry that the pro-jabbers still won't admit how wrong they were.

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I have had several suggest that we all need to forgive because it was something the world had never faced and people were scared.

Well, each generation faces some test of character and too many have failed this one. There needs to be accountability before we "just move on."

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I can grant forgiveness when it’s asked for. But not before, not for this bullshit.

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Yes, still extremely angry.

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The biggest travesty here is if Fauci walks unscathed. Trump can and will do right by the military men and women, but punishing the root cause of all this would be true justice.

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We can still take him down and bring everything to light. The man is an egomaniac. The public destruction of his vaunted image will be worse for him than the prison sentence he deserves. So let's go.

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EXACTLY -- at the very least. Otherwise, he will show up in future history books as Paul Revere, w Dr. Birx riding side-saddle!

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Can’t do it because of the Biden pardons.

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it's a federal pardon. the states can sue him. individuals can bring wrongful death suits against him

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Actually, the pardons mean Fauci and others can’t plead the 5th and will have to truthfully answer questions or theoretically face jail time. I am hopeful we’ll have confirmation of so much of the evil we already know is fact.

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Fauci like Cain (whether he was or was simply a morality story matters not) is publicly guilty for all to see. He is an untouchable marked man, doomed to wander.

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It's more complicated, but at some point one would think they'd do something similar for us (now former) healthcare workers who got booted for refusing the state and CMS mandates. I'm not holding my breath, though. Obviously, the back pay would be nice, but most of all, it's hard to fully forgive people who refuse to apologize.

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Amen. And healthcare workers who complied and bullied are not trusted by us now either. Not. At. All.

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The military remembers this epic fail the last time they played with vaccines + military in 2003. Check out the research by Jessica Rose of substack: Unacceptable Jessica dated 1/27/25. Alex, if you have not connected with her work yet, you might find reason to take interest.

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So thankful he has reinstated the men and women who were brave enough to NOT COMPLY with unconstitutional orders. We need them back in our military. Back pay isn't enough, but it's something.

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Hope sl he does something for those demoted too! “The Navy has fired a dozen leaders but won't explain why.”

A total of 13 commanding officers have been fired so far this year, including five in one week, the Navy said. Read in NBC News: https://apple.news/A2s7rtAM5TUi9YqTUIt3lxA

I know why; they dared to speak out about the sudden deaths among young, healthy recruits and were simply removed from their positions.

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Best first 8 days for a POTUS in my semi-long lifetime. And, yes, I'm still pissed about what the Branch Covidians did to all of us.

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As a veteran, physician, and friend of young service members one of which got out rather than get the COVID poison what is even more revulsion inducing is the adverse negative medical consequences particularly for those who chose to submit to the coercion rather than receive a less than honorable discharge. Soon after the shots were administered clinic military outpatient visits for every disease category went up by 400% with the exception of neurological which was 1000%. The entire pack of malicious, moronic reprobates in the Biden Administration and DOD who perpetrated this should live the rest of their lives in complete infamy., and derision.

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They should live the rest of their lives in small jail cells.

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Even better! If only!

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One would think most would take him up on it - getting all that back pay - plus I am sure that many of them enjoyed their work even if they are still extremely angry.

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I'm not military, but much of the same helplessness and impending doom loomed over me and my wife for over a year. Only in February 2022 did it feel like we may have been able to ride out the storm. I developed a visceral hatred for Joe Biden and his administration of authoritarian dipshits at that point, and I wondered if, with Trump, things could actually improve. Trump's reinstatement is vindication in a sense for us. Biden, Harris (who mandated the shot for her campaign aides!), Fauci, Collins, Austin, Walensky: F#*K all of you, forever.

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