URGENT: Donald Trump is reinstating thousands of members of the military who were discharged for refusing Covid jabs
And they will receive back pay. Another promise Trump made - and kept.
I will never forget the emails from service members and their families. They started in summer 2021 and didn’t stop for a year.
I'm in the Air Force. There are many many people refusing the vaccines, and the Reserves held a town hall recently to try to persuade us. It was a disaster… There are thousands of military members that will be forced out in the coming months, and commanders are lying and ignoring their own regulations to make it happen.
I've been threatened for asking questions, another base forced people to get a religious exemption or medical exemption in 1 day or take the shot, if neither then they were threatened with dishonorable discharge. I know countless SEALs as well willing to get out over this (if that interests you i can get exact numbers and people to go on the record)…
(Standing for the truth - in 2021, and today. Stand with me.)
My daughter is an E4 (USN), stationed in Naples, IT 6th fleet. A captain is handing out letters rejecting all waivers this week. She got hers today. They have five days either to get vaccinated or to begin the process of administrative separation. She is appealing and that might delay things by a month.
As things stand, she is likely to get an other than honorable discharge. It’s very sad because she has served her country well and done her duty.
I am a retired federal prosecutor and former US Marine. My son is a Marine Officer… [who] was FORCED to take it or face court martial, or some other punishment, and a possible dishonorable discharge.
I could feel the helpless anger in those emails.
I knew there wasn’t anything I could do. I couldn’t even protest on Twitter, since the Biden Administration and Pfizer had taken that from me too. And I’m sure the people writing knew I couldn’t do anything.
But they reached out anyway. We couldn’t do anything, none of us, but we had to try.
These good, honest men and women had signed up to serve their country. They knew that they might be sent to risk their lives to fight in Afghanistan or Syria.
But they did not expect that the Biden Administration would force them to take a shot for Covid, a disease that presented effectively no risk to healthy people under 50.
Even worse, by Aug. 24, 2021, when Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III mandated the shots, it was clear that the mRNA jabs carried a significant risk of myocarditis and pericarditis for men under 40, who make up about three-quarters of active-duty service members.
In other words, the mandate was entirely political - just another effort by the White House to normalize Covid jabs and make anyone who didn’t take them feel excluded from American life.
More than 8,000 service members were discharged rather than received Covid jabs in 2021 and 2022. Others quit on their own - or accepted the shots unwillingly, fearing the consequences if they refused.
All so that Joe Biden could show left-wing Karens that he was serious about getting healthy adults vaccinated against Covid - whether they wanted to or not.
But Biden isn’t president anymore. (I know, if he ever was.)
Donald Trump is.
And this morning, Fox News reported that Trump will keep the promise he made in his inaugural address and reinstate any discharged service members who request to rejoin - at their prior ranks, and with back pay and benefits.
There isn’t much more to say. The wheels grind slow, but they grind exceeding fine.
I’m still angry. I hope you are too.
(Join me.)
I'm furious about this. I'm furious NYC essentially exterminated the elderly in nursing homes. I'm furious for every person who had to die alone and scared in nursing homes and hospitals. I'm furious how most scientists and doctors either aided and abetted or were cowards. I'm furious at how hospitals and medical professionals treated the unvaccinated. I'm furious about every job lost, business closed, school closed, and drug relapse. There's more, but I am mostly furious there has been no accountability.
Thanks for the continued reminder of why the Biden Admin was the absolute worst in history. Keep the pedal down, Donald!