Why are they doing it at all?

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EXACTLY! I rarely "freak out" ... my question is, WTAF are the heartless ghouls up to now, with their precious little virus gain-of-function experiments and the murder of countless helpless mice? ENOUGH ALREADY, for God's sake.

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I would give you 500 "likes" if I could - totally, totally agree. ENOUGH.

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1,000! Likes 😀

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There is some chance any chimera will be worse than the two starting viruses. And there is no chance like that worth taking.

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Dual Use Research


National Security Bioweapons Research, first and foremost. That's what this research is all about. This is why BARDA is involved.

Then if they can spin off one of these research projects into pHARMa profits, they will do so-- under the guise of PUBLIC HEALTH.

Stay up to date on your boosters, folks!

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Exactly right! It should be illegal

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In six months the Chinese will be blaming us. Some lab workers ate the bats. Lol

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They may also be doing this as a faults flag. Get everyone scared to leave the house and vote. Look people spread it around this Admin does not care about you and even go to Nuclesr War to stay in power. They only care about their stupid Utopia.

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They only care about Power. That’s utopia to them.

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And money.

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Power and equity. But not equity of power.

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Don't worry, they're just protecting us with Science.

Are you questioning Science?

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“She blinded me with Science!” - Thomas Dolby

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David, thank you for posting this. I just looked at the link you posted. I would tend to go with Byrum Bridle's perspective more than Alex's opinion since Bridle is a virology professor and researcher who has been providing accurate Covid information and accurate vaccine info from the beginning. Everyone should read Bridle's substack which gives a very different opinion from Alex's. For example, Bridle quotes from the Boston research: “…unlike naturally occurring Omicron, [the chimeric SARS-CoV-2] efficiently replicates in cell lines and primary-like distal lung cells.” Then Bridle explains: "…translation: the chimeric SARS-CoV-2 has the potential to cause infections deep in the lungs, where severe pneumonia would be the expected outcome."

So, one thing Bridle points out is, they have taking relatively harmless Omicron and changed it so that instead of staying only in upper airways, it now can readily get established in the lungs where it can cause pneumonia. Charming.

Bridle also points out the Boston researchers have just provided the recipe so that any bio-terrorist could make this in their own lab which is not necessarily going to be a level 3 or level 4 lab, but I guess they would not care, if they were planning to spread it around to others.

Further, Bridle points out that even though the Boston researchers conducted their research in a level 3 lab, the virus they created meets the criteria for requiring level 4 security.

It is an extremely worthwhile article to read.

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Excellent, thanks for posting! A whole 'Reply to Alex Berenson' section at the end :)

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Excellent link. Thank you!

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Thanks for the link. I'd never heard of this guy, but I like what I read. Frankly I like his angle. The "scientists" on covid vaccines have stopped doing science and are now just winging it. We should all be calling this out. It's true, and it avoids that whole anti-vax smear tactic from the vaccine cultists.

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Dr. Byrum Bridle is awesome. He is very active in the Canadian Covid Care Alliance, which has a great website.


If you go the website, and scroll down a bit, there is a video of Dr. Bridle on the right hand side that is titled, "It's Time to Stop the Shots; There is no justification for vaccinating children.

The website has a section devoted to Ivermectin including a documentary about Ivermectin https://covid19criticalcare.com/ivermectin/ but numerous good resources, and tons of info about treatments, vaccines, etc. And even though it is Canadian, basically almost everything would apply to us in the US as well.

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I have been watching the Canadian situation with some interest and even contributed to the truckers. Well, at least I tried, but the money got frozen and then refunded. Personally, I'm not on the ivermectin train, but I think banning it was ridiculous. Scott Alexander did a great sum-up of the various published studies, and his conclusion was that it seemed to work in places like Brazil, which coincidentally also had high levels of undiagnosed parasite infections. His thesis, which seems as reasonable as any, is that it worked in covid because it killed the parasites, which gave the person's immune system some breathing room. As for HCQ, I don't have an opinion. But I do think it's odd that no one in government made the slightest effort (maybe via a YouTube livestream with a Q&A) to explain in clear, calm, scientific terms why they thought these things wouldn't work. At least that would have been a debate. But banning these things outright gave them a kind of outlaw appeal which was entirely counterproductive.

Anyway, thanks for your reply. Have a great day!

P.S. I'm also a big fan of Viva Frei on YouTube. So I know more than the average American about the horrors of what's gone on in Canada.

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Thanks, Kim. I'm actually a physician and I have seen with my own eyes that Ivermectin works very, very well - I've seen terribly ill patients who almost had to be admitted to hospital, who improved hugely as soon as we started Ivermectin. But as for the research - there are now 90 studies from 27 countries, most of them positive. 41 RCTs. Not just Brazil.

One mechanism of action is that it blocks a transport molecule which blocks transport of the virus into the nucleus of the cell - if the virus doesn't get into the nucleus, it can't replicate. But - if you wait a week and start treatment after the virus has already replicated, you can't at that point prevent replication. Ivermectin does work by several different mechanisms of action, and it does actually help at all stages, but it's not going to help as much as it could if one waits and starts later.

I have followed the situation in India closely because I have visited India for humanitarian work, and I have a foster daughter in India. Someone from WHO came to India and persuaded the Indian state of Tamil Nadu to stop using Ivermectin, and the death rates went up drastically - then they restarted use of Ivermectin and death rates came back down. There was also a huge slum area in Mumbai where there was an outbreak and they were afraid the number of deaths would be huge - the government gave everyone Covid kits that contained zinc and Ivermectin, and the spread of the virus was stopped there. I've heard that theory about Brazil, but the results in numerous countries have been good - it's not 100%, like every single person gets better, but it improved outcomes.

As far as banning outright - most people are not aware that the FDA gets its mandate from the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act which gives the FDA the authority to regulate what drugs come to market in the first place, and for what uses they can be promoted by industry. That's all. It absolutely NEVER gave the FDA the authority to regulate how physician's prescribe. The FDA as organized under the name "FDA" has been in existence since 1930, nd never in the first 90 years of its existence has the FDA tried to overstep and regulate what doctors can prescribe and when and how, until Covid, probably in 2020. You can look at FDA documents and website information from the past that say clearly, that off-label prescribing is legal and ethical and not forbidden by the FDA or by the Food Drug and Cosmetic Act, and in fact, the FDA has said that very often this was beneficial to the patient. It has never been their role to say, "You can use Ivermectin if it is for this diagnosis but not that." No, they could say the manufacturer can promote it for this diagnosis but not some other diagnosis - but the physician has the right and responsibility to use the medication that he or she believes in his/her medical opinion will best serve THIS patient with THIS symptom in THIS circumstance - it is an individual professional judgment and the FDA has not legal standing to interfere. So, it was not a true "ban" in any legal sense, they could not ban it, but an FDA bureau chief strong armed the heads of the state medical boards and state pharmacy boards, recommending that doctors who prescribe Ivermection should lose their medical license. One doctor treated a large number of patients in a prison where they all lived, but he was investigated, because he got them well with use of Ivermectin. But, no, there was no true "ban" and there was no "outlaw appeal" for physicians who were working our butts off trying to get people well, hoping to avoid putting people in the hospital where they kept dying on the ventilators. If I had someone whose oxygen was too low, they would have to go to the hospital but if it was at all reasonable - lower oxygen than it should have been, but not quite bad enough that hospitalization would have been mandatory, I would give them a chance to see if they would improve on Ivermectin to be able to keep them out of the hospital and off a ventilator. Ivermectin was one of the tools I relied on, and I certainly wasn't motivated by any outlaw appeal. People who were scared of going into the hospital and dying on a ventilator did want Ivermectin, but I wanted that as one of my tools because it worked.

The reason that the government docs didn't make videos in clear, calm, scientific terms about why Ivermectin and HCQ don't work - well if you haven't read Robert F. Kennedy's book The Real Anthony Fauci, it's worth reading. He talks about some of the financial conflicts of interest between pharma and the government agencies, how government employees own patents on some of the processes used in the new vaccines and new drugs. The other thing you may not know, Kennedy talks about some of the fraudulent research that was found out and had to be retracted, research to "prove" that HCQ didn't work, where the data was made up out of thin air. Both Lancet and the New England Journal had to retract one article each. A driving force behind this relentless persecution of older, repurposed meds is this - perhaps you don't know - IF there is any approved med that is safe, effective, and available, for a new emergency condition - such as, Covid 19, in that case, you have to use that med and the FDA cannot grant Emergency Use Authorization. So all the repurposed older meds, including Ivermectin and HCQ, are existential threats to all the mRNA vaccines, to remdesivir, to Paxlovid, etc. See if you can find out how many billions were made on these items - I think during 2021 Pfizer made about 36 billion total on its vaccine, and for 2022, the projected total is 29 billion. And that doesn't count Paxlovid which Pfizer owns. With all that money, that could be an incentive for a disinformation campaign to get rid of competition which I think is exactly what happened. I suspect that some of the government doctors along with others in pharma most likely knew these meds DID work and the vaccines DIDN"T work, and didn't want to be caught in their deceptions, didn't want to be caught in a debate with people who knew enough to make good arguments against the government / pharma narrative.

But as far as that Canadian website, it's not just about Ivermectin, there is research on other meds that have worked, analysis concerning the vaccine, good analysis of topics related to Covid, and, like the commentary on the Boston U gain of function research, a lot of what they post is pertinent to us also.

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Well Bill Gates has already said we should be worrying about the next pandemic so here you go.

They’ve already seen that enough fear will make people do whatever they want.

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We know why they are doing it because they said so at the end of the paper:

"This indicates that mutations in the Omicron spike have evolved in such a manner that they hinder antibody binding but preserve the receptor engagement. This opens up the possibility of targeting the conserved and structurally constrained regions of spike involved in ACE2 recognition for the design of broad-spectrum vaccines to control the current COVID-19 pandemic."

It is all about profit and control with vaccines.

But lab animals do escape. I have spoken with a Harvard neuroscientist who told me it's something you don't talk about, but nonetheless known. It is incredibly reckless what they are doing.

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Because...they CAN. There is no accountability and never has been. All the same players in all the same positions and we keep asking WHY is this happing. Quite surreal really people still asking WHY. Just sayin. We know WHY

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True, we do actually know why. They are horrifically arrogant, and they are idiots. No ethics, no brains. I guess the question might be - are these people actually human? I'm thinking Peter Daszak who recently got a huge new grant to do more of the same.

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Stupid smart people are the most dangerous!

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Stupid, MYOPICALLY smart, narrowly focused intellectuals playing Promethean games they don't understand the implications of are dangerous, yes. Most modern scientists are extremely unlearned when it comes to the study of the human things, the rerum humanarum. They know a lot about bits of viruses and injecting poor mice with them. They have never, or rarely, reflected on the most elementary presuppositions of their beloved activity. They are no more actually intelligent than solitaire players or stamp collectors, but a lot more dangerous. Billions are doled out on their (mostly) vile activities. Annually.

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And never forget what these ghouls did to the poor ORPHANS and BEAGLES.

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Yes. Myopically smart etc. And no inkling of any ethical principles whatsoever.

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Family and friends of these "scientists" should give them heavy pressure to cease and desist. They are individuals who have chosen to play chemist to see what happens. Make home/social life for them hellish (lonely, without relief).

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No, they are not human. Robert Bigelow once announced on a 60 Minutes episode that ET's are here on Earth right under our noses.

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The only way this stops, is heads roll with accountability.

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So with you on that! Its just beyond words how not one single person has remotely been held to legit account in close to 3 years now and look what was done to humanity and still is allowed to continue. Truly a disgrace...

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All this crap will continue until we actually bring criminal charges against the FDA, CDC, NIH, pharmaceutical industry & Fauci along with MSM for pushing false information. We have documentation, videos and data to prove that they created and orchestrated crimes against humanity, case in point Fauci lied to congress about GOF which is a crime, yet nothing absolutely nothing done to hold him accountable; We can talk about their crimes from now and forever and it doesn't and will not stop nothing. I'm sick and tired of hearing what the criminals have done, we need action. Thanks for the reply.

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Those who produced the virus and the vax and ran the show these past couple years have enough money to buy a judge, and the best attornies. The money they made on the whole show. Accountability would be a good thing if we could do it. That does remain to be seen. We do have the receipts, all the documentation, but they can certainly out-lawyer any opposition, and buy a judge as well.

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Totally agree with you, we are not lacking documented evidence, the problem arises with a judiciary system that needs to be independent and do their jobs by the Oath they took, prayerfully there are those that are morally strong and have the courage to do just that. Let us continue to do whatever we can by calling and writing and showing up at town halls of our elected representatives and to make our voices heard.

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We are SO on the same page D! Its beyond measure how EVERYone can't see the #1 crisis we face. That being the utter lack of accountability ANYwhere! Not just slapping wrists and getting apologies, but serious accountability "we the people" who pay our servants to enforce.

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Far too many of our elected representatives don't even have the morals to uphold the oath they have taken to uphold our Constitution and we need to remind them of their duties to do so by writing, phoning and showing up at town halls and voicing our opinions.

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A series of unfortunate events

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Alex, Do not miss the point of most of those complaining. The real question is this: Why is this kind of experimentation going on without some kind of oversight. Have we learned nothing? How does it not get discovered until published? Those are the questions people are asking.

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well said and TRUE! Nothing is ever truly done to hold these "known" perps accountable. Why wouldn't it all simply continue

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I see it a bit differently: why do you assume that there is no oversight? Someone paid a grant to this University. Does the paper mention who paid for the study or who the scientists also work for? Maybe the last paper one of the scientists published would give you a clue...

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We paid for it, of course. Our tax dollars at work. Government grant.

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NIAID paid for it. You trust Fauci et al to conduct oversight?

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This. Why in the hell is this stuff even being allowed to occur? Oh, I guess we know the answer. They want us dead.

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Indeed! There is no purpose to gain function research. The whole idea is you're going to create a more infectious virus so that you know how to deal with more infectious viruses is absurd.

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The purpose is and always has been nefarious and based in control and ability to profit for what they create or on it. Pharma loves that idea and always has

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Yes, and it is vaccine driven. They have a false paradigm guiding them that vaccines are this magic solution. So you can be reckless in what you create and then just make a vaccine. I read the book "Bitten" about the 50's to 70's bio warfare experimentation with tick-born diseases and it was amazing to see how confident they were about things they barely understood. The mentality of "we'll create a strain that harms our enemies and just make a vaccine for ourselves." It's insane. I recommend the book.

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Nature always trumps the EGO of man. Man is always tinkering with what naturally already works creating so many terrible side effects and chaos

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The lunatics in white coats are running the lab. ☢️☣️☠️🧠👀

Ah for the good ol' days when one of the biggest concerns was who had their finger hovering over the nuke buttons.

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Yes. This is the fundamental question. A stand against this 'research' needs to be included in the political platforms so we can at least make an attempt to get control over it - and that means not trusting this issue to the WHO.

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When you think you’re “god” this is what you do.... this is soooo irresponsible. This is science porn...

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Because these people just can't seem to stop looking for ways to harm other people. If not this one , it will be another, and then another and then another. If there is a real need to perform this type of research etc. then it has to be under true strict accountability . Not under the purview of people who really do not take good care or worse.... And then deny , deny deny.

We clearly saw the scientific institutions among so many others simply cannot be trusted any longer and that is unfortunate.

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Do you give some thought before you write a comment like this?

“They” do it to control, manipulate, terrorize, and blatantly put people at risk.

Stop underestimating and minimizing evil. Unless you want them to ruin and kill you without a fight…

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I’m guessing that it’s a depopulation tool, or a test run at social tyranny or just God exposing the sheer insanity of mass deception

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22 days to election...just what is gonna happen before?

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Right. That absolutely can NOT be discounted. Throwing an election was the whole reason for the original biological attack in 2020.

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desperate commiecrats are capable of ANYthing

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For the same reason the research in wuhan was done. To kill us.

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Indeed. They want you dead. It could not be more clear. Anyone who was willing to engage in critical thinking, step back, and analyze the entirety of the circumstances as far back as mid February of 2020 could have figured it out. So few did then, and so many still won’t or can’t do so now.

What is happening to us and what is being done to us are not the same. Until and unless more people understand that reality the disaster will continue unabated.

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I'm afraid the victims are mostly too stupid to comprehend due to psycho conditioning and panic syndrome emphasis. We had the SARS in the early teens. Nothing was done and it worked out fine. This time there was a plan to intensify the proposed results which went way overboard on personal freedoms and with means that were all bs. Masks, personal distancing, vaxxes that didn't work. Actually ones that modified your DNA. That is a no go from the get go. Big pharma stopped curing disease when they found out treating symptoms was more lucrative. Do no harm went out the window when the big bucks blew in. We've been had. I hope it is not too late. There is a way out, however. It is extremely physical.

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Sad but true. And many won't have the strength and or the courage for physical resistance.

Prayers for peace, if only mental peace....

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As planned. This is what happens when you have highly competent psychological planners at work. Protect others by killing yourself. It is so noble and remember to chose the compost method of body disposal instead of the massive pollution of cremation or burial.

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It is a radical change from prior practice. We used to be able to trust the govt (a little). Never again comes to mind.

Back then they were mostly stupid. Now they are evil.

I prefer the stupid ones over the current batch.

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All part of the WEF’s Great Reset

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Except there is NO WILD TYPE

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OK I just completed preview of 306 medical studies. Can't go into details becouse it has to be approved. I haven't looked at this controversy in details yet because it hit desk 2 sec ago. The way Science works Agencies must duplicate the study or provide supporting evidence. I'm not a Doctor. In my opinion the numbers look large because so many have taken the vaccines or forced to. My opinion larger than it should be. There are allot of other factors complicating the issues. But have not seen anything not even 80%. If they said blended getting 2 viruses at the same time they may be creating a condition unlikely to occur in nature. In the UK Omicron became the dominets strain. Which means getting both at high enouph consintrations, improbable. The worst is Myocarditis which is 1 in 800. That's all I have to say.

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Right?!! Geez. What is wrong with these people!!

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Honestly it’s not what’s wrong with them. It’s what’s wrong with “us”. For allowing this type of stuff to occur, unfettered and unwatched. It’s really no different than what we have allowed to occur in government schools. 50 plus years off the March of Communism and Marxism through the institutions have brought us to where we are now.

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You are so, so right!!

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I am NOT freaking out, I am ANGRY.

There is NO REASON WHATSOEVER for these sorts of experiments to be conducted at all.

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Seriously. The money for this latest BS came from somewhere. I don't know where but I can guarantee it wasn't from someone invested in advancing medical science for the benefit of humankind. We can't cure diabetes, cancer, essential hypertension, kidney disease, or any other disease that already kills people. But we can figure out how to make an average illness more deadly. 🤦‍♀️

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From NIH and NIAID mostly. Really. What would you expect?

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So we paid for it ourselves!? We're financing research to find more efficient ways to kill ourselves? It would funny if it weren't such a perfect encapsulation of where we are as a nation.

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actually good point... need to find the paper, you can usually figure out where the money came from, all US grants are publicly available. I found the EcoHeatlh - wuhan grant back in the summer of 2020 long before EcoHealth's name was ever in the news. Same can be done here.

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Yes, this Boston U study is our tax dollars at work, and speaking of EcoHealth, they just got ANOTHER grant apparently to do more of the same. Again, our tax dollars at work. WE are paying for all this nonsense - useless at best or... what we had to deal with for the past couple years.

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Actually, we might be able to do away with them all, according to this series: https://stopfattyliver.com/

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Unfortunately, simple diet and lifestyle changes are not sufficiently profitable for our captured public agencies to pursue.

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Yup. Only the disease model turns a hefty profit. Healthy people don’t fill up hospitals or run up tabs at their 5 minute doctor visits. Mend and medicate. That’s the name of the game. Healthcare? What a joke.

I call it hellcare.

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Another grant coming from our tax dollars. WE paid for this, but they just didn't tell us till it came out now.

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Exactly. JUST STOP. Period. No more GOF research. Burn these Biolabs to the ground. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.

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If anyone reading doesn't understand the 'why' for this insanity at this point: you're the patsy. Time to wake up and smell your own democide.

Here is a shareable image version of the 'Abstract' of the BU study with the 80% kill rate revelation:


Send it to everyone you know because if we do not raise awareness and stop this madness, we will all be the targets of this new weapon...

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Oct 17, 2022Edited
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You would have to be brain-dead at this point to trust any institution with this research.

The people in charge are psychopaths, shots, famine, and energy shortages give them a warm feeling inside as they watch us squirm. Killer viruses are just icing on that cake.

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Oct 17, 2022Edited
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Heart disease and cancer - well, the shots cause myocarditis, and apparently the shots also impair our ability to repair damaged DNA so that a cancer that has been in remission recurs and is unstoppable - but of course when people die of these things, it's not counted as related to the shot. And no one is doing autopsies. Not so much the virus as the vaccines, and apparently they were made in tandem or so it seems to many - which "El Gato Malo" mentions in his analysis of one of of Peter Daszak's grant applications. They were working on vaccines while working on the gain of function research it appears.

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Oct 17, 2022
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Exacerbated by the shots.

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Well, true that cancer and heart disease were already leading causes of death, but all-cause mortality has gone way up since the shots, and the life insurance industry knows this, and the embalmers have noticed this. There are reports that there never were so many coffins sold for children until after the children started getting the shots.

Pharma, particularly Pfizer, have worked hard to obfuscate, but if the truth could be fully known - IF - I would bet on the shots now being the leading cause of death, or certainly a very major one. I think the truly scary thing about Covid and potential new contagious diseases is that physicians are forbidden to treat, and agencies tasked with assuring public health are actually trying hard to enforce non-treatment. So that if I got Covid, most doctors would not prescribe Ivermectin or HCQ for me, most pharmacies won't sell it, and if I went to the hospital with severe Covid (and severe Covid could happen to me due to age and unavoidable comorbities) a hospital would be likely to offer me only treatment that could kill me, while preventing any doctor from giving me even Vitamin D.

In a sense, it is a bit similar to being locked up in a prison camp, and I truly mean no disrepect to those who have suffered much, much worse - but knowing that there are authorities who plan for me to be dead who are intentionally withholding lifesaving treatment. I am thinking of Dr. Marik resigning from the hospital he worked, after the hospital forbade him to prescribe even Vitamin C and Vitamin D for his patients - previously when people failed conventional hospital treatment of remdesivir and vent, they would be sent to Marik's care in ICU where he tried less conventional treatment that saved many lives, but after he was forbidden to use his regular treatments, and he watched patients die who could have been saved - he resigned .

Thinking also of other hospitals where people died while asking for Ivermectin even sending attorneys to court to litigate for a right to try Ivermectin and being turned down by a judge. True, someone might get Ivermectin, recover quickly from Covid, only to die of cancer or heart disease later.

But Covid is scary when you know it is a disease that CAN kill people rather quickly, there IS treatment that might actually make this no more worrisome than a strep throat treated with penicillin - but the treatment is intentionally withheld, and only inferior and sometimes lethal treatments are forced. I am not living in fear because I have the items that I would need for prevention or treatment, but there was a window of time when certain items were unavailable in my area - and it is a scary thought to realize that treatment is being withheld so that everyone can be pushed toward EUA products that are actually harmful, or ventilators that too frequently lead to death. A situation created where, if you get the illness, you are trapped.

And it is not only the very elderly who are harmed by lack of treatment. I have known people in their 30's who had heart damage from the Covid virus - and there has been research showing a surprisingly high number of people having cariac inflammation on imaging after otherwise recovering from acute Covid. Whether it's the virus or the vax, either way the spike protein can cause heart damage.

You are right, they push the fear of germs, like, with monkeypox, pushing so much, to sell monkeypox shots, when 98% of the cases were among men who have sex with men, and if you are not doing that, you probably won't get monkeypox, and the current monkeypox virus is not very lethal anyway. I get that there are people who are very interested in pushing fear of germs to sell so-called vaccines, and people who were so unrealistically fearful that they got shots that in many cases caused harm instead of benfit.

And I think one could make the cause that the greatest risk of all may be iatrogenic - if you look at the various definitons, "caused by the words or actions of physicians," or by the treatments provided or treatments withheld. I think one could make the case that iatrogenic illness, caused by the very agenicies that are supposed to looking out for health, may be a greater total cause of death currently than any of the chronic illnesses that have been at the top of the list - but it's confounded by the reality that the iatrogenic illnesses, disability and deaths are also kill by way of some of the well-known chronic illnesses. The shot gives heart disease, the virus causes heart damage - how to sort that out, especially with no autopsies, and anyway, heart disease does cause a lot of deaths, as we know.

The misinformation or conflicting information from the government agencies is also a nice touch - wear masks, don't wear masks, they help, they don't, wash all your packages when you come home from shopping - there was certainly a lot of careful attention to keeping people occupied with things that would never help without giving them info about things that would actually help, like Vitamin D, which Fauci takes but didn't put that on any list of talking points.

Many nurses no longer want to work in healthcare because they are being forced to get the shot - the Medicare mandate is still in force against health care providers... health care professionals and patients are in many cases mistrusting and avoiding the system - and hard to say how that will affect health in the long run. Avoiding treatment of known health problems in some cases because people don't want the vax and their doctor may require it (because his pay will be cut by the corporation he works for if he doesn't get enough to take the shot), so they don't get the shot, and avoid that harm, but they don't get other problems treated.

Anyway, I'm thinking that today, iatrogenic illness is likely a leading cause of death if not edging up higher than some of the other candidates, but it seems unlikely this will show up in any published papers.

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But I self-identify as a mouse so I'm still freaking out (mouse/mice/mices)

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Aww yay! The furries to the rescue! 🐀🐁

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Yeah it’s a bitch being a mouse.

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Shut this shit down. Just cuz they can doesn't mean they should.

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And they use the taxes of the people who they have tortured for the past two and a half years to pay for the research. Insult to injury. Shut it down.

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Can't they, perhaps, try reduction of function research?

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It seems that Alex is implying this is "reduction of function" research.

Yeah, uh, we're busy making it less deadly for the next outbreak. And we need to do these experiments to make a better vax. Nope, nothing to see here at all ....

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Omicron could have been just that, and maybe it was.

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Can we start with a question why the hell they are playing Gods?!

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Oct 17, 2022
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It's a feature!

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I disagree with the premise of this post. If there is "anything we've learned", it's that the people and agencies funding this type of research are demented. Why are they playing around with this stuff. Was one lab leak not enough?

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Demented, yes. Or another word could be... evil? Or batsh_t crazy. There are many good adjectives to consider.

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Omicron was weaker than original. So it’s in the middle somewhere.

Still don’t understand why they keep dicking around. Now let’s find the grant Fauci gave them. Lol

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The grant Fauci gave him that YOU paid for and I paid for with our tax dollars. Our tax dollars at working making viruses that are either useless or dangerous. But I didn't want to pay for making viruses, did you? Who wanted to buy these viruses? Is there anyone other than Fauci and the mad scientists who wanted this? They did it with our money.

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Maybe they are trying to get control of something genetic, such as aging. It is complicated; they have mRNA, but it must be delivered to all the subjects cells, right? Maybe they are using the flu virus as a delivery vehicle for some genetic pay-off.

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I'm for them not f'ing around with this stuff at all. Just stop.

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Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me into taking five ineffective and dangerous experimental shots for a mostly harmless virus, that's pharmaceutical-grade stupid.

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"that's pharmaceutical-grade stupid"


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There is only one way to see if that 80% fatality rate is accurate.

Round up the research team and expose them to this man-made virus.

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And don’t let them have hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, paxlovid or any other therapeutic.

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But don't forget those who funded / enabled this research. The whole funding team, the ethics (oh the irony?!) approval team. They are all just as bad, if not worse.

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That is truly a brilliant idea. Yes!

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We absolutely should be screaming about this. Not because of what the study found necessarily but because they are experimenting on mutating the virus to create a more deadly version in the first place. How short are people’s memories?

Also this study was funded by NIAID grants (likely with approval from Tony Fauci himself) to the tune of around $3 million over the last two years. So why is OUR tax money being used for this kind of research in the first place?

It sounds to me like you are saying, “We gave millions of dollars to scientists in labs to try to create a deadly bioweapon, but they failed so we have nothing to worry about!”

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I don’t know if I was being trolled, but I spent about an hour last night on another Substack, trying to talk someone down from eating their morphine patch, because they were ready to give up over the new virus…

Thank you for posting this. Some people need some fresh air, which this post happens to be.

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I guess what you keep for the end time reveals individual character. Lol

I still see masked in car and alone with hands at 10/2 on my commute.

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At the beginning, Black people were almost totally non compliant.

Now, oddly, I see more masked Blacks than anyone non Black, both old and young.

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