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Well, true that cancer and heart disease were already leading causes of death, but all-cause mortality has gone way up since the shots, and the life insurance industry knows this, and the embalmers have noticed this. There are reports that there never were so many coffins sold for children until after the children started getting the shots.

Pharma, particularly Pfizer, have worked hard to obfuscate, but if the truth could be fully known - IF - I would bet on the shots now being the leading cause of death, or certainly a very major one. I think the truly scary thing about Covid and potential new contagious diseases is that physicians are forbidden to treat, and agencies tasked with assuring public health are actually trying hard to enforce non-treatment. So that if I got Covid, most doctors would not prescribe Ivermectin or HCQ for me, most pharmacies won't sell it, and if I went to the hospital with severe Covid (and severe Covid could happen to me due to age and unavoidable comorbities) a hospital would be likely to offer me only treatment that could kill me, while preventing any doctor from giving me even Vitamin D.

In a sense, it is a bit similar to being locked up in a prison camp, and I truly mean no disrepect to those who have suffered much, much worse - but knowing that there are authorities who plan for me to be dead who are intentionally withholding lifesaving treatment. I am thinking of Dr. Marik resigning from the hospital he worked, after the hospital forbade him to prescribe even Vitamin C and Vitamin D for his patients - previously when people failed conventional hospital treatment of remdesivir and vent, they would be sent to Marik's care in ICU where he tried less conventional treatment that saved many lives, but after he was forbidden to use his regular treatments, and he watched patients die who could have been saved - he resigned .

Thinking also of other hospitals where people died while asking for Ivermectin even sending attorneys to court to litigate for a right to try Ivermectin and being turned down by a judge. True, someone might get Ivermectin, recover quickly from Covid, only to die of cancer or heart disease later.

But Covid is scary when you know it is a disease that CAN kill people rather quickly, there IS treatment that might actually make this no more worrisome than a strep throat treated with penicillin - but the treatment is intentionally withheld, and only inferior and sometimes lethal treatments are forced. I am not living in fear because I have the items that I would need for prevention or treatment, but there was a window of time when certain items were unavailable in my area - and it is a scary thought to realize that treatment is being withheld so that everyone can be pushed toward EUA products that are actually harmful, or ventilators that too frequently lead to death. A situation created where, if you get the illness, you are trapped.

And it is not only the very elderly who are harmed by lack of treatment. I have known people in their 30's who had heart damage from the Covid virus - and there has been research showing a surprisingly high number of people having cariac inflammation on imaging after otherwise recovering from acute Covid. Whether it's the virus or the vax, either way the spike protein can cause heart damage.

You are right, they push the fear of germs, like, with monkeypox, pushing so much, to sell monkeypox shots, when 98% of the cases were among men who have sex with men, and if you are not doing that, you probably won't get monkeypox, and the current monkeypox virus is not very lethal anyway. I get that there are people who are very interested in pushing fear of germs to sell so-called vaccines, and people who were so unrealistically fearful that they got shots that in many cases caused harm instead of benfit.

And I think one could make the cause that the greatest risk of all may be iatrogenic - if you look at the various definitons, "caused by the words or actions of physicians," or by the treatments provided or treatments withheld. I think one could make the case that iatrogenic illness, caused by the very agenicies that are supposed to looking out for health, may be a greater total cause of death currently than any of the chronic illnesses that have been at the top of the list - but it's confounded by the reality that the iatrogenic illnesses, disability and deaths are also kill by way of some of the well-known chronic illnesses. The shot gives heart disease, the virus causes heart damage - how to sort that out, especially with no autopsies, and anyway, heart disease does cause a lot of deaths, as we know.

The misinformation or conflicting information from the government agencies is also a nice touch - wear masks, don't wear masks, they help, they don't, wash all your packages when you come home from shopping - there was certainly a lot of careful attention to keeping people occupied with things that would never help without giving them info about things that would actually help, like Vitamin D, which Fauci takes but didn't put that on any list of talking points.

Many nurses no longer want to work in healthcare because they are being forced to get the shot - the Medicare mandate is still in force against health care providers... health care professionals and patients are in many cases mistrusting and avoiding the system - and hard to say how that will affect health in the long run. Avoiding treatment of known health problems in some cases because people don't want the vax and their doctor may require it (because his pay will be cut by the corporation he works for if he doesn't get enough to take the shot), so they don't get the shot, and avoid that harm, but they don't get other problems treated.

Anyway, I'm thinking that today, iatrogenic illness is likely a leading cause of death if not edging up higher than some of the other candidates, but it seems unlikely this will show up in any published papers.

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I agree that the shots are the most likely cause of death these days. I think you are overstating the seriousness of Covid, the infection. While it can be serious for some people ( my son had a terrible case and 7 months later is still suffering from effects, but he is a cancer survivor and had 2 rounds of chemo) it is not correct that the natural infection (not the shot) causes heart damage of any kind. There are many peer reviewed papers stating this. The shots are surpressing the cancer fighting gene, causing new aggressive cancers and relapses of cancers that have been in remission for as long as 20 years. As well as strokes, heart damage, etc.

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Hi, Leslie. I'm a heathcare professional. I have a patient who got Covid during the first year of the pandemic. He was 35 years old and had no prior heart problems, lung problems or blood pressure problems, and no comorbidities. I had known him for some years, and I know his past health but I was not his primary care professional and it was not my job to treat his Covid during that first summer of the pandemic. He was told to stay home, take Tylenol, do nothing, which was the advice at that time. Later, after Covid, he was found to have heart damage, and lung damage so severe he was referred to a pulmonary rehab program which he could not access due to lack of insurance. He remained disabled, truly unable to work, for more than a year, though previously he had been fully employed at an active job. It was clear to me that Covid had caused that heart and lung damage. You think I am overstating, but I have had the opportunity to treat about 400 Covid patients, of all ages; I've had a year of research training besides, and I've been following the research diligently.

I wonder how is it you are so certain that "it is not correct that the natural infection ... causes heart damage of any kind. You are absolutely correct that the vaccines are most certainly causing heart damage, no question on that, but it seems to me that it is the SPIKE PROTEIN that is causing the damage, whether from natural infection OR from the shot. Since you did not give the citations to your peer reviewed articles, I can't evaluate the qualty of the research that you cite, but even in that first year of Covid, before the vaccines, I had read of studies where they did imaging of the heart and found a high percentage of patients having demonstrable cardiac problems that you could see on scans, along with blood tests indicating cardiac damage. I looked briefly tonight and could not find those earlier studies from the first year - but below are 2 that turned up on a quick search:

Again, I agree with you 100% about the damage being caused by the shots, but apparently you do not actually treat Covid patients, so perhaps you have not had the opportunity to see the "before and after" comparisons that would show you the effects of a Covid infection. (I also understand abouta the cancer issue, that the shots disable gene editing. The shots are bad, worse than the virus, but the virus when untreated can have very, very serious repercussions for many.)

Below, I give you links to articles plus limited excerpts giving some of the key points.

(1) This first article at Nature, below, is a summary of the original peer-reivewed article.

I give the link to the summary article at Nature since it is possibly more clear for some readers. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-022-00403-0

The citation to the original research as at the end of the article.

Excerpts: "Heart-disease risk soars after COVID — even with a mild case"

"Massive study shows a long-term, substantial rise in risk of cardiovascular disease, including heart attack and stroke, after a SARS-CoV-2 infection. Researchers found that rates of many conditions, such as heart failure and stroke, were substantially higher in people who had recovered from COVID-19 than in similar people who hadn’t had the disease. What’s more, the risk was elevated even for those who were under 65 years of age and lacked risk factors, such as obesity or diabetes... People who had recovered from COVID-19 showed stark increases in 20 cardiovascular problems over the year after infection. "

(2) This article from "labroots.com" (1st link) is a news item, based on a peer reviewed study (2nd link);. The excerpt (in quotation marks) is from the first link.



"In a recent study, researchers at the University of Göttingen and Hannover Medical School used a form of x-ray imaging (synchrotron radiation) to visualize and characterize three-dimensional heart muscle tissues from patients who had died of COVID-19. They found that these patients had significant changes to the capillaries (very small blood vessels) in their cardiac muscle tissue. The capillaries in their heart tissue had morphological changes, including variations in diameter and small holes. These changes were indicative of more frequent intussusceptive angiogenesis, or new vessel development and formation."

"COVID-19 has been tied to heart issues in previous studies, and this new information may help us understand why these issues occur. In addition to this new information about changes to blood vessels, COVID-19 has been shown to damage the heart through a lack of oxygen, inflammation, and stress cardiomyopathy, a disorder caused by viruses that makes it harder for the heart to pump blood."

" COVID-19 infection appears to increase the risk of both heart attacks and strokes at the population level, likely because of the body’s strong inflammatory response to the virus. This gives anyone a good reason to avoid infection. Damage to the heart and other organs is dependent on the severity of the infection..."

The above article goes on to say one can reduce the risk of getting cardiac problems by vaccinating and preventing the infection - that is ludicrous since the vaccine is known to cause cardiac damage in many people.

(3) This article from Johns Hopkins Medicine is not a peer-reviewed study, just a health article for general public, says, yes, Covid infection can cause heart damage, and here is the mechanism of action - see here:


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Oct 18, 2022
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Sorry, you must not have read about how the FDA attempted to completely eliminate any access to n-acetyl-cysteine, (also known as NAC) a molecule that is in your body and mine, and in every living human, that sometimes people need more of, just like sometimes you need more vitamins. The FDA got Amazon and many others to stop selling this product, so that my patients had great difficulty finding it, yes it is natural, and there was an attempted, mostly successful, ban by the FDA, though Life Extension continued selling it - though now, finally, it is back on Amazon. This natural product did not require a prescription and DID have benefit in Covid, but the FDA did their darndest to keep people from getting it. Likewise, Ivermectin comes from a micro-organism found in the soil of Japan, and has been lifesaving for many people for a number of conditions - that does come from nature, but is prescription only and the FDA really, really worked hard to try to keep this unavailable. Threatening pharmacists and physicians with loss of licensure, pressuring through the state medical boards. Most pharmacies to this day will not sell Ivermectin because of the pressure from the FDA, so it is difficult to obtain, and difficult to obtain timely if one has to have it shipped from a more distant pharmacy - and more costly as well since most will not sell, and then you have shipping costs and shipping time to delay treatment. And YES - if you were in the hospital because your oxygen level was too low, and IF your doctor wanted to order Vitamin D or Vitamin C for you - yes, natural, of course, natural and non-presciption - but if you are captive in a hospital and the hospital formula committee says that a Vitamin C IV infusion cannot be given which has happened, and your attorney does not prevail in court - yes, you can die from not having Vitamin D. Some patients have died because they could not obtain Vitamins and Ivermectin while in the hospital. Sadly, Dr. Paul Marik, who had been saving lives in the hospital, was forbidden by his hospital to use Vitamins to treat patients. After one weekend of watching patients die who could have lived, and him being unable to give the treatments that he would have - he did sue the hospital unsuccessfully, and he resigned. I hear about cases like these too often. It is fortunate that YOU know what to do to keep yourself safe and apparently have done so, but many people have not been taking things preventatively or they have been told so many conflicting things - they are not always taking the best of the non-prescription remedies, or not enough. Quercetin is non-prescription, natural, and non-prescription, but drive to Walmart or Target and see if you find it there. Though the FDA to my knowledge was not involved in suppressing that, but still, not easy to find, and did Fauci make that a talking point? Who knew that Dr. David Moskowitz had published in a journal abut successfully treating with Quercetin. It's on a list of items the FDA has recognized as generally recognized as safe - yet Fauci's advice is - don't let anyone take that unless they are in a clinical trial. There may have been a few things going on behind the scenes that escaped your awareness during the height of the pandemic. I've treated hundreds of patients, and I know for a fact that helpful info has been withheld, and good treatments have been suppressed in preference to vaccines and newer EUA items that are more profitable.

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