The trouble with revolution is it can spiral into hurting people that don't deserve it. Someone in my family has been very generous with Netjets air time, for people who need medical transport. I am afraid of painting all rich people with the same brush. Going in a direction that doesn't end up in anything good.
The trouble with revolution is it can spiral into hurting people that don't deserve it. Someone in my family has been very generous with Netjets air time, for people who need medical transport. I am afraid of painting all rich people with the same brush. Going in a direction that doesn't end up in anything good.
The person in your family does not fall within the "ruling class," correct? He or she is kind to the "lower classes," has no desire to rule over others, to dictate where they can live and where they can travel, what medical procedures they have to take in their bodies, what they have to wear to cover their faces like slaves, what speech they can say or writing they can publish without censorship, correct? Then that person in your family is not part of the "ruling class". It's rather obvious to those who pay attention as to who are the people with great wealth and in positions of power who wish to enslave others. I expect that the majority of those types are psychopaths. Their lust for power and control over others, and their use of deception is often manifestly obvious.
The trouble with revolution is it can spiral into hurting people that don't deserve it. Someone in my family has been very generous with Netjets air time, for people who need medical transport. I am afraid of painting all rich people with the same brush. Going in a direction that doesn't end up in anything good.
The person in your family does not fall within the "ruling class," correct? He or she is kind to the "lower classes," has no desire to rule over others, to dictate where they can live and where they can travel, what medical procedures they have to take in their bodies, what they have to wear to cover their faces like slaves, what speech they can say or writing they can publish without censorship, correct? Then that person in your family is not part of the "ruling class". It's rather obvious to those who pay attention as to who are the people with great wealth and in positions of power who wish to enslave others. I expect that the majority of those types are psychopaths. Their lust for power and control over others, and their use of deception is often manifestly obvious.