You're what? Let me guess. 24, unemployed, sleeping in mom's basement, sore at the world because your weekly booster shots haven't landed you a girlfriend.
Let me guess, you masturbate too much and believe there are children kidnapped in the basement of a pizza place in DC. Grow up. You come across as an idiotic loser. You really believe this crap?
So that would argue against vaxxed pilots since the vaccines are doing a great job of killing men and women in just that way.
Nut job
You're what? Let me guess. 24, unemployed, sleeping in mom's basement, sore at the world because your weekly booster shots haven't landed you a girlfriend.
Let me guess, you masturbate too much and believe there are children kidnapped in the basement of a pizza place in DC. Grow up. You come across as an idiotic loser. You really believe this crap?
Watch Best Kept Secret on Vimeo
Clearly you have, once again ignored the age old dictum of тАЬremaining silent lest you proof them rightтАЭ
You are the nut job!!