Imagine if anyone who didnt read substack actually found out about all of these bombshell studies that come out every day. Imagine if we had a halfway decent media protecting us.

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Between Substack and Joe Rogan (and to a lesser extent Tucker Carlson), I learned about covid, the so-called vaccines, and the adverse effects.

It's entirely possible that my father, at 92 years old, is alive today b/c I found a heterodox source of reliable information.

Next week, my father will see his first great-grandson.

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That's so great your father is alive and gets to see a great grandchild.

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And, Rosie, add to that Laura Ingraham (great early interviews with Drs. Pierre Kory, Peter McCulloush, Harvey Risch (Yale), Jay Bhattacharya & Scott Atlas (Stanford) and others) - and in Oct 2020, the Great Barrington Declaration on why lockdowns wouldn’t work - and then Senator Ron Johnson’s Senate committee hearings on the effective frontline use of IVM and HCQ.

There was a lot of information out there to make people question the narrative - and the jabs - if they just looked for it.

Kudos on your quest for the truth. And happy days for your father!

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You're so right. People had to be willing to look, and many were not.

I've joking for 2 years that I want the Great Barrington doctors for my primary care physicians.

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For sure! Any of these docs mentioned, and others too, would be phenomenal.

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Bless you! I tried very hard to keep the poison out of my Dad but relatives went around me. He’s alive but so many visits to the ER since...

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I am one of those people. Due to my age 69 now & I’ve had both vaccines & 2 boosters. I haven’t taken the recent booster. My hubby had the 2 vaccines. Personally I’m believing being on 2 blood thinners have been beneficial. No doctor told me that, I just ‘imagine’ it because of reading about so many clots that happened to people. I’m really ticked at Pfizer I think they did an extremely poor job of vetting any of the vaccines. I know a young women whose life has been tragically effected. I can’t prove it’s from the vaccine . She is in her early 20s & having to get the vaccine because of working part time in a nursing home while going to college. Shortly after that, her health went crazy. She’s coded at least twice, been intubated numerous times. It’s far more complicated. My Dr. Will have a fit that I didn’t get the current vaccine. I didn’t want to take them to start with, but for me it made no sense not to. I was a Paramedic & I just didn’t trust everything we were told. My youngest son with a case of Psoriatic Arthritis has told me over & over how good they are. He believes it. Everything I send him to read he tells me the source isn’t good. The Epoch Times has had a lot to read. Since they side with the right he figures they’re nuts. I’m hoping he doesn’t get the latest booster.

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There is a virologist, his name is Geert Vanden Bossche. You may want to watch and read some of his material the site is, voice for science and solidarity he is also on the the little bird ,twitter.

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I shared Gert’s work with a RN/NP friend...she completely dismissed anything he said because of his degree as a DVM...that disqualified him in her view. She took the jabs. I didn’t have the heart to tell her that the CEO of Pfizer is a DVM too. Fooling someone is easier than convincing them they’ve been fooled.

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You are welcome. If something does not seem right, it is likely not right..

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After getting covid for the first time over Christmas ( and unvaxxed) I can say that I truly don’t know to which responsibility lies- I think natural disease is causing some funky things BUT I also think the vaccines do- and I can’t image what both do together- is that the explosion? Having two inflammatory responses one naturally one man made that just set your body into overdrive? I don’t know.. BUT I started to chart all the stories I hear of sudden death and illness and marking whether vaxxed and unvaxxed etc- when and if had natural disease. I have about 25 and the one common theme is vaxxed plus COVID.

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You may have reported on why the vaccine + infection might be causing all these heart issues. While the natural illness might cause a bit of damage adding the vaccine finishes the job of heart damage. And the years 12-25 are the most at risk as the young push themselves to the edge in athletics.

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Who’s going to hold the Federal government responsible for pushing vaccinating those who’d previously had Covid? And Fauci, out of all Drs Fauci should have known Naturally immunity is the best anyway from all I hear it is!

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Jab that idiot you have as a Dr in the eye with the immunization needle. The man is a QUACK and you're not too smart for having him attend to you.

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Up here in Canadistan these quacks are every where. A sad state of affairs.

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I don't even want them "protecting" us.

I just want the POS SOBs to report honestly, fairly, and without bias or narrative.

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You would think there would be those working within the media who have family and friends being deeply effected by this grand experiment the past few years. Even 1 % of them speaking up would be amazing, but it's radio silence across the board it seems. Are they all this deeply lost in the abyss of psychosis or simply cowards or fearful of speaking up because they feel they would lose a job or be ostracized by peers?

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Why the hell would they do that when they are getting paid so much to look the other way?

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Exactly. They aren't covering these stories because they're paid-off propaganda-peddling presstitutes. The narrative is set far above their paygrade, the reporters are just tasked with making it sound good.


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Reporters by and large are propagandists. Even if they want to report the truth the organization they work for wont let them.

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That's why PV breaks more actual news than the rest of the MSM put together -- admitted a low bar that's also cleared by numerous 'Stackers.

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At all levels. I had stories of mine killed at local levels

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If it saves just one life, it's worth killing 10 people!

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SimulationCommander, you’re not being sarcastic, are you, you naughty boy!

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Never once have I been sarcastic on the internet!

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Exactly! — never once…. ;-) Be good

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Just like I got a twitter warning because I suggested that DC juries would like J6 rioters to be drawn and quartered in front of courthouse. OTOH, maybe that was on the edge of truth.

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Sad thing is, they really believe it.

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Stupid is as stupid does….. we all need to remember, humor is dead, dead, dead…. I think it was killed by the COVID vax…


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Really appreciative of your work. The more such news is posted on Substack and Twitter and if excess deaths don't decline, I'm concerned that governments will do something drastic to deflect attention and blame for harming / killing their populations. WW3 perhaps. We didn't know how good life was in 2019.

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Good point! Since, imho, WWIII is here. Announcing we (they) will invade Crimea kinda signaled that for me.

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Is this is why Jacinda quit? 🤔

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she seems to have been replaced by an even worse nutcase

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That's immediately what I thought.

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She is forking hated in this country

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Jacinda is another useful idiot that has been dirtied by her own actions. People are looking around and seeing injuries and death and reports of over reporting deaths and people who were jailed or roughed up for not going with her plans are standing up...

She is no longer useful.

Someone way worse is coming

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And now the FDA is proposing an mRNA jab every year. Nothing can go wrong, right?

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Same people in the same positions...no one held accountable. Right nothing could go wrong. ZERO accountability ANYwhere to be seen in over 3 years now

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"BNT162b2 vaccination was not found to be associated with the majority of the selected AESIs. [adverse events of special interest].” - this sounds like Press Release from a manufacturer, not an unbiased scientific study.

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I am sure our Pfizer government here in the U.S. will ignore this report like most other negative vaccine reports. Their only objective and priority is enhancing drug company profits since they want to make sure Pfizer hires them to make the big bucks after their government pharma stooge job ends.

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Please keep publishing these findings. Eventually our government might pay attention.

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Youre funny!

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oh they already know it ! they have known it from the start. Did you not see the green $ signs in their eyes though?

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Every week (or multiple times per week) we see a study, a graph, a chart, etc. with nothing but bad, bad, bad news and outcomes from these mRNA shots. There is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING POSITIVE ABOUT THESE MRNA SHOTS. It's 100% completely horrific health outcomes and we are learning more and more and more bad shit each week. I watched a 5-minute interview with that Snake, Albert Bourla in Davos last week and he is pure Propaganda and IMHO, he is EVIL to the core.

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New Zealand - locked down hard by the Jabcinda but now has serious Long Covid issues. Nurses, doctors, midwives, etc cannot work if they have been double jabbed with Pfizzer - they have to get a booster! 30,000 people have had operations delayed that should have been done within 4 months of diagnosis. Jabcinda and the failing Labour Government have a lot to answer for.

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Look at these charts - 43% reinfection rate in New Zealand https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/in-depth/450874/covid-19-data-visualisations-nz-in-numbers

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By the looks of those charts- all that masking, all the lockdowns, all the shots... did any of it have any detectable positive impact?

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"Safe & Effective" is what I heard just this morning by the DHHS (taxpayer funded) radio ad and the best way for you to stay healthy and protect those you love. Its goes on unabated as if these criminals have ZERO fear of being held accountable, Astonishing to witness the perfect crime that never ends

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I am watching The Highwire with Del BigTree and I cannot believe you mocked that lady for faking her injury.

I am shocked. I thought you were based man.

Sayonara !

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Sayonara indeed. I just watched that too.

Alex, it is absolutely despicable that you are suggesting (I guess believing) that vaccine injury like this is faked. You are clearly not as smart as you think you are and should be ashamed of yourself. So, you seem to believe that the vax can (and has) killed people, but to have a neurological impact that causes tremors is just a middle aged conservative woman seeking attention? So sad that your mind goes there... especially with zero verification or proof of such an assumption.

Good riddance Alex.

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"The authors did not define “acute kidney injury,” a term that can cover anything from relatively benign changes on laboratory tests to a serious loss of renal function."

How can "ACUTE kidney INJURY" (emphasis added) possibly = "relatively BENIGN changes on lab tests"?

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When they released these things, they kept saying how they were "95% effective" or some such, but they were multiplying VERY small numbers.

They really had to stretch to make the figures sound impressive.

Now we're dealing with substantially bigger numbers, with larger multipliers.

How will they stretch to try and frame these things favorably? They won't.

A lot of people around here want some kind of reckoning, but my concern is how many more military offensives or catastrophes will they launch to bury this?

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I suspect that the mRNA shots are damaging every single tissue where they end up. We just happen to notice heart damage first because the heart is obviously our most critical organ and because our bodies can't heal heart damage.

If we looked for it, I bet we'd find mRNA damage to nearly every part of the body including the brain. The mRNA turns every cell that it enters into a production factory for the spike protein and that makes the body think that the cell must be destroyed. So imagine that your own body is now trying to destroy whatever cells are pumping out spike proteins, even if those cells are critically important to you.

We also know that the mRNA was supposed to stay in the deltoid where it was injected but in reality, it goes everywhere in the body. The mRNA was also supposed to be temporary. Our natural RNA instructions don't last long but the mRNA in the Covid shots has been manipulated so that the body can't easily destroy it. This means that the mRNA keeps going and going and going, forcing cells to pump out spike proteins for an indefinite period of time.

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Exactly, unlike the virus which the body can defeat, the mRNA in the shots has no off switch. Maybe that's coming in the next version. What they are not telling you is most of the damage is sub clinical, meaning you don't notice it until later. Then you die suddenly.

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