So glad I saved my teen son from this. So tragic how many have been forced into it by mandates, such as those persisting at some universities.

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great job! I helped save my son by bombarding him with info, his co was wanting everyone vaxxed Hes a former marine and i told him to HOLD THE LINE! and he did and eventually they quit asking

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Good Mama!!

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I have 5 kids between ages 18 and 28. Only one got the vaccine -- I don't know why this has become so political. She lives in another state and is more liberal than me, but I told her not to get it -- my other 4 kids all listened to me (and did their own research.) My oldest is pregnant and I thank God she didn't get it. (She wouldn't have -- she almost quit her job when they were going to mandate it, she's a cop. But they didn't end up mandating. Half the force would have quit.) My kid who got the shot? She's had COVID two times since the booster. She's 26. She didn't need any of them.

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"Mild" myocarditis.🤡

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Yup - there's no such thing as "mild heart damage." The heart cannot repair itself, so if you get myocarditis, no matter how "mild" you are stuck with that damage for the rest of your life.

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Of course, there is such a thing as milld damage of any organ. Look at your skin and the hundreds of abrasions you have experienced in recent years. Some are clearly quite milld. If one's functions fine and there are no symptoms, this is called subclinical and "damage" is probably too strong a term. The human body has enormous healing and recovery properties.

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The point is the heart is different than every other organ. It can't repair itself. The initial comment was quite clear on this. While the damage may be subclinical, the damage is not reversible. My best friend has perioditis from the vaccine. He knows this because he was in hospital for a month yet they told him it was mild. The doctor told him it is a known side effect of the vaccine, at least one doctor is honest. It has impacted his life, he is easily out of breath etc. And this is from a so called mild case.

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The heart doesn’t heal like the skin does. Myocarditis erodes the heart with scar tissue—permanently

And then that scarred tissue never moves the way healthy heart tissue does.

Not “fine” with that

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Skin repairs itself. The heart doesn’t.

Permanent damage to a vital organ scar tissue that never moves the way healthy heart tissue is supposed to.

I would not call that minor

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It makes me so angry. At what point do I face my children & their spouses & tell them what they allowed to happen to their children…with literally NO research & their telling us they trusted the Drs instead of us…the ones who did research.

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I pray this is so for my 4 grandkids 15 & younger, whose parents didn’t listen to us.

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The researchers characterized the myocarditis case as “mild,” and said all the students improved over time.

How much time? What was the evidence they “improved”? Seeing as the heart can not heal itself I’m interested as to what evidence backs up this statement.

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Like mild pregnancy

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With none of the life affirming benefits..

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Yeah. How is scarring mild or temporary?

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I believe this is the first time in medical history that the words "mild myocarditis" have ever been uttered.

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it's crazy but people are buying it. But then, the also bought Winter Vagina.

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You are correct. Along with that, cardiac echocardiogram/ultrasound is a very poor detector of heart inflammation (very low “sensitivity”). Other radiographic modalities such as MRI and PET might improve the sensitivity marginally. Clinical lab tests are quite sensitive but lack specificity (only show muscle damage but can’t differentiate between nonspecific inflammation, ischemia, trauma, infection. The definitive method is tissue biopsy which is expensive, dangerous, and also has sensitivity limitations. All of that plays into the hands of the COVID fascists…they can slant or spin the findings in ways to protect themselves. Post mortem examinations would be the most definitive (Gates wants the mortem but not the examinations). But the hospitals and MEs have neither the desire or often the funds to investigate it. And you saw what happened to the Hennepin County ME who tried to bring COVID death certificates more in line with reality…he got fired. So the coverup continues.

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"Gates wants the mortem but not the examinations" well said.

Didn't know about the ME firing.

No wonder we can't trust our doctors

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It’s all in the interpretation.. like recession

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as in the new meaning of?

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I know for a fact that the American people, and I just am singling them out, can not comprehend the extent of betrayal from all institutions in our society.

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It will cause an over correction all there dishonesty. I as 50 something will never listen to a word that comes out of any CDC, FDA, or any other public health official for the rest of my life. I may die because of it, and won’t be the only one. I don’t care, these liars deserve to be mocked, ridiculed, and many of them jailed. They have done more harm to the public health than any mild respiratory illness could ever do.

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Good info is out there. You can make your own healthcare choices with research. (I loathe how "do your own research is mocked"!)

That's what I did with childbirth - & switched to the care of midwives.

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and I bet you checked out the midwives too.

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Yep. With Qs like, "How do you manage EFM in active 1st stage labor for low-risk pregnancies like mine?"

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Impressive. My SILs were pushing me to use a midwife she had used twice.

Turns out that both deliveries of that SIL involved rapid ambulance rides, one too late to prevent permanent damage.

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You can use midwives & still be in a hospital - with immediate access to a c-section if needed. Even getting an epidural with a CNM as your primary care provider.

"Midwife" doesn't equal homebirth. (Altho that's what I chose with my 2nd)

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There are and always have been reliable voices of sanity. Discernment is our responsibility. Blind ignorance and failure of trust will lead you astray.

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I agree with the over correction. Everything seems to be out of whack. I find myself becoming nostalgic for the good old dysfunctional days.

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I agree with you and I think that’s just one of the reasons why so many refuse to believe us. When you truly sit and think about it, everything you thought you knew was a lie.

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No doubt. I’ve been a sceptic most of my life, but never really questioned vaccines or medicine. Now I believe the moon landing was completely faked. The cia killed JFK, MLK and Malcolm X. Most vaccines are unnecessary. That’s just off the top of my head. Name a “conspiracy theory” and I’ll believe it over anything that comes from the government.

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Let's not go over board with every nutty theory out there. But rest assured this was a Bioweapon and the WEF wants less people as in a video interview as B Gates stated.

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No way. If it were, the truth would come out.

Just like the truth has come out that the V protection fades quickly. Has many side effects.

& the censorship pushed by the Biden WH.

It has all come out. (Or at least enough evidence to shed light - like the lab leak.)

And that too would have come out by now if it were true.

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Yes, they claim childhood death is now rare thanks to vaccines.

But the massive decline in childhood death precedes the vast majority of vaccines by DECADES!

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I am 15.5 hrs into the 25.5 hr audiobook of David Talbot’s The Devil’s Chessboard, Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America’s Secret Government. It is gratifying to finally hear it all laid out and documented. (But as a Houstonian, I don’t think the moon landing was “faked.”😉)

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I say this all the time "Everything you grew up believing is turning up to be a lie." It's quite the smack in the face.

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They scared people into this who did not know any better at the time. I tried to talk to people about the truth I was finding about covid, vaccines and evil Fauci. They looked at me like I was crazy. Now they just want to get past this. All of this info I found on the internet while everyone else was binge watching TV and sitting on their asses. Based on this and recent elections ( Im in Pennsylvania and we elected a US Senator that cannot hear spoken words without a screen translation and he cannot speak without mushing words together) I have concluded that the average American voter is an idiot.

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I was like you. I did the research as well, while everyone enjoyed their stimulus money and Netflix, I was on the internet reading everything. Crazy how only a fraction of us did the same.

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In my household only one of us read everything they could since March 2020, trying to make sense of what was going on. The other one watched netflix and basketball to block it all out. Guess which of us is triple jabbed?

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People are making up any excuse not to believe it. Such as, "It would have been worse if we didn't have the vaccines." Nothing you can say helps. Even if they start believe the truth that they are seeing -- the adverse effects -- they'll still claim that the benefits outweigh the risks.

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Jan 11, 2023
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He is a sociopath even if you ignore the fuckery Fauci committed with AIDs, and Covid and Gain of Function, and just think about beagle puppies.

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I had never heard of Mast cell disease until a year ago. Now I keep hearing about it.

Thank you!

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Read the paper. It was 0.1%, not 17%. I have chastised Alex above.

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This is the definition of evil in my view. I get nauseated thinking about this. I had to fight like a friggin tiger to keep my 2 teens from getting this damn thing. My teen SON and daughter fought me because I was obviously ill informed and Instagram knows a lot more than I and the government cares more about them than I do. Patently insane, would the government jump in front of a bullet?

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Same here. I still have moments with my college aged daughter. The pressure they put on these kids is criminal.

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One of my kids changed colleges because of the pressure (not a mandate) to get the vaccine. My other college kid said there were signs on campus for awhile, then it all went away and no one pressured him -- he got one email from the health center saying he could come in and get the vaccine if he wanted. He didn't. Thank God.

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Hi, Allison! You helped me once through a quick mentoring program sponsored by MWA. Funny to run into you here! Cheers.

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Hello! Don't see many writers here ... LOL. I hope you're still writing!

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I’ve been writing full-time for 30 years. I own a game-writing studio, employing 3 other writers full-time. And in my spare time, I launched a Substack. So, yes, I’m “still writing.”

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Now I remember you! How could I forget the game writing? LOL.

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you would though. They should realize that.

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Holy 💩. Straight to jail for Fauxi & Co. STRAIGHT. TO. JAIL.

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Dream on. Fauci is a member of the club and they are never called to account.

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And today, the doddering demented fool in the World's Most Expensive Assisted Living Home has just EXTENDED the covid "emergency." (No doubt b/c he's trying to support the student loan forgiveness plot.)

The House just pushed back yesterday on the mandatory inoculation for the military, and the DOD apparently caved.

Will Congress stand up for the rest of America, particularly the kids?

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The reason they keep extending the Covid "emergency" is because it forces states to keep people on Medicaid with no ability for states to check income to make sure people qualify. They really really want everyone on government health insurance.

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Interesting, I hadn't thought of that but you may be onto something!

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It is estimated that there are 15 million people on Medicaid who would be dropped if the Covid "emergency" ends.

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Yes I couldnt believe my ears! Extending at least another 60 days. And the government will not stand up for our kids, just ourselves.

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Jan 11, 2023
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I know.

You do need to laugh, or else you'll sob.

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US college students have died from misdiagnosed myocarditis (post 2nd Pfizer shot). They never reported chest pain; their symptoms were flu-like. Where is our US study?

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Would be interesting if they follow through with those that took at least booster. Any other drug showing this would be pulled off the market pending further review!!! This is criminal.

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The CDC and FDA have been pretty careless about drugs for decades, especially with generics. They take them off the market after the media mentions deaths.

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No its political therefore no rules apply.

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Wait until we find out that a large percentage of teenagers are now sterile because of the jabs. More fun to come.

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Funny, not funny. You are right. Many countries are showing lower birth rates and higher miscarriages and stillbirths. Sad.

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2 teenagers in Las Vegas died days apart from what appear to be heart issues. An Air Force cadet died walking to class. A basketball player from ODU collasped Saturday while playing, but luckily seems to be fine. This all happened in the last week. Maybe this was always happening, but it seems hard to believe that is true. Hank Gathers was over 30 years ago and everyone still remembers his story. My point being these cases were not common until 2021, but I fear we are going to have many more stories in the near future.

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Let's just see…we had a "vax" before we had a disease for it to "protect from." And when the disease was released, the "vax" was already "ready-to-go" and thus, Warp Speed to get it out. And when people who were "vaxxed" still got the manufactured disease, they changed the definition of "vaccine" so as not to impede sales—particularly since several agencies/businesses were mandating it. Only NOW, people look back wondering why there was no data from clinical trials—especially in checking efficacy relating to the disease released after-the-fact.

It's a bio-weapon. PERIOD. And yes, Fauci & his PARTNERS in crime should all be jailed.

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He didn't come to judgement in the 80s when he caused so many deaths, won't now

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Perhaps at his death he will feel the impact he has had on others?

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perhaps but I'd rather see news footage of him accidentally walking into a presser for families of vax victims or even just a group of knowledgeable beagle owners

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Jail? Is that enough?

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I'd like to see that

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I absolutely would not object in the least to murder charges in a capital punishment state!

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I’m just throwing this out there… Is it possible that the original purpose of the covid virus was to target fighting age men? This increase in heart issues for teens to 30 year olds is a bit suspicious. Conspiracy theory number 33….

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Well, the Covid virus was more targeted toward the elderly and the overweight. The vaccine, otoh, seems more targeted at young men.

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good point.

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So once again, you’re saying that symptoms and injuries are significantly being underreported.

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VAERs has always been underreported. The CDC admitted that about Gardisil a few years ago. Drs don't want to admit they recommended shots that have a bad benefit/harm ratio.

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And in some instances that could be negatively interpreted, data has been "scrubbed."

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Premeditated GENOCIDE

Dr. Yeadon Warns: So-Called “COVID Vaccines” Are Toxic by Design

"I heartily recommend you take seriously the warning I’m issuing."


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It's pretty clear that heart damage increases with every dose of MRNA. Many people are now on their 5th and 6th dose.

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I'm old enough to remember when Moderna made the 'switch' to vaccines because repeated doses of MRNA shots were very, very, very bad.

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And, it's OK if you mix and match the boosters of which brand you initially received, because like . . . protection, and then, science !

Holy crap, all of the actual RCT's were a 1-variable charade, with no look at drug interactions, etc.

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Also, let's not keep track of which shot people got (or the mix/match), because shut up racist!

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Totally can hear it!

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Yet the medical (criminal) cabal keep pushing boosters. I can only conclude these people must be posssessed with some form of devil / satan / evil spirit, as they still stand by it even when they see the carnage all around them, including harm to their loved ones, or even harm to themselves. That takes a very special kind of animal......

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one without a conscience--sociopathy

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