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You are correct. Along with that, cardiac echocardiogram/ultrasound is a very poor detector of heart inflammation (very low “sensitivity”). Other radiographic modalities such as MRI and PET might improve the sensitivity marginally. Clinical lab tests are quite sensitive but lack specificity (only show muscle damage but can’t differentiate between nonspecific inflammation, ischemia, trauma, infection. The definitive method is tissue biopsy which is expensive, dangerous, and also has sensitivity limitations. All of that plays into the hands of the COVID fascists…they can slant or spin the findings in ways to protect themselves. Post mortem examinations would be the most definitive (Gates wants the mortem but not the examinations). But the hospitals and MEs have neither the desire or often the funds to investigate it. And you saw what happened to the Hennepin County ME who tried to bring COVID death certificates more in line with reality…he got fired. So the coverup continues.

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"Gates wants the mortem but not the examinations" well said.

Didn't know about the ME firing.

No wonder we can't trust our doctors

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